Full U S Family Offices

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Green Brook Capital Managem Manish C. S Green Brook Capital MSomerset, NJ Somerset New Jersey 8873 Family Of+1 (732) 997-
October Capital Lance T. Le October Capital is a mKansas City, MOKansas CityMissouri 64111 Family Of+1 (913) 362-
ICONIQ Capital Divesh Kant Founded in 2011, IconiSan Francisco, C San FrancisCalifornia 94111 Family Of+1 (415) 937-
Zwick Partners Bradley BattZwick Partners
Manasota is aisfaa Charlotte,
Capital NC family
Chicago-based Charlotte North office
investment Carol focused
28280 Family Of+1investments,
on direct (704) 817- primarily in the small cap mar
Manasota Capital Jameson Gr The firm invests acrossChicago,
IL and Chicago
asset classes
and will play60614
an active
in managing
(312) 577-and developing companies whe
Pennington Partners & Co Rodd MackliPennington Partners &Bethesda, MD Bethesda Maryland 20814 Family Office
Twin Focus Capital Partners Paul Karger Twin Focus Capital ParBoston, MA Boston Massachuse 2116 Family Of+1 (617) 720-
Bessemer Trust Rebecca H. PBessemer Trust is a prNew York, NY New York New York 10111 Family Of+1 (212) 708-
Three Cities Research J. William UhThree Cities Research New York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (212) 838-
Proficio Capital Partners Matthew WoProficio Capital Partn Newton, MA Newton Massachuse 2458 Family Of+1 (617) 340-
Nebari Holdings Clark Gillam Nebari is a family off New York, NY New York New York 10017 Family Office
Kingsbridge Wealth ManagemeDavid J. DunKingsbridge Wealth Man Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Nevada 89137 Family Of+1 (702) 947-
Besyata Investment Group Katherine Z Besyata Investment Gro Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn New York 11218 Family Of+1 (718) 977-
Cottonwood Acquisitions Christopher Cottonwood Acquisition Bohemia, NY Bohemia New York 11716 Family Of+1 (646) 807-
MSD Capital John CartwriMSD Capital was formed New York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (212) 303-
Airlie Group Peter Sturn Airlie Group is an in Greenwich, CT Greenwich Connecticu 6830 Family Of+1 (203) 661-
Culbro was formed in 2005 as the private equity investment vehicle of the Cullman family and is presently managed by mem
Iacocca Family Foundation Kathryn IacoIacocca
Its targetFamily
investment MA is $10
Boston Massachuse
to $15 million but it has2116
broadFamily Of+1and
latitude (617)
make both smaller and larger inve
Culbro Jack LoParcoIn the United States, Culbro
New York,
NY toNew
do control
York New
York but 10022
is amenable
Family Of+1
to (646)
461-stakes as well. Culbro also has a
The Vedas Group Shreyas SlatThe Vedas Group is a New York, NY New York New York 10012 Family Office
SF Capital Group Neil Wolfso SF Capital Group is a New York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (212) 644-
Westwind Investors Nathan A. HWestwind Investors isIncline Village, Incline Vill Nevada 89451 Family Of+1 (775) 832-
Aeterna Capital Partners M. Patrick Aeterna Capital PartnNew York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (212) 231-
Galileo Partners (Los Angeles) Howard DesGalileo Partners is a s Los Angeles, CA Los AngelesCalifornia 90024 Family Office
Kita Capital Management Joshua S. Le Kita Capital Manageme New York, NY New York New York 10018 Family Of+1 (320) 438-
Easterly Capital David Cody Easterly Capital is a Beverly, MA Beverly Massachuse 1915 Family Of+1 (617) 231-
Capital Pursuits Blake Pluml Capital Pursuits is a Winter Park, FL Winter ParkFlorida 32789 Family Of+1 (407) 392-
Patriarch Partners Randall JonePatriarch Partners is New York, NY New York New York 10006 Family Of+1 (212) 825-
Baron Capital Management Baron BruceBaron Capital Managem Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale Arizona 85250 Family Of+1 (480) 949-
Crede Capital Group Amy TalebizCrede Capital Group isLos Angeles, CA Los AngelesCalifornia Family Of+1 (310) 444-
LTS Capital Advisors Anil G. ChakLong-Term Solutions isMill Valley, CA Mill Valley California 94941 Family Of+1 (415) 321-
Apeiron Ventures David J. NagApeiron Ventures is a New York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (646) 319-
Strait Lane Capital Partners Mark King Strait Lane Capital Pa Dallas, TX Dallas Texas 75225 Family Of+1 (469) 466-
Yenni Capital Musa Yenni Founded in 1991, Yenni New York, NY New York New York 10020 Family Of+1 (212) 843-
Dobbs Equity Partners Rick Greene Dobbs Equity PartnersMemphis, TN Memphis Tennessee 38117 Family Of+1 (901) 552-
The Duchossois Group Richard L. D The Duchossois GroupChicago, IL Chicago Illinois 60606 Family Of+1 (312) 586-
Quantum Ventures of MichiganRobert J. Sk Quantum Ventures ofAuburn
Mi Hills, MI Auburn HillMichigan 48326 Family Of+1 (248) 292-
Weinberg Capital Group Ronald E. WFounded in 2003, Wein Cleveland, OH Cleveland Ohio 44131 Family Of+1 (216) 503-
Hildred Capital Partners Stephen HalHildred Capital PartneNew York, NY New York New York 10151 Family Of+1 (646) 362-
Cornerstone Advisors Susan E. PetCornerstone Advisors Bellevue,
i WA Bellevue Washingto 98004 Family Of+1 (425) 646-
Dunes Point Capital Timothy J. WDunes Point Capital isRye, NY Rye New York 10580 Family Of+1 (914) 269-
Woodland Management Tom BernsteWoodland Management Pittsburgh,
i PA Pittsburgh Pennsylvan 15206 Family Of+1 (412) 362-
Fremont Private Holdings Timothy N. Fremont Private Holdin New York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (212) 771-
The Graham Group William KerlThe Graham Group is Yaork, PA York Pennsylvan 17405 Family Of+1 (717) 849-
Jado Investments Geoff RosenJado Investments is a Dana Point, CA Dana Point California 92629 Family Of+1 (949) 873-
Dobbs Management Service Edward J. D Dobbs Management Servi Memphis, TN Memphis Tennessee 38119 Family Of+1 (901) 684-
Kaplan Group Investments Allan KaplanKaplan Group Investmen Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale Arizona 85255 Family Of+1 (480) 399-
East Rock Capital Michael Set East Rock Capital is a New York, NY New York New York 10022 Family Of+1 (212) 630-
Fremont Group David R. CovFremont Group is the San
S Francisco, C San FrancisCalifornia 94105 Family Of+1 (415) 284-
Oval Partners Jake MizrahiOval Partners is a mulSan Francisco, C San FrancisCalifornia 94105 Family Office
Spring Creek Partners John AndersSpring Creek PartnersRockford, IL Rockford Illinois 61107 Family Of+1 (815) 637-












[email protected] AdTech, E-Commerce, FiCanada, United States

[email protected] AgTech
[email protected] Intelligence & Machine Learning, Big Data, E-Commerce, FinTech, Marketing Tech, Mobile, Saa
contact@zwickpartnersBig Data, CleanTech, Fi United States, Western Europe
info@manasotacapital Big Data, Manufacturing
info@penningtonptrs. Big Data, Marketing Tech
twinfocus@twinfocuscaCleanTech, E-Commerce, HealthTech, SaaS
[email protected] CleanTech, E-Commerce, LOHAS & Wellness, Wearables & Quantified Self
[email protected] CleanTech, InfrastructuCanada, United States
info@procapitalpartnerCleanTech, Life Sciences, Manufacturing
[email protected] CleanTech, SaaS
[email protected] Cryptocurrency/Blockchain, FinTech
[email protected] E-Commerce, FinTech, IUnited States
info@cottonwoodacquisE-Commerce, LOHAS & Wellness, Manufacturing
inquiries@msdcapital. E-Commerce, SaaS Mid Atlantic, Midwest, Northeast, South, Southeast, Southwest, West Coast
[email protected] EdTech
info@iacoccafoundatioEdTech, FinTech, Life Sciences, Oncology
[email protected] EdTech, Manufacturing, Mobile
team@thevedasgroup. EdTech, Mobile, SaaS United States
[email protected] FinTech United States
info@westwindinvesto FinTech, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oncology
[email protected] FinTech, ManufacturingEurope, North America
info@galileo-partners. FinTech, SaaS
[email protected] FinTech, SaaS
[email protected] HealthTech, SaaS
bp@capitalpursuitsllc. Infrastructure, ManufacBermuda, Central America, Southeast, Southwest
info@patriarchpartner Infrastructure, ManufacEurope, United States
[email protected] InsurTech, Manufacturing, SaaS
[email protected] Life Sciences Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, United States
[email protected] Life Sciences
team@apeironventuresLOHAS & Wellness, Manufacturing
info@straitlanecapital Manufacturing United States
[email protected] United States
[email protected] Manufacturing North America, United States
[email protected] Manufacturing North America, United States
rweinberg@weinbergc Manufacturing North America
[email protected]
info@dunespointcapitaManufacturing North America
[email protected] Manufacturing
fphinfo@fremontgroupManufacturing North America
[email protected] Manufacturing
info@jadoinvestments Manufacturing, Mobile United States
chris@dobbsmanagemeManufacturing, SaaS
[email protected] Mobile
[email protected] Mobile Southeast
[email protected]
[email protected] North America
info@springcreekpartn SaaS
tl e















www.greenbrookcp.com Manish C. Shah Partner


www.octobercapital.com Lance T. LeMay Founder & Managing Partner
www.iconiqcapital.com Divesh Kanthylal Makan Co-Founder
www.zwickpartners.com Bradley Batten Partner
www.manasotacapital.com Jameson Green Managing Principal & Co-Founder
www.penningtonpartners.co Rodd Macklin Chief Financial Officer & Chief Compliance Officer
www.twinfocuscapital.com Paul Karger Co-Founder & Managing Partner
www.bessemertrust.com Rebecca H. Patterson Chief Investment Officer
www.tcr-ny.com J. William Uhrig Managing Partner
www.proficiocap.com Matthew Wosk Co-Founder, Partner & Chief Executive Officer
www.nebari.us Clark Gillam Co-Founder
www.kwm.us.com David J. Dunn President, Founder & Chief Wealth Strategist
www.besyata.com Katherine Zamsky Managing Director, Business Development and Investments & President
www.cottonwoodacquisitions.com Christopher L. Smith Partner
www.msdcapital.com John Cartwright Phelan Co-Managing Partner & Co-Founder
www.airliegroup.com Peter Sturn Director
www.iacoccafoundation.org Kathryn Iacocca Hentz President & Board Member
www.culbro.com Jack LoParco Vice President
www.thevedasgroup.com Shreyas Slater Chityala Co-Founder & Managing Partner
www.sfcapgroup.com Neil Wolfson President
www.westwindinvestors.com Nathan A. Horvath Managing Director and Principal
www.aeternacp.com M. Patrick McCloskey Founder & Managing Partner
www.galileo-partners.com Howard Deshong Founder & Managing Partner
www.kitacapital.com Joshua S. Levine Managing Director
www.easterlycapital.com David Cody Managing Principal
www.capitalpursuits.com Blake Plumley President & Chief Executive Officer
www.patriarchpartners.com Randall Jones Managing Director
www.baroncapital.com Baron Bruce Benham Founder & Chief Financial Advisor
www.credecg.com Amy Talebizadeh Department Coordinator
www.ltscapital.org Anil G. Chakkera Chief Investment Officer & Managing Director
www.apeironventures.com David J. Nage Managing Director
www.straitlanecapital.com Mark King Founding Partner & Chairman
www.yennicapital.com Musa Yenni Founder & President
www.dobbsequity.com Rick Greene Executive Vice President
www.duch.com Richard L. Duchossois Founder
www.qvmllc.com Robert J. Skandalaris Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
www.weinbergcap.com Ronald E. Weinberg Director, Principal & Owner
www.hildredpartners.com Stephen Hallenbeck Principal & Director of Private Equity
www.buildbeyond.com Susan E. Peterson Managing Director, Client Management
www.dunespointcapital.com Timothy J. White Founder, Chief Investment Officer & Chief Executive Officer
www.wmfio.com Tom Bernstein Co-Founder
Timothy N. Sheehy Partner
www.thegrahamgroup.com William Kerlin Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
www.jadoinvestments.com Geoff Rosenhain Founder & Chief Executive Officer
www.dobbsmanagement.com Edward J. Dobbs President
www.kginvest.net Allan Kaplan Founder, Principal & Managing Partner
www.eastrockcap.com Michael Seth Marks Chief Financial Officer
www.fremontgroup.com David R. Covin Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer & Chief Operating Officer
www.ovalpartners.com Jake Mizrahi Co-Founder & Managing Director
www.springcreekpartners.com John Anderson Principal













+1 (732) 997-0779 [email protected]



+1 (913) 362-1111 [email protected]

+1 (415) 937-7763 [email protected] https://www.linkedin.com/company/iconiq-capital-llc/
+1 (704) 817-0550 [email protected]
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[email protected] https://www.linkedin.com/company/penningtonpartners-
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+1 (917) 536-8787 [email protected]
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+1 (815) 637-7626 [email protected]







99 Best California Family Offices

Omidyar Network
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Grant, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Omidyar Network is an investment firm.

