Dragon Magazine. .231

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Remember when

“Well, hey, I didn’t spend all those years playing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® There’s something satisfying about having “been there” at
and not learn a little something about courage.” the beginning, even if all you were doing was playing a game
that thousands of others were also playing (or listening to a
There it was, on national television. When The X-Files busts band that ends up all over MTV a few years later). The phe-
on your favorite game, you have to wonder just how far nomenon ranges from quarrels over who’s been playing longer
beyond “arrived” it’s come. to meandering reminiscences best saved for years spent in an
It’s OK, though. We gamers laughed the loudest. Sure, it old gamer’s home. But all this business is a good sign; it means
would have been more flattering if the guy who’d said the line we’ve got a history, and a pretty long one at that.
wasn’t such a freak. But it was funny, and it made me realize Remember when the first DRAGONLANCE® modules came out,
that we’re safe at last. Fantasy role-playing games, especially and everybody quarreled about who would play Raistlin?
the AD&D® game, are obviously here to stay. Remember when Unearthed Arcana arrived and we all rolled up
I had been getting a bit worried in the 80’s. The cool kids barbarians and cavaliers because they were so tough? (And we
had me nervous. still cheated on the die rolls, despite the new method.)
You know who they are—the ones with the desperate need Remember the dice that came in the original basic set? The
to prove they liked something before it was cool, thus proving four-siders were like caltrops. Step on one, even wearing sneak-
they they are hipper than thou. It’s usually about bands. “They ers, and you were in a world of hurt.
were great when they played clubs, but now they’ve sold out.” Well, sure. Some of us remember that stuff. Some of us don’t,
Of course, “sold out” usually means “became popular.” (And or maybe have only heard about the “old days” in the wistful
by that token, no rpg has “sold out” more than the AD&D and tiresome musings of the old guard. It’s great that you meet
game.) The cool kids won’t be seen at an REM concert, but they players who know everything there is to know about Drizzt or
won’t shut up about having “been there” when the band was Elminster but stare blankly when you talk about White Plume
doing the college circuit. Mountain or the Tomb of Horrors. It means that the hobby is alive
You see a similar thing among gamers, especially ex-gamer with new players, that we’re not all aging veterans quibbling
cool kids who won’t be seen indulging in a role-playing game over which of the hardcovers was released first.
today but really want you to know that they were playing back The best thing is that when it comes down to the game itself,
before you ever heard of beholders. it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been playing. A veteran of 15
“I started with the first edition hardcover.” years and a newcomer to the game will both have the same
“That’s nothing. I started with the blue box basic set.” reminiscence a few years from now: “Remember when we
“Oh yeah? Well, back in my day, all we had were three little played The Night Below, and your paladin started the fight with
booklets — and no modules!” that gigantic...”
There’s nothing wrong with fond reminiscences, and there’s
nothing wrong with the accumulation of some of these anec-
dotes into such tall tales as rival any in-char-
acter tavern talk. The difference is in
whether you still play the game or
just want people to know that you
did, once.

Publisher Associate Publisher Editor-in-Chief Editor Art director

TSR, Inc. Brian Thomsen Pierce Watters Dave Gross Larry W. Smith I
Associate editor Associate editor Subscriptions U.S. advertising U.K. correspondent/advertising
Anthony J. Bryant Michelle Vuckovich Janet L. Winters Cindy Rick Carolyn Wildman

Printed in the USA

DRAGON #231 3
July 1996
Volume XXI, No. 2
Issue #231

The Master Thief

Karl Garrison
When you’re the best you are
at what you do,
how can you get any better?

Page 8 The
Who Came in
from the Cold
Renee Stern
Tired of picking pockets?
Sick of running from the law?
Well, when you can’t beat ’em...
Page 14

The Spying
Michael T. Kuciak
A player’s primer to the game of spying —
but be ready to play for keeps.

Page 20 Why Spy?

Larry Granato
“The name is Bond... ”
Page 26

Defilers &
Bill Slavicsek
Six powerful new wizard kits
for the devastated lands of

Page 40

4 JULY 1996
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Wyrm’s Turn
Cool kids, game geezers, and the rest of us.
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-Mail
Wyrms of the North Our favorite of your recent letters.
Ed Greenwood 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Role of Books
Beware when this lonely dragon asks you up for a bite.
When you can’t play it, read it. Here are a few
Page 32 titles for fun and game inspiration.
The Game Wizards: 73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cons & Pros
DRAGONLANCE™: FIFTH AGE™ There’s almost always a convention closer than
a beach this summer.
Sue Weinlein Cook
The world of Krynn is back, this time with 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forum
a dramatic new game system.
PLAYER’S OPTION™ rules, level limits, breaking the
Page 76 rules, and other groovy game neepery.
DRAGON DICE™ GAME: 89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sage Advice
Something Wild This month, the Sage concentrates on provid-
ing some Skills & Powers for psionics.
Dori Hein & Bill Olmesdahl
The feral are ready to run rampant 92 . . . . . . . . . RPGA® Network News
through the armies of your opponents.
The Game Fair Network guest of honor chats
Page 96 about getting into the game industry.
108 . . . . . . . Role-playing Reviews
With nothing up his sleeve, Rick Swan produces
a survey of magical game supplements.
120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Current Clack
What’s up and what’s going down in the game

The AD&D®

Steve Winter Other Material
The greatest gaming innovation
since, well, the character sheet,
graph paper, the Player's 5 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hellbound
Handbook, the DMG . . .
9 9 . . . . . . . . Knights of the Dinner Table
Page 58
1 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DragonMirth
1 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gamer’s Guide
1 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd
116 ....................... TSR Previews

62 The Measure
of the Home Guard
(DRAGONLANCE®: Tales of the Fifth Age)
J. Robert King
In the wake of the second cataclysm, an unlikely
knight comes to Whitestone Glade.

D RAGON #231 5
DRAGONLANCE®: FIFTH AGE™ game, which resource for players in the entire maga-
uses (non-collectible) cards rather than dice zine. My favorite class is the wild mage,
for creating characters and resolving and I would love to see more wild magic
actions. Also, back in issue #210, Bill spells. Could you print an article on wild
Connors described a very nifty game for use mages? If not, do you know where I
with the Tarokka deck. Check ‘em out. could find more wild magic spells?
I loved the gangsters article in #228,
Dear DRAGON Magazine, and the artwork was great. Keep up the
I just read the annual “April Fools” excellent work.
issue, and I must admit that I laughed Sincerely,
until I cried! It surpassed last year’s by far. Andy Hartwell
This issue was special to me because my via e-mail
campaign, which began in 1987, thrives
on humor. Sure, you can’t play the You’ve got it, Andy. While we’ll still pub-
AD&D® game without some seriousness, lish articles for the DM, we know that most
Dear DRAGON® Magazine, but the humor keeps us going. of our readers are players (naturally). You’ll
I have recently been reading all of my For the first time, we’re using a new see more and more articles with spells, mag-
old FORGOTTEN REALMS® books that I’d group of characters, starting at first level. ical items, weapons, character kits, profi-
boxed up and put away. I was reading Giving the new PCs strange things to fight ciencies, and anything else a player could
the second book in my favorite series, on their first adventure, like chia golems want in the coming months. We’ll include
the Finder’s Stone Trilogy, entitled The and flumphs, will give us something to something on wild mages as soon as we see
Wyvern’s Spur, when I came across remember. To add even more to the fire, a really good article for them.
something interesting. One chapter con- we have a tendency to use a wide variety As for the gangsters of the Underdark,
tained a description of a card game that of races and classes, usually the most our sources in the Waterdeep Watch tell us
Giogi Wyvernspur and his friends were unique. If there’s anything the average to keep an eye out for another group of
playing, called “Elemental Empires.” gamer/writer can do to get something them, maybe around, say, next April.
I was wondering whether TSR has submitted to DRAGON Magazine (with a
had, or due to my letter, now has any twist of humor), let me know. I’ve got a Dear DRAGON Magazine,
ideas of developing this into a real lot of ideas. Keep up the good work! 1. How many volumes will be in the
game. In today’s world of overpriced col- Chris Dickinson Wizard’s Spell Compendium?
lectible card games, it would be a real Mineral Ridge, OH 2. When can players expect a set of
pleasure to be able to play a fantasy- Priest spells? How many volumes will
based card game without having to Getting any article into the magazine is make up its set of compendiums?
spend $200 on packs and packs of just a matter of writing a good one and sub- 3. Does TSR have plans to publish
cards. I’m sure that I, as well as many of mitting it. (Well, there are a few other steps, updates to the ENCYCLOPEDIA M AGICA
my friends, would be interested in a starting with sending us a query, but those series with updates on the new magical
one-deck system similar to this. Please are covered by the writers, guidelines that items, artifacts, and relics published
tell me whether you are planning on anyone can receive for the price of a busi- since the set was released?
doing this, so I can find a place to box ness-sized SASE.) We like humorous articles 4. Will TSR publish further Arcane Age
up all my Magic cards! too, but we’ll save most of them for April. products that deal with lost empires
Ian Robert Wells other than Netheril?
Westford, MA Dear DRAGON Magazine, 5. What happened to Dale Henson? I
I am very satisfied with the new for- noticed he went from Slade (with a cap-
While there are currently no plans to pro- mat. Your magazine is very helpful to all ital S) to slade (with a lower case s). I
duce “Elemental Empires,” card games DMs. Unfortunately, I rarely DM. With hope he didn’t suffer some sort of game
inspired by AD&D® game settings aren’t the people in my group, the ratio of DMs trauma.
new. For some interesting “in-setting” card to players is about 3:12. Thanks,
games, you might try using the Talis deck It would be great if you included Conrad Geist
from the Tales of the Lance boxed set for more information for players every Ft. Morgan, CO
the DRAGONLANCE® setting or the Tarokka issue, like new spells, equipment, kits,
deck from the revised RAVENLOFT® campaign and even new races. The fireworks Since the ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA™ tomes
boxed set. The Talis deck had at least a little spells article in issue #227 was good, compiled by slade were so popular, you can
influence in the design of the upcoming but that was just about the only bet we’ll see a priests spells compendium.

DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly by TSR, inc., by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distribution to the book trade in the made payable to TSR, Inc., or charges to valid MasterCard or VISA credit
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6 J ULY 1996
The trick, as Skip Williams pointed out last The nit-picker within me cannot help
month in “Sage Advice,” is that there’s no but ask questions: 1) what system does
way of telling how many volumes either the the software use — the PLAYER’S OPTION™
wizard or priest series will be until the spells rules or the 2nd Edition rules? 2) Do the
are compiled. Jon Pickens is hard at work on character creation tables include non-
the Wizard’s Spell Compendium even human races and their modifiers, such as
now, so we should have some idea soon. As from the Complete Book of Humanoids? 3)
for EncYCLOPEDIA MAGICA updates, all we can What spells and kits are included in the
say right now is “maybe.” core setup? 4) Will additional software
In addition to the Arcane Age boxed set allow for new rules expansions, new
written by slade with Jim Butler, we’ll see spells, items, monsters, proficiencies, kits,
three Arcane Age novels by Clayton Emery etc? 5) Is it net compatible? Could a DM
and an 64-page adventure entitled How the run a gaming session over the phone
Mighty Are Fallen, also by slade. While the lines with the options available? If not,
details are still, well, arcane, future Arcane then why not set up a huge net AD&D
Age projects are on the drawing board. game, perhaps in the style of the Ultima
As for slade himself he’s still recovering Underworld* games?
from the freak typographical accident that All other thoughts aside, I am over-
cost him his earlier names, the therapy is joyed that someone actually took the
promising, and we visit him on Tuesdays time and effort to create such a terribly
and Saturdays to pick up his manuscripts. useful tool. A warm thanks to TSR and
especially to the dataslaves at Evermore,
Dear DRAGON Magazine, who made this wonder possible.
When I read the “Game Wizards” sec- Nicholas Drozda
tion of DRAGON Magazine #226, I wept. Pittsburgh, PA
Finally an engine that incorporates all On the Cover
known rules into a DM’s playing aid! I’ve While the AD&D CD-ROM doesn’t do
been trying to program the same con- quite everything you ask (that would Once again, we present a paint-
cept through a course I’m taking, but I require multiple full wishes), more AD&D ing from an artist whose work has
am continually cutting corners if I want computer products are on their way. We’ll not appeared in this magazine
to have any sort of a tangible product let you know more about them nearer to before. While his name may be
ready for a final grade. Such a sweet their release dates. In the meantime, check new to us, Don Ivan Punchatz has
program I would gladly purchase, but out the box below and the demo disk in this been knocking around the Texas
the timing is off. Within two months I’ll issue for the answer to your questions. And illustration scene long enough to
be shipping out to basic training for the don’t worry about finding fellow gamers in become an icon in his own right.
Air Force, and then to Keesler Mississippi the military — there are plenty. Some may For our cover, Don wanted to
for Tech school, and I have no clue even let you use their computers. present “an exotic mutation of the
when I will ever see another breathing dragon family from the genus
role-player, or if I’ll even have access to known by the ancient Chinese as
a computer. Ying-Lung, or winged Dragon.” His
creation inhabits lairs close to
Your Free AD&D® CD-ROM Demo underground thermal activity.
And, in true Texas tradition, Don
If you don’t have a CD-ROM drive and Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, this issue
couldn’t resist the chance to cre-
includes a free AD&D coaster. ate a cobra-headed menace at the
If you do have Windows, check out the free demo of the AD&D Core Rules CD- same time.
ROM coming out in September. But first, read the accompanying article on page 50,
along with the sleeve of the CD-ROM disk. Be sure to take a look at the README.TXT
file to learn of any last-minute changes to the software.
To be sure you can sample all the features of the demo disk, try to play it as an
audio CD first in your CD-ROM drive. If you hear sound, everything’s fine. If you
don’t, you probably won’t be able to use the Wizard function in the demo (it’ll lock
up your system and make you reboot), but the other features will still work.

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D RAGON #231 7
by Karl Garrison
illustrated by Dan Burr

T he thief is one of the most interesting and versatile classes

The thief in shining armor
in the AD&D® game, especially at low to mid-levels. With Thief Player: Now that my character’s skills are all at 95%, what
happens to the extra points?
his great variety of skills and his rapid advancement, he
usually has no problem keeping pace with other members of an DM: They’re lost, I guess.
Thief What if he were to start wearing his suit of studded leather
adventuring party.
armor? That would lower his scores below 95, so he wouldn’t lose
Higher levels present more of a challenge. High-level wiz-
any points, right?
ards can imitate many of the thief’s skills by using certain
spells. In addition, a thief’s skills reach maximum values at spe- DM: That makes sense.
cific levels. Thief: Will you let me use that table in The Complete Thief’s
The game gives rules for advancing characters to 20th level. Handbook that gives the penalties to thief skills for every type of
armor? He could then wear that suit of +4 splint mail that the party
This is about when the average thief character will max out his
found. It would take several levels to bring his skills back up, but it
skills. Not all campaigns end at 20th level, however. The
would be worth it.
FORGOTTEN REALMS® Adventures Sourcebook, for example, gives
DM: [sighing deeply] What would he do when his skills were at
rules allowing characters to advance to 30th level and pro-
95% again?
vides expanded spell tables for wizards and priests. Warrior
characters also should have plenty to do beyond 20th level. In Thief: He’d start wearing plate mail, I guess.
addition to gaining three hit points with each level, they still DM: Shoot me now, please.
gain one weapon and one nonweapon proficiency every three
The Player’s Handbook states that “no skill may be raised
levels. Beyond 20th level, the only thing thieves receive is a
reduced number of skill points every level; something they above 95%, including all adjustments for Dexterity, race, and
cannot use if their skills are maxed out. armor.” The above example shows how some players could try
Once a thief character’s skills reach maximum values, noth- to avoid this restriction. For most DMs, this is simply unaccept-
ing more may be done with his skill points. Other than a few able. It is ridiculous to assume that even the most accom-
hit points and proficiencies, there is very little difference plished thief could be stealthy in bulky metal armor. Of course,
between a 20th-level thief and a 30th-level thief. the DM can simply disallow all nonstandard armors for thieves,
This article suggests a more sensible method of determining but that would address only part of the problem. How about a
a thief character’s maximum skill scores, new uses for skill thief with a Dexterity of 9? Does it make sense that he could
points, and creative uses for one often-overlooked eventually be as skilled as a nimble halfling thief
ability of the thief class: using scrolls. with a Dexterity of 19?

DRAGON #231 9
I suggest that DMs require their thief ple thug learn the Read Languages skill? foreign lands. The new skill would be
players to keep track of two sets of An accomplished burglar may consider called Linguistics.
scores: their base scores (the score with- himself above Picking Pockets. A thief character using Linguistics
out adjusting for Dexterity, race, or For these reasons, high-level thieves would have to have heard at least an
armor worn), and their actual scores should be allowed, at the DM’s option, hour of spoken conversation in the lan-
(after adjustments). The rule on page 38 to learn new skills. These skills may be guage in question before attempting this
could be revised to read, “The thief’s invented by the player or the DM, or skill (either all at once, or in segments).
base scores may not exceed 95%, and a borrowed from another source, such as Any time afterward, if the thief attempts
thief character may never have a greater the DARK SUN® Dragon Kings sourcebook. to understand or engage in a conversa-
than 95% chance of success when using This option should be available only to tion in that language, he must make a
a skill, regardless of his actual score.” In single-classed thieves of fairly high level skill check.
this manner, a thief character’s scores (at least 14th). Failure either means that the thief
may max out above or below 95%, Note: The Dragon Kings sourcebook doesn’t understand what is being said or
depending on the circumstances. In the describes six new skills available to that he does not know the correct words
former case, any situational penalties to Athasian thieves once they reach 21st to respond. Each conversation in that
an attempt at a skill would be subtracted level: Detect Magic, Detect Illusion, Forge language requires a separate skill check,
from the character’s actual score, which Document, Bribe Official, Dig Tunnel, and since it likely contains different words.
could very well be over 95% (see Escape Bonds. A few of these may be Since Linguistics is similar to the Read
Example 2). appropriate to other campaign settings Languages skill, the DM decides to use it
as well. Five of them appear in the as a model, giving it the same Dexterity,
Example 1 PLAYER’S OPTION™: Skills & Powers book, as racial, and armor worn adjustments as
Ragnar, a thief who likes to wear well as in the DUNGEON M ASTER® Option: read languages. However, since the thief
plate mail, has a base score of 95% for High-Level Campaigns book. class already has some knowledge of
his Move Silently skill. His Dexterity of 18 When designing new skills for the languages, the DM sets the base score
gives him an additional +10%. However, thief class, the following guidelines for Linguistics at 15%, rather than 0%.
wearing plate mail gives him a whop- should be kept in mind:
ping -80%, making his actual score Example 4
❖ No skill should grant a thief char- The DM decides he likes the Escape
25% (95 + 10 = 105%; 105 - 80 = 25%).
acter magical or superhuman powers. Bonds skill from the Dragon Kings
(See Table 38, on page 115 of The
Although a Turn Invisible skill would no sourcebook, so he sets up a scenario for
Complete Thief’s Handbook for thief skill
doubt benefit the character greatly, it is Zarkin, a PC gnomish thief, to learn the
adjustments for all armor types.) Since
outside the scope of the thief class. skill for himself.
his base score is maxed out, he may not
❖ The skill should somehow relate to The DM tells the player that the circus
increase his actual score beyond 25%.
the goals of the thief class. (It must relate is in town and that one act in particular
to breaking and entering, theft, stealth, sounds interesting. The performer
Example 2 evasion, scouting, or information gath-
Dara, a halfling thief with a 19 allows the audience to tie him up, then
ering.) If the thief character has a kit, the promises that he will be free in one
Dexterity, has a base score of 95% for
new skill may relate to the kit’s goals. hour. Sure enough, Zarkin (who some-
her Open Locks skill. She receives a
❖ The level of difficulty of a new skill how manages to wind up in jail every
+20% for her Dexterity and a +5% for
should be in proportion with the existing other adventure) decides to don a dis-
her race, making her actual score 120.
thief skills. A Run Silently skill, for exam- guise and talk to the performer after the
When attempting to open an ordinary
ple, would be too powerful and make show, beseeching him to reveal his
lock, her chance of success would be
the Move Silently skill useless. secrets. The performer refuses, however,
95%, since this is the maximum.
However, if she were to try to pick a lock Once the new skill’s effects and limi- saying that his principles do not allow
of masterful quality (-60% penalty), she tations have been described, the DM him to teach his art to anyone, since it
would still have a 60% chance of suc- must decide the base score for the skill, could be used for dishonest purposes.
cess, since the penalty is subtracted as well as racial, Dexterity, and armor After Zarkin waves a large ruby (worth
from her actual score of 120% (120 - 60 worn adjustments. If the new skill is sim- 5,000 gp) under his nose, the performer
= 60%). ilar to an existing skill, that skill may be decides to relax his principles a bit.
used as a guideline. The DM copies all of the relevant
If the skill is taken from another information about the skill from the
New thief skills source, such as the aforementioned DARK SUN Dragon Kings sourcebook,
As previously stated, an average thief Dragon Kings sourcebook, the DM must including description, base score, and
character’s skills reach their maximum determine if any changes need to be adjustments due to Dexterity, race, and
values sometime around 20th level. made to the skill due to the setting or armor worn. Since there are no gnomes
Even before this time, however, a thief the DMs preference. on Athas, the DM must decide the
player may wish to find other uses for gnomish modifier for this skill. He
his skill points. Certain skills may be vir- Example 3 decides that gnomes are small and nim-
tually useless to different types of Orion, thief and spy extraordinaire, ble like halflings but that they do not
thieves, so a player may not wish to wishes to learn more about languages possess their legendary knack for most
devote any points to them. What use so that he can learn the gist of a new thief skills. Halflings receive a +10%
does a wilderness-loving bandit have for language quickly when spying upon dif- bonus to the escape bonds skill, so he
his Open Locks skill? Why would a sim- ferent types of creatures or while he is in makes the gnomish modifier +5%.

10 J ULY 1996
How it works could end up blasting him and his com- Second level
To learn a new skill, the thief charac- panions, rather than his target. Darkness, 15’ radius: Although this
ter must be single-classed and at least In some cases, a thief character may may seem like a great way to hide, a
14th level. He must either find a tutor not even know whether the scroll was huge circle of absolute blackness is
who already knows the skill or devise a read properly, since the effects may not more likely to attract attention than to
way to teach it to himself (DM’s discre- be readily apparent. For example, if he divert it.
tion). He must spend 15 of his skill points casts explosive runes on a document, he Deeppockets: Excellent way to grab a
to purchase the skill, after he gains a would not know whether it worked large amount of loot without becoming
level. The score starts at its base value, unless he read the document himself encumbered or attracting notice by leav-
plus Dexterity, racial, and armor worn (and triggered the explosion). The DM ing with bulging pockets.
adjustments. The thief may use his may allow a thief character with the Fool’s gold: Not much needs to be
remaining skill points to add to the new Spellcraft proficiency to know when he’s said about this spell, except that the
skill, or he may spend them on any misread a scroll, if he makes a success- thief had better spend the fake money
other skill. ful proficiency check. while wearing a good disguise!
The new skill is treated as any other Below is a brief list of wizard and Improved phantasmal force: See
thief skill, subject to the same rules and priest spells that are of special interest to phantasmal force. This spell lasts two
limitations (e.g., no more that 15 points thief characters. It is far from complete, rounds after the thief ceases concentra-
may be devoted to the skill each level, listing only a few of the possibilities. tion, possibly giving him a head start if
etc.). he flees.
Wizard spells Invisibility: This spell, along with the
Other skills First level thief’s Move Silently skill, allows him to
Thieves must learn many skills to be Armor: Gives the thief protection, but travel unnoticed nearly anywhere.
successful. Many rogue nonweapon pro- he still gains the benefits of wearing no Rope trick: Presto, instant hiding
ficiencies are similar to thief skills, so armor. place!
DMs may wish to allow thief characters Change self: Great for a quick dis- Web: his is great for slowing pursuers,
to purchase a one-slot nonweapon pro- guise. but if the spell malfunctions, the thief
ficiency from the rogue group at the cost Find familiar: The DM may wish to could find himself in a sticky situation.
of 15 skill points, or a two-slot profi- restrict this spell to wizards. If not, hav-
ciency at the cost of 30 skill points. Such ing an animal companion could be a Third level
a character may not, however, acquire great asset to the thief by scouting for Spectral force: See phantasmal force.
two separate one-slot nonweapon profi- him, or even helping him steal small This spell lasts three rounds after the
ciencies, nor may he purchase a new items. (Page 112 of The Complete Thief’s thief ceases concentration, possibly giv-
proficiency at the same level he acquires Handbook shows various uses a thief ing him time to get away.
a new thief skill. character may have for animal assis- Wraithform: As described in the
As with buying new thief skills, this tants.) In addition, the familiar bestows Player’s Handbook, the caster moves
option should only be available to single- the thief with its sensory power, as without a sound through the tiniest
classed thief characters of at least 14th described on page 134 of the Player’s cracks in walls and doors. Due to his
level. Handbook. wispy, insubstantial nature, the DM may
If one of the familiar’s sensory pow- also grant the thief a +25% bonus to his
A new look at an ers is good hearing, then the thief gains Hide in Shadows skill while in wraith-
old thief skill: scroll use a bonus to his Detect Noise skill. This form. This spell is ideal for spying, but
At 10th level, the thief gains the abil- bonus can be anywhere between +5% not for theft or surprise attacks, since he
ity to read wizard and priest scrolls. The and +30%, depending on the nature of is completely insubstantial.
only drawback to this ability is that the familiar. If the thief already has a
thieves suffer a 25% chance of reversing bonus to this skill due to his race, then Fourth level
the spell’s effect in a detrimental way the higher of the two bonuses should be Dimension door: Great for escaping in
every time they do so. used. (Do not add them.) a hurry. A malfunction may mean that
A generous DM may allow thief char- Identify: If the thief does not have the thief arrives where he hadn’t in-
acters to improve their proficiency with access to a guild wizard, he can use this tended, but at least he’s somewhere else!
scrolls, reducing their chance of failure. spell to identify magical treasures him- Improved invisibiliy: See invisibility.
This would cost 15 skill points, as well as self. If he were to take the item to some Since this spell does not end after an
require extensive training by a wizard other wizard, the wizard could recognize attack has been made, the thief can
(finding a suitable tutor could be an the item as “hot” and report the thief! backstab an opponent and still escape
adventure in itself!). After the training is Phantasmal force: Great all-purpose invisibly.
complete, his chance of failure would be spell for diversions, concealment, etc. He
reduced to 15%, just like a bard. may not use the spell when fleeing, Fifth level
The thief is better off using scrolls however, since the illusion requires con- Advanced illusion: See phantasmal
that aid in escape, disguise, and diver- centration to maintain. force. This spell lasts several rounds and
sion, rather than direct offense. A mis- Sleep: Excellent for quietly taking care does not require concentration, allowing
read teleport scroll could simply take him of guards and the like. Even if this spell the thief to take other actions.
where he hadn’t intended, whereas a misfires, the thief won’t be put to sleep — Cloudkill: This is one of the few offen-
malfunction with a meteor swarm scroll he is too high level. sive spells that may be used safely by
thieves, since a malfunction would not

DRAGON 231 11
slay the thief, even if he were caught in instead of healing him. Conversely, if the Fifth Level
the middle. (He is too high level.) thief used a cause light wounds scroll on a Cure critical wounds: See cure light
Shadow door: This allows the thief to enemy, and it malfunctioned, the enemy wounds.
escape with a dramatic flair. might be healed. (The latter would not Raise dead: If an adventuring party
Teleport: See dimension door. This be a problem if the opponent were not has only one priest capable of casting
spell allows a wider range of destina- injured, however.) raise dead, and he dies, then a thief char-
tions, but is considerably more risky. Detect snares and pits: This spell acter might try to revive him with a raise
allows the thief to detect large pits, dead scroll. This could be risky, however,
Sixth level snares, and deadfalls that he normally since a malfunction could have a very
Contingency: If the thief has another would not be able to find. (Find/Remove nasty side-effect, such as the complete
wizard (not priest) scroll handy, he can Traps allows the detection of only small destruction of the corpse.
attempt to link it to a contingency spell, traps and alarms.)
just as a wizard could. Note that he Entangle: Another way for the thief to Sixth level
would have to avoid malfunction of slow pursuers. Heal: See cure light wounds. A thief
both the contingency scroll and the scroll lnvisibility to animals: Getting by who is close to death might consider
to be linked to the contingency. guard animals is a breeze with this spell. using this scroll, since a malfunction
Death spell: Like sleep and cloudkill, Pass without trace: Nearly perfect for would not kill him, but rather leave him
the thief needn’t worry about being thieves, since the recipient of this spell with between one and four hit points.
affected if the scroll malfunctions, since cannot be tracked by any conventional Word of recall: This is possibly the
he is too high level. means, including dogs and rangers. greatest escape spell a thief can use. The
Enchant an item: Making magic items thief reads a scroll beforehand and
is a special ability of wizards and should Second level needs only to utter a single word to acti-
not be possible for thieves, even if they Barkskin: As with armor, this spell vate the spell, returning him to a safe
have an enchant an item scroll. allows the thief to be protected but still place.
Mislead: Another great spell for quick gain the bonuses to his thief skills as if
escapes. he were wearing no armor. Seventh Level
Tenser’s transformation: Since Silence, 75’ radius: Provides a blanket Resurrection: See raise dead.
thieves generally have more hit points of silence around an area if the thief
than wizards, this spell can be very must perform a noisy action, like spring-
effective when used by a thief character. ing a trap or backstabbing a guard.
He still may attack only with a dagger or Karl Garrison has cleverly concealed his
staff, however, even if he is proficient Third level identity from the DRAGON® Magazine staff,
with better weapons. Meld into stone: This spell provides proving his expertise in the field of which he
an excellent hiding place for the thief, has written.
Seventh level but only for a short duration.
Duo-dimension: When viewed from Water breathing: With this spell, the
the front, a thief using this spell is com- thief could hide underwater or even
pletely invisible, even to a detect invisibil- plunder realms below the waves.
ity spell. This makes the spell handy in
special situations, such as sneaking into Fourth level
a tower occupied by a paranoid wizard. Cure serious wounds:
It also allows him to fit through narrow See cure light wounds.
cracks. Free action: This gives
Limited wish: This spell has nearly the thief freedom of
endless possibilities for a thief character. movement, even when
He should be careful of what he wishes, impeded by web spells
since the opposite could come true if the and the like, making him
scroll malfunctions. more difficult to capture.
Teleport without error: See dimension PIant door: Like meld
door. This spell allows for a nearly end- into stone, this spell pro-
less range of destinations. vides a temporary hiding
place for the thief, with a
Ninth level longer duration than the
Foresight: A handy spell to use when former spell.
breaking into a heavily trapped or Tongues: Great for
warded area. spies, since the spell
Wish: See limited wish. grants perfect fluency in
any language, along with
Priest spells the proper accent. The
First level only drawback is the
Cure light wounds: The thief would be spell’s brief duration.
ill-advised to use healing scrolls, since a
malfunction would wound the recipient

12 J ULY 1996
14 J ULY 1996
. . .to catch a thief

D uke Arrigo ripped the painting that hid his safe off the wall and
hurled it across his study. How could the agreement be gone?
Everyone who had put his seal to it was ruined, especially him.
He snatched the gold writing case off his desk, pressed the
recessed stud in the unicorn carving on the back wall, and ducked
into his final secret, the escape passage down to the docks. If he
could reach a ship, he‘d be safe to try for the throne again another
time. His cousin the king couldn’t rule forever.
But who had discovered their plot? They were so close. Oh, they’d
had a setback or two, lands suddenly enmeshed in the law courts, a
man killed in a street brawl, but he expected problems and reassured
his backers. But someone must have talked if the final agreement dis-
appeared barely half a day since he’d carried it home.
Reaching the door at last, Arrigo yanked it open, desperate to put
the city behind him. But in front of him waited a full squad of soldiers,
with one of his maids standing off to one side — in a royal uniform?
“You!” Suddenly he understood the betrayal.
He’d hired one of the king’s spies to clean his house.

Tired of the same old thieves in their dark leather, cutting

purses in the marketplace, or bashing marks in midnight alleys?
Looking for a way to spice up your campaign? Perhaps it’s time
to recruit some rogues for honest, open work with the local gov-
ernment by turning the thieves’ guild into an intelligence service.
This type of guild could be a campaign rarity, allowing DMs
to introduce the idea on a small scale. In this case, the involved
government should be neutral, both politically and in terms of
alignment, and smaller or somehow weaker than its neigh-
bors. Without using every talent available to it, how else could
such a state survive?
Alternately, using thieves for espionage and covert opera-
tions could be the campaign norm, allowing DMs another way
to introduce political intrigue to their campaigns, Adventures
can be shaped from Cold War headlines, as well as from books
and movies ranging from the latest techno-thriller to the Great
Game between 19th-century Russia and England, the setting of
Rudyard Kipling’s Kim.
Why would PCs turn away from the thrill of ransacking a
royal treasury or prying fist-sized jewels
from temple statues for what
amounts to a regular day
job? Although they won’t
grow rich on government
pay, the respectability,
steady salary and chance
of a pension (assuming
they live long enough to
collect) may prove tempt-
ing. Patriotism, the
chance to serve king and
country, is another poten-
by Renee Stern tial lure. Why let paladins
monopolize the righteous-
illustrated by James Holloway ness in a party?
What’s more, for people
with the quick reflexes and
minds that thieving requires,
any other choice of profession could

DRAGON 231 15
be, to put it bluntly, a dead end. A gov- expected or open-ended missions, where the form of buildings to be infiltrated,
ernment that uses those same talents their guild supervisors can’t foresee how classroom work with locks to be picked,
for espionage will not take kindly to they will eventually reach their goal. and walls of varying difficulty to be
freelancers who could easily join its ene- These agents must be well-rounded, with scaled under every possible weather
mies. a basic grounding in each of their class’ condition.
skills and an ability to think quickly and Trainers from the army or palace
When magic isn’t enough improvise. guard cover fighting techniques, and
In a world of spells and powers, why While Dexterity is the prime requisite sages teach languages and all variety of
would anyone use rogues rather than for thieves, would-be spies should con- other specialized knowledge a mission
magic? Surely the mystic arts are more sider putting their high scores in traits might require. Ambassadors or well-trav-
reliable than any human (or elven, like Intelligence, Strength, or Charisma. It eled merchants serve as instructors in
gnomish, etc.) resource. depends on the role they plan to have in court etiquette and foreign customs to
But there are times when only a fire- their country’s service. help agents blend in wherever they are
ball will serve and times when only spies Now that they are working for the sent.
will do. Spells that duplicate or out- government, rogues need not be con- With all these resources, the intelli-
perform a thief’s skills aren’t common, fined to a few alignment choices, gence guild is much more likely to have
though they may be devised with the although chaotic types will rarely pros- useful magic items in its storerooms than
proper research; in any case, paying a per in a bureaucracy. (Perhaps the guild- the thieves’ guild. Rings of invisibility, crys-
rogue to eavesdrop on an ambassador masters should instead bear the title of tal balls, and the like may not guarantee
or to find and copy a secret treaty will be director.) Because they are working a successful mission, but they will help.
cheaper than hiring a mage. within bounds set by the state, PCs may And what spy agency would be com-
What’s more, spells can be blocked or even find themselves playing what in plete without the counterpart to James
detected. Metal sheeting or warding essence are lawful good thieves; how- Bond’s Q, with a workshop to produce
spells make clairaudience and clairvoyance ever, because espionage and covert items part magical, part ingenious tin-
useless; ESP requires the caster to be on operations may delve into moral “gray” kering? This equipment might duplicate
the scene rather than safe at home; an areas, neutral or neutral good align- the standard thief’s kit but look innocu-
invisible agent might not reach his target ments are more appropriate. ous to help hold together an agent’s
without leaving tracks, odors, or mysteri- cover, or it might be as flamboyant as
ously opening and closing doors. Getting organized any of 007’s combination pen-homing
One of the more foolproof magical How visible the intelligence guild is signal-lasers. DMs and PCs can let their
items that intelligence services can and how closely it is tied to the govern- creativity loose here, as long as they
employ is the crystal ball, or a similar ment depends on the campaign and its remember game balance.
scrying device, to view the desired scene political and cultural setup. A state that
from any distance. But it, too, comes relies primarily on espionage and covert Beyond the law
with drawbacks. Hearing what is being operations to keep its independence As mentioned above, any state that
said, or even viewing the desired sub- may prefer to advertise that fact heavily turns thieves into spies will work hard to
ject, isn’t guaranteed. No one can watch to give its neighbors some inkling of keep out freelancers. PCs visiting from
every area of interest every minute, fur- what unfriendly moves might bring. foreign lands, as well as natives who
ther reducing the chance of obtaining Likewise, oppressive rulers will want don’t feel the call of duty as strongly as
useful information. And if the subjects of their citizens to fear shadows listening at guildmasters would like, will have to
scrying become aware of scrutiny, a dis- every door as a way to keep their grip practice their trade even more circum-
pel magic spell will put the crystal ball out on power. spectly than normal to avoid the hunt
of commission for an entire day. On the other hand, delicate balances for “rogue” rogues.
of power may require a country’s intelli- A special bureau may be set up with
The perfect spy gence service to work from the shadows the double task of ferreting out the ordi-
The best characteristics for a spy vary much as the thieves’ guilds of old, nary brand of thieves in addition to for-
depending on the mission. A sympa- although they would still draw pay, eign spies. Perhaps your PCs would like
thetic listener may coax confidences however secretly, from the government. to take a shot at a career in the fantasy
even out of people he’s just met, while With no spies on the record as working equivalent of the FBI.
the studious type, uncomfortable around for him directly, a king can still present For renegade thieves, part of the thrill
people, may be a whiz at cryptography. an honest face in his dealings with his might come from trying to plan and pull
Specialized agents concentrate on neighbors. “Plausible deniability” is one off heists while eluding the governments
skills that directly apply to their fields. of the watchphrases in the murky world grasp, a task much harder now that the
Thus, the undercover operative working of espionage. “cops” have the same skills and better
for Duke Arrigo knows a great deal In either case, these guilds draw on equipment. Even worse, with the state
about the running of a noble household, all of their country’s resources to train monopolizing the trade, where will free-
removing stains, picking locks, moving and equip agents. Special compounds lancers obtain their toolkits and training?
silently, and hiding in shadows (the bet- will be built to immerse budding spies in If the few thieves who manage to
ter to eavesdrop on her employer’s all the skills they will need as well as to remain free discover foreign spies in
secret meetings), but next to nothing offer refresher courses for more experi- town, how will they react? Perhaps they
about code-breaking or poisons. enced employees. Picture a cross will inform on them, out of patriotism or
On the other hand, general-purpose between a police academy and CIA self-interest, but they might also go over
spies are also needed to cover un- training school, with obstacle courses in to the enemy.

