4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide (574-848)

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

574-848 Rev. BQ
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1 Cautions, Warnings, and Regulatory Information...................................................................................11
2 Emissions Compliance, Radio Frequency Immunity, Safety and Agency Approvals........................... 12
3 Listings, Approvals, Codes, and Standards.............................................................................................. 13
3.1 Codes and Standards.........................................................................................................................................................................13
3.2 Environmental Operating Range...................................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Introduction to the 4100ES Fire Alarm System........................................................................................14
4.1 System configurations....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Standalone configuration.................................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.1 System design...................................................................................................................................................................................................14
4.3 MINIPLEX configuration..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 System design...................................................................................................................................................................................................16
4.3.2 RUI communication......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Network configuration.......................................................................................................................................................................18
4.4.1 Hub and star configurations......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Connection loops.............................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.4.3 System design...................................................................................................................................................................................................19
4.4.4 Network communication................................................................................................................................................................................19
4.5 4100ES Back Boxes.............................................................................................................................................................................19
4.6 4100ES PIDs........................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
4.6.1 Basic Control Panels........................................................................................................................................................................................21
4.6.2 Transponders....................................................................................................................................................................................................21
4.6.3 Remote Annunciator....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.6.4 Remote Display Assemblies.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.6.5 Basic Audio Selections.................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.6.6 Utility Cabinets..................................................................................................................................................................................................22
4.6.7 Master Controller Upgrade Kits....................................................................................................................................................................22
4.6.8 Rack Mount Kits................................................................................................................................................................................................22
4.6.9 Power Distribution Modules......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.6.10 Expansion Bays.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.6.11 Expansion Battery Chargers for Basic FACUs.........................................................................................................................................23
4.6.12 Communication Modules............................................................................................................................................................................ 23
4.6.13 Power Supplies...............................................................................................................................................................................................24
4.6.14 Signaling Modules......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.15 Annunciator Modules................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.16 Transponders and Transponder Components...................................................................................................................................... 25
4.6.17 Audio Operator Interfaces.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.6.18 Audio Controller Boards.............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.6.19 Telephones/Microphones............................................................................................................................................................................25
4.6.20 Additional Audio Modules........................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.6.21 Common Audio Options.............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.6.22 Amplifiers.........................................................................................................................................................................................................26
4.6.23 Miscellaneous Modules............................................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.7 4100 PIDs (non-4100ES/4100U)........................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.7.1 System Types and Options............................................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.7.2 Master Controller Option Module............................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.7.3 NAC Modules.....................................................................................................................................................................................................28
4.7.4 IDC Modules...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.7.5 Optional Modules............................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
4.7.6 Auxiliary Relay Controls.................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
4.7.7 Audio Controllers and Amplifiers................................................................................................................................................................. 29
4.7.8 Audio Options................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.7.9 Annunciation Modules....................................................................................................................................................................................29
4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

4.7.10 Miscellaneous Modules............................................................................................................................................................................... 29

4.7.11 Network Modules.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.7.12 System Accessories.......................................................................................................................................................................................30
5 Installing FACU Components..................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Introduction to the FACU...................................................................................................................................................................31
5.1.1 CPU Bay.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.2 FACU Operator Interface................................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.1 Operator Interface...........................................................................................................................................................................................32
5.3 FACU Expansion Bays.........................................................................................................................................................................34
5.3.1 Additional CPU Bay Modules........................................................................................................................................................................ 34
5.3.2 Expansion Bays.................................................................................................................................................................................................34
5.4 FACU Power Requirements............................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.4.1 System Power: ES-PS.......................................................................................................................................................................................36
5.4.2 Power Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................................................36
5.5 Step 1. Mounting Back Boxes............................................................................................................................................................37
5.5.1 Specifications.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.5.2 Mounting the Back Boxes.............................................................................................................................................................................. 37
5.5.3 Back Box side views.........................................................................................................................................................................................39
5.6 Step 2. Mounting the System Electronics........................................................................................................................................ 40
5.6.1 Mounting the System Electronics Bays...................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.7 Step 3. Trim Kit Application (optional)............................................................................................................................................. 42
5.7.1 Trim Application................................................................................................................................................................................................42
5.8 Step 4. Mounting the Door................................................................................................................................................................44
5.8.1 Attaching Doors................................................................................................................................................................................................45
5.8.2 Reversing the Door..........................................................................................................................................................................................46
5.9 Step 5. Installing Motherboards into the CPU Bay......................................................................................................................... 48
5.9.1 4100ES CPU Bay Placement Guidelines.....................................................................................................................................................48
5.10 Step 6. Installing Modules into Expansion Bays........................................................................................................................... 49
5.10.1 4100ES Placement Guidelines................................................................................................................................................................... 49
5.10.2 Motherboard Placement Guidelines for a 4100ES bay....................................................................................................................... 50
5.10.3 Mixed 4100 Motherboard/4100ES 4”x5” Card Placement Guidelines.............................................................................................51
5.10.4 Installing 4 X 5 Cards.....................................................................................................................................................................................52
5.10.5 Installing Motherboards into a 4100ES Expansion Bay....................................................................................................................... 52
5.11 Step 7. Interconnecting Modules and Bays...................................................................................................................................54
5.11.1 Guidelines........................................................................................................................................................................................................54
5.11.2 Power Distribution Module Connections................................................................................................................................................ 54
5.11.3 Connecting to 4100 Motherboards.......................................................................................................................................................... 55
5.12 Step 8. Configuring Cards................................................................................................................................................................57
5.12.1 RUI+ Master Motherboard Configuration............................................................................................................................................... 57
5.12.2 Master Controller Daughter Card Configuration................................................................................................................................... 57
5.12.3 ES-PS Configuration...................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.12.4 PDI Configuration.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.12.5 Configuring Other Cards..............................................................................................................................................................................58
5.13 Step 9. Installing and Removing Batteries.....................................................................................................................................58
5.13.1 Installing and Removing Batteries in a One Bay Cabinet.....................................................................................................................58
5.13.2 Installing and Removing Batteries in a Multi-Bay Cabinet...................................................................................................................60
5.14 Step 10. System Power Up and Power Down Procedures...........................................................................................................62
5.14.1 System Power Up Procedure......................................................................................................................................................................62

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5.14.2 System Power Down Procedure................................................................................................................................................................ 62

5.14.3 The Terminal Block Utility Module............................................................................................................................................................. 62
5.14.4 Mounting to the Electronics Bay................................................................................................................................................................63
6 Installing 4100ES MINIPLEX Components................................................................................................ 64
6.1 Introduction to MINIPLEX Transponders......................................................................................................................................... 64
6.1.1 Transponder Cabinets.................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
6.1.2 Transponder Interface Cards (TICs) and Audio Riser Modules.............................................................................................................64
6.1.3 Basic TICs........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
6.1.4 The Local Mode TIC......................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
6.1.5 TIC Audio Risers................................................................................................................................................................................................65
6.1.6 TIC Illustrations................................................................................................................................................................................................. 65
6.1.7 Local Mode Specifications............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
6.1.8 LEDs.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................66
6.1.9 Card Specifications.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
6.2 MINIPLEX System Guidelines............................................................................................................................................................ 67
6.2.1 Guidelines.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
6.3 Configuring Cards...............................................................................................................................................................................68
6.3.1 TIC Configuration............................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
6.3.2 Configuring Other Cards................................................................................................................................................................................ 68
6.4 TIC/Riser Mounting.............................................................................................................................................................................68
6.4.1 Mounting Instructions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
6.5 TIC/Motherboard Interconnections................................................................................................................................................. 70
6.5.1 Interconnections.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
6.6 RUI Wiring............................................................................................................................................................................................71
6.6.1 RUI/RUI+ Specifications.................................................................................................................................................................................. 71
6.6.2 Wiring Configurations..................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.7 MINIPLEX Audio Wiring......................................................................................................................................................................71
6.7.1 Analog Interconnections................................................................................................................................................................................ 72
6.7.2 Digital Interconnections (4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller, 4100-1411 ES Net Digital Audio Controller)............................73
7 4120 Networking......................................................................................................................................... 75
7.1 Introduction to the 4100 Network Interface Card..........................................................................................................................75
7.1.1 Network Module Illustrations........................................................................................................................................................................76
7.1.2 NIC Card LED Indications............................................................................................................................................................................... 76
7.1.3 4100 Motherboard Options.......................................................................................................................................................................... 77
7.1.4 NIC Card Modules............................................................................................................................................................................................77
7.1.5 Requirements and Limitations..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
7.2 Step 1. Configuring Network Cards..................................................................................................................................................79
7.2.1 Motherboard Jumper Settings......................................................................................................................................................................79
7.2.2 NIC Card Address Setting...............................................................................................................................................................................80
7.2.3 NIC Card Jumper Settings.............................................................................................................................................................................. 80
7.2.4 Wired Media Card Jumper Settings............................................................................................................................................................. 80
7.2.5 Modem Media Card Jumper Settings..........................................................................................................................................................80
7.2.6 Dual Fiber Media Jumper Settings (746-109 only)................................................................................................................................... 80
7.2.7 Duplex Fiber Media Configuration (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, 0566-1200 only).......................................................... 81
7.3 Step 2. Mounting Media Cards to the NIC....................................................................................................................................... 81
7.3.1 Media Card Mounting..................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
7.4 Step 3. Mounting Network Cards..................................................................................................................................................... 82
7.4.1 Daughter Card Installing................................................................................................................................................................................ 82

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

7.5 Step 4. Wiring Network Cards........................................................................................................................................................... 83

7.5.1 Wiring Guidelines............................................................................................................................................................................................. 83
7.5.2 Wiring Distances...............................................................................................................................................................................................84
7.5.3 Related Documentation................................................................................................................................................................................. 84
7.5.4 Dual Fiber Media Cards Fiber-Optic Wiring (565-261, 566-376, 746-109 only)............................................................................... 84
7.5.5 Dual Fiber Media Cards Fiber-Optic Connection Types (565-261, 566-376, 746-109 only)..........................................................85
7.5.6 4190-9010 Coupler Requirements..............................................................................................................................................................85
7.5.7 Duplex Fiber Optic wiring (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, or 0566-1200 only).....................................................................86
7.5.8 Duplex Fiber-Optic Cable Distance Specifications (566-1197, 566-1198, 566-1199, 566-1200).................................................87
7.5.9 Wiring with the Wired Media Card...............................................................................................................................................................88
7.5.10 Modem Guidelines........................................................................................................................................................................................89
7.5.11 Modem Wiring................................................................................................................................................................................................89
7.5.12 Wiring Illustrations.........................................................................................................................................................................................89
7.5.13 Wired Media Class X Wiring.........................................................................................................................................................................90
7.5.14 Fiber Optic Class X Wiring (565-261, 0566-376, or 746-109 only).................................................................................................... 91
7.5.15 Wired Media and Fiber Optic Class X Wiring (565-261, 0566-376, or 746-109 only)................................................................... 92
7.5.16 Duplex fiber optic Class X wiring (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, 0566-1200 only)...........................................................93
7.6 Network Audio Wiring in a 4120 Network.......................................................................................................................................94
7.6.1 Head-End Audio Network Configuration................................................................................................................................................... 94
7.6.2 Locations on the Network Audio Riser Controller Module....................................................................................................................95
7.6.3 Card Specifications.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
7.6.4 Analog Interconnections................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
7.6.5 Digital Interconnections for the 4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller................................................................................................. 97
7.6.6 Distributed Microphone Interconnections................................................................................................................................................ 98
7.6.7 Reference for MCC DARIC Installation........................................................................................................................................................ 99
7.7 Digital Audio PDI Termination Plug.................................................................................................................................................. 99
7.7.1 Installing a Digital Audio PDI Termination Plug.........................................................................................................................................99
8 ES Net Networking.................................................................................................................................... 101
9 The ES Power Supply................................................................................................................................ 104
10 PC Software Connections.......................................................................................................................105
10.1 Software Modes............................................................................................................................................................................. 105
10.2 Ethernet Service Port and Serial Service Port.............................................................................................................................106
10.2.1 Ethernet Service Port Overview (0566-719 only)................................................................................................................................ 106
10.2.2 Serial Service Port Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................107
11 MNS/ECS Application..............................................................................................................................108
11.1 Application of 4100ES as a UL2572 Mass Notification System.................................................................................................108
11.1.1 General Information................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
11.1.2 Hierarchy of Operator Interfaces............................................................................................................................................................ 108
11.1.3 Priority of Signals.........................................................................................................................................................................................108
11.1.4 Overriding Fire Alarm Signals................................................................................................................................................................... 109
11.1.5 Timing Equations.........................................................................................................................................................................................109
11.1.6 Appliance Control Equations....................................................................................................................................................................109
11.1.7 Public Accessible Panic Switches............................................................................................................................................................ 109
11.2 Programming and Configuration................................................................................................................................................. 110
11.2.1 Programming the 4100ES to Meet MNS Requirements....................................................................................................................110
11.2.2 Minimum Configuration for LOC and ACU............................................................................................................................................110
11.2.3 Access and Security Information for the 4100ES System.................................................................................................................111

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11.2.4 Voice Control Centers................................................................................................................................................................................ 111