ICONIQ Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
Investment Stage:isEarly
ICONIQ Capital Stage Venture,
a privately-held Late Stage
investment firmVenture, Private
that serves someEquity
families and organizations.

Webb Investment Network

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Network
Webb Investment Early Stage Venture,
is an Seedfirm that particularly in mobile,
consumer Internet, and cloud applications.

Nimble Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Nimble Ventures is a family office that makes venture capital investments.

Capricorn Investment Group

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early
Capricorn Investment Stageinvests
Group Venture, Latepublic
in the Stageequity,
Venture, Private
fixed Equity
income, private
equity, and real assets markets.

Emerson Collective
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital
Investment Stage: strengthens schools, secures rights for immigrants, and restores
Emerson Collective
relationship between humanity and nature.

Tao Capital Partners

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Tao CapitalStage: Early
Partners StageinVenture,
invests Latetransportation,
technology, Stage Venture,healthcare,
Private Equity
and food businesses.

Counterpart Advisors
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Hedge Fund, Private Equity Firm,
Venture Capital
Advisors is a Venture Capital, Private Equity & Consulting firm that
engages in highly competitive and visible markets.

Madrone Capital Partners

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:Partners
Madrone Capital Early Stage
is a Venture, Late Stage
Private equity Venture, Private
firm associated Equity
with Rob Walton, the
eldest son of Walmart founder Sam Walton.

Knockout Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Hedge Fund

Investment Stage: multi-strategy hedge fund powered by research from top
We are a boutique
institutions and focus on a global macro perspective.

Mindrock Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage: Late
Mindrock Capital Stage Venture
is a venture capital group that works with multi-family offices
around the world and is based in San Francisco.

True Capital Management

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
True Capital Management is a multi-family office that offers business management
and investment advisory services.

Shanda Group
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm

Investment Stage:
Shanda Group is aEarly Stage
private Venture,group
investment Post-Ipo, Private
founded Equity
in 1999 by Tianqiao Chen and
Chrissy Luo.

Valley Oak Investments

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type:
Investment Family
Stage: EarlyInvestment OfficeLate Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed,
Stage Venture,
Valley Oak invests in private companies, funds, and real assets focusing on early-
stage companies in food & ag tech, prop tech, and fin tech

GoldenArc Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type:
Investment Family
Stage: Investment
Initial Office,Late
Coin Offering, Syndicate, VentureSecondary
Stage Venture, Capital Market,
GoldenArc is a Silicon Valley based investment firm that manages VC Growth
Equity & Late Stage investments.

Formic Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage:isEarly
Formic Ventures Stage Venture,
a diversified ventureSeed, Venture
capital firm that makes early-stage
investments in biotechnology startups

Knudsen Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:is a family investment office that primarily invests in early-stage,
Knudsen Capital
high-growth companies.

Haas Portman
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture
Haas Portman is a joint family office based out of Atlanta with an office in Los

The Thiel Foundation

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Grant
We support science, technology, and long-term thinking about the future.

KBW Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage:
KBW Ventures is an asset management firm focusing exclusively on venture capital,
value creation, and growth equity.

Simon Equity Partners, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Simon Equity EarlyisStage
Partners Venture, Private
a California-based Equity
private equity firm that makes
investments in early- and expansion-stage consumer companies.

EPIQ Capital Group

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

EPIQ CapitalStage:
Group is a boutique multi-family office that serves a select group of
ultra-high net worth clients and their families.

LDR Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Angel Group, Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

LDR is a VCStage: Early in
firm based Stage
LosVenture, Seed, Venture
Angeles investing In Female & Minority Founders,
Consumer Product, Food, E-Comm, Marketplaces & Legal Tech

Skoll Foundation
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:invests
Skoll Foundation Late Stage Venture
in social entrepreneurs through its flagship award
program, the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship .
Geolo Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture
Geolo Capital is the private equity investment firm.

Trousdale Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Trousdale Ventures is an investment firm based in Los Angeles, California

Work Play Ventures

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Work Play Ventures is an investment firm.

Kapital Partners
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:isSeed,
Kapital Partners Venture
a family office that manages multi-stage direct and fund
investments in technology, real estate and other investments.

Heritage Group
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture
Heritage Group is an LA-based family office

Medley Partners
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:manages
Medley Partners Early Stage Venture,
private equityLate Stage Venture
investments on behalf of Jim Simons’
family and a number of affiliated entities.
SP Investment Fund
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
Investment Stage:
SP Investment Private
Fund LLC Equity, Seed, Venture
and its affiliated funds have invested in scores of
technology and real estate companies

Oberndorf Enterprises
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Oberndorf Enterprises operates as a family-owned financial services firm.

The Gores Group

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm

Investment Stage: is
The Gores Group Private Equity
a global private equity firm specialized in acquiring and
partnering with growing businesses.

Manhattan West Asset Management

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
Manhattan Stage:
West isLate Stage Venture,
a financial solutionsPrivate
companyEquity, Secondaryinvestment
that integrates Market, Venture

Mehta Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Mehta Ventures is Early Stage Venture
an independent, privately-owned boutique family office that
invests in early-stage startups and companies.

Outcomes Fund
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage:
B2B Companies Convertible
Driving Note,
Positive Early
Social Stage Venture,
Outcomes, LateCDSS
Healthcare Stage addressing
Venture, Seed
chronic decisions

ZT Labs
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Seed
ZT Labs

Moodoos Investments
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early
Moodoos Investments is aStage Venture, Seed
family-owned investment fund creating value by helping
startups and early-stage companies become market leaders.

SummitVision Capital, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
SummitVision Crowdfunding,
Capital Debt,
offers capital Early Stage
investments Venture,
in the Seed consumer, and
technology sector.

Newport Coast Investments

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Newport Coast Early Stage
Investments is aVenture, Late Stage Venture,
private investment Seed on early- and
vehicle focused
seed-stage IT, media, and software technology companies.

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Incubator, Secondary Purchaser, Venture
in pre-seedMarket, Seed
and seed startups who transform Enterprise with AI
and data.

Partnership Capital Ventures, Inc.

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Invests in early Early
stage Stage Venture, Seed
emerging/startups via strategic seed and angel investments and
by providing ongoing mentoring/personal development.

Luna Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Corporate Venture Capital, Family Investment Office, Fund Of
Funds, Hedge Fund, Investment Bank, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
Investment Stage:
Luna Capital is a Cryptocurrency Investment Fund.

Numeta Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Angel Group, Corporate Venture Capital, Family Investment Office,
Fund Of Funds,
Investment Private
Stage: Early Equity Firm, Venture
Stage Venture, Capital,
Late Stage Venture
Venture, DebtEquity,
Numeta Capital is an investment firm that specializes in growth investments in the
global software industry.

C.M. Capital Advisors

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type:
Investment Family
Stage: Investment
Early OfficeLate Stage Venture, Post-Ipo, Private
Stage Venture,
Equity, Secondary
C.M. Capital Market,
Advisors Venture
builds long-term relationships with PE, VC, and HF
managers and directly invests in private and public companies.

Intersect Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage: is the venture arm of global wealth management firm Intersect
Intersect Ventures

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
M2O is a family investment office, it invests in high growth, small to mid-sized

MX Investments
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

MX is a LosStage: Early
Angeles Stage
based Venture,company
investment Seed founded by Matthew Rutler &
Christina Aguilera

Cruttenden Partners
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office
Cruttenden Stage: Early
Partners Stage
is the Venture,entity
investment Seed of the Cruttenden Family, primarily
investing the capital of Walter Cruttenden and his four

Fortisure Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early
Fortisure Ventures is an Stage Venture,
investment firmLate
early stage companies in the
technology industry.

C.M. Capital Corporation

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
C.M. Capital is a private investment company for prominent institutions and

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

William andStage:
Flora Hewlett Foundation helps to reduce global poverty, limiting the
risk of climate change.

UniWill Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage:
Venture capital Convertible
fund provide toNote,
stage Stage Venture,
startup Seedacross technological

Stone Canyon Industries

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Stone Canyon specializes in creating value utilizing a patient capital approach.

SJ Investment Company
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
SJ Investment Company is a private, family-owned investment vehicle with a
diverse portfolio of public and private investments.

Hansen Investment Holdings, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Family office. Investing in tech start-ups, real estate, private equity, and venture
capital funds.

Lakeside Virtual Family Office

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:Family Office is an investment practice comprised of a virtual
Lakeside Virtual
team of prominent and experienced advisors.

DeWilde family trust

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
DeWilde family trust was added in 2012.

The K Fund
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm

The K FundStage: Late Stage firm
is an investment Venture, Private
focused Equity,equity
on growth Secondary Marketin
consumer, technology and healthcare.

Stevens Family Trust

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Seed
Family Office

Gen3 Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Venture
Gen3 Ventures is a family office of owner operators.

Rimokh Family Trust

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Rimokh Family Trust is a Los Angeles-based family office.

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Office

Huron Group
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Seed
Hands-On Early Stage Investment

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
DiversyFund Stage: Late Stage
is a provider of aVenture
real estate crowdfunding platform used to simplify
real estate research and investment process.

Gain Hash
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Funds, Government Office, Hedge Fund, Investment Bank, Pension Funds, Venture
Investment Stage: Convertible Note, Debt, Early Stage Venture, Initial Coin
Offering, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed, Venture
Bitcoin Mining Manufacturing

Cure Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type:
Investment Family
Stage: Investment
Early OfficeLate Stage Venture, Private Equity, Seed,
Stage Venture,
Cure Ventures is a venture firm focusing on investments in life sciences and medical
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Angel Group, Family Investment Office, Fund Of Funds, Hedge
Fund, Private
Investment Equity
Stage: Firm,
Early Venture
Stage Capital
Venture, Initial Coin Offering, Late Stage Venture,
Private Equity,Value
Opportunistic Seed,Investing
Venture Fund. “3DFund Review Rating” seeks investment
that maximizes returns on investment.

Twin Peaks Capital

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Twin Peaks Capital is the first global multi-family office for crypto self mades.

Cherng Family Trust

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
Investment Stage:
Family office of the Panda Express founders

Enter Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Investment Bank, Private Equity Firm,
Venture Capital
Investment Stage:
Enter Capital helpsPrivate Equity
to deploy over $2 billion from US multi-strategy private equity
funds and executes M&A deals

Three Bell Capital

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Pension Funds

Investment Stage: is a boutique, independent, comprehensive wealth management
Three Bell Capital
firm serving the entrepreneurial community.

Soar Capital
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Soar CapitalStage:
manages a diversified portfolio, with interests in private & public
companies, passive & active investments, & investment funds
ValueStreet Equity Partners
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm

EquityPrivate Equity
Partners is a family funded private equity firm in San Diego
investing in quality small businesses.

Avista Investments
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture
Avista Investments specializes in private venture investments.

PoC Capital, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

PoC CapitalStage:
in life science companies, primarily those in the clinical
development stage.

Mindspan, LLC
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Personal investment and advisory firm of Anil Kumar

West Nonpublic Holdings

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
West Nonpublic Private is
Holdings Equity
a Carlsbad-based private investment firm, with
holdings in private equity and real estate.

