Developers: Introduction To Functional Programming: Javascript Paradigms
Developers: Introduction To Functional Programming: Javascript Paradigms
Developers: Introduction To Functional Programming: Javascript Paradigms
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2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
By Avi Aryan
Verified Expert in Engineering
Avi is a full-stack developer skilled with Python, JavaScript, and Go and is also a
multiple-time Google Summer of Code participant.
Pure functions take some input and give a fixed output. Also, they cause no
side effects in the outside world.
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2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
Here, add is a pure function. This is because, for a fixed value of a and b ,
the output will always be the same.
getId is not a pure function. The reason being that it uses the global
variable SECRET for computing the output. If SECRET were to change, the
getId function will return a different value for the same input. Thus, it is
not a pure function.
let id_count = 0;
const getId = () => ++id_count;
This is also an impure function, and that too for a couple of reasons—(1) it
uses a non-local variable for computing its output, and (2) it creates a side
effect in the outside world by modifying a variable in that world.
What’s the current value of id_count ? Which other functions are modifying
id_count ? Are there other functions relying on id_count ? 3/16
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2. Use pure functions: fixed output for fixed inputs, and no side effects 4/16
2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
The condition here is a function that gets each item of the array, and it
should decide whether to keep the item or not and return the truthy boolean
value for that.
map maps each item of array to a function and creates a new array based on
the return values of the function calls.
mapper is a function that takes an item of an array as input and returns the
Reduce 5/16
2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
reducer is a function that takes the accumulated value and the next item in
the array and returns the new value. It is called like this for all values in the
array, one after another.
concat adds new items to an existing array to create a new array. It’s
different from push() in the sense that push() mutates data, which makes
it impure.
Object.assign copies values from the provided object to a new object. Since
functional programming is predicated on immutable data, we use it to make
new objects based on existing objects.
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2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
With the advent of ES6, this can also be done using the spread operator.
We can create our pure function as well. Let’s do one for duplicating a string
n number of times.
duplicate('hooray!', 3)
// hooray!hooray!hooray!
Higher-order Functions 7/16
2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
withLog HOF can be used with other functions as well and it works without
any conflicts or writing extra code. This is the beauty of a HOF.
// calling hype
// Sale!!!
We can also reformat our curried function to look succinct. This is because
each level of the currying function call is a single line return statement.
Therefore, we can use arrow functions in ES6 to refactor it as follows.
Composition 9/16
2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
The first function is range, which takes a starting number a and an ending
number b and creates an array consisting of numbers from a to b .
Then we have a function multiply that takes an array and multiplies all the
numbers in it.
Concluding Words
We hope that this piece piques your interest in functional programming and
possibly motivates you to try it in your code. We are positive that it will be a
learning experience and a milestone in your software development journey.
What is ES6? 11/16
2/15/24, 11:07 PM Intro to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms | Toptal®
Avi Aryan
Verified Expert in Engineering
Avi is a full-stack developer skilled with Python, JavaScript, and Go and is also a multiple-time Google
By of Code
continuing participant.
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experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
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