Tang 2016
Tang 2016
Tang 2016
Encyclopedia of Biocolloid and Biointerface Science, Volume 2, First Edition. Edited by Hiroyuki Ohshima.
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
mechanisms of plants regulate its accumulation and distri- 71.2 GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS
bution [22a]. For glycophytes, high-concentration salts can
produce ionic stress, osmotic stress, and secondary stress Environmental stress can trigger various plant responses
[23]. In order to guarantee survival under such detrimental ranging from gene expression to metabolism, and all the
circumstances, plants have evolved a series of biochemi- way to growth rate and productivity [38]. Salinity, which
cal and molecular processes to acclimatize themselves to is the most common and comprehensive negative influence,
the environment [24–27]. The specific biochemical strat- can lead to apparent stunting of plant growth [39, 40]. From
egy consists in (1) ion regulation and compartmentalization, another perspective, slower growth is an available measure
(2) induced biosynthesis of compatible solutes, (3) induction for ensuring plant survival under stress [1]. In other words,
of antioxidant enzymes, (4) induction of plant hormones, adverse environments affect the plant, and the plant takes the
and (5) changes in the photosynthetic pathway [28]. The necessary measures to accommodate it. Actually, all physio-
molecular mechanism includes (1) the SOS (salt overly sen- logical functions or activities are adaptive strategies for plants
sitive) pathway for ion homeostasis, (2) the protein kinase under salt stress. Research on Arabidopsis revealed a link
pathway for stress signaling, (3) the phytohormone signaling between stress and cell division, illustrating the mechanism
pathway under high salt stress [23], and (4) the associated at the molecular level [41]. Cyclin-dependent protein kinase
genes encoding salt stress proteins (e.g., genes for photo- inhibitor (ICK1), which is induced by abscisic acid (ABA),
synthetic enzymes, for synthesis of compatible solutes, for can reduce the activities of cyclin-dependent protein kinase
vacuolar sequestering enzymes, and for radical-scavenging to restrain cell division, and ABA is a central plant hormone
enzymes) [29]. under abiotic stress, involved in cellular signaling, regulation
In recent years, tremendous advances have been achieved of plant growth, and stomatal conductance [37,42]. Yet stud-
in salt stress studies. Plant breeders have fostered some salt- ies on barley displayed that ABA concentration increased
tolerant lines of crops by conventional breeding; moreover, transiently under salt stress and returned to normal after 24
a transgenic approach is employed to improve the crop salt h, with leaf growth rate reduced [43]. More recent research
tolerance, and a number of transgenic lines have been con- shows that it is a Asp-Glu-Leu-Leu-Ala (DELLA) protein,
firmed effective under control conditions [16]. Metabolomics which is a common negative factor in plant growth and a key
is becoming a tool to help researchers understand the cellu- component in gibberellic acid (GA) signal transduction that
lar mechanism of abiotic stress and is also a viable option integrates signals from hormones and abiotic stress to plant
for the biotechnological improvement of halophytes [30]. growth [44].
Small noncoding RNAs, mainly microRNAs and siRNAs The accumulated Na+ within plants also can produce
(short interfering RNAs), can regulate gene expression by ionic toxicity. With only a few exceptions, the glycophytes,
silencing of the genes [31]. MiR393 has been reported to be especially a large proportion of crops, cannot tolerate Na+
strongly upregulated by drought and high-salinity treatment concentration at ≥50 mM [4]. The excess salt can inhibit
[32, 33]. In the most recent study, ribosomal RNA methy- enzyme activity and lead to death to leaves [22a]. Or salt may
lation was discovered to response to abiotic stress [34]. In build up in the chloroplast exerting a toxic effect on photo-
addition, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) sig- synthetic processes and photosynthetic components directly
naling pathways, which are involved in stress response, are [4]. Mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 (MPK6) has been
highly conserved and important regulating systems in plants demonstrated to play an important role in sodium detoxifica-
[35, 36]. tion through phosphorylation of the Na+ /H+ antiporters and
Reviews on salinity responses began to appear three inducing the efflux of sodium [42].
decades ago, and new reports have appeared continuously Biomass is only a broad and morphological parameter,
[1,4,13,14,28,37]. The molecular, cellular, and holistic mech- while photosynthesis is one of the most direct and conclu-
anisms of plant salt tolerance have been discussed in detail sive factors in determining plant growth and crop yields.