16 J ULY 1996
When rogues are caught, punishment and intelligence write more complicated
is likely to be more severe than simple codes and crack them more easily than
Table: Cryptography
thieves have come to expect. When fac- do novices or less intelligent spies. Intelligence Modifier
ing talents that could too easily be Attempts to read a coded message 3-4 -15%
turned against it, the state can’t afford to require at least four hours of concentra- 5 - 6 -10%
take chances. tion, with an additional 5% chance for 7-8 - 5 %
Enemy spies and double agents success for every eight-hour day spent at 9-14 0%
should expect harsh measures. Although the task. Bear in mind that no modifier 15-16 +5%
American courts can execute spies only may raise the percentage to succeed 17 +10%
during wartime, real-life agents in other above 90%. Of course, should an agent 18 +15%
countries may not fare so well. In any discover the particular key a cryptogra-
event, the teleport spells and other magic pher has used (perhaps the subject of a Base 0 %
available to a fantasy world make life- mission in itself), all messages using that Maximum 90%
time imprisonment impractical. Exile to key may be read automatically. On the
another plane may be a workable alter- other hand, code-breakers must know to escape being denounced as an
native for merciful DMs. the language the message is written in or enemy spy can rival the thrills of any
success is impossible. dungeon-delving.
Should you choose The four-hour minimum may be Political or economic decisions are
to accept... overlooked when the code-breaker’s only as good as the information behind
Now that you have set up your intel- ability is at least 60 points higher than them, so spreading false intelligence
ligence service, recruited your spies, and the code-writer’s In these cases, waiving becomes a vital mission. Enemy agents,
trained them, what do you do with them the time requirement doesn’t change once known, can be invaluable for fun-
now? By applying situations from both the chance of success or failure, and neling data; this has the double benefit
fiction and real life to their own cam- again, deciphering the message is never of controlling the damage they do to
paign worlds, DMs should find a nearly possible, no matter how skilled the cryp- your operations and allowing you to
endless supply of adventures. tographer, without knowing the mes- control what their government knows
At its most basic, espionage is simply sage language. and thus how it will react.
information-gathering. Some agents may For example, undercover operative Another way to contaminate another
be servants or tradesmen earning extra Kayla Morant has extracted a coded nation’s information flow — a more
cash by reporting what they see and message from Duke Arrigo’s mail. The exciting but also more dangerous one —
hear; others may collect intelligence by cipher’s writer has an adjusted ability is to go in and switch or alter docu-
striking up conversations with specific score of 40%, while Kayla’s score is ments. Forgery is a vital skill when copy-
people and by making or buying maps 25%. Subtracting 15% (40% - 25%) ing by hand is the only option.
and acquiring reports on trade, defensive from her score leaves her with a 10% At times the intelligence guild may
measures, or troop movements. chance of cracking the code, a percent- need to discredit someone: a noble with
In more delicate or dangerous situa- age she can better by 5% for every addi- dangerous friends and ideas, or a mer-
tions a thief’s special talents come into tional day she works on the cipher. chant on the verge of blowing an
play, allowing him to sneak and hide In another situation, Kayla faces a agent’s cover. In these cases the only
wherever needed to overhear conversa- more skilled cryptographer’s work. His option may be to plant evidence that
tions. In some cases the desired informa- ability score is 55%, leaving her with a incriminates the target in some crime,
tion may be kept behind locked doors. -5% chance of reading the message calling on all the shady talents for
At least as much energy goes into (55% - 25% = 30%; 25% - 30% = breaking and entering.
safeguarding your own intelligence. -5%). However, by spending two more If the evidence is believable and the
Cryptography covers breaking enemy days at her task, she now has a 5% target potentially useful, the covert oper-
ciphers as well as writing what you hope chance of success (2 days x 5% = 10%; ation may not end with a simple frame.
is unbreakable code for your own mes- -5% + 10% = 5%). Let the agent be the one to “discover” the
sages. This would be a new skill, similar Also falling under the category of safe- evidence she planted and use it to enlist
to a thief’s ability to read languages, and guards is much of the counterintelligence the merchants or noble’s help. Blackmail
it could be played out either as a simple work. These missions involve “mole-hunt- is an ugly word for a common enough
percentage chance or by detailing the ing,” the search for double agents in the ploy in the real world of espionage.
code involved. In any event, remember ranks; finding and plugging leaks in sen- Information doesn’t cover just the
that higher-level spies are better at both sitive departments, including the house- spoken or written word. Highly coveted
breaking and writing code. (See the holds and staffs of important nobles; and objects for our own intelligence agen-
Cryptography sidebar.) identifying foreign spies and renegade cies are samples of weapons and other
To handle a code-breaking situation, thieves. The guild may consider trying to technology, and fantasy spies should
compare the ability of the agent who “turn” discovered agents rather than exe- target the equivalents. Newly developed
devised the code with that of the agent cuting or imprisoning them. magic is the most obvious in this cate-
who is trying to crack it. Add or subtract Similarly, PCs may be ordered on gory, to be smuggled back home to the
the difference between the two numbers undercover missions to recruit new state’s research wizards, but don’t over-
to the code-breaker’s score; that agents in a neighboring country. Feeling look innovations in other fields. A new
becomes his percentage chance to deci- out just who is safe to approach but also grain that feeds more people or better
pher the message. Under this system, in a position to gather useful informa- Continued on page 38
cryptographers with more experience tion can be tricky and dangerous. Trying

18 J ULY 1996
by Michael T. Kuciak
illustrated by Lorelle Ahlstrom

Playing for keeps

utside of the cost for hiring a spy as given in the origi- Inside agents, like native agents, are citizens of the enemy’s
nal edition of the DMG, the AD&D® game has all but government. They are military or government officials paid for
ignored the possibility of using espionage as a source of inside information. According to Sun Tzu, friendly agents
adventure. Consider the raw excitement, adventure, and intrigue should be on the lookout for enemy officials who dislike their
inherent in almost any spy movie or book, from the wild action government for some reason, who are in debt, or who are
of James Bond and Arnold Schwartzenegger movies to the taut prone to bribery or seduction. Because they have higher stand-
suspense of Cold War espionage novels. If your run-of-the-mill ing than mere peasants, the information provided by inside
dungeon crawl campaign can’t hold a candle to even the most agents is more valuable.
boring secret agent story, perhaps it’s time to thrust your play- Friendly or double agents are enemy agents who have
ers into the shadowy world of the spy. been discovered. Instead of being executed, they are par-
Chase away the idea that spies are ignoble or have no place in doned, bribed, and sent back to their masters to provide
ancient society. Everyone from traitors and harlots to generals, information to their new employers while keeping their cover
ninja, and noblemen have waded the waters of espionage. as friendly spies.
Fantasy spies are walking, talking adventure. Everything they do Agents of death are those agents who have become
is full of danger. Most importantly, they aren’t greedy, inexperi- expendable. The agent is purposely given false information
enced thugs grubbing around in ruins for gold coins. and sent on a mission. In the course of the mission, the enemy
Spy stories are long on plot, character, and suspense, and is allowed to capture the agent. Feeling betrayed, the agent
short on the “go there, kill this” quality of the typical dungeon tries to get back at his old employers by spilling the beans.
campaign. A good spy adventure is full of lying, deceit, paranoia, The enemy acts on the agent’s information, thinking it is
double-crossing, and white-knuckle action. Basically, all the good. When the enemy is burned by the false information, he
good stuff. Adding a spy campaign to a fantasy setting takes a punishes the death agent. Thus, the original employer kills
little work, but it pays off in dividends of great role-playing. two birds with one stone.
Living agents are the classic secret agent-type spies.
The job They are sent into enemy territory to gather information.
A spy is a person who gathers information. There are quite a These agents are picked for their intelligence, hardiness,
few other things a spy can do, but information is the basic cur- bravery, agility, and knowledge. According to Sun Tzu, no
rency of the spy’s world. How information is gathered is up to one should be closer to the commander or receive bigger
the spy and whoever hired him. rewards. The PCs should ordinarily have jobs as living agents.
Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher-general who wrote The above descriptions are just general ideas of spy jobs.
The Art of War, built the foundation of intelligence gathering with Remember to keep an open mind. Anybody willing to gather or
his book Ping Fa, or The Principles of War. Besides theories on cre- sell information is considered a spy of some sort.
ating a spy organization, Sun Tzu described five kinds of spies: Three kinds of organizations hire spies: political, military, and
Native agents are inhabitants of an enemy’s state or law enforcement. The organization that employs the PCs deter-
country. They are ordinarily peasants or villagers who need mines the nature of their missions.
the cash. Because they lack training and cannot be counted Political organizations are interested in the affairs of other
on to take risks, native agents are good only for governments. Though most spies concentrate on
general information on troop movements or this aspect of the enemy, spies may work on
the disposition of the people. allies, as well. In today’s world, the U.S.

DRAGON 231 21
employs spies to keep tabs on countries lords) would hire ninja (or shinobi no The agent
like Canada, Great Britain, and Israel, and mono, as they were called) from the Iga Anybody can be a spy or work for
vice versa. province to gather information and stir spies. Ordinarily though, it is more fun to
Such “friendly” spies gather informa- up trouble. Any soldier with a fast horse play a character in the thick of things
tion on domestic and foreign policies and can act as a military scout, but it took the than an ignorant courier wandering
their effects. How was last year’s crop shinobi no mono to climb over castle walls around town with an envelope and a
yield? Will the country sign a treaty? and assassinate generals, set fires, cause password. A government usually trusts
Does the king have a mistress? How high confusion, and sabotage weapons and only a specific kind of skilled, reliable per-
are the taxes? How do the peasants feel supplies. The Japanese also employed son for the really interesting, dangerous
about the government? Will they revolt? bandits called rappa (“grass”) or even the missions. At the same time, if a character
What is the court wizard working on? honorable samurai to wage terror cam- is skilled and reliable, then background,
What is her favorite color? It is the politi- paigns. When the daimyô Oda Nobunaga social standing, caste, or religion fail as
cal spy’s job to find out anything one decided to invade the ninja’s homeland, significant factors in the hiring process.
government would want to know about a small army of Iga samurai were able to Doors may open up that would not open
another. beat back Nobunaga’s much larger force before. Whether thief or noble, prince or
The spy’s masters may ask him not with the help of the ninja’s espionage pauper, if the character can come across
only to investigate the other government and unconventional warfare. with the goods, he has the job.
but also to affect it. Perhaps the spy will Finally, you might want to mix your Of course, the character may be hired
have to buy votes on the parliament so a PCs up in secret service law enforcement. on as a dupe or a decoy, but that is
particular trade agreement goes favor- Though essentially police officers, secret another situation altogether.
ably for his employer. Maybe it would be service agents often use elements of
nice for a certain treaty to disappear, or intelligence gathering and spy tech- Rogues
that a particular courtier fall into disfavor niques. The missions the PCs receive A rogue is the best choice for a secret
after the spy spreads enough rumors. If depend largely on how the government agent. A good rogue is brave, agile, and
the spy’s client is unhappy with another uses the secret service. They may be intelligent. Thieving skills are perfectly
country’s government, would it not be involved in counter-intelligence, ferreting suited for stealing documents, drugging
convenient if the disgruntled peasants out enemy spies, or making sure their drinks, climbing castle walls, eavesdrop-
suddenly decided to revolt, especially if own secrets stay safe. Perhaps they han- ping on conversations, and escaping
the new government were friendlier? dle the shadier law enforcement jobs, before anybody even knows a spy is
For all of the potential missions a like spying on radical political move- around.
political spy can undertake, a military spy ments or hunting down potential political On top of that, rogues often have the
has more. Spies hired by the military can assassins with orders to kill. If the gov- underworld connections to tap the infor-
range from a native agent reporting on ernment does not trust its people, the mation pipelines. A well-connected rogue
local troop movements in exchange for a secret police may run a network of spies spy knows when the ambassador from
few coins to a full-fledged military scout and informants in order to keep dissi- the enemy country is arriving, how many
who doubles as a guerrilla warrior. dents in line, KGB-style. guards he has, where he is staying, how
Intelligence gathering is a necessary The secret police is nothing new. to get in, who his servants are, what time
part of good military strategy, and it is by Augustus Caesar created a group of he goes to bed, and where he keeps his
no means a new theory. Genghis Khan “political police” in order to keep on top documents just by spending five minutes
would send out soldiers posing as desert- of domestic events and opinions. A passing around silver pieces in certain
ers to enemy camps. Not only would secret police force is not inherently good areas of town. Gold is worth risking life
they feed the enemy false information or evil, either. Even though James Bond is and limb to a thief, information is worth
while they stayed in the camp, but they one of the “good guys,” he carries a more than gold a spy.
would also report back with information license to kill. The secret police may be a Finally and perhaps most importantly,
on the enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, small group of elite, extra-legal profes- the thieves’ guild is very similar to a spy
and territory. Genghis Khan’s head gen- sionals devoted to the safety of king and cell. Both provide safe houses, informa-
eral, Subotai, claimed wars were won on country. On the other hand, they may be tion, resources, networks, and missions.
the strength of espionage. sadistic thugs; the tools of an oppressive The GM may consider allowing spy PCs to
Like the political spy, the military spy’s government. How much the PCs know learn a spies’ cant, similar to the thieves’
job is to find out anything that would be about their agency — and what they do if cant, so they may communicate and tell
of interest to his employer. Troop move- they learn it is evil — is up to them. who is “in the game” and who is not.
ments, soldier morale, strategies, supply In any case, the PCs (usually) do not Bards are also excellent choices for
lines, leadership, and plans are all fair have to work for a particular government spies, perhaps even better than thieves.
game. How the spy comes across this or military organization if they do not The bard makes his living as a storehouse
information is his business. Many military want to. They may be the leaders of a of history, stories, information, and news,
scouts need only sit in a hidden position peasant information network during a while the thief merely applies skills for the
and keep a careful eye on the enemy rebellion, à la the American Revolution. acquisition of money toward the collec-
forces, reporting back occasionally. Some For a while, even the Japanese depended tion of intelligence. Bards are readily in-
may actually infiltrate the enemy camp in on the Black Dragon Society, a generally vited into the homes and castles of peo-
order to talk to the soldiers or to steal patriotic agency of mercenary spies. Who ple in power while guards sit at the gate
their battle plans. the PCs work for and what they do looking for thieves. Bards are ordinarily
During the interminable wars for the should be decided between the GM and more charming, and thus better trusted.
domination of Japan, the daimyô (feudal the players.

22 J ULY 1996
Bards not only collect information, they ahead of the legions to gauge the strength by a theocratic government. Whatever
can influence the people around them of the enemy and the lay of the land. the reason, clerics can be as crafty as
through song, poem, or music. A peaceful Rangers make even better spies. They anyone else. With a grocery list of useful
tale when the enemy king is about to are used to working by themselves, can spells at their command, especially in the
declare war on the bard’s country or a move quickly and quietly through natural divination sphere, clerics can be very
war song to stir a peasant mob into terrain, keep themselves hidden and, at effective spies.
action is far more useful to a spy than any higher levels, have access to spells. In the Druids are dedicated to protecting
sword. wild, some rangers may have an informa- nature and do not usually serve the petty
tion network equal to a rogue’s urban needs of some country or army. If the
Warriors network. Unfortunately, rangers cannot need is there, though, druids become
Warriors usually make the best mili- always be counted on. They have a ten- excellent spies in a pinch. They have all
tary spies. Warriors are in the business of dency for taking their own initiative and of the benefits of rangers, plus a greater
war, and spies are in the business of find- doing as they wish. If it is a cause they access to handy spells.
ing out what warriors are doing. A fast believe in, however, there is no better mil-
horse and a quick mind go a long way itary spy or guerrilla fighter a general Wizards
toward making a good scout. A warrior could have on his side. Sitting in a dusty tower, reading books
knows how a soldier thinks and speaks Paladins, with their honorable ideals and performing experiments, wizards are
and may have a better time blending in and aversion to lying, make bad spies. at first glance awful spies. More than any-
and infiltrating an enemy camp. Any war- body else, however, they have the intelli-
rior who can lie convincingly, think on Priests gence to map out complex strategies and
his feet, and remember what he sees and Clerics as spies? You bet. In a fantasy devious intrigues. With a little imagina-
hears is material for a good military spy. world where church officials have the tion and his trusty spell book by his side,
The ability to fight his way out of a tough same power and ambitions of the feudal the mage has an arsenal of tricks and
scrape and live to spy another day is lords, and holy wars are common, the powers the best thief around could not
pretty useful, too. need to recruit spies becomes apparent. touch with a 10’-pole. The possibilities for
In many cases, the military spy is an The church may not want to sully their a mage to wring information out of the
established member of the army. The hands with “unsavory” types, or it may enemy is almost limitless.
Roman legions used agents, called trust only agents of their own religion. Most specialist wizards have at least a
exploratores, whose duty it was to go Perhaps secret service agents are needed few spells that could be useful for locat-

DRAGON 231 23
ing information. For fairly obvious rea- spectrum of political, military, and law invisibility, or a rope of climbing. Magic is
sons, though, the diviner is best able to enforcement intelligence. Maybe a gov- especially handy if the agency has the
dredge up intelligence without even leav- ernment hires spies from a mercenary cash to pay for custom-made magical
ing the privacy of his own home. Any agency like the Black Dragon Society on items, like an enchanted ring that casts
general in the campaign world would an as-needed basis instead of taking the knock spells, or gloves that allow the
give an arm and a leg to have an oracle time and trouble to set up their own. wearer to effect the passwall spell.
on his side. Any smart general, that is. You also have to decide what kind of Magic, though cool and useful, is a
On the other side of the espionage relationship the PCs have with their crutch. In a campaign featuring little or
playing field is counter-intelligence. The agency. Are they valuable, trusted agents no magic, the players can really stoke
illusionist is the best buy for your with good friends among their employ- their imaginations to create the tools a
counter-intelligence buck. (“But I saw ers? Perhaps the leaders of their govern- good spy might need. These items do not
those troops heading west! I really did!“) ment consider spying a necessary evil. have to be overly complicated, either. PC
Are the PC spies just doing their duty, or spies could hire tailors and blacksmiths
Spy proficiencies were they forced into service by coercion to build hidden compartments in boot
Any of the optional non-weapon pro- or circumstance? Do the PCs even know heels, sword pommels, lockets, and walk-
ficiency that helps a spy keep his cover is who they are working for? If you do not ing staves. They could devise everything
good. A few stand out as particularly think it makes any difference, compare from grappling hook arrows, collapsible
helpful to the fantasy secret agent. These almost any James Bond flick to a movie boats, and drugged meat to take out
include direction sense, modern lan- like La Femme Nikita. A character who is guard dogs to intricate codes for safely
guages, riding, swimming, heraldry, fighting for king and country has a very passing messages. If the PCs have the
reading/writing, local history, disguise, different relationship with his agency imagination, time, and money to make
forgery, jumping, reading lips, set snares, than a character who is stealing secrets something, let them have it. Of course, if
tightrope walking, ventriloquism, and from his own government because the enemy spies see the characters with their
tracking, to name but a few. agency will throw his mother to the gib- toys, they will want some, too.
bering mouthers if he does not. Also, the You now have the rough basis for a
The organization PCs will approach their missions far more spy campaign. From here, you have
Whether the PC spy works for a gov- cautiously if they know from the start every spy movie and book ever filmed or
ernment, army, police force, or some that their “comrades” consider them written as sources for adventure ideas. If
other group, there is usually a spy orga- expendable. Always keep in mind, you are looking for intrigue and treach-
nization of some kind to coordinate intel- though, that the key to a good spy cam- ery, look no further than real life. The
ligence efforts. The organization as a paign is a certain level of fear and para- library is chock full of “true spy” books.
whole is typically referred to as an noia. Unless you think it would be more The intricate triple-dealings and disinfor-
agency, and a group of spies working fun, the PC agents should never trust mation perpetrated by the real spies
together on a particular job or geograph- anyone, especially the people who call throughout history is too complex to
ical area is called a cell. For instance, the themselves their friends and employers. even begin to go into. Most of the “true
PCs could work for the King’s Intelligence Obviously, not every chamber maid spy” stuff is Cold War era, but a few of
Agency while operating in the enemy who peeks through a keyhole for a gold particular interest delve into the history
capitol city cell. piece finds herself pressed into the of espionage. They give an idea of how
In terms of operation, the network of agency. The government/military/law spies fulfilled their duty without gadgets,
cells is closer to a thieves’ guild than any- enforcement resources are usually avail- cameras, or sniper rifles.
thing else, in terms of operation. An able only to folks who are in the game. The fantasy spy campaign is the best
established cell must have a leader of On the other hand, the agency may of both worlds. It takes the players out of
some kind. Temporary cells may also not allow the characters to leave when- the dungeon and drops them into the
have a team leader of some kind, or it ever they choose. Books and movies are even darker world of espionage. The
may be a small group of equally profes- full of stories of spies who want to retire players have something more important
sional spies working on a single job from espionage, but the agency decides to do than kill things. Their actions can
before quickly disappearing. they “know too much.” How the PCs decide the rise and fall of kingdoms, or
Like a thieves’ guild, the local cell tries resolve the situation is up to them, of throw them into the deepest pits of sus-
to provide as much assistance as possible course. pense and paranoia. They are spies oper-
to ensure the success of a PC spy’s mis- ating in a world where spellcasters can
sion, including safe houses, background Gadgets read minds, people turn invisible, and the
information, blueprints, equipment, infor- Most of the high-action spy movies average doppleganger is far deadlier
mants, and disposable weapons. If the PC feature neat gadgets like pen lasers and than any dragon.
is deep under cover, the cell may be the flying cars. Even real life spies have cer-
only link he has with his employers. tain tools of the trade, such as automatic
Remember, everything is mutable. An lock pickers and hidden microphones.
agency may have only a single base of But what can a spy stuck in a technology-
operation from which it sends out roving poor fantasy world use? When approached by our reporters, the
spies. In the case of a rebellion, there is In a campaign loaded with magic, this agency would neither confirm nor deny
probably no agency at all, just a collection is not a problem. There is a variety of Michael T. Kuciak’s involvement in the
of tiny cells working out of caves, attics, magical items and spells to help secret alleged covert operations leading to the pub-
barns, and forest camps. A country may agents. Consider the usefulness of an lication of this article. Kuciak himself could
have a number of agencies covering the amulet of telepathy, a crystal ball, a cloak of not be reached for comment.

24 J ULY 1996
by Larry Granato
illustrated by James Holloway

Playing the role of the spymaster

pying is an ancient, if not quite honorable, occupation; Ancient and Medieval spy agencies were different from
some consider it the world’s second oldest profession. modern ones in that they weren’t large, paper-bound, bureau-
In the AD&D® game, intelligence operations can be cratic organizations, didn’t collect and classify massive
exciting adventures for PCs. Such missions can be matters of amounts of information on many subjects, and had no
national importance at higher levels, as the PCs guide the fate widescale surveillance and communications operations. They
of their country through their actions. relied principally on human intelligence (i.e., spies).
As explained in the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide, employing spies A spy organization consists of a spymaster (described
is fraught with hazards. The major pitfall of hiring intelligence below), a few sages and clerks who analyze and file informa-
agents is that many are inherently untrustworthy. Also, role- tion, cryptologists, other support personnel, the inevitable
playing potential is lost whenever the PCs delegate their own agents and spies, and a number of part-time informants and
intelligence work to NPCs. When PCs become more powerful, operatives. The spymaster reports to his employer, usually in
however, they may be faced with many enemies. The use of secret, bypassing all other channels. To protect themselves, all
spies and counterspies becomes compelling, since PCs can’t be who work for the group keeps their identities secret, and the
everywhere at once, and their henchmen may lack the skills to same goes for the agency’s budget, operations, internal orga-
protect against a rival’s subtle machinations. nization, communications, and plans.
When judging the use of spies, the DM shouldn’t allow the Inside the group itself, information is “compartmentalized,”
party to obtain information that damages the campaign or ruins and only the spymaster knows everything. Even the agency’s
adventures. This usually isn’t difficult; the chances of the PCs employer is not privy to these secrets. Centralized control of
finding a exceptionally good spy are small, the possibility of intelligence can prevent friction between spies operating in the
gaining such knowledge is not great, the mission could take same area.
years, and the enemy probably has far more experience in A spy agency also needs a network of couriers, safe houses,
employing spies and counterspies. front organizations, and a source of special items, including
In game terms, the PC may recruit a spy by the normal magic. Many thieves’ and assassins’ groups are organized in
process. The PC acts as a spymaster: assigning missions, mak- this same manner.
ing payments, and interpreting the information the spy pro- Spying is an expensive business. Spies take great risks and
vides. The time and effort the PC spends determines the quali- demand high salaries: up to 10,000 gold pieces or more per
ty of the intelligence. If he’s a careless supervisor, the spy may mission. Expenses must also be paid by the PC; spies travel
spend time carousing in bars, sending back whatever informa- often and far, and some of them have a reputation for high liv-
tion the PC would like to hear. If he doesn’t pay attention to ing. Salaries for support staff and others should be several
details or confirm the reports, he will probably be mislead. times the normal amount, to deter bribery.
Sending more spies can actually be counterproductive. For The need for secrecy means everything takes longer and
example, in 1588, Don Antonio, the erstwhile king of Portugal, costs more. A PC who wants to disrupt a neighboring lord’s fief
employed two “loyal” agents at his court, who both were actu- by supplying rebellious peasants with arms would find that hav-
ally double agents for Philip II of Spain. The pair were unaware ing his spies do this would cost several times that of simply buy-
of the true situation and spent most of their time spying on ing the weapons and handing them over to the peasants himself.
each other. On the other hand, if the plot is uncovered, the PC can claim he
One way to reduce the risk and work by a PC is for him to had nothing to do with it. A clever spymaster carries out the PC’s
establish a professional intelligence organization. Virtually all wishes without the need for a direct order, so the PC can truth-
rulers and governments have them. Not only do they spy on fully (more or less) deny involvement.
enemies, but they keep an eye on friends as well. They may
even be watching the PCs!
The business of spying
Spy operations include three areas: intelligence gathering,
Intelligence organizations espionage operations, and counter-intelligence. Any single
Intelligence organizations have existed since ancient times. intelligence operation could involve one, two, or all three.
The Persian Empire was served by “the Eyes and Ears of the Intelligence gathering
King.” Britain’s MI5 and MI6 had their origin in the Elizabethan Simply put, this is the collection of information. The infor-
age; however, one rarely finds anything like the “Department mation may be public, or it may be obscure and secret. Public
of Spies” in a medieval fantasy setting. Rather, such organiza- knowledge may be assembled from news, rumors, libraries,
tions are referred to by euphemisms such as the sages, documents, and reports by travelers or story-
“Royal Messenger Service,” “Special Archives,” tellers. Collecting open data is an easy but tedious
“Foreign Embassies,” or, more ominously, task, and it can be accomplished by relatively
“Secret Police.” inexperienced agents.

DRAGON 231 27
Secrets can be uncovered only by placed among adversaries and who has mised, enemies can take counter-
actually spying — eavesdropping, bribery, legitimate access to secrets. Still, prob- measures to limit the damage and find
intercepting communications, and steal- lems remain; some enemy leaders won’t out who stole them. If they don’t know,
ing documents, among other methods. trust anyone with their secrets, others the secret can be a valuable asset if used
Many can be persuaded to tell secrets may change their minds so often as to at the proper time. But taking advantage
through flattery, trickery, seduction, make secrets nearly useless, and a few of the secret may give the source away.
offers of sympathy, and camaraderie, or may be so Machiavellian that no one Nothing can be kept secret forever, nei-
the influence of someone they believe is really knows their plans. ther secrets nor their theft.
a friend, relative, or authority figure. Another important consideration is Once collected, public or secret infor-
Enter the spy. the enemy’s awareness of stolen secrets. mation must be examined to determine
The best spy is one who’s highly When they know they’ve been compro- its accuracy and usefulness. Sages can
play an important part in this part of the
process, as their knowledge and intelli-
New Nonweapon Proficiencies gence allow them to make reliable
Proficiency # of Slots Relevant Ability Modifier appraisals and predictions. Public infor-
Codes and Ciphers 2 Intelligence -1 mation is usually voluminous, detailed,
Interrogation 1 Wisdom -2 and largely trivial. It must be slowly and
Observation 1 Intelligence 0 carefully analyzed to produce any mean-
Analyze Information 2 Intelligence -2 ingful intelligence. Secret information is
Spycraft 1 Dexterity -1 much more to the point. However, ene-
mies may plant false secrets to mislead
Codes and Ciphers: Two methods of an expert in the area does not need to others.
encrypting and decrypting written infor- do so. The time required takes from The analysis of conflicting and possi-
mation with a given key. A failed check hours to months, depending on the com- bly misleading data is fraught with pit-
means the message is garbled and is plexity of the analysis. Analysis with par- falls, and this remains the most daunting
unintelligible. The process is tedious tial data gets a -1 to -6 modifier; bad intelligence task. Even when correct con-
and takes 10 times as long as writing data has a -2 to -12 modifier; deceptive clusions are produced, they are not nec-
the message normally. The character data gets a -3 to -18 modifier. essarily believed by those in charge. The
may invent new codes or ciphers on a Observation: This proficiency is Crusaders often suffered unnecessary
successful roll (-1 modifier, takes 3d4 described in The CompIete Book of losses when they failed to heed the
days). Decrypting without a key (break- Thieves. The character has a keen eye advice of the Byzantines, who had an
ing a code) requires a -2 to -8 check for detail and a trained memory. In excellent intelligence system.
modifier and takes 1d100 days depend- addition to noting things which may Although spies can travel to and from
ing on the difficulty of the code. The present a danger, he can accurately their assignments, this takes time, limits
reading/writing NWP required. judge heights, weights, speeds, times, their effectiveness, and may be danger-
Interrogation: This proficiency and distances, plus numbers, shapes, ous. It’s better if the agent can stay in
enables the character to ask penetrat- types, and colors of items; reliably one place and make reports to a mes-
ing questions and carefully evaluate the remembers faces, names, and personal senger, who takes them back to his spy-
subjects answers, to come up with the traits, along with locations, paths, master. A network of couriers can be
truth of the matter. It includes tech- entrances, terrain and other features. used to transmit communications. They
niques to make a subject willing to The time taken depends the on the can be ordinary persons who hand
answer, including the “good cop/bad amount of information desired and the deliver messages, a pony-express ser-
cop” routine, repetition, evoking emo- observational situation. vice, or even homing pigeons.
tional responses, and various methods Spycraft: The basic proficiency of Interception and decoding of enemy
of producing discomfort and fear. Evil spying. These include the use of ges- communications is a common method
NPCs may use torture. tures and objects for surreptitious sig- of spying. It’s standard procedure to code
Analyze Information: The character nalling, using code signs, recognizing or encrypt all diplomatic and confidential
is able to put together various clues and when one’s being followed, evading messages. Such messages, once inter-
details to solve a puzzle or mystery, dis- surveillance or pursuers, eavesdrop- cepted, must be unscrambled by code-
cover a pattern, uncover a secret, or ping, the use of “dead-drops” and “cut- breakers. Alexander the Great used
make a educated guess about the possi- outs,” passing small objects undetected, secret messages enciphered into innocu-
ble course of events. Unlike sages, who sabotage, use of invisible ink, conceal- ous reports. They were deciphered by
research little known information, analy- ing small items, finding and using small wrapping the scroll around a specially-
sis goes beyond facts to produce rea- secret compartments, using improvised sized baton, which lined-up the words of
sonable conjectures. Analysis is never weapons, setting tell-tales or traps, the secret message.
exact or certain: it’s usually given in standing look-out, drawing maps and
terms of probabilities. It is only as good plans, and creating false clues. The Espionage operations
as the information that is gathered. Bad, character can make use of codes and Espionage operations are the clan-
incomplete, or deceptive data produces ciphers (see above, but with an addi- destine and illicit side of the spy busi-
incorrect analysis. Normally, analysis tional -1 modifier) if they have a key, ness. They include subversion, kidnap-
requires use of reference material related but they cannot create new codes or ping, propaganda, seduction, assassina-
to the question at hand, but a PC who’s break them. tion, blackmail, theft, entrapment, sabo-
tage, smear campaigns, coups, covert

28 J ULY 1996
operations, and other dirty tricks. In this taxes, property, various licenses and innkeeper welcomes the party and pro-
instance, a primary consideration is not registrations, criminal or civil court vides good food and pleasant company.
getting caught, since such ventures go involvements? Are their messages pro- Are these standard, random encounters?
beyond ordinary spying. Spies caught in tected from interception, or are they Not at all. One beggar was an infor-
covert operations are treated as crimi- censored? Security revolves around pro- mant who memorized the party’s
nals, and diplomatic relations with their tecting these secrets. appearance and reported to the secret
homeland are strained at the least. Counterintelligence agents (counter- police as soon as they were around the
Espionage operations are very risky spies) watch for enemy spies. Since an corner. The “foreign merchant” is a coun-
and must be judged by the DM on a enemy spy could be just about anyone, terspy assigned to watch them, who
case-by-case basis. What works in one this means that counterspies are essen- carefully examined the PCs equipment
place may not be effective somewhere tially snooping on their own people, and tried to find out their background
else. It is critical to have reliable, up-to- although their main effort is toward and objectives. The inn is actually a
date intelligence and dynamic actions strangers and suspicious activity. front, and the staff are informers or
by the involved agents for the plot to Reading their mail is a common counter- agents. The rooms are observed by spy-
succeed. Unlike ordinary spying, it usu- intelligence chore. Historically, most holes, and when the PCs sleep, their
ally takes a fair number of skilled NPCs resources used in spying go to counter- chambers can be searched. If the PCs
— and possibly also the PCs — to execute intelligence. are just passing through, they may
an operation, making timing and coop- The use of counterspies is easier than never know the scrutiny they’ve been
eration crucial. The intrusive nature of using spies because they operate on under. If they’re up to no good, the
these operations means that they may familiar ground and have local support secret police chief already knows their
create a backlash later on, even if they when needed. Personnel also include descriptions and abilities, and has a plan
succeed at first. police investigators and bodyguards. A to neutralize them. A strike force might
PC might balk at the cost of a counterspy be standing by, just out of sight.
Counterintelligence group, but what would it be worth if they
Counterintelligence is the prevention saved him from an assassin’s blade? The secret police
of spying by enemies. It begins with Counterintelligence also involves the The secret police are a combination
basic security precautions. Does the spread of disinformation to deceive of spy agency and security force. Unlike
party discuss their plans in bars or pub- potential enemies. It may be as simple other intelligence organizations, they
lic places where anyone can hear? Do as paying lowlifes to spread a few false have legal arrest and judicial powers.
they have loose-tongued followers? rumors, or it could be a complex decep- They do not merely look for spies but
What do they really know about the tion scheme involving bogus armies, for anyone who dissents with the
background of their hirelings? Do they faked communications, and dummy regime. Secret police forces are almost
keep their valuable items and secrets castles. as old as spies; Sejanus, under the
locked up and guarded? Do the shop Example: Some adventurers enter a Emperor Tiberius, headed a secret police
owners where they purchase magic and new city and are accosted by a gang of operation that terrorized Rome. In the
supplies give out information on what beggars. Brushing them off, they soon 14th century, Charles V of France insti-
they’ve bought? What about landlords, meet a foreign merchant, a visitor like tuted a security and counterintelligence
neighbors, and local police and officials? themselves, who chats amiably and service that developed into an oppres-
Are there public records about the PCs steers them toward a good inn. The sive secret police force.

