Written Essay
Written Essay
Written Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Written Essay" presents a paradoxical challenge, as the subject
matter appears deceptively simple yet encompasses a vast array of intricacies. The difficulty lies in
navigating the fine line between the meta-discussion of the act of writing itself and delving into
substantive content.
Addressing the meta aspect involves grappling with the very nature of the essay form, questioning its
conventions, and exploring the evolution of written expression. It demands a nuanced understanding
of the interplay between language, structure, and the conveying of ideas. Unraveling the layers of
self-reflection in the context of writing about writing adds an additional layer of complexity,
requiring a delicate balance to avoid falling into circularity.
Simultaneously, the essay must transcend the meta discourse to engage the reader with meaningful
content. Choosing a substantive angle involves the challenge of narrowing down a broad spectrum of
possibilities. Whether delving into the historical significance of the written word, exploring its impact
on societal norms, or dissecting the artistry behind literary craftsmanship, the writer faces the
daunting task of providing depth while maintaining coherence.
Moreover, the essayist must grapple with the elusive concept of originality. As countless essays on the
act of writing exist, the challenge becomes finding a unique perspective that contributes fresh
insights to an ongoing conversation. Striking a balance between innovation and adherence to
established norms is a tightrope walk that demands a keen understanding of the subject matter.
The struggle to articulate thoughts, ideas, and arguments effectively while simultaneously
embodying the essence of the subject itself adds another layer of complexity. The writer must
confront the paradox of expressing the ineffable nature of the act of writing through the very
medium being discussed.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Written Essay" is a multi-faceted endeavor that
requires a delicate dance between self-reflection, substantive content, and the elusive pursuit of
originality. Successfully navigating these challenges demands a writer's ability to transcend the meta-
discussion, infuse meaningful substance, and grapple with the complexities of expressing the
ineffable through the written word.
If you find such endeavors daunting or time-consuming, you may consider seeking assistance.
Platforms like HelpWriting.net offer a range of services where similar essays and more can be
ordered, providing a helping hand in navigating the intricate landscape of essay writing.
Written Essay Written Essay
What Does Runaway Kanye West Mean
Runaway Kanye West
A year before this song was released Kanye West had his famous moment when he
interrupted Taylor Swifts VMA acceptance speech. After that moment he was tortured
by the media and hated by many. The following year he performed this song Runaway
at the next VMA s. I believe it was an apology to women he had hurt and disrespected,
Taylor being one of them, and showed how lonely and vulnerable Kanye is. I think it
impacted the way people view Kanye, and affected a culture of men as he describes as
douchbags , and scum bags and how men in society need to change. It is a Kanye West
song, so the quality and production of the song is made very well. Kanye is not know to
have less the perfect producing on his songs or his album. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
He admits that his woman is a good girl , but he s still addicted to the hood rats even
though he knows their attraction to him is almost certainly totally shallow and all
about what he could provide for them if they took her place. To me there s a lingering
sadness in this song about the loneliness of that fact he can t really connect, so he
drowns himself in money and random girls, and feels helpless to change that fact. I
absolutely love Kanye, but was shocked that he wrote a song that revealed so much
Photography Is A Culture, Not Just A Medium
Working with an established collection like The University of Auckland Art Collection,
curators need to work creatively in order to produce an exhibition that is both innovative
and adequately represents the collection. The University of Auckland Collection includes
approximately 140 photographs that are situated around the various campuses and
storage facilities. With such a range to choose from, we approached the task in a
practical way. We initially surveyed the works and found a broad theme emerging images
of architecture and nature. Due to the range of locations housing the pieces, it was
important to then establish the works that could be transported to the venue in time, and
from these, we selected a more specific theme.
The Collection was established in 1966 with works from Colin McCahon and
Mesopotamian And Ancient Egyptian Are Two Very
Mesopotamian and Ancient Egyptian are two very comparable cultures. There are
similar and differences in regards to their Government, Law, Writing, Cities, Religion,
Jobs, and Technology. This is reflected in their literatures, Epic Gilgamesh, and the Story
of Sinuhe. Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh and Sinuhe in the Story of Sinuhe are
important characters that outline the perspective of an ancient society s.
The Epic of Gilgamesh was a story completely written in cuneiform. The author for this
Epic poem is unknown and remains a mystery. According to, Spar, Some time in the
twelfth century B.C., Sin leqi unninni, a Babylonian scholar, recorded what was to
become a classic version of the Gilgamesh tale (p.6).