Ranger global Advisor

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Ranger Global Advisors is a family office focused on opportunistic value-based
investing. The firm is managed by Alex von Furstenberg. The

Force for Good Fund

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
The Force for Good Fund invests in women and people of color-owned,“Best for the
World” B Corporations

Astor Birri, Inc.

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Non Equity Assistance, Private Equity, Seed
Assest Management, and Family Office (SFO; MFO)

Portola Creek Capital, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Debt, Post-Ipo, Private Equity, Seed, Venture
Registered Investment Advisor – Impact & Sustainable Investing

Bhatia Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:is Early
Bhatia Ventures Stage Venture
an advisory capital firm focused on technical software

Hellman Global
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Late Stage Venture, Post-Ipo, Secondary Market
Hellman Global is a financial firm that focuses on assets and investment services.

Dorado Peak Capital

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Dorado PeakStage: Private
Capital Equity,
is a single Venture
family office that pursues positive change through
innovation & investment.

ventureLab Growth Partners

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Building and commercializing early-stage startups across global markets.

Flora Family Foundation

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Flora FamilyStage: Grant supports public benefit organizations working throughout
the world in diverse sectors.

Wolf Aaron Risk Capital

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Aggressive commodity, FX, and equity derivatives fund for family and friends.

Socius Capital Group

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Socius focuses on life sciences, healthcare, energy, natural resources, media, social
media, technology and special situations.

Zoo Station, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Angel Group, Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Office

NoVa Holdings Inc

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed
Asset and Investment Management, Protection, and Tax Strategy

Obsolete Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Investor Type: Family Investment Office
Investment Stage: Seed
Obsolete Ventures seeks to alleviate suffering in all sentient species, reverse
mankind’s carbon footprint, & significantly extend lifespans

New Frontier Investments

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
Family office Early
focused on Stage Ventureinvestments between China and America to
push the boundaries of frontier technology

Media Technology Ventures

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

(mt) Media Stage:
Temple is a web hosting and cloud services provider headquartered in
Los Angeles, California.

HOLSON Alternatives Group / HOLSON Asset Management, LLC

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm

Investment Stage:
Registered Introducing Broker and Consulting Firm for the Alternatives space

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage:
A Los Angeles Early
based Stage
family Venture
office that invests in consumer, real estate, and financial

Premanco Ventures
Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Investment Stage: is a Silicon Valley based company focused on identifying and
Premanco Ventures
investing in innovative technologies that have

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office, Venture Capital

ZELIM is anStage: Early Stage
investment Venture,on
firm focusing Seed
early stage enterprise software companies

Sares Regis Multifamily Funds

Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter

Investor Type: Family Investment Office

Sares Regis Stage:
Multifamily Funds transform underperforming multifamily properties
into thriving communities.



Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Allen & Company Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
RiverPark Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Winklevoss Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Mousse Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
MSD Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Good Energies Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Spark Digital Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
KCK Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Everblue Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Ridgeback Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Euclidean Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Bienville Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Tamar Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Nima Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Plough Penny Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Sands Brothers Asset Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Chetrit Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
New Age Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Helios Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Holland George Capital Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Adit Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Alpha Square Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
8090 Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Wolfson Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Jesselson Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Currency M (The Moinian Group) Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
The Whittemore Collection Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Dolik Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
The Venture Collective Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Long Light Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Empiricus Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Equilibra Partners Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Das & Co. Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Trajectory Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Jefferson River Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Declaration Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Hildred Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Drake Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Keystone Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Red Apple Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
SC.Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Elsted Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
BSL Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
GPL Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Swing Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Cedar Hill Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Beacon Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Vandewater Capital Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
North Island Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Genesis Merchant Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Kilgarvan Holdings LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Leonite Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Rock The Post Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Dunes Point Capital LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Batu Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
5D Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Freemark Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Chenel Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Meads Bay Capital LP Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
August Spark Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
JR Cap LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Jacobson Family Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Galt Asset Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
InterNex Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
New Legacy Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Eagle Global Holdings, Inc. Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
#CNXT Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
NFJ Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Devon Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
BLC Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Stone Digital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Kactus Capital Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Blackhawk Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Crescite Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
The PEGA Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Ulatan Global Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Peconic Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
SBP Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Insight Family Office Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
StartupRunner Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Merkaba Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
AccessGroup Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
FourDice Consulting Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
A2B Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Ulatan & Associates, LLP. Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
DM Investment Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Tinicum Enterprises Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
The Dana and Sunny Jo Comfort 2015 IrrevoCrunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Covepoint Capital Advisors, LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Julius Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Downtown Investment Advisory Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter








Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Grant,
Family Investment Office, Investment Bank Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Debt, Early Stage Venture,
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Private Equity F Convertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office, Hedge Fund
Family Investment Office, Fund Of Funds, Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office Debt, Early Stage Venture,
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture, Seed
Angel Group, Family Investment Office, VeConvertible Note, Debt, Ear
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late
Family Investment Office, Secondary Purch Early Stage Venture, Late
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Late Stage Venture, Private
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture, Seed,
Family Investment Office Debt, Early Stage Venture,
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Convertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office Crowdfunding, Early Stage
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Private Equity
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Convertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Venture
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm
Family Investment Office, Hedge Fund
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Hedge Fund, VenConvertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office Convertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Secondary Purchaser, Ve
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Convertible Note, Debt, Ear
Angel Group, Family Investment Office, V Crowdfunding, Early Stage
Family Investment Office Private Equity
Family Investment Office
Angel Group, Family Investment Office, Fu Convertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm
Family Investment Office, Private Equity F Convertible Note, Early Sta
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Debt, Early Stage Venture,
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Seed
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Convertible Note, Private E
Family Investment Office
Corporate Venture Capital, Family Investm Debt, Early Stage Venture, I
Family Investment Office, Micro VC, Private Equity Firm
Family Investment Office
Accelerator, Angel Group, Family InvestmeConvertible Note, Crowdfund
Angel Group, Corporate Venture Capital, F Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office, Incubator, Priva Private Equity, Venture
Family Investment Office, Hedge Fund Early Stage Venture, Post-I
Family Investment Office Convertible Note, Debt, Ear
Family Investment Office Late Stage Venture
Accelerator, Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Late Stage Venture, Post-Ipo
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office
Corporate Venture Capital, Family Investm Post-Ipo, Private Equity, Ve
Family Investment Office Post-Ipo
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Angel Group, Family Investment Office, VeConvertible Note, Seed, Ven
Family Investment Office Private Equity
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late S
Family Investment Office Debt


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supports initiatives in education, world health and population, and community giving.
Allen & Company is a private investment and advisory firm.
RiverPark Ventures is a privately owned investment management firm focused on entrepreneurs.
We believe in determined entrepreneurs and reinforce their pursuit of a frictionless world.
Mousse Partners is a venture capital firm.
MSD Capital is a private investment firm that engages in a broad range of investment activities.
Good Energies is a New York-based investment company focused on the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries.
Spark Digital Capital is a family office that invests in blockchain enabled companies.
KCK is a family investment fund that invests in a diverse set of industries, including medical technologies.
Everblue Management is a family office for the hedge fund managers.
Ridgeback Capital is a private investment company that is focused on investing in life science companies.
Euclidean Capital is an investment firm that invests individual & family services management.
Bienville is a New York-based investment firm managing capital for select institutional and family office clients.
Tamar Capital is a Family Office combining asset management, cash management, risk management and financial planning.
Nima Capital is a single-family office global approach to identifying first mover companies disrupting large industries around
Plough Penny Partners is a private investment firm focused on publicly traded and privately-held companies.
Family Office
is a family operated venture firm focused on early and growth-stage investments.
Generalist venture studio with investments in healthcare, medical devices, digital health, cleantech, consumer tech, deep tech,
A single family office investing in early stage disruptive technology, contributing to industry 4.0.
Holland George Capital Management is an investment company in New York and London.
Adit Ventures is a venture capital investment firm with over 1250 LPs, $400MM in AUM, 3 offices across the US, and 9 exits
Alpha Square Group invests in growth stage private companies across Enterprise Software, Fin-tech, and Consumer Technolog
8090 Partners is a private partnership of industry-leading families and entrepreneurs focused on direct and opportunistic invest
The Wolfson Group is an NYC-based family office that makes highly selective direct investments in unique technology compa
Michael Jesselson, the Lead Independent Director of American Eagle Outfitters, is President of Jesselson Capital Corporation,
Currency M is the Venture Investment arm of leading national real estate firm The Moinian Group.
The Whittemore Collection specializes in seed-, early-stage venture, private equity, debt financing, and secondary market inve
Industry-transforming companies & strategic capital partners
The Venture Collective is an early-stage venture business that is on a mission to bridge the funding gap for underrepresented fo
Long Light Capital is NY based single Family Office that invests capital for the Korsant family.
Family office funded Early stage investor focus in globally scalable technology and consumer start ups
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors a family office, allocates capital to portfolio managers and proprietary traders.
Equilibra Partners Management is the family office of Daniel Lubetzky.
Das & Co. is a New York based family office and investment advisory firm
Our mission is to advance disruptive innovation driving global digital transformation. Investing and collaborating to accelerate
Jefferson River Capital, a family office that invests on behalf of the Blackstone Group,
Declaration Capital is an investment firm backed by the family office of David M. Rubenstein
Hildred Capital Partners is a family investment firm that invests in a broad range of securities, including equity and debt.
Drake Capital Management and the Drake Funds have been managing financial portfolios and advising investors since 2001.
Keystone Capital Partners provides capital solutions to help overlooked and underfunded companies reach their goals.
Red Apple Group is a conglomerate that owns and operates assets in the energy, real estate, investment, insurance, and food in
SC.Holdings is a private equity company with experience in sports and entertainment, multi-unit retail, commercial real estate,
Elsted Capital Partners is an investment firm tha invests in various opportunities that show aggressive potential for growth.
BSL Capital is the private investment office of Bennett S. LeBow and his family
Private Investment Firm, focused on early stage and capital markets investments.
Swing Ventures is an early-stage venture capital fund dedicated to supporting innovation and entrepreneurs.
A private investment firm focused on commercial real estate and venture investments
A family office known for its socially responsible investments.
Vandewater’s portfolio includes start-ups and established companies in various sectors including technology, heavy industry a
North Island is the family investment office of Glenn Hutchins
Family Office
private family office
Leonite Capital
Equity crowdfunding platform, renamed as Onevest in 2014
Dunes Point Capital LLC is a family office and private investment firm.
Batu Capital is a multi-family office managed by Emery and Evan Huang investing in crypto, cannabis, and big data
5D is a financial services firm.
Freemark Partners is a private investment firm focused on acquiring high-quality businesses.
Venture Capital & Private Equity Firm
Meads Bay Capital is a crossover investment fund focused on disruptive technology companies.
August Spark is a New York-based family office.
JR Cap LLC is a privately held investment office.
Jacobson Family Investments
Small Cap Equity Fund
InterNex Capital is a digital asset-based lender providing short term working capital financing to small and mid-sized business
New Legacy is a holding company for numerous investment, financial and family office related businesses.
Eagle Global Holdings, Inc. (“EGH”) is a global private investment company.
#CNXT #THeoe across #THeUNiTeDSPaCes within the #HTP public domain and #THeNeTWoRX
Global Brand Ownership Group
Devon is a single family office. We participate in a wide range of investment opportunities up and down the capital stack
BILICI Investment Group
The company is a digital merchant bank focused on developing new scalable financial technologies / digital securities
Kactus Capital is a private investment firm focused on making principal investments across public and private markets on a glo
Blackhawk Partners provides physical commodities trading solutions, and private equity investments and advisory services.
Crescite Ventures backs early stage companies based in the USA & Sweden.
The PEGA Group is a diversified multi-stage family office and advisory firm.
New York Family Office Fund (UGI Capital Fund)
Peconic Partners is a private investment firm committed to mitigating risk and maximizing returns.
Family Office investment firm
Insight Family Office is a single family office.
StartupRunner is a holding company that buys equity in diverse early-stage startups that demonstrate the ability to generate fre
Long-only Fund. Technology focused.
AccessGroup is a company founded as a direct response to the growing need for security and efficiency in direct investment op
Consulting services and growth capital to early stage companies
A2B Ventures was founded in 2009 by Ari Bloom, an experienced entrepreneur, operator, and investor focused on consumer b
UN-Traditional HedgeFund Management Company based in NYC
Multi-strategy Investment Manager
Tinicum Enterprises is a family office seeking to invest in early stage businesses. Tinicum is not a fund nor does it seek outsid
Family investments
Covepoint is an investment management firm founded in 2008 by Melissa Ko, headquartered in New York City.
Julius Capital Partners is an investment firm with a focus on private equity and real estate development.
Investment Management
community giving.

gy efficiency industries.

ffice clients.
and financial planning.
ng large industries around the world.

consumer tech, deep tech, applied AI

across the US, and 9 exits.

and Consumer Technologies.
ct and opportunistic investments.
unique technology companies.
elson Capital Corporation, a private

nd secondary market investments.

gap for underrepresented founders.

collaborating to accelerate trajectory

ding equity and debt.

ng investors since 2001.
reach their goals.
ent, insurance, and food industries.
ail, commercial real estate, and more.
e potential for growth.

hnology, heavy industry and real estate.

bis, and big data

all and mid-sized businesses.

own the capital stack

digital securities
nd private markets on a global basis.
s and advisory services.

the ability to generate free cash flow.

ncy in direct investment opportunities.

or focused on consumer brands in fashion,

nd nor does it seek outside capital.