DRAGON 231 29
The secret police have direct and bru- adversaries. It is not necessary that they Informants
tal methods for dealing with enemy be highly-placed to be useful; even Informants provide information, from
spies and traitors. People cooperate with clerks and couriers may have access to gossip to state secrets. Although the
them out of fear, and they often have top secrets. Obviously, having someone most productive informants are paid
huge numbers of informants. In nations willing to betray his side is a big asset, snitches, anyone can become one. If a
with secret police, everyone expects to but it does not make him a skilled agent. PC has insulted, ridiculed, harassed,
be watched. The main difference between profes- rudely treated, or just been cheap with
sionals and amateurs is that the pros an NPC, then that person is a possible
Spies range from passable to exceptional in informant. An enemy spy will be able to
Some spies are professionals, while their spying skills, while amateurs are all mention the PC in a casual manner, pick
others are amateurs. Professional spies beginners. Some amateurs will be able to up on the NPCs grievance, and commis-
are usually rogues or thieves, although improve their skills and become profes- erate with him.
they may be members of any character sionals, but they are the exception rather From there its a short step for the spy
class. Their primary incentive is money, than the rule. Amateurs usually require a to persuade the NPC to tell him every-
although a few have more noble handler or case officer to direct them, thing he knows about the PC, ask him to
motives. They are difficult to find and while professionals operate more inde- learn more, and eventually have him
hire. Fairly good at disguise, they often pendently. The pros can perform a wide keep an eye on the PC. In this way a
masquerade as bards, traveling mer- variety of functions, while novices are clever spy can build up a network of
chants, nobles, mercenaries, entertain- more limited. Note that professionals can informants around a character without
ers, heralds, or priests. Unlike modern, readily pose as someone else, while exposing himself. The PC only sees the
patriotic agents, they are generally free- amateurs generally operate in their nor- usual people in town. No shadowy fig-
lancers. Freelance agents may sell infor- mal capacity, such as merchants, shop- ures in dark cloaks following him around,
mation to the highest bidder and some keepers, courtiers, or troubadours. so there’s nothing to worry about. Right?
resell it again to make even more Many PCs have the necessary power
money. Given their background, more to operate as spies on a short-term basis.
than a few are con artists, hoodwinking This is great for single adventures, but Spy missions
their way into a PC’s confidence. even if successful, they are eventually Spies can function openly or in
Any good professional spy will have identified by their opponents. Their tac- secret. Spies operating openly may be
already checked out a potential PC tics are analyzed, and the enemies take diplomats, courtiers, merchants, writers,
employer before he shows up for an countermeasures to protect themselves or visitors, who collect intelligence with-
interview. This enables him to determine and possibly even strike back. Also, the out overtly breaking laws. Usually public
the best approach to getting what he PC would probably rather be doing other information is what they get, but some
wants from the PC. things than spending all his time sneak- secrets are obtained as well. Their ene-
The spy kit for thief characters is ing around in enemy territory or looking mies are probably aware of this activity,
described in The Complete Book of over his own shoulder at home. but allow it as part of the spy game. The
Thieves. This type of operative is the The best spies are not flamboyant worst that can happen is to be expelled
archetypical professional spy. Low-level daredevils or death-dealing assassins, from the country.
spy-kit thieves are more like amateurs, but bland and forgettable individuals. Agents acting secretly pose as some-
of course. They blend in with a crowd, often taking one else and seek to gain information
An amateur spy is anyone who isn’t a on mundane roles. Unfortunately, even clandestinely. This is far more risky,
professional, including PCs. Not all spies many professional agents tend to be a because if such a pretense is uncovered,
are cloak-and-dagger types; anyone bit too ostentatious. The danger is even without evidence of spying, the
who collects information can be one. stressful, and quite a few are heavy agent is subject to arrest and imprison-
Many amateur spies are flaky individu- drinkers or womanizers. Spies also have ment. Getting certain secrets involves
als, whose motives vary widely. They their own biases, which may taint the breaking and entering, and theft or
are utilized primarily because there is no information they report. The DM should copying of documents.
other option. An amateur may approach determine personality traits for spies, The difficulty of a mission depends
a PC, offering information or volunteer- and consider how they affect his perfor- on the depth of intelligence required
ing to go on a mission for cash. Some mance. and its level of protection. Simple obser-
are frauds, and represent themselves as While a spy, either amateur or profes- vation is easy; finding out top secrets of
professionals. Only easy assignments sional, can be utilized in different types the realm is extremely difficult. The time
offer amateurs a chance of success. of missions, a secret agent is someone the mission takes is likewise related to
Those spies who turn traitor are usu- who resides or is planted in another the difficulty.
ally amateurs, as are those who can be place, and has a single role. Some are The mission’s success hinges on the
easily recruited. An NPC may betray his “sleepers” who remain dormant for ability of the spy, the difficulty of the mis-
master because of blackmail, threats, years. Their usefulness is limited to a sin- sion, and the strength of the enemy’s
fear, greed, flattery, or conviction. gle area, group, or organization, but they counterintelligence operations. A mission
Sources of amateur spies include amoral are very difficult to expose. Secret agents may be partially or fully successful. A full
(chaotic or neutral-aligned) hirelings, dis- who have low to middle ranking posi- success usually means that the enemy
gruntled followers, criminals, social mis- tions in government (or as a servant to isn’t aware that they’ve been spied on.
fits, idealists, vagabonds, romantics, and an official) are very dangerous, because Even if successful, the spy might die dur-
thrill-seeking opportunists. These NPCs they’re too unimportant to attract atten- ing the mission, or the enemy could
could be in the employ of a PC or his tion, and may gain access to secrets. become aware of his activities.

30 J ULY 1996
Failure leads to several possible led to such bizarre situations as having Magic
results. The spy may be able to continue spies assassinate officials of their own The use of magic provides a terrific
the mission, trying another angle, per- government, as happened in Russia at boost for spies. Invisibility and silence
haps, or may be in danger of discovery the end of the last century. It’s not a conceals their actions. Teleport, fly, pass-
and have to return home for a while. pretty sight. wall, knock, and dimension door spells aid
The spy might have his cover “blown” Example: Lord Coroman Gramel entry or escape. Alter, change, or poly-
and be useless for further spying in that establishes a fief in an area under the morph self spells hide their identity.
territory. If he’s uncovered without being sway of Long Tom, a gangster organiza- Divination-type spells such as vision,
aware of it, he could be fed false infor- tion. After an embarrassing kidnapping, commune, contact higher plane, or legend
mation to deceive his spymaster, or be the fighter leads a personal investiga- lore can obtain hidden information.
allowed to continue spying while the tion which uncovers the Long Tom Clairaudience, clairvoyance, wizard eye,
enemy tracks his movements to reveal members and drives them from the fief. locate object, magic mirror, reflecting pool,
the entire intelligence operation. He Unknown to Gramel, Long Tom reorga- magic font, and ESP are available to scru-
could be killed without being compro- nizes, recruits new members and insinu- tinize enemies. Illusory script and secret
mised, but few spies are that dedicated. ates them into Gramel’s new hirelings. page may be used for messages. Potions
The spy could be captured and possi- They sabotage the Lord’s castle-building and items with similar effects are even
bly forced to reveal everything he effort and bankroll various aggrieved more useful as they can be employed by
knows or be “turned” into a double citizens’ lawsuits against him through spies without spell-casting ability.
agent. Captured spies might be held in third parties. In return, Gramel has a Yet for every magic there is a counter.
prison in hopes of trading them for a thief henchman spy on the population, Illusions, seeming, vacancy, veil, and misdi-
imprisoned enemy agent. Then again, while one of his friends pretends to be rection may befuddle intruders. Defect
he might just be killed; the Mongols at odds with him, and tries to smoke out scrying, dispel magic, mind blank, screen,
beheaded enemy spies on the spot. If Long Tom sympathizers. antimagic shell, globe of invulnerability, and
the spy is a traitor or has been caught All these actions are carried out by non-detection prevent magical snooping.
red-handed, a quick death is the most amateurs, although the Long Tom opera- Know alignment, trueseeing, and other
likely outcome: execution is the tradi- tives have far more experience in skull- detection spells can penetrate a charac-
tional fate of captured spies. duggery. Meanwhile, foreign powers have ter’s disguise. Areas or items can be pro-
Double agents are spies who work planted professional spies in Gramel’s tected by alarm, wizard lock, explosive
for more than one side. A few do this entourage just to keep tabs on him. runes, fire traps wyvern watch, glyphs of
voluntarily, in order to make more
The spymaster warding, and forbiddance. Defensive mag-
money, and keep both their employers ical items are certain to be employed by
in the dark. Some betray their employer A spymaster is a special NPC whose counterintelligence agents. High-security
or are coerced into it, and go to work for job is to handle intelligence matters. He areas will be given permanent magical
the other side while still pretending to has the same basic knowledge as a spy, safeguards along with regular patrols by
be with their first employer. This can be but he does not personally engage in well-equipped spellcasters.
a powerful blow against the first side’s espionage. His primary role is to “put the
intelligence; however, if the first employ- pieces together,” by analyzing the intelli- Skills
er finds this out (without the other side gence his sources have gathered and The following non-weapon proficien-
knowing that they know) they can make logical deductions and estimates cies (NWPs) are useful for spies: direc-
deceive the other side by giving the of his adversaries’ capabilities and inten- tion sense, disguise, artistic ability (act-
agent spurious information. Then again, tions. He must be able to direct and ing), modern languages, picking pockets
the spy could just be pretending to dou- manage an intelligence organization. He and locks, forgery, heraldry, local
ble, or the second side may be aware is a shrewd judge of character, knowing history, reading/writing, riding, unarmed
that the first side knows he’s doubling the strengths and weaknesses of his combat, etiquette, and reading lips.
and play their own game of subterfuge. spies. Finally he must be able to keep Valuable proficiencies from The Complete
The true loyalty of double agents is secrets, even from his employer, by only Book of Thieves include alertness, tailing,
always in doubt. There have been cases telling him what he needs to know, gather information, observation, and
of triple agents and even quadruple without revealing sources and methods. fast talking.
agents, but by that time the spy is con- A spymaster’s salary can be extraor-
sidered so untrustworthy by everyone dinary, as much as 1,000-3,000 gold
that he loses effectiveness. pieces per month.
Spies have been know to defect to Although a professional intelligence
the opposition, fully cooperating in iden- agency functions much better than a Larry Granato is the code name of a 37-
tifying other spies and operations. This random grouping of spies, problems can year-old operative currently living under the
often happens when a double agent is arise. Excessive deviousness, excessive guise of a computer programmer in Denver,
in danger of being exposed. Again, it is secrecy, and divisive competition with Colorado. He has an understanding wife and
very damaging. other agencies is possible. Some organi- a very active 5-year-old son.
An agent provocuteur is a spy who zations manipulate information to justify
tries to stir up trouble by persuading the and promote their existence. Others
opposition to take actions which will abuse their powers to suppress critics or
expose them. He must become one of influence leaders. In the worst case, its
the opposition, and may even be discovered that the spymaster is actually
involved in the actions himself. This has an enemy agent.

DRAGON 231 31
he inquisitive (not to men- turned slowly to love, and she was whom she drives from the Icepeak to
tion foolish) explorations plunged into melancholy when at last, fend for themselves as soon as they
of the famous traveler and longevity magic failing, he died (some- grow bold enough to try to slay her and
author Volo, filtered time around 1326 DR). take over her lair. Meltharond’s magical
through Elminster, have yielded details of When she is especially lonely, or boons are twofold: he wove a mighty
another dragon of the North: Arveia- going into battle, Arveiaturace straps the magic that permanently bonded
turace the White Wyrm, known to sailors wizard’s old palanquin on her back, and Arveiaturace with a ring of spell turning,
and minstrels alike as Iceclaws, thanks to takes to the skies with his skeletal figure so that she enjoys all the benefits of this
her habit of drifting low over ships sailing riding between her shoulders. A web of item, and an awaken from afar spell that
off the Sword Coast and plucking up desperate magics spun by Meltharond in allows her to trigger the wands, rods,
crew members for quick snacks. his waning days keep his bones whole and staves he left behind. She can cast
This venerable white dragon is feared and floating in proper relation to each this spell as often as desired, regardless
by all sailors who ply the shipping lanes other, so the wizard’s skeleton sits of its level, but knows no other magic
of the Sword Coast, except for those upright, turning its head to look in except the mending spell. She does, how-
who dismiss her as a legend — until it’s whichever direction lceclaws is looking. ever, know how wizards hurl magic,
too late. The Flying Hunt of Nimbral and An observer could be forgiven for think- what tactics they employ, and how to
several aerial patrols from Evermeet ing Meltharond is a lich or some other recognize some popular battle spells
have fought her in midair and forced her sort of undead, but the dragon is truly (such as fireball and lightning bolt) by
into flight on occasion, but most ships alone, save on the rare occasions when their castings. This and a familiarity with
are helpless against her diving attacks — she mates with the white dragon various wands, rods, and staves makes
and when crews scramble down into Arauthator — occasions during which her crafty in battle against mages. One
their holds to escape her snatching Meltharond’s skeleton is left at home, sit- such tactic is flying low in the troughs of
claws, she’s been known to land on a ting and eternally looking at nothing. waves, so as to entice a wand-wielding
ship and tear it apart like a child open- The wizard may be no more than wizard to waste magic by firing at a
ing a gift. What makes Arveiaturace so bones now, but his legacy has kept his glimpse of her, only to have his attack
deadly is her past: she was the steed of faithful steed alive in the face of attacks absorbed or turned aside by the roiling
a wizard, Meltharond Thone, who cap- from strange dragons, elves, and waters. Another is toppling masts down
tured and tamed her. Over the centuries humans seeking to rid themselves of her atop mages standing on decks trying to
of her servitude, her hatred for him hunting, and her own offspring as well, work spells.

DRAGON 231 33
Arveiaturace is more intelligent — and Arveiaturace seems bent on devour- less ledge, with a fifth or more of the
vastly more sensitive — than most white ing a hungry dragon’s share of all Sword lcepeak that was once above her gone.
dragons, but she has all the savagery Coast seafarers and in making dragons Outside each cave entrance is a sheer
and snarling hunger for revenge of her and lesser races alike terrified of ventur- drop onto jagged rocks, and few crea-
kind. She grew so used to the company ing north of Ruathym. On rare occasions tures dare to dwell on the lcepeak with a
of Meltharond (who chatted with her she will use her skills to rescue ship- hungry white dragon... but there are
constantly, treating her as an equal wreck victims or retrieve floating items rumors of gnome tunnels that reach up
despite the spells that prevented her — if rewarded with generous amounts of from deep under the sea into the heart of
from attacking him) that she’s now gov- gems and treated with respect, as an the lcepeak — and the more foolish sort
erned by loneliness and has been equal and not some semi-intelligent, of adventurers come visiting the island all
known to spare sailors and others she easily-manipulated beast. too often, drawn by tales of the back wall
snatches if they don’t like wizards, don’t Over the years, she has developed a of the deepest of the White Wyrm’s cav-
attack her, and have the quick wits to relationship of mutual respect with erns: the wall that glitters from roof to
shout out a desire to talk (or demon- Laeral, the Lady Mage of Waterdeep, and floor with heaped diamonds. Those tales
strate an ability to sing) before she bites with the seafarer and shipwright Old are true, although few mention the side-
the life from them. Aldon of Mintarn, but the White Wyrm is cavern crammed with Arveiaturace’s
Several humans have escaped from a spoken of with awe and fear in other treasure, all tumbled carelessly
snatching by Arveiaturace having Candlekeep: she once heard from a cap- together: suits of armor, coins, all gems
endured nothing more than a month or tive that a certain sage of that establish- except diamonds, weapons, and other
so of conversation with the terrifying, ment had written disparagingly of things that look important or valuable,
always-suspicious, and vigilant Iceclaws. Meltharond. She arrived unannounced to perhaps even magical items (Iceclaws
If captives refrain from attacking her or tear the roof from the main building, ignores likely-looking items that she
stealing anything of Meltharond’s that snatch up the writer, and set straight his seizes, using only things of magic she
still lies about his rooms, largely as he views on the dead wizard. It’s reported knows to have belonged to Meltharond).
left it (including many items of magic that less than a month later, Laeral of At least one golem, of the stone guardian
and spellbooks, some accounts say), Waterdeep personally delivered a freshly- type, lies stiffly among the heaped
they’ll be taken to the locale of their printed tome from Candlekeep entitled wealth, its origin and means of control
choice on mainland Faerun as soon as The High History of the Mighty Mage unknown. Adventurers hearing talk of
they admit to any loneliness. It is from Meltharond to the White Wyrm, and the lcepeak lair in dockside taverns up
such former that the wider world knows stayed with the dragon for more than a and down the Sword Coast are warned
details of the White Wyrm and her lair. tenday, talking day and night through. that a hill of cracked and gnawed bone
It would be a mistake to conclude She has refused to answer queries as to fragments has built up on the rocks
from this that Arveiaturace is gentle, just what was discussed, but sailors have below the caves of the White Wyrm —
kind, or has a soft spot for humans. She noticed that the White Wyrm now seems and that almost all of those bones
is clearly looking for a companion she to turn a blind eye to vessels sailing near belonged to human adventurers before
can trust, but evil wizards who would Waterdeep. they provided Arveiaturace with a meal.
refrain from cheating her, doing her One of the rods crafted by Meltha-
other harm, or trying to enslave her — Arveiaturace’s lair rond can generate multiple simultaneous
and yet share her love for destruction lceclaws makes her lair in a frigid unseen servants, and the White Wyrm
and acquisition of treasure — are just as complex of caverns high up in the east- often makes use of these forces to
clearly all too rare. Her loneliness drives ern face of The Icepeak, that isolated manipulate small items that are beyond
her to answer the calls of the white island south of the Sea of Moving Ice her personal reach or Dexterity, but it is
dragon Arauthator to mate, but the and west of Fireshear. They lie beside thought that no creatures serve Arveia-
White Wyrm deals savagely with intrud- smaller chambers that were once the turace in her lair or elsewhere, and that
ers who sail too close to the isle where sanctum of Meltharond Thone. In fact, she avoids formal alliances or ties that
she lairs, and she has been known to Arveiaturace dug her caves so that she can summon her to battle.
leave her territory to hunt down adven- could carefully remove the walls along
turers who have entered her lair and one side of the wizard’s rooms, to allow Arveiaturace’s domain
then gone elsewhere in Faerûn. her access to them with snout and claw From the Icepeak, Arveiaturace holds
Arveiaturace is more patient than without destroying them with her bulk. sway over a territory that stretches
most white dragons, but when roused to The rock of the lcepeak is soft, crum- along the Trackless Sea east of Evermeet
battle, she loves to lose all self-control bling easily under a dragon’s claws or a from Tuern and the Sea of Moving Ice
and slay and destroy until nothing climber’s boots alike), and Arveiaturace (where long-necked monsters lair under
remains to withstand her. She knows the took the time to sculpt out spaces large the ice and erupt to do battle) in the
winds and waves of the Sea of Swords enough for her to turn easily in, beat her north to the shores of Lantan in the
and Sword Coast (and the Trackless Sea wings, and sprawl at ease. Unfortunately, south, and east to take in the coastal
east of a line from Uttersea to the Wave such huge caverns are inherently unsta- shores and headlands from Tethyr north
Rocks and the northern shores of Lantan) ble; bits of the roof keep falling when to Mount Sar beyond Waterdeep.
better than any other living entity, and she brushes them with an upraised wing, Arveiaturace has been known to
she is adept at sinking ships and at pluck- or when she lands heavily. (Ice at the make forays into the Crags and north-
ing things from masts, decks, and the three entry caves often makes her skid ern Neverwinter Wood, but other drag-
waves without slowing down or tumbling as she lands. Eventually the White Wyrm ons (notably the green dragon Claugiyl-
into even the roughest seas. may find herself at the bottom of a roof- iamatar) dispute her right to freely enter

34 J ULY 1996
this region. The topaz dragon Iltharagh for she hopes that one of them will have Awaken from Afar
(who dwelt near the mouth of the the skills to bring Meltharond back from (Alteration, Evocation)
Iceflow) fought several vicious territorial the dead. Adventurers planning to lure Level: 5
battles with Arveiaturace in the skies lceclaws to her doom are warned that Range: 30 yds./level
over the city of Luskan — inconclusive she expects treachery to await her on Components: V
struggles in which both dragons were such trips, and she brings along magic Duration: 1 turn
badly wounded and had to retire to their items she can wield as well as her full Casting Time: 5 (1 for Arveiaturace)
lairs for long periods of recuperation. measure of cunning. It is Elminster’s firm Area of Effect: One magic item
Since Iltharagh’s recent conversion to a belief that Arveiaturace regularly uses a Saving Throw: None
dracolich (assisted by the Cult of the crystal ball or other scrying device in her This spell allows the caster to activate
Dragon, who provided the dragon with lair to observe weather, shipping, and to a single magical item from any distance
steady food, lair-guards, and wor- scout ahead at her summoner whenev- within spell range, causing it to dis-
shipers), however, the former topaz er she’s called upon by anyone. charge an attack or perform another
male hasn’t bothered to defend any ter- Besides her raid on Candlekeep and usual function. Control of the item is as
ritory of its own. countless merchant ships, and her aerial exact as if the caster were handling and
battles with the elves of Evermeet, the wielding the item directly. If the item’s
The deeds of Arveiaturace Flying Hunt of Nimbral, and others, enchantment restricts its use to a partic-
Humans are the favorite prey of the Arveiaturace is famous for tearing apart a ular race or individual, the spell enables
White Wyrm, and she spends most of midair gate to other planes that opened the caster to “be” that privileged entity
each day hunting over the waves, pluck- uncomfortably close to her lair and dis- for the purposes of item activation.
ing meals from the decks of ships and gorged some sort of flying ship and an Control continues until the spell expires
using her wings to flip over vessels that aerial guard of no less than 12 young or the caster commences the casting of
menace her with ballistae, fiery missiles, adult black dragons! The White Wyrm another spell (which ends the awaken
or spells. She drinks from freshwater screamed a challenge and charged to the from afar magic), operating the item in
cascades and lakes in the mountains of attack, destroying the ship, the gate, and any round desired at its usual rate. The
Ruathym, on Gundarlun, and on north- every last dragon in a wild fray that last- item is made to levitate by the spell, and
ern Alaron and the Korinn Archipegalo. ed for most of a day — despite the hostile it can be aimed or moved about, at MV
When on these long hunting forays, and quite spectacular spells of several Fl 4 (A), at the will of the caster. Picking
Arveiaturace has been known to curl up wizards aboard the ship. Those accounts locks, wielding other magic items, read-
and rest atop heights on Barth (tallest come from no lesser sources than ing maps or complex directions, and
crag of the midsea islets known as “the Khelben Arunsun of Waterdeep, Alustriel other tasks requiring concentration can’t
Teeth”), Tonter (the most seaward of The of Silverymoon, and several senior be carried out in the same round in
Singing Rocks), Ulduth (the more mages in the service of other members of which an activated item is controlled.
southerly of the two seabird-haunted the Lords’ Alliance — who were all called During a round of neglect, such an item
Weed Rocks due south of Carcathen and upon by an awed agent-wizard of the does nothing; it can’t be commanded to
west of the Sea Tower of Nemesser), and Alliance aboard the Lady of the Waves car- “fire and go on firing until advised other-
even on Sunset (in the Moonshae Isles) avel out of Waterdeep. wise.”
and on Mintarn itself. This last resting- Arveiaturace isn’t known to have any The item and the caster must be on
perch led to her not-quite-friendship special bonds with, or hatreds of, any the same plane (e.g., the caster can’t be
with the shipwright Aldon, but it is a spot individuals or species beyond the afore- ethereal). For control to work, the item
she rarely dares to frequent today (what mentioned relationships. She shows no must be one that the caster has previ-
with Zhentarim wizards forced west by signs of being interested in closer contact ously touched (direct flesh contact) and
the fall of Zhentil Keep, sorcerers fled with the dragons or other inhabitants of that is not held by another creature at
from the turmoil of Tethyr, and outlawed Faerûn, save wizards who can bring her the time of casting. In other words, a
mages from all over the Sword Coast beloved Meltharond back to her. wand held by an enemy wizard can’t be
lands fetching up in Mintarn). In recent seasons, her hunts have turned against him, but a wand at his
When she’s not hunting for food or grown bolder, particularly along the belt — if the caster has previously han-
ships that might hold gems, Arveia- coast of Tethyr Strife and gathered dled it — could be made to discharge
turace stays at home, brooding over power seems to attract her, and word unexpectedly.
what Meltharond left behind. She finds has spread along the Sword Coast that Only one item can be controlled by
entertainment in outwitting and devour- the Cult of the Dragon is becoming very an awaken from afar spell, and if two
ing adventurers and in defending her interested in converting her to the Scaly such spells are cast so as to control the
territory against dragons who dare to Way. At the very least they would like to same item, neither spell will work. In all
dispute her authority. She allows young eliminate her and place another dracol- cases where control over an item fails
dragons to dwell unmolested at Dragon- ich in her lair at Icepeak. It is not known (except for the “round of neglect” previ-
home in the Moonshaes and several if Arveiaturace is aware of this rumor. ously mentioned), the awaken from afar
places in the Nelanther within her terri- spell ends instantly, and the magic is
tory, so long as they obey her whenev- Arveiaturace’s magic fully expended (unused time of control
er she issues commands to them; she’ll Little is known of the magic Meltha- can’t be used later, or by another awak-
tear them apart on the spot if they defy rond Thone cast upon the White Wyrm en from afar spell).
her. Her loneliness drives her to journey or made available to her, beyond this If a creature seizes an item controlled
inland when Arauthator calls or when- one (highly useful, to all creatures lack- by this spell and attempts to wield it, the
ever wizards use magic to contact her, ing human-like hands) spell: seizer and the caster each roll 1d20,

36 J ULY 1996
each adding his intelligence score. If the Meltharond’s level seems to have become a messenger and a potent con-
caster has the higher roll, he maintains been 17th (this spell operates as if cast trolled fighting force, of much less dan-
control. The spell ends if the seizing by a 17th-level wizard when cast by ger to civilized folk than she is at pre-
creature has the higher roll. This roll Arveiaturace). sent. In this potential, she is unique
must be made for each remaining round among currently powerful dragons of
of spell duration unless the seizing crea- Arveiaturace’s Fate the North.
ture loses possession of the item or the The White Wyrm seems to heal For the nonce, Arveiaturace’s sad life
caster gets a lower roll. quickly and enjoy vibrant health and remains an inspiration to minstrels up
Only item functions that the caster is strength; it is unlikely that disease will and down the Sword Coast — and the
aware of, has witnessed, or that are claim her. Misadventure is always a bane of all sailors. “The White Wyrm
obvious can be awakened by use of this peril, and Arveiaturace’s lonely exis- came calling” has recently become a
spell, though the spell will overcome tence could end abruptly at any time, if popular euphemism for the death of a
lack of a secret command word or spe- she loses her latest battle. The Cult of sailor, whatever the cause.
cial triggering phrase or process. Item the Dragon seems to be the greatest
functions that require aiming will be threat to her future. In addition, there
“fired blind” if the caster can’t see the are constant mutterings in Evermeet
item or intended targets, and some item about ways to eliminate her, and young,
functions won’t operate without direct ambitious elves may just mount a suc- Ed Greenwood has written more about
sight of a target. (The spell won’t over- cessful attempt one of these days. the FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign than any
come this limitation, although it should On the other hand, Arveiaturace other designer or novelist, which is only fair,
be noted that the sighting of targets is could become the scourge of the Sword since he created the place. For more
always between caster and target, not Coast, invigorated anew, if someone information on previously undescribed
item and target; the caster can’t “see returned Meltharond Thone to life or regions of the Realms, check out Ed‘s con-
through” the item unless such scrying is unlife. She could also, if Thone regained tinuing “Elminster’s Everwinking Eye”
an integral part of its powers.) control over her and desired it so, articles in POLYHEDRON ® Newszine.

The Thief Who Came In from the Cold

Continued from page 18

resists disease gives a country obvious PCs might loose monsters in the coun- using a similar method, but modifiers
advantages, as do smelting techniques tryside, all to destabilize an enemy’s rule, will vary according to the individual situ-
for stronger metal or mechanical looms thus keeping the enemy busy at home or ation. Among the factors to be consid-
that weave more cloth faster. forcing a change in government. Along ered are the agent’s level, his skills in the
A PC might be a sleeper agent, sent the same line is stirring up discontent or areas the mission will test, his familiarity
out years before to establish himself. encouraging rebel movements. Students with the locale, the quality of his con-
Then, when he is safely beyond suspi- of recent history can find plenty of exam- tacts and equipment, and the counter-
cion and able to reach important infor- ples on which to model adventures. measures he must face. Don’t forget to
mation, he is activated. This allows a Last in the bag of “dirty tricks” is take into account outside complications,
DM to introduce espionage into an assassination. Even the most moral and such as accidents, unexpected visits and
established campaign without having to enlightened of governments may find other changes in plans, or old acquain-
start a new adventuring group. the death of one person preferable to a tances who inadvertently blow a cover.
If most of the missions already drawn-out war, and who better than the Not every mission should be drenched
detailed require a much greater reliance masters of the shadows to carry out in bad luck, of course, but DMs should
on Charisma, Wisdom and, well, these missions? Poison, the garrote, and throw out a potential disaster now and
Intelligence, covert operations, the other the sniper’s arrow are all obvious again to keep spies alert.
half of a spy’s work, generally require the means, but in most cases quiet methods Spies have been around since the
physical skills of the old-time thief. — meaning that natural causes rather first secret. Much of their real-world
Sabotage turns up most frequently than assassins are blamed — work best, tasks are tedious paperwork, sifting
during wartime. Silent movement for both the agent and his employers. reports for trends and useful informa-
through the shadows is often the only The more highly placed the target, the tion, but fantasy spies can take James
way to get past guards and weaken more planning such a mission requires, Bond as their model and give those
bridge supports, foul wells, burn supplies, but in all cases, getting in, doing the job thieves a chance to shine.
or sink ships. and escaping safely should involve risks.
This type of destruction may also For all the missions discussed, DMs
come into play during peacetime (also must set the risk of discovery. In the
known as periods of undeclared war). AD&D® original Edition DMG, the base
Wrecking the mint or collapsing a gold chance of discovery is given as a cumu- Before his death, the sole survivor of the
mine disrupts the money supply and lative 1% per day spent on the mission, investigation reported that Renee Stern is a
devastates the economy. Pirates (either minus the spy’s level, with modifiers for freelance writer living in Selah, Washington.
genuine or a disguised navy crew) might the level of precautions taken and level She is currently at work on a novel.
harry a country’s shipping, while creative of mission difficulty. I would recommend

38 J ULY 1996
by Bill Slavicsek
illustrated by John Dollar

The DARK SUN® campaign setting for enough life energy to cast their spells. Athasian wizard kits
the AD&D® game presents a fantasy They make an extreme effort to leave the Each of the kits described below are
world unlike any other. It’s a savage plants and soil they tap alive after they’ve for use with Athasian wizard player
place of alien landscapes and mutated drawn a portion of the life energy. characters. Pay particular attention to
monsters, a harsh environment where Preservers know that they must care for the requirements listed for each kit, as
metal and water are rare and death is as the source of their power, or that power these define each type of wizard just as
common as the dust in the Silt Sea. might not be there when they need it. much as the special benefits do.
Perhaps the greatest difference sepa- Fundamentally opposed to defiling meth-
rating Athas (the world of DARK SUN) from ods, preservers consider the defilers to be Gray chasseur
other campaign worlds is magic. Magic their enemies. A preserver can be any Gray chasseurs, or gray huntsmen,
works differently beneath the crimson alignment, though most favor either are wizards who specialize in hunting
sun. Across the burning landscape of good or neutral. and destroying a specific breed of mon-
Athas, wizards draw the energy to power For more about Athas and its wizards, ster. They seek the undead, those foul
their spells from the living world itself — see the D ARK SUN Campaign Setting
creatures with a connection to the plane
from plants, the living soil, and even ani- boxed set and the new Defilers and of the dead — the Gray.
mals and humans if the wizard is strong Preservers: The Wizards of Athas accessory.
Character class: All gray chasseurs
enough. How a wizard draws this energy This article describes new character must be preservers. These huntsmen
determines much about his outlook and kits for use by Athasian wizards, adding can be multiclassed or dual-classed, and
moral tendencies. For this reason, to those presented in Defilers and elves and half-elves often combine this
Athasian wizards fall into one of two cat- Preservers. Kits are optional in the DARK
class with the fighter class to devastat-
egories: defilers or preservers. SUN campaign, so check with your
ing effect.
Defilers are Athasian wizards who Dungeon Master before introducing a Races: This kit is available to all races
don’t care what happens to the world wizard kit into the game. Here we pre- that can become wizards — aarakocra,
around them. They care only about the sent four preserver kits — the gray chas- elves, half-elves, and humans.
power they wield and the energy they seur, the obscure, the protector, and the Requirements: Gray chasseurs must
can call forth. Defilers take the living relic seeker — and two defiler kits — the have Constitution scores of at least 13
energy without thought or restraint as pale and the slayer. and Wisdom scores of at least 11.
they seek the quickest path to power, Constitution allows them to withstand
leaving withered plants and ashen soil the rigors of a hunt, while Wisdom
in their wake. Most of Athas’s devasta- Proficiencies grants them the mental stamina neces-
tion can be traced to defilers or to the All Athasian characters must use the
sary to face down the fear and dangers
sorcerer-kings — the ultimate defilers of proficiency rules as given in the Player’s
of the undead.
the world. A defiler can never be of Handbook and the D ARK SUN Age of
Role: The undead of Athas are, for
good alignment. Heroes rules book. New proficiencies for
the most part, unique creatures with
Preservers are Athasian wizards who, wizards can also be found in Defilers and powers, motives, and origins that are
through care and patience, take only Preservers.