The main character of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout his life in Southern Syria, he quickly became a rich wealthy person who
raises a family and establishes land. However, during his midlife, he quickly grew
unhappy. Something in him was missing and that was his original home, Egypt.
Eventually, he returns to Egypt. Lucky for him the king forgave him and ended up being
buried in Egypt.
When comparing the two characters, there were important events that changes the
character s personality. Gilgamesh s attitude in the Epic of Gilgamesh completely
changed when Enkidu came to his life. His tyrant attuite change when Enkidu was
around. Unlike the Story of Sinuhe, Epic of Gilgamesh included Gods to help explore
more human behavior. For example, they used Ishtar, goddess of fertility to weaken
Gilgamesh and lead him to expose more of his human characteristics by looking for
immorality. After Ishtar subjected herself to Gilgamesh in which he rejects by saying
What could I offer the queen of love in return, who lacks nothing at all? Balm for the
body? The food and drink of the gods? I have nothing to give to her who lacks nothing
at all. You are the door through which the cold gets in.... (Tablet VI). Gilgamesh is
showing how the friendship of Enkidu is changing the way he evaluates things and
points out his evidence as to why he should not engage with her. This angers her and she
made her father curse Enkidu which lead Enkidu to die. Similar to Sinuhe s
The Better Story in Life of Pi by Yann Martel
On its surface, Martel s Life of Pi proceeds as a far fetched yet not completely
unbelievable tale about a young Indian boy named Pi who survives after two hundred
twenty seven days on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. It is an
uplifting and entertaining story, with a few themes about companionship and survival
sprinkled throughout. The ending, however, reveals a second story a more realistic and
dark account replacing the animals from the beginning with crude human counterparts.
Suddenly, Life of Pibecomes more than an inspiring tale and transforms into a point to
be made about rationality, faith, and how storytelling correlates the two. The point of the
book is not for the reader to decide which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He starts out with a zebra, hyena, an orangutan, and a tiger, but the animals slowly
diminish leaving only Pi and Richard Parker. Pi works to tame and care for Richard
Parker, and the two survive for two hundred twenty seven days. Pi encounters a fellow
French castaway who is eaten by Richard Parker (Martel 311 320). Pi also comes
across a man eating island (Martel 322 358). The events that take place are fairly far
fetched, and the probability of all of them occurring to the same person in the period
of time given is even less believable. The second story, on the other hand, is a perhaps
more believable retelling of the original story. Pi relates the second tale upon the
request of his interviewers for a story without animals (Martel 381). In this story the
animals are replaced with human representatives including an injured Chinese sailor, a
French cook, Pi s mother, and Pi himself. The second story, like the first, begins with
many passengers on the boat, but in the end it leaves only Pi to survive by himself after
brutally murdering and eating the cook who killed both the sailor and Pi s own mother
(Martel 381 391). Unlike Pi s first story, this account is dark, desperate, and harshly
realistic, without any sense of hope to counter it all. After relating both of these stories to
his interviewers, Pi asks them which story they think is better (Martel 398). Although the
The, An Idea Thought Of By Steven Harris
Background: DoorGuard, an idea thought of by Steven Harris, which protects the side
of your car from accidental dents that occur in parking lots all across the world. Harris
s idea of a product that helps prevent dents in the side of car doors is a very simple idea
that many individuals would never have thoughtto create, and the DoorGuard product
would seem to have many buyers who are looking to help protect their new/used cars.
The thought of having a giant piece of removable foam on each side of an individual s
car has its benefits, and its disadvantages. The strong points of DoorGuard would
obviously be the face that it protects the side of an induvial car from unwanted
accidental dents that occur when another individual either parks to close to one, or
someone who is reckless. On top of preventing dents, DoorGuard is easy to place on
the side of car doors, and is easy to dismantle and store away. The protection
DoorGuard would bring to one s car comes with some weaknesses. One weakness that
seems to stick out is the fact that DoorGuard is a giant foam pad that rests on the side
of one s car doors. Many consumers would not like the look of DoorGuard with its big
appearance which is good for advertising, but some people would like a product that is
minimal and blends in with their cars color. If theft is attempted on the DoorGuard, the
cable that goes into the door to keep it from easily getting stolen would tear the panel,
thus, ruining the product for the person