Yesss Naman
Yesss Naman
Yesss Naman
One of the most often quoted description of stress is that of Hans Selye (1956), he described it
as the "none speofic response of the body to any demand made upon it. He means that stress
involves as mobilization of the bodily resources in response in some sort of stimulus (stressor).
The word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as
events, situation that cause them to feel tension,pressure or negative emotion such as anxiety
and anger. Others view stress as the response to this situation This response includes
psysiological changes such as increase heart rate and muscle tension as well as emotional and
behavioral changes. Everyone experiences stress when anxious, worried, shamed or angry.
All of us are experiencing stress especialy to adolescence including Senior High School students
it almost way of living but it is dangerous to let stress become a way of Iiving because some
stress leval can lead them to terrible effect. Students need to create strategies in order to
reduce stress.Some common causes of stress in highschool life are things like academic
achievements, relationship with friends,parents and sometimes even romances.
It is true that everyone is talking about stress but usually when they speak about it they use the
term pressure that they are feeling from something happening around them or to
them.Students talk about being under stress because of poor exam,performance or an
impending deadline for a major paper, parents talk about the strain af raising teenager and the
financial burdens of running a household, teacher talk about the pressure of maintaining
professional currency and research while still managing to keep up with teaching and advising.
(Hart ) High academic stress meaning stress of school marks, is something very common for
high school students Pressure from family to achieve is also factor in the academic stress that
Students experience ( (Palmer, 2005).
Students who are unable to cope with stress will develop tension in their lives and if this stress
is hot confronted while the student is still young. the constant stress may lead to future mental
problems ( Sulaiman Hassan, Sapien and Abdullah, 2009 )Overal, stress can be a good thing if
dealt with corectly stress is not handled correctly, it will be harmful.
Coping mechanisms refer to the ways that people respond to and interact with problem
situation that can be described as survival skills. Many people use their coping mechanism to
beneft them in a positive way Lazarus and Folkman (1985), concentrate on two types of coping
strategies problem focused coping where efforts are made to change the stressful situation to
problem solving, decision making and/ or direct action.
The emotion focus coping, where attempts are made to regulate distressing emotion,
sometimes by changing the meaning of the stressful situation cognitively without actually
changing the situation.
Since stress Is a natural part of life, understanding the relationshlp between stressors and
coping strategies is crucial to advancing mental health and wellbeing of Grade 11 Intramuros.
This concept paper emphasizes the need for a better understanding of stress and the adaptive
strategies of students to deal with life's challenges, and it offers a framework for future
research and Interventlons.
The purpose of the study is to determine the stress level and coping mechanism used by the
Grade 11 Intramuros students.The study will give information for them to be aware from the
different stressor as well as the different coping mechanism/strategy to manage stress
By understanding the stress level and coping mechanism among the Grade 11 Intramuros, we
can possibly develop different kinds of strategies tailored by the unique challenges among
stress level of this particular class.The project will involve a collecting gather data through
survey to utilized this study administered by Grade 11 Intramuros students, as well as
conducting interview with teachers,School Administrators and Guidance Counselor.The gather
data survey will seek to understand the different stressor of students in their academic
performance, academic achievements and poor exams and personal matters.The gather
interview will provide valuable insight to teachers, School Administrator and the Guidance
Counselor regarding their observation and experience with their students stressor.
The aims of this study were to understand stress, coping strategies and social support amongst
grade 11 students.As well as creating a positive environment to manage stress effectively.
Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant research survey, and interview with students and
teachers this study will search into factors among stressor of Grade 11 Intramuros by gaining a
comprehensive understanding regarding the stressor of students, we can develop a targeted
Intervention of the underlying issues.These intervention may include seminar workshop of
students,Meditate/pray and Social support services for students facing their stressors.The goal
is to empower student will give them knowledge and learning on coping with their stressors
and will develop full of sense of responsibility and accountability.
By the end of this study, we hope to provide a valuable insights into the stressor of Grade 11
Intramuros students.The propose strategies will help them cope with their stressors and will
manage stress effectively and will improve students individual adjustment to be more
The project aims to implement a program that will benefit the students. Provide seminar
workshop,Meditate/pray and Social support services for students of Grade 11 Intramuros.The
total estimated cost of this project will range approximately to 10,000 to 20,000 in pesos
Seminar/workshop: will approximately cost of 8,000 pesos including the mentors this
session workshop will demonstrate the stress-relieving techniques, and role playing
Medidate/pray: this session workshop may require a budget of 2,000 pesos this session
will expected to reduce stress against ongoing stress
Social Support Services: Provide a counseling session and tutoring services this services
are expected to cost 8,000 to 10,000 depend on the service session.