[4]. One team of researchers chose to stand at the point of Photosynthetic rate would decrease if any part of its process
uptake and transport of ions to review the concrete mech- was affected [27]. For instance, stress can reduce stomatal
anisms of salt tolerance [15]. Two investigators described and mesophyll conductance and decrease CO2 availability,
how plants manage to control ion homeostasis by sensing, ultimately lowering photosynthesis [42]. Carbon fixation
transduction, and responding to salt stress signaling [13]. can be destroyed by salt stress directly; for example, this
Thanks to the rapid development of life science, our under- can occur in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxy-
standing of salinity tolerance in both physiological and lase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity, which is the key enzyme
molecular fields has experienced a qualitative leap. In this in photosynthesis [40,45,46]. Gas exchange and chlorophyll
chapter we will focus on the molecular, cellular, and physio- a fluorescence are used to monitor photosynthesis to reflect
logical mechanisms of salt tolerance in detail, especially the the disadvantageous influence of salt stress [47]. In order
latest findings in this sphere. to resist salt stress, some plants choose to change the
photosynthetic pathway to cope with this problem [28]. The Arabidopsis the signaling pathway for the induction of
plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum opted to transform P5CS1 expression during salt stress depends on phospholi-
the C3 pathway to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pase C (PLC) and ABA-responsive (ABRE) element [60,61].
to reduce water loss [48]. The halophytic plant Atriplex Identifciation of the molecular mechanism in Pro metabolism
lentiformis is able to shift from C3 to C4 to combat salt has been accompanied by progress in transgenic engineering.
stress [49]. Some transgenic C3 plants displayed higher pho- The first transgenic plant with accumulated Pro was acquired
tosynthetic efficiency and better growth characteristics [50]. in 1995 [62]. In Arabidopsis, overexpression P5CS antisense
Moreover, salt stress can weaken photosynthesis indirectly or the insertional mutant of this gene can reduce the salt toler-
by reducing chlorophyll and total carotenoid content. It was ance of transgenic plants [63,64]. Meanwhile, we may lessen
reported that the contents of total chlorophyll and carotene the degradation of Pro to maintain its concentration, so the
were depleted by NaCl stress in leaves of tomato and B. key enzyme in degradation, proline dehydrogenase (PDH),
parviflora [51, 52]. Overall, salinity is accompanied by a is also manipulated. However, in PDH antisense, lines with
significant reduction in photosynthesis. higher stress tolerance have emerged at times but not always
Glycine betaine (GB) is synthesized and accumulated
71.3 OSMOTIC STRESS EFFECTS AND under a variety of abiotic stress and acts as an osmolyte
TOLERANCE to protect PSII under salinity [66]. It can also protect the
integrity of membrane and the activity of enzymes against
As is mentioned above, there are two aspects of salt osmotic stress [67]. Generally, high-concentration salt is able
tolerance: osmotic stress and ionic stress. Osmotic stress is to increase GB concentration in many crop plants, such as
not only confined to drought but is also a result of salinity. sugarbeet, spinach, barley, wheat, and sorghum [68–70]. In
The abundance of ions in saline soil lowers the flow of water, view of its powerful features, transgenic engineering was
inhibiting water uptake or even causing loss of intracellular also employed to operate GB concentration. Transgenic Ara-
water [27]. In such cases, to resist these effects, the plant bidopsis expressing N-methyltransferase gene, which is one
accumulates many metabolites, which are usually called of the three key enzymes in GB synthesis, showed improved
compatible solutes, to increase its osmotic tolerance [13]. seed yield compared to the control under salt stress [71]. Sim-
These compatible solutes include sugars (fructose, sucrose, ilarly, overexpression of galactinol peroxidase 2 (GOLS2),
and glucose), complex sugars (trehalose, raffinose, and a GB synthase, enhanced tolerance to high salinity in
fructans), quaternary amino acid derivatives, tertiary amines, Arabidopsis [72].
and sulfonium compounds [4]. They are able to not only In fact, there are many other compatible solutes. For exam-
counteract the ion load but also balance the osmotic potential ple, in Arabidopsis, overexpression of mannose-6-phosphate
of Na+ and Cl− that are sequestered into the vacuole [53]. reductase was reported to increase growth and photosynthesis
Among the compatible solutes, proline (Pro) and glycine in saline treatment [73]. Some plants that are able to tolerate
betaine (GB) are the most common and efficient. In 1977, a Na+ at high levels, such as barley, tend to adapt and main-
research team reported that Pro or GB is able to accumulate tain turgor in the face of high soil salinities by Na+ directly.