DRAGON 231 41
different from others of their kind. One As long as the gray chasseur main- ber of undead powers, type of undead
thinking zombie, for example, may have tains this respect and doesn’t do any- powers (learn one power per day), and
different abilities from another thinking thing to damage his standing with the possible weaknesses (learn one per
zombie, and chances are that the elementals, he receives the following day).
method used to destroy one kaisharga priest spells as he advances in level. He For every Hit Dice an undead is
won’t even bother the second one may cast these spells once per day, above the wizard’s level, the proficiency
encountered. The nature of Athasian though within 24 hours of casting he check receives a -1 penalty. For exam-
undead make the gray chasseur a must make an offering to the granting ple, if a 4th-level gray chasseur attempts
necessity. elementals or lose this ability. Examples to study a 6 HD undead creature, the
The gray chasseur is a combination of offerings include teaching an agricul- wizard’s undead lore check receives a
of occult scholar, paranormal investiga- tural technique to a village elder (Earth), -2 penalty (making a success Wisdom
tor, and undead executioner. This wiz- setting someone or something free (Air), -3 or less).
ard gathers every scrap of information burning anything in dedication (Fire), or Special Hindrances: Gray chasseurs
and legend concerning the undead of adding water to an oasis pond (Water). must maintain their connection to the
Athas, filing it away for when he’ll need elemental powers to get the most of
it most. He collects relics, unusual items, Level Granted priest spell their special abilities. The moment a
and strange components — anything 4th Invisibility to undead (Air) gray chasseur breaks his pact with the
that might be used to create a defense 6th Cure disease (Fire) elementals or fails to make a proper
or a weapon against the monsters of the 8th Negative plane protection (Water) offering, he loses the priest spell that
Gray. He travels from village to village, 10th Dispel evil (Earth) power grants and the ability to turn
watching for signs of undead activity. undead. Without these special abilities,
Then he identifies the type of creature In addition, a gray chasseur who the gray chasseur must rely on his own
he’ll be dealing with and devises some keeps the pact gains the ability to turn knowledge and skills as a wizard to sur-
means for driving it off or — if possible — undead as if he were a priest of three vive his battles with the creatures of the
putting it to rest so it stops disturbing the levels less than his experience. For Gray.
living. example, a 4th-level gray chasseur turns If a gray chasseur reveals his occupa-
Unlike most wizards, the gray chas- undead as if he were a 1st-level cleric. tion in the presence of a thinking
seur is welcomed (or at least tolerated) Weapon Proficiencies: Gray chas- undead (or fails at an undead lore check
by the communities who need his help. seurs have the same weapon proficien- while trying to study the creature), that
A slave tribe or trading outpost troubled cies available to them as normal wiz- monster has a 55% chance of declaring
by some corporeal undead will often ards, though at 9th level they treat all a death hunt on the wizard. In this case,
extend an invitation to a gray chasseur, weapons as +1 against undead foes. the undead won’t rest until either it or
figuring that a wizard is a lesser evil than They can’t bestow this bonus on any the wizard is destroyed.
the walking dead. other character, as it’s a result of their Wealth Options: Gray chasseurs
Other than his name and a good bit own tinkering and knowledge. begin play with (3d4+3) x 30 cp.
of knowledge about the subject, this Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus:
wizard has no actual ties to the plane of Ancient history and undead lore. Obscure
Athasian dead known as the Gray. He Required: Religion. Recommended: The obscure is a particular type of
doesn’t draw spell energy from the Gray Agriculture, bribery etiquette, fire-build- shadow wizard, one of the mages who
(as Athasian necromancers do), nor does ing, planes lore, survival, teaching. draw energy from the plane of infinite
he commune with the dead for knowl- Special Benefits: In addition to the shadow known as the Black. The
edge or power (as the pale wizard does). priest spells and undead turning granted obscure uses his shadow-inspired pow-
The gray chasseur has one goal — to them due to their respect for the ele- ers for espionage and to provide protec-
become an expert on all manner and mental powers and their efforts to eradi- tion by hiding those he defends.
variation of undead monsters in order to cate life-threatening abominations from Character Class: Obscures are usually
be able to confront them and destroy the Gray, gray chasseurs also receive the preservers, though it’s possible for a
them before they can harm the living. benefit of being respected (or at least tol- one-time preserver who has become a
Though the gray chasseur is dedicated erated) in communities that would other- defiler to take up this kit in the service of
to learning about and destroying undead, wise drive them off for being wizards. a sorcerer-king. This kit can be combine
he isn’t above being paid for his services. With the undead lore proficiency the wizard class with any other class
Most will provide help to a village for (Wisdom -1), a gray chasseur can study except cleric or druid. Obscure wizard/
whatever the community can afford, a particular undead creature in order to rangers or wizard/thieves can some-
though these wizards usually seek 1 sp gain advantages over it. For each day of times be found serving a specific faction
per HD of the monster they’re hired to study (during which time the gray chas- of the Veiled Alliance. Bear in mind that
destroy. seur can watch and gain information on obscures and shadow wizards have
Class Modification: The gray chas- only a single type of undead creature), been around for a long, long time but
seur carries, among other things, the the wizard gets to make a proficiency are still considered to be rare among the
holy symbols associated with the four check. If the check succeeds, the wizard wizards of Athas.
elemental clerics. While not a priest by learns one important bit of knowledge Races: Humans, elves, and half-elves
any means, the gray chasseur knows he to help him fight the undead monster. can select this kit, but the dark and
must show respect to the priestly pow- Knowledge gained in this manner is claustrophobic nature of the Black
ers if he hopes to use their relics in the accumulated in the following order, one makes it highly unsuitable for aarakocra
battle against the undead. item per day of successful study: num- wizards.

42 J ULY 1996
Requirements: Obscures require a or shadow, either as a direct result or an to damage from non-magical weapons.
minimum Wisdom score of 16 and a after effect of the casting. They also Enchanted weapons hit as though he
Constitution score of 15 to withstand the employ divination spells and spells of were totally physical, with a base AC 10
mental and physical rigor of reaching stealth and concealment. They avoid (not counting any bonuses for Dexterity
into the dimension of darkness. An darkness spells, as these obliterate shad- or magical items).
obscure can be of any alignment as long ows and weaken their powers. Because Special Hindrances: The shadow
as one aspect of it is neutral (i.e., NG, NE, the connection to the Black isn’t con- stain spreading over the obscure and
N, LN, CN). stant, the obscure must roll on Table the chill air that hangs around them give
Role: Shortly after the first shadow XVII: Gathering Energy Through Defiling these wizards a reaction check penalty
wizards developed centuries ago, a few Magic (in both the new DARK SUN rules that increases as they advance in level:
of these mystics found a particular man- book and the Defilers and Preservers Levels 1st-3rd, -1 penalty; levels
ner of employing their magic. These accessory) to determine how many 4th-6th, -2; levels 7th-9th, -3; levels
mystics became the obscure, a society spells they can memorize each day. 10th and above, -4. In addition, the first
of shadow wizards who operate in the Instead of determining the terrain bene- time any character see the shadow
twilight of society, moving like specters fit for energy gathering, the table is used stain, that character must make a saving
through the world of humans and demi- to represent how strong the wizard’s throw vs. petrification or flee in terror —
humans. They consider it a sacred duty connection to the Black is at the time of possibly raising an alarm.
to uncover secrets and shed light on the energy gathering. Roll to see which ter- In total darkness or otherwise in the
darkness that hides portions of the rain line to use: absence of shadow, an obscure is cut off
world. from the Black. Granted powers are
Using their spells and abilities granted Roll 1d10 Result diminished, spells must now be cast
by their connection to the Black, the 1 barren through normal preserving or defiling
obscure became spies and investigators 2-4 infertile methods, and the obscure must make a
of great mystery and renown. This small 5-7 fertile Constitution check with a -2 penalty to
order of wizards holds fast to its sacred 8-9 abundant withstand the sudden absence of the
duty, usually in the service of the various 10 lush chilling cold. A failed check indicates
branches of the Veiled Alliance, though that the wizard immediately suffers 1d4
at least one of these wizards works for Note that a wizard can improve his hp damage.
the Night Runners elf tribe. When one of connection by basking in a shadow at When the obscure accesses the Black
these groups absolutely needs to gather the time of energy gathering. This gives for spell energy, he must make a
information or root out a secret, if an him a +1 to the roll. Constitution check to withstand the
obscure is available, the job goes to him. Weapon Proficiencies: The obscure physical and mental chill of the shadow
The obscure who work for the Veiled follow the regular restrictions applicable dimension. The wizard isn’t actually
Alliance use their abilities to drift from to all wizards. entering the plane, just opening a con-
shadow to shadow as they spy on tem- Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: duit through the use of his magical train-
plars, defilers, or sorcerer-kings. They Planes lore. Required: Path lore. ing. If the wizard gathers spell energy as
have trained themselves in stealth tech- Recommended: Astrology, bribery eti- he casts spells, a failed check inflicts 1d2
niques, and they take pride in their abil- quette, direction sense, fire-building, hp damage upon him and the spell fails.
ities to observe, listen, and gather infor- meditation, mental armor, reading/writ- If the wizard gathers energy during the
mation. ing, spellcraft. memorization process, a failed check
The obscure share certain traits with Special Benefits: At 3rd level, a por- inflicts 1d6+1 hp damage. He can make
other shadow wizards. Except for those tion of the obscure’s body becomes liv- a second attempt, but if that fails as well
who know of them and their work, most ing shadow. This portion is equal to he suffers another 1d6+1 hp damage
believe that those connected to the Black 20% of the wizard’s body. Each level and no memorization occurs that day.
are evil beings. This isn’t an accurate thereafter, another 5% portion turns to The obscure can’t memorize new spells
assessment by any means, but their living shadow, spreading every level until 24 hours have passed.
characteristics make such beliefs under- advancement until 50% of the wizard’s Finally, because of their connection
standable. The obscure are cold, distant, physical form has been replaced. This to some group (the player or DM picks
with a tendency toward neutrality. They shadow has a permanent chill touch spell either a Veiled Alliance cell, a tribe, a
believe in balance, for without light there effect upon it which can be used once merchant house, or a sorcerer-king), the
can be no shadow. They are cold to the per level per day. obscure can be ordered to take an espi-
touch, an effect of the plane of shadow. At 7th level, the obscure gains the onage mission of some sort once every
An obscure must be within 10’ of a shad- shadow form ability. This works just like two months of campaign time.
ow to draw on the Blacks power. They the psychometabolic science of the same Wealth Options: The obscure begin
wear robes and cloaks full of folds and name, but doesn’t require the expendi- play with (1d4+1) x 30 cp.
shadows, even during the hottest part of ture of PSPs. This is a granted ability, not
an Athasian day. And, like shadow wiz- a psionic power. The wizard can assume Pale
ards, the obscure sacrifice a part of them- shadow form and remain in it for a num- The pale is a particular type of necro-
selves to the Black, allowing their bodies ber of turns equal to his level per day. mancer, those wizards who draw magi-
to become a combination of living flesh At 9th level, the obscure’s body has cal energy from the plane of the dead
and living shadow. become 50% living shadow. At this time, known as the Gray. Unlike necro-
Class Modification: The obscure tend the wizard’s natural armor class drops to mancers, however, pale seek to com-
to favor spells that produce either light AC 5 because half of his form is immune mand and control undead, eventually

DRAGON 231 43
ruling these creatures by becoming as to represent how strong the wizard’s the wizard’s beck and call until the crea-
undead as they are. connection to the Gray is at the time of ture is destroyed or a new creature is
Character Class: Pale are always energy gathering. Roll to see which ter- summoned (at the next level of experi-
defilers, and they always have align- rain line to use: ence). The type of creature that responds
ments of neutral evil. The pale are to the summons depends on the level of
always pure defilers, not wanting to Roll 1d10 Result the pale:
sully their art by attempting to combine 1 barren
it with any other class. 2-4 infertile Level Undead Type
Races: Only humans and half-elves 5-7 fertile 5-6 normal skeleton
have the will and desire to become 8-9 abundant; 7-8 normal zombie
these death-wizards. 10 lush 9-12 thinking zombie
Requirements: Manipulating and 13+ wracked spirit
maintaining the delicate balance Weapon Proficiencies: The pale are
between life and death takes a toll on proficient with all weapons normally Finally, a pale is immune to any fear
these wizards. To become a pale, a available to the wizard class. In addition, caused by undead, unless that undead’s
defiler needs a Wisdom score of at least they can learn to wield any weapons Hit Dice total exceeds the pale’s level by
16 and a Constitution score of at least 14. made of bone without penalty. three or better. Then the fear affects the
Role: Through their fascination with Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: wizard normally. For example, a 3rd-
the undead, the pale have become con- Planes lore. Required: Languages, level pale would be affected by the fear
nected to the Gray. This connection ancient. Recommended: Ancient history, of a 6 HD undead monster.
allows them to draw the energy for astrology, bargain, intimidation, read- Special Hindrances: When a pale
spells not from plant life but from the life ing/writing, religion, spellcraft. accesses the Gray for spell energy, the
forces trapped in the Gray. Unlike necro- Special Benefits: The pale learn to wizard must make a Constitution check
mancers, who study death to learn more fashion an obsidian shard to use as a to withstand the negative power of the
about life and extending it for as long as conduit for drawing energy from the dimension. If the wizard gathers energy
possible, the pale only want to call upon Gray. This shard must be prepared as he casts a spell, a failed check inflicts
undead creatures to do their bidding. through an elaborate ceremony and ritu- 1d2 hp damage and the spell fails. If the
With every increase in level, with every al that lasts for 1d4+2 days. At the end wizard gathers energy during the mem-
piece of knowledge gained, the pale of this period, the pale reaches into the orization process, a failure inflicts 1d6+1
move closer to becoming undead beings Gray and makes a Wisdom check. A suc- hp damage as he drains life energy from
of incredible power — at least that’s cessful check inflicts 1d4+1 hp damage himself instead of from the Gray. He can
what they hope for. on the wizard and imbues his shard with make a second attempt, but if that fails
The pale call forth undead servants a individual life force from the Gray. With as well he suffers another 1d6+1 hp
to wait upon them, defend them, and this imbued shard, the wizard maintains damage and no memorization occurs
even fight for them should the need a constant connection to the Gray. The that day. The pale can’t memorize new
arise. They commune with undead life force is rendered comatose, provid- spells until 24 hours have passed.
beings to learn more about life, death, ing nothing more than the spark neces- Additionally, the pale have the look
and the Gray existence that waits sary to maintain the open conduit. If the of death about them. They have pale
beyond the mortal coil. check fails, the shard isn’t imbued and flesh (as their name implies), and they
As a member of an adventuring the wizard suffers 2d4+2 hp damage. are skeletal and gaunt to an unnatural
party, a pale can be a potent companion The pale have the ability to take con- extreme. The pale are also surrounded
— provided the rest of the party can trol of unintelligent undead. This is by a carrion stench — they smell like
stand his ghoulish ways. It also takes a reflected as a pale’s Wisdom score plus ghouls. This makes everyone they meet
lot for the living fully to trust someone 5% for each of his levels. This control very uncomfortable, and if the pale
so captivated by the dead. Still, a pale’s lasts for 1d6+1 rounds, and the number doesn’t make a successful save vs. death
powerful spells and abilities to turn or of undead that can be affected by this magic whenever he encounters some-
command undead can be useful to any power is a number of Hit Dice equal to one, that person flees in terror.
adventuring party. the wizard’s level times two. So, a 3rd- Wealth Options: The pale, too preoc-
Class Modification: The pale favor level pale can control up to 6 HD of cupied by death to worry about money,
necromantic spells, as well as spells of unintelligent undead creatures. begin play with (1d4+1) x 10 cp.
an offensive nature. They require a Through force of will, the pale can also
shard of obsidian that has been pre- attempt to command intelligent undead. Protector
pared with the essence of an undead The chance is equal to the wizard’s The protector is an elf wizard dedi-
being to maintain their connection to Wisdom score plus 5% per level, minus cated to the defense of his tribe. He
the Gray. Without this shard, they cast the creature’s Hit Dice. So, a 3rd-level wiz- combines magic with warrior skills to
spells as if they were normal defilers. ard with a Wisdom of 16 has a base 31% create a true combat mage. Indeed, pro-
Because the connection to the Gray is chance to command an intelligent tectors are among the most ferocious
unstable at best, the pale must roll on undead. If the undead was a 6 HD mon- and dangerous elf opponents enemies
Table XVII: Gathering Energy Through ster, the chance would be reduced to of an elf tribe can face.
Defiling Magic to determine how many 25%. This command lasts for 1d4 rounds. Character Class: Protectors must be
spells they can memorize each day. At 5th level, a pale gains a constant preservers, as defilers don’t have the
Instead of determining the terrain bene- undead companion. One undead being commitment or honor necessary to
fit for energy gathering, the table is used can be called per level that remains at adhere to the tenets of this kit. In addi-

44 J ULY 1996
tion, a protector must be a multiclassed mended Proficiencies: Direction sense, Relic Seeker
fighter/wizard of some kind. armorer, blind-fighting, weaponsmithing, Relic seekers are wizards who search
Races: Only elves may become pro- mental armor. for ancient items. They look for books,
tectors, though a DM may rule that a Special Benefits: At 3rd level, a pro- scrolls, tablets, metal tools — anything
half-elf who’s dedicated to a particular tector is only a protector-in-training. He tied to the past that can increase their
slave tribe might become that tribe’s receives a bone long sword +1 to use knowledge or otherwise help them
protector. until his training period ends. During piece together the mysteries of ancient
Requirements: Only the best elves training, the protector-to-be travels with Athas.
can meet the standards set for this kit. A the tribe’s protector for one month per Character Class: Preservers normally
protector must have a Strength score of level. The rest of the time he is encour- take the relic seeker kit, as they are more
13 or better, a Constitution score of 12 or aged to find an adventuring party to join concerned with preserving not only
better, and an Intelligence score of 14 or with to further hone his abilities. nature and life, but even the past. Defilers
better. At 5th level, the training period ends. can select this kit, but they do so more to
Role: Protectors defend their tribes If the tribe’s protector is ready to step increase their own power than for any
from all threats and dangers, using down from his post, the new protector love of knowledge or desire to unlock
magic and muscle to keep those they receives the bone long sword +3. If not, ancient mysteries. When multiclassed,
have sworn to protect from harm. Not the young protector is encouraged to the only other class that logically com-
every fighter/mage can rise to the stan- keep traveling until such time as his bines with relic-seeking wizards is the
dards of this kit, for it takes skill, com- tribe has need of his services. thief class.
mitment, compassion, and a dedication A protector carries around a pouch Races: Any race that can become a
not seen very often among the elves of full of items that are important to his wizard can select this kit. Aarakocra and
Athas. tribe. With this pouch, the protector and humans make the best relic seekers, but
An elf tribe usually has one designated the tribe are always connected. At 5th there have been relic seekers among the
protector at a time. This elf receives the level, a protector gains danger sense in elf tribes, and even a half-elf or two has
traditional weapon of protection to use in relation to his tribe. With this ability, he dug into the ruins of yesterday to learn
defense of the tribe. This weapon is a knows when his tribe needs him and more about the world.
bone Iong sword +3 that’s sometimes can follow the tingling sensation right to Requirements: Relic seekers have
imbued with an additional power them. This ability works best as long as only two Ability Score requirements —
depending on the tribe it belongs to. For he’s within 10 miles of the tribe; at far- they must have Intelligence scores of at
example, one tribe might have a thri- ther distances the tingling is too weak to least 12 and Wisdom scores of at least
kreen slayer, while another has an do more than warn him that something 11. Otherwise, a relic seeker can be of
undead slayer, each inflicting extra dam- is amiss. If the protector loses the pouch, any alignment as long as one of its
age (usually becoming a +5 weapon) he loses this ability. aspects is lawful.
against their dedicated foes. The protec- Due to his training and combat ori- Role: Relic seekers are scholars of the
tor ranges far from the tribe for months at entation, a protector receives extra highest order, curators who locate, cata-
a time, seeking any threats long before offensive spells to memorize every day. log, and carry their museums with them
the tribe is placed in danger. Up to 5th level, he receives an extra 1st- wherever they go. Most relic seekers
When traveling with the tribe, the level spell; from 6th to 9th level he aren’t interested in power. They’re histo-
protector runs at the head of the tribe in receives two extra 1st-level spells; from rians or sages who simply want to learn
a place of honor reserved just for him. 10th to 12th level he receives two 1st- and preserver that learning for others.
He provides consul to the chief and trib- level and one 3rd-level spell; at 13th Any power that might come their way
al elders, trains tribal defenders, and level and above, his extra spells are two through this course is simply an added
keeps alert for any dangers. When dan- 1st-level and two 3rd-level spells. bonus.
ger presents itself, the protector often Special Hindrances: Through the Relic seekers are adventurers in the
leads the tribe into battle, wielding the connection formed by the tribal pouch, classic sense — they’ll go anywhere,
tribal sword where all can see. He a protector must respond to a summons brave any danger, to recover a relic,
inspires the tribe, casting magic and from his tribe. The tribal shaman can learn a new bit of information, or dis-
striking quickly with his enchanted use the pouch to summon the protector, cover an ancient secret. Tall mountains,
sword. and any true threats to the tribe also deep caverns, ancient ruins — these are
Class Modification: Protectors always force the protector to respond. the obstacles the relic seekers learn to
seek to learn spells that can be used to If a protector’s tribe is ever destroyed circumvent in the pursuit of knowledge.
defend their tribes. Offensive spells are and the protector survives, he becomes Relic seekers will join adventuring
selected first, followed by spells that can an avenger. An avenger wanders the groups to gain assistance in their work,
be used to defend those in their care. land, seeking to protect others from for everyone knows that adventurers
Some protectors even learn divination whatever danger destroyed his tribe. He spend lots of time in just the sort of
spells in order to gain as much warning also seeks to avenge the tribe by hunt- places a relic seeker can uncover some
to dangers as possible. ing down and eliminating whatever piece of the past.
Weapon Proficiencies: Protectors can destroyed them — though this isn’t Artifacts, historical accounts, spells
learn to use any weapons, though they always an easy task. and magical items, objects of art, even
must select the long sword among their Wealth Options: Protectors begin odd bits of metal — these are the trea-
initial proficiencies. play with little money, only (1d4+1) x 5 sures that relic seekers constantly search
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: cp, but they do receive a bone long for. It’s their passion, the driving force
Survival. Required: Tracking. Recom- sword +1. that defines their ultimate motivations.

46 J ULY 1996
In a world where reading and writing is
prohibited, where the secrets of the past
are considered better left buried, the
relic seekers see it as their duty to pre-
serve and often rescue such items from
the forces that would destroy them.
Class Modification: Divination spells
are clearly part of every relic seeker’s
repertoire. They also tend to have lots of
uses for abjuration magic.
Weapon Proficiencies: Relic seekers
have the same weapon proficiencies
available to them as normal wizards.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus:
Ancient history and ancient languages.
Required: Reading/Writing. Recom-
mended: Appraising, bribery etiquette,
direction sense, rope use, somatic con-
cealment, teaching.
Special Benefits: Every relic seeker
starts play with a minor magical item of
some sort (as selected by the DM). For
every magical item and ancient relic
they collect, they receive a 5% bonus to
their awarded experience.
Relic seekers learn how to identify
ancient items with some success. They
have a 5% chance per level of being
able to identify an item as genuine or
magical in nature. They can attempt this
identification process once per item,
regardless of the result they come up
with. (DMs might want to make the
check in secret for the relic seeker.)
Finally, to reflect the time relic seek-
ers spend digging through ancient ruins,
they get to buy skills that are usually
only available to thieves. They receive
15 points at 3rd level (the starting level
for DARK SUN characters) and 5 points
each new level to put into these skills.
The skills and their base scores are:
Open Locks 0%, Find Traps 0%, Climb
Walls 15%, Read Languages 10%.
Special Hindrances: Curiosity killed such as the city-states of Urik and nobles, and sorcerer-kings, earning for-
the mekillot, and it certainly gets the Nibenay, the relic seeker must be tunes if they’re good at what they do.
relic seeker into trouble. Whenever the extremely careful not to give himself Character Class: All slayers must be
relic seeker picks up a rumor concerning away. This can be harder than it sounds, defilers, as preservers have too much
an artifact or other worthy item, he must as they always carry scrolls, tablets, and respect for life so callously to end it.
make a successful Wisdom check to other ancient artifacts in the many Multiclass slayers are possible. Among
keep from rushing to immediately find pouches and bags they wear. elves, these wizards often combine with
it. If the check fails, he’s off at the first Wealth Options: Relic seekers begin the fighter or thief classes. Half-elf
opportunity. play with (1d4+2) x 30 cp and a minor slayer/bards make for a most danger-
As scholars, relic seekers often have magical item of the DM’s choice. ous combination.
their attention turned toward matters Races: Elves, half-elves, and humans
beyond the here and now. The first Slayer can select to follow the dark path of the
round of any combat, the relic seeker Slayers are wizards who profit from slayer. Aarakocra wizards would never
suffers a 2-point penalty to his initiative their art by selling their services to the take on this role.
roll, and in any location other than ruins highest bidder. However, the services Requirements: Slayers have no
or while on a relic hunt, the relic seeker they sell are very specific — they use their Ability Score requirements beyond the
is always surprised. magic to kill. Wielding their magic the normal ones for their race and class.
Finally, when traveling in a place way a bard wields poison daggers, slay- However, the best slayers (those who
where reading and writing is prohibited, ers take contracts for merchant houses,
survive to make a name for themselves) Unless specifically asked to put on a Every slayer picks a signature
usually have the highest scores. Slayers big show (which costs more as this puts method for dealing death — spells of a
may not be of good alignment; most the slayer at greater risk), a slayer subtle and quiet nature. In addition, all
tend toward some aspect of neutrality, employs spells of a subtle yet deadly slayers also learn a few obviously offen-
though the worst among them are evil. nature. Necromantic spells used over a sive spells to use if the need arises —
Role: Slayers, like Athasian bards, number of days can appear as a wither- spells like fireball and lightning bolt.
have a specific function in Athasian soci- ing disease of unknown origin. Illusions Finally, it makes good sense for a slayer
ety. They sell their abilities to society’s can be used to literally scare a victim to to also have a few spells on hand to use
elite, eliminating a merchant’s competi- death or cause a victim to blunder into a when he needs to make a quick escape.
tion, a rival noble, a pushy templar, or an fatal accident. Even summoning magic Dimension door and teleport work well for
adventurer who just doesn’t know when can be employed to send wild creatures most slayers.
to back off. Most slayers never reveal or dangerous monsters to deal with Weapon Proficiencies: Slayers have
their true nature, not even to their the victim. Every slayer has his own spe- the same weapon proficiencies avail-
adventuring companions. They travel cialty and signature method for com- able to them as normal wizards.
the Tablelands and beyond with these pleting a job. Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus:
companions, slipping away when neces- In the case of half-elf slayer/bards, Somantic concealment. Required:
sary to handle a job, then returning to the wizard might even be audacious Spellcraft. Recommended: Bribery eti-
continue their adventuring careers. enough to get close to his victim, enter- quette, disguise, herbalism, intimidation,
Slayers are in high demand, but even the tain him, befriend him, and then deliver mental armor, reading/writing, spell-
best isn’t called upon to perform more the death-dealing spell once the victim’s weaving.
than three or four slayings in a year. trust has been gained. Special Benefits: A slayer starts play
When a slayer takes a job, he watch- Class Modification: Even more than with a patron, a specific noble or mer-
es his target for a few days. This gives other wizards, slayers keep their profes- chant lord who retains his services. This
him the opportunity to chart his victim’s sion a secret. Nothing stirs up a mob translates into help when the slayer is
movements, watch for habits or abilities faster than the revelation of a wizard within the patron’s sphere of influence,
his employer forgot to warn him of, and who uses his magic for murder. So, a a ready supply of resources while in the
gauge the protection he must circum- slayer works hard to keep his identity as patron’s good graces, and a contact to
vent to get close to his target. When he’s a defiler secret and never reveals his exploit when involved in his own adven-
ready, the slayer picks the appropriate nature as a slayer except to those who turing endeavors.
spells and begins his onslaught. have the money to afford his services. Special Hindrances: The patron also
translates into the slayer’s hindrance, as
the slayer must perform at least three
assassinations for the patron in a given
year. When a slayer agrees to a job, he
must concentrate on that job until he
gets it done. Otherwise, he may find
himself the object of a chasseur (or
mage hunter) who has been hired to
cancel his contract.
Because slayers are even more
despised and feared than other defilers,
a slayer always runs the risk of being
revealed for what he is. Even a patron or
client may turn on him, and he never
knows who to trust. Consequently, slay-
ers learn to sleep with one eye open and
a spell on their lips.
Wealth Options: Slayers begin play
with (3d4+3) x 30 cp.

Bill Slavicsek lives, works, and plays too

many games in Lake Geneva, WI. He is a
designer and editor for TSR, Inc. and knows
more about the Star Wars universe than
any mortal should know.

48 J ULY 1996
food, and a major plot element deals
with the consequences of a cruelly inti-
mate betrayal.
It isn’t exactly an adventure story,
although its heroine, one Dara, has a fair
number of adventures as she explores
the vast labyrinth of realities branching
outward from the mysterious Crystal
Keep. True enough, she meets a dragon,
is set upon by imps, and encounters a
mysterious woman out of legend, but just
© 1996 John C. Bunnell as much of the story involves cooking
and mending and studying dusty books
— and all of these are just as important to
the plot as the more adventurous inci-
Guardian’s Key dents. Impressively, though, Logston nar-
Anne Logston rates even the most mundane episodes
Ace $5.99 without lapsing into dullness.
It’s no trouble at all to report that It’s not really a romance, even
Guardian’s Key may well be Anne though the motive behind Dara’s quest
Logston’s strongest novel to date. Trying involves sealing a marriage contract.
to classify the book, however, is another Her intended husband spends nearly the
matter entirely. It isn’t capital-L Literature entire book offstage, and the relation- The Two Georges
of the “reading this will be good for you” ship that develops between Dara and Richard Dreyfuss
school. As with Logston’s previous the Crystal Keep’s mysterious Guardian, and Harry Turtledove
books, her intent is clearly to entertain, Vanian, is considerably more three- Tor $23.95
and it’s a task at which she succeeds dimensional than the word “romance” By almost any measure, The Two
admirably. She doesn’t entirely escape might suggest. Georges is not the book you’d expect it
the bounds of literary nutrition, as there Nor is it precisely a fairy tale or fable, to be. It’s not a publicity-stunt novel; all
are a handful of thematic vitamins and though Logston incorporates elements evidence says that actor Richard
minerals scattered through its pages, but of both. There are familiar characters Dreyfuss was an equal partner in the
Logston’s tale definitely doesn’t qualify and props — a peppery old witch, a project with veteran writer Harry
as the fantasy-novel equivalent of 100% magic mirror, a magical key. The prose Turtledove. It’s not the sort of quiet, con-
Bran Flakes. conveys the once-upon-a-time mistiness templative yarn you might expect from
Neither, however, is this book “pop- typical of fairy tales, and Dara’s ultimate Dreyfuss; rather, it’s an action-adventure
corn fantasy” in the usual sense of that choices reflect the increased self- knowl- tale with express-train pacing and a
phrase — a book meant purely as edge that usually accompanies a fable’s Harrison Ford hero. Nor, however, is it
escapist adventure, whose sole value is moral. But Logston develops her themes crisp, cogent alternate history such as
as a distraction from real life. While more subtly and with less preaching than you’d expect from Turtledove, who’s
sometimes used as such, the “popcorn” fables usually offer, and while the ending usually regarded as that sub-genre’s
label isn’t necessarily a pejorative; it can is cheerfully upbeat, it doesn’t have a leading craftsman.
legitimately mark everything from fairy tale’s happily-ever-after simplicity. Not that the setting isn’t intriguing. In
Conanesque blood-and- thunder yarns Just because Guardian’s Key can’t be the world Dreyfuss and Turtledove cre-
to tales of the FORGOTTEN REALMS® setting pigeonholed, however, is no reason not ate, 1990s America is part of the British
to Star Wars novels to comic fantasy such to enjoy the book. With this novel Anne Empire, a treaty signed in the 1760s by
as Terry Pratchett writes. But Guardian’s Logston carves out a new niche for her- George Washington and King George III
Key is none of these; there’s a thoughtful self and sets a standard that other fan- having prevented the Revolutionary
quality to the novel that sets it above the tasy novelists may well find difficult to War. The legendary Gainesborough
storytelling equivalent of mere snack meet or exceed. painting that commemorates the event

DRAGON 231 49
has just arrived in California to begin a fights and intrigue-ridden diplomatic close to the CD-ROM script that those
national tour, and Thomas Bushell of receptions. Not surprisingly, there’s a wishing to be surprised should finish
the Royal American Mounted Police is in definite cinematic quality to much of their chosen version of the story before
charge of the security arrangements. this, and it’s the sort of adventure that seeking out its companion piece.
For Bushell, though, air travel is by should translate well to film. You don’t need to get farther than the
dirigible, automobiles are steam-pow- Those who enjoy high-spirited post- cover art, though, to figure out that The
ered, and television is just becoming Victorian adventure will probably find Dig is the Spielberg/Lucas empire’s
available as a curiosity for the wealthy. The Two Georges a lively and personable homage to the film version of 2001: A
It’s a colorful landscape, but the vintage read. But those with any taste for well- Space Odyssey. The blend of wide- eyed
technology is oddly assorted and the realized historical speculation should awe and crisp professionalism is much
explanation for its presence nonexistent. look elsewhere, and Turtledove fans in the same, and The Dig’s ruggedly exotic
The steam-cars date to around 1920 in particular may find this novel below his landscapes are a match for 2001’s mys-
real history, while the airships are at usual standard. terious obelisk. The two stories diverge
least ten years more advanced, and sharply in plot and character develop-
both are in much wider use than ever ment, but the atmosphere and themes
occurred in our own world. are dead ringers for each other.
The politics are equally peculiar: Novel and game follow the same
Britain’s chief rivals in world affairs are a path; an unusual asteroid has suddenly
French-Spanish collective and the appeared from nowhere on a near-colli-
Russian empire; the Chinese and sion course with Earth, and astronaut
Ottomans are under British rule, the Boston Low is brought out of retirement
Germans are insignificant; and many to fly the NASA mission that will hope-
Native Americans enjoy a reclusive fully nudge it into Earth’s orbit instead.
semi-independent status. Yet though the But Low and his fellow crew members
civil rights movement seems never to quickly discover that the asteroid isn’t
have happened, North America’s chief what it seems, and they are transported
administrator is none other than Sir to the distant and seemingly dead world
Martin Luther King, while a certain of Cocytus. Only if they can somehow
“Tricky Dick is a wealthy used-car mag- unravel the planet’s secrets and revive
nate, and the Sons of Liberty are dan- long-idle technological systems is there
gerous terrorists. hope of returning to Earth.
What handicaps the novel is an odd When Foster is unfolding the Cocytan
combination of too much and too little landscape and architecture, his prose
detail. Turtledove and Dreyfuss go to con- pleasantly complements the visually cin-
siderable lengths to make sure that we ematic quality of the computer game.
know the broad outlines of this world’s Foster also provides a lightly sketched
history and the dates of key events, and attraction between Low and journalist
a pair of maps clearly describe the politi- Maggie Robbins, and this too is effec-
cal landscape. Yet at the same time, tively-conveyed — a distinct plus for the
they’re curiously reticent about why The Dig book. On the minus side, however,
events unfolded as they did, especially Alan Dean Foster Foster also deliberately undercuts any
when it comes to justifying some of the Warner $19.95 suspense in the plot by switching often
sharper divergences from real-world his- Novels based on computer games to the viewpoint of the hordes of disem-
tory. It’s a mystery, for instance, as to why aren’t especially new — we’ve seen bodied Cocytans watching the human
the British Empire outlawed slavery in books spun out from the worlds of The explorers from the parallel dimension in
1834, neatly forestalling an alternate Civil Bard‘s Tale*, Wing Commander*, the which the aliens are trapped. The gener-
War — or how surviving Native American Ultima* adventures, and many more. al outline of the Cocytans’ problem is
cultures managed to fare so much better Most of these, however, have been orig- apparent to the reader long before Low
in this reality. The reader is left with few inal stories set in the world established and Robbins (and thus, by implication,
clues as to why this world has evolved so for the game. The Dig is different; Alan the game-player) have any idea of
differently, and the puzzle is an ongoing Dean Foster’s book looks to be a what’s going on around them. It’s a
distraction that detracts from Dreyfuss’ straightforward novelization of the strange choice, all the more so because
and Turtledove’s primary interest. game adventure itself. the viewpoint-shifts are handled in an
Yet while the novel is remarkably A couple of warnings are in order at oddly abrupt, inelegant fashion.
weak as alternate history, it works very this point. First, I haven’t actually played Overall, The Dig in both its forms
well as a spy thriller. Once the Sons of through the CD-ROM version of the looks to be a solidly traditional science-
Liberty make off with the title painting story. I have, however, spent time with fiction puzzle yarn. This is one case,
(doing away with “Tricky Dick” in the the game, and I’ve seen and absorbed though, where there seems little reason
process), we’re launched swiftly into a the walk-through in the official strategy to seek out the story in more than one
breathless chase that takes Bushell, his guide. Second, those who don’t want the form; those who’ve successfully played
aide, and an attractive female art expert game’s ending spoiled should skip to the game are unlikely to find much of
across the length and breadth of the the next review. While Foster’s novel interest in the book, while those who
continent, through bullet- riddled fire- isn’t a hint book, it sticks sufficiently finish the novel first have little apparent