CEAS Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Tamiami Angel Funds Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Trog Hawley Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Brick Capital Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Ark Applications Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Weatherford Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Axel Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Crown Venture Fund Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Forrestal Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Clearwell Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Marc Bell Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Broadband Capital Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
JAWS Estates Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Power Generations, Inc. Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Legacy Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Caoba Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
The Ferrante Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Andean Fields International Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
AIM Associates Capital Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
BWG Ventures, LLC (Florida) Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Validor Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Friendly Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Maclendon Wealth Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Harbour Equity Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
StartUp-Miami Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Cazacu Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter





Family Investment Office
Angel Group, Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Convertible Note, Early Stage Venture, Late
Family Investment Office, Micro VC Convertible Note, Early Stage Venture, Non
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm Convertible Note, Early Stage Venture, Priv
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, VenLate Stage Venture, Private Equity, Second
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Pr
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Crowdfunding, Early Stage Venture, Late St
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Seed
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm Private Equity
Family Investment Office, Venture Capital Private Equity, Venture
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm Private Equity
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed

CEAS Investments is a single-family office that makes long term investments with a capital of a top venture firm.
Tamiami Angel Funds enables private accredited investors to collectively make private equity investments.
Trog Hawley Capital is a single-family office in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Funding startup and early stage companies where founders or management includes veterans.
Ark Applications is a private equity and consulting firm that assists companies to enhance performance and develop growth strategies.
Weatherford Capital is an investment management firm that operates as a family-owned private investment firm.
Axel Investments is a family-owned private investment company primarily focused on early-stage seed capital and real estate holdings.
Crown Venture Fund is an investment company specialized in early stage venture investments.
Forrestal Capital is a family workplace association that invests in the property of three branches of a single-family.
A family office investment advisory firm, focused on building a lasting legacy of significance and stewardship.
Marc Bell Capital LLC is a private equity and venture capital investment firm specializing distressed debt, debtor-in-possession,
A Florida based family office sponsor that opportunistically invests equity capital in growth-oriented companies
JAWS Estates Capital is an investment firm that focuses on global real estate, hotel management, oil and gas, and the energy sector.
Funds early-stage cleantech companies that positively impact the environment, create green jobs and further US energy independence.
Legacy Ventures is a family-backed private equity firm that provides capital and expertise to accelerate growth of founder-owned businesses.
Caoba Capital Partners is a Family Office and proprietary investment firm.
TFG has significant expertise and exposure in information technology, consumer, media, manufacturing, aerospace.
FAMILY-OWNED COMPANY – We invest in AgTech.
makes non-control investments directly into late venture and growth equity opportunities
Investor in early and growth stage companies, with focus on Latin America,
Validor Capital is a private investment firm seeking lower middle market industrial, manufacturing, and service opportunities.
Friendly Capital is a good one for those who are like invest their money in real estates, they also guide to select the correct choice.
Maclendon Wealth Management is a boutique multi-family office that caters to entrepreneurial minded individuals and businesses.
Harbour Equity Partners is involved in several areas of investment banking.
Startup-Miami is a business consultancy & accelerator program serving the needs of entrepreneurs and investors.
A single-family office deploying capital across Pre-Seed to Series A startups and crypto assets.
growth strategies.

eal estate holdings.

e energy sector.
rgy independence.
under-owned businesses.







Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Westcott LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Ecliptic Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Venture Capi
Pacesetter Capital Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
2M Companies Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Unorthodox Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Yeoman’s Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Venture Capi
Goff Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital
Rosewood Corporation Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
JF2 Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Private Equit
Pangea’s Edge Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Tice Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Maxima Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Entrepreneurship Program, Family Inves
Strait Lane Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
McCombs Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Mighty Equities Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Enemtech Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
LBJ Holding Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Lindwall Family Investments LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
King Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
LV Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Rocky Point Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Treaty Oak Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Rex Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Incubator, Private Equity Firm, Syndicate, V
Hicks Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Jones Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Private Equi
World Class Holdings Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Private Equi
Sumo Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Ecor Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Rosenthal Retirement Planning, LP Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Ten One Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Turner Ridge Capital Management, Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Sweet Farm Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office
Beckwith & Quinn Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office, Micro VC, Pr
Desrochers Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Family Investment Office






Early Stage Venture A private foundation dedicated to transforming the lives of children living in urban poverty through better health and educa
Early Stage Venture, Seed Westcott LLC is the family office of Carl Westcott and it invests in technology start ups an real estate.
Convertible Note, Early Stage Ecliptic Capital is an early-stage innovation fund, focused on value creation, founded by serial entrepreneurs and profession
Early Stage Venture, Late Sta Pacesetter Capital Group (PCG) is private equity firm which manages a family of funds that invests in the Southwestern Un
Seed Their investment operations are conducted through 2M Companies, Inc. At first glance they appear to be similar to many o
Early Stage Venture, Late StagUnorthodox Ventures is a venture capital firm that helps small companies with big potential create enduring, endearing bra
Early Stage Venture, Seed Yeoman’s Capital is one of the most active early-stage investors in the space of blockchain.
e, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital Goff Capital, Inc. is the Family Office of John C. Goff.
Established in 1976, The Rosewood Corporation is a family-owned company with diverse worldwide operations and invest
Convertible Note, Early Stage Dallas-based family office venture capital.
Early Stage Venture, Seed Pangea’s Edge Holdings supports the multi-generational financial management and investment activities of its stakeholders
Early Stage Venture, Seed After selling his investment management business in 2008, Tice has pursued other interests outside the public markets.
Initial Coin Offering, Post-Ipo We’ll teach you how to grow your finance, stocks & cryptocurrency portfolios, provide good forex Signals, financial servic
Private Equity Private investment arm of two family offices based in Dallas focused on recaps.
McCombs Partners serves as the investment management division of McCombs Enterprises
First generation family office backing bold, creative, and caring leaders.
Early Stage Venture Family Fund investing in Emerging Technology Companies in India
LBJ Holding Co. is owned by the late President Lyndon B. Johnson’s family.
LFI is a Dallas, Texas based investments group with investments in Real Estate, Food & Beverages and Technology
King Capital Partners pursues economic and social investment opportunities with a focus on creating sustainable value.
Patent Investment and Prosecution of the “Scan Commerce” & “Scan Connect” Pulitzer Patent Portfolio – acquired by RPX
Rocky Point Ventures is a family investment firm.
Treaty Oak is a privately held and family-owned investment company.
e, Incubator, Private Equity Firm, Syndicate, VPortfolio of companies (i.e. Teams) that are tech-driven, investment-focused, operationally intensive and or media related.
Hicks Holdings is a family office specializing in opportunistic private equity, & sports & entertainment investments in the
Private Equity Control equity and strategic minority equity investments in lower middle market businesses
Debt, Early Stage Venture, PosWorld Class Holdings creates, acquires, and operates businesses that benefit from its capital, global network, and operation
Debt Sumo Ventures is a Dallas-based boutique investment firm that specializes in principal lending and investing.
Seed Ecor Ventures manages & incubates a select portfolio of technology companies.
Financial Advisor
Private Equity Investing in lower middle market growth opportunities globally
TRCM, L.P. Houston, Texas-based renewable and oil/gas investment family office with $6.5B AUM.
Interim Principal for a family held venture fund that invests in disruptive business ideas in SaaS, consumer packaged goods
Seed We draw on a deep pool of resources to advise our clients and invest on our own account.
Seed A collection of strategic ventures & ambitious projects. We transform innovative ideas into profitable realities.
through better health and education.

rial entrepreneurs and professional investors.

t invests in the Southwestern United States in
y appear to be similar to many other investment
l create enduring, endearing brands.

worldwide operations and investments.

ment activities of its stakeholders.

outside the public markets.
od forex Signals, financial services & consultation

everages and Technology

n creating sustainable value.
ent Portfolio – acquired by RPX Corporation

intensive and or media related. ​

ntertainment investments in the United States.

l, global network, and operational expertise.

ing and investing.

SaaS, consumer packaged goods

profitable realities.


ICONIQ Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Webb Investment Network Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Nimble Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Tao Capital Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Mindrock Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
True Capital Management Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Valley Oak Investments Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Formic Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
The Thiel Foundation Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Simon Equity Partners, LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
EPIQ Capital Group Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Geolo Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Work Play Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Medley Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Oberndorf Enterprises Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
ZT Labs Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
SummitVision Capital, LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Fortisure Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
DeWilde family trust Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Gen3 Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Gain Hash Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Twin Peaks Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Enter Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Force for Good Fund Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Portola Creek Capital, LLC Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Bhatia Ventures Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
ventureLab Growth Partners Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
Wolf Aaron Risk Capital Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
NoVa Holdings Inc Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter
ZELIM CAPITAL Crunchbase | Website | Facebook | Linkedin | Twitter




Family Investment Office, Private Equity Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office, Venture CapitalDebt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity
Family Investment Office, Venture CapitalLate Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity
Family Investment Office, Venture CapitalEarly Stage Venture, Seed, Venture
Family Investment Office Grant
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Private Equity
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office Seed
Family Investment Office Crowdfunding, Debt, Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office, Venture CapitalEarly Stage Venture, Venture
Corporate Venture Capital, Family Invest Convertible Note, Debt, Early Stage Venture, Initial Co
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office, Investment Bank
Private Equity
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office Debt, Post-Ipo, Private Equity, Seed, Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office Investment Stage:
Family Investment Office Early Stage Venture, Seed
Family Investment Office, Venture CapitalEarly Stage Venture, Seed
ICONIQ Capital is a privately-held investment firm that serves some influential families and organizations.
Webb Investment Network is an investment firm that particularly in mobile, consumer Internet, and cloud applications.
Nimble Ventures is a family office that makes venture capital investments.
Tao Capital Partners invests in technology, transportation, healthcare, education, and food businesses.
Mindrock Capital is a venture capital group that works with multi-family offices around the world and is based in San Francisco.
True Capital Management is a multi-family office that offers business management and investment advisory services.
Valley Oak invests in private companies, funds, and real assets focusing on early-stage companies in food & ag tech, prop tech, and fin tech
Formic Ventures is a diversified venture capital firm that makes early-stage investments in biotechnology startups
We support science, technology, and long-term thinking about the future.
Simon Equity Partners is a California-based private equity firm that makes investments in early- and expansion-stage consumer companies.
EPIQ Capital Group is a boutique multi-family office that serves a select group of ultra-high net worth clients and their families.
Geolo Capital is the private equity investment firm.
Work Play Ventures is an investment firm.
Medley Partners manages private equity investments on behalf of Jim Simons’ family and a number of affiliated entities.
Oberndorf Enterprises operates as a family-owned financial services firm.
ZT Labs
SummitVision Capital offers capital investments in the healthcare, consumer, and technology sector.
Fortisure Ventures is an investment firm that funds early stage companies in the technology industry.
DeWilde family trust was added in 2012.
Gen3 Ventures is a family office of owner operators.
Bitcoin Mining Manufacturing
Twin Peaks Capital is the first global multi-family office for crypto self mades.
Enter Capital helps to deploy over $2 billion from US multi-strategy private equity funds and executes M&A deals
The Force for Good Fund invests in women and people of color-owned,“Best for the World” B Corporations
Registered Investment Advisor – Impact & Sustainable Investing
Bhatia Ventures is an advisory capital firm focused on technical software investments.
Building and commercializing early-stage startups across global markets.
Aggressive commodity, FX, and equity derivatives fund for family and friends.
Asset and Investment Management, Protection, and Tax Strategy
ZELIM is an investment firm focusing on early stage enterprise software companies globally.
ased in San Francisco.

& ag tech, prop tech, and fin tech

nsion-stage consumer companies.

ents and their families.





AMGLOBAL FAMILY INVESTMENT OFFICE http://www.amglobalfio.com/
BARCLAY BRELAND FAMILY OFFICE http://www.barclaybreland.com/
CLEARWELL GROUP https://clearwellgroup.com/
COMPOUND FAMILY OFFICES http://www.compoundfamilyoffices.com/
DKE FAMILY OFFICE http://dkefamilyoffice.com/
EMERALD FAMILY OFFICE https://emeraldfamilyoffice.com/
FAUTORES FAMILY OFFICES http://www.fautores.com/our-services/
FIFTH AVENUE FAMILY OFFICE https://www.fifthavenuefamily.com/
FORTUNE PARTNERS GROUP LLC https://fortunepartnersgroup.com/the-family-office/
GENSPRING FAMILY OFFICES LLC http://www.genspring.com/family-offices/
GFG CAPITAL https://gfgcapital.com/
HOLDUN FAMILY OFFICE https://www.holdunfamilyoffice.com/
HUTCHINSON FAMILY OFFICES http://www.hutchinsonfamilyoffice.com/
INTRACOASTAL FAMILY OFFICE LLC https://intracoastalfamilyoffice.com/
LEGACY FAMILY OFFICE LLC http://www.legacyfamilyoffice.com/
LIVE OAK FAMILY OFFICES LLC http://lofollc.com/
NOVA WEALTH MANAGEMENT https://novawealthmanagement.com/financial-services/family-office-services/
OMNIA FAMILY WEALTH http://omniawealth.com/about-us/mission/
PIONEER FAMILY OFFICE https://www.piowealth.com/PFO/
PROVIDENCE FAMILY OFFICES http://www.providencefamilyoffices.com/
RIVERGLADES FAMILY OFFICES LLC http://www.rivergladesfo.com/
SOCIUS FAMILY OFFICE http://www.sociusfamilyoffice.com/
THE MIAMI FAMILY OFFICE https://themiamifamilyoffice.com/
WE FAMILY OFFICES http://www.wefamilyoffices.com/
West Palm Beach, FLLo
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Tampa, FL
Sarasota, FL
Venice, FL
Weston, FL
Altamonte Springs, FL
Naples, FL
Miami, FL
Miami, FL & Orlando, FL & Palm Beach, FL & Sarasota, FL & Tampa Bay, FL
Miami, FL
Miami, FL
Daytona Beach, FL & Palm Beach, FL & Winter Park, FL
West Palm Beach, FL
Estero, FL
Jacksonville, FL
Bonita Springs, FL
Aventura, FL
North Miami Beach, FL
Naples, FL & Tampa, FL
Naples, FL
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Key Biscayne, FL
Miami, FL
288 Single + Multi-Family Office Details

Rosenthal Retirement Planning, LP

General Family Offices

Oak Island Ventures

General Family Offices

Matter Family Office

unique goals and values through our exceptional investment management, wealth planning and coordination, and culture and
legacy services.
Multi Family Offices


Ulatan Holdings, Inc. (UGI) is a family-owned corporation based in New York, NY. We have a broad investment mandate,
making opportunistic investments in both public and private opportunities across various industries and assets.
Single Family Offices

Bahner Venture Capital, LLC

Bahner Venture Capital, LLC is an Ohio Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed on January 20, 2017. The company's filing
status is listed as Active and its File Number is 3981928.
General Family Offices

A2B Ventures
A2B Ventures is an investment and consulting firm that provides strategic advisory directly to consumer brands at various
stages. We focus on the intersection of the retail, food, health and media industries with new technology.
General Family Offices

Whetstone Ventures LLC

Whetstone is a single family office that invests in early stage biotech at the seed and A rounds.
General Family Offices

Ulatan & Associates, LLP.

A2B Ventures is an investment and consulting firm that provides strategic advisory directly to consumer brands at various
stages. We focus on the intersection of the retail, food, health and media industries with new technology.
General Family Offices
Hellman Global
funds and strategically invests in both short term growth oriented securities and long term income bearing assets. Our
portfolio is constantly changing to suit the economic environment.
General Family Offices

Sterling Commercial Credit

customers have annual sales from $500,000 to $25,000,000. Common industries include transportation, staffing, B2B service
providers, oil and gas services, wholesalers, and manufacturers.
General Family Offices

Mindspan, LLC
activities at its peak), outsourcing, and intrapreneurship, co-founded McKinsey's offices in India and Silicon Valley, and
served as Chairman of the Knowledge Center.
General Family Offices

Concordia Ventures
learn and immerse themselves into what we have learned and practiced over the last 20+ years working and living in the
entrepreneurial capital of the world.
General Family Offices

Startup-Miami is a business consultancy & accelerator program serving the needs of entrepreneurs and investors. They do this
by coaching, consulting, training and investing in client companies.
General Family Offices

New Frontier Investments

companies, and making win-win deals to benefit all of our cross-border stakeholders. Let us help you push the boundaries of
frontier technology using the resources of our team and partners.
General Family Offices

Haload Ventures
recruitment, and sales training. Additionally, I help build physical and online technologies, prepare funding documents along
with exit strategies.
General Family Offices

Ennovance Capital
Ennovance Capital is a niche industry-focused investor in middle market products and services companies. We exclusively
focus on the chemical, allied product and related specialty material sectors.
General Family Offices

Julius Capital Partners

the origination and management of a diverse and global investment portfolio across all major asset classes, with an emphasis
on private equity and real estate development.
General Family Offices

HOLSON Alternatives Group / HOLSON Asset Management, LLC

the process on navigating the Alternatives and Managed Futures space, specializing in CTA and Manager due diligence, as
well as the creation of multi-manager portfolios and capital introduction to vetted Alternatives products.
General Family Offices

AVC Partners
and Marc Kramer are systematically on-site on a regular basis, working hand in hand with existing aligned leadership teams
to improve your business and position it for continued success in the future.
General Family Offices

Northshore Management Company

Northshore Management Company has historically invested in private companies covering a wide range of industries.
General Family Offices

Maclendon Wealth Management

service and integrity of a family office. We build relationships with our members founded on sophisticated investment
management, ethically aligned goals and unwavering dedication to meeting our members’ goals for today and tomorrow.
General Family Offices

Belvedere Capital
returns for shareholders. We are dedicated to building companies that are high quality in the broadest sense - companies that
recognize and fulfill their responsibilities to their investors, employees, customers and communities.
General Family Offices

Tillery Capital
device manufacturers; healthcare services; niche manufacturing; niche software businesses; specialty chemicals; and
commercial and industrial service companies.
General Family Offices

David Sapper
Every company needs an investment firm to grow their business. David Sapper Investment firm also helps the different type of
people and companies to provide the funds.
General Family Offices

Portola Creek Capital, LLC

We are a California-Registered Investment Advisor balancing fundamental and technical analysis with an evaluation of the
environmental, social, and corporate governance issues for every investment.
General Family Offices

Turner Ridge Capital Management, L.P.

Turner Ridge Capital Management is a Houston, Texas-based renewable and oil/gas family office with offices in Houston, The
Woodlands and Sugar Land.
General Family Offices

Littlejohn Capital
Chairman. The platform seeks to make control investments in small to mid-sized private companies that are undergoing
strategic, operational or generational transition.
General Family Offices

Cherng Family Trust

CFT is the multi-billion dollar single-family office investment firm of the founders of Panda Express. The company makes
direct private equity and venture capital investments across all industries and also actively invests in real estate.
General Family Offices

Wolf Aaron Risk Capital

Wolf Aaron Risk Capital is a Commodity Derivatives company based at 156 2nd Street, San Francisco, California
General Family Offices

Swing Ventures
Swing Ventures is a mission-driven venture capital fund which seeks to recreate that synergy in the pursuit of exceptional
investment opportunities.
General Family Offices

Socius Capital Group

Family office located in Los Angeles and New York. Provides capital in U. S., European, Australian and Asian markets
directly to small-cap public companies with market capitalizations below $2 billion.
General Family Offices

Huntsman Family Investments

Huntsman Family Investments is the investment platform for the Jon M. Huntsman, Sr. family HFI seeks to make long-term,
diversified investments in the US and internationally by leveraging its network of global family office partners.
General Family Offices

Exome Asset Management

founded several investment managers throughout his career, and he continues to employ his investment strategies and
philosophy at Exome Asset Management LLC.
General Family Offices

New Legacy Group

marketplace. The common themes among the group of companies and things we strive have at its core: Excellence, Client
First, Respect and Clear and Constant Communication
General Family Offices
Kactus Capital Management
Kactus Capital is a private investment firm focused on principal investments across public and private markets on a global
General Family Offices

VentureLab Growth Partners

through access to seed funds, business resources and global relationships. Our methodology is built on alignment, efficiency,
strategy, culture, and transparency.
General Family Offices

SB Investment Partners
purpose to your family’s wealth, while passing on your values, life’s lessons, standing in the community, and ethics on to
generations to come.
General Family Offices

Twin Peaks Capital

most visionary self-made leaders turn to UMANA to promote their wealth, wellbeing, and world-changing ideas. UMANA is a
multi-family office for tech self-mades, conscious celebrities and athletes, with the mission of creating and redefining wealth.
General Family Offices

The Bricks
our world around and upside down. If this sounds like you, then we can help you start your global business with our own
global network and set of abilities.
General Family Offices

Mindrock Capital
intensive tech. We are always on the lookout for the top 1% of founders whose great minds and innovative ideas will rock the
world in the near future.
General Family Offices

Kin Group
advantages to our investments over capital alone.

General Family Offices

Firestick Capital
We’re Firestick, a financial advising firm located in Tampa. We pride ourselves on developing informed strategic advice,
comprehensive financial solutions and risk management services across multiple tech verticals.
General Family Offices

deployable to automatically read, compile and synthesize data from utility meters, submeters, building equipment, and other
environmental conditions.
General Family Offices

InterNex Capital
InterNex Capital is a digital asset-based lender providing short term working capital financing to small businesses.
General Family Offices

(ie, gluten-free), passions (ie, chocolate) & interests (ie, healthy kids). The Barnraiser community thrives via the unique
combination of data-driven discovery + social connections + commerce/giving.
General Family Offices


profitable. Aarnav offers better returns than “cloud” mining, is more efficient than the majority of mining pools, and makes it
easy for anyone to realize returns from cryptocurrency mining.
General Family Offices

Dunes Point Capital LLC

through vision and long-term commitment. It pursues control investments in two verticals: the general industrial sector and
the energy products/services sector.
General Family Offices

RueOne Investments
and other end institutional LP’s a single point of entry for transactions. The investments are sourced from our extensive
proprietary, global network and undergo extensive due diligence by RueOne’s senior team and subject matter experts.
General Family Offices

Unorthodox Ventures
founders who demonstrate disruption and discipline. Unlike most investors, Unorthodox Ventures shuns financiers and instead
is filled with people who have actually operated companies and know how to grow them.
General Family Offices

Tiger Buying Group

Whether the solutions require valuations, disposition services, capital infusions, or operational expertise, Tiger stands ready to
provide pragmatic and reliable support to management, owners, lenders, and their professionals.
General Family Offices

Prairie Management Group

Crate&Barrel in Chicago in 1962. Prairie Management Group provides growth capital to compelling retail businesses that are
run by executives who share the Segal family’s passion for building great and enduring retail brands.
General Family Offices
August Spark
have a track record of successfully growing companies. We expect to be helpful with sales and marketing, setting and
executing against growth strategy initiatives, building and supporting a great company culture, and digital transformations.
General Family Offices

Beacon Capital
life sciences, technology, banking and insurance, and real estate. Their emphasis is on enhancing growth through wealth
preservation, international diversification and key industry investments.
General Family Offices

Hansen Investment Holdings, LLC

several companies, including Los Angeles-based BitSpeed, LLC and Sacramento-based Electro Scan, Inc., with offices in
Dublin (Ireland), London (England), and Frankfurt (Germany).
General Family Offices