11.2.5 Configuration Limitations..........................................................................................................................................................................111
11.2.6 Amber Strobes.............................................................................................................................................................................................112
11.2.7 MNS Wiring................................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
12 Appendix A: The Device Configuration DIP Switch............................................................................. 113
13 Appendix B: Installing 4100 MINIPLEX Components (Non-4100ES/4100U).....................................115
13.1 Introduction to MINIPLEX Systems.............................................................................................................................................. 115
13.2 MINIPLEX System Components....................................................................................................................................................116
13.2.1 The RUI Card.................................................................................................................................................................................................116
13.2.2 Transponder Cabinets............................................................................................................................................................................... 117
13.2.3 The Remote Interface Card (RIC)............................................................................................................................................................. 117
13.3 MINIPLEX System Guidelines........................................................................................................................................................117
13.3.1 Guidelines..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
13.4 Installing Modules into Back Boxes............................................................................................................................................. 118
13.4.1 Guidelines..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
13.4.2 Installing the RUI Motherboard............................................................................................................................................................... 118
13.4.3 Installing the RIC II Motherboard............................................................................................................................................................ 119
13.4.4 Connecting the 733-525 Harness...........................................................................................................................................................119
13.5 MINIPLEX Wiring.............................................................................................................................................................................120
13.5.1 Wiring Configurations.................................................................................................................................................................................121
13.5.2 Class A Wiring...............................................................................................................................................................................................121
13.5.3 Class B Wiring...............................................................................................................................................................................................121
13.5.4 Wiring Illustration........................................................................................................................................................................................ 122
14 Appendix C: Checking System Wiring...................................................................................................123
14.1 Using the Volt/ Ohm Meter........................................................................................................................................................... 123
14.2 Checking System Wiring................................................................................................................................................................ 123
14.2.1 Meter Readings............................................................................................................................................................................................123
15 Appendix D: References to 4100ES Module Installation Instructions.............................................. 125
16 Appendix E: Labels..................................................................................................................................132
17 Appendix F: Earth Fault Diagnostics..................................................................................................... 134
17.1 General Guidelines........................................................................................................................................................................ 134
17.2 Earth Fault Searching from the Front Panel................................................................................................................................136
17.2.1 Access Level Selection............................................................................................................................................................................... 136
17.2.2 Starting the Earth Fault Search................................................................................................................................................................136
17.2.3 Search Option A: Select Location............................................................................................................................................................136
17.2.4 Search Option B: Select Channel............................................................................................................................................................ 137
17.2.5 Search Option C: Last Search Result...................................................................................................................................................... 137
17.2.6 Completing the Search.............................................................................................................................................................................. 137
17.3 Search Results................................................................................................................................................................................ 137
17.3.1 Non-Point Faults..........................................................................................................................................................................................138
17.3.2 Point Faults................................................................................................................................................................................................... 138
17.3.3 Fault Not Found...........................................................................................................................................................................................138
17.3.4 No Fault......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139
17.3.5 Result Not Available....................................................................................................................................................................................139
17.4 Earth Fault Search Example.......................................................................................................................................................... 139

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18 Appendix G: Special Application NAC-Compatible Notification Appliances and Accessories....... 141

19 Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices.................................................................. 144
19.1 IDNAC Compatible Devices........................................................................................................................................................... 144
19.2 IDNAC Compatible Appliances..................................................................................................................................................... 144
20 Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For
Special Applications................................................................................................................................................147
20.1 Synchronizing Horn Strobes......................................................................................................................................................... 147
20.2 Synchronizing strobes................................................................................................................................................................... 147
20.3 Appliances with synchronizing strobes....................................................................................................................................... 148
20.4 Synchronizing horns...................................................................................................................................................................... 149
20.5 Coded audible appliances.............................................................................................................................................................149
20.6 Non-synchronizing appliances..................................................................................................................................................... 150
21 Appendix J: Audio Equipment Compatible with 520 Hz Low Frequency Alarm.............................. 151
21.1 Compatible Audio System Components..................................................................................................................................... 151
21.2 Compatible Notification Appliances............................................................................................................................................ 151
21.3 Audio Options Alongside Compatible Equipment..................................................................................................................... 154
22 Appendix L: Legacy Power Supplies..................................................................................................... 156
22.1 SPS CPU Bay Overview.................................................................................................................................................................. 156
22.1.1 RUI+ Master Motherboard........................................................................................................................................................................156
22.1.2 Master Controller Daughter Card (566-719)........................................................................................................................................ 158
22.1.3 Master Controller Daughter Card LEDs.................................................................................................................................................159
22.1.4 Master Controller Switches.......................................................................................................................................................................159
22.1.5 System Power Supply (SPS)...................................................................................................................................................................... 160
22.2 EPS CPU Bay Overview.................................................................................................................................................................. 161
22.2.1 The Power Distribution Interface............................................................................................................................................................ 161
22.2.2 RUI+ Master Motherboard........................................................................................................................................................................161
22.2.3 4100ES CPU Bay Placement Guidelines................................................................................................................................................161
22.2.4 Master Controller Daughter Card (566-719)........................................................................................................................................ 162
22.2.5 Master Controller Daughter Card LEDs.................................................................................................................................................163
22.2.6 Master Controller Daughter Card Switches..........................................................................................................................................163
22.2.7 Extended Power Supply with IDNet 2.................................................................................................................................................... 163
22.3 Interconnecting Bays and Modules............................................................................................................................................. 165
22.3.1 SPS CPU Card Interconnections in the CPU Bay................................................................................................................................. 165
22.3.2 SPS CPU Card Interconnections in Expansion Bays........................................................................................................................... 166
22.3.3 SPS CPU Basic Bay-To-Bay Interconnections....................................................................................................................................... 166
22.3.4 EPS CPU Bay Interconnections................................................................................................................................................................ 167
22.3.5 EPS CPU Interconnections in Expansion Bays..................................................................................................................................... 167
22.3.6 EPS CPU Basic Bay-To-Bay Interconnections....................................................................................................................................... 167
22.4 The System Power Supply (SPS)................................................................................................................................................... 168
22.4.1 SPS Specifications....................................................................................................................................................................................... 168 Input/Output/Battery Specifications................................................................................................................................................ 168 SPS Current Consumption..................................................................................................................................................................169
22.4.2 SPS Configuration....................................................................................................................................................................................... 170 Jumper Settings..................................................................................................................................................................................... 170 Setting the Device Address.................................................................................................................................................................170
22.4.3 SPS LED Indications.................................................................................................................................................................................... 170 LEDs......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 170

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22.4.4 Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................................................................................................171 IDNet Power Monitor Trouble............................................................................................................................................................171 Extra Device............................................................................................................................................................................................171 Class A Trouble...................................................................................................................................................................................... 171 Earth Fault Search................................................................................................................................................................................ 171 Short Circuit........................................................................................................................................................................................... 171 Channel Fail............................................................................................................................................................................................171 No Answer/Bad Answer...................................................................................................................................................................... 171 Output Abnormal..................................................................................................................................................................................171
22.5 4100ES SPS Field Wiring................................................................................................................................................................ 171
22.5.1 General Field Wiring Guidelines.............................................................................................................................................................. 172 General Guidelines...............................................................................................................................................................................172 Power-Limited Guidelines...................................................................................................................................................................173
22.5.2 Power Supply Wiring Distances............................................................................................................................................................... 174 Class A NAC Wiring Table.................................................................................................................................................................... 174 Class B NAC Wiring Table.................................................................................................................................................................... 174
22.5.3 SPS NAC Field Wiring Guidelines.............................................................................................................................................................175 Guidelines...............................................................................................................................................................................................175
22.5.4 SPS NAC Wiring............................................................................................................................................................................................176 Class A NAC Wiring............................................................................................................................................................................... 176 Class B NAC Wiring............................................................................................................................................................................... 176
22.5.5 SPS IDNet Field Wiring Guidelines.......................................................................................................................................................... 177 IDNet Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................................... 177 Guidelines...............................................................................................................................................................................................177
22.5.6 SPS IDNet Wiring......................................................................................................................................................................................... 178 Class A Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................................ 178 Class B Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................................ 178
22.5.7 SPS Auxiliary Power Wiring....................................................................................................................................................................... 179 Guidelines...............................................................................................................................................................................................179 Wiring.......................................................................................................................................................................................................180
22.5.8 SPS Auxiliary Relay Wiring......................................................................................................................................................................... 180 Guidelines...............................................................................................................................................................................................180 Wiring.......................................................................................................................................................................................................181
22.6 EPS with IDNet 2.............................................................................................................................................................................181
22.6.1 EPS Specifications....................................................................................................................................................................................... 182 Card Specifications............................................................................................................................................................................... 182
22.6.2 EPS Configuration....................................................................................................................................................................................... 183 Setting the EPS Address......................................................................................................................................................................183 Earth Connect Jumper......................................................................................................................................................................... 185 Battery Disconnect Jumper................................................................................................................................................................ 185
22.6.3 EPS IDNet 2 Configuration........................................................................................................................................................................ 186 Setting the Address.............................................................................................................................................................................. 186
22.6.4 Connections..................................................................................................................................................................................................188 Connection to the Power Distribution Module............................................................................................................................. 188
22.6.5 Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................................................................................................189 LED Trouble Indicator Overview........................................................................................................................................................189 System Trouble LED Codes................................................................................................................................................................ 189 SLC Channel Trouble LED Codes...................................................................................................................................................... 190

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide Trouble Messages.................................................................................................................................................................................191

22.7 EPS and IDNet 2 Wiring................................................................................................................................................................. 192
22.7.1 EPS Wiring Overview...................................................................................................................................................................................192 General Wiring Guidelines..................................................................................................................................................................192 Power-Limited Guidelines...................................................................................................................................................................192
22.7.2 EPS Class B IDNAC Wiring......................................................................................................................................................................... 193 Wiring Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 193 IDNAC Wiring Guidelines.....................................................................................................................................................................193 IDNAC Speaker Wiring Application Guidelines.............................................................................................................................. 194 Ferrite Beads..........................................................................................................................................................................................194
22.7.3 EPS Wiring Tables........................................................................................................................................................................................ 194 Class B Wiring Tables........................................................................................................................................................................... 194
22.7.4 EPS Wiring to Devices.................................................................................................................................................................................196 Class B Wiring to IDNAC Devices.......................................................................................................................................................196 4009 IDNAC Repeater..........................................................................................................................................................................197 Dual Class A Isolator (DCAI)................................................................................................................................................................197 Calculating Class B wiring with Isolators......................................................................................................................................... 197
22.7.5 EPS Auxiliary Power Wiring....................................................................................................................................................................... 198 AUX/ NAC Terminal............................................................................................................................................................................... 198
22.7.6 IDNet 2 Card Wiring....................................................................................................................................................................................201 Wiring Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 201 Wiring Parameters................................................................................................................................................................................201 Class A Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................................ 201 Class B Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................................ 203
23 Appendix K: Installing 4100 FACU Components (Non-4100ES/4100U)............................................ 205
23.1 Introduction to FACUs................................................................................................................................................................... 205
23.1.1 Master Controller Bay................................................................................................................................................................................ 205
23.1.2 Master Motherboards and Controllers..................................................................................................................................................205
23.1.3 Universal Power Supply (UPS)..................................................................................................................................................................208
23.1.4 Operator Interface...................................................................................................................................................................................... 209
23.1.5 Additional CPU Bay Modules....................................................................................................................................................................209
23.1.6 Expansion Bays............................................................................................................................................................................................209
23.1.7 System Power...............................................................................................................................................................................................210
23.2 Step 1. Mounting Back Boxes....................................................................................................................................................... 210
23.2.1 Specifications............................................................................................................................................................................................... 211
23.2.2 Installing the Back Box(es)........................................................................................................................................................................ 212
23.3 Step 2. Mounting Electronics Bays to Back Boxes......................................................................................................................212
23.3.1 Installing the System Electronics Bays................................................................................................................................................... 213
23.4 Step 3. Configuring Modules........................................................................................................................................................ 216
23.4.1 Master Motherboard Configuration....................................................................................................................................................... 216
23.4.2 565-333 Master Controller Configuration.............................................................................................................................................216
23.4.3 565-148 Master Controller Configuration.............................................................................................................................................216
23.4.4 UPS Configuration.......................................................................................................................................................................................216
23.4.5 Configuring Other Cards........................................................................................................................................................................... 217
23.5 Step 4. Interconnecting Master Controller Bay Cards............................................................................................................... 218
23.5.1 Interconnecting Cards................................................................................................................................................................................218
23.6 Step 5. Installing Motherboards into Expansion Bays............................................................................................................... 218
23.6.1 Guidelines..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 218

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23.6.2 Installing Motherboards............................................................................................................................................................................ 219

23.6.3 Connecting the 733-525 Harness...........................................................................................................................................................219

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

1 Cautions, Warnings, and Regulatory Information

READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Follow the instructions in this installation manual. These instructions must be followed to avoid
damage to this product and associated equipment. Product operation and reliability depend upon proper installation.
DO NOT INSTALL ANY SIMPLEX™ PRODUCT THAT APPEARS DAMAGED Upon unpacking your Simplex product, inspect
the contents of the carton for shipping damage. If damage is apparent, immediately file a claim with the carrier and notify an
authorized Simplex product supplier.

ELECTRICAL HAZARD Disconnect electrical field power when making any internal adjustments or repairs. All repairs should
be performed by a representative or an authorized agent of your local Simplex product supplier.

STATIC HAZARD Static electricity can damage components. Handle as follows:

• Ground yourself before opening or installing components.
• Prior to installation, keep components wrapped in anti-static material at all times.

EYE SAFETY HAZARD Under certain fiber optic application conditions, the optical output of this device may exceed eye safety
limits. Do not use magnification (such as a microscope or other focusing equipment) when viewing the output of this device.

SULFURIC ACID WARNING Battery contains sulfuric acid, which can cause severe burns to the skin and eyes and can
destroy fabric. Replace any leaking or damaged battery while wearing appropriate protective gear. If you come in contact with
sulfuric acid, immediately flush skin or eyes with water for 15 minutes and seek immediate medical attention.

FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS – PART 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct
the interference at his own expense.
SYSTEM REACCPTANCE TEST AFTER SOFTWARE CHANGES To ensure proper system operation, this product must be tested in
accordance with NFPA-72, after any programming operation or change in site-specific software. Reacceptance testing is required after
any change, addition or deletion of system components, or after any modification, repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring. All
components, circuits, system operations, or software functions known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to
ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected, at least 10% of initiating devices that are not directly affected by the change,
up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tested and proper system operation verified.
Important: Verify FACU System Programmer, Executive, and Card Software compatibility when installing, or replacing system components.
Refer to the Technical Support Information and Downloads website for compatibility information.

