Final Project-English
Final Project-English
Final Project-English
Review unit 11 of the e-book for the Use the introduction in workbook one to
recommended video. watch the hummingbird video.
Review, listen, and annotate recommended Attention was paid to the classes taught by
videos. the instructor in the explanation of the topics.
The application that we will use edit our We use this Cap-Cut app because it has
video will be Cap-Cut. various editing options.
We search reliable internet pages for our The reliable pages in which we looked for the
information. information were google academic and
We organize the structure for the We corrected the grammatical errors
distribution of information in the team. presented in the information of each
It is one of the smaller deer in the world.
There are two subspecies different, the southern pudu and the northern pudu.
It is approximately 40 cm tall compared to a dog that measures between 40 cm to 60 cm.
It is weight is littler up to 10 kg.
It has thick, dark reddish-brown fur and has some small white spots. It is a fearful and elusive
animal, which hides in the vegetation.
He lives lonely. It is classification is mammalian and its reproduction is viviparous in which each
year it only has one baby.
He lives in temperate forests.
The northern pudú inhabits the Andes natural of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.
Peru is located between these two countries.
On the other hand, the pudú of southern Chile that is below Peru and adjacent areas of
It basically feeds on leaves and young shoots of trees and shrubs, but it also eats ferns, grasses,
flowers and some fruits.
This species was considered to be threatened in light of continued decline, and because the
remaining small populations fragment into numerous subpopulations in the central Andes of
Colombia, Ecuador, and northern Peru.
Indirect estimates based on past distribution and habitat loss would consider the species to be
in marked decline due to habitat reduction and expansion of human settlement.
However, there is currently insufficient information available to quantitatively measure threats
and rates of decline and for this reason the species is reassessed as Data Deficient.
Northern Pudu was intensively exploited by local people from the 1950s to the early 1980s.
Today, however, habitat conversion and predation by domestic dogs are worse threats.
Conduct comprehensive status surveys and develop a research program to determine ecology,
habitat requirements, population biology, and extent of threats.
We must strengthen the management of existing protected areas when necessary; in areas
where subsistence hunting proves to be a serious threat.
Grammar structures