Lakeside Virtual Family Office

estate planning, tax planning, investment management, philanthropy, art and wine collection management— even the family
vacation compound..
General Family Offices

LBJ Holding
Answers to these questions do not come simply. They are found through a journey of introspection and enlightenment that
involves the entire family.
General Family Offices

AVP Holdings
Boston, Salt Lake City, and Las Vegas - and experience in markets from Korea to Brazil - we pride ourselves on our flexibility
and expertise when realizing new opportunities
General Family Offices

Celestial Holdings
Celestial Ventures is an investments company partnering with exceptional entrepreneurs seeking to build disruptive, world-
changing companies with a focus on the future of energy, digital commerce and decentralized applications.
General Family Offices

HFF International
As one of the largest and most successful commercial real estate capital intermediaries
General Family Offices

Freemark Partners
Freemark is a private investment firm focused on acquiring and building a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses
across light industrial and industrial services; business services; and consumer products and service.
General Family Offices
Strait Lane Capital Partners
excellent growth prospects. Our transactions to date include investments in energy, industrial, technology, and transportation
General Family Offices

Marc Bell Capital

Marc Bell Capital Partners LLC is a private equity and venture capital investment firm.
General Family Offices

Fireman Capital Partners

investments in the consumer products and services sectors. It also seeks to invest in real estate sector in the Northeast corridor
of the United States.
General Family Offices

Hildred Capital Partners

private equity, including situations where the principals can apply their extensive management experience to help a company
reach its full potential.
General Family Offices

Vandewater Capital Holdings

class systems and protocols which enable it to scale its expertise by offering institutions and funds an opportunity to invest
alongside its financial and operational capital, on an individual transaction basis.
General Family Offices

Red Apple Group

goods, frozen foods, gourmet foods, and nonfood items. We at Gristede's strive to make every shopping experience a great
shopping experience. Our customers have come to expect the best products at the lowest prices in town.
General Family Offices

Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply

Ewing is the largest family-owned supplier of landscape and water management products in the country. Ewing…
General Family Offices

Kenex Holdings, LLC

landscape lighting, water features, erosion control, industry-leading seminars and more to professionals serving the
landscaping, sports turf, golf, agricultural and industrial industries.
General Family Offices

Cedar Hill Holdings

Cedar Hill Holdings was formed in the 1970’s as a family office to focus on the preservation and appreciation of capital
through investments in commercial real estate debt and other value-oriented investments.
General Family Offices

Our deep knowledge of healthcare, combined with connections to C-Suite executives and larger venture funds throughout the
healthcare industry are strategic assets to our portfolio companies. We accelerate growth.
General Family Offices

highest level of integrity and honesty in all aspects of their business. This is accomplished through a culture of entrepreneurial
spirit that encourages teamwork, excellence, accessibility, humility and accountability in everything they do.
General Family Offices

Hawkeye Investments
Hawkeye Investments LLC is a privately-owned equity firm investing in primarily telecommunications.
General Family Offices

MPG Equity Partners LLC

Who are we: MPG Equity Partners is a Chicago based privately funded family office
General Family Offices

SummitVision Capital, LLC

SummitVision Capital implements a rigorous fundamental research process to identify promising Angel and Seed stage
venture capital investments in healthcare, consumer, and technology verticals.
General Family Offices

Capital Management Group

tailored to meet the needs of investors around the world, ITA offers a range of flexible, tax-efficient products, designed to suit
various income levels and financial planning needs.
General Family Offices

The William K. Warren Foundation

hope is to improve the human condition on earth as a response and thanksgiving to God. These efforts are in the tradition of
Catholic service to others. Learn how we are working to improve the human condition.
General Family Offices

Weatherford Capital
people who share our commitment to excellence, integrity, faith, family, and community. We invest in a broad range of
industries, generally with the following characteristics:
General Family Offices

Pohlad Companies
business interests continue to grow and diversify, while their companies remain united through common ownership, shared
values, and commitment to customers and employees.
General Family Offices

Next Chapter Holdings

family. The office manages investments of Next Chapter Holdings as well as the investments and business affairs of various
family trusts, family members, and The Pattis Family Foundation.
General Family Offices

C.M. Capital Corporation

owned and operated by the Cha Family. CMC was established in 1969 in Palo Alto, California, serves as the family’s U.S.
family office and provides services to the Cha Group in the United States.
General Family Offices

GreenGage Capital
Managing Partner David Johnsen, CFA in 2013 after he retired as a buy-side investment analyst. Over his 35-year career,
David worked at Continental Bank, Bank of America, and Chicago Equity Partners, where he was a founding partner.
General Family Offices

Fifteen Group
real estate investment activities focus on opportunity-driven, value-added acquisition and development projects across all
major real estate asset classes. The firm was founded in 1992 and has an additional office in Los Angeles, California.
General Family Offices

Jopeko LLC
Jopeko invests in people and companies with a focus on consumer technology, smart-homes, and the Internet of Things.
General Family Offices

Buckhill Capital LP
investing, we invest in various PE/VC funds, mezzanine funds, turn around funds, real estate funds, hedge funds and
secondary investing. We have invested in over eighty companies and twenty funds.
General Family Offices

C.M. Capital Advisors

alternative assets, including real estate, venture capital, private equity, and hedge funds, and also includes direct investments
in public and private companies.
General Family Offices

Moodoos Investments
become market leaders by developing progressive solutions to large-scale challenges. Our responsible, hands-on approach
creates long-term value for our partners and the world around us.
General Family Offices

Rosewood Corporation
legendary oil man H.L. Hunt and his wife, Lyda, and built upon over generations by developing and acquiring businesses that
are leaders in their respective industries.
General Family Offices

JF2 Capital Partners

interested in investing in both lower middle market private equity as well as early stage companies spanning a diverse array of
General Family Offices

ExCapsa Group
finance to create an optimal capital structure for each client. We employ a hybrid merchant/investment banking model, in
which we both invest in our clients’ private equity as well as assist them in raising capital from our network of investors.
General Family Offices

Fortisure Ventures
financial assistance, analysis, and advice to startup companies, growing companies, and companies under reorganization.
Fortisure Ventures operates in the United States.
General Family Offices

Clearwell Group
without artificial time constraints. Industries of particular interest include manufacturing, business services, healthcare,
software, and financial services.
General Family Offices

Revelis Capital Group

depending on the capital needs of the company and the liquidity preferences of its shareholders. With such broad coverage, we
look to take advantage of the very best deals the tech sector has to offer.
General Family Offices

KBW Ventures
Focusing exclusively on venture capital, value creation and growth equity, KBW Ventures is an asset management company
that targets direct investments in some of the world’s most highly sought-after private companies.
General Family Offices

Pittco Capital Partners

Pittco Capital Partners is the private equity arm of Pittco Management, which is affiliated with AutoZone founder J.R. Pitt
Hyde III.
General Family Offices

Nima Capital
Nima Capital is a single-family office. They take a global approach to identifying companies with first mover, winner-take-all
characteristics that use technology to disrupt large industries around the world.
General Family Offices

Wolfson Group
over six (6) million square feet, and a management group committed to meeting our tenants’ needs, we have earned the
reputation as the premier retail development company in the region.
General Family Offices

The Skoll Foundation

people and programs already bringing positive change around the world, we empower them to extend their reach, deepen their
impact and fundamentally improve society.
General Family Offices

Yeoman's Capital
At over 40 recent direct investments in blockchain technology, Yeoman’s Capital is one of the most active early-stage investors
in the space. Some of our active portfolio projects include:
General Family Offices

Fulcrum Investing
marketing, and finances. We actively participate in subsequent rounds of funding for companies in which we have previously
General Family Offices

Charterhouse Strategic Partners

Partners for over four decades. Upon successfully exiting the Charterhouse Equity Partners funds, the two senior executives of
the firm modified the firm’s strategy and in 2016 formed Charterhouse Strategic Partners.
General Family Offices

October Capital
Solid investments, vibrant impact. October Capital is a family investment vehicle founded in October, 1999, by Ron and Lance
General Family Offices

WP Global Partners
investments in companies and in funds. Our unique strategy unchains us from traditional conventions and perceived risk,
ultimately allowing our partners to build long-standing, high growth, and influential organizations.
General Family Offices

requires a strategy to beat the odds of failure and losses. At FLIP.Ventures we defy the odds. We are a very unique, one of a
kind, startup investment syndication strategy.
General Family Offices

People are visionaries. People cultivate ideas. People innovate processes, products and services. People develop technologies.
People create brands. People manage, motivate and lead.
General Family Offices

2M Companies
to support The Morton H. Meyerson Family Fund and their communities, and to invest with people who are interested in
effecting social change. Their business practices directly follow these Values.
General Family Offices

Simon Equity Partners, LLC

is to use our financial and operational expertise and our extensive network to help build valuable businesses with
entrepreneurs who inspire us.
General Family Offices

Summit Capital
management. Founded in 1996, Summit Capital’s core investment philosophy is an opportunistic, value-oriented approach
centered on preservation of capital, providing solid risk adjusted returns in all market environments.
General Family Offices

Tamar Capital
investing and currently maintains a diversified portfolio of assets and businesses, leveraging where possible on the family office
competences to create sustainable value.
General Family Offices

Bodley Group
convinced of their plan for a different future and possess the fortitude to make their vision a reality. We have offices in St.
Louis, Missouri and Palo Alto, California.
General Family Offices

innovative entrepreneurs and management teams to help develop industry-leading companies that are early movers who can
scale rapidly.
General Family Offices

Spring Creek Investment Management, LLC

99.98%. Spring Creek Investment Management's largest holding is iShares MSCI EAFE Index Fund with shares held of
490,020. Whalewisdom has at least 3 13F filings, and 1 13G filings
General Family Offices


bank in the ordinary sense but a unique partnership to reduce poverty and support development. The World Bank Group
comprises five institutions managed by their member countries.
General Family Offices
LDR Ventures
LDR is a VC firm based in Los Angeles investing In Female & Minority Founders, Consumer Product, Food, E-Comm,
Marketplaces & Legal Tech. Our investment amounts range from $100K to $500K at the Seed Stage and Series A rounds.
General Family Offices

Chaifetz Group
entrepreneur and investor Dr. Richard A. Chaifetz, Chaifetz Group has an established track record of building businesses and
working with management teams to create lasting value.
General Family Offices

Recharge Capital
Recharge Capital invests in intellectual and innovative minds, across asset classes and beyond borders.
General Family Offices

Westcott LLC
growth capital investments in lower middle market companies with a focus on tailored solutions for existing management and
General Family Offices

Chetrit Ventures
Chetrit Ventures is a family operated venture firm focused on early/growth stage investments.
General Family Offices

Stephens Group
range of industries, providing growth equity, recapitalization and leveraged buy-out financing to both private and public
General Family Offices

The Thiel Foundation

Breakout Labs — a new funding and support mechanism for radical science companies.
Imitatio — furthering research and application of mimetic theory across the social sciences.
General Family Offices

Haas Portman
the highest probability to succeed. Haas Portman is happy to co-invest, participate in Special Purpose Vehicles, and write
follow on checks.
General Family Offices

Valley Oak Investments

revolutionary technologies and brands within the food, agriculture, and health & wellness industries. Valley Oak manages a
permanent capital base and partners with extraordinary entrepreneurs to build sustainable enterprises of impact.
General Family Offices

family office which seeks to partner with experienced management teams, focused on niche markets, deploying long-term
flexible capital to generate high risk-adjusted returns.
General Family Offices

Pacesetter Capital Group

Business Investment Companies (the SBIC Funds). One of the SBIC Funds, MESBIC Ventures, Inc., holds the distinction of
being the oldest (est. 1970) Specialized SBIC in the nation. Pacesetter Capital Group is located Dallas, Texas.
General Family Offices

CEAS Investments
Investment vehicle within a single family office with capital of a top venture firm, complete flexibility on stage and check size,
and a very aggressive risk appetite.
General Family Offices

DNS Capital
DNS CAPITAL is the investment office for the business enterprise of Gigi Pritzker, Michael Pucker and their immediate
General Family Offices

Cascade Investment
have established an investment firm that puts the interests of the client and investment manager on the same side of the table.
When asked to define their basic philosophy, the following statement best describes what we believe:
General Family Offices

Shanda Group
technology, and healthcare sectors. Shanda has offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Singapore and Menlo Park. It
invests in innovative companies and great management teams that have the vision and determination to change the world.
General Family Offices

Seed + Speed Ventures

offices in Hanover, Munich, Berlin and San Francisco, they provide innovative startups with equity investments and sales
General Family Offices

Ironfire Ventures
Ironfire Ventures is a cross-border fund with in-house design and research services for our portfolio companies. We invest in
startups from seed to series B in AI/ML, Lifestyle (consumption upgrades), Marketplaces, and Enterprise Software categories.
General Family Offices

Noventi Ventures
Noventi invests in emerging technology companies. It has invested in advanced wireless applications, consumer electronics,
video over IP, enterprise software and security, clean tech.
General Family Offices

Three Tree Ventures

Three Tree Ventures is a seed-stage venture capital firm that has invested from $10,000 to $750,000 in the equity of startups.

General Family Offices

Ithaca Investments
Ithaca Investments, Ltd. was founded in 1992. The company's line of business includes investing in commodity contracts, tax
liens, venture capital companies, or other miscellaneous investing.
General Family Offices

Plough Penny Partners

interests. The firm’s entrepreneurial nature and lean structure results in rapid decision making and a timely due diligence
General Family Offices

Madrone Capital Partners

Not much is known on the internet about Madrone Capital Partners, other than this article describes them as "a Menlo Park-
based private equity firm associated with Rob Walton, the eldest son of Wal-mart founder Sam Walton."
General Family Offices

Emerson Collective
parents and policymakers, advocates and administrators—to develop and execute innovative solutions that will spur change
and promote equality.
General Family Offices

The Hillman Company

focus include information technology, telecommunications, product distribution, energy and natural resources, real estate
development and manufacturing. The Hillman Company is a privately owned company with headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pa
General Family Offices

G-Bar Ventures
G-Bar Ventures LLC is an investment adviser and single family office.
General Family Offices

Solon Mack Capital

Solon Mack Capital LLC was founded in 2004. The Company invests in commodity contracts, tax liens, and venture capital
General Family Offices

Mousse Partners
Mousse Partners, Ltd. is a family office specializing in venture capital investments.
General Family Offices

Tao Capital Partners

transportation, healthcare, education, sustainable food & agriculture, consumer, and real estate businesses that have a positive
impact. Tao is an active investor with the ability to support companies through various stages of their life-cycle.
General Family Offices

Michael & Susan Dell Foundation

living in poverty. The foundation has committed more than $915 million (as of January 1, 2013) to global children’s issues and
community initiatives to date.
General Family Offices

MSD Capital
MSD Capital engages in a broad range of investment activities and has the flexibility to invest in a wide variety of asset classes.
MSD has offices located in New York, Santa Monica and West Palm Beach.
General Family Offices

Tamiami Angel Funds

early stage through expansion stage commercial ventures located in the State of Florida. The Fund’s structure and operating
procedures were designed to afford private investors substantial advantages over traditional individual, “Angel”, investing.
General Family Offices

West Capital Advisors

on providing the access necessary to achieve both strategic impact and business transformation. In parallel, the firm manages
the West Capital Partners program, a venture asset class investment vehicle for high net worth individuals and family offices.
General Family Offices

Winklevoss capital
relationships and capital, we reinforce their pursuit of a frictionless world and a better human experience. Because those who
dare to fail greatly, dare to achieve greatly.
General Family Offices

Bezos Expeditions
Bezos Expeditions manages Jeff Bezos' personal venture capital investments.
General Family Offices

The R-Group, LLC

Family Office, active Angel Investing
General Family Offices

Capricorn Investment Group

California, and New York, New York.
General Family Offices

Omidyar Network
has the potential to make a difference. Since 2004, they have worked with their partners to create opportunities for people to
tap that potential, enabling them to improve their lives and make powerful contributions to their communities.
General Family Offices

Vulcan Capital
Vulcan Capital invests across all stages of corporate development through leveraged buyouts, growth capital,
distressed/turnaround, and early-stage venture capital as well as public equity value investing.
General Family Offices

Webb Investment Network

CEOs, CTOs, founders and investors who make up the WIN Affiliate Network to provide our portfolio companies with on-
demand advice and support.
General Family Offices

ICONIQ Capital
manages direct investments across asset classes, with specific focus on technology growth equity, venture capital, middle
market buyout and real estate.
General Family Offices

J. Hunt Holdings
J. Hunt Holdings is an investment holding company that provides funds for early stage ventures.
General Family Offices

ZS Fund
and keep their company independent. Our strengths are understanding the objectives of business owners, structuring
transactions that respond to these objectives, and being constructive partners to ...
General Family Offices

Yamagata Enterprises Family Office LLC

General Family Offices

Yates Group LLC

General Family Offices

Yorkshire Equity
dollar public company comprised of a portfolio of businesses operating in niche industrial markets, notably specialty chemicals
and materials.
Single Family Office

TK Capital Partners
TK Capital’s investment strategy is focused on acquiring a controlling interest in a healthy platform company or companies
that provide the opportunity to create significant value over the long term.
Single Family Offices

TMS Advisors, LLC

General Family Offices

Venter Inc
General Family Offices

business expansion. We work with business leaders to enhance enterprise value through additional capital, complementary
acquisitions, operating improvements and team additions.
General Family Offices

Wembly Enterprises
range of time. Instead, Wembly focuses on strengthening business fundamentals, investing in infrastructure and business
development, and sharing the benefits of growth with company management. Established i...
General Family Offices

Willcrest Partners
Willcrest Partners (www.willcrest.com) is a team of entrepreneurs backed by a family office to provide equity investments and
operational support to differentiated b2b service and product companies with $1-5 million in EBITDA.
General Family Offices

Winfield Management, LLC

Winfield Management, LLC is a family office, located in Morristown, NJ specializing in investments in both privately held
companies and real estate.
General Family Offices

Solamere Capital
experienced industry executives. The Firm targets majority and minority investments of $20+ million and has offices in both
Boston, MA and New York, NY.
General Family Offices

SouthWorth Capital
SouthWorth Capital Management, LLC is a family office looking to invest in and grow businesses.
General Family Offices
Sowell & Co.
The partners invest their own capital in each venture, rather than raising outside funds, and believe that such investment
creates a longer term investment horizon that better aligns investors with its management team partners.
General Family Offices

Squadron Capital LLC

Hartford, Connecticut. Squadron is exceptionally well-capitalized and typically does not require any debt financing. These
resources allow us to move quickly through our diligence process to closing.
General Family Offices

Stewardship Management
Management company for multiple asset types including Oil and Gas services, Real Estate, restaurant, de-regulated electric
utilities, industrial products company.
General Family Offices

Sunny River Management LLC

smaller businesses. We are operationally-focused investors who have spent years in operating roles. We keep a close eye on the
operations of our businesses and are readily available to support our manageme...
General Family Offices

Sunwater Capital Management

Sunwater Capital was established by Stephany Yu and Matthew Chervenak, entrepreneurs who founded and grew businesses
across China and the United States.
Single Family Offices

Tamar Capital
significant interests in several sectors such as FMCG, manufacturing, and Real Estate. It is also increasingly active in impact
investing and currently maintains a diversified portfolio of assets and businesse.
Single Family Offices

The Weitz Company LLC

office locations throughout the United States. Founded in 1855, Weitz is the oldest commercial general contractor founded
west of the Mississippi River and annually ranks in the top tier in the Engineering News-Record.
General Family Offices

Thorpe Design, Inc.

General Family Offices

Smith Equity Partners, Inc.

Smith Equity Partners is a private investment firm focused on change of control transaction with companies that have
exceptional growth prospects.
General Family Offices
Tillery Capital, LLC
Tillery Capital is an operationally oriented, family office structured private investment firm.
General Family Offices

Rosewood Private Investments

grown over generations by developing and acquiring businesses that are leaders in their respective industries. Our structure
and history enable us to be a unique resource and flexible investment partner. As an ever.
General Family Offices

RoundTable Financial Group

funds, private debt and private equity. The firm was founded in 2009 to take advantage of the opportunities created by the
2008 market dislocation.
General Family Offices

Saltwater Capital LLC

General Family Offices

Sassano Endeavors
administering wealth and settlement trusts Staffing Company - in the manufacturing sectorOrthopedic Surgical
Instrumentation Supplier Financial Advisory FirmLeasing Company
General Family Offices

Segment Capital
Segment Capital is interested in investing across the economy, although we prefer the consumer and services spaces. (We also
have a special interest in Internet businesses and those businesses looking to move online / increase their online presence.)
www.segmentcapital.com/ open_in_new
Single Family Offices

Canada, and Europe in a wide range of sectors. We are engaged in making long-term investments in successful middle-market
companies. Colpatria Capital is backed by the Pacheco Family in Bogota, Colo...
General Family Offices

SFG Asset Advisors

assets accumulated over decades of successful investing. The majority of the assets are allocated through our fund of funds
program to third party hedge fund managers as a way to generate long term returns with reduced volatility.
General Family Offices

Shiro Capital
investment team has in aggregate invested over $1 billion of capital in public and private equity transactions. Our team has
diverse perspectives and skill sets but shares a common commitment.
General Family Offices

SI Capital LLC
and asset classes, including debt, leasing, and equity investments. The firm was formed to source and manage investments for
the founder of 5-hour ENERGY® products. SI has offices in suburban Detroit, New York, and Chicago.
General Family Offices

Rocky Point Ventures

Rocky Point Ventures was founded in 2006 as a family office in Austin, Texas.
General Family Offices

P-Squared Management Enterprises

P-Squared is the private investment vehicle of a prominent individual family office.
Single Family Offices

Pathstone Family Office, LLC

Steve Braverman is Co-Chief Executive Officer at Pathstone Family Office LLC.
Single Family Offices

Patoka Capital
operating executives who have run businesses and are focused on enhancing the lean, fast, and flexible culture of our
General Family Offices

Patona Partners
Patona Partners is a family investment firm led by experienced investors and former executives of global companies.
Single Family Offices

ST6 Investments is a private family office that invests, owns and operates various companies in the technology , real estate and
medical industries.
General Family Offices

Pulte Capital Partners LLC

Pulte Capital seeks acquisitions and relationships in targeted sectors across the building products industry.
General Family Offices

endowment, the Carlyle Group and the Ziff Family. His experience spans a number of industries, including business services,
technology, media and healthcare. During his career, Mr....
Single Family Offices

Red Deer Capital

Red Deer Capital is the business development arm of a multinational family office.
Multi Family Offices

Resosa Capital
Resosa was founded in 2012 to represent and invest on behalf of a single, U.S. private family office.
Single Family Offices

Orison Capital
Orison Capital operates under a strong organizational culture and a senior leadership team that understands the importance
of conducting business with honor.
General Family Offices

RKO Stage
General Family Offices

Owl Creek Partners LLC

Owl Creek Partners is a family-owned, small market, private investment firm.
General Family Offices

Modi Investment Group

Modi Investment Group is a private investment company specializing in the acquisition and management of established and
profitable small and mid-size businesses with attractive growth prospects.
General Family Offices

Mogul Management
Financing Solutions is an individual investor looking to continue building a portfolio of companies with a focus on the
Northeastern United States.
Single Family Offices

Montague Street Private Partners

Montague Street Capital is a single family office that focuses on multi asset investments.
Single Family Offices

Mossbridge Capital
Mossbridge Capital Partners strategically invests in a wide variety of alternative investments.
General Family Offices

NCA Capital
and Asia Pacific, spanning food and beverage production, energy, construction, and real estate. The firm is focused on within
those same areas in order to leverage their operational expertise to drive growth.
Single Family Offices

Nehoc Partners
business. David has extensive experience working alongside his family business, targeting $500k-$3m EBITDA businesses in
the Tri-State area.
Single Family Offices

North Manitou Partners

North Manitou is an investment company with long-term committed capital. With long-term capital, North Manitou can be
flexible and patient in its investment structuring and time horizon.
General Family Offices

NorthTower Capital
family office with fundamental value focus. capital structure agnostic. place higher value on stable, moderate risk cash flow
relative to high growth.
General Family Offices

Matrix Private Capital Group

City. Matrix is led by the former CEO of Lehman Brothers and leverages that executive network and expertise to act as an
institutional quality investor for its clients by sourcing and executing direct as well as co-investment opportunities.
Multi Family Offices

Orchard Solutions
Orchard Solutions is a Philadelphia-based family office managed by Dimitri Pappas.
Single Family Offices

Matter, LLC
unique goals and values through our exceptional investment management, wealth planning and coordination, and culture and
legacy services.
Single Family Offices

General Family Offices

JMC Investment LLC

$10 million and $200 million, preferably where we take a majority stake. We seek to establish long-term relationships with
entrepreneurs, enabling them to execute their growth strategy.
General Family Offices
Jones Family Office
Jones Family Office is located in Greenwich, Connecticut.
Single Family Offices

Kidd & Company, LLC

Kidd & Company, LLC is the private investment arm of the Kidd Family Office.
General Family Offices

Lead Lap Enterprises

and health services sectors of small to mid-size company buyouts. Lead Lap also makes non-control growth capital investments
in promising businesses. Lead Lap was founded by operating executive Dav.
Single Family Offices

Influx Capital
Influx Capital offers a wide range of working capital financing solutions that are suitable for small to medium sized companies
in every stage of their development.
General Family Offices

Lewis & Clark Capital

Lewis & Clark Capital’s selective approach to investing enables it to focus its resources solely on those business opportunities
with the potential to go “beyond success to significance.”
Single Family Offices

Innovant Wealth Management

Innovant Wealth Management is actively looking to invest in lower middle market companies, product and service agnostic,
with current income in place and potential for growth in the US.
General Family Offices

Liberty Hill Equity Partners

private equity firm building your business to dispose of it, we aim to be trusted partners investing in the long-term success of
the business model and your team.
General Family Offices

Innovating Capital
stage companies. It invests in disruptive sectors and cutting-edge technologies with a focus on enterprise industry verticals
such as infrastructure, financial technologies, cybersecurity, and insurance technologies.
General Family Offices

Liberty Lane Partners

We are an organization with a diverse set of activities including a family office.
General Family Offices
Investar Capital
BackgroundInvestar Capital Partners is the private equity arm of Investar Financial Corporation.
General Family Offices

Little GG Capital
Little GG Capital is a privately held family investment firm focused on and engaged in a broad range of investment activities.
General Family Offices

Jacsten LLC
value creation as compared to short-term profits. This approach benefits our portfolio companies and operating partners by
fostering stability, certainty and proper alignment of interests. At Jacsten, we t...
General Family Offices

Jamison Capital
Jamison Capital Partners is a family office located in New York, New York.
Single Family Offices

Jersey Street Capital

Jersey Street Capital is a family team seeking to purchase an established business in the Denver.
General Family Offices

Halstatt Legacy Partners

we have cultivated a valuable network of trusted operating partners and investment managers in real estate, private equity
and venture capital. Today, Halstatt manages our own capit.
General Family Offices

Heinz Family Office

Single Family Offices

Highline Group
Highline Group is a unique family office of experienced operators looking for our next great business to grow. We want to
make a control investment or a complete buyout in a private company that is seeking ownership transition.
Single Family Offices

Hungbui Family Office

Hungbui Family Office is the private investment arm of Hungbui. The family is focused on lower middle-market operating
businesses below $15m EBITDA and $100m in revenue.
Single Family Offices

Fernandez Holdings
million, and then through a two-pronged approach of maintaining what has made them successful in the past and making
incremental improvements for the future, the companies grow.
General Family Offices

General Family Offices

Galaxy Invest
investment period, we selectively partner with other investors and management teams to deliver and enable long-term,
sustained growth. Our principals have completed several hundred million dollars...
General Family Offices

Global Business Funding Group

Global Business Funding Group (Global BFG) is a family office focused on the lower middle market.
General Family Offices

Golden Mountain Management, LLC

Golden Mountain is a single-family office founded in 2008. The firm invests across all asset classes.
Single Family Offices

Family Office Forums, LLC

General Family Offices

Family Office Partners, Inc.

families of significant wealth. From the visionary thinking of our senior partners to the diligence of our Client Service
Associates, the depth of our team structure is clear.
Multi Family Offices

Family Office Resources, Inc.

General Family Offices

Family Office Rpp Lcc

Family Office Rpp LLC Overview. Family Office Rpp LLC filed as a Foreign Limited Liability.
General Family Offices

Family Scranton
General Family Offices

Culbro, LLC
can make both smaller and larger investments. It is bolstered by a number of allied investors who are prepared to invest along
side it. In the United States, Culbro invests in both control and growth.
Single Family Offices

CVJ Capital Partners, LLC

CVJ Capital Partners directly invests in lower middle market businesses in the Midwest.
General Family Offices

Dakota Pacific
investment activities. With a focus on the Western States, we seek to provide patient partnership capital to differentiated,
growing businesses.
General Family Offices

Deep Creek Capital

Deep Creek Capital LLC is a private investment firm.
General Family Offices

DM Clark Companies
General Family Offices

Dunes Point Capital, LLC

Founded in 2013, Dunes Point Capital, LLC ("DPC") is a family office and private investment firm.
General Family Offices

East Asset Management

General Family Offices

Eden Capital
Eden Capital is a sector-focused private equity firm backing leading management teams in business services, healthcare
services, and education & training companies.
General Family Offices

Elm Fork Partners

involved. We are a Texas-based, single family office, focused on providing flexible and sustainable capital to companies, teams,
and assets that are striving to create material value. We are not a private equity fund.
General Family Offices

Emigrant Capital
Emigrant Capital Corp. ("ECC") is the private equity division of Emigrant Savings Bank.
General Family Offices

Crown Predator Holdings

dimensions of the following: Industries/Sectors Segment of Capital Structure Control/Active Minority/Passive Minority Early
Stage VC/Later Stage VC/Growth Capital/Leveraged Transactions.
Single Family Offices

Carpe Investments
Carpe Diem Investments is a family office seeking investment opportunities across a range of industries.
General Family Offices

Carroll Capital
Carroll Capital is focused on building businesses for the long term.
General Family Offices

Chaifetz Group
Chaifetz Group is a private investment firm that partners with carefully selected entrepreneurs, business owners and
management teams to build and grow game-changing businesses.
General Family Offices

Chhajwani Investment Group

Chhajwani Investment Group is a family investment fund that owns and manages a portfolio of business and commercial real
estate investments predominantly in the Southeast.
General Family Offices

Chow Bella
distribution, brokerage and large leveraged operators. We have purchased and sold multiple foodservice companies and in
each case we've rolled up our sleeves in day to day operations. We are not passive investors.
General Family Offices

Clear Sky Associates

Clear Sky Associates is a family office based in California.
General Family Offices

Clear Springs Capital LLC

Clear Springs Capital partners have all either founded or run businesses.
General Family Offices

Colville Capital
Colville Capital is a private equity firm focused on the lower end of the middle market.
General Family Offices
CAH Capital
family's commercial construction company, HITT. CAH Capital has extensive experience providing venture and seed
investments, with 15-20 in just the past two years and is currently expanding its acquisitions portfolio.
General Family Offices

Coral Partners
Coral is a family office that seeks investments in founder-owned, lower middle-market business services.
General Family Offices

Caprock Legacy Partners

Caprock Legacy Partners is an operator-led search fund based in Austin, Texas with the single purpose to Acquire, Manage &
Grow one high quality company.
General Family Offices

Coughlin Capital
Coughlin Capital is a family owned and operated investment firm dedicated to working with small and lower middle-market
expansion stage companies to help unlock their true potential. Our goal is simple: grow businesses.
Single Family Offices

Carlin Capital Partners

invest in foundationally solid businesses that may not fit the traditional private equity model due to a lack of scale, stagnant
growth, limited infrastructure or other limitations.
General Family Offices

Athanasios Capital Group

Athanasios Capital Group is a knowledgeable private equity firm specializing in technology and food.
General Family Offices

BANG! Support
Raise Your Valuation. Skip Development Costs. Attract Investors. Acquire Pre-Fabricated Breakthrough Technologies
Replete with Patent Filings and a functional prototype.
General Family Offices

Bellus Advisory
Bellus Advisory is a private family office looking to make strategic, long-term investments in North American Lower-Middle
Market Companies.
General Family Offices

Bilgola Capital
Bilgola Capital invests its committed capital in small dynamic companies with fundamentally strong business models and led
by ambitious and professional management teams.
Single Family Offices
Bluff Point Associates
Our Firm Bluff Point Associates is a private equity firm based in Westport, Connecticut.
General Family Offices

BNL Industries
and customer service. Over the years, BNL has grown steadily, while maintaining our high standards. We take pride in our
products, quality, scheduling and pricing.
General Family Offices

Bodley Group
strategies, network effects and the potential for rapid growth. Most importantly, we target inspirational founders who are
convinced of their plan for a different future and possess the fortitude to make their vision a reality.
Single Family Offices

C&S Family Capital

the healthcare, consumer and technology sectors. The principals have over 100 years of combined experience at some of the
world's leading private investment firms and seek to apply their expertise.
General Family Offices

Ashford Capital Ventures LLC

Our extensive track record is rooted in a commitment to original research, risk management, and industry expertise.
Single Family Offices

Addison Capital Partners

market growth companies, often that are closely held or family owned businesses, to provide legacy stewardship, liquidity,
growth capital and management resources to grow and build the greater enterprise.
Single Family Offices

Aeonic Partners
take an extremely long-term view to growing and managing businesses. Our primary focus is control investments, but are
open to acquiring structured minority investments.
Single Family Offices

Alistar Resources
continuously deploy capital and investment proceeds into businesses with good growth opportunities. Ultimately, we strive to
become a consistent and reliable source of value accumulation for our shareholders.
General Family Offices

Altitude Capital
farm development and management. Altitude Capital’s wholesale and partnership model is primarily focused on agricultural
development of pistachio and almond.
General Family Offices

Alton West
Alton West is a family-owned private investment company focused on investments and acquisitions.
General Family Offices

Alturus Strategic Capital Partners

Alturus is a Dallas-based strategic capital provider focused on industry-leading lower middle-market.
General Family Offices

Anchor Capital & Investments

Since 1988, Anchor has established a presence on some of the industry’s most respected managed account (MA) platforms.
Our value strategies are good options for clients who need downside protection without sacrificing growth potential.
Single Family Offices

Andesite Capital
those opportunities that meet our multifaceted objectives. To illustrate better what we actually do, please take a look at the
Select Projects tab.
General Family Offices

Mars has been proudly family-owned for over 100 years.
Single Family Offices

Ansaco, LLC
Ansaco, LLC is a privately held family office focused on making long-term opportunistic investments.
General Family Offices

63 Capital
General Family Offices

Appalachian Capital
buyout), and our permanent capital allows us to to build and hold our platform investments for generations, rather than the
typical short time horizons constraining most private equity funds.
General Family Offices

7 Branches LLC
Family office located in New Jersey. Previous experience in public equities.
General Family Offices
<-- more granular FO details can be obtained by clicking on the respective website
clicking on the respective website links


















1976 Series A, Series C 2

William Harris Invest Family office of Irving B. Harris

Wasson Enterprise Single family office investing in startu 2016 Seed, Series B & 1 mo 7
Heico Companies Family office investing across North 1979 Series B, Series C 2
Assetblue Investment Single-family office focused on healthc 2016 Seed 1
GreenGage Capital Alternative investment firm backed by s 2013 Enterprise Applications, High Tech 1
Malex Enterprises Single-family offices focused on multi 2013 Series A 1
Manasota Capital Chicago-based family investment offic 2009 Seed 1
Kell Investments Family office of Kell family 1985
The O'Lynch Family OFamily office of O’Lynch Family 2007
Chalmers DevelopmenFamily office investing in real estate se 1975













Life Sciences

United States

United States Enterprise Applications, HealthTech & 7 more

United States Enterprise Applications, Real Estate and Construction Tech & 1 more
United States Consumer, Food and Agriculture Tech
United States
United States Consumer, Food and Agriculture Tech
United States Real Estate and Construction Tech, Enterprise Applications & 3 more

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