50 J ULY 1996
reason to invest in the game. The tale is won’t let her; the usual simmer of to sustain the high-energy adventure it
entertaining enough, but not so memo- intrigues in Zazesspur, Tethyr’s nominal tries to hang on its initial premise.
rable that it stands up well to multiple capital, is coming to a boil, and if Three interwoven plots form the heart
retellings. Zaranda doesn’t act to protect her inter- of the novel: a cultural and political clash
ests, her status in Morninggold may be between the traditional monarch of
in danger. Kahnderule and the more modern civi-
Milan takes this foundation and lization of Vonahr, the efforts of the Cult
builds on it an adventure that’s both sur- of Aoun to steal power from both realms,
prisingly mild-mannered and more tan- and the gradual bond that forms
gled than a ball of yarn after six cats are between Vonahrish civil servant Renille
through playing with it. Zaranda, trained vo Chaumelle and Jathondi, the heiress
both in magic and swordcraft, must use to Kahnderule’s throne. But that’s not
both skills in an effort to keep the enough for Volsky; she adds several
already dangerous political climate from more subplots to the mix that connect
erupting into full-blown violence. But only loosely to the main adventure — the
mere political enemies may not be the foibles of Renille’s family have little
most critical threat — something even impact on the political intrigues, and
more sinister is operating beneath the Renille’s encounters with a clan of urban
surface, both literally and figuratively. street-folk likewise don’t advance the
Milan stage-manages both Zaranda’s core story. Yet these elements take up
group and their diverse enemies with pages at a time, diverting attention from
practiced skill, displaying both an the shadowy agents of Aoun and the
admirable grasp of tactics and a clever deeper textures of the cultural conflict.
hand at springing plot twists. While very That’s a shame, because the parts of
few readers will correctly anticipate the book that do focus on the primary
every change of allegiance, at no time plots show style and ingenuity. The
does Milan offer a revelation that hasn’t Aoun-Father’s assassins, aided by deadly
been justified by earlier events. flying serpents called wivoori, are a
If there’s a criticism to be leveled, it’s clever hybrid of Oriental ninjas and the
War in Tethyr that War in Tethyr sometimes feels like thuggee of India. The magically sealed
Victor Milan the second volume of Zaranda’s adven- library in which Jathondi and Renille
TSR $5.99 tures — and I don’t recall seeing such an must seek the key to Aoun’s defeat is
If War in Tethyr were investigated by earlier tale. The origins of her talking well-imagined, and the key to its unlock-
the Better Business Bureau, it might well horse are a mystery that the current ing is neatly constructed. And the rela-
find itself accused of false advertising. book declines to explain, and the hints tionship Volsky builds between these
Though it’s billed as part of a series of prior adventures occasionally feel as two unlikely allies is drawn with assured,
about the nobles of the FORGOTTEN REALMS if there’s something specific but unre- light strokes.
setting, protagonist Zaranda Star is vealed behind them. But as flaws go, But the cleverness is too well-muted.
about as likely a titled lady as Roseanne this one is both small and easily reme- Too many scenes fail to advance the
Barr. And while the title promises a war, died; Milan simply needs to write and story, and the rich, descriptive style that
there’s little in the way of straightforward publish the earlier story. (Or, if my mem- Volsky adopts — while it fits the mood
military conflict within the books pages. ory is failing me and the prequel already and society she establishes — assures
Neither of these factors, however, pre- exists, TSR needs to include mention of that she can’t simply rush through the
vents Victor Milan’s novel from being a it somewhere in subsequent printings of extraneous subplots and get back to the
clever and entertaining saga set in a part the present book so that readers can main adventure.
of the Realms far removed from the track it down.) Zaranda Star is too like- Part of the difficulty may be that
familiar paths linking Waterdeep with able a heroine to abandon after just one Volsky has tried too hard to give the tale
the Dales. adventure. the trappings of genre fantasy. In atmos-
Unlikely or not, Zaranda does hold phere, there’s a decidedly Kipling-like
the title of Countess Morninggold, but The Gates of Twilight feel to the book, and the setting has a
she’s still making payments on the castle Paula Volsky definite resonance with the British
that goes with the rank. And her aides Bantam Spectra $12.95 Empire’s efforts to extend its influence
and associates are a wildly assorted lot There’s no doubt that Paula Volsky’s over the jungles and maharajahs of
even by Tethyrian standards — her horse newest novel aspires to a grand scale — India. But the names of places and peo-
talks, the castle steward is a bugbear, not when its ultimate villain is a god- ple are determinedly artificial, perhaps a
and one of her newest companions is an gone mad, much of the action takes little too much so. As it is, Volsky must
orog who claims to be a paladin of Torm. place in a towering temple complex spend time and space developing her
Left to herself, Zaranda would just as crawling with assassin-priests, and the invented world’s flora and fauna that
soon rest in her chambers and recover cast ranges from royalty to beggars to would have been better used on action-
from her recent travels, which have bureaucrats. Yet for all its rich, panoram- sequences and plot development.
included such lively lands as Thay and ic scenery, The Gates of Twilight dwells Again, when The Gates of Twilight is
the Tuigan frontier. But circumstances too much on side trips and travelogues on track, it’s as skillful and suspenseful a

DRAGON 231 51
roller-coaster ride as one might wish. But Second, of course, is David Weber’s Scholar of Decay (TSR, $5.99) is veter-
too much of the book is spent rolling Honor Among Enemies (Baen, $21.00), the an writer Tanya Huff’s contribution to the
sedately along a flat course around the first of the Honor Harrington adventures Ravenloft milieu, and as might be
edges of the amusement park. The to debut in hardcover. It’s a satisfyingly expected, Huff provides a clever and
result is a world that’s mildly entertain- thick volume, with plenty of action and a well-crafted yarn involving estranged
ing to visit, but not worth the summer- fistful of intriguing subplots. One of these, brothers marked for tragedy by a clan of
season ticket price. Best advice here is to involving a would-be mutineer, is paid off were-rats. What’s interesting about this
wait for the mass-market edition. rather abruptly toward the volume’s end, book is that Huff manages both to retain
but otherwise the series is as strong as her own flair for smooth characterization
Recurring Roles ever, with engaging heroes and a wide- and to evoke a setting that feels consis-
Two recent hardbacks compete for ranging cast of adversaries. One subtle tent with the larger AD&D® game multi-
the status of most-anticipated series and amusing design element is worth verse. This has been a problem in a num-
entry in recent months. The first of these noting; a quick riffling of the illustrated ber of the RAVENLOFT® books, and it’s
is The Hedge of Mist (HarperPrism, corners of the books pages produces a good to see that the two goals can
$22.00), which brings Patricia Kennealy- clever “flipbook” combat scene. indeed be met within a single volume.
Morrison’s “Tales of Arthur” Celtic triad Sharon Shinn’s Archangel (Ace,
to a close in high style. As usual, this $13.95) is utterly unlike her first novel,
Celts-in-space saga is narrated with an The Shape-Changer’s Wife, but it’s no less
assured hand and a crisp sense of lan- compelling for all that. Science fiction
guage, and the present volume finds rather than fantasy, it takes readers to a John C. Bunnell is convinced that books
Kennealy-Morrison putting a decidedly highly unusual world where only the are more addictive than coffee, cigarettes,
unusual spin on the legends surround- combined efforts of angels and humans and Diet Coke combined, but he refuses to
ing Arthur and the Holy Grail. The can keep planetary disaster at bay — no seek treatment. Correspondence regarding
author’s taste for pagan and neo-pagan small challenge amid a host of unthink- “The Role of Books” may be addressed to
legend shows a little more strongly in able betrayals and deadly rivalries, Both him at 6663 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
this book than in her earlier novels, but the romance and the language here are #326, Portland, OR 97225-1403.
the result adds to its intriguing quality somewhat less striking than those of her
rather than detracting from it. prior book, but Shinn is still a skillful,
highly inventive storyteller, and this new
tale is not to be missed.

DRAGON 231 53
A sneak preview of the AD&D® CD-ROM
by Steve Winter

Most of you reading this have probably already guessed linked both internally and to each other. If you’re looking for
that working in TSR’s Creative Division has certain perks, from information on a particular topic, you can find it by scanning
a gamer’s point of view. the table of contents and clicking on the desired section, by
One of the best is that we know all about upcoming AD&D® entering the “key topic” search utility and typing the words
game products long before anyone else (because besides writ- you’re searching for, or by scrolling through text until you
ing, editing, illustrating, and producing the products, we decide come to the pages you want.
what they’ll be in the first place). At the end of each sub-section of text is a list of cross-refer-
Even better, we get to see what people outside TSR are doing ences to related material in all five of the books; click on a
with licensed products. That’s been particularly exciting during word, and you’re there.
the past year, when we’ve worked with Evermore Entertainment, Assume, for example, that you’re reading about elves in the
Inc., on the upcoming AD&D CD-ROM Core Rules for Windows. Player’s Handbook. At the end of that section you will find a
Before I get started describing what’s on the CD-ROM, I string of related topics. By clicking on one of the key words,
want to stress right up front that the software I’ve seen and you can instantly send yourself to the elf entry in the
played with is still under development. There will be changes MONSTROUS MANUAL tome, to a description of elven chain mail in
between the time of this writing and the time the product goes the Arms & Equipment Guide, to the bonuses and penalties
on sale (it premieres at the GEN CON Game Fair). Because of assigned to elven thieves, and numerous other topics that
deadline differences between printed and electronic material (it involve elves.
takes longer to print this magazine than to make a CD), you’ll You can also click on highlighted words embedded in the
probably find differences between the software I’m describing articles and do the same thing. In the description of elf charac-
and what’s on the demo disk in this issue. Some screens may ters, for example, is a mention of their immunity to sleep and
look different and some functions may operate differently; the charm spells. By clicking on those words, you can jump in-
folks at Evermore Entertainment are working constantly to stantly to the descriptions of the spells, and then back again to
improve the look and performance of the program (and I do the elf character rules.
mean constantly; the last time we visited the EE offices, some The books are also stored in a format compatible with the
of their artists had been at their desks for almost 24 hours and word processor program that comes packaged with every copy
had only recently gone home to catch a few hours’ sleep of Windows. If you don’t like the way I edited the 2nd Edition
before returning to demonstrate their latest accomplishments.) handbooks, you can pull the text into the word processor and
The best place to start looking at the CD-ROM is in the table rewrite, revise, and reorganize to your heart’s content. If you
of contents. It’s divided into three sections: Player Character, play with a house rule that lets a shield improve AC by three
Books On Line, and DM Toolkit. We’ll discuss them in detail, points instead of one, you can make those changes directly to
but slightly out of order. Table 46 in the Player’s Handbook, then store that file on disk or
print out a copy for everyone in your campaign to insert into
Books On Line their PHBs. Or, you could build one file containing all the spells
The heart of the CD is the complete text of the Player’s from the PHB and the Tome of Magic, reorganize them however
Handbook, DUNGEON M ASTER® Guide, M ONSTROUS M ANUAL™ tome, you want, and then build a second file containing only the
Arms & Equipment Guide, and Tome of Magic. Every word from
these five manuals is available in both rich text and word Before using the demo disk, try to play it as an audio CD in your
processor format. CD-ROM drive. If you hear sound, everything's fine. If you don't
hear it, do not use the Wizard function in the demo it'll lock up
In rich text format, the text can be read like a help file. All your system and make you reboot). The other features will still
five books are completely cross-referenced and hyper-text work normally.

DRAGON 231 59
using every optional rule in the core tables in the core rules. The DM can add
handbooks, can be completed by even new items of his own to those tables or
the most fastidious min/maxer in 10-15 delete items that don’t fit into his cam-
minutes. That’s an impressive perfor- paign, and those changes will always be
mance for a task that can take an expe- taken into account every time a new
rienced player up to an hour with dice treasure is needed.
and paper. The monster generator is a series of
Better yet, there is no possibility of prompts that helps you create new mon-
making a mistake. No optional rule can sters for your campaign. The trickiest
be forgotten or misinterpreted, no mod- aspect of monster designing — calculat-
ifier can be written down wrong, no ing experience points — is handled by a
table can be misread. If you don’t like simple, yes-or-no, point-and-click menu.
the way things are turning out, you can The NPC generator is a stripped-down
back up to a previous step and try again, version of the character generator. You
spells that are in your character’s spell or simply override the computer. (Even can skip steps along the way, alter things
book. Add a snazzy border from the illegal combinations, like dwarf pal- as much as you like, break the rules, or
DM’s Toolkit, print it out, and you have adin/bards, can be requested; if your just let the computer crank out NPCs at a
a professional-looking spellbook to DM allows it, none dare call it cheating.) lightning pace. (This is really handy for
attach to your character sheet. And you If you have a character already, you those times when you want a fully
didn’t have to retype anything! can type it into the character database fleshed-out band of 30 individualized
and get it printed out on the attractive, brigands but don’t want to spend your
Player Character color character sheet. After each playing valuable time rolling dice. The computer
As impressive as the on-line manuals session, a few keystrokes update the can do it in a minute or two, saving you
are, character manipulation is where the electronic record so it is ready for the time and reducing wear and tear on your
program really starts to shine. The next game. wrist.) The computer will even name
Player Character options on the main There’s also a gallery of head-and- your NPCs if you wish.
menu include Generate New Character, shoulders character portraits. You can The encounter generator is one of
Update Existing Character, Enter Existing pick the one that looks most like your the features that I’m looking forward to
Character, and View Character Sheet. PC and plug it into the character sheet. the most. It is remarkably flexible and
Some of those are self-explanatory, but the Because they are bitmap files, you can will save a great deal of time for DMs
character generation utility is of special inter- load a portrait that’s close, but not quite who use random encounter tables. To
est This is, by far, the fastest, easiest way to cre- right, into Paint or Paintbrush (you have build an encounter table, you select the
ate an AD&D character that has ever been put one of them if you’re running Windows) type of terrain and the level of play. The
together. and modify it to look exactly the way computer scans its database of mon-
The process starts by selecting which you want. (This assumes you have sters and builds a table with all the cor-
dice-rolling method you want to use to enough artistic talent to do that sort of rect probabilities according to monster
generate the six ability scores. When the bitmap editing, but anyone who paints frequency, toughness, and terrain type.
scores come up, you can alter them if miniatures should have no problem.) You can also pre-assemble encoun-
you want (for the cheaters out there). ters but let the computer do all the dice
The screen highlights every race and DM Toolkit rolling to determine the number of mon-
class combination that is open to a char- This portion of the CD-ROM is a col- sters appearing, their hit points, the
acter with those ability scores. Click on lection of utilities that are invaluable to weapons they carry, and their treasures.
the one you want and the ability scores any Dungeon Master. A list of the The map maker is a utility beyond
are modified automatically, if necessary. options under DM Toolkit includes: price. This functions much like a paint
From there, you go on to select priest Handout Generator, Treasure Generator, program. You select the type of terrain,
or wizard spells (with the computer han- Monster Generator, NPC Generator, then point and click it onto the map.
dling all the dice rolls for learning and Encounter Generator, Map Maker, Dice There are three map scales (and sets
guaranteeing that you don’t select too Rolls, and Table Rolls. of icons) to choose from: dungeon/
few or too many), assign discretionary The handout generator is a collection building interior, city, and countryside.
points to thieving skills, select an align- of preset word processor page formats All of them use a top-down view for clar-
ment, roll hit points, and select weapon for making attractive printouts to hand ity, with some orthographic (perspective)
and nonweapon proficiencies. Not sure to the players. Lend any document an elements to add a nice bit of dash. The
what a particular nonweapon proficiency air of authenticity, or simply dress it up, maps are drawn on a square grid but
lets you do? Click on it and get a descrip- with a variety of colorful, medieval-look- the computer will overlay a hex grid, if
tion. ing borders or a scroll background. you prefer, or remove the grid entirely
The best part about all this is that the The treasure generator does much for a more natural look (especially nice
whole process is foolproof. At each step more than randomly determine how for player maps, if the DM wants to keep
the computer displays every alternative many coins and gems a monster has in obvious game mechanics out of his
and prompts you for a choice. You click its pockets or its lair. If the DM wants, it handouts).
on the option you want, the computer will completely identify every item in a But the fun doesn’t stop there.
makes all the adjustments, and you’re on treasure hoard, from art objects to Anyone can draw maps. Remember the
to the next step. The whole process, armor to magical items and scrolls with encounter generator? The encounters
multiple spells. It uses all of the treasure created with that tool can be keyed to

60 J ULY 1996
the maps. They appear as a capital let- Besides just being a lot of fun to play Putting it all together
ter; click on that letter and a window with, this is a great way to improve your What excites me the most about this
opens with the description of your dungeon designing skill. You can see project is that the whole is much more
encounter. All the notes for your dun- exactly what the characters would see than the sum of its parts. The tools and
geon rooms, city buildings, and wilder- from any position in the dungeon. the text can be combined in so many
ness areas can be linked directly to the Remember Tomb of Horrors? Or ways, to accomplish so many different
maps so there’s no paper shuffling to Labyrinth of Madness? Those adventures tasks, that I haven’t even begun to
find out what’s where. With the mon- came with illustration booklets so the scratch the surface in this article. It’s
sters, NPCs, encounters, and treasures DM could show players what they saw clear to me that the work going on at
generated earlier plugged into your when they entered a room. You can cre- Evermore Entertainment is opening up a
maps for instant reference, you’re ate your own illustrated dungeon whole new area of role-playing acces-
switched on and ready to rock. adventures with this 3-D mapping tool sories. Try the demo disk, and I think
Obviously, this system works best if by printing out the screen images you you’ll agree.
the computer is sitting on your gaming want the players to see. And one last note: I’d like to acknowl-
table. But even if you can’t bring the The function of the die rolls and table edge the work of puppetmaster Bill
computer to the game, you can print rolls tools is pretty obvious, so I won’t Connors, whose flawless master plan
everything out and have it in nice, neat, belabor it here. and behind-the-scenes manipulation
well-ordered, legible pages. And it’s easy brought us this fine product. His unwit-
to update without erasing or scribbling The Wizard ting tools have performed beautifully.
notes in the margins. (Have you ever All of this is wrapped up with two
tried updating a hand-drawn color map help features: the wizard and the right
after gnoll raiders pass through the fron- mouse button. As in most Windows pro-
tier and burn a dozen villages to the grams, right-clicking on an icon or By age 24, Steve Winter was mired in an
ground? If so, you’ll really appreciate screen button brings up a brief descrip- endless spiral of easy women, fast cars,
this map maker.) tion of what it does. That description is cheap liquor, and dirty money. Then in
One last feature of the mapping utility also interactive, in that you can use it to 1981 he took a job with TSR inc. and has
has to be mentioned: 3-D. After drawing jump to the topics mentioned in the help never looked back. Besides a full-time job
a dungeon map in the standard top- window. Clicking the wizard button overseeing the AD&D® game, he keeps him-
down view, the computer will convert it brings in — you guessed it — the wizard, self busy with a wife, two sons, a 90-year-
to a first-person perspective, you-are- who presents a brief, animated tutorial old house, a 47-year-old Chevrolet truck,
there, 3-D view that you can walk on all the functions that can be accessed and a six-month-old computer.
through (electronically, of course). from the current page.

DRAGON 231 61
62 J ULY 1996
DRAGON 231 63
I knew it was a big mistake, but at least it was my forgotten to bring anything like that — not that I
mistake. At least, and at last, my own big mistake. had anything to bring. I’d spent two years in a reg-
I’d been living out dad’s mistakes all my life: ular war against raccoons, once even chasing one
stuck on his farm in Markennan, slopping pigs he over the barn roof until I fell through, but I didn’t
bought and never tended, fixing the house he let have even a cap or a tail to prove any of it.
fall to pieces, tilling the rocky ground that the only Besides, I didn’t figure raccoons counted as forces
one good spot of which was the bottom land of darkness, though they should.
where he was buried, bringing in turnips and beans Maybe just showing up at a Knights’ Council
not fit for pigs but fit for me until one of the pigs would be proof enough of my courage, I thought
was big enough to eat, loading the wagon with suddenly. Or my stupidity.
slop for the pigs and then actually drawing it The other thing I could do to help my case was,
myself since dad, when he died, took with him the once I got there, to get one of them to sponsor me.
only one worthwhile thing I ever owned, which That would mean squire work. Spit-shining boots
was my mule, Vinas Solamnus. and spear-bearing and saying things like “Good
Sure I’d been building muscles, but for what? show, Sir Knight!” I wouldn’t mind that kind of
And all the while, there was evil at large in the work. It wasn’t just a step above pig farming; it was
world. Even in Gunthar, itself. Not in Markennan, of a whole staircase.
course. Markennan was too boring to attract any- I’d gone off like a half-wit, true enough, with
thing evil. But in Garret and Khas, for sure there only my tunic, breeches, boots, a few daggers, and
was evil. I met a fellow from Khas who once even a mangy deerskin cape. But at least I’d gone off,
saw a draconian. There sure enough was evil out which until then I’d not done at all. As I said, I’d
there needing a bashing and me in here with been too long living out dad’s mistakes (what he’d
muscles all itching to bash something and never called his “dreams,” which amounted to things he
the twain shall meet. thought he’d be good at but wasn’t), and figured it
Well, this evening they were going to meet. was time to make some mistakes of my own.
That’s what I was going off to do with this first big It was probably just as well I left my brain
mistake of mine. behind: evil was waiting up the road, ready to bash
I penned up the pigs and left a lantern going in in what I hadn’t even brought along.
my room with my work coat kind of slumped up It was coming on to dusk when I wended trans-
on my chair by the window so Charla wouldn’t verse up a long-sloped swale full of pixie grass and
come by and let the pigs out and try to ride them. little dots of white and pink beggarweed. I looked
Then I went out the back door and off toward up and saw, at the upper edge of a fenced pasture
Whitestone Glade. atop the rise, two fellows standing and talking.
You see I, Jarrad Borfson, was hiking out to join Now, I knew right off these weren’t farmers.
the Knights of Solamnia. Farmers don’t stand to talk. They sit on their heels
I know, I know, that’s not the way you join the because what is there to talk about but the ground
Knights. You don’t just show up at a meeting of the and what’s growing on it? Neither do they sit on a
Grand Circle and say to them, “I, Jarrad Borfson, fence, like the one was doing now, because nobody
hiked out here to join you.” But I told myself that who has had to split his own rails and notch them
any Knight who loved justice and learned that a and post them is going to sit on them and break
man with my frame and my mind and my love of them down, like just happened to the one fellow.
justice was farming pigs — such a Knight would While this one was getting up and the other was
have to save me. I no more belonged on the farm laughing into his hand, I got closer and could see
than a draconian belonged in Khas. what they wore. Armor, black and scarred as lard-
Of course, I half expected to be run out of there. boiling kettles, and capes equally black, and above
That’s why I didn’t sell the pigs and farm before all this, faces whiter than mushrooms, like these fel-
going. On the other hand, if the Knights turned me lows lived underground. City folk. They had swords,
down, I’d run the pigs off and burn the farm, just on too, which I didn’t. I carried only a stout stick that I’d
principle. Still, I wanted to get into the Knighthood, picked up because it was lying on dad’s grave, and
and there were a couple things I could do to help which I’d kept because it had the right weight and
my chances. swing for a walking stick. I didn’t know what city
One was to prove I was brave, which meant folk were doing out here breaking down some-
bringing with me some token of my fighting skill. body’s fence, but I didn’t have time to ask.
The problem was, I’d been so distracted by the pigs I didn’t need to. “Hey, Farmer,” one of them
and piling up my coat against the window, I’d shouted to me. Again, it showed they weren’t.

64 J ULY 1996
Farmers don’t call each other farmer, any more be sharp but be like plowshares, where a sharp
than human beings say, “Hey, Human Being.” edge would notch too easy. I’ve since decided these
Anyway, he called out, “Hey, Farmer, where do you particular Knights were in with Takhisis more for the
think you’re going?” fashion of the armor than for real battle, and their
“I’m going to Whitestone Glade, to join the swords were ornaments that hadn’t been used
Knights,” I said as I got near. against anybody before me. But, at the time, this
They, the two — the one talking had black hair guy seemed a true servant of evil, and the four
and a mean little goatee like on Jesse’s prize ram, inches could have come off me rather than the stick.
Puggins, and the other one was as blond as the He took a jab at me and caught me in the rib.
dust he was still trying to knock out of his pants — Yeah, it was a sharp sword. I didn’t even feel it,
they stepped into my way. except the wet heat like sweat rolling down my
The dark-haired one complained, “Not another gut. He sneered to see it.
one. Go back home, Farmer.” He sniffed, his nose I couldn’t figure why he’d done that except sheer
flaring like he was more used to coal smoke than meanness and stupidity. Sneering at a guy that’s
manure-smell. “The Knights don’t need any pigs, three times your weight just after you stab him is
Farmer.” like kicking a bear and then taunting it. l suddenly
I stopped and stood, my head back on my neck wasn’t hurt or scared or anything, just plain mad.
like a rooster ready to pluck out an eye. “Yeah? “Raauurr!” I said. I’d always thought my first
Well, how do you know? Are you a Knight?” battle cry would have more poetry, naming the
They thought that was pretty funny, and then honor of my dead dad or maybe the love of
Puggins said, “We are. But Knights of a different Clarabella Gabriella Brendabule of the Garret
color.” Brendabules, but this was all I got out.
Knights of Takhisis, I realized. See? Evil at large, Still, the stick whacked him good on the head,
and not five miles from my barned-up pigs. whacked him good enough that it — the stick —
I lifted the staff the way I saw a prophet do on a broke in two and sent him stumbling around like
woodcut, and I said, “Out of my way.” Puggins.
Next thing I knew, I was looking up at them Only Puggins wasn’t stumbling anymore. He was
from the ground, and they were laughing again. up and ready to fight. For that matter, I no longer
Two on one’s never fair, of course, but these two — had a stout walking stick, but a stout crawling stick.
a yearling pig could outweigh either of them. My boot helped Blondy to the ground, but not
Besides, I’d so convinced myself of my strength, before I snatched away his too-sharp sword and
wrestling hay bales and all, that I was surprised to whirled on Puggins.
find that villains wrestled back. He looked disappointed that my stick’d turned
I stood up. They let me. This time I raised the into a sword. Still, there was wounded pride in his
stick not like a holy staff but like a club. “Let me by.” eyes, and the part in his hair crossed a rising goose
More of that jackanapes laughter, like dogs egg. He swung at me. I knocked his sword back
wheezing with croup. Puggins sneered, “We haven’t with a big roundhouse clang. It nearly spun him
let anybody else by yet. Why should you be the around. I didn’t even pretend to know what I was
first?“ doing with a sword. I just put up my fists like this
I walloped him. Just like that. As he went down, I was a brawl, and when I’d take a punch at him, I’d
couldn’t help thinking how his head looked like a make sure the blade got between us.
black-haired raccoon beneath my walking stick. It must’ve looked queer, a fellow with a sword
It seemed like an all right thing to do. I go to a fighting like he had only knuckles. Puggins
temple of Kiri-Jolith where if you talk during the ser- might’ve laughed if I hadn’t just banged him in the
vice, they club you in the head. Now, if a priest could shoulder. From underneath a metal plate, blood
do that in a temple, and to well-meaning people, came smooth and even.
why couldn’t I do it in a field and to an evil-meaning Still, he wouldn’t stop. Puggins wanted a piece of
Knight of darkness? Besides, it wouldn’t hurt too me, and he came on like he was going to knock
bad. I knew from experience how this fellow felt as me down with an elbow. Now, even a dumb goat
he staggered around and clutched his head. You see, won’t ram an oak tree: goats don’t like headaches
I used to talk sometimes in the temple. anymore than anybody else. Well, this goat got
No sooner than I pulled my stick back, the other one, quick, his head meeting my free fist.
one had his sword out and was coming for me. His sword dug down into my punching arm.
His sword was sharp. It cut the last four inches l felt that one. I slugged him another one in the
from my stick. I thought swords weren’t supposed to head, and he staggered back, dragging the sword

DRAGON 231 65
through the wound in my arm. Enough was dering if this was what would become of dad’s
enough. I pulled my arm away and stabbed the place, wrested away from nature only to be plowed
Knight in the leg. He went down after that, and I and plied awhile in futility and then given back to
could tell he’d not be walking again anytime soon. nature, again, like some broken and worthless tool.
I looked at his friend, who lay unconscious on a It was funny: trees that had taken root before
rock nearby. There was a heck of a lot of blood on even the Third Dragon War stood beside plots of
that rock, but that’s the way it is with head ground that wouldn’t grow a damned stalk of corn.
wounds. It didn’t mean anything. It made me think of the difference between Vinas
I wasn’t in great shape, myself. The cut on my Solamnus and me: His smallest actions changed
arm was deep and bled evenly, though I could move the whole world for all of time, and yet I can’t even
my fingers, and the one over my rib stung with fix the barn latch and make it stay fixed.
sweat. Still, I could walk, and bandage myself while I I almost went back, then and there. I’d never
did. I’d get to Whitestone Glade looking all the better make a Knight. I wasn’t noble. I wasn’t anything at
for wear... and carrying the sword of a Knight of all. A wise man once said that cats look down on
Takhisis. That ought to be worth something. you, and dogs look up to you, but a pig’ll look you
I turned, and continued on up the path, which in the eye and see his equal. That was me — Jarrad
ran for a little bit along the pasture fence before it Borfson, first among equals when tending pigs.
cut into some old-growth forest. In fact, I would have turned back but for that
“Hey, Farmer!” shouted Puggins as I walked sword in my hand. It had been the tool of evil, and
away. “You’re just going to leave us here to die?” now, here it was, in a muscular grip pledged at
“I’m going to Whitestone Glade. I’m going to join least to pigs and perhaps even to good. That silly,
the Knights of Solamnia,” I answered, wrapping my sharpened, ornamental sword told me I must go
arm and refusing to look back. on. Let Charla ride my pigs. I must go on.
“It’s dishonorable to leave a foe to die,” Puggins The very next voice of intuition issued a counter-
pointed out. mand — “Halt!” In actual fact, it wasn’t a voice of
This gave me pause for a moment, until I heard intuition, but an honest-to-goodness voice. “I said
the nearby buzz and distant crack of a crossbow ‘Halt,’ Farmer!”
bolt whiz past my ear and strike a tree ahead of me. This wouldn’t be another farmer, either. I halted
I glanced at Puggins, who struggled to reload the but still held that sword up from my hand, ready to
hand-crossbow he bore. I shook my head. He’d just punch.
been trying to get my goat so I’d turn and he could From out of a big yew bush came a soldier, his
shoot me between the eyes. “I’m not a Knight yet,” I armor all scarred and polished gray metal, and his
told him. “Besides, the farmer’ll find you two — the face serious with one of those long drooping knight
fellow who built this fence you tore up. If you aren’t mustaches. He looked me up and down, gave one
dead before that, you’ll probably be dead after.” sniff, and said, “Where’re you off to, Farmer?”
He might not have heard the last, because I was I found myself dropping for a moment to one
already in the woods. It didn’t matter. They’d tried to knee, my head dipping toward my chest like I was
stop me from going to join the Solamnic Knights, trying to stop a belch. (This was the way you’d start
even tried to kill me, and then they’d ended up lying off when talking to Kiri-Jolith in the temple.) “I,
in a bed of their own blood — which they’d made in Jarrad Borfson, am here to become a Knight of
spite of me and which they’d asked me to help them Solamnia.”
out of only to shoot at me when I considered. . . . The man sheathed the sword he had, crossed
Evil seems, sometimes, just too stupid to be his arms on his breastplate, and looked down at
really harmful. me. That is, he looked down until I stood up, and
It was still miles and miles to Whitestone Glade. then he had to crane his neck back to see me. “You
I’d not be there until three hours after sundown, know, Farmer, you don’t just show up at a meeting
and by then the blood-soaked rag around my arm of the Grand Circle and — ”
would be cold with night. “I know, Sir Knight. Well said,” I replied, having
I walked. It got dark. expected this and rehearsed it a few times on my
Around me was an old-growth forest from the way in. “But I was just so sick of the pigs, and
time of Vinas Solamnus, which held in it a few there’s evil at large — in Gunthar, even, not twelve
newer glades, where fires had once reduced every- miles back —”
thing to primeval blackness, or where saplings His eye on me glared as if he were picking out a
grew up through ruined rafters and birds nested in soldier for latrine-cleaning duty. “You’re of the faith-
chimneys of old, abandoned farms. I started won- ful of Kiri-Jolith?”

66 J ULY 1996
“Why, yes, Sir Knight,” I said with pride. He must switched back patiently, and up farther. Even
have guessed it from the way I’d knelt and dipped though I couldn’t see it for the leaves and the sliv-
my head. I suddenly felt ashamed of my pride. “The ered moonlight, I could feel the whole vast world
pigs keep me pretty busy, and sometimes I miss dropping slowly down beneath me as we climbed
services. I guess I’ve not been completely faithful in the rise. It is what a tree must feel when it goes
about five years.” from seed to sapling to sentinel, goes from being a
He smiled. “That’s all right. Kiri-Jolith’s not been tiny idea under everything to being a big actuality
faithful since the Second Cataclysm.” As to what he above everything.
meant by that, I couldn’t’ve told. “When you say We rounded another weathered wedge of stone,
there’s evil in Gunthar, you’re right about that.” rooted in the ground like a worn-out giant-tooth,
“I know it,” I said. I gestured over my shoulder and then there it was — Whitestone Glade. The
with the sword, which I realized was a mistake ground dipped just before us, between two boul-
when two more Knights came out of two more ders, which stood sentry at the mouth of the glade
yew bushes and pointed crossbows at me. I smiled as though to keep the trees back. Beyond the
and dropped the sword to the ground. “I ran into stones was a great flat clearing that held the
two Knights of Takhisis who wanted to keep me Whitestone.
from coming here. This — ” I gestured at the ground Megalith is a word I once heard, and it fit for
“ — is the sword of one of them.” that thing. The Whitestone looked like a chunk of
The three Knights traded nervous looks, and Solinari fallen to Krynn, or perhaps the whole
then the lead one unfolded his arms and picked up moon itself. The stone was taller than the trees and
my sword. “Knights of Takhisis, aye? We’ll have to so big that it sent moon shadows down over half
take this sword — and your other weapons — but the glade. It sat on a tapestry of grass that was
then you can come in. I’m sure the new Grand mottled with rain and lantern light — and the fig-
Master would like a talk with you.” ures of Knights.
I nodded in stunned-dumb excitement, and then There must have been a hundred Knights there,
quickly flicked all my weapons onto the ground, more than I thought there to be in all Ansalon, let
including my boot dagger and the little knife that I alone Gunthar. Some sat on stone-hewn benches in
use only to clean my teeth. Again, they looked rows before the megalith, others squatted or knelt
fearful each time my hand darted into my clothes, like Abanasinian savages in the open spaces to
but I was so fast at flinging the weapons away that either side, and others still stood at the back of the
I was done before anybody could shoot me. They glade. Wherever they were, the Knights were as
checked for other weapons, but I’d gotten them all. hushed and attentively leaning as the stone itself.
The first Knight that had spoken said to his friends, My eyes returned to the Whitestone. The boul-
“I’ll escort him to the glade.” der looked old enough to have seen the creation
The other two nodded, and rustled their way of the gods. It was at this stone that Vinas
back into the bushes. My guide and I started for- Solamnus had had his revelation, and beside this
ward, into a birch forest. stone that the Grand Circle of Knights had met, in
I noticed now that what we walked was not just dire times like these, since the Cataclysm.
ground, but a kind of secret path, like a deer trail, Right now, to either side of the stone, were seat-
except made by the feet of iron-shod Knights. ed a regal company of Knights, the heads of each
However he was shod, the man in front of me order and other such dignitaries. In front of the
moved with the silence of a deer. The narrow black stone stood a black-haired, wise-looking Knight, his
channel we followed wound like a little runoff silvery armor draped with a velvet stole that was
creek among the indigo leaves of the boarscrub, embroidered with the symbols of a three-thousand-
and even though I walked as quietly as possible, year-old order. This was, I figured, the new Grand
the scrub prattled around my ankles. Soon, a Master, Sir Ehrling, Knight of the Rose. He was
breeze came among the gray birch boles, which addressing the Knights, his voice commanding and
swayed in the darkness around us. The small, eye- robust, his muscular hands raised as though he
shaped leaves overhead winked down. spoke to the black skies above.
The ground rose. The forest was open between I realized I was on my knees. I’d not meant to
the slender trunks, and in the darkness I saw old, kneel, but sometimes your body knows better what
old boulders stranded, half-sunk, in the hillside. you should do than you do. The soldier with me
Now leaves brushed our shoulders, and the land was not impressed. He helped me up and patted
opened up so that, in daylight, it would have shim- my back. “It’s all right. Perhaps you should sit until
mered and glowed. We climbed the trail. It the ceremony is done.”