at high concentration, producing as much as 0.1 MPa osmotic In addition, some plants tend to accumulate carbohydrates
pressure [14]. With the continuing in-depth research, their such as sugars and starch to cope with salt stress [52]. In
vital functions in salt stress are becoming increasingly conclusion, to survive salt stress successfully, plants have
clear. to accumulate high concentrations of compatible solutes to
Pro is able to act as molecular chaperone to stabilize the maintain low water potential in cells.
protein conformation, buffer cytosolic pH, and balance cell
redox conditions [54]. Under stress, the accumulation of Pro
is due to increased biosynthesis and decreased degradation. In 71.4 ION TOXICITY AND ION HOMEOSTASIS
leaves of two rice cultivars with different salinity tolerance,
the accumulative rate of proline is quicker in the tolerant Because of their similarity in physicochemical properties,
line [55]. Research on sorghum also illustrated that the pro- Na+ competes with K+ to bind to the active site of the
line concentration is at a higher level when subjected to salt enzymes, causing the inactivation or degeneration of the
stress [56]. It is now known that there are two pathways and enzymes and the disorder of protein synthesis and ribosome
three enzymes involved in the synthesis of Pro [57]. For the function [4]. The toxic position of Na+ is mainly in the leaf
three synthetic enzymes [pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase blade, since Na+ in the transpiration stream is deposited
and reductase (P5CS, P5CR) and ord-𝛿-aminotransferase here or in the roots [22b]. One study indicated that the func-
(OAT)], P5CS is the rate-limiting enzyme and is adjusted tions of chloroplast were disturbed when K+ was replaced by
by feedback and transcriptional regulation [58, 59]. In Na+ , resulting in uncontrolled water loss [74]. Although Cl−
is a necessary micronutrient for cells in regulating enzyme expansion, cell volume regulation, ion homeostasis, osmotic
activity, maintaining membrane protein and pH gradients, it adjustment, pH regulation, protein processing, and other pro-
is toxic to cells at high levels [75, 76]. Accumulated Na+ in cesses [2]. In genetic engineering, the hypersensitive pheno-
shoots is associated with a decrease in stomatal conductance, type of sos1 demonstrated powerfully the key position of SOS
while Cl− in high concentration can damage chloropyll and signaling pathway in salt stress. Compared to control leaves,
inhibit photosystem II (PS II) [77]. More seriously, the toxic the H+ -ATPase in tonoplast vesicles increased twofold in
effects of Na+ and Cl− have a cumulative effect. Hence, bal- salt-treated leaves [89]. Overexpression of NHX may reduce
ancing intracellular ion concentrations by maintaining high cytosolic Na+ concentration and improve salt tolerance by
K+ and low Na+ concentration in the cytosol are crucial for efficient sequestration [90]. Its overexpression confers salt
plants [27]. tolerance to a wide range of plants [91]. In Table 71.1, trans-
Fortunately, during the lengthy evolution, most plants genic plants for different ion transporters with enhanced ion
have acquired capabilities to regulate ions accumulation and homeostasis are listed for reference.
to uptake ions selectively. Plants can exclude the toxic excess In addition, the HKT family also plays vital functions
Na+ ions from cytosol [78], and almost all the plants are in maintaining ions homeostasis. The HKT proteins act as
able to take up water and exclude Na+ and Cl− from soil Na+ /K+ symporters and Na+ -selective transporters, involved
effectively [22a]. Some plants, especially halophytes, pos- in balancing of Na+ and K+ . More recently, AtHKT1 was
sess succulent leaves and stems to dilute the concentration demonstrated to take charge of the resorption of Na+ from
of the toxic ions; others evolve salt glands or bladders to xylem to reduce the amount of Na+ reaching the shoot in
secret excess ions [27]. Studies in wheat and wild soybean Arabidopsis [112]. In durum wheat, TmHKT1 is correlated
with better salt tolerance demonstrated that the Na+ con- with Na+ exclusion and a high K+ /Na+ rate in leaves [113]. In
centration in shoots is maintained at lower levels by with- rice, OsHKT1 appears to have the same function as AtHKT1
holding it in roots [79, 80]. In other words, the abilities to [114], yet much more work is needed to clarify the multiple
exclude Na+ from the cytoplasm and to accumulate Na+ in functions of the gene family.
