Plato Republic Essay
Plato Republic Essay
Plato Republic Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Plato Republic" can be a challenging yet intellectually rewarding
task. Plato's "Republic" is a complex philosophical work that delves into various aspects of political
theory, ethics, and metaphysics. To craft a compelling essay on this subject, one needs a solid
understanding of Plato's ideas, the historical context in which he wrote, and the implications of his
philosophical arguments.
The difficulty arises from the need to synthesize and interpret Plato's intricate concepts and
dialogues. The "Republic" covers a wide range of themes, such as justice, the nature of the soul, the
ideal state, and the allegory of the cave. It requires careful analysis and critical thinking to explore
the intricacies of Plato's thought and to present a coherent and well-supported argument.
Furthermore, crafting an essay on the "Plato Republic" involves engaging with secondary sources,
scholarly interpretations, and debates within the field of philosophy. This demands a thorough
literature review and the ability to incorporate diverse perspectives into one's own analysis.
Additionally, the challenge lies in articulating complex philosophical ideas in a clear and concise
manner. Communicating abstract concepts can be demanding, and writers must ensure that their
essays are accessible to readers while maintaining the depth required for a scholarly discussion.
Her true name was Araminta but she changed it to Harriet, her mother s name, after her
mother died. She was one of nine children. Harriet had many hardships in her life,
especially in her childhood. One of these came when her owner, Mary Brodess s son
sold three of her sisters to a different plantation. However when a slave owner ... Show
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This started in December 1850 when she found her niece Kessiah was to be sold.
Fortunately, Kessiah s husband was able to make the winning bid and Harriet was able
to lead the whole family out of the south safely. Eventually she was able to get her
parents, siblings and about 60 others out of slavery, earning herself the nickname of
Moses .
Then the Fugitive Slave Law was passed. In this law it said that even if the slaves had
made it to the north, slave hunters and bounty hunters could still capture them and take
them back to slavery. Instead of giving up Tubman decided to reroute her passage and
take all the slaves to Canada, where slavery is not prohibited. In December 1851 Harriet
took a group to Canada and there is evidence that they stopped at former slave and
abolitionist Frederick Douglas.
So could Harriet Tubman be an American hero? Could she be called a hero for freeing
her slavery, defeating all the odds, and helping strangers too? Could she be someone
every little girl and boy look up to? I think so. I think anyone who would put others
lives above her own could, and should, be deemed a
Drumming Research Paper
Is drumming really difficult to me? In my opinion, drumming can be difficult at some
times, and understanding the concept of drumming wasn t easy at the start. When I
first started trying to play the drums, I didn t understand how to do it. I had no idea
that drumming even had different styles and beats. It took me quite awhile to fully
comprehend how complex it really is. Drumming is not easy at first, can be very
complex, and requires a lot of practice. Learning to play the drums was not easy when
I first started figuring out how to play a beat. First of all, I didn t know which pieces I
was supposed to play. After observing another person play the drums, I saw that I needed
to play the snare (like in a marching band), hi hat (two cymbals put together), and bass
drum(the big drum on the bottom), and this combination became my first beat. Trying to
play the bass drumwith the hi hat and snare confused me. I was fine playing the snare
and hi hat, but I always messed up when I tried adding the bass drum. I ended up
having CJ play the bass drum while I played the hi hat and snare, which lasted for over
two months until I could play it myself. I was proud to finally be able to play a beat,
however I never knew about the many different different beats that you could play....
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First, there are different styles of drumming. How I play can depend on different
things, such as what the song itself is like. For example, one song could have a
repeating, simple beat, but another song could have a drum solo and super complex
variations to the beat. There are also different speeds or tempos for drumming. There
may be songs that incorporate slow, easy to play beats, and there could be other songs
that have very fast drumming, such as heavy metal. Due to the varieties of drumming
styles and speeds, it takes practice to get used to the different
Essay about Hair Dying
Hair Dying
As people look around the different cities of our fair country, one might notice that
many people nowadays are coloring their hair to cover grey or just for the fun of it.
One difference among the younger generation and the older generation is the colors that
are chosen for their hair. The younger generation of this day and age seem to prefer wild
colors such as Infra Red, Mystic Heather, Deadly Nightshade, Tiger Lily, etc, as self
expression compared to the older generation choosing natural shades to cover the signs
of aging. This can be seen in the rising number of young people that are seen around
with these types of wild colors. Not all young people choose the wild colors over natural
shades because some choose the ... Show more content on ...
The website states that these celebrities use the hair colors often. This site is evidence
that the trend of dying one s hair a wild shade exists in the United States. Other
companies are also taking part in the wild hair color business so as to keep up with the
current competition. Companies such as BWild, Hot Head, and even Jerome Russell are
participating in the trend of wild hair color to accommodate both the younger and the
older population.
On the other hand, classic companies such as Clairol, Dark Lovely and L Oreal still
offer the majority of the natural hair colors that one can buy in a store such as Wal
Mart. These companies can have a productive future as long as they are able to keep
up with all other forms of competition. As to my current knowledge, none of these
companies offer outrageous colors such as Pillarbox Red, or AfterMidnight. Sticking
to the traditional colors is not a bad thing because there is still a business in natural
hair colors. People still like to color their hair so it looks like the color they used to
have or a lighter or darker shade of the color they presently have. The largest group to
purchase hair color products in the older generation is women. They might do this
because they see grey coming in or are trying a new look out. knew that hair coloring was a big trend as early as 1996. (Klensch, 1996). They
predicted that the trend would continue on into 1997 but it
Exploring the Purpose of the Indian Gaming Regulation Act...
When the word Native American is mentioned, the first thing most people will think of is
Indian gaming. As many people know, only Native Americans can conduct gaming while
people from other ethnicity cannot. This leads to the belief that it is an indirect way for
the American government to repay the tribal government for taking their lands. This is
partially true. The right to conduct gaming on reservations begins with the Indian
Gaming Regulation Act (IGRA). Since its establishment in 1988, hundreds of tribes are
able to negotiate an agreement with the governments to operate casinos on reservation
lands. However, this is not the only intention of IGRA. Although Congress says that the
real purpose of IGRA is to allow Indians to open... Show more content on
It was also created to ensure legality and to protect the financial interests of tribes
(Light and Rand, 44). IGRA is viewed differently among the Native and the non
Native people. To many Americans, IGRA is a compromise between the American
government and the tribal government because it enables tribes to support
themselves, while it meets the Congress intention of opening more jobs to control
poverty related crimes. According to a survey by the National Indian Gaming
Association (NIGA) in 2006, as much as 75% of Americans believe that Indians
benefit from gaming ( The Economic Impact of Indian Gaming in 2006 ). It is
approximated that the tribal gaming industry generates $15.9 billion in revenue in
2003 ( National Indian Gaming Association ), and has created over 550,000 jobs
(Light and Rand, 85). Even though there is only a small change in the number of
crimes as a result of casinos, it is enough to conclude that crime rates were reduced, but
not in an overwhelming way (Light and Rand, 97). On the contrary, Native Americans
believe that it is a one sided negotiations that gives the state and federal government
power over tribal authority (Light and Rand, 3). IGRA limits the tribe s ability to fully
express its tribal sovereignty. Most people know that only Native Americans have the
right to operate gaming, however, they do not know how or why do they possess these
rights. To understand this, one must first