DRAGON 231 67
I remember intending to nod, but realized I was “But now, the gods of good and evil are gone.
already sitting beside one of those sentry stones. Anyone who fights for Paladine or Kiri-Jolith or
The Knight stood there next to me. Habakkuk fights for nothing, at all. . . .”
I was stupefied — a pig in heaven. That’s how I I was not the only one who groaned in amazed
felt — dumb, dirty, unworthy. I thought again of my dismay at that pronouncement. (I had heard idlers
pigs, crowded into the barn back home, and I won- in the granary speak of the departure of the gods
dered whatever idiot impulse had sent me hiking but thought they knew less about gods than they
out here as if these Knights would ever have me. did about grains.) It occurred to me that this disap-
You can wash a pig and shave him down and put pearance must have been what the guard meant
him in armor, but still, what you’ve got is a pig. about Kiri-Jolith’s unfaithfulness.
I bit my lip and cursed myself. Here I was, at a The black-haired man was not done. “So too,
meeting of the Grand Circle, and hadn’t even anyone who fights for Takhisis or Sargonnas or
enough sense to listen to what the Knight at the Chemosh fights for nothing, at all.
center of it all was saying. I cursed even my cursing, “And, we have seen it so. Chromatic dragons
for having stolen from me the last few words he’d have fought beside metallic dragons. We have done
spoken. Then I finally settled down enough to listen: it, ourselves. Solamnic Knights have fought side-by-
“...Three decades past, a work was begun by side and arm-in-arm with followers of Takhisis.
Lord Gunthar and, I daresay, by Paladine and Kiri- Mortals, the living — whomever they worshiped —
Jolith and Habbakuk: To revise and reform the have, across our globe, banded together to fight the
Measure of the Knighthood. I worked closely with immortal dead — frost-wights, shadow-wights, dae-
Lord Gunthar in this endeavor. How ironic that the mon warriors, and the forces of Chaos. All living
Second Cataclysm has accomplished a more radical creatures have found themselves in a battle in
revision of the very the world in less time than we which the division of good and evil is too minute to
could dutifully and carefully revise our own matter, in which the foe is absolute dissolution —
Measure! Our beloved Lord Knight Gunthar labored immortal and eternal death. Death for every crea-
in both transformations — the rebirth of the world ture, and for all. This is our true foe, now.”
and the revision of the Measure. These monumen- I was feeling sick right about then.
tal labors bore him to the grave. From the moment I’d fallen to my knees at the
“Lord Gunthar is dead. The gods are gone. The entrance to the glade, I’d felt my soul changing in
great library of Palanthas has been torn away. The me. First came those tormented despairing
old Measure has been parsed and redacted and moments of waking when you realize just how
distilled into nonsense. It is as though the wisdom long you’ve slept in a dead futile pointlessness of
of the past ages cannot be the wisdom of today. complaining and failing. Then, my soul came
“In this new age, then, how do we measure our- awake fully. My eyes were open at last, and my
selves? In an age when elves and ogres fight side- ears heard truth instead of the tolling carillon of
by-side against the chaos armies of the dead, what dream. I could only breathe. I listened to the beau-
measure remains? When Knights of Solamnia and tiful, golden sound of his voice — the voice of the
Knights of Takhisis are buried like comrades at the Grand Master. It was breath in me.
Last Heroes’ Tomb, what measure remains?” My soul rose up on listening like a bird on warm
I trembled at that. Knights of Takhisis buried spring air. I saw myself from above, this big,
beside Knights of Solamnia? Had I done a terrible slumped-over pig farmer, a dirty and desperate
thing on the road to reach this place? Had right brute hoping for Knighthood. I soared higher and
and wrong, themselves, shifted around me? saw the whole midnight glade, glowing with
“These are strange times, and all the world has lanterns and moonlight, yes, but with souls more
changed. Can we measure our honor by an oblivi- than anything else. We were all lights, all brilliant
ous and unchanged code? fires, even me, who’d been until that moment only
“Est Sularus oth Mithas — My Honor is My Life. dead dull coal. Higher still, and I saw the glowing
For ages, honor has been taken to mean cleaving hope of each of the sentries’ souls, and the animals
to that which is right and good. Honor meant in that wood, and even the trees themselves. The
bravely and wisely championing justice in the lives whole place was luminous.
of others, and practicing temperance in our own It was as if, before, we’d had a sun above to
living. Honor meant battling evil in all its thousand light the darkness, but now there was no sun, only
manifestations. A Knight’s life, quite simply, was the us. So we were beginning to shine, we ourselves,
honest practice of these virtues and the valorous and all our world around us.
warfare against evil. The higher my soul flew on those words of his,

68 J ULY 1996
the more I saw: the farms around, lit with the shim- why they didn’t shoot me, but just let me run past.
mer-glow of nodding heads of wheat and the “I’ve got to go.”
bright blaze of cows and chickens and pigs — pigs, I ran and ran. I fell down a lot. It was different
like my own. Pigs. Living things. I knew then that running back on that dark track than it had been
when I looked into the eye of a pig and saw my hiking up during the day and dusk. I was descend-
equal, it was not because I was lowly or they exalt- ing, from the highlands down to the coastal plains,
ed, but because we were both alive. We both stood and it was like one long irregular black staircase.
against darkness and dissolution. My feet often caught short and jolted on nothing
Up farther, and the sky above was black and and let me plunge forward enough times I figured
empty, but the ground below was crowded with my brain’d be jarred near uselessness by the time
stars, with souls standing against the night. I saw, I’d get there.
in time, all of Gunthar — the bright galaxy of my But I’d get there. I had to. It wasn’t just a matter
pigs, still in the barn, though Charla even now of honor. It was a matter of life and death.
stalked up to the latch. I couldn’t’ve said who was more hurt, the
And then I saw the Ergoths, and Solamnia and Knights of Takhisis or me, by the time I got there.
all of Ansalon, all of Krynn. It was a heady height Rips all over my tunic and jerkin, cold knees from
for any soul, especially that of a pig farmer. mud and blood both, wounded arm, scratched face
Suddenly, though, I fell. It was as though the and throbbing bruises, breath that tore into and out
wind had quit my soul’s wings, and I dropped like a of me like from a forge bellows. But I’d made it.
pig from the sky. I guess that’s just what had hap- Time to see if they would.
pened, because the Grand Master had reached the Puggins was cold, though still breathing pretty
point in his talk where he was saying evil and good. He’d dragged himself about a stone’s throw
good didn’t matter anymore, and what we fought away, and I smelled blood in the dewy grass. I fig-
for was just plain life, just life pure and simple. No ured he’d been trying to crawl over a short hedge
longer could I soar. row, but it’d defeated him as surely as I had. I
And, damned if I didn’t come to ground in the picked him up — heavier than he’d looked, all in
worst possible place, the place next to that broken- black — slung him over my shoulder, and hauled
down fence where lay those two Knights of him to his buddy’s side. There I put him down and
Takhisis I’d bashed and left bleeding, dying. I real- turned to check the other.
ized just then that’s what they were off there doing Blondy wasn’t quite as good. He’d not moved at
— dying! all from the bloody rock that’d pillowed him when
And me, thinking I could be a Knight of he went down, and now the rock was dry and
Solamnia, fighting evil instead of fighting death. It crusted. I felt for breath and found none. There was
was the sort of thing to shame a man more deeply only a faint drub-drub going on in his chest.
than even being a pig farmer — than even being a I sat back on my heels. He’d be gone soon, and
bad pig farmer. nothing short of a paladin could save him now. I
“I’ve got to go,” I told the fellow beside me, was no paladin.
who’d helped me sit, though I wasn’t sitting any I’d killed him, sure. I’d killed him with less
longer. He tried to help me sit again, but this time it thought than even killing a pig, because then at
was like he wasn’t even there. I turned and plowed least you try to make it quick and painless. Of
my way out between those two big stones. The fel- course, I don’t know if a man should ever die quick
low must’ve gotten scraped off in there some- and painless. Its too big a thing — to die. Death
where, and I started running. shouldn’t be inconspicuous.
The trail wasn’t very plain to me, especially since A little rattle from behind me made me think
my eyes were used to the lanterns, but I knew that though I’d killed one, I needn’t have killed two.
which way I wanted to go and bulled along that I turned around and started checking the man
direction. Maybe I was still partly seeing with my again, feeling for spots that were wet with warm
soul, because I could make out the thin gray ash blood, and stanching them first. My filthy, bloody
boles all around me, and I ran among them like a tunic would not make the best bandage material,
pig fleeing the slaughter chute. except that it was already in ready-made strips. I
“I’ve got to go,” I told myself as I ran, and then tried to use just clean, dry cloth, but when there
told it, too, to the guards standing there on duty. weren’t any left and there was more blood, I went
They’d been watching the trail the other way, and ahead. I guess those mingled cloths made us, on
nearly jumped from their armor to hear a bull some level, blood brothers.
moose charging them from behind. Maybe that’s I was near done, hunched shirtless over him,

DRAGON 231 69
when the dawn approached. Dew dotted the dry one’s. . . well — I think he was gone before I even
blood on my shoulders. got back. If there’s anything you can do to... I
Before the celestial sun arose in the east, there just. . . if, if they lived. . . .”
came, tiny and manifold, a string of terrestrial suns The man didn’t move a muscle, not even his lips,
moving through the glades and grasslands beneath when he asked, “And how do you fare?”
the gloaming. Lanterns. I was kind of surprised by that. I figured there
I didn’t watch them come, the mounted Knights wasn’t any use worrying about me at the moment.
of Solamnia. It would’ve been a glorious sight to “I’m all right.”
see, sure, the kind of thing that yesterday I’d’ve He shifted in his saddle. “You left an easy trail to
sold the whole farm just to see, but I wasn’t feeling follow, bloodier and bloodier as it went.”
too glorious. “I just wanted to get back here and put to rights
Dawn was showing up my butcher’s work. It had- what I did wrong.”
n’t looked so bad when I had left them here. It had He swung from the saddle and stepped down.
felt even justified, even ironically fitting, that the “Son, war is war. After every treaty is signed, there
waylayers had been waylaid and the evil-hearted are casualties. The word is slow in reaching all the
Knights’d been undone by a good-hearted pig battlefields. You did not know the war was over.”
farmer. I looked up at him and implored. “Please, if you
This morning, though, it was just a sickening can do anything for — ” My words stopped,
shame of blood-ruined grass, lips cracked and because he’d touched his hands to me, and all of a
brown-specked, arms clenched in tight coma sudden I was warm and whole again. I looked
against the cold, fists knotted as though if they let down at myself, and not a scratch remained on me.
go of the thin air they held, body and soul and all The sun rose just then and struck me and shone
would slide away into the netherworld. It all was warm and welcoming on my new flesh, like I was a
my work, my butchery, and I was ashamed of it. baby born at dawn. All nervy and weepy, I dropped
So, I kept working until the gray horse hooves of to my knees in front of the man. “Thank you.
the lead rider wuffed to a stop in the dust ahead of Thank you.”
me. Other hooves, behind, made their last, reluc- There were others, now, those beautiful silver
tant impacts and fell silent in the humming dawn. I Knights stepping regally over the crimson grass and
looked up, past the steed’s gray-haired fetlocks, laying hands on the other two. Like breath blown
deep-sculpted chestnuts, shoulders, neck, and dap- over coals, their touch awakened the dying fires in
pled cheeks to its eyes. The horse returned my the men, and they, soon, were whole again, blink-
blinking stare, neither approving nor reproving. ing into wakefulness.
Above the old, wise equine face hovered the black- “Thank you,” I repeated. “Thank you.”
haired visage of the Solamnic Grand Master. His The Grand Master asked me my name, and I
face was robust and red, his eyes like swords told it to him. Then, he said, “Jarrad Borfson, you’ve
standing out of his skull. shown yourself worthy of the Knighthood, whether
He spoke. It was the same forceful voice from old or new. You have fought first evil, and now
the glade, only quiet. “Are these the Knights of death. I will find, among the Crown Knights, a war-
Takhisis you reported?” rior in need of a worthy squire.”
Without looking away, I said, “Yes.” I looked tearily up at him. The Grand Master
He nodded grimly. “How do they fare?” himself, addressing me, accepting me into the
“I didn’t mean to kill either of them,” I blurted. “I Knighthood. . . No other man in Markennan had
just wanted past, so I could go to the gathering and been so honored, not for a thousand years, and
join the Knighthood, not that that’s how you do it certainly no pig farmer.
or that I ended up even trying, because when I Pig farmer. I suddenly thought of my pigs and
heard your speech about there was no longer good how I should be letting them out into the sunlight
and evil but only life and death, I realized that hit- and how they’d be huddled up there in the dark,
ting them so hard with my stick had been just the smelling the dawn through the loose slats in the
wrong thing to do to become a Knight, so I rushed barn but not out in it.
back here and found them — ” I still can’t believe my answer, can’t imagine
“How do they fare?” he asked again, with that where that rebel impulse came from, but I said it,
same level voice. and have always afterward been glad I did.
“Not good,” I confessed. “This one’s not bleeding “No, Sir Knight. Thanks, all the same, but I won’t
anymore, but he won’t wake up and won’t get need such arrangements. I’m going back to my
warmer, even with my fur cape over him. The other farm and my pigs,” I heard myself saying.

70 J ULY 1996
He only looked at me, his eyes piercing. “I’d like to have a talk with them. They seem to
I went on. “See, I had a kind of a vision while be under the misguided impression that we are
you were talking, a vision about souls and life and foes. They also seem to think they can bully
death, and I think I’ve been fighting the good fight prospective knights away from the orders. We’ve
all along, there on my farm. That place is my life, much to talk about.” His eyes grew keen, and his
see? I didn’t even know it until you were talking face reddened as though he would savor the com-
about the new Measure. It is my honor and my life, ing exchange. “If they listen, I’ll let them go. There’s
that farm. precious little harm they can do, hereabouts.”
“Did I tell you my dad’s buried there? He is, and Then the Grand Master looked at me one last
on the best piece of land. I should make a garden time before getting up on that wise old steed of his.
around his grave — flowers and such. He was always He said, “The likes of such dark knights won’t be
a dreamer, but just couldn’t make things work. That causing any more trouble around here, not if
was my job, and darn it if I don’t want to go right on they’ve taken the true measure of the home guard.”
back there to that place and make it work.
“I know it sounds stupid for a man to give up
glory and battle for pigs and peas, but I guess
they’re just in my blood.”
The Grand Master looked a little wistful at that. “It J. Robert King is a pudgy fellow who writes between
doesn’t sound stupid at all. I wish I’d thought of it.” diaper changes — his son’s diapers, not his own. He is a
Another Knight came up, and he had the two cigar-smoking, squid-eating member of the Alliterates, a
Knights of Takhisis in shackles. “What do we do group of literary troglodytes. When not penning high-
with these, Sir?” fantasy adventures and composing unfinished sym-
phonies, he dreams of being a pig farmer — in the tradi-
tion of his forbears, the infamous Moffet hog-rustlers of

DRAGON 231 71
Convention Calendar
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DRAGON 231 73
Conline XXII Organized Kahn Fusion
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August Conventions Emporium, 230 S. 8th St., Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and more! Other activities
Lemoyne, PA 17043. include an art show, games auction, a vast dealers hall,
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August 6-10 CA LA Con III $45/4 day pass preregistered, $50 on site, daily rates avail-
Old Towne, San Diego. August 29-Sept. 3 CA able. Contact: Sandy Kinney, Gen Con Fair, TSR Inc.,
Events: role-playing, card, Anaheim Convention 201 Sheridan Springs Road, Lake Geneva, WI 53147.
board, and miniatures Center, Anaheim. Guests:
games. Registration: $20 pre- James White, Roger Corman, Mage Con South Xl games, and free games
registered, $30 on site. and Connie Willis. Events: August 31-Sept. 2 IA demonstrations. Other activi-
Camefest, 3954 Harney St., role- playing, card, board, Sioux City Hilton, Sioux ties: dealer tables, games
San Diego, CA 92110. and miniatures games. Other City. Events: role-playing, auction and raffle, and
activities: exhibits and a card, board, and miniatures canned food drive. Regi-
Dragonflight ‘96 charity raffle. LA Con III, games. Other activities: tour- stration: $3, or $5 at the door.
August 23-25 WA 4557 Rueda Drive, San naments and an art show. Most game events cost $1.
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Seattle. Events: role-playing, Emperor’s Birthday Con Broadway, Wind Gap, PA
card, board, miniatures, and August 30-Sept. 1 IL September 18091.
network computer games. Arlington Park Hilton Conventions
Other activities: seminars, Hotel in Arlington Heights. Civic Con
dealers, and an auction. Events: role-playing, card, Wincon September 22 IN
Registration: varies. Dragon- board, and miniatures September 13-15 Hammond Civic Center,
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Registration: varies. Randy role-playing, card, board, tures games. Other activities:
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August 23-25 Wheeling, IL 60090-5100. activities: an auction. $2. Atlantis Productions,
The Royal Connaught Registration: varies. GITS, 2654 Forest Park Dr., Dyer,
Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, Gateway 16 P.O. Box 28073, 1453 IN 46311, or email: atlantis@
Hamilton, Ontario. Events: August 30-Sept. 2 CA Henderson Hwy, Winnipeg, tsrcom.com.
miniature gaming, dealers, LA Airport Wyndham MB, R2G 4E9, Canada.
and a miniatures painting Hotel, Los Angels. Events: Cog Con
contest. Registration: varies. role-playing, card, board, and Falcon ‘96 September 27-29 MO
MIGS, P.O. Box 37013, Barton miniatures games. Other September 14 The Miner Recreation
Postal Outlet, Hamilton, ON activities: dealers, seminars, Lord Nelson Hotel, Building at the University of
L8L 8E9, Canada. and an auction. Registration: Halifax, Nova Scotia. Guests: Missouri, Rolla. Events: role-
$25 preregistered, $30 on Robert Sawyer, Peter Francis, playing, card, board, and
Bubonicon 28 site. Strategicon, 333 N. San Michael Gallant, and Luisa miniatures games. Other
August 23-25 NM Fernando Blvd., Burbank, CA Nadalini. Events: role-play- activities: tournaments. Regi-
Howard Johnson East, 91502. ing, card, board, and minia- stration: $10 preregistered,
Albuquerque. Guests: Dennis tures games. Other activities: $12 on site. CogCon, P.O. Box
McKiernan, Gordan Garb, and Campbellford Scottish & cabaret, a costume contest, 1939, Rolla, MO 65402, or
Lisa Scott. Events: role-play- Medieval Festival and an art show and auction. email: [email protected].
ing, card, board, and minia- August 31-Sept. 1 Registration: varies. Falcon,
tures games. Other activities: Campbellford Fair Grounds P.O. Box 36123, Halifax, NS, Hostile Aircraft Aces
dealers, panels, an art show, in Campbellford, Ontario. B3J 3S9, Canada, or email: Tournament
a costume contest, movies, Events: role-playing games [email protected]. September 27-29 NY
and more. Registration: $25 and a medieval feast. Travel Lodge, Kingston.
on site. NMSF Conference, Registration: $6 preregistered, Bogglecon 4 Events: open gaming, and a
P.O. Box 37257, Albuquerque, $8 on site. Harry Heydon, 81 September 21 PA hostile aircraft tournament.
NM 87178. Ranney St. S., Campbellford, Wind Gap Legion Hall on Registration: $20 preregis-
Ontario, K0L 1L0, Canada. Broadway, Wind Gap. Events: tered, $25 on site. Goblin-
LIVING CITY tournaments, card,
board, and role-playing Continued on page 86

74 J ULY 1996
by Sue Weinlein Cook
illustrated by Jeff Easley

Introducing the DRAGONLANCE®: FIFTH AGE™ game

n letter after letter, online and at
game conventions, fans all want to
know the same thing: “Why did TSR
kill the DRAGONLANCE® world?” They’ve
read Dragons of Summer Flame — the lat-
est novel by the Saga’s foremost writing
team, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
— and can’t believe that the stories
about Krynn have truly ended.
Take heart — they haven’t.
Indeed, things certainly didn’t look
good for the world of Krynn at the end
of the fourth volume in the DRACONLANCE
Chronicles. The land of Ansalon has
fought two wars: one against the dread
Knights of Takhisis, intent on conquering
the world, and the other against the all-
powerful Chaos god, intent on destroy-
ing it. Through enormous sacrifice dur-
ing this Summer of Chaos, the forces of
Good prevail; however, the cataclysmic
Chaos War has altered their world irrev-
ocably: the land suffered mass devasta-
tion, many heroes died in battle, new
monsters arrived to threaten the people,
and the entire pantheon of gods with-
drew to ensure the departure of Chaos.
Worst of all, the magic of Krynn seemed
to have fled with them.
But hope never dies for true heroes. At
the end of the book, Fizban the Fabulous,
wizard-avatar of the god Paladine, her-
alds a new Age of Mortals and encour-
ages the young mage Palin Majere to
seek the new magic. Throughout the
land, all remember the valiant words
Dark Knight Steel Brightblade spoke as
he prepared to do battle with Chaos:
“Whatever else happens, the people of
Krynn still have each other.”

76 J ULY 1996
Thirty years later... ace of the great dragons. New charac- the FIFTH AGE game. He draws a parallel
The new tales of this Age of Mortals ters join familiar ones against these ene- to the first role-playing many of us ever
shape the DRAGONLANCE: FIFTH AGE game mies shadowing their land. enjoyed — the ones we played in our
and the new FIFTH AGE novels. The cam- With all the changes sweeping across backyards as kids. “No one ever stopped
paign setting picks up three decades the face of Ansalon, the time has never a Cowboys-and-Indians game and said,
after the close of Dragons of Summer been better to introduce a new game ‘Your arrow flew only fifty feet, not fifty-
Flame, using that book as a foundation system to the setting. The publication of five!’ At least, not in my neighborhood.”
for subsequent events. the DRAGONLANCE: FIFTH AGE game unveils The most difficult part was “deciding
During that intervening 30 years, the new Saga rules system, tailor-made which rules were important enough to
Palin, nephew of Raistlin Majere, has dis- to enhance the experience of telling bolster the structure of the game and
covered that the new magic actually tales in Krynn. This narrative game of which didn’t need to be there. It was a
springs from the most ancient arcane dramatic fantasy adventure marks a tough decision to make, but some
source of all. Meanwhile, the priestess break from the DRAGONLANCE world as a things had to be streamlined or cut out
Goldmoon has awakened to a mystic setting for the AD&D® game. entirely.” For instance, the Saga rules
power within her own heart, fueled by The FIFTH AGE game contains the minimize the importance of movement
the essence of life and the purity of emo- tragedy, irony, humor, and romance that rules and timekeeping systems: Such
tion. These legendary figures begin to first attracted them to the Saga. concepts have to serve the needs of the
teach their newfound magic far and wide, story. “Trying to make a game that
renewing faith throughout the land.
A narrative game strikes a balance between rules and
However, the Fifth Age brings its own The Saga’s rich literary heritage — drama and adventure — that’s always a
set of challenges to beleaguered Krynn. more than 60 novels published in the challenge.”
The Dark Knights begin rebuilding their series to date — lends itself to a more One of the first concepts to go was the
evil order. Elven strife continues to strike freeform, narrative style of game. To cre- idea that tables or charts could dictate
at the heart of the land. And, worst of all, ate such a game was the primary goal of the flow of an adventure. The referee is
great dragons from far across the sea dis- lead designer, William W. Connors. free to determine what’s most dramatic
cover Ansalon. These dragons — larger What’s the difference between a nar- for the plot, not bound by the results of
and fiercer than anyone has ever seen — rative game and any other role-playing random die rolls.
consider it a land ripe for conquest. system? In order to put more game control in
The fierce wyrms fight a terrible It was vital that Connors minimize the hands of the players rather than the
Dragon Purge, battling each other to the conventional role-playing mechanics for game master — or “Narrator,” — the Saga
death for territory and power. This con-
flict sends the good dragons scurrying
into hiding and creates casualties all
across the continent:
The mighty red dragon Malystryx
teaches the innocent kender the mean-
ing of fear when she burns their home-
land to a cinder, turning once bright
Kendermore into The Desolation.
The white dragon Gellidus trans-
forms his chosen domain, the temperate
island of Southern Ergoth, into a great
The green dragon Beryllinthranox
steals the life spirits of her Qualinesti elf
subjects to fashion powerful items of
The black dragon Onysablet turns
much of the New Sea and central
Ansalon into a foul swampy dominion,
using human slaves as subjects for her
dark experiments.
One native dragon, Khellendros
the Blue — whom men know as Skie,
once Highlord Kitiara’s mount — seizes
the city of Palanthas and much of north-
ern Solamnia as his realm, employing
the Knights of Takhisis to govern the
populace as they did during the Summer
of Chaos.
The Fifth Age calls upon heroes to
wield might and magic against the men-

DRAGON 231 77
rules consider every action in the game to resolve their heroes’ actions. If you were,” Connors says. “Novices can sit
from the hero’s viewpoint. play your cards in such a way that you down and create a character, have a
It doesn’t sound unusual at first. If a beat the action’s target score, you suc- good understanding of the game, and
hero wants to hit a draconian with his ceed at the action. be joking about what it will be like to
sword, he attempts an attack action. But “We have a very elegant system of play him or her.”
if the draconian wants to attack him, the allowing you to succeed when it’s dra- Next to the process of hero creation,
hero makes a defense action; his suc- matically important to the story,” Connors is most proud of the new Saga
cess or failure at defending himself dic- Connors says. “It lets you decide when magic system. “You don’t use spell lists
tates whether the draconian hits him. you’re going to ‘roll the critical hit.’ It lets and pages of spell descriptions — you
This approach relieves the Narrator you decide what events in the story are decide what the spell will do, then figure
of having to act for every character or most important to the adventure’s suc- out how hard it is to cast.” This system
monster in the game. “It leaves the cess” and play cards accordingly. reflects the spirit of how magic has
Narrator free to handle the role-playing, The system gives players this control always worked in the DRAGONLANCE nov-
Connors explains, “free to focus on the over their <heroes and game events by els: The heroes usually have the spell
acting side of things, not be a technical removing the randomness dice inject in they need to save the day. “You never
consultant.” a game. The player decides which card see Raistlin pull up and say, ‘Sorry, guys,
The immense volume of lore to to play for each action his hero I didn’t memorize the right spell today.’”
research for every DRACONLANCE product attempts, but he only has so many high
also proved quite a challenge. “Weaving cards in his hand. Is this the time to play The world of the Fifth Age
the novels into the ongoing tapestry — the two or the seven? A narrative game also needs a fully
that goes beyond game mechanics,” This system of action resolution fleshed-out setting to draw from, “the
Williams says. through card play is at the root of every link to a dramatic format like books or
But such challenges are to be expect- Saga rule. “The system was designed to movies,” Connors says, “anything that
ed when designing a new game, espe- be very flexible,” says Johnson, “Create has a long tradition of storytelling and
cially a freeform system like the FIFTH one resolution rule that can be applied drama. We were fortunate enough to be
AGE. Such a system is long overdue, in to every situation.” That includes every- able to do this with DRAGONLANCE.”
Connors’s opinion. thing from reasoning to chases to magic The major new element in the world
“This sort of game should have been use to combat. “All of this comes down of Krynn in the Fifth Age is the presence
done a long time ago,” he says, pointing to the same system.” of the great dragons.
out that freeform role-playing is becom- Of course, it wouldn’t be a game The dragons of Krynn
ing more and more evident today — without some element of chance. “It started out when [vice president of
many corporations even use role-playing Players never know what card they will Creative Services] Jim Ward said, ‘Put
techniques to train new employees. “And draw next. “You’re still stuck with the really big, mean dragons in this game,’”
they don’t have charts or movement hand Fate dealt you,” Johnson says. Connors recalls.
rates. I think this is the next logical step.” Players use the Fate cards even To begin with, Connors looked at the
before game play begins to generate role dragons have played recently in the
The fate deck their FIFTH AGE heroes. “I think one of the DRAGONLANCE Saga: a great menace, true,
Early in the design phase, the group sparkling uses of cards is in character but also strong allies and companions.
decided that the new game would use a creation,” Connors says. Dragons had become too familiar on
deck of cards, rather than the more tra- Krynn. “Dragons had to be moved
ditional dice, to resolve the outcome of Character creation beyond the level of men,” he says.
actions of the heroes in the game. To create a hero, a player receives a In their conquest of Ansalon, these
The FIFTH AGE box comes with a deck hand of 12 cards, which he assigns to dragons have swept whole nations out
of 82 DRAGONLANCE playing cards that is various attributes (such as Strength, of existence and forever altered vast por-
divided into nine suits: shields, arrows, Agility, Reason, etc.) and other charac- tions of the continent. They hold a posi-
helms, swords, moons, orbs, hearts, teristics, like wealth, personality, and tion “sort of halfway between gods and
crowns, and dragons. Each card carries a reputation. The number on the card men,” Connors says. “Now that the gods
value of one through nine (and one 10 gives each attribute a score, while its have left, they’re the closest thing to it.”
card in the dragons suit) and bears a por- suit, character, or legend offers addition- With a major new threat like the
trait of an important character in the al background on the evolving hero. great dragons, it seems only right to
DRAGONLANCE Saga, past, present and The process of creating heroes intro- introduce a new force to oppose them.
future. Each card also contains a couple duces players to important game con- That force is the Legion of Steel.
of words describing the pictured charac- cepts and familiarizes them with using The Legion, founded by Dark Knight
ter’s personality. For instance, the Sturm the cards. “Because we do this, people Steel Brightblade’s adoptive mother in
Brightblade card, the one of swords, con- understand almost instantly what it’s his name, is a new order of freedom
tains the legend: “Courageous and inspir- going to be like to play that character,” fighters committed to the struggle
ing.” Not only do these words ‘describe Connors says. against the great dragons and to the
Sturm, they also have a function in play. This system has worked well in importance of people working together,
Under the Saga rules, every action a playtests, both in the TSR office and at free of outdated knightly codes.
hero might take and each challenge he the WINTER FANTASY™ game convention in Williams considers the new Legion of
might face carries an assigned difficulty Milwaukee earlier this year. “In half an Steel story thread “exciting and chal-
score. All players hold their own hand of hour, people who weren’t gamers had a lenging to pick up, filling out the back
Fate cards, which they play strategically clear idea of who these characters story from the time of the founding and

78 J ULY 1996
carrying it through the events we Tower? This cloaked figure presumably Adventuring in the Fifth Age
already have in place.” appeared in Wayreth Forest just after Considering the importance of story
Of course, the rise of the Legion of the Chaos War and the subsequent and character to the DRAGONLANCE Saga,
Steel and other events of the Fifth Age destruction of the Tower of High Sorcery the design team felt it important to
have had a profound effect on in Palanthas. The Master still administers structure the new FIFTH AGE adventures
Ansalon’s two Knightly orders. In the tests of magic to worthy sorcerers, around those primary factors.
case of the Knights of Solamnia, awards magical items from past ages, “These are not map-keyed adven-
Williams says, “They’ve had this bitter- and decides how the Last Tower will tures,” Connors says. “We don’t say,
sweet realization that the best of their affect the world in the Fifth Age. ‘Here’s a map of the Tomb of Huma —
traditions have carried them along, but Connors has his favorite characters have an adventure.’”
in the process they have strayed consid- too, including the Shadow Sorcerer, who Instead, the adventures are story-
erably from their path.” walked out of the Desolation one day driven and scene-based, “just like a play
The Knights continue to dedicate and helped the Last Conclave of Wizards or a movie would be,” Connors explains.
themselves to their divine sponsors but, rediscover magic. Connors also created A FIFTH AGE adventure is divided into
now that these gods have withdrawn, the afflicted kender Belladonna, leader of acts, each of which features action rising
“they’re also dealing with the fact that Hylo. She lived through the Kender Flight through a series of scenes to a climax,
they will succeed or fail on their own that followed Malystryx’s arrival in her the nature of which depends on heroes’
efforts,” Williams says. original homeland — but not without choices along the way. A story might
The Dark Knights seem to be getting scars, both literal and emotional, “The open with a role-playing scene, progress
around the problem of the absence of idea of a kender who wakes up scream- to a combat scene, followed by one that
their patron goddess by more or less ing every night is kind of neat,” Connors involves puzzle-solving. “The adventure
denying it. The new leader of the Dark remarks, “but maybe I’ve been working in becomes a series of linked scenes, not a
Knights, Mirielle Abrena, seems to lack the RAVENLOFT® world too long.” series of linked rooms,” he says.
some of the honorable convictions of Of course, he realizes that the read- Inside and out, the FIFTH AGE is clearly
her esteemed predecessor, Ariakan. ers’ response is what really determines a game that knows its roots. The game’s
“The Knights of Takhisis, as I see them which characters will become important box is designed to resemble an old-fash-
now, are based on a deception,” says in the future of the Fifth Age. “If people ioned book, and literary terms are used
Williams. “You’re really talking about a thought Raistlin was just some goofy throughout the text. “We’ve tried to give
group of people who’ve been seduced wizard, somebody’d have killed him off.” people the information they need in a
by their leaders. Abrena has convinced
her followers that Takhisis is coming
back, that this is only temporary. They’re
promised big things in the very near
future if they work hard enough — and
ignore little things like ethics.”