vacuoles efficiently are the most important means of main- Recently, maintaining intracellular high cytosolic K+ /Na+
taining ion homeostasis in cells [81]. By either exclusion by ratio has been accepted as the key determinant in salin-
roots or compartmentalization into vacuoles, the transport of ity tolerance [4]. K+ possesses a significant role in activat-
ions is mediated by H+ -ATPase, ion channels, and cotrans- ing enzymes, regulating osmotic pressure, regulating stoma
porters in plants. The plasma membrane Na+ /H+ antiporter movement, and balancing turgor [115]. In wheat cells, the
SOS1 and the tonoplast membrane antiporters vacuolar contents of K+ and Na+ are kept at 150 mM and 30 mM,
Na+ /H + antiporter (NHX) are the most important trans- respectively, so the K+ /Na+ ratio is approximately 5 [116].
porters in salt stress and have been investigated extensively Indeed, increasingly reports show that it should be the cytoso-
[37]. lic K+ /Na+ ratio that determine the plant salt tolerance.
Salinity exposure triggers complicated signaling events, Two other authors proposed that the low level of KNO3
so the means by which stresses are sensed and transported by could alleviate NaCl-induced stress [117]. Another group
salt stress signaling provides us with a clue to understand the further claimed that NaCl stress symptoms can be allevi-
regulation mechanism of plants. The SOS signaling pathway ated by simultaneously applied KNO3 and that the opti-
has been identified in earlier studies as consisting of three mal K+ /Na+ ratio should be 100:16 for both salt-tolerant
key components: SOS3, SOS2, and SOS1. SOS3 is a Ca2+ and salt-sensitive cultivar [118]. Similarly, overexpression of
sensor [82]. SOS2 is a serine/threonine protein kinase [83]. LeENH1 (a tomato enhancer of SOS3-1) in tobacco enhanced
SOS3 can sense the perturbation of Ca2+ levels in cytoplast salinity tolerance by excluding Na+ from cytosol and retained
caused by salt stress and then bind to the SOS2. Then the high K+ levels in the cytosol [119]. Studies on NHXs also
SOS3/SOS2 complex phosphorylates and activates SOS1; attest to this point. More recently, mineral analysis of the
hence the activated SOS1 has the ability to export excess transgenic plants with overexpressed NHXs seems to indi-
ions and contribute to Na+ ion homeostasis [82–84]. SOS1 cate that salt resistance is provided by a high K+ /Na+ ratio
was also discovered to be the downstream target of MPK6 through K+ retention rather than Na+ exclusion [120]. In
by GST pulldown assay [85]. Moreover, during salt stress Arabidopsis, the phenotype of sos mutants may be allevi-
the phosphorylation degree of SOS1 increases [42]. Many ated by an exogenous supply of K+ [37]. Compared to Ara-
other studies have stated that the components of the signaling bidopsis, the Thellungiella species (see Table 71.1) possess
pathway may be regulated by salt stress directly or influence stronger ability to adapt to saline soil. One reason is that the
other signaling pathways of the stress to affect responses cytosolic K+ concentration in Thellungiella is higher. One
indirectly [86–88]. group claimed that the transgenic tomato with high resis-
The NHXs are vacuolar Na+ /H+ antiporters. In one tance depended on cytosolic K+ homeostasis rather than on
review, NHXs were demonstrated to participate in cell vacuolar Na+ accumulation [121].
71.5 OXIDATIVE STRESS AND ANTIOXIDANT In higher plants, the ROS removal system includes ROS-
DEFENSE RESPONSES scavenging antioxidant enzymes and small nonenzymatic
molecules such as ascorbate, glutathione, flavonoids, antho-
Besides osmotic stress and ion toxicity, salinity can also cyanines, and carotenoids [13]. The nonenzymatic molecules
induce the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and are able to donate electrons or hydrogen to scavenge free
lead to oxidative stress. ROS derive from the excitation of radicals [26]. The antioxidant enzyme system consists of
O2 including singlet oxygen (1 O2 ), superoxide anion (O2 − ), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), ascorbate
hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), and hydroxyl radical (OH⋅), peroxidase (APX), glutathione peroxidases (GPX), glu-
respectively [27]. Unlike atmospheric oxygen, ROS are able tathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT), and the ascorbate–
to oxidize the various cellular components without unrestric- glutathione cycle [16]. The SOD, APX, and GR (glutathione
tion, leading to the oxidative destruction of plant cells [122]. reductase) are reported to scavenge H2 O2 in chloroplasts
Actually, ROS are the common byproducts of the metabolic and mitochondria, and the others are believed to be capable
pathways such as photosynthetic electron transport, respi- of removing H2 O2 , neutralizing or scavenging free radicals
ration, and photorespiration processes [123]. For example, [126]. Among them, SOD and CAT are the most efficient
salt stress limits the supply of CO2 , causing overreduction enzymes. Under salt stress, the second metabolites increased
of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and a vast pro- more quickly than did the antioxidant enzyme activities in
duction of ROS [13]. The overabundant ROS can oxidize Swertia chirata [127]. The levels and contents of superox-
cellular components, hinder metabolic activities, and affect ide and hydrogen peroxide can be decreased by most of
organelle integrity [124]. The destructive effect of ROS is the the antioxidant obviously, so in many species the antioxi-
lipid peroxidation estimated by the content of malonyldialde- dant capacity is associated with salinity tolerance tightly. For
hyde (MDA) [125]. Generally, under normal conditions, the example, the antioxidant enzyme activities of SOD, APX,
production and eliminate of ROS are in an equilibrium state and GR increased 10–18 times after salt stress in P. pop-
[26]. However, under salt stress conditions, the generation ularis [128]. The correlation between antioxidant capacity
rate of ROS overwhelms the scavenging of the antioxidant and salinity tolerance is being discovered in an increasing
system, and then oxidative damage occurs, leading to oxi- number of species, containing cotton, citrus, foxtail millet,
dation to lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. This occcurs purslane, sugarbeet, pea, and plantago [13].
precisely because these biomacromolecules are components During the last few decades, engineering the genes of
of the plasma membrane; thus the membrane system is the some antioxidant enzymes has been employed to ameliorate
main subject of the ROS [27]. plants exposed to stress. By observing the changes in the
expression level of related genes, researchers were able to and antioxidant defense responses that we mentioned above.
produce transgenic plants to probe the effects. Finally, in Two decades ago, Popova and colleagues proposed that the
the transgenic plants, overexpression antioxidant enzymes inhibitory effect of salt stress on growth and photosynthesis
such as SOD, CAT, and APX displayed elevated tolerance to can be alleviated by ABA [152]. Moreover, ABA partici-
oxidative stress [13]. The transgenic Arabidopsis and Lycop- pates in regulating stress-related gene expression. In ABA-
ersicon esculentum possess a significant increase in salt tol- deficient mutants, P5CS, which is the rate-limiting enzyme
erance with the overexpression of a Mn-SOD [129, 130]. of the synthesis of Pro, is reduced or completely blocked
Details are shown in Table 71.2. More importantly, most [153]. For ion homeostasis, ABA has the ability to reduce
of the transgenic plants with some overexpressed antioxi- anion channels to reduce Cl− transfer in saline conditions
dant enzymes acquire an elevated tolerance to almost all [154]. The type 2C protein, phosphatase ABI2, which acts as
abiotic stresses instead of a specific stress. In our opinion, a vital component in ABA signaling, is able to bind to SOS2
the possible reason for this is that the oxidative stress is the directly and dephosphorylate it [155]. The involvement of
result of almost all the abiotic stresses, so the enhancement ABA in antioxidant defense responses is the induction of
of the antioxidative capacity is able to boost resistance in antioxidant defense. During the ABA-induced antioxidant
general. Although the transgenic plants with overexpressed defense, hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), nitric oxide (NO), and
antioxidant enzymes acquire enhanced tolerance, there exist mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) are the major com-
inevitable contradictions. The Arabidopsis mutants with loss ponents [156–160]. Zhang and coworkers reported that the
of either or both cytosolic and chloroplastic APX show zinc finger protein ZFP182 also mediated the ABA-induced
enhanced tolerance on the contrary [131]. Likewise, there antioxidant defense [161]. In rice, ABA can significantly
is a decline in CAT activity in Anabaena doliolum under induce the expression and activity of OsCAT to control the
NaCl stress [132]. In Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedlings, CAT accumulation of H2 O2 under stress [159]. More recently,
activity is also decreased by salt and drought stress [133]. In ABA was discovered to induce the production of primary
conclusion, the ROS pathway is plastic and redundant, more and secondary metabolites, the photosynthetic capacity, the
strategies and principles remain to be seen. antioxidant ability, and the antioxidant enzymes [162].
Reactive oxygen species play a dual role in plants. Super- In recent years, phytohormone—salicylic acid (SA) was
fluous ROS are detrimental to plant cells, yet moderate ROS repeatedly reported to participate in salt stress responses
components are necessary, playing important roles in signal- as well [42]. The exogenous SA can ameliorate toxicity
ing transduction and cell homeostasis [85]. In fact, upreg- stress induced by salt stress, and its vital function under salt
ulation of the expression levels of enzyme genes or the stress manifests in its enhancement on antioxidant system.
enhancement of their enzymatic activities results from cell In periwinkle, nonenzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants can
signaling. Ahead of their detoxification, the genes will have be induced by exogenous SA [163]. In mungbean, SA alle-
initiated a series of signaling in cells. MAK3 and MAK6 can viates decreases in photosynthesis by means of enhancing
be activated by the elevated content of ROS [150], and the antioxidant metabolism [164]. Furthermore, SA can lessen
activated MAK3 and MAK6 were relocated in the nucleus salt stress by maintaining ion homeostasis. It is well known
to strengthen or weaken gene expression, triggering plant that ion homeostasis, especially the optimum K+ /Na+ ratio,
responses to ROS. Nevertheless, the MAPK phosphatase 2 is crucial for plants under salt stress. Discoveries achieved
(MKP2), which is induced by oxidative stress, is able to by noninvasive microelectrode ion flux estimation (MIFE)
dephosphorylate MPK3 and MPK6 to promote oxidative technique [165] revealed that SA pretreatment can enhance
stress tolerance [85]. Therefore, the signal regulatory path- K+ retention, increase H+ -ATPase activity, and reduce K+
ways are intricate. loss under salt stress [166]. Generally speaking, the potential
mechanism of SA to enhance salt tolerance lies in improving
photosynthesis, enhancing antioxidant protection, and main-
71.6 PHYTOHORMONE IN SALT STRESS taining optimum K+ /Na+ ratio [164,166,167].
TABLE 71.2 Genetic Transformation of Antioxidant Enzymes for Enhancing Salt Tolerance
Gene symbol Donor Acceptor Gene functions Elevated character Ref.
Ascorbate peroxidase A. thaliana Tobacco Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Enhanced tolerance to active 134
(APX) enzyme oxygen-generating paraquat
and sodium sulfite
Superoxide dismutase A. thaliana A. thaliana A critical enzyme for eliminating Lower content of 129
(SOD) reactive oxygen species (ROS) malondialdehyde (MDA) and
in plant cells better growth than control
under salt stress
Ascorbate peroxidase Pea Tobacco Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Higher germination rate and 135
(APX) enzyme minimized leaf damage under
salt stress
Dehydroascorbate Rice A. thaliana A critical enzyme for ascorbate Enhanced resistance to salt stress 136
reductase (DHAR) recycling
Ascorbate peroxidase Rice A. thaliana Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Longer root length and higher 137
(APX) enzyme total chlorophyll content
Ascorbate peroxidase Tobacco Tobacco Primary H2 O2 -scavenging More resistant to 138
(APX) Superoxide enzyme; A critical enzyme paraquat-induced stress and
dismutase (SOD) and eliminating reactive oxygen enhanced tolerance to NaCI
DHAR species (ROS) in plant cells; a
critical enzyme for ascorbate
Monodehydroascorbate A. thaliana Tobacco Crucial for ascorbate (AsA) Higher net photosynthesis rates 139
reductase (MDAR) regeneration and essential for and greater PS II effective
maintaining a reduced pool of quantum yield under salt stress
Catalase (CAT) Escherichia coli Tobacco Catalyzing the dismutation of Increased the resistance of the 140
H2 O2 into water and oxygen chloroplast’s translational
machinery under salt stress
Superoxide dismutase Avicennia Rice The first enzyme in the More tolerant to methyl 141
(SOD) marina enzymatic antioxidative viologen–mediated oxidative
pathway stress
Superoxide dismutase Tobacco Pepper The first enzyme in the Increased resistance to oxidative 142
(SOD) enzymatic antioxidative damage
Ascorbate peroxidase Tomato Tobacco Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Higher seed germination rate and 143
(APX) enzyme elevated stress tolerance
during postgermination
Suaeda salsa glutathione Suaeda salsa A. thaliana Involved in the reduction of most Higher photosynthesis rate and 144
S_transferase gene active oxygen radicals fresh weight
(GST) generated by stress
Monodehydroascorbate Avicennia Tobacco Crucial for ascorbate (AsA) Enhanced redox state of 145
reductase (MDAR) marina regeneration and essential for ascorbate and reduced levels
maintaining a reduced pool of of malondialdehyde
Ascorbate peroxidase P. populus Tobacco Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Resistance to methyl viologen 146
(APX) enzyme and salt stress
Ascorbate peroxidase Tobacco Tobacco Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Improved seed longevity and 147
(APX), Superoxide enzyme; the first enzyme in germination under various
dismutase (SOD) the enzymatic antioxidative types of environmental stress
Glutathione peroxidases Wheat A. thaliana Reducing H2 O2 and organic Strong tolerance to salt, H2 O2 , 148
(GPXs) hydroperoxides to water and and ABA treatment
correspondingly alcohols
Ascorbate peroxidase Plums Plums Primary H2 O2 -scavenging Higher contents of nonenzymatic 149
(APX), superoxide enzyme; the first enzyme in antioxidants glutathione and
dismutase (SOD) the enzymatic antioxidative ascorbate and lower
pathway accumulation of hydrogen
Transcription factors
Adaptive growth and photosynthesis rate Regulation of ion content and homeostasis
Gene expression
and responses
Synthesis and accumulation of compatible solutes Activation of antioxidant substance and enzyme
guarantee their survival and maintain regular photosynthesis molecular processes, so the ability of genetic engineering to
by regulating enzymatic activities under salt stress [1]. Fac- produce salt-tolerant crops is seriously limited by these natu-
ing the osmotic stress produced by salt, plants accumulate ral plant processes [37]. More energy, materials, and financial
compatible solutes actively to reduce cell water potential [4]. resources are needed to invest in the research. Only in this
Different channels and transporters are activated or inhib- way can the mechanisms and principles be discovered and
ited to regulate and maintain ion homeostasis. The clarified corresponding ameliorative solutions be proposed. In addi-
signaling pathways tell us the complicated regulatory mech- tion, there are other factors such as LEA proteins and WRKY
anisms employed by plants under salt stress. The discovery and MYB transcriptional factors affecting salt tolerance of
of the SOS signaling pathway is a milestone of the signal plants, which should also arouse attention [168–170]. In the
pathway in salt stress [82]. The antioxidant system covering most recent reports, the microorganism in soil is found to
nonenzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant systems can help be involved in phytohormonal signaling to improve plant
plants escape the damage due to salt stress [26]. Plant hor- nutrition, photosynthesis, and biomass production, thereby
mones are the growth regulators of plants and are involved in enhancing crop salt tolerance [171]. Finally, we summa-
the processes in every regard, so salt stress is no exception. rize our points of view and blueprint for future research in
ABA plays a pivotal role in the metabolomic, physiologi- Fig. 71.1.
cal, and signaling procedures. Thus we can conclude that the
relationships between salt stress and plants are processes of
both influence and adaptation. Exploring and understanding ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the regulatory mechanisms underlying salt stress can provide
us with more methods and ideas to improve plant resistance. This work was jointly supported by the National Natural
In view of the research and developments in molecular Science Foundation of China (Grant 41171216), Jiangsu
biology and transgenic engineering, plants with enhanced Autonomous Innovation of Agricultural Science and Tech-
tolerance are generating continuously. For example, overex- nology [CX(15)1005], National Basic Research Program of
pression of the synthetic genes of Pro and GB can improve the China (2013CB430403) and Shuangchuang Talent Plan of
content of Pro and GB obviously and endow the transgenic Jiangsu Province.
plants with enhanced tolerance [62,71]. Similarly, transgenic
plants with more SOS1 or NHX1 transporters are able to reg-
ulate ion transport more quickly and effectively to improve REFERENCES
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