2371 - Parents' Attitudes Regarding Childhood Vaccination With Focus On Rotavirus Vaccination in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2371 - Parents' Attitudes Regarding Childhood Vaccination With Focus On Rotavirus Vaccination in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2371 - Parents' Attitudes Regarding Childhood Vaccination With Focus On Rotavirus Vaccination in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
23 (3): 208-215
Iana Kirillova1, Nimetcan Mehmet Orhun2, Alabed Ali A. Alabed3 and Salih Mollahaliloglu2
Health Department, Institute of Health Science, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Türkiye.
Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University,Türkiye,
3Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cyberjaya, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
The aim of this study is to determine the parental attitudes regarding childhood vaccinations with focus on rotavirus
vaccination. It is a cross-sectional study using the Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccines (PACV) questionnaire. This
study was conducted among parents, who have at least one child in Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan, that began on April 4th 2023
- 4th May 2023. At enrollment, parents completed the PACV questionnaire, to screen for vaccine hesitancy. PACV is a
questionnaire that includes 15 questions with three factor domains: “General attitudes”, “Behavior” and “Safety and
efficacy”. The prevalence of vaccine hesitancy was 21,3% among the participants in this study. Parents had concerns
about safety of vaccine shots 19,9%, side effects of rotavirus vaccine 24,8%, efficacy of rotavirus vaccine 13,6% and the
number of administered vaccines (18,1% to get fewer vaccines and 29,8% for more shot). This study investigates the
differences in childhood and rotavirus vaccine hesitancy by ethnicity (p=0.01) and educational background (p=0.04). The
study findings show that there is a vaccine hesitancy among the parents (21,3%) in Bishkek city regarding childhood
vaccination and rotavirus vaccine. Concerns of the parents were mostly associated with vaccine shots safety in general,
as well as about the side effects and efficacy of rotavirus vaccine.
Key words: childhood vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, rotavirus vaccination, attitudes, Kyrgyzstan
targets for childhood vaccinations, i.e. to reach Participants were also informed that they have full
90% vaccination coverage with all vaccines in the right to discontinue or refuse to participate in the
NIPs by 202013. The Immunization Agenda 2030 study. The survey was adapted for the use in the
which is the GVAP’s successor, was developed to Kyrgyzstan context, e.g., education level (primary
further increase and ensure an equitable access to school 4 years, lower secondary school 5 and upper
all routine vaccinations, and proposed to increase secondary school 2 years, bachelor degree and
the number of zero-dose children who have missed master’s degree/PhD).
by current immunization programmes in every
country by 203014,15. Therefore, maintaining and IBM SPSS Statistics version 23.0. was used to
sustaining high vaccination coverage is vital for analyze the data. Each of the 15 PACV survey items
Immunization Agenda 2030 targets according to the Opel et al.’s approach19 was
achievement16,17. However, the fast production, scored as follows: hesitant responses are assigned
distribution and introduction of new vaccines into as 3, ‘don’t know or not sure’ as 2, and non-
NIPs has raised questions, possible suspicions, hesitant responses as 1. Item scores were summed
concerns among the population that all somehow in an unweighted fashion to obtain a total raw
may influence the parenteral acceptance of score. The total raw score was then converted to a
childhood vaccines. Thus, in order to develop and scale ranging from 0 (least hesitant) to 100,
test interventions to address these barriers it is indicating the highest level of vaccine hesitancy,
crucial to understand the barriers of immunization using simple linear transformation, with a score <
acceptance among vaccine-hesitant parents (VHP). 50 that identified non-hesitant parents, while a
Vaccine hesitancy is very complex and may appear score ≥ 50 that identified vaccine hesitant parents.
with different vaccines, different time and place. For significancy level we used p= 0.05 and Chi
Vaccination delay or refusal may be as a result of Square was used.
such factors as confidence in vaccines,
complacency or convenience18. Sustaining high RESULTS
vaccination rates is a priority for National
Immunization Programmes. It is therefore Total 411 participants have completed the
important to address such barriers as vaccine questionnaire. However, the database cleaning
hesitancy as a growing issue globally18. The aim of process have revealed some missing answers in
this study is to assess the attitudes of parents of questionnaire items and 8 participants were
Kyrgyzstan and concerning childhood vaccination excluded from the data analysis, finally 403
with a focus on rotavirus vaccine. participants were included into this analysis.
TABLE 1: The level of vaccine hesitancy among study respondents by socio-demographic characteristics.
F % F %
Parenteral attitudes about vaccination childhood vaccine shots. Further, only 3,7% of
A summary infographic of individual survey items parents reported delaying a vaccination for their
and results depicting vaccine hesitancy is provided child for reasons other than illness or allergy, and
above in the Figure 1. Overall, 78,7% of survey 4,2% reported deciding not to have their child get
respondents held positive attitudes towards a rotavirus vaccine shot for reasons other than
childhood vaccination and considers vaccine- illness or allergy.
preventable diseases to be severe and vaccines
against these diseases to be effective. The vast Vaccine hesitancy
majority of respondents recognized the efficacy of Parents’ answers to the 15 items (PACV) used to
vaccines. Overall, 72,7% of respondents believed calculate the vaccine hesitancy score presented in
that it would be better for their children to get a the Figure 1. Overall, parents’ answers in this
shot of rotavirus vaccine rather than to develop study were generally in favor of vaccines including
immunity by getting sick. Only, 8,2% were vaccination against rotavirus infection. However,
“disagree” or “strongly disagree”. 88,8% of parents results of our study showed that parents had
also recognized the importance of following the concerns regarding safety and efficacy of vaccines.
recommended shot schedule of rotavirus vaccine. 24,8% of parents were concerned if their children
73,7% of parents indicated them self as “not will have a serious side effect from a shot of
hesitant at all” and “not too hesitant” regarding rotavirus vaccine and 18,6% of parents were not
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2023, Vol. 23 (3): 208-215
sure. Moreover, 19,9% of parents were “somewhat shots to their children. 71,7% participant was not
concerned” and “very concerned” regarding the sure if it is better to get fewer vaccines at the
safety of vaccine shots. Furthermore, 27,2% of same time. PACV questionnaire scores of
respondents had concerns whether rotavirus participants are presented in the figure 2. The
vaccine is enough efficient to prevent the disease. findings of the survey demonstrated the majority
The vast majority of respondents were not sure of participants were non-hesitant to childhood
whether the illnesses that shots prevent are vaccination. The highest scores were reported by
severe. The highest number of vaccine hesitant 53 participants who got 47 scores while 48
participants (29,8%) and “not sure” answers participants got 45 scores. Only few participants
(38,7%) was associated with the number of vaccine got more than 58 scores in this study.
50 48
Number of participants
40 35
32 32
30 26
20 15
9 9 8
10 7 6
1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1
knowledge about vaccine safety and importance of vaccine into their NIPs, reported a large decline in
childhood vaccination through educational rotavirus disease and associated hospitalizations.
materials and healthcare workers must be a Thus, the benefits of rotavirus vaccination in
priority21. Interestingly, the biggest number of infants have been found to outweigh possible small
parents expressing concerns in vaccine safety were risks of intussusception.
with high level of education, i.e. with bachelor
degree (51,6%) following by participants graduated A number of limitations should be taken into
from lower and upper secondary school with 9 or account when interpreting findings of this study
11 years of education (19,4%). Results of our study due to study design and methodology. Firstly, is not
also revealed a big difference among participants possible to establish the temporal direction of the
with different ethnicities, Kyrgyz by ethnicity association between the outcomes of interest and
participants made up the major proportion (13,6%) the influencing factors in the cross-sectional study.
of vaccine hesitant participants. Similar study was Secondly, this study does not assess knowledge of
conducted in USA that assessed parental vaccine parents regarding childhood vaccination and
hesitancy and examined differences in coverage therefore we only can assume or hypothesize the
owing to hesitancy by ethnicity. Study results nature of findings. Thus, there may be a need in
revealed that hesitancy towards childhood another in-depth research with larger sample size.
vaccines was associated with child’s ethnicity/race Lastly, this study was not designed to identify
and educational level of mothers. Study results which measures might be taken to address the
demonstrated that non-Hispanic white population problems in it. A strength of this study is the use of
were less vaccine-hesitant (16,4%) compared to a previously validated survey instrument (the
non-Hispanic Black (37%) and Hispanic (30,1%). PACV) to determine vaccine hesitancy in parents.
Moreover, study revealed that mothers with less
then a high school education were more likely to CONCLUSION
be vaccine hesitant (31,9%) then mothers with
college education and above (13%) 30. Further, In conclusion, majority of the participants (78,7%)
noteworthy that among the healthcare workers had positive attitudes towards childhood
participated in this survey were the lowest number vaccination, while 21,3% of them had vaccine
of vaccine hesitant responses, which may be hesitancy in Bishkek city. This study found that the
assumed with the nature of their profession and differences in childhood and rotavirus vaccine
knowledge on health-related issues. hesitancy by ethnicity and educational background
of the participants. The findings of this study
These results are supported by the study aimed to report that most of the parents were non hesitant
examine healthcare practitioners to deliver the in numerous areas, such as intention to vaccinate
vaccine21. Study results demonstrated a general their children with rotavirus vaccine, trust in
positive attitude in healthcare providers to deliver information about vaccines. Parents expressed
national vaccination programmes, specifically their concerns regarding the safety of vaccine
rotavirus vaccination to the population. The study shots in general, efficacy of rotavirus vaccine and
also revealed that public knowledge and potential side effects of rotavirus vaccine.
acceptance of rotavirus vaccine is better when the
recommendations are delivered by their ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS
healthcare practitioner. Moreover, according to The approval for this study was granted by Social
WHO, all available rotavirus vaccines are and Human Sciences Ethics Committee Ankara
prequalified by WHO with good safety profile. Yildirim Beyazit University (AYBU).
Intussusception, which is an intestinal invagination
resulting in obstruction, is the only adverse event AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Study design, data
associated with rotavirus vaccine and no other side collection, original draft preparation, formal
effects has been reported or identified4. Thus, the analysis Iana Kirillova; Contribution to study
findings of prospective study in USA31 suggested an design, review and editing the draft Salih
increased risk of intussusception associated with Mollahaliloğlu, Nimetcan Mehmet Orhun and Abed
monovalent rotavirus vaccination. This finding is in Ali. All authors have read and agreed to the
consistent with findings from other countries, for published version of the manuscript.
example the study in Mexico showed a significant
increase in the risk within 7 days after the first FUNDING: This research received no external
dose of the monovalent vaccine32. The study in funding
Brazil revealed a doubling of the risk within 7 days
after the administration of the second dose of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The research team would
monovalent rotavirus vaccine32. However, the well- like to acknowledge and thank the parents who
documented benefits of rotavirus vaccine need to completed the survey.
be considered as countries that included rotavirus
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