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2 Emissions Compliance, Radio Frequency Immunity, Safety and Agency

EMC Emissions
• FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class A Emission Requirements (USA)
System Type:
• Fire Alarm Control Panels: 4100-9111, , , 4100-9121, 4100-9131, 4100-9132 4100-9133 4100-9211, 4100-9230, 4100-9311,
4100-9314, 4100-9331, 4100-9312, 4100-9313, 4100-9315, 4100-9316, 4100-9332, 4100-9511, 4100-9512, 4100-9513, , 4100-9531,
4100-9532, 4100-9533, 4100-9534, 4100-9706.
• Transponders and Remote Annunciators: 4100-9600, 4100-9601, 4100-9610, 4100-9616, 4100-9617
• Analog and Digital Audio Options: 4100-9620, 4100-9621
• Network Display Units: 4100-9141, 4100-9142, 4100-9143, 4100-9144, 4100-9145, 4100-9146, 4100-9241, 4100-9242, 4100-9342,
4100-9352, 4100-9355, 4100-9542, 4100-9157, 4100-9158, 4100-9159, 4100-9160, 4100-9161, 4100-9162, 4100-9163, 4100-9164,
4100-9165, 4100-9168, 4100-9169, 4100-9170, 4100-9248, 4100-9249, 4100-9250, 4100-9251, 4100-9252, 4100-9253, 4100-9357,
4100-9358, 4100-9359, 4100-9545, 4100-9725, 4100-9735, 4100-9755, 4100-9765.
Manufacturer’s Name: Simplex Time Recorder Co., D/B/A Simplex-US
Manufacturer’s Address: 50 Technology Drive, Westiminster MA 01441-0001, United States of America.

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3 Listings, Approvals, Codes, and Standards

This equipment meets the requirements of the following agencies.
• UL (UL 864)
• ULC (S527)
• FM (Class No. 3010)

3.1 Codes and Standards

If the notification appliances and accessories referenced in Table I are installed in accordance with either NFPA 12A or NFPA 2001, the
system must employ an additional mechanically operated manual release mechanism. The 4100 panel has this capability of muting a voice
or an alarm from the release portion of the system and the respective speaker zone during a mechanical or manual release.
The installer should be familiar with the relevant codes listed below, as well as any other applicable local codes and standards, when
installing a fire alarm system.
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
NFPA 11 Standard for Low-Expansion Foam and Combined Agent Systems
NFPA 11A Standard for Medium- and High-Expansion Foam Systems
NFPA 12 Standard for Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 12A Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 13 Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems
NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems
NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
NFPA 16 Standard for the Installation of Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and FoamWater Spray Systems
NFPA 16A Standard for the Installation of Closed-Head Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems
NFPA 17 Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 17A Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 25 Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
NFPA 70 National Electric Code
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems
NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Protection Systems
ULC S524 Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems (Canadian Systems)
UL 1076 Standard for Safety for Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems

3.2 Environmental Operating Range

o o o o
The 4100ES and all modules are rated to operate at ambient temperatures from 32 F - 120 F (0 C - 49 C).
o o
The 4100ES and all modules are rated for operation at 90 F (32 C), 93% RH (non-condensing).

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4 Introduction to the 4100ES Fire Alarm System

The 4100ES is an expandable fire alarm system that can be used as a standalone system with one host panel, or as a wide-ranging system
with several remote back boxes, with or without multiple host panels. This chapter is an overview of standalone, MINIPLEX®, and network
4100ES system concepts.
Two types of 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACU) configurations are described in this manual:
• The ES-PS configuration which refers to FACUs that use a ES Power Supply (ES-PS) as the FACU's CPU's power supply.
The SPS configuration, which refers to FACUS that use a System Power Supply (SPS) card as the FACU’s Central Processing Unit’s
(CPU) powers supply.
• The EPS configuration, which refers to FACUS that have an Extended Power Supply (EPS) module fitted with an IDNET 2 card as the
CPU FACU power supply

4.1 System configurations

The 4100ES is available as a standalone system with one host panel, or as an expansive system with several remote back boxes, with or
without multiple host panels. The type of configuration used depends on the size of the site into which it is being installed.
The following types of configurations are offered:
Standalone. Comprised of one FACU and its assorted notification appliances, initiating devices, and signaling line circuit devices.
MINIPLEX. A standalone system plus remote transponder cabinets, which allow for additional modules to be used. Typically used for
multi-level buildings and small multi-building applications.
Network. A multi-FACU system connected by network cards. Each panel maintains the status and control of its own circuit points while
monitoring and controlling activity at other locations. Network nodes may perform similar tasks, or may be dedicated to specific functions.
This chapter outlines the fundamental concepts of each configuration

4.2 Standalone configuration

The standalone version of the 4100ES is used for smaller or single-building applications. A standalone system is ideally placed into a small
building that requires a limited number of notification appliances and initiating devices.
If a small building is being expanded, or if other buildings are being constructed in the same general area (as in a campus application), the
standalone 4100ES can be expanded into one of the larger systems described later.

4.2.1 System design

The standalone 4100ES uses one FACU (one, two, or three bays) containing the following:
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• System Power Supply for the 4100ES FACU (Universal Power Supply for 4100 Legacy Upgrade)
• Optional cards
All appliances and devices are connected to that one FACU, as shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Standalone 4100ES system

4.3 MINIPLEX configuration

The MINIPLEX version of the 4100ES Fire Alarm System, which is designed for moderately larger applications than the standalone
configuration, allows up to 3000 monitor and/or control points and 3000 annunciator points to be controlled by a single FACU.

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Like the standalone system, only one CPU is used. Remote Unit Interface (RUI) data and power is distributed from the host panel to remote
boxes called transponder cabinets:
• 4100ES: Transponder interface cards (TICs), located in transponder cabinets, take the RUI data and power directly from the CPU
motherboard and distribute it to modules nearby, thereby expanding the system’s status from standalone to MINIPLEX.
• Legacy 4100: Remote interface cards (RICs), located in transponder cabinets, take the RUI data and power from the remote unit
interface (RUI) card in the host panel and distribute it to modules nearby, thereby expanding the system’s status from standalone to

4.3.1 System design

The MINIPLEX 4100ES FACU must contain the following:
• Power: ES PS for the 4100ES (System Power Supply for the 4100ES , Universal Power Supply for 4100 Legacy Upgrade)
• Legacy 4100 only (non-4100ES/4100U): Remote unit interface (RUI) Card
• Optional cards
Each transponder cabinet, meanwhile, must contain a Transponder Interface Card (TIC) and any number of optional cards.
For more information, please refer to Appendix L: Legacy Power Supplies.

4.3.2 RUI communication

Data to and from the CPU may have to be routed over long distances in a MINIPLEX system. An RUI line, routed from either the CPU
motherboard in the 4100ES or the RUI card in some legacy systems, allows the data to travel longer distances. Once the RUI line
terminates at a remote box, the TIC (4100ES) or RIC (Legacy 4100) at that box distributes the CPU’s data to the remote modules.
Figure 2 outlines this process in a typical 4100ES MINIPLEX setup.

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Figure 2: MINIPLEX 4100ES system

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4.4 Network configuration

The 4100ES can be expanded to a network system by using network interface cards (NICs). When a NIC is installed into a 4100ES host
panel, it is used to connect to up to 98 other network nodes. Nodes may consist of other host 4100ES panels, or they may be completely
different: 4010 FACUs, TrueSite® Workstation, and Voice Command Centers (VCCs) are all examples of what could be used as nodes. A
node is a self-sufficient FACU that controls appliances and devices, which also has the capability of controlling and communicating with
other nodes.
The network configuration supports two prevalent architectures, or wiring configurations: hub or ring, or star. A networked system can also
use a combination of the two.

4.4.1 Hub and star configurations

The hub configuration consists of a main loop with nodes connected in a radial manner. The star configuration consists of several nodes
connected directly to one common node. Physical bridge cards are used for the star configuration. Physical bridges reduce the amount of
wire that would otherwise be needed to connect all nodes in a loop, and therefore cut down on system response time. A combination of
the two classes is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Hub/Ring configuration

4.4.2 Connection loops

Network loops can be joined via physical bridge cards. There may be no more than two Class X network loops (two hub configurations)
connected in tandem. For every two loops that are interconnected (using one physical bridge), there can be a maximum of three physical
bridges used in a star configuration. See Figure 4.

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Figure 4: Interconnected loop configuration

4.4.3 System design

To be used as a network node, a 4100ES panel must contain the following:
• System Power Supply
• ES Power Supply
• 4100 Network Interface Card
• Optional cards

4.4.4 Network communication

Network communication is achieved via the 4100-6078 or 4100-6104 Network Interface Card (NIC). Each network node requires a NIC.
Once the FACU is a network node, it may be programmed to be fully in control of other nodes, or to be fully passive, or anywhere in

4.5 4100ES Back Boxes

This section lists all back box PIDS for the 4100ES Fire Alarm System.
The 4100ES Back Boxes are shipped as follows:
Box and door enclosures:
2975-9441 One Bay Back Box, Glass Door and Dress Panels – Red (743-934)
2975-9442 Two-Bay Back Box, Glass Door and Dress Panel – Red (743-935)
2975-9443 Three-Bay Back Box, Glass Door and Dress Panel – Red (743-936)
2975-9444 One-Bay Back Box, Glass Door and Dress Panel – Platinum (743-937)
2975-9445 Two-Bay Back Box, Glass Door and Dress Panel – Platinum (743-938)
2975-9446 Three-Bay Back Box, Glass Door and Dress Panel – Platinum (743-939)
2975-9447 One-Bay Back Box, Solid Door and Dress Panel – Red (743-940)
2975-9448 Two-Bay Back Box, Solid Door and Dress Panel – Red (743-941)

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2975-9449 Three-Bay Back Box, Solid Door and Dress Panel – Red (743-942)
2975-9450 One-Bay Back Box, Solid Door and Dress Panel – Platinum (743-943)
2975-9451 Two-Bay Back Box, Solid Door and Dress Panel – Platinum (743-944)
2975-9452 Three-Bay Back Box, Solid Door and Dress Panel – Platinum (743-945)
Doors and Dress Panels:
4100-2104 One-Bay Glass Door and Dress Panel - Platinum (743-950)
4100-2105 Two-Bay Glass Door and Dress Panel - Platinum (743-951)
4100-2106 Three-Bay Glass Door and Dress Panel - Platinum (743-952)
4100-2114 One-Bay Solid Door and Dress Panel - Platinum (743-953)
4100-2115 Two-Bay Solid Door and Dress Panel - Platinum (743-954)
4100-2116 Three-Bay Solid Door and Dress Panel - Platinum (743-955)
4100-2124 One-Bay Glass Door and Dress Panel - Red (743-956)
4100-2125 Two-Bay Glass Door and Dress Panel - Red (743-957)
4100-2126 Three-Bay Glass Door and Dress Panel - Red (743-958)
4100-2134 One-Bay Solid Door and Dress Panel - Red (743-959)
4100-2135 Two-Bay Solid Door and Dress Panel - Red (743-960)
4100-2136 Three-Bay Solid Door and Dress Panel - Red (743-961)
Back Boxes by themselves:
2975-9407 One-Bay Red Box (742-414)
2975-9408 Two-Bay Red Box (742-416)
2975-9409 Three-Bay Red Box (742-418)
2975-9438 One-Bay Back Box - Platinum (743-946)
2975-9439 Two-Bay Back Box - Platinum (743-947)
2975-9440 Three-Bay Back Box - Platinum (743-948)
2975-9812 Red Trim Band (742-638)
2975-9813 Semi-Flush Trim Band – Platinum (743-949)

4.6 4100ES PIDs

This section lists the PIDs (model numbers) that are supported by the 4100ES Fire Alarm System. There are two basic types of PIDs listed
• PIDs denoting standard installations, such as host panels containing multiple, already functioning modules
• PIDs denoting individual modules or back boxes

- offered as an after-market product for standard installations

- offered as options or aftermarket product for configured installations
The 4100ES features either a 2x40 alphanumeric display, the multi-line LCD of the InfoAlarm, or an ES Touch Screen Display.
Note: Software-related PIDs, such as vertical market software packages and programmer options, are not listed in this manual.

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4.6.1 Basic Control Panels

Basic Control Panels (United States)
Control panels available in the U.S. that use the ES-PS:
4100-9701 Master Controller – English, 2x40 Display, CPU Card, ES Power Supply (120-240V 50/60Hz, 250 Addressable/analog points, 24V
Aux. Relay, 24V Aux. Power Tap/Simple NAC, 110Ah Battery Charger).
4100-9703 Master Controller – English, InfoAlarm Display w/Raised Keys, CPU Card, ES Power Supply (120-240V 50/60Hz, 250 Addressable/
analog points, 24V Aux. Relay, 24V Aux. Power Tap/Simple NAC, 110Ah Battery Charger).
4100-9706 ES-PS Master Controller with Touch Screen Display.
4100-9709 Master Controller – English, No Display, CPU Card, ES Power Supply (120-240V 50/60Hz, 250 Addressable/analog points, 24V
Aux. Relay, 24V Aux. Power Tap/Simple NAC, 110Ah Battery Charger).
Basic Control Panels (Canada)
Additional control panels available in Canada that use the ES-PS:
4100-9702 ES-PS Master Controller with 2x40 - Canadian French
4100-9704 ES-PS Master Controller with InfoAlarm - Canadian French
Basic Control Panels (International)
Control panels available internationally that use the ES-PS:
4100-9705 ES-PS Master Controller with InfoAlarm - English, Flat Keys

4.6.2 Transponders
This section lists the two transponder cabinets, both of which include an expansion bay with a power distribution interface (PDI) and a
transponder interface card (TIC):
• 4100-9600 Basic Transponder (742-866). Includes a basic TIC.
• 4100-9601 Local Mode Transponder (742-867). Includes a local mode TIC.

4.6.3 Remote Annunciator

• 4100-9610 Remote Annunciator (742-868). Includes an expansion bay with a power distribution interface (PDI) and a transponder
interface card (TIC).
• 4100-9611 Remote Annunciator (743-081). Includes an expansion bay with a power distribution interface (PDI) and a transponder
interface card (TIC).