The magic of Krynn

In addition to expanding the treat-
ments of the Knighthoods, Williams has
been working on expanding the new sys-
tem of magic on Krynn. This new magic,
he assures readers, “is drawn from the
lore of the setting. It’s not something
that’s created brand-new. We’ve gone
back and picked up a bit of the Saga.”
This thread, something only hinted at in
the final scene of Dragons of Summer
Flame, will be explored thoroughly in
Williams’s forthcoming game supplement
The Last Tower: The legacy of Raistlin.
Also receiving the spotlight in The Last
Tower are the three most important
wielders of magic in the Fifth Age. After
decades of struggling to find the new
magic, as Fizban instructed him, Palin
Majere finally succeeded in resurrecting
almost forgotten arcane methods. Now,
along with the mysterious Master of the
Tower of Wayreth and the equally enig-
matic Shadow Sorcerer, he remains one
of the most powerful figures in all of
Ansalon today.
And just who is this Master of the

# 79
format that feels like a book,” Connors miliar to a lot of people — some people and begin to see why characters in the
says. “That’s why we call [GMs] ‘Narrators’ will embrace it for that: ‘It’s different; books can do the things that they do.”
— they’re not in charge of a dungeon or a that’s cool.’” For instance, a hero’s attributes are
map, they’re in charge of a story, Johnson agrees that the game will described in terms of the well-known
Appropriately, the first story arc in the attract those who love to try new sys- Heroes of the Lance who exemplify
FIFTH AGE line — a five-part series of tems. “Fans of games will find this a these traits. Each card in one’s Hand of
accessory-adventures called Dragons of a refreshing new direction. This goes back Fate (the hand of cards a player uses to
New Age — features important links with to the core of what drew us all to role- play the game) portrays a famous — or
the forthcoming novel, Dawning of a New playing in the first place: the ability to infamous — character of the Saga. Your
Age, by Jean Rabe. experience a story, be part of a tale of knowledge of the world relates directly
wonder, and to make a difference in the to what you see.
Great expectations? outcome through one’s personal deci- With the publication of the FIFTH AGE,
Many lovers of the DRAGONLANCE Saga sions.” Johnson sees the DRAGONLANCE game
are eagerly awaiting the FIFTH AGE And the game’s streamlined rules sys- coming full circle. “[DRAGONLANCE] was a
game’s August release. Talk continues tem is great for those who love new path for role-playing games back in
on-line and at conventions about the DRAGONLANCE but may never have role- the 1980s, and it continues to be.”
new game system and the unfolding played before. “Certainly the game’s Clearly, DRAGONLANCE is far from dead.
events of the Fifth Age. uncluttered nature lends itself real well On the contrary — the legends of the
“We are producing this game for to people who are familiar only with the Fifth Age have only just begun!
every fan of DRAGONLANCE, whether they fiction,” Williams says. “A brand-new
just read the books or play the computer player is not confronted with rows and
game,” Johnson stresses. “It is an oppor- rows of numbers and formulas to derive
tunity for them to experience the adven- their character.”
tures for themselves.” In fact, DRAGONLANCE readers have an Sue Weinlein Cook begun at TSR as the
How will DRAGONLANCE fans react to advantage over experienced gamers editorial assistant for the book department.
the switch from AD&D mechanics to the less familiar with the world. “We’ve writ- In addition to her work in the F IFTH AGE
Saga rules? ten this game so that your knowledge of game, she has also edited games in the
“AD&D fans who’ve really been the setting is an asset from the begin- BIRTHRICHT™ line.
caught up in the storyline will be pretty ning,” says Williams. “They [new players]
excited about it,” Williams predicts. encounter familiar terms and characters
Johnson agrees. “If you were a fan of
the AD&D game, you will be an even
bigger fan of this game.”
However, this isn’t necessarily the
Krynn they remember. After all, the
Chaos War changed the world in many
ways. Players can experience those
changes though the new game system.
“The underpinnings of the world
have changed,” Williams points out,
“everything from the way your character
looks to the way magic works. [Players]
are definitely going to feel the effects of
the new reality, just the way residents of
Krynn would.”
In addition, as fans will see when
they use the AD&D character and trans-
lation rules (included in the FIFTH AGE
box) to bring their heroes forward, a few
other things have changed as well. The
Saga rules alter the balance of power a
bit, making certain monsters even
stronger, compared to heroes, than ever
“It may be the Age of Mortals,”
Williams says, “but the monsters that are
left are lean, mean fighting machines.
Ogres deserve some respect now.” But
then again, heroes are often measured
by the power of the foes they combat.
Connors predicts that the FIFTH AGE
will surprise gamers who “are used to
rolling dice. I think its going to be unfa-

DRAGON 231 81
only penalty would be that his Stamina The subabilities of Wisdom are
of 14 would allow him to carry only 55 Intuition and Willpower. The properties
Ibs. before being encumbered. Since the of Intuition are bonus spells and percent-
encumbrance rules in the PHB are listed age for spell failure. The properties of
as optional, there well could be no Willpower are magic defense adjustment
penalty for a low Stamina. and spell immunity. Cleric PCs would
This underscores a problem with all mostly choose to increase Intuition
subabilities. Allowing a character with a because its properties could give them a
modest ability score to choose to make considerable bonus. Other classes would
one subability exceptional at the cost of boost Willpower as it is the subability
the other creates and unbalancing fac- that would give them a bonus.
tor. We’ve discussed the problems with The subabilities of Charisma are
Strength subabilities. Let’s look at the Leadership and Appearance. The prop-
other abilities. For this discussion, let’s erties of Leadership are loyalty base and
Forum welcomes your comments and assume that the ability score is high number of henchmen. The property of
opinions on role-playing games. enough to make a difference in the sub- Appearance is reaction adjustment.
In the United States and Canada, send abilities, say 16. A 10 in an ability score, These subabilities are perhaps the most
any correspondence to Forum, DRAGON® for instance, does virtually nothing, as balanced, although I suspect that reac-
Magazine, 201 Sheridan Springs Road, the subabilities could be only as high as tion rolls would occur more frequently
Luke Geneva, WI 53147 U.S.A. In Europe, 12 or as low as 8, where there are gen- during the game.
send mail to Forum, DRAGON Magazine, erally few or no adjustments. Throughout, I have mostly consid-
TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, The subabilities of Dexterity are Aim ered only single-classed human PCs.
Cambridge CB1 3LB, U.K. You can also send and Balance. The properties of Aim are Obviously, multi-class PCs would have
e-mail to [email protected]. missile adjustment, Pick Pockets, and tougher choices.
We ask that all material be neatly typed or Open Locks. The properties of Balance How would I fix these problems? I
handwritten. You must give us your full name are reaction adjustment, defense adjust- wouldn’t. These rules are purely optional,
and mailing address if you expect your letter ment, Move Silently, and Climb Walls. If and I don’t plan on using them. Each DM
to be printed (we will not consider a letter sent the character is not a thief or archer, this must make his own decision to use them
anonymously), but we will withhold your choice is a no-brainer. A +4 on saves vs. or not, based on his campaign. In making
name if you ask us to do so, and we will not dodging something and -4 on Armor the choice, the DM should keep in mind
print your full address unless you request it. Class can be gained with no penalties to how these rules can be used or abused.
any Aim property. A thief or archer char- Tim Merrett

would like to add to Rick Maffei’s acter would just have to choose in Logansport, IN
comments in issue #228’s Forum col- which properties he wanted bonuses.
umn. Therein he reports on several Once again, the properties of the other I’d like to respond to Gary Stahl’s let-
problems concerning the Muscle suba- subability would suffer no penalties. ter in issue #229. I agree that NPCs in
bility score. The subabilities of Constitution are published game material should follow
I agree that starting a character with a Health and Fitness. The properties of previously established rules. His example
Strength of 20 is possible under the rules Health are System Shock and the poison of the chaotic psionicists in the DARK SUN®
stated on page 13 of the PLAYER’S OPTION™: save. The properties of Fitness are hit supplement, The Will and the Way, clearly
Skills & Powers book. This undoubtedly point adjustment and Resurrection violates the rule that psionicists can’t be
presents the DM with many difficulties if Survival. This is an easy choice for any chaotic. Of course, if some rationale had
he is running a standard campaign. class. All classes, except fighter, need been given as to why these particular
However, we must remember that 18/00 only a 16 in Fitness to gain maximum psionicists were chaotic, then that faux
is the maximum Strength for human bonus hit points of +2. Thus they need pas would have been mitigated.
fighters as well as most other races. only a 14 in Constitution. A fighter While such consistency is desirable, it
Why is it possible to get such a would, of course, attempt to get an 18 isn’t always possible. In the upcoming
Strength if it is not allowed? The rules in for the full bonus. The differences this FORGOTTEN REALMS® supplement, Heroes’
this tome were written taking into would make in the properties of Health Lorebook, many of the heroes of the set-
account the possibility that a party would not be appreciable. ting’s novels are codified or updated for
might consist wholly or partially of non- The subabilities of Intelligence are use in the AD&D game. More than a few
human and non-demihuman PCs. Reason and Knowledge. The properties of these characters, when considered
Turning to page 37 of the same book, of Reason are spell level, maximum strictly as formalized game characters,
under the heading Other Races, we find number of spells, and spell immunity. break AD&D game rules left and right.
this option clarified. It states that, at the The properties of Knowledge are bonus And in some cases, game rules just
DM’s option, Players may choose any proficiencies and percentage to learn don’t exist for what is described in the
manner of being as a PC. The examples spell. All classes except wizard would novels. Alias, the tattooed swords-
of incorporating a DARK SUN® campaign maximize Knowledge because Reason woman from the Kate Novak and Jeff
character is given. Those characters deals mostly with spell ability. These Grubb novels, for example, is an artifi-
have ability scores ranging from 5-20. subabilities do present the wizard with cial life form. The Seven Sisters (plus
There is still the possibility that a some tough choices. Personally, I would Elminster and Khelben) are all the
fighter with a 16 Strength score could sacrifice my percentage to learn spell for Chosen of Mystra, with effective immor-
achieve and 18/xx Muscle score. The higher spell level and number of spells tality and a slew of magical abilities. No

82 J ULY 1996
rules exist in the game for creating such regard toward game balance, “bending” never be able to cast 8th- or 9th-level
a life form or becoming the favored of a the game’s rules for the occasional NPC spells if his DM doesn’t allow the slow
deity. Drizzt Do’Urden, probably the isn’t a bad thing. It’s just one of the DM’s advancement option. In almost every
most popular FR character of all, broke tools for insuring continued interest in fantasy realm that I’ve ever heard of,
all sorts of game rules when he first the game campaign. The AD&D game is elven wizards were at one time or
appeared, and his popularity even about heroes, and heroes should win another the most powerful that ever
spawned new rules to “allow” him to do out in the end; however, that doesn’t existed. How come all of a sudden they
in the game what he does in the novels. mean I’m obligated as a DM to make it became weaklings compared to
Strictly following all the game rules for easy for them. A hard-won victory humans? Elves have more patience and
these NPCs would have genericized where the players had to out-think and are more careful with their spells than
them and they probably wouldn’t be not just out-dice their foes is much more are humans, but because of that they
half as appealing because of it. The fact heroic and much more likely to be should be able to become at least as
that they’re different is part of what remembered years after the adventure powerful as any human wizard.
makes them so popular. itself has ended. I believe every demi-human race
Also, speaking as a DM, I’ve always Dale Donovan should be allowed unlimited advance-
believed in the maxim that NPCs needn’t TSR, Inc. ment in at least one class, if for no other
follow all the same rules as PCs all the reason than a natural affinity for that
time. (Situation #1: “Oh look, an evil wiz- I would like to voice my complaint class.
ard. He just cast a cone of cold, so he’s at about level restrictions on demi-humans. I personally don’t believe that such a
least 9th level, maybe higher. Okay, you In most every racial description, the rule would disrupt the flow of a game. I
guys know the routine. Stay back and race is adept in at least one area: elven don’t know about the rest of you DMs,
pepper him with arrows first, ‘cause he’s wizards, dwarven fighters, gnomish illu- but I’m pretty sick of all the human par-
probably got a stoneskin on himself, and sionists, and halfling thieves. I fully real- ties that keep turning up. Whatever your
spread out and find some cover so his ize that a 15th level character is quite opinion, I’d like to hear it.
fireballs and lightning bolts can’t get all of powerful, but what about the halfling Steven Shaffer
us. And watch for a hold person on our thief? After a few short years of adven- Oroville, CA
own spell-casters.“) A nonstandard villain turing, he’s reached his limit and might
can be more exciting for everyone in the as well retire.
game. Plus, throwing the players a curve How about the elven wizard? He
every once in a while keeps them on could live his whole life adventuring and
their toes. (Situation #2: “Look, his magic
missile fires only two bolts! Hah! That
means he’s less than 5th level; c’mon,
let’s get him! Whoa, what do you mean
each bolt caused 12 hp damage?!?“)
One of my personal NPC rules (and
this goes for monsters and creatures as
well) is, “Anything the PCs can do, my
NPCs can do too.” If the PCs use kits from
the PLAYER'S OPTION: Skills & Powers book,
the fighting-style specializations or the
critical-hits system from PLAYER’S OPTION:
Combat & Tactics book, so do my NPCs. If
the PCs start developing set tactics in cer-
tain situations, pretty soon some NPC vil-
lains develop ways to upset the PCs’ pre-
planned tactics. All this prevents the
game from becoming routine. I’m forced
to come up with ways to handle the
players’ latest tricks and schemes, and
once I’ve done that, the players must
develop new gimmicks and tactics for
their PCs to use.
Of course, this sort of occurrence
must be handled carefully. If this is over-
done, power escalation and player/DM
rivalry could become a problem. I’m not
saying that DMs should be out to defeat
the heroic PCs, but they should throw
just enough monkey wrenches into the
PCs’ plans to keep the players chal-
lenged and avoid the dreaded compla-
cency. When done properly and with a

DRAGON 231 83
Continued from page 74

tooth Enterprises, 46 High- registered, $25 on site. stration: varies. Nuke-Con, games. Other activities: deal-
land St., Reading, MA 01867. Multigenre Inc., 266 Spruce 13115 Josephine Circle, ers and a miniatures painting
Drive, Brick, NJ 08723. Omaha, NE 68138, or email: contest. Registration: varies.
Shorecon ‘96 [email protected]. M. Forner’s Games Only
September 27-29 NJ Nuke-Con Emporium, 230 S. 8th St.,
Berkeley Carteret, Asbury September 28-29 NE Organized Kahn Fusion- Lemoyne, PA 17043.
Park. Events: role-playing, Holiday Inn Central, Battletech
card, board, and miniatures Omaha. Guests: Tom Prusa September 28-29 PA
games. Other activities: a and Fredd Groham. Events: Newberry Town Fire Hall,
masquerade, an auction, art role-playing, card, board, Etters. This is a Battletech - only
show, anime, a dance, and and miniatures games. Other con featuring: single, lance, * indicates a product produced by
a company other than TSR, Inc.
more. Registration: $20 pre- activities: tournaments. Regi- free for all, and mechwarrior
they do not receive sufficient training).
The maximum number of students the
master attracts is equal to one half the
master’s Charisma score, rounded down.
If the master builds a sanctuary, he can
attract a number of students equal to his
Charisma score. As a 10-point ability, the
psionicist becomes a renowned teacher
and can attract students at any level,
by Skip Williams subject to the limits noted above. If the
psionicist does not choose this ability,
he never attracts followers, but can hire
servants and henchmen for pay just as
If you have any questions on the games any other character can.
Psionicists use the Psionic Progression
produced by TSR, Inc., “Sage Advice” can table on page 154 Skills & Powers book Guarded Mind (5/10): The psionicist
answer them. In the United States and unless they purchase better psychic abil- can block or resist attempts to usurp his
Canada, send your letters to: Sage Advice, ities during character creation. will and gains a +1 bonus to all saving
DRAGON® Magazine, 201 Sheridan Springs
throws against spells from the enchant-
Psionicist roll six-sided dice to deter-
Road, Lake Geneva, WI 51347, U.S.A. In mine hit points unless they purchase ment/charm school. As a 10-point abili-
Europe, send your questions to: Sage larger hit dice. ty, the psionicist gains a +2 bonus to all
Advice, DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 saving throws against spells from the
Unless stated otherwise, a character
Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 can take each ability only once and only enchantment/charm school.
3LB, U.K. You can also e-mail questions to when the character is first created. Hit Point Bonus (10): Psionicists with
[email protected]. this ability roll eight-sided dice for hit
Armor Use (5/10): The psionicist can
We are no longer able to make personal employ small shields and padded, points rather than six-sided dice. The
replies. Please send no SASEs with your leather, studded leather, or hide armor. psionicist still gains only two extra hit
question. As a 10-point ability the psionicist can points per level at 10th level and beyond.
Join the Sage this month as he reveals a use small or medium shields, any of the MAC Bonus (10): The psionicist’s Mental
method for creating psionicist PCs with the armor types listed above, plus brigan- Armor Class improves by -1. Note that no
rules presented in the PLAYER’S OPTION™: MAC value can fall below -10.
dine, chain mail, ring mail, scale mail, or
Skills & Powers book and considers a few Mental Defense (5/10): The psionicist
metal lamellar armor. If the psionicist
magical oddities from the AD&D® game. does not take this ability, he can wear can close his mind to psychic contact
and gains defense modes as shown on
no armor and cannot employ shields.
I’m sure you’ve been asked these the Psionic progression table in the Skills
Attack Mode of Choice (10): The psi-
questions dozens of times, so how about onicist develops extra skill in using one & Powers book. As a 10-point ability, the
some answers? How do you create particular psionic attack mode and gains psionicist receives extra defense modes
psionicist PCs using the rules in the Skills as though he was two levels higher than
a +1 bonus to mental attack rolls when
& Powers book? How do the subabilities using that attack mode. This ability is his actual level. For example, a 1st-level
from Chapter 2 affect psionicists and useless without the contact ability. psionicist receives two defense modes.
wild talents? Can non-psionicists buy Combat Bonus (10): The psionicist The character can never have more than
wild talents with character points? five defense modes. If the psionicist does
uses the priest THAC0 chart.
Well, not exactly dozens of times, but Contact (5/10): The psionicist receives not take this power, he has an open
often enough (three times in the past the contact proficiency and gains attack mind, just as if he were a non-psionic
month). Here’s an unofficial method for modes as shown on the Psionic Progres- character. If the psionicist does not
choose this ability at the beginning of
building psionicists with character sion table in the Skills & Powers book. As
points, largely based on some excellent a 10-point ability, the psionicist receives play, he can purchase the five-point ver-
suggestions from reader Emery Wilson: sion whenever he has five character
extra attack modes as though he were
points to spend. The 10-point version is
A psionicist receives 35 character two levels higher than his actual level.
points to spend on class abilities. Abil- For example, a 1st-level psionicist would available only at the beginning of play.
ities cost 5-15 points. Any unspent receives two attack modes. The charac- Penetrating Mind (10): The psionicist
can penetrate physical barriers with his
points can be saved to buy proficiencies ter can never have more than five
or saved for use in the game. attack modes. If the psionicist does not mind more readily than other psionicists
All psionicists use the saving throw take this power, he can purchase the can. It takes two inches of lead or iron,
and MTHAC0 tables on page 149 of the four inches of obsidian, or two feet of
contact proficiency any time he has five
Skills & Powers book. character points available. rock to block the psionicist’s clairsen-
Psionicists use the THAC0 table on Followers (5/10): The psionicist tient and telepathic powers. Note that
page 149 of the Skills & Powers book most psionic powers require line of
become a contemplative master at 9th
unless they purchase better combat abil- level. A 1st-level psionicist arrives each sight; this ability does not negate a
ities during character creation. blocked line of sight (see Skills & Powers,
month to study with the master.
All psionicists use the experience page 150). This ability has no effect on
Students serve without pay if they
level table on page 154 of the Skills & receive at least 10 hours of training each psionic combat and does not allow the
Powers book. week (they leave to seek new masters if psionicist to ignore magical or psychic
barriers that block psionic powers.

DRAGON 231 89
PSP bonus: The psionicist has a Weapon Use (5/10): The psionicist can that’s just a consequence of the spell
potent mind and rolls eight-sided dice employ the following small weapons: being there. The situation is similar to
for psionic strength points instead of six- hand crossbow, dagger, dart, dirk, knife, what happens when a magic-resistant
sided dice. The psionicist still gains only scourge, sickle, and short sword. As a 10- creature finds itself in one of these spell’s
three extra PSPs plus his Wisdom bonus point ability the psionicist can use any of areas of effect, there is no magic resis-
per level at 10th level and beyond. the weapons above, plus the following tance roll because the spell in question is
Psychic Adept (10): The psionicist slightly larger weapons: short bow, club, not working directly against the creature.
receives extra powers according to the light crossbow, hand/throwing axe, According to the scarab of protection
table below instead of the Psionic javelin, quarterstaff, sling, spear, and war description, when the wearer is subject-
Progression table in the Skills & Powers club. If the psionicist does not take this ed to a spell attack that allows no saving
book. The two disciplines the psionicist ability, he can employ no weapons at all, throw, such as magic missile, the wearer
chooses at first level count as primary relying instead on his mental powers in gains a saving throw of 20 plus any
disciplines (see Skills & Powers, page 154). combat. other magical saving throw bonuses he
Psionics and subabilities: If the rules might have; the character in your exam-
Psychic Adept Power Progression
for subabilities are in play, then ple would get a saving throw of 16
Exp* Total Total Total
level Disciplines Sciences Devotions
Constitution/Fitness, Intelligence/Rea- against the magic missile spell no matter
son, and Wisdom/Intuition determine a what kind of scarab he was wearing. I
1 2 2 4
psionicist’s PSP total. Wild talent checks know of some referees who rule that the
2 3 2 6
use the same set of scores. base saving throw of 20 accounts for the
3 3 3 8
Wisdom/Willpower determines a scarab’s first plus (and who give a base
4 3 3 10
character’s base MAC, and Intelligence/ saving throw of 19 to characters wearing
5 3 4 11
6 4 4 12
Reason determines a character’s MAC a scarab of protection +2). This seems a
modifier. reasonable house rule to me.
7 4 5 13
Buying Wild Talents: A character can
8 4 5 14
purchase a wild talent as a trait for 9 My group has found a lich’s phylac-
9 4 6 15
character points. The character need not tery. The problem is we have not found
10 5 6 16
make a wild talent check, but must roll the lich yet. Will we destroy the lich if
11 5 7 17
randomly to determine what the wild we destroy the phylactery? The rules
12 5 7 18
talent is (see Skills & Powers, page 156). say that if you destroy the lich and the
13 5 8 19
Note that a character could make a nor- phylactery the lich is forever gone.
14 5 8 20
mal wild talent check and use a charac- What happen if we destroy the phylac-
15 5 9 21
ter point to reroll if the check fails. tery and not the lich?
16 5 9 22
17 5 A lich uses its phylactery as a bolt hole
10 23
Does a scarab of protection allow sav- for its spirit; if it’s body is destroyed, it
18 5 10 24
19 5 11
ing throws against spells such as dispel survives by fleeing to the phylactery, and
magic and Mordenkainen’s disjunction? from there it can inhabit a new body
20 5 11 26
If a character has one of the rare scarabs (Van Richten’s Guide to the Lich explores
Range Boost (5/10): The ranges of all of protection +2, how do you calculate the process in some detail). If someone
powers within the psionicist’s primary the saving throw bonus against effects destroys the phylactery without destroy-
discipline increase by 25%. If the psion- that normally allow no saving throws? ing the lich first, the lich is deprived of its
icist is a psychic adept, he has two pri- For example, a character has a scarab of bolt hole, but remains otherwise
mary disciplines. At base cost (5), the protection +2, a ring of protection +2, unharmed (though it probably gets pret-
ranges of only one discipline’s powers and a cloak of protection +2. What is the ty angry). Note that lich phylacteries usu-
increase. For a cost of 10 character character’s saving throw number ally aren’t just left lying around, so what
points, the ranges of powers for both against a magic missile spell? your party has might not be the real
disciplines increase. All powers with A scarab of protection sometimes thing. It might also contain a lich’s spirit
ranges of 0, self, or touch remain unaf- allows a saving throw against dispel that’s just biding its time until it can seize
fected by this ability. magic and similar spells, depending on control of a player character.
Warrior Hit Point Bonus (5): The how the spell is used. If a the dispel is cast
psionicist gains bonus hit points from a directly on the scarab wearer or his
high Constitution score as if he were a items, the wearer has a saving throw and
warrior. the scarab’s bonus applies. (Technically, Skip Williams recently appeared as gam-
Weapon Specialization (15): The psi- the items gets the saving throw, but its ing guest at the Wizard’s Challenge conven-
onicist can specialize in the use of a par- exactly the same as the wearer’s, see the tion in Regina, Saskatchewan where he
ticular weapon. This ability is useless dispel magic spell description). If a spell answered this month’s questions in person.
unless the character also chooses the such as dispel magic, Mordenkainen’s dis-
weapon use ability (below), even if the junction, or continual darkness is cast on
psionicist specializes in a martial art or the area containing the scarab wearer,
nonlethal combat. The character-point the wearer gains no saving throw
cost for gaining proficiency and special- because the spell is not directed at him.
ization in the weapon must be met The scarab wearer might find it inconve-
when the character chooses weapon nient — or even fatal — to have spells
proficiencies. affecting him dispelled or disjoined, but

90 J ULY 1996
because of the wide variety of games the
Network offers at the GEN CON Game Fair.
If you’re a Network member you can get
into lots of different games — and they’re
good games.” He said the Network is
important to the industry, and that pro-
grams like Threads of Legend and Virtual
Seattle, the Shadowrun* Tournament set-
ting, are helping to broaden its scope.
Coverage of different topics and games
in the Networks POLYHEDRON Newszine is
also a plus. Prosperi compiled an article
to appear in the Newszine sometime in
the next several months. “It’s in the
by Jean Rabe World Under Construction column,” he
explained. “It’s about changes to
Shadowrun. I would like to do something

An interview with Lou Prosperi, for Earthdawn, too. Maybe about Prelude
to War, an upcoming Earthdawn product

the Network Guest of Honor

— without giving everything away.”
Prosperi hinted that there are
changes in store for the line. “The

at the 1996 GEN CON® Game Fair Earthdawn universe groundwork has
been established. Now we’re going to
shake it up a little bit. Important things
aming fans frequently ask Lou instance, it sometimes seems impossible will happen to important people. It’s kind

G Prosperi how to break into the

industry — how to take that first
step from role-playing devotee to author,
there’d be all these dungeons out in the
wilderness. In Earthdawn, we came up
with an explanation. We had an event
of exciting to coordinate and orchestrate
the changes. And we’re really going to
get player characters involved in events
editor, or artist. He gives them all the called The Scourge, where creatures that will change the universe. In a lot of
same answer — be professional, be per- from astral space came and ravaged the the preestablished universes, a lot of the
sistent, and don’t expect to start at the planet for 400 years. They lived in big changes occur in novels. The charac-
top of the game designer pyramid. underground cities — dungeons.” When ters rarely get to play a pivotal part. But
Prosperi’s advice is sound. By follow- they left, the world’s eight different races what we’re planning is a product that
ing it, he rose from stocking shelves in — elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, trolls, describes large-scale events. What the
Mayfair Game’s warehouse to being the t’skrang, windlings, and obsidmen — characters do will help determine what
Earthdawn Line Developer for the FASA started exploring the ruins. happens with their world.”
Corporation, responsible for a myriad of This GEN CON Came Fair marks the Prosperi thinks the players will enjoy
products and a stable of freelancers. He second year for the Threads of Legend getting their characters more involved in
still relies on his warehouse experience, campaign. Following an approach simi- the world. He understands players
however, as he has a game collection lar to the Networks LIVING CITY™ pro- because he’s one of them. He games
just shy of nine hundred items, all pre- gram, participants play their own char- practically every week, whether it’s
cisely cataloged. “Of course,” he adds, acters in sanctioned tournaments. Earthdawn, Warhammer 40K*, or Feng
“There’s a lot of BattleTech stuff I haven’t “I review and approve the tourna- Shui: the Shadowfist* role-playing game.
categorized yet. One of our big closets is ments for Threads of Legend,” Prosperi He says he’s happy in the game
filled with games. My comic book col- said. “In fact, I approve all the RPGA® industry. “It’s become a job at one level.
lection is at my parent’s house.” Network tournaments for FASA games. But my job involves games.” He consid-
Prosperi is the ROLE PLAYING GAME And I act as sort of a liaison between the ers it more fun and rewarding that what
ASSOCIATION™ Network’s guest of honor Network and Drew Caldwell, who runs he used to do for a living.
at the upcoming GEN CON® Game Fair, Threads of Legend. My involvement isn’t “I worked for the Harvard University
scheduled for August 8-11 at the Mecca heavy, but I do stay involved. I think the Library System at a place called the
Center in Milwaukee. He will be on hand tournament campaign’s a wonderful Harvard Depository.” Harvard owned a
to participate in seminars, workshops, idea.” He says the players think so, too. large climate-control warehouse for
and to host a special tournament for the He receives e-mail feedback after con- books and other materials, and Prosperi
Network where player slots will be auc- ventions at which Threads of Legend worked there bar-coding items and log-
tioned for charity. runs, and nearly all of it is positive. “I’ve ging them in a computer database —
“Earthdawn is a role-playing game of heard very few negative comments, and while he continued to pester game com-
high fantasy,” says Prosperi, who is the those were about scenario balance. I panies for work. “It was a pretty intense
author of numerous Earthdawn products think you’d hear that regardless. I just job. Libraries in the system would call
— including a short story in the Talisman wish I could play in it. I wish I had the with their orders every day. I did trou-
Earthdawn anthology. “It takes a number time and the freedom to participate in it.” bleshooting stuff, lifting and grunt work,
of the traditional elements of fantasy, Prosperi has been a member of the too. I thought it was a fun job, but it
but it deals with them in a new way. For RPGA Network since 1989. “I joined wasn’t a career.”

92 J ULY 1996
Prior to that, Prosperi attended the to be polite. “I talked to a couple of the couple of adventures in a book called
University of Lowell in Massachusetts. “I editors and designers, and that lead me Treasures of Greyhawk. I was doing all of
majored in music composition. I got into into doing some playtesting for them. I this at night, after work. It was pretty
music because I was a drummer from also used to contribute to a one-page tough,” he recalls. “I started to get into
elementary school to high school, and newsletter for them, called the Daily playtesting for Earthdawn at about the
when I left high school, music was the Planet — for free. I did it just to get my same time I landed the project A Killing
only thing I could think of pursuing. But name known, and it ended up as ads in Glare, a Shadowrun adventure. When I
in college I learned that you shouldn’t go places like DRAGON® Magazine.” was contacting Tom Dowd at FASA about
to college because you think you’re sup- After building up playtesting credits, the specifics of the Shadowrun product,
posed to. You should go because you Prosperi found that his contacts in the he mentioned an Earthdawn opening. I
have something you want to do.” It was game industry mushroomed. “I got to put together a resume, sent it to then-
during college that Prosperi discovered know Darwin Bromley (Mayfair’s presi- president Sam Lewis, and in October,
what he truly wanted to pursue. That’s dent) pretty well, and a couple of other 1992, I flew out to Chicago for an inter-
where he developed a taste for gaming people. They invited me to help them view.” Two months later he was named
with the International Superman Expo in the Earthdawn Line Developer.
Ohio in 1988. I ran demos and such for The position involves coordinating
them. Then they asked I was interested art, editorial, and marketing for the
in going to the GEN CON Game Fair to run Earthdawn product line, planning what
demos.” Prosperi said he quickly agreed. types of products to put on the schedule,

“That was my first Game Fair — in 1988. and creating outlines for those products
It was quite an eyeopening experience for freelance writers. When the freelance
to see the rest of the industry.” writers submit a finished manuscript,
Shortly after that, he discovered Prosperi reviews it to make sure it fits
Mayfair Games had an opening its ware- the Earthdawn storyline and that the
— spurred by his love of comic books. housing department. He applied, and he “game mechanics” work.
“I first got into gaming in 1986. Wow. started work two months after the “In the first year or two I found myself
Ten years. The time has gone real fast,” Game Fair. “I was the warehouse man- writing 20 to 30 percent of any product.
Prosperi said, adding he was 22 at the ager. I was the shipping person, and I That’s because sometimes we wanted to
time. “I was big into comic books years managed the inventory. I still kept make the products bigger than we ini-
ago, particularly DC Comics, and the DC involved in playtesting, and I started to tially planned. Sometimes the author did-
Heroes game caught my attention. I write games a little later.” n’t hit everything we wanted covered.
bought it and ended up being the game After a year Prosperi left Mayfair And sometimes we decided that we
master. It was rough at first. The first cou- Games. Relying on his experience with needed to add stuff — mostly because we
ple of games I ran, I tried to keep within playtesting, he contacted West End were still establishing the game.” Now
the context of the comic books, but my Games, and soon after he was playtest- Prosperi finds himself doing little such
players coerced me to go farther.” He ing for the Torg* system. “At the GEN CON supplemental writing — though he has
recalls that he had to expand the world Game Fair in 1990 I was asked to write a many other tasks to keep him busy.
and let the players go beyond the plot- short adventure for Torg. That was the “I also represent the company at con-
lines running in the numerous DC books. first real thing I wrote, and I got it done ventions around the country by running
“I bought all the supplements that came early so they offered me a second piece.” seminars and game demos. I go to the
out with the game. And then I noticed Prosperi’s West End Games credits GEN CON Game Fair — of course. I occa-
there were different authors’ names on include a section of Pixaud’s Practical sionally go to Origins. This year I went to
all of them. That intrigued me. So I got Grimoir, a book of spells for the Torg the WINTER FANTASY™ Convention, too.”
the number to Mayfair Games, called, magic system. His first major project was Prosperi considers the Game Fair plea-
and found out the supplements were The Storm Knight’s Guide to the surable and painful. “It’s this four-day
mostly written by freelance authors.” Possibility Wars, a player’s book about extravaganza I look forward to with
Prosperi decided he wanted to be creating backgrounds for characters. anticipation and dread. I started worrying
one of those authors, too. “I put togeth- And he had some material published in about this Game Fair in January. I coordi-
er a couple of proposals — that got Wanted by Cracken for the Star Wars* nate all the events FASA sponsors. I han-
rejected. Between proposals I took a trip game. dle the seminars, the paperwork, sched-
to the Chicago area to visit relatives. “Later I designed a section of TSR’s uling — as well as all the booth demos. So
One day I went to the Mayfair Office.” DARK SUN® MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM™ tome. once a week from January on I spend
He quickly added that he called ahead That was in 1991. And then I also did a half a day on the Game Fair in some

DRAGON 231 93

Lynx-folk Leopard-folk

by Dori Hein & Bill Olmesdahl

he battle for good or evil rages on This special ability means that the
Hound-folk Fox-folk
T in Esfah. Nature’s fury clashes with
the foul corruption of Death, and no
one knows who will win this bitter war.
Feral are unlikely to be destroyed out-
right. While this alone makes them a
valuable addition to any army, the Feral
But Nature has a new trick: The Feral! are also well rounded in their action
Kicker Pack #4 introduces the newest abilities. Unlike some races, who have
good race in the DRAGON DICE™ game. feast or famine when rolling (like the
The Feral are savage man-beasts, with Lava Elves), the Feral have their abilities
an awesome special ability and powerful spread evenly across the dice. When
new spells. Here is an introduction to the you roll an army of Feral melee troops
untamed world of the Feral and some (called Hunters and Stalkers, by the
ideas for unleashing them in battle. way), you can count on getting about
the same number of melee hits, saves,
Antelope-folk Horse-folk
Flexible and Fearsome and moves each time. For players who
The Feral follow the same basic rules like to play by statistical odds rather
as do other races in the DRAGON DICE than chance, this is a big advantage. The
game, but their special ability makes Feral makes a good, solid race to play
them unique and formidable. They are against almost any opponent.
so strongly tied to Nature (and thus the
forces of life and goodness) that new Nature’s Magicians
Feral are constantly created. Because Favored children of Nature, the Feral
Feral young mature more quickly than are also powerful spellcasters. Their mix
the children of other races, more of their of blue (air) and gold (earth) gives them a
kind are produced naturally. great selection of basic spells — including
In game terms, this means that at the stoneskin (a fine defensive spell) as well
start of a player’s turn, every terrain as hailstorm and lightning strike (two of
Falcon-folk Hawk-folk occupied by one of his armies that con- the most powerful offensive spells yet
tains at least one Feral unit attracts a introduced to the game). Moreover, a
one-health Feral unit from the dead unit Feral magician with enough points of
area. (If no one-health units are avail- magic can virtually guarantee an army a
able, no generation occurs.) This ability successful maneuver by using either
works extremely well in either all one- transmute rock to mud or windwalk
health Feral armies or armies with a Like other recently introduced new
large percentage of one-health units. races, the Feral have several spells that
Whenever an army containing Feral is only they can use. Hide allows their
injured in an attack, discard a common owner to hide a one-health unit in the
Feral unit first. At the start of your next target army until the end of his next
turn, you’ll get it back. turn. Hidden units can’t be affected by
Weasel-folk Badger-folk

96 J U L Y 1996
Tiger-folk Wolf-folk Buffalo-folk Vulture-folk Wolverine-folk


spells until the spell ends. (The downside does get to strike back before it’s the fight to any terrain and thrive. They
is that they also can’t make any rolls.) removed. (The downside is that the can even swap magic fire with the Coral
Savage causes a one-health unit of the bear-folk doesn’t get to roll any saves Elves since the Feral also “se blue magic.
target army (your choice) to make a against this damage.) Between gore and Maneuver Early and Often: The Feral
melee attack against its own forces. It’s hug, a Feral army quickly shreds its are a quick race, good at maneuvering.
just the thing to throw at those annoy- opponent. You can’t keep up with the Dwarves or
ing Goblin leopard riders or Undead that Trumpet: When rolling for melee hits Goblins in their home terrains, but you
have been plaguing you. or save, trumpet rallies all Feral at the can with anyone else. Thus, you should
Even more powerful is the gold back- terrain and doubles their results. The be able to own the terrain die, wherever
lash spell, which targets one terrain. If icon’s only found on the elephant-folk, you are. Up against archers? Move the
an army at that terrain casts magic, that but it’s a tremendous boost. terrain quickly up to melee and crush
army must then save against an amount In addition to these new special them or move it back down to magic and
of damage equal to the number of action icons, the Feral have a good mix lightning strike your opponent back into
magic points it spent. What an incentive of the old. They have a dispel ability, the Stone Age. Melee guerrillas? Jump
for your opponent finally to move the which negates all spells targeting a ter- the die up to the eighth face and start
terrain die off of magic! rain or army; cantrip, which gives them charging them, or drop it back to missile
immediate points of magic; and rend, range and feather them with arrows.
Beastly New Powers which causes three points of damage When All Else Fails, Charge!: Use your
The Feral have several special action and allows the die to be rerolled. magicians to cast stoneskin spells on
icons unique to their race. These icons one of your armies. Once they’re
allow you to specialize your Feral army, Tactics of the Feral pumped up enough, have them charge
helping you focus on melee, missile, or The Feral are an excellent, all-around an opposing army. The resulting dam-
magic as you desire. The new special race. They don’t have any special weak- age should mash them into the ground
action icons are as follows: nesses (like the Undead, which can’t while your own forces will escape rela-
Double Strike: During melee, double charge), and they make good partners tively unscathed.
strike counts as three or four normal hits in any multiracial army. Here are some Fear Black Magic: Don’t stand by
(depending on the die) and allows the strategies to try when using the Feral. while the death magicians bury your
Feral to roll again, counting the new Multiply and Conquer: Large armies dead. Being able to bring new Feral into
result as well. There’s no limit on the composed of one-health Feral units are the game each turn is the race’s main
number of melee hits that can be gener- best when you have an army at every strength. Protect them. Co after the black
ated in this way. (Of course, that would terrain in the game. It will take several magic casters whenever possible. And
be pretty spectacular rolling!) turns of jumping in and out of reserve to after they’re dead, cast dust to dust on
Gore: Found only on the rhino-folk, achieve this position, but when you’re them to ensure that they don’t come
gore counts as two hits on a single tar- done you’ll be able to recruit a new Feral back. Anything that buries dice is a threat
get during melee. The unit gets to save, at every terrain. In a four-player game, to you. Take that threat seriously.
but if it’s killed, it is immediately buried this is five health-worth of Feral each
as well. With this power, you can slowly turn for free. It will take a tremendous,
remove an opponent’s one- and two- combined effort on the part of your
health units from the game completely. opponents to wipe you out. Dori Hein’s office at TSR is considered a
Hug: If an army’s got a lot of bear- GO to the Enemy: The Feral’s special “shrine to roadkill” for its many animai arti-
folk in it, look out! During melee, the ability isn’t tied to one terrain, and they facts; Bill Olmesdahl closely resembles a
hug counts as four hits on a single tar- are good at just about everything. They shaved ape. It’s only natural that these two
get. The unit doesn’t get to save, but it are one of the few races that can take worked on the Feral.

DRAGON 231 97
100 J ULY 1996
104 JULY 1996
DRAGON 231 105
106 J ULY 1996
DRAGON 231 107
What say we all chip in and buy TSR
a thesaurus? Designer Kevin Hassall
admits that a number of shaman types
are already running around the various
AD&D® worlds, including those described
in The Complete Barbarian’s Handbook and
The Complete Book of Humanoids. But
since all the shamans are different, how
come they’re all stuck with the same
moniker? As a service to the gaming
industry in general and TSR in particular,
I hereby donate the following synonyms:
Mysterian, Wraithrunner, Thaumaturge,
Hexist, Spellbinder, and — my personal
favorite — Spirit Tweezer.
As it happens, the name is the least
interesting aspect of this otherwise inven-
tive supplement, which rethinks and
reworks the AD&D priest class. Unlike
standard priests, who operate more or
less independently, shamans operate in a
rigid partnership with the spirit world. A
shaman must establish and maintain an
intimate bond with his spirit patrons; no
spirits, no spells. Because spirits have
minds of their own — some cajole and
punish, others comfort and reward — the
shaman occupies a peculiar place in the
AD&D cast of characters; simply put, he’s
half of a whole.
Specifically, Shaman introduces three
new priest classes. The tribal shaman, a
primitive religious functionary, serves as
a conduit between his congregation and
the spirit world. The solitary shaman is a
self-sufficient recluse, rejecting the trap-
Magic. Wouldn’t it be great if it were pings of civilization for the simple com-
real? No, not the card game, wise guy. I forts of the wilderness. The spiritualist,
mean magic as in spells, like the kind an outcast from a ravaged culture, is a
lurking in the back of the Player’s grim vigilante who’s one part crusader,
Handbook. I’d use remove curse to knock one part creep. All three are presented
out my hay fever, comprehend languages as character kits, replete with ability
to translate computer manuals, and gust requirements, racial restrictions, and
of wind to clear the room when my cat background notes. Statistically, they
passes gas. don’t vary much from standard priests;
And it’d be especially great for us all shamans use eight-siders for Hit Dice
role-players. Think of the spells we could and retain Wisdom as their prime requi-
cook up: site. Instead, they’re distinguished by
Silence the brain-dead. Muzzles players their special benefits. A solitary shaman,
who insist on asking moronic questions. for instance, can engage in a telepathic
(“How come my horse can’t use a conversation with a spirit by merely sit-
sword?“). ting still for a few rounds. A tribal
Dispel publisher. Any publisher who shaman can befriend suspicious spirits
puts out the second edition of an RPG Shaman by furnishing them with a day’s worth of
within one year of the first is sent ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game
food and drink. The dream interpreta-
screaming into the Abyss. supplement tion proficiency allows shamans to fore-
Transmute junk. Transforms bloated 96-page softcover book tell the future; the trance proficiency
sourcebooks and pricey expansion sets TSR, Inc. $13 enables them to tap the memories of
into something useful, like pizzas. Design: Kevin Hassall dead tutors. Hassall’s astute role-playing
Ah, well. I can dream, can’t I? Editing and development: Steve Miller tips enable new players to get an imme-
Meanwhile, here’s a new batch of magic Illustrations: Randy Post, Mark Nelson, diate handle on their PCs’ personalities;
supplements — with (sigh) made-up Valerie Valusek, and Karl Waller solitary shamans relish nature and
spells — for your consideration. Cover: Alan Pollack avoid politics, spiritualists cultivate a

108 J ULY 1996

chilly indifference to life and death Chapter Five, where spirits are defined
(“People die every day. So what?“). and their origins revealed. I like the idea
Hassall has also come up with a new of a big surprise (and I like the surprise
approach to spellcasting which players itself). But this approach presents an
accustomed the standard system may aggravating logistical problem, namely,
find both frustrating and liberating. how do you keep this information out of
Where a standard priest must pray for the hands of the players? (It says in the
his spells, a shaman receives his spells introduction that “Shaman is designed to
as gifts from his spirits, a convenient inspire players and DMs alike . . .”) Unless
arrangement as long as he and they you want to wreck the concept, access to
remain on good terms. Unlike a stan- Shaman will have to be restricted to DMs
dard priest, a shaman may cast each and to players with enough self-control
spell in his arsenal as often as he likes, not to look past page 44.
providing he makes a successful Evaluation: More reflective and intel-
Wisdom check after each casting; failure lectual than standard priests, shamans
prevents him from casting the spell until are best suited for adventures stressing
he gets a full night’s sleep. But when a investigation and problem-solving. With
shaman adds a particular spell to his spells like perfect perception and cleanse
repertoire, he’s stuck with it; he can’t hearth, shamans aren’t much help in
replace it with a different spell, nor can dungeon crawls, nor are they particular-
he learn a new spell until he advances in ly effective on the battlefield; a shaman
level and acquires a new slot. Further, facing a horde of ogres is probably just
just because a shaman has access to a a round or two away from joining the supplement back in the early
particular spell doesn’t mean he can use spirit world himself. But in the right cam- ’80s. Basically, Rolemaster sorts magical
it at will; a cranky spirit may decide to paign (light on violence, heavy on mys- forces into three categories: Essence,
withhold a spell at a critical moment, ticism) and with the right players Channeling, and Mentalism. Practitioners
leaving the shaman gesturing into (thoughtful, seasoned, open-minded), associated with each category have
empty air. And the new shaman spells, Shaman can nudge AD&D in enticing access to an array of related spells.
though imaginative, are fairly low-key. new directions. And the interplay Casting involves extensive die-rolling
Samples: cleanse hearth (dispels spirits between the spirit world and the world and chart-checking, simulating the
from a house or barn), protection from of just plain folks is guaranteed to raise effects of magic in mind-boggling detail.
serpents (nonmagical snakes ignore the a few eyebrows; after all, these are spir- The Companion describes a super-pow-
target), and bind guardian (affixes a pro- its capable of inhabiting rocking chairs ered version of standard magic, warning
tective spirit to particular site or object). and (gulp) meat cleavers. Now if we that it’s “beyond the scope of many
Overall, Hassall serves up with a could just do something about that spellcasters to comprehend” and at best,
clean, easy to assimilate set of rules, name. . . “difficult to learn.” Difficult to learn?
avoiding the temptation to ladle on a lot Yikes! That’s like the dentist warning that
of extraneous glop; this is one of the few Arcane Companion you might feel “a little pressure” before
RPG supplements I understood com- Rolemuster* game supplement he shoves a needle through the roof of
pletely the first time through. 128-page softcover book your mouth.
Occasionally, however, he skimps on Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. $18 But surprise, surprise. Turns out that
details, resulting in maddening ambigui- Design: Todd McGovern and John Arcane Companion is not only compre-
ties. The converse spell allows the caster Curtis hensible but entertaining, thanks to the
to ask questions of tree, bird, and stream Editing: John W. Curtis III designers’ efforts to infuse the facts and
spirits, who will “answer to the best of Illustrations: Julie Baroh, Storn Cook, figures with vivid imagery. Here’s a typi-
their abilities.” Great, but what exactly Dan Cruger, David Flora, Fredd Gorham, cal passage, explaining how a caster
does your average stream know, any- K.C. Lancaster, Wayne Reynolds, John manipulates the forces of arcane magic:
way? Hassall doesn’t tell us. A solitary Snyder, and Arnie Swekel Magic is the river. . . The caster makes
shaman loses one of his five senses Cover: Angus McBride his body the dam, the generators, and
when he reaches 8th level, a penalty the entire power grid. . . If the river rises,
associated with his character kit, But los- If there’s a fantasy RPG more compli- he must make the dam bigger and
ing, say, the sense of sight has enor- cated than Rolemaster, I’ve never seen it. stronger, or drown. . . The power to cre-
mous consequences, while losing the Saturated with charts and numbers, it’s ate the dam comes from both the mind
sense of taste doesn’t seem like much of for players who buy pocket calculators and body of the arcane spell user and
a hardship at all. Hassall neglects to by the crate. Without question, therefore, if he becomes weary, the dam
explore the ramifications of any type of Rolemaster is a design of impressive cracks.
sensory loss. scope, but... well, let’s put it this way: If
Then there’s a good chunk of you’re the kind of guy who needs his Nice, huh? In just a few sentences, an
Shaman I can’t even discuss, at least not fingers to do arithmetic, this ain’t your abstract concept is communicated sim-
without giving away the books best sur- kind of game. ply and elegantly. The books pretty
prise. And that’s too bad, because not Arcane Companion, the latest addition much all like that: thoughtful text but-
only is the surprise pretty interesting, it’s to the Rolemaster system, builds on the tressed by sharp metaphors. And, like
also pretty outrageous. I’m referring to concept of magic laid out in the Spell Law Shaman, it’s glop-free, making it the

DRAGON 231 109
most readable entry in the Rolemaster The exhaustive spell list contains
line — that is, assuming you’re willing to somewhere in the neighborhood of a
overlook a bit of editorial laxity, such as thousand (!) entries. The sheer number of
the habitual substitution of “wierd” for spells forced the designers to skimp on
“weird.” As long as we’re buying a the- description, leaving it up to the
saurus for TSR, what say we spring for a gamemaster to decide whether changing
spell checker for Iron Crown? lungs allows the caster to breathe in air-
The book opens with an engaging less space as well as underwater, and if
discussion of power sources, defined as see invisible enables him to view invisible
pools of magical energy that wizards tap objects as well as invisible persons. Still,
when casting spells. The gamemaster is the list contains more wheat than chaff.
encouraged to utilize as many of the Samples: animate mana (causes a power
sources as he likes, depending on the source to become sentient), death’s tale
style and tone of his campaign. He (the caster experiences a vision of the
might opt for Ley Lines, intangible rib- events surrounding the death of a partic-
bons of force that correspond to a plan- ular individual), and rapid gravity shifts
et’s magnetic field. Or he might employ (bounces the victim around like a rubber
Essence Flows, energy streams of ball).
extradimensional origin. I prefer Evaluation: I’d like to tell you that the
Earthnodes, bubbles of force that rise Arcane Companion material can be eased
from the planetary core on convection into other RPGs with minimal fuss. But
currents. Spells cast within the radius of alas, it’s rock-solidly linked to the
Unfortunately, the magic
an exposed node require only 75% of Rolemaster system; familiarity with previ-
rules are just as demanding as the rest
their normal point cost (a terrific bar- ous products is mandatory, especially
of the game. Ideas like spell matrices
gain). But there’s a risk. Casters who per- Rolemaster Standard Rules and Spell law.
and warping tests, though brilliant in
sist in tapping powerful nodes may turn Because mastery of the magic system is
conception, are tough on slackers like
into compulsive users; in other words, essential to enjoying Rolemaster, experi-
me who aren’t motivated to delve into
they become tap addicts, physically enced players should welcome this ambi-
the nuances of magical theory; I just
dependent on Earthnodes. Tap addition tious expansion with open arms. And if
wanna toss some fireballs and be done
is not only a clever idea, it’s a spring- you’re among those who’ve dismissed
with it. So Manual of Mystic Secrets,
board for an entire campaign. Rolemaster as not worth the effort, sneak
which clarifies the original rules, is as
The clever ideas don’t end with a peak at Arcane Companion; it might
welcome as an unexpected check from
Earthnodes. Players can tinker with tempt you to reconsider.
the IRS.
Bladerunes, temporary enchantments
Magic: A Manual of Mystic The Munual begins with a look at the
that enhance every kind of weapon from
Secrets primary types of Barsaive magic: blood,
a crossbow to a boomerang. The Artificial
thread, and spell. We get a rundown of
Life section tells how to construct incuba- Earthdawn* game supplement
the history and utility of each (spell
tor tanks necessary for the creation of 144-page softcover book
magic is underrepresented, although it’s
Neng (acid-spitting fiends) and Kaeden FASA Corporation $18 arguably the least interesting of the
(color-changing anthropoid insects). Design: Louis J. Prosperi, Steve
three) with care taken to integrate the
Spellcasters who abuse the power of the Kenson, and Loren Coleman
information into Earthdawn’s rich, metic-
arcane may be subject to Burnout (which Editing: Donna lppolito
ulous background. Thus, we learn of the
fries the caster’s brain), Drain (which puts Illustrations: Janet Aulisio, Tom Baxa,
importance of astral space to thread
the caster into a coma), or Corruption Joel Biske, Kent Burles, John Dollar,
weavers, and the ties between blood ini-
(which turns the caster into a magnet for Mike Nielsen, and R. K. Post
tiates and the Great Library of
homicidal undead). Cover: John Zeleznik
Nehr’esha. We learn that although
As for the rules, we’re confronted with
blood magic exists in both Life and Evil
the usual firestorm of formulas, rife with I can’t say I’m the world’s biggest
forms, player characters can use only
Skill Rank Bonus Progressions and Racial Earthdawn fan. With its dwarves, dragons,
the former (a critical detail). And we
Stat Bonus Modifications. The Revised and other fantasy archetypes — not to
learn that blood oaths may involve no
Spell Casting Table, to pick a random mention its polyhedral dice — Earthdawn
more than two characters at the same
example, contains bonuses and penalties always struck me as a throwback to ear-
time; a PC wishing to swear an oath to
for Power Points Used, Spell List Type, Use lier games. And the game mechanics still
three dwarves must complete the cere-
of Voice, Armor Status, and Number of seem unnecessarily convoluted. But I
mony three times. Role-playing tips
Free Hands. Do the rules work? It’d take admire — make that adore — the magic
abound. Blood magicians, for example,
a Ph.D. in mathematics to verify every system, the most intelligent take on the
are pariahs, victims of their association
permutation, but as far as I can tell, they mystic arts since the Runequest* game.
with Scourge. The color of a thread
accomplish they what they’re supposed Because magic permeates every facet of
denotes the nature of the caster (a green
to. Four new character types — Arcanist, the setting, characters, and culture,
thread indicates a reptilian magician). As
Wizard, Chaotic, and Magehunter — are Earthdawn achieves a degree of authen-
his last act before he bites the dust, a
mainly defined by their skills and training ticity to which many fantasy RPGs aspire
dying magician can place a curse on his
packages; personality profiles are con- but few achieve. In short, Earthdawn
enemies. The original Earthdawn rule-
spicuously absent. magic feels real.

110 J ULY 1996

book presented wizards in two dimen- tial purchase; the Manual of Mystic
sions; the Manual of Mystic Secrets adds Secrets finds the holes in Earthdawn and
the third. fills them up.
The Manual also adds a bundle of
easy-on-the-brain options, enabling old- Short and sweet
timers and newcomers alike to experi- BLOOD WARS™ Warlord’s Tactical
ment with customized mages. The multi- Manual Reference Guide, by Kevin
discipline rules allow casters to combine Melka. TSR, Inc., $15.
the effects of two or more Disciplines — There’s something for everyone in
say, nethermancy and illusion — into a this lavish guide to the BLOOD WARs card
single spell. The half-magic system pro- game. For slow-learners, there’s a step-
vides guidelines for translating a wiz- by-step rehash of the rules, with in-
ard’s practical skills, such as geology depth discussions of such key concepts
and gardening, into spell-like effects. as Alignment and Fate. Advanced play-
Would-be game inventors can check out ers can ponder the strategy tips and fool
the Spell Design chapter; the resulting around with the customized decks (like
incantations work surprisingly well. Factols’ Revenge and Modrons ‘R’ Us).
Perhaps the most useful new concept Best of all, the book features full-color
is the knack, defined as a specialized reproductions of the complete set,
variant of an existing spell. With guid- boosters included, so collectors can
ance from the gamemaster, players are drool over the Lady of Pain, the Floating
encouraged to concoct unique knacks Gods, and all the other ultra-rarities
for their characters. Just about any they’re never gonna own.
knack is acceptable, providing it arises
from a talent the PC already has. For Essential Fantasy Earth* game, by
instance, a PC with the Abate Curse tal- Michael C. Zody. Zody Games, $9.
ent might acquire a knack for determin- In DRAGON® Magazine issue #228, I
ing if an item is cursed without having brought to your attention an intriguing
to touch it. A PC with the Melee new small press RPG called the Fantasy
Weapons knack might come up with a Earth* game. In conjunction with the first
knack that makes his weapons scream supplement, The Book of Magic, Fantasy
when they strike. Most of the Manual’s Earth provides a set of sound, thoughtful
new spells are presented in the form of rules, adaptable to your setting of
knacks, and they’re all pretty good. choice. But at $30, the entry fee is a lit-
Samples: backbiter (enables an arrow to tle high. Now comes Essential Fantasy
ricochet so that it hits a victim from Earth, a compendium of the core rules
behind), gaping wound (makes a wound from the original two volumes. It’s not a
appear to be far worse than it actually new edition exactly, but rather an alter-
is) and spell stacking (allows a mage to native version with a simplified system
cast a number of spells simultaneously and all the bells and whistles — spell
at the same target). lists, sample characters, an introductory
Not every new concept passes scenario — necessary to get a campaign
muster. The section on creating magical off the ground. Even in its streamlined
objects is comprehensive but confusing; form, the game requires a fair amount of
I read it three times and I’m still not sure number-crunching, which may discour-
how to make a decent thread item. age the mathematically challenged. But
Astral space doesn’t amount to much; at this price, what’ve you got to lose? I
when it comes to combat and move- mean, you can barely buy dinner for $9.
ment, astral space isn’t all that much dif- (Information: Zody Games, One Kendall
ferent from the physical world. And Sq. #178, P.O. Box 9171, Cambridge, MA
compared to its counterpart in the 02139.)
PLANESCAPE™ setting, Earthdawn’s tour of
the elemental planes is about as excit-
ing as a wheelchair race at a rest home. Guildbook: Sundmen, by Beth Fischi.
Evaluation: Two caveats: First, you White Wolf Game Studio, $12.
can’t use the Manual of Mystic Secrets by The second entry in the Guildbook
itself; you also need the Earthdawn series for the Wraith: The Oblivion* game
Companion. Second, if you’re looking for describes a cult of ancient spooks
material to adapt to other games, you steeped in the traditions of classical the-
won’t find much here; Earthdawn magic ater. But the cult’s idea of a Broadway
exists in its own quirky little world, and play is shaping the psyche of an unwary
it doesn’t travel well. That said, Barsaive sleeper into bizarre Dreamscapes, with
veterans should consider this an essen- nightmarish consequences for all con-

DRAGON 231 111
cerned. Despite the overwrought narra- more memorable critters are the bus- roll, you place a grid on the silhouette
tion (“...the Gods are ailing. We immor- sengeist (a gloomy spirit emanating an that most closely resembles your target.
tals have fallen. Inspiration is dying.“), aura of despair), valpurgeist, (a ghost with Next, you consult the Systems
Sandmen delivers a crypt-full of chills. a broken neck whose head flops when it Conversion section to determine a
Consider, for instance, the dead-eyed walks), and vampire kender (a blood- Crosshairs value that corresponds to your
sociopath who shows up at the foot of sucking version of the cuties from the roll; each game system has its own for-
its victim’s bed wearing “a necklace DRAGONLANCE® campaign). If you have mula (AD&D players use the formula for
hung with a demon’s fangs...the soiled the loose-leaf editions from 1991 and d20 rolls). You count off the indicated
tatters of a plague victim’s robe . . .” For 1993, you won’t need this. But if you’ve number of spaces on the grid and — ta
experienced Wraith - ers, this is role-play- worn out the holes in the originals, snap da-a-a — hey, you shot that arrow right
ing at its most unnerving. it up — you can’t stage a serious down his throat! It’s quick, accurate, and
RAVENLOFT campaign without it. disturbingly realistic; I, for one, could live
GURPS Celtic Myth, by Ken and Jo without knowing whether my axe
Walton Steve Jackson Games, $18. Quest for the Grail* game, by Ian creased some sucker’s skull or whacked
A treatise on Celtic folklore isn’t my Hense, David F. Nalle, Paul Reeves, and him in the crotch. And the system seems
idea of page-turner. The first half of this Richard Trainham. Stone Ring Games, to assume that the targets are standing
GURPS* game sourcebook, recounting $8.25 (54-card starter deck). still; wouldn’t you need a smaller silhou-
the history and literature of the Celts, From the sludge pit of collectible card ette for, say, a target who’s running
reads like a college text, expansive but a games emerges this gem, a stylish take away? (Or, more precisely, a series of
bit stuffy. However, Celtic Myth comes to on the legend of King Arthur. Each play- decreasingly smaller silhouettes as the
life in part two, a provocative look at er begins by dividing his cards — which target recedes into the distance? This
druidic magic featuring shapeshifter boast smart text and exquisite artwork — could get complicated.) But I’m nit-pick-
duels, enchanted beads called into two decks. The Court Deck consists ing. If you’re a marksman who ab-
Snakestones, and “letter” spells derived of Kings, Knights, Rewards, Events, solutely, positively has to know if you
from the Ogham alphabet. I’m not con- Domains, and Companions. The Quest skewered that pussy cats paw or just
vinced a Celts campaign is worth the Deck comprises a variety of missions nicked its whiskers, this is a must.
trouble, but incorporating the druidic and confrontations, such as the hunt for (Information: Biohazard Games, 2607
material into another setting — say, the Faerie Ring and a showdown with Eastwood Drive #61, Columbia, MO
GURPS Camelot or GURPS Imperial Rome the Giant of Arroy. To complete a Quest, 65202.)
— could be mighty interesting. the player deploys Knights and Kings,
augments them with power points gen-
Between the Shadows, by Carlos J. erated by healthy Domains, and hustles
Martijena-Carella with Kevin Siembieda. for the spells and equipment necessary Rick Swan, the author of The Complete
Palladium Books, $17 to thwart the opposition. Successful Guide to Role-Playing Games (St. Martin’s
The first supplement for the Nightbane* Quests earn Valor. A Knight whose Valor Press), has designed and edited nearly 50
game (previously known as Nightspawn) totals 12 or more may go for the Grail by role-playing products. You can write to him
features a cluster of creepy settings. attempting to overcome three Quests in at 2620 30th Street, Des Moines, IA 50310.
Groom Lake, a base of operations for the the same turn; he who captures the Grail Enclose a self--addressed envelope if you’d
American Defense Agency, might be a wins the game. Notably, Quest for the like a reply.
front for extraterrestrials, a portal to the Grail stresses problem-solving over com-
bat, a refreshing change from the smack- * indicates a product produced by a company
Astral Domain, or both. The other than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trade-
Dreamstream, composed of the uncon- ‘em-in-the-head approach taken by virtu- marks owned by the companies publishing those
scious thoughts of all sentient beings, is ally every other card game on the mar- products. The use of the name of any product
without mention of its trademark sta-
home to Soul Leeches and Guilt Eaters. ket. True, Quest requires an annoying tus should not be construed
Adventurers on vacation might drop by number of die-rolls. And true, the card as a challenge to such
Club Freak, a nightspot created by the stock is a little thin. But these are inci-
infamous Earl of Hideous. Dazzling art- dental quibbles. Quest is a keeper.
work — courtesy of R.K. Post, Vince Martin, (Information: Stone Ring Games, Box
Wayne Breaux Jr., and Heather McKinney 17936, Austin, TX 78760.
— and Carella’s nimble imagination make
this an above-average effort. But I gotta Killer Crosshairs, by Jeffrey Barber.
wonder — with 144 pages to fill, couldn’t Biohazard Games, $10.
they have found room for a couple of full- The Oddball of the Month Award goes Is there a
blown adventures? to this curiosity from Missouri which con- new game in town?
sists of two transparent plastic grids, 14
MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® Appendices I pages of target silhouettes (men, women, Send two review copies (or one
& II, by William W. Conners. TSR, Inc., horses, house cats), and about 10 pages copy and a cover flat) of your
$20. of rules. Billed as a “visual targeting sys- new games to:
This softcover volume complies all of tem” compatible with most RPGs, Killer “Role-Playing Reviews”
the creatures presented in the first two Crosshairs enables you to determine with c/o DRAGON® Magazine
M ONSTROUS COMPENDIUM appendices for startling precision exactly which body 201 Sheridan Springs Road
the RAVENLOFT® setting, Creatures of Dread part you hit with a successful attack. It Lake Geneva, WI 53147
and Children of the Night. Among the works like this: After making an attack

112 J ULY 1996

Continued from page 120

Sad news for fans of Musketeer-style Two warnings: Popular mailing lists
fencing and swashbuckling: Nightshift can flood you with hundreds of mes-
Games (Fremont, CA) had planned a sages a day, so be ready; and lists, like
new edition of Paul Kidd’s sharp and everything on the Internet, appear and
inventive Lace & Steel* RPG, originally vanish unpredictably. A current “list of
published in the late 1970s by the lists” is available on the Web at www.
Australian company TAGG. But in early mcs.com/ duff/rpg/list_of_lists.html.
May, Nightshift president Paul Lidberg
said, “With the changes in the market, Subscribing to a list
added to our recent focus on [the Hidden There are several types of lists, each
Invasion* RPG], Lace&Steel was no longer with its own subscription method. All the
something we could do.” Lidberg and lists below are automated “listserv” lists.
Kidd are seeking a new publisher for the To subscribe to a listserv list, send an e-
game. (Contact: [email protected]) mail message to its server computer as
Internet mailing lists 1. Find the name of the list you want.
Many gamers on the Internet discuss The list name is everything before the @
their favorite RPGs through e-mail mes- symbol; the address comes after.
sages sent without charge to a list of fel- 2. Don’t send subscription requests to
low fans. If you have e-mail, you can that address! Instead, replace everything
subscribe to these free mailing lists and before the “@” with listserv and send
join the discussion. your request to that address.
3. Leave the subject line of your mes-
sage blank. Write the message in this
format: SUBSCRIBE <list name> <your
real name>
4. The first message you receive will
tell you how to post a message to the
list, how to “unsubscribe,” and other
important details. Save that message for
later reference!

Austin freelancer Allen Varney has

designed 15 role-playing supplements and
contributed to 20 more, most recently the
Feng Shui scenario collection Marked for
Send news to [email protected].

Remember the SASE!

When requesting writer’s guide-
lines, making an article proposal, sub-
mitting a completed manuscript, or
sending us any other mail that
requires a response, always include a
large, self-addressed, stamped enve-
lope. If you are writing from outside
the U.S., enclose an International
Reply Coupon instead of stamps.

DRAGON #231 113

Defilers and Preservers: The
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This accessory provides new profi-
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TSR Product NO.: 2445
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The Dalelands are home to such
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The heroes must venture into an providing bits of gossip and information
This 500-card edition combines the as only Vole knows how!
best of previous editions, including out- uncharted, subterranean realm in
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In this, the first part of
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terious deaths of famous
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The third quest of Sir Pirvan the From the creative mind of fantasy The tome details crucial NPCs and
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TSR Product No. 8113-08

DRAGON 231 117
Naval Battle System Heroes’ Lorebook The Black Vessel
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ISBN: 0-7869-04127 ISBN: 0-7869-05077
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TSR Product NO.: 1144 Cast of Fate A FORGOTTEN REALMS hardcover
ISBN: 0-7869-04178 DRAGON DICE Book #1 by R.A. Salvatore
by Allen Varney Drizzt and Catti-Brie’s new life of free-
Adventure along with a young lava dom aboard the Sea Sprite is threatened
elf raised by coral elves as he resolves when a doppleganger, a mysterious
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ISBN: 0-7869-05107 TSR Product No.: 8571
ISBN: 0-7869-04895

Unless otherwise noted:

® designates registered trade-
marks owned by TSR, Inc.
™ designates trademarks
owned by TSR, Inc.
©1995 TSR, Inc. All Rights
© 1996 Allen Varney
Battletech* card and Netrunner* games). WotC eventually Bruce Harlick remains as Hero line
game rescued cancelled its other licenses. In December editor. The first Hero product from RTG,
After a narrow brush with death, the Iron Crown Enterprises released its own due this fall, will be a new edition of the
long-planned Battletech* trading card Middle-Earth; The Wizards* card game Champions game. According to co-
game from Wizards of the Coast (WotC; with great success. designer Steve Peterson, “The new edi-
Seattle) is proceeding. The rapid production schedule for the tion of Champions will be primarily a
WotC licensed card-game rights to the Battletech game — design in spring, pub- campaign book; it will not include the
popular board game from FASA lication in autumn — reflects WotC’s new full Hero System rules nor the genre
Corporation (Chicago) in late 1993. After effort to produce games more efficiently. book” of the current 4th edition. “The
two years of indifferent progress, involv- Aside from several foreign editions of new Champions will mostly describe the
ing three different designs by half a the Magic game, six issues of The Duelist, history, characters, stories, and technol-
dozen people at WotC and FASA, WotC and various newsletters, WotC (which ogy of the campaign; it will also include
informed FASA in March that it was can- employs well over 200 people) pub- the basic Hero rules in extremely brief
celling the game. But then WotC designer lished 13 products in the last 12 months: form.” This form, nicknamed “Instant
Richard Garfield, who was not previously three Magic expansions, the Netrunner Hero,” is a truncated introductory ver-
involved in the project, rescued it by tak- and Everway games, new editions of the sion of the Hero System rules. In con-
ing on design duties himself. The game is Vampire* and RoboRally* games plus one trast to the elaborate writeups of the full
now in beta testing, and the company expansion for each, and four books. For rules, an Instant Hero character’s statis-
hopes to publish it this fall. the balance of 1996 WotC has tics fit on a trading card.
Since Garfield has gotten involved, announced the Battletech game, four Peterson says, “The new campaign
“Support for this project at all levels of card-game expansions, one book, and will have some familiar names from the
the company is absolutely incredible, more Magic foreign editions, including past, but everything else is new: the his-
from the president’s office to the guys in Chinese and Korean. tory, the backgrounds, origins, powers,
the mail room,” says project leader Ron SLA Industries*: In late April WotC sold and costumes. The 5th Edition of the
Richardson. Other than Jonathan Tweet’s its SLA Industries RPG (cancelled last Hero System rules — the complete set of
Everway* game (now taken over by December with the other WotC role-play- rules for creating characters, powers,
Pagan Publishing) and Peter Adkison’s ing lines) to a startup company, Jageeda running combat, etc. — will come out
Primal Order* game, Garfield has Publishing. Company principals include some time next year.”
designed all of WotC’s published games. Matt Murray ([email protected]), Kath- As announced in DRAGON Magazine
The Battletech license is a last erine Sifers, Brian “Chippy” Dugan, and issue #229, Gold Rush Games (Elk
holdover from WotC’s earliest success. In SLA Industries designer Dave Allsop. WotC Grove, CA) retains its license to publish
fall 1993, when it released the Magic: took over the game in 1994 with the pur- Hero sourcebooks and adventures.
The Gathering* game, the company ini- chase of its original publisher, Nightfall (Contact: [email protected], rtg1
tially expected modest growth. WotC Games, but produced only three supple- @best.com; Web: www.herogames.com)
pursued licenses with other adventure ments.
gaming companies on the assumption (Contact: [email protected]) Notes from the field
that it would be one more publisher Ronin Publishing, a new company in
among peers. Thus it acquired card- Hero/R. Talsorian Boston, has acquired The Whispering
game licenses for the Vampire*,
publishing deal Vault* game, the 1994 RPG originally
Cyberpunk 2020: Middle-earth Role- Starting this fall, R. Talsorian Games released by Pariah Press. Designed by
Playing*, and Ysgarth* RPGs as well as the (Berkeley, CA), publisher of the Mike Nystul (immortalized in the AD&D®
Battletech game, and briefly pursued sev- Cyberpunk 2020, Mekton*, and Castle game as the creator of Nystul’s magic
eral similar licenses. Falkenstein* RPGs, will produce and pub- aura), WV is an offbeat and stylish game
After M:TG’s phenomenal success cat- lish Hero Games products. In June, Hero of supernatural horror. Ronin comprises
apulted WotC to the top of the industry, Games (Aptos, CA), publisher of the freelancer Chris Pramas (who worked on
the company refocused on a larger mar- Champions* super-hero RPG, ended its the original game), his brother Jason,
ket and development of original proper- relationship with its previous producer and Neal Darcy. Ronin’s support plans
ties. Only the Vampire and Cyberpunk and distributor, Iron Crown Enterprises for WV include supplements called
game licenses reached publication (as (see DRAGON® Magazine #228). Mortal Magic and Book of Hunts. (Contact:
the Jyhad*/Vampire: The Eternal Struggle [email protected])
Continued on page 113

120 J ULY 1996

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