4.6.4 Remote Display Assemblies

• 4100-9401 Red InfoAlarm Remote Display Assembly - Domestic
(743-187). Includes a remote box with a InfoAlarm display and a TIC (566-692).
• 4100-9402 Beige InfoAlarm Remote Display Assembly - Domestic
(743-188). Includes a remote box with a InfoAlarm display and a TIC (566-692).
• 4100-9404 Remote Unit Interface Panel with Touch Screen Display - Red (743-2372)
• 4100-9405Remote Unit Interface Panel with Touch Screen Display - Platinum (743-2373)
• 4100-9421 Red InfoAlarm Remote Display Assembly – Canadian French
(743-189). Includes a remote box with a InfoAlarm display and a TIC (566-692).
• 4100-9422 Beige InfoAlarm Remote Display Assembly – Canadian French (743-190). Includes a remote box with a InfoAlarm display
and a TIC (566-692).
• 4100-9441 Red InfoAlarm Remote Display Assembly – International
(743-191). Includes a remote box with a InfoAlarm display and a TIC (566-692).
• 4100-9442 Beige InfoAlarm Remote Display Assembly – International
(743-192). Includes a remote box with a InfoAlarm display and a TIC (566-692).

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4.6.5 Basic Audio Selections

This section lists the two audio cabinets, both of which include an audio expansion bay with a power distribution interface (PDI), audio
controller board, and a microphone module.
• 4100-9620 Basic Audio with Microphone – Analog (742-869)
• 4100-9601 Basic Audio with Microphone – Digital (742-870)
• 4100-1412 Basic Audio with Microphone - ES Net Digital (743-2415)
Note: Refer to Appendix J: Audio Equipment Compatible with 520 Hz Low Frequency Alarm for information about 520 Hz compatible
audio components.

4.6.6 Utility Cabinets

This section lists the two utility cabinets, which contain mounting rails for bays and mounting plates for 2120 modules.
• 4100-9642 Two-Bay Utility Cabinet Kit (for 2120 Equipment) (742-871). Includes two-bay mounting rails and two 4100
(non-4100ES/4100U) expansion bays.
• 4100-9643 Three-Bay Utility Cabinet Kit (for 2120 Equipment) (742-872). Includes three-bay mounting rails and three 4100
(non-4100ES/4100U) expansion bays.
Note: The rack-mount option is not Listed for security applications and cannot be used to provide monitoring of security parts.

4.6.7 Master Controller Upgrade Kits

Upgrade kits are used for retrofitting newer modules into old-style systems.
• 4100-7150 Master Controller Upgrade with 2x40 Display (old 4100 to Rev 10 or higher) (742-592)
• 4100-7151 Master Controller Upgrade with No Display (old 4100 to Rev 10 or higher) (742-394)
• 4100-7152 Master Controller Upgrade with 2X40 Display, operator interface and power supply (old 4100 to Rev 10 or higher)
• 4100-7153 InfoAlarm Display Upgrade (4100ES with 2x40 display to InfoAlarm display) (743-240)
• 4100-7154 Master Controller Upgrade with InfoAlarm Display (old 4100 to Rev 10 or higher) (743-241)
• 4100-7158 NXP Master Controller Upgrade w/o Display (Legacy 4100 to Rev 13 or higher) (743-777)
• 4100-7162 4100+ Master Controller Upgrade with ES Touch Screen Display
• 4100-7163 ES Touch Screen Display UI Upgrade for 4100+
• 4100-7164 Master Controller Upgrade with Touch Screen Display for 4100U
• 4100-7165 ES Touch Screen Display UI Upgrade for 4100ES and 4010ES
• 4100-9833 Master Controller Upgrade with 2x40 Display in One-Bay Beige Enclosure (4020) (742-804)
Note: The rack-mount option is not Listed for security applications and cannot be used to provide monitoring of security parts.

4.6.8 Rack Mount Kits

• 4100-2140 Bay Mounting Kit (742-741)
• 4100-2144 PDM Mounting Kit (742-547)
Note: The rack-mount option is not Listed for security applications and cannot be used to provide monitoring of security parts.

4.6.9 Power Distribution Modules

• 4100-0634 Power Distribution Module 120 V (742-396)
• 4100-0635 Power Distribution Module 220/230/240 V (742-513)

4.6.10 Expansion Bays

• 4100-2300 Non-Audio Expansion Bay (742-839)
• 4100-2301 Expansion Bay Upgrade Kit (742-602)
• 4100-2320 Audio Expansion Bay (742-873)

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4.6.11 Expansion Battery Chargers for Basic FACUs

The expansion battery chargers listed here are used with the standard control panels listed above.
• 4081-9306 External 120 V Battery Cabinet with Charger for 110 Ah Batteries; Red (637-029)
• 4081-9308 External 220-240 V Battery Cabinet with Charger for 110 Ah Batteries; Red (637-030)

4.6.12 Communication Modules

The following communication modules can be added on to 4100ES systems.
• 4100-3102 MAPNET II Interface Module (742-696)
• 4100-3103 MAPNET Isolator Module (742-725)
• 4100-3109 IDNet 2 Card, 2 Loops (743-1442)
• 4100-3110 IDNet 2+2 Card, 4 Loops (743-1441)
• 4100-6078 Network Interface Card (NIC) (743-1016)
• 4100-6030 Service Modem Module (742-584)
• 4100-6031 City Card with Disconnect (742-403)
• 4100-6032 City Card without Disconnect (742-404)
• 4100-6033 Alarm Relay Card (742-402)
• 4100-6034 Tamper Switch with IDNet IAM (742-648)
• 4100-6036 Physical Bridge (Class B) (742-702)
• 4100-6037 Physical Bridge (Class X) (742-703)
• 4100-6038 Dual RS-232 Interface Card (742-704)
• 4100-6039 Modem Bridge (2120) (742-705)
• 4100-6041 DC Powered FSK Modem (2120) (742-707)
• 4100-6042 Communication Line Repeater (2120) (742-708)
• 4100-6043 RS-232/ DC Comm Converter (2120) (742-709)
• 4100-6044 DC Comm/ RS -232 Converter (2120) (742-710)
• 4100-6045 Decoder Module (742-711)
• 4100-6047 Building Interface Card (743-872)
• 4100-6048 VESDA Interface Kit (742-714)
• 4100-6052 DACT (742-700)
• 4100-6054 Fiber-Optic Line Driver (2120) (742-715)
• 4100-6055 Modem Media Card (742-841)
• 4100-6056 Wired Media Card (742-619)
• 4100-6057 Fiber-Optic Media Card (742-620)
• 4100-6058 Class X Interface Module (DC Comm – 2120) (742-604)
• 4100-6059 Decoder Module (2120) (742-596)
• 4100-6062 TFX Interface (743-278)
• 4100-6065 BMUX Communication Module (743-645)
• 4100-6069 BACpac Ethernet (743-747)
• 4100-6080 DACT Side Mounted (743-1041)
• 4100-6416 IP Gateway Cellular Module, AT&T (743-2438)
• 4100-6417 IP Gateway Cellular Module for External Box, AT&T (743-2439)
• 4100-2504 Connected Services Gateway with IP Communicator, side mounted (743-2441)
• 4100-2506 Connected Services Gateway with IP Communicator, vertically slot mounted (743-2442)
• 4100-6301 4120 SM-L Duplex Fiber Media Card (743-2029)
• 4100-6302 4120 SM-R Duplex Fiber Media Card (743-2030)

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• 4100-6303 4120 MM-L Duplex Fiber Media Card (743-2031)

• 4100-6304 4120 MM-R Duplex Fiber Media Card (743-2032)
• 4100-6104 ES Net Network Interface Card
• 4100-6306 ES Net Dual Channel Ethernet Media Card
• 4100-6307 ES Net Dual Channel DSL Media Card
• 4100-6308 ES Net Dual Channel Single-mode Fiber Media Card
• 4100-6308 ES Net Dual Channel Multi-mode Fiber Media Card
• 4100-6310 ES Net Network Interface Card - Flat

4.6.13 Power Supplies

The power supplies listed below can be used with 4100ES systems.
• 4100-5115 Expansion NAC Module (XNAC) (742-386)
• 4100-5120 TrueAlert Power Supply (TPS) (120 VAC) (742-659)
• 4100-5152 12 V, 2 A Power Option (742-718)
• 4100-0156 8 VDC Converter (742-816)
• 4100-5401 ES-PS (Power Supply) (743-2237)
• 4100-5402 ES-XPS (Expansion Power Supply) (743-2238)
• 4100-5403 (Backup harness for the ES-PS. No supply.)
• 4100-7161 ES-PS SPS Upgrade Kit (743-2299)
• 4100-5131 ES-Series FAN module (743-2274)
• 4100-5450 NAC Card (743-2254)
• 4100-5451 IDNAC Card (743-2253)
• 4100-6103 Dual Class A Isolator (743-1140)

4.6.14 Signaling Modules

The signaling modules listed below can be used with 4100ES systems.
• 4100-5005 8-Zone Module (Class B) (742-655)
• 4100-5015 8-Zone Module (Class A) (742-721)
• 4100-3201 4-Relay Module (2 A) (742-722)
• 4100-3202 4-Relay Module (10 A) (742-723)
• 4100-3203 8-Relay Module (3 A) (742-724)
• 4100-3204 4-Point Relay Module (2 A) (742-948)
• 4100-3206 8-Point Relay Module (3 A) (742-949)
• 4100-5013 8 Point Zone/Relay Module (743-2023)

4.6.15 Annunciator Modules

The following annunciator modules are available for the 4100ES.
• 4100-1279 2-inch (51-mm) Blank Display Module (742-519)
• 4100-1280 8-Switch/8-LED Display Card (Red LEDs) (742-509)
• 4100-1281 8-Switch/8-LED Display Card (Yellow LEDs) (742-508)
• 4100-1282 8-Switch/16-LED Display Card (1 red / 1 yellow LED per switch) (742-408)
• 4100-1283 8-Switch/16-LED Display Card (2 yellow LEDs per switch) (742-409)
• 4100-1284 8-Switch/16-LED Display Card (1 red / 1 green LED per switch) (742-407)
• 4100-1285 16-Switch/16-LED Display Card (Red LEDs) (742-507)
• 4100-1286 Hands Off Auto (HOA) Switch Display Card (742-514)
• 4100-1287 24-Switch/24-LED Display Card (Red LEDs) (742-506)

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• 4100-1288 LED/Switch Controller Card (742-410)

• 4100-1289 Expansion LED/Switch Controller Card (No mounting plate) (742-626)
• 4100-1290 24-Point Graphic I/O Module (742-726)
• 4100-1291 Remote Unit Interface Card (742-727)
• 4100-1292 Remote Command Center (742-737)
• 4100-1293 Panel-Mounted Printer (742-739)
• 4100-1294 LED/Switch Slide-In Label Kit (for up to 3 Bays) (742-863)
• 4100-1295 HOA Module (No Text) with 24 Switches and 24 Red LEDs (742-874)

4.6.16 Transponders and Transponder Components

The following is a list of transponder cabinets and components for the 4100ES.
• 4100-9600 Basic Transponder (Expansion Bay with PDI and Basic TIC) (742-866)
• 4100-9601 Local Mode Transponder (Expansion Bay with PDI and Local Mode TIC) (742-867)
• 4100-0620 Basic Transponder Interface Card (TIC) (742-520)
• 4100-0621 Analog Audio Riser Module (742-534)
• 4100-0622 Digital Audio Riser Module (742-535)
• 4100-0625 Local Mode TIC (742-521)
• 4100-0632 Terminal Block Utility Module (742-695)
• 4100-0633 Transponder Cabinet Tamper Switch (742-738)
• 4100-1341 MCC Digital Audio Riser Module (743-850)

4.6.17 Audio Operator Interfaces

The following modules are used only with the 4100U and 4100ES systems.
• 4100-1252 Audio Operator Interface – 1 Channel (742-798)
• 4100-1253 Audio Operator Interface – 1.5 Channel (742-801)
• 4100-1254 Audio Operator Interface – 2 Channel (742-799)
• 4100-1255 Audio Operator Interface – 3-8 Channel (742-800)

4.6.18 Audio Controller Boards

The following audio controller boards are used with the audio operator interface.
• 4100-1210 Audio Controller Board – Analog, 1.5 Channels (742-517)
• 4100-1311 Audio Controller Board – Digital (743-446)
• 4100-1411 Audio Controller Board - ES Net Digital (743-2414)

4.6.19 Telephones/Microphones
The following phone and microphone assemblies are used with audio operator interfaces.
• 4100-1270 Master Telephone with Phone Card and 3 NACs (742-865)
• 4100-1271 Remote Master Telephone (742-597)
• 4100-1243 Microphone (742-523)
• 4100-1244 Remote Microphone (742-821)

4.6.20 Additional Audio Modules

Optional modules for the 4100ES audio system are listed below.
• 4100-0623 Network Audio Interface Module (742-522)
• 4100-1240 Aux Audio Input Board (742-388)
• 4100-1241 Audio Message Memory Expansion Module, 8 Minute (742-518)
• 4100-1242 Audio Message Memory Expansion Module, 32 Minute (742-393)

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• 4100-1272 Telephone Expansion Card (742-600)

• 4100-1273 Class A Telephone Adapter Module (742-599)
• 4100-1274 Microphone Mux Module (743-808)

4.6.21 Common Audio Options

• 4100-1245 Flex 50 Expansion NAC Board with 3 Class B NACs (742-540)
• 4100-1246 Flex 50 Class A Adapter (Converts 3 on-board NACs to Class A) (742-539)
• 4100-1248 100 Watt Expansion NAC Board with 6 Class B NACs (742-524)
• 4100-1249 100 Watt Class A Adapter (Converts 6 on-board NACs to Class A) (742-543)
• 4100-1259 Constant Supervision NAC 25 VRMS with 3 Class A/B Constant Supervision NACs (Converts 3 on-board NACs to Constant
Supervision) (743-163)
• 4100-1260 Constant Supervision NAC 70 VRMS with 3 Class A/B Constant Supervision NACs (Converts 3 on-board NACs to Constant
Supervision) (743-164)
• 4100-1266 Expansion Signal Card Expansion NAC Board with 3 Class B NACs (743-302)
• 4100-1267 Expansion Signal Card Class A Adapter (Converts 3 on-board NACs to Class A (743-303)
• 4100-1268 Expansion Signal Card Constant Supervision NAC Adapter, 25 or 70 VRMS with 3 Class A/B Constant Supervision NACs
(Converts 3 on-board NACs to Constant Supervision) (743-304)
• 4100-5116 Expansion Signal Card with 3 Class B NACs (743-159)

4.6.22 Amplifiers
Note: The following amplifiers are compatible with the Constant Supervision NAC (CSNAC) option and 4100U Master Firmware Revision
11.08 or later.

100 W Analog Amplifiers:

• 4100-1314 Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-438)
• 4100-1315 Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-439)
• 4100-1316 Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS – Canada (743-440)
• 4100-1317 Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS – Canada (743-441)
• 4100-1318 Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-442)
• 4100-1319 Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-443)
• 4100-1320 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-438)
• 4100-1321 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-439)
• 4100-1322 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS – Canada (743-440)
• 4100-1323 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS – Canada (743-441)
• 4100-1324 Backup Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-442)
• 4100-1325 Backup Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-443)
100 W Digital Amplifiers:
• 4100-1328 Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-449)
• 4100-1329 Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-450)
• 4100-1330 Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS – Canada (743-451)
• 4100-1331 Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS – Canada (743-452)
• 4100-1332 Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-453)
• 4100-1333 Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-454)
• 4100-1334 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-449)
• 4100-1335 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-450)
• 4100-1336 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 25 VRMS – Canada (743-451)
• 4100-1337 Backup Amp – 120 VAC, 70 VRMS – Canada (743-452)
• 4100-1338 Backup Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 25 VRMS (743-453)

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• 4100-1339 Backup Amp – 220/230/240 VAC, 70 VRMS (743-454)

Analog Flex Amplifiers:
• 4100-1312 Analog Flex 50 W Amp – 25 VRMS (743-436)
• 4100-1313 Analog Flex 50 W Amp – 70 VRMS (743-437)
• 4100-1361 Analog Flex 35 W Amp – 25 VRMS (743-444)
• 4100-1362 Analog Flex 35 W Amp – 70 VRMS (743-445)
Digital Flex Amplifiers:
• 4100-1326 Digital Flex 50 W Amp – 25 VRMS (743-447)
• 4100-1327 Digital Flex 50 W Amp – 70 VRMS (743-448)
• 4100-1363 Digital Flex 35 W Amp – 25 VRMS (743-455)
• 4100-1364 Digital Flex 35 W Amp – 70 VRMS (743-456)

4.6.23 Miscellaneous Modules

The following modules are for 4100ES systems:
• 4100-0650 Battery Shelf (for 50 Ah batteries) (742-840)
• 4100-0640 Memory Add-On Module for InfoAlarm (743-279)
• 4100-5128 Battery Distribution Terminal Module (742-843)
• 4100-9854 4100U/4100ES Module Legacy Bay Mounting Kit (743-856)
• 4100-2501 Simple Power over Ethernet Switch (743-2005)
• 2975-9234 IP Gateway External Box, red (743-2020)
• 2975-9235 IP Gateway External Box, platinum (743-2021)
• 2975-9236 IP Gateway External Box, beige (743-2022)

4.7 4100 PIDs (non-4100ES/4100U)

This section lists the 4100, non-4100ES/4100U, PIDs that are supported by the 4100ES Fire Alarm System (in retrofit applications). There
are two basic types of PIDs listed here:
• PIDs denoting standard installations, such as host panels containing multiple, already functioning modules
• PIDs denoting individual modules or back boxes:

- offered as after-market product for standard installations

- offered as options or aftermarket product for configured installations
The 4100ES features either a 2x40 alphanumeric display, a multi-line LCD of the InfoAlarm, or an ES Touch Screen Display.
Note: Software-related PIDs, such as vertical market software packages and programmer options, are not listed in this book.

4.7.1 System Types and Options

There are six standard types of 4100 control panels used with the 4100. A PID identifies each system type. These PIDs are combined with
the more specific PIDs listed after this topic to meet the requirements of custom installations:
• 4100-8001 Fire Alarm Control Panel
• 4100-8002 Remote Annunciator Panel
• 4100-8010 MINIPLEX Fire Alarm Control Panel
• 4100-8019 MINIPLEX Fire Alarm Control Panel with Transponder
• 4100-8201 Fire Alarm Control Panel with Audio
• 4100-8210 MINIPLEX Fire Alarm Control Panel with Audio
• 4100-8901/8909 Add-On to Existing System or Annunciator
• 4100-6050/6051 Power Limited Panel/Non-Power Limited Panel

4.7.2 Master Controller Option Module

4100-6001 240 VAC Controller Power Input

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4.7.3 NAC Modules

Notification appliance circuit (NAC) modules are listed below.
• 4100-4001 2-Circuit (Class B)
• 4100-4011 2-Circuit (Class A)
• 4100-4321 6-Circuit (Class B)
• 4100-4331 6-Circuit (Class A)

4.7.4 IDC Modules

Initiating device circuit (IDC) modules are listed below.
See 579-832 for 2-Wire Detector Compatibility Chart.
• 4100-5004 8-Zone (Class B)
• 4100-5014 8-Zone (Class A)

4.7.5 Optional Modules

Miscellaneous optional modules are listed below.
• 4100-0104 Additional Battery Charger (120 V)
• 4100-0105 5 A Power Supply (120 V; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0108 Expansion 8 A Power Supply (Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0110 MAPNET II Addressable Module
• 4100-0111 MAPNET II Isolator Module
• 4100-0113 Dual RS-232 Module
• 4100-0114 Additional Battery Charger (240 V)
• 4100-0115 5 A Power Supply (240 V; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0117 MINIPLEX 8 A Remote Power Supply (Power Limited)
• 4100-0118 8 A Power Supply (240 V; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0119 2 A Converter (12 VDC; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0123 2120 Communications Module (Class X)
• 4100-0124 Enhanced Charger Package
• 4100-0129 25.5 V Limiter Module
• 4100-0136 Decoder Module
• 4100-0137 RS-232 Module for 2120 Communications (Class X)
• 4100-0139 Service Modem
• 4100-0153 Contact Closure DACT
• 4100-0154 VESDA Interface (Aftermarket Only)
• 4100-0155 Serial DACT
• 4100-0304 Remote Unit Interface (RUI) Module (Class X)
• 4100-0451 Panel-Mounted Printer
• 4100-0540 4-20 mA ZAM Modules (2 per plate)
• 4100-1108 8 A Power Supply (120 VAC; Power Limited)

4.7.6 Auxiliary Relay Controls

The following modules are auxiliary relay controls.
• 4100-3001 4-Relay, 2 A (with feedback)
• 4100-3002 4-Relay, 10 A (with feedback)
• 4100-3003 8-Relay, 3 A (with feedback)

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4.7.7 Audio Controllers and Amplifiers

The following modules can be used in 4100ES Upgrade/Retrofit applications, but cannot be used with 4100ES audio modules.
• 4100-0210 Single-Channel Audio Controller Board
• 4100-0211 Dual-Channel Audio Controller Board
• 4100-0212 Triple-Channel Audio Controller Board
• 4100-0201 25 VRMS/25 W Audio Amplifier (no Power Supply; Power Limited)
• 4100-0202 25 VRMS/Dual 25 W Audio Amplifier (with Power Supply; Power Limited)
• 4100-1203 25 VRMS/100 W Audio Amplifier (120 VAC; Power Limited)
• 4100-0203 25 VRMS/100 W Audio Amplifier (120 VAC; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0213 25 VRMS/100 W Audio Amplifier (240 VAC; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0207 70 VRMS/100 W Audio Amplifier (120 VAC; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-0217 70 VRMS/100 W Audio Amplifier (240 VAC; Non-Power Limited)
• 4100-1207 70 VRMS/90 W Audio Amplifier (120 VAC; Power Limited)

4.7.8 Audio Options

The following options can be used in 4100ES Retrofit/Upgrade systems with 4100 Back Boxes.
• 4100-0204 Microphone and Enclosure
• 4100-0205 Master Telephone
• 4100-0206 Redundant Tone Generator
• 4100-0215 Phone Riser Terminal Block

4.7.9 Annunciation Modules

• 4100-0301 64/64 LED/Switch Controller
• 4100-0302 24-Point I/O Graphic Interface
• 4100-0401 8-LED Display Card (Red Led)
• 4100-0402 16-Point Display Card (Red/Yellow LEDs)
• 4100-0403 8-Switch/8-LED Display Card (Momentary switches; red LEDs)
• 4100-0404 8-Switch/16-LED Display Card (Maintained switches; one red and one green LED per switch)
• 4100-0405 8-Switch/16-LED Display Card (Maintained switches; one red and one yellow LED per switch)
• 4100-0408 8-Switch/8-LED Annunciator Control Switch Module
• 4100-0450 Remote Panel LCD

4.7.10 Miscellaneous Modules

• 4100-0133 Tamper Switch
• 4100-1010 External Battery Power and Charger

4.7.11 Network Modules

The following modules are intended to be used in a networked 4100 system.
• 4120-6014 Modular Interface Board
• 4120-6023 Physical Bridge (Class B)
• 4120-6024 Physical Bridge (Class X)
• 4120-0142 Wired Media Card
• 4120-0143 Fiber-Optic Media Card
• 4120-0144 Modem Media Card
• 4120-0156 8 VDC Module (provides 3 A from 28 V tap)

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4.7.12 System Accessories

• 2080-9047 DACT Communication Cable (14 feet [4 meters]) (733-913)
• 2081-9031 Potted Module for PVCS (740-688)
• 2081-9272 Batteries (6.2 Ah) (112-112)*
• 2081-9274 Batteries (10 Ah) (112-113)*
• 2081-9275 Batteries (18.8 Ah) (112-046)*
• 2081-9276 Batteries (33 Ah) (112-053)*
• 2081-9279 Batteries (110 Ah) (112-123)*
• 2081-9287 Batteries (25 Ah) (112-134)*
• 2081-9288 Batteries (12.7 Ah) (112-133)*
• 2081-9296 Batteries (50 Ah) (112-136)*
• 4190-9803 Replacement Paper for 4100-0451 Panel-Mounted Printer (473-019)
*Or the equivalent.

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5 Installing FACU Components

This chapter describes installation procedures that apply directly to the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACU) as well as each step of the host
panel installation for the ES-PS configuration. Before beginning the installation, review the next few pages to get a sense of the types of
bays and modules that make up the FACU.
Verify FACU System Programmer, Executive, and Option Card Software compatibility when installing, or replacing system components.
Refer to the Technical Support Information and Downloads website for compatibility information.

5.1 Introduction to the FACU

4100 FACUs are back boxes that contain the CPU, operator interface, FACU power supply, the power distribution module, the power
distribution interface, backup batteries, and any additional modules that the panel requires.
The FACU is the central hub (often referred to as a host panel) of a standalone or MINIPLEX fire alarm system. In a networked system, the
FACU can be connected to other system FACUs, so that each host panel is a node on the network.

5.1.1 CPU Bay

Every FACU contains a CPU bay. The CPU bay is equipped with:
• 1 FACU power supply module.
• 1 RUI+ CPU Master Motherboard:

- In a standalone or MINIPLEX system the CPU motherboard is supplied with a master controller daughter card attached to it.
- In a networked system a network interface card (NIC) is attached as a second daughter card to the master motherboard
• 1 Power Distribution Interface (PDI):
-There are up to five (5) blocks (A,B, E, G and H) and two (2) 2" slots (1 and 2) available for mounting in the top bay for optional cards.
Blocks G and H reside on top of ES-PS. The IDNet2 card, if ordered, occupies block E by default.
Table 1: CPU Components
Configuration Master Motherboard Card
ES-PS PDI and RUI+ CPU Master Motherboard

Figure 5: The CPU Bay

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5.2 FACU Operator Interface

5.2.1 Operator Interface

The following images show the operator interfaces which are available with the 4100ES. The Operator Interface is used to obtain alarm,
supervisory, trouble and other status via the Liquid Crystal Display and LEDs. Control functions are accessed using dedicated and user-
programmable keys.
Figure 6 is the standard 2x40 LCD Operator Interface. This model includes a 2 line by 40 character Liquid Crystal Display. Figure 7 is the
InfoAlarm. This model includes a multi-line Liquid Crystal Display, which can display more information simultaneously. Figure 8 is the ES
Touch Screen Display

Figure 6: Operator Interface

Figure 7: InfoAlarm

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Figure 8: ES Touch Screen Display

Table 2: Electrical Specification for the ES Touch Screen Display
Specification Details
Voltage 24VDC
Current Draw 160 mA normal standby (LCD dimmed)
225 mA alarm

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5.3 FACU Expansion Bays

5.3.1 Additional CPU Bay Modules

4100-6030 Service Modem Card. CPU mezzanine card. Provides a connection to remote PCs for diagnostics and programming purposes.
4100-6031 City Card with Disconnect. FACU power supply mezzanine card. Provides two UL-listed city connections to the municipal fire
department or other remote supervising station. Contains a hardware disconnect switch to allow for testing without alerting the remote
4100-6032 City Card. FACU power supply mezzanine card. Same as the 4100-6031, but without the disconnect and testing option.
4100-6033 Alarm Relay Card. FACU power supply mezzanine card.
4100-6078 Modular Network Interface Card (NIC). A daughter card that mounts to the CPU motherboard. Performs networking
operations. May be installed with the 4100-6056 Wired Media Card, the 4100-6057 Fiber Media Card, and/or the 4100-6055 Modem Media
Card, and/or the 4100-6301/4100-6302/4100-6303/4100-6304 Duplex Fiber Media Cards.
4100-6104 slot type ES Net Network Interface Card (NIC). A daughter card that mounts to the CPU motherboard. Performs ES
Net networking operations. May be installed with the 4100- 6306 ES Net Ethernet Media Card, the 4010-6307 ES Net DSL Media Card,
4100-6308 ES Net Single-mode Fiber Media Card, and/or the 4100-6309 ES Net Multi-mode Fiber Media Card.

5.3.2 Expansion Bays

An FACU always has one CPU bay, but it may have one or two expansion bays as well. Expansion bays contain a variety of additional
modules that the system might require.

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Figure 9: Expansion Bays

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5.4 FACU Power Requirements

5.4.1 System Power: ES-PS

The FACU is powered primarily by the ES-PS power supply, which in turn gets its power from the power distribution module (PDM). The AC
branch circuit and the standby battery connect to the PDM. AC and battery power are then distributed to power modules from the PDM
via harness.
In expansion bays, the PDM may connect to the following: ES Series Power Supply or a 100 W Amplifier.
Note: *The 4100-5111, 4100-5112, 4100-5113 SPS is available for expansion bays only.

Figure 10: System Power

Important: AC power must be provided to the 4100ES from a dedicated branch circuit.

5.4.2 Power Requirements

Table 3: Power requirements
ES-PS 120 V: 3.72 A @ 12.7 A
220-240 V: 1.82 A @ 12.7 A

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5.5 Step 1. Mounting Back Boxes

Three different sizes of system back boxes are available, accommodating one, two, or three electronics bays. These back boxes are shipped
in large containers separate from the system electronics. If system electronics containers are shipped with the back box containers, store
the system electronics containers in a safe, clean, and dry location until the back box installation is completed, and you are ready to install
the system electronic bays.
• Conductor entrance and routing restrictions apply to power-limited systems only.
• All back box PIDs are listed in Introduction to the 4100ES Fire Alarm System.

5.5.1 Specifications
Table 4 lists the specifications for the back boxes.
Table 4: Back Box Specifications
PID Number Description Height Width Rough Opening
Size Weight Box Trim Door Box Height Width
2975-9410/2975-9407 1 Bay 55 lb. 20-¾ in. 23-½ in. 26-3/8 in. 26-3/8 in. 21-¼ in. 26 ¼ in.
/ (25 kg) (527 mm) (597 mm) (670 mm) (670 mm) (540 mm) (667 mm)
2975-9411/2975-9408 2 Bay 125 lb. 36-¼ in. 39-1/8 in. 26-3/8 in. 25-¾ in. 36-¾ in. 26 ¼ in.
/ (57 kg) (921 mm) (994 mm) (670 mm) (654 mm) (933 mm) (667 mm)
2975-9412/2975-9409 3 Bay 185 lb. 52-1/8 in. 55 in. 26-3/8 in. 25-¾ in. 52 5/8 in. 26 ¼ in.
/ (84 kg) (1,324 mm) (1,397 mm) (670 mm) (654 mm) (1,337 mm) (667 mm)
Make sure that you have the necessary hardware before you begin the installation procedure. The Back Box Bay Mounting Hardware Kit
should have all of the items listed in Table 5.
Table 5: Contents of the Back Box Bay Mounting Hardware Kit
Part Number Description Quantity Per Back Box
1-Bay Box 2-Bay Box 3-Bay Box
268-010 Lockwasher (No. 8) 4 8 12
490-011 Washer 4 8 12
426-033 Screw (No. 8 Torx, 5/16 in.) 4 8 12

5.5.2 Mounting the Back Boxes

Mount the back box as shown in Figure 11. Use the holes in the back box to secure it to the wall.
• For mounting to a wooden wall structure, the back box must be attached with four 3/8-inch-diameter x 1-½-inch-long (9.5 mm x
38 mm) fasteners and four 3/8-inch-diameter (9.5 mm) washers.
• For surface mounting, secure the box to the wall using the tear-drop mounting holes on the back surface.
• For semi-flush mounting, secure the box to the wall studs using the knockouts on the sides of the box. Note that the front surface
of the back box must protrude at least ½ inch (sheet metal door) or 3 inches (plastic door) from the finished wall surface.
Power-limited systems have back box entrance and routing restrictions for field wiring. Do not locate power-limited wiring in the shaded
areas of the back box shown in Figure 11. These areas are reserved for non power-limited circuitry such as AC power, batteries, and the
city connection.

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Figure 11: Back Box Installation Diagram

Figure 11 notes:
1. Dimensions shown are typical for all surface and semi-flush installations.
2. Use suitable punch when conduit is required. Knockouts are not provided. Locate and create on-site as required during
3. A minimum clearance of 5 inches (127mm) from the hinge side is required to provide a maximum door opening of 90 degrees.
4. Do not install any power-limited wiring in the shaded area of the back box as shown in Figure 11. This area is reserved for non
power-limited devices and circuits (for example, AC power, batteries, and city circuits). The non power-limited area is determined
by the internal barriers, but is always below and to the right of these barriers.
5. Minimum distance between boxes is 3 ¼ inches (83 mm). Maximum distance between boxes is 10 inches (254 mm).

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5.5.3 Back Box side views

Figure 12: Height off the wall for Back Box and doors (plastic and metal)

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5.6 Step 2. Mounting the System Electronics

This section describes the process for removing the CPU and equipment bays that come with the system modules from their shipping
container and installing them into the mounted back boxes.
Mounting guidelines:
• The CPU bay must be installed in the top bay of the enclosure.
• Expansion bays mount in any bay area within an enclosure.
• Expansion bays mount in a 19” E.I.A rack console using an adapter kit.

5.6.1 Mounting the System Electronics Bays

Perform the following procedure to install the system electronics bays:
1. Disconnect the 734-008 Harness from P1 on the Power Distribution Interface (PDI).
2. Remove everything from the electronics shipping container, and set the screws aside.
3. Remove the shipping studs that secure the bays to the shipping container.

Figure 13: Removing the Shipping Studs

4. Mount the power distribution module (PDM) to the back box as shown in Figure 14. Securely tighten all mounting screws. Refer to
Table 6 for the recommended torque.
5. If provided, mount the tamper switch assembly to the mounting studs as shown in Figure 14. Refer to 4100-Series Tamper Switch
Installation Instructions (579-195).
6. Using the hardware provided with the back box, insert the required number of mounting screws to the right and left support
holes in the back box as shown in Figure 15.
7. Tighten the mounting screws.

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Note: Install the mounting screws to within 1/8" from the seated position.

8. Mount the system electronics bay assemblies in the back box by carefully placing the assembly onto the four extended screws in
the back box, allowing the electronics bay assembly to hang from the screws.
9. Securely tighten all mounting screws. Refer to Table 6 for the recommended torque.

Figure 15: Installing the System Electronics Bay Assembly

At this point, the system is ready for system card installation. For information on card installation, refer to the Panels’ installation
Important: Do not apply power to the system at this time.

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5.7 Step 3. Trim Kit Application (optional)

Trim Kits are used to cosmetically cover wall openings when boxes are mounted semi-flush into the wall. The kit includes:
• Two top trim bands (shorter)
• Two side trim bands (longer)
• Four corner pieces.

Figure 16: Semi-Flush Trim Kit

5.7.1 Trim Application

After the back box is mounted to the wall, attach the trim in accordance with the following procedure:
1. Hold the top strip against the top of the back box.
2. Centered the strip on the box width, and mark the end locations (the top bands are approximately 1" (25 mm) shorter than the
box width). Peel off the adhesive tape release, align it with the marks and press down to assure adhesion.
3. Place the second top strip beneath the back box and repeat step 2.
4. The side bands are sized for the 3-bay box, they must be re-sized for use with 1 and 2 bay boxes.
- For use with a 3-bay box: align, mark, and attach as was done for the top and bottom bands.
- For use with a 1-bay or 2-bay boxes, cut the bands approximately 1" (25mm) shorter than the box height (1-bay boxes are 22" (559
mm) high, 2-bay boxes are 40" (1016 mm) high). Carefully cut them to length using a hacksaw or sharp utility knife.
5. Attach the cut bands using the same procedure as the top and bottom bands.
6. Each corner piece overlaps the trim strip slightly less than 3/4" (19mm). Align the corner pieces tight to the box corner and attach
with a drywall or similar screw, suitable for the wall material (screws are not supplied).

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Figure 17: Applying the Trim

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5.8 Step 4. Mounting the Door

This section describes how to hang and attach glass and solid doors to the back box.
Additionally, this section describes how to reverse doors so that their hinges are on the right and locks are on the left.

Figure 18: Front and Back View of a Glass Door

Figure 19: Front and Back view of a Solid Door

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5.8.1 Attaching Doors

Read the following instructions to attach glass or solid doors to the back box. Note that the hinges and lock catch should already be
Note: A 5/16 hex nut driver is required to complete the following steps.

1. Unscrew the lock catch from the back box and retain the hardware.
2. Flip the lock catch over, and re-attach it to the back box so that the slot now protrudes to the outside of the back box. See Figure

Figure 20: Reversing the Lock Catch

3. Remove the door from the packaging.
4. For glass doors:
- Fit the dress panel onto the back box using the grooves on the dress panel as guides.
- Secure the dress panel to the back box using the #6 torx screw provided. See Figure 21.
5. Align the door hinges with the hinge pins on the back box, and slide the door down onto the hinge pins.

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Figure 21: Securing the Dress Panel

Figure 22: Hinge Pin Alignment

6. Attach the two ground wires to the back box with the # 6 hex flange nuts in the shipping group (the grounding straps should
already be attached to the door). See Figure 23.

Figure 23: The Ground Wire

7. Remove the B-key that is attached to the door and keep it in a safe place.

5.8.2 Reversing the Door

Read the following instructions to reverse doors so that their hinges are on the right and locks
are on the left. Be sure to retain all hardware.
Note: A 5/16 hex nut driver is required to complete the following steps.

1. Disconnect the ground wires from the back box and set them aside.
2. Remove the door (if attached) by lifting it up off the back box’s hinge pins. Set the door aside.
3. Remove the lock catch and its screws from the right side of the back box.
4. Attach the lock catch to the left side of the back box so that the slot protrudes through the outside of the back box.
5. Use a 1/8 (3mm) punch and hammer to remove the hinge pins from the hinge leaves on the back box.
6. Reinsert the hinge pins so that they face lengthwise toward the bottom of the back box.
7. Remove all hinge hardware from the left side of the back box.
8. Attach the hinge hardware to the right side of the back box, so that the hinge pins are facing toward the top of the back box.
9. Turn the door upside down, align its hinges to the back box hinge pins, and then slide the door down onto the hinge pins.

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10. Re-attach the ground-wire and flange nut to the back box and door.
11. Remove the B-key that is attached to the door, and keep it in a safe place.

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5.9 Step 5. Installing Motherboards into the CPU Bay

This section contains placement guidelines and physical installation instructions on installing traditional aftermarket motherboards into the
4100ES CPU bay.
• If you do not need to install individual motherboards into the CPU bay, but need to install aftermarket modules into expansion bays,
skip to Step 7. Interconnecting Modules and Bays.
• If you do not need to install any aftermarket modules at all, and if you have followed Steps 1 through 5, you have completed the panel
installation and can apply power using the power-up and power-down procedures.

5.9.1 4100ES CPU Bay Placement Guidelines

Refer to the following guidelines before mounting a motherboard into a CPU bay.
• There are eight 2” (51 mm) slots on the CPU bay. Slots 1 and 2 are the only available slots for aftermarket boards.
• If there are more old style 4100 modules than a CPU bay can accommodate, they should be placed into the next expansion bay.
• For SPS Configuration only: CPU bays do not include a power distribution interface (PDI) board, so this bay is reserved for
motherboard/daughter card modules only.

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5.10 Step 6. Installing Modules into Expansion Bays

This section contains placement guidelines and physical installation instructions on installing 4” X 5” cards and traditional motherboards
into 4100ES electronics bays.
This section applies to aftermarket modules for expansion bays only. If you do not need to install any aftermarket modules at all, and if you
have followed Steps 1 through 6, you have completed the panel installation and can apply AC power.

5.10.1 4100ES Placement Guidelines

Refer to the following guidelines before mounting 4” X 5” cards and/or motherboards to an expansion bay.
• Each expansion bay assembly includes a chassis, two end supports, one LED/switch frame, and a power distribution interface (PDI)
• An expansion bay holds up to eight 4” X 5” modules. A double-size module, such as the expansion power supply (XPS), takes up two
blocks of space as shown below.
• Cards must be added from right to left.

Figure 24: Expansion Bay 4” X 5” Card Placement

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5.10.2 Motherboard Placement Guidelines for a 4100ES bay

• Motherboards can be installed on top of the PDI in expansion bays. The data and power that would normally be bussed via the PDI is
instead routed across the boards by a connector from one board to the next.
• Up to eight 2” x 11 ½” motherboards can be installed in an expansion bay if no 4” x 5” modules are installed in the bay, and if the pins
on the left connector (usually P1) on the leftmost motherboard are removed.
• Motherboards must be added from left to right.
• Relay motherboards must be the rightmost motherboards.

Figure 25: Expansion Bay Motherboard Placement

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5.10.3 Mixed 4100 Motherboard/4100ES 4”x5” Card Placement Guidelines

• As shown in Figure 26, motherboards can be installed alongside 4” X 5” cards, if necessary.

Figure 26: Mixed Module Placement

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5.10.4 Installing 4 X 5 Cards

The power distribution interface (PDI) is mounted to the back of each expansion cabinet. The PDI contains slots for up to eight 4 x 5 cards.
Since the PDI carries power and data across the entire bay, it solves most interconnection issues, especially between 4 x 5 cards.
Use the following instructions and Figure 27 to mount 4"x5" block cards in an expansion cabinet.
1. Screw two standoffs and washers to the appropriate holes in the back of the cabinet. These holes must line up with the screw
holes in the card.
2. Plug the card into the appropriate blind mating connector. Seat the card firmly onto the PDI when installing to ensure complete
insertion of the power connector into the PDI.
3. Secure the top of the card to the standoffs with two #6 torx screws and washers.

Figure 27: 4"x5" Option Card/PDI Connection

5.10.5 Installing Motherboards into a 4100ES Expansion Bay

Use the following procedure when installing motherboards in an expansion bay. Start with the second slot from the left and fill to the right.
1. Orient the motherboard with the connector labeled J1 on the right and the header labeled P1 on the left.
2. Attach four metal threaded standoffs and lockwashers into the screw holes on the chassis.
3. Attach two grey plastic standoffs to the motherboard socket mounting screws.
4. Secure the motherboard to the standoffs using four #6 torx screws as shown below.

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Figure 28: Installing the Motherboard in a 4100ES Expansion Bay

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5.11 Step 7. Interconnecting Modules and Bays

Each card has to be interconnected with every other card in its bay. At the same time, bays in the FACU also have to be connected
together. Read this section to ensure that cards and bays are interconnected.

5.11.1 Guidelines
Review the following guidelines before interconnecting modules and bays.
• The FACU power supply provides 24 VDC power to the CPU motherboard.
• The CPU motherboard provides 8 V (3 A capacity) for use by Legacy 4100 cards. 24 VDC card power is routed through the
motherboard for optional card use.
• 4100 internal comms and power are harnessed to other bays. Do not connect the 8 V at P7 to an 8 V converter on a Goldwing or
remote interface card.
• 24 VDC card power from the FACU power supply is rated at 2 A.
• Additional harnesses are provided with the shipping group, but may not be used at the time of installation. These harnesses should
remain with control equipment for future use when necessary.

5.11.2 Power Distribution Module Connections

The power distribution module (PDM) connects to the ES-PS in each bay. It also connects to EPS, SPS, RPS, or XPS in legacy systems. One
PDM is used per back box. Use the instructions below to properly connect the PDM to each bay.
1. Route the black and white AC power wires to the supplied ferrite bead. Loop the wires twice through the bead as shown in Figure

Figure 29: Wiring Looped Through Ferrite Bead

2. Wire 120 VAC to the PDM, keeping AC wires at least 1 inch away from all other wires. AC power must stay in the right side of the
cabinet, in the non-power-limited area.
3. Connect batteries to P5 on the PDM using Harness 734-015. Bend the wire near the PDM so that it occupies the back of the
4. Connect the PDM to the power supply using Harness 0734-257 for 120 V systems (0734-335 for 220 V versions, 0734-356 for
230 V versions, 0734-357 for 240 V versions).
- Feed red and black wires through the side rail to the front of the power supply to prevent wire damage when the front panel is
- Connect the separate red and black wires (with yellow female terminations) to plugs J2 (black) and J3 (red) on the ES-PS.
- Connect the white and black wires, which terminate together in a white snap-on connector, to the bulkhead connector at the
bottom of the ES-PS assembly.

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5.11.3 Connecting to 4100 Motherboards

Panels with motherboards on the left side of the expansion bays require some non-PDI connections. If you need to connect a harness to
a motherboard, refer to Figure 30 and follow these steps. Make sure to route the power and communication wiring on the left side of the
1. Connect one end of the 733-525 Harness to a motherboard in an adjacent bay. If the adjacent bay is a CPU bay with no
additional motherboards, connect the harness to the P8 and P7 connectors of the CPU motherboard.
- Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P8 connector. Note that the P8 connector has eight pins. Insert the harness
connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
- Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P7 connector. Note that the P7 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
If the adjacent bay is an expansion bay or a CPU bay with additional motherboards, connect the harness to the P2 and P3
connectors of the motherboard installed in the leftmost slot. (If 4100-6052 DACT occupies the leftmost slot, connect the harness to
the motherboard in the second slot from the left.) Connect the harness as follows:
- Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P2 connector. Note that the P2 connector has eight pins. Insert the harness
connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
- Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P3 connector. Note that the P3 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
2. Connect the other end of the harness to the leftmost motherboard in the next bay, as described below. Make sure to route the
wiring on the left side of the bay.
- Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P2 connector. Note that the P2 connector has eight pins. Insert the harness
connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
- Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P3 connector. Note that the P3 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.

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Figure 30: Power and Communication Wiring for Motherboards

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5.12 Step 8. Configuring Cards

The all cards and modules in the CPU FACU back box must be configured to operate correctly in the system via their DIP switch and
jumper ports. This section describes the hardware configuration for the CPU components.

5.12.1 RUI+ Master Motherboard Configuration

The CPU motherboard must be jumpered as follows (refer to Figure 91):
RUI+ Isolation:
By default the RUI channel of the RUI+ Master motherboard is set to isolated mode. This provides better noise immunity in larger systems.
If you are using an RUI+ Master Motherboard to connect to a 4602-9101 (SCU), 4602-9102 (RCU) or 4602-9150/4602-7101 (SCU/RCU
Graphic Command Center), move jumpers P5 and P6 to the RUI NON ISO position.

P5 and P6
Position 1-2: RUI is isolated (default)
Position 2-3: RUI is not isolated (use for RCU/SCU compatibility)

SW1 and SW2 are used to set the CPU motherboard up to be attached to either a network card or a RS-232/2120 card.
• On: Network card (NIC) attached to CPU motherboard (default).
• Off: RS-232/2120 card attached to CPU motherboard.
SW1: (Top) ON is to the left.

SW2: (Bottom) On is to the right.

5.12.2 Master Controller Daughter Card Configuration

The master controller daughter card must be jumpered as follow (refer to Figure 87):
P1 is used for engineering diagnostics (COMLAB).
• Position 1 – 2: Download or no connection.
• Position 2 – 3: Diagnostic mode.
P3 configures the RAM battery as ON or OFF.
• Position 1 – 2: ON.
• Position 2 – 3: OFF.

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5.12.3 ES-PS Configuration

Setting the card address
The DIP switch SW1 is used to set the ES-PS and ES-XPS addresses as identified in the Panel Programmer job (see ES Panel Programmer's
Manual, 574-849 for more information). From left to right, these switches are designated as SW1-1 through SW1-8. The function of these
switches is as follows:
• SW1-1. This switch sets the baud rate for the internal 4100 communications line running between the card and the 4100 CPU. Set this
switch to ON.
• SW1-2 through SW1-8. These switches set the card’s address within the FACU. Refer to Appendix A: The Device Configuration DIP
Switch for a complete list of the switch settings for all of the possible card addresses.
You must set these switches to the value assigned to the module by the panel programmer.
The DIP switch SW2 is used to configure earth fault detection and battery disconnect.
Earth fault detection (available on the ES-PS only)
• To enable the earth fault detection function, set switches 1 through 3 to ON.
• To disable the earth fault detection function, set switches 1 through 3 to OFF.

5.12.4 PDI Configuration

P4/P5: The PDI can be configured to draw its power from different sources via P4 and P5.
• To draw power from a power supply in the bay, set jumpers on P4 and P5 to position 2-3.
• To draw power from P1 (a different bay), set jumpers on P4 and P5 to position 1-2 (default)
• To remove power from the PDI, remove the jumper from P4.

5.12.5 Configuring Other Cards

Refer to the appropriate installation instructions to configure other cards that are located in CPU and expansion bays. Refer to Appendix D:
References to 4100ES Module Installation Instructions for a list of publications.

5.13 Step 9. Installing and Removing Batteries

5.13.1 Installing and Removing Batteries in a One Bay Cabinet

To install the batteries:
1. Remove the batteries from the packaging and inspect them for any damage.
2. Tilt the first battery towards you and insert it into the space at the bottom of the cabinet.
3. Once inside the cabinet, tilt the battery back to an upright position and slide it to the right of the cabinet.
4. Repeat the preceeding two steps with the second battery and make sure it is snugly positioned beside the first battery.
5. Once both batteries are in place remove the terminal protectors from the batteries.
6. Connect the batteries to the panel using the battery harness:
- Connect the positive terminal of the left battery to the positive battery input on the panel using the red cable.
- Connect the negative terminal of the right battery to the negative battery input on the panel using the black cable.
- Use the white jumper cable to connect the two remaining battery terminals, joining the two batteries.
- If your system is configured to draw more than 19 A the included spade connectors cannot be used. Cut the connectors off and
strip back the insulation. Using the proper connector for your battery, crimp the now exposed wiring to your new connector.
7. Power up the panel following the instructions in Step 10. System Power Up and Power Down Procedures.
To remove the batteries:
1. Power Down the Panel following the instructions in Step 10. System Power Up and Power Down Procedures.
2. Remove the harness from the batteries.
3. Fit the battery terminals with terminal protectors.
4. Remove the batteries from the cabinet by tilting them towards you, then taking them out of the cabinet.
5. Dispose of the old batteries properly.

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Figure 31: One Bay Battery Installation

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5.13.2 Installing and Removing Batteries in a Multi-Bay Cabinet

To install the batteries:
1. Remove the batteries from the packaging and inspect them for any damage.
2. Place the batteries at the bottom of the cabinet, center them and gently push them against the back wall.
3. Once the batteries are in place remove the terminal protectors from the batteries.
4. Connect the batteries to the panel using the battery harness:
- Connect the positive terminal of the left battery to the positive battery input on the panel using the red cable.
- Connect the negative terminal of the right battery to the negative battery input on the panel using the black cable.
- Use the white jumper cable to connect the two remaining battery terminals, joining the two batteries.
- If your system is configured to draw more than 19 A the included spade connectors cannot be used. Cut the connectors off and
strip back the insulation. Using the proper connector for your battery, crimp the now exposed wiring to your new connector.
5. Power up the panel following the instructions in Step 10. System Power Up and Power Down Procedures.
To remove the batteries:
1. Power Down the Panel following the instructions in Step 10. System Power Up and Power Down Procedures.
2. Remove the harness from the batteries.
3. Fit the battery terminals with terminal protectors.
4. Remove the batteries from the cabinet.
Dispose of the old batteries properly.

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Figure 32: Multi-Bay Battery Installation

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5.14 Step 10. System Power Up and Power Down Procedures

5.14.1 System Power Up Procedure

• Never connect or disconnect power on a 4100ES by removing the connector from the PDM. This could cause an improper order of
power disconnection which may shorten the product life.
• If this procedure is not followed, you may cause damage to the system and/or create a shock hazard.

Power-Up Procedure:
1. Connect only the negative (black) lead of the power supply/charger to the battery.
2. Close and lock the front panel door.
3. Have the appropriate personnel apply AC power to the system from the dedicated circuit breaker or fused disconnect.
4. Ensure the panel has started properly, observing all safety procedures appropriate for a system with AC power applied.
5. Open the panel door and acknowledge all abnormal conditions including the battery disconnected trouble condition.
6. Connect the positive (red) lead of the power supply/charger to the battery.
7. Ensure the battery trouble has cleared.
8. Install the panel cover plate (when present), close and lock the door.

5.14.2 System Power Down Procedure

• Use caution when handling batteries - they can store significant energy and present a shock hazard. When transporting used
batteries, be certain the terminals are removed and/or insulated so they cannot make contact with conductive objects and create a
safety hazard.
• Use caution when AC power is present. The panel must have power removed while you are performing service on the system.

Power-Down Procedure:
1. Unlock and open the panel door and remove the cover plate (when present), observing appropriate safety procedures and
warnings when the system has AC power present
2. Disconnect only the positive (red) lead of the power supply/charger from the battery
3. Have appropriate personnel remove AC power from the system from the dedicated circuit breaker or fused disconnect
4. Mark or tag the circuit breaker or fused disconnect indicating it is off for service

5.14.3 The Terminal Block Utility Module

The 4100-0632 Terminal Block Utility Module is an all-purpose terminal block that mounts to an electronics bay, above or below the power
distribution interface (PDI). Each module utilizes one block of mounting space.
The terminal block utility module has two 16-position terminal blocks that accept up to a maximum of 12 AWG wire.

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5.14.4 Mounting to the Electronics Bay

Follow the directions below to mount the terminal block utility module to the electronics bay.
1. Align the terminal block utility module to any two compatible screw holes on the electronics bay. Position the higher terminal
block towards the middle of the bay. There are eight possible locations: four above and four below the PDI. Refer to Figure 33.
2. Secure the terminal block utility module to the electronics bay with two #6 screws and lockwashers.
3. The shorting strip may be removed or modified, depending on the application.

Figure 33: Terminal Block Utility Module Mounting

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6 Installing 4100ES MINIPLEX Components

MINIPLEX transponder interface cards (TICs) allow for data and power interconnections between the 4100 host panel and remote
locations. This chapter describes the transponder installation procedure for 4100ES MINIPLEX systems.

6.1 Introduction to MINIPLEX Transponders

The 4100ES MINIPLEX system is comprised of a host panel containing everything required in a standalone cabinet (see Installing 4100ES
MINIPLEX Components), plus:
• One or more remote MINIPLEX transponder cabinets
• A transponder interface card (TIC) in each transponder cabinet
This section describes each component.

6.1.1 Transponder Cabinets

RUI Communication wiring from the RUI module in the host panel extends to a transponder interface card (TIC) in a remote transponder
cabinet. The transponder cabinet is simply a 2975-94xx Back Box with at least one TIC module in it, and can have one, two, or three bays.

6.1.2 Transponder Interface Cards (TICs) and Audio Riser Modules

The following TICs, audio risers, and audio riser controller modules are available for 4100ES MINIPLEX ® systems:
• Basic Transponder Interface Card (TIC) Module
• Local Mode TIC Module
• Analog Audio Riser Module
• Digital Audio Riser Module
• Network Audio Riser Controller Module
Transponder Interface Cards (TICs) receive data from 4100ES host panels allowing remote locations to perform fire alarm functions.
TIC modules are optionally available with local mode operation that provides basic (degraded mode) system functions in the event of
a communication loss with the master panel. TICs receive communications from the 4100ES host panel using Remote Interface (RUI)
communications with either Class B or Class X wiring.
For audio systems, audio riser modules are required and are connected directly to TIC modules via ribbon cable. Audio riser modules
support Class A and Class B analog wiring, as well as Class B and Class X digital audio wiring.

6.1.3 Basic TICs

The basic TIC is an addressable device that contains an RUI input, audio riser module interface, and a port for connecting to other
transponder modules.
The basic TICs use the same board, with some variations:
• The basic TIC is an addressable device that contains RUI outputs, an audio riser output, a user interface output, and a port for
connecting to motherboards.
• The only connectors on the addressable network audio interface module are the audio riser output and a user interface output.

6.1.4 The Local Mode TIC

The local mode TIC contains an RUI input, audio riser module interface, port for connecting to other transponder modules, and terminal
block for connecting to an optional Local Mode Controller. Local Mode Controllers are mounted remotely from the transponder and are
available in red or beige (flush or surface mount). Model numbers are 4601-9108, 4601-9109, 4601-9110, and 4601-9111. Installation
instructions are supplied with the controller.
Local mode operation allows a TIC to provide life safety operations in the event of a communication loss with the master controller. More
specifically, this provision means that fire alarm inputs and outputs within the transponder cabinet can still work in a limited capacity
to allow continued functioning of local initiating devices and notification appliances connected to the TIC. Local mode is considered a
“degraded” mode of operation because full fire alarm system functionality is not guaranteed.
Because the TIC is a module that occupies an RUI address, it can indicate a trouble condition to the master controller in the event of a
hardware failure. When local mode is initiated, all devices locally connected to the TIC are notified by the TIC that local mode is taking
effect. From that point until communication is restored to the master controller, the TIC “group-polls” all connected local addressed cards,
and they respond only in the event of an alarm input activation. Other status changes, including troubles, are not reported.

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6.1.5 TIC Audio Risers

Audio risers are used when digital or analog audio is being transmitted to the transponder cabinet. They are always mounted directly
beneath the TIC, on the leftmost side of the transponder bay.
Refer to publication 574-844: Communication and audio interface modules installation instructions to obtain configuration information for
4100-0621, 4100-0622, and 4100-1341 Audio riser modules.

6.1.6 TIC Illustrations

Figure 34 is an illustration of the various TIC and audio riser circuit boards (0566-1166 basic TIC, 0566-1167 local mode TIC, 4100-0621
analog audio riser, 4100-0622 digital audio riser, 4100-1314 MCC digital audio riser).

Figure 34: Transponder Interface Cards

6.1.7 Local Mode Specifications

Local Mode is supported by the following:
• 4100-3101, 4100-3104, 4100-3105 IDNet Card
• 4100-3106 IDNet Quick Connect Card
• 4100-3109 IDNet 2 Card

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• 4100-3110 IDNet 2+2 Card

• 4100-5101 , 4100-5103 Expansion Power Supply NACs (including TrueAlert Non-Addressable SmartSync appliances)
• 4100-5111 , 4100-5113 System Power Supply NACs (including TrueAlert Non-Addressable SmartSync appliances)
• 4100-5125 , 4100-5127 Remote Power Supply NACs (including TrueAlert Non-Addressable SmartSync appliances)
• 4100-5120, , 4100-5122 TrueAlert Power Supply NACs
• 4100-1214 to 4100-1225, 4100-1228, 4100-1229, 4100-1230, 4100-1231, 4100-1232, 4100-1233, 4100-1234, 4100-1235, 4100-1236,
4100-1237, 4100-1238, 4100-1239, 4100-1314, 4100-1315, 4100-1316, 4100-1317, 4100-1318, 4100-1319, 4100-1320, 4100-1321,
4100-1322, 4100-1323, 4100-1324 4100-1325, 4100-1328, 4100-1329, 4100-1330, 4100-1331, 4100-1332, 4100-1333, 4100-1334,
4100-1335, 4100-1336, 4100-1337, 4100-1338, 4100-1339 100W Amplifier NACs
• 4100-1212, 4100-1213, 4100-1226, 4100-1227, 4100-1312, 4100-1313, 4100-1326, 4100-1327 Flex 50 Amplifier NACs.
• 4009-9401 TrueAlert Addressable Controller
• 4100-1270 Phone Controller and 4100-1272 4100-1273 Phone NAC cards
• 4009-9201 4009-9301 IDNet NAC Extender
• 4100-5116 Expansion Signal Card
• 4100-5401 ES-PS (Power Supply)
4100-5402 ES-XPS (Expansion Power Supply)
4100-5403 (Backup harness for the ES-PS. No supply.)
4100-5450 NAC Card (743-2254)
4100-5451 IDNAC Card (743-2253)
• 4100-6077 MX Digital Loop Card
• 4100-6311 ESMX Loop Card
• 4100-6312 ESMX Option Loop Card
• Local Mode is NOT supported by, but can co-exist with, the following:
• 4100 Legacy cards
• 4100-3101, 4100-3102, 4100-3103 Auxiliary Relay cards
• 4100-6048 VESDA Interface Kit
• 4100-6043 4100-6044 RS-232/2120 Interfaces
• 4100-1280 to 1287 LED/Switch Annunciators
• 4100-1290 24-Point Graphic I/O Module
• 4602-9101 SCU/ 4602-9102 RCU
• 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator
• 4100-1210 4100-1211, 4100-1311, 4100-1411 Audio Controller Board
• 4100-6014 Network Interface Card
• 4100-6052 DACT
• 4100-3115 XA Loop Interface Card
• 4100-6065 BMUX COMMs Module
• 4100-6066 TFX Loop Interface
Bear in mind the following limitations when local mode is in effect:
• If an alarm is already activated when local mode is initiated, the alarm remains activated in local mode.
• Software zones are not supported. Basic TrueAlert channels are supported.
• Alarm verification is not supported. All alarms are reported immediately.
• SMPL is not supported.
• TrueAlarm sensors have fixed thresholds.

6.1.8 LEDs
The TICs have the following LEDs:

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LED1. Illuminates to indicate communication loss with the CPU.

LED2. Illuminates when an RUI ground fault search is active.
LED3. Illuminates when Local Mode is active.
LED4. Illuminates to indicate an RUI Class X primary trouble.
LED5. Illuminates to indicate an RUI Class X secondary trouble.
• Refer to Figure 34 to see which LEDs are included on which TIC. Most TICs do not contain all LEDs.
• Refer to publication 574-844: Communication and audio interface modules installation instructions, to obtain LED information for
4100-0621, 4100-0622, and 4100-1341 audio riser modules

6.1.9 Card Specifications

Table 7 lists the specifications for all TICs.
Table 7: Electrical Specifications
Specification Rating
Input Voltage 18-33 VDC
Output Voltage 8 V @ 1 A; 100 mV p-p ripple
Input Current 36 mA for all TICs. 82 mA for a local mode TIC connected to a local mode controller.
Table 8: Environmental Specifications
Specification Rating
Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Humidity 10% to 93% relative humidity at 90°F (32°C)

6.2 MINIPLEX System Guidelines

The following rules apply exclusively to MINIPLEX systems. Review each guideline before installing a MINIPLEX 4100ES system.

6.2.1 Guidelines
• All wiring is 18 AWG (minimum) and 12 AWG (maximum).
• All wiring is supervised and power-limited.
• All wiring that leaves the building requires overvoltage protection. Install module inside an UL-Listed electrical box wherever wire
enters or exits the building. A maximum of four 2081-9044 Modules may be connected to one channel. The 2081-9044 is rated for
200 mA (maximum).
• For Class A operation:

- The maximum distance to any device is 2,500 feet (762 m).

- “T” taps are allowed.
- The total maximum cable load (including all “T” taps) is 10,000 feet (3,048 m).
- Maximum allowed line-to-line capacitance (“+” to “-” terminals) is 0.58 uF. For applications with shielded wire, be sure that the total
capacitance from line to line plus the shield to either line is no more than 0.58 uF.
• For Class A or Class X operation, the maximum loop distance is 2,500 feet (762 m). “T” taps are not allowed.
• RUI comms are wired to remote cabinets from the CPU motherboard to one of the following transponder interface cards: 4100-0620
or 4100-0625.
• Annunciators and transponder interface cards support Class X operation when the system is wired Class A.
• The master control panel must be a 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panel.
• The Class A RUI card supports MINIPLEX transponders and 4602/4603 serial annunciators on the same signaling line circuit.
• Up to 4 RUI cards in the 4100ES Control Panel can be used for distributing transponder wiring in different directions or for supporting
different wiring requirements (such as using a Class X RUI for serial annunciators).
• Up to 31 transponders can be controlled from the 4100ES Control Panel, and can be distributed as required among the RUI cards.
• A maximum of 30 RUI devices between each TIC is supported.
Note: Old legacy, basic, and local mode TICs have been replaced due to component obsolescence. The replacement boards listed below
are functionally equivalent to the legacy boards.

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Table 9: Replacement boards

Name Legacy Card New Card
Basic Transponder Interface Card 0566-093 0566-1166
Local Transponder Interface Card 0566-094 0566-1167

6.3 Configuring Cards

The TIC and all other cards to be mounted in the transponder cabinet and attached expansion bays must be configured to operate
correctly in the system via their DIP switch and jumper ports. The CPU motherboard may have to be configured as well.

6.3.1 TIC Configuration

The TIC must be assigned a device address via DIP switch SW1. Refer to Appendix A: The Device Configuration DIP Switch for the address
switch table.

6.3.2 Configuring Other Cards

Refer to the appropriate publication to configure other cards that are located in the transponder cabinet and attached expansion bays.

6.4 TIC/Riser Mounting

All TICs and audio riser cards are mounted like any 4 x 5 card. This section describes the TIC/audio riser card mounting procedure, which is
identical to that of other 4 x 5 cards.

6.4.1 Mounting Instructions

Use the following instructions and Figure 35 to mount 4 x 5 cards in an expansion cabinet.
• The TIC must be mounted in the upper left position of the bay.
• The audio riser card must be mounted directly below the TIC.

1. Screw two standoffs and washers to the appropriate holes in the back of the cabinet. These holes must line up with the screw
holes in the card. See Figure 35.
2. Plug the card into the top left PDI connector (P8).
3. Secure the top of the card to the standoffs with two #6 torx screws and washers.

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Figure 35: TIC Mounting

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6.5 TIC/Motherboard Interconnections

6.5.1 Interconnections
Use Figure 36 to connect the TIC to a motherboard in another bay.

Figure 36: Transponder Cabinet Interconnections

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6.6 RUI Wiring

The TIC connects to the CPU via the RUI interface. Wire from the RUI interface to each TIC. The wiring may be Class A or Class B.

6.6.1 RUI/RUI+ Specifications

• Output: 24V @ 130mA (RUI), 500 mA (RUI+); 32V maximum (RUI); 25.2V max (RUI+).
• Data Rate: 9,600 bits per second.
• 35.5 ohms maximum wiring impedance; 2500 feet maximum wiring distance.
• Refer to 900-408 for additional RUI/RUI+ wiring specifications.

6.6.2 Wiring Configurations

Class A wiring allows transponder cabinets to communicate with the FACU even in the event of a single open circuit somewhere in
the loop. Class A wiring requires that two wires are routed from the CPU motherboard to each TIC, and then back again to the CPU
Class B wiring allows “T” tapping, and therefore requires less wiring distance per installation than Class A.
Figure 37 depicts both types of wiring.

Figure 37: TIC Wiring to the Host Panel

Figure Notes:
1. Wire size must be between 18 AWG and 12 AWG.
2. The maximum wiring distance is 2,500 feet (762 m).
3. The maximum cable load is 10,000 feet (3,048 m).
4. Maintain correct polarity on terminal connections.
5. Do not loop wires under terminals.
6. Shielded wire is optional if the RUI+ Master Motherboard is used.
7. Twisted wire is required for RUI. Unshielded twisted wire is recommended for improved noise immunity for RUI+.

6.7 MINIPLEX Audio Wiring

This section describes the Class A and Class B connections from audio controllers to audio risers, as well as the TIC/riser interconnection.
Class A and Class B wiring configurations are shown for both analog and digital controllers and risers.

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6.7.1 Analog Interconnections

Figure 38 is an illustration of Class A and Class B wiring from the analog audio controller to analog audio risers that are in turn connected
to TICs or the Network Audio Riser Controller Module.
Note: Old legacy 0566-218 Analog Audio Controller was replaced due to component obsolescence. The replacement board is the
0566-1011 Analog Audio Controller. It is functionally equivalent to the legacy board.

Figure 38: Analog Audio Interconnections

1. Leave the 4.7 K, ½ W resistors (378-056; yellow/violet/red) on the “+” to “-” terminals of unused contacts.
2. All wiring is 18 AWG to 14 AWG twisted-shielded pair.
3. Audio wiring is not to be mixed in the same jacket with other wiring (including other audio wiring).
4. AC voltage rating: 10 VRMS (maximum).
5. DC voltage rating: 1 VDC (maximum).
6. Maximum number of analog interface cards per audio riser: 31.
7. All wiring that leaves the building requires the 2081-9044 Over voltage protector at each entry or exit to the building.
8. Maximum wire distance: 10,000 feet (3,048 meters).
9. Wiring must be free of all grounds.
10. Set audio input card jumpers as shown in Aux Audio Input Module Installation Instructions 579-160 .
11. All riser wiring is supervised and power-limited.

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6.7.2 Digital Interconnections (4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller, 4100-1411 ES Net Digital
Audio Controller)
Figure 39 is an illustration of Class X and Class B digital wiring from the 4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller to risers connected to TICs or
the Network Audio Riser Controller Module.
Note: The digital wiring from the 4100-1411 ES Net Digital Audio Controller to risers connected to TICs is identical to the digital wiring from
the 4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller to risers connected to TICs

Note: Old legacy 0566-409 Digital Audio Controller, 0566-407 DARIC, and 0566-833 MCC DARIC boards were replaced due to component
obsolescence. The replacement boards are the 0566-1028 Digital Audio Controller, 0566-1000 DARIC, and 0566-1001 MCC DARIC. They
are functionally equivalent to the legacy boards.

Figure 39: Digital Interconnections (4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller)

1. All wiring is 24 AWG to 18 AWG, twisted-pair.
2. Maximum wire distance: 2,500 feet (762 meters) from digital audio controller primary to the digital audio riser card.
3. Maximum distance between subsequent nodes: 2,500 feet (762 meters)
4. Maximum line distance and capacitance between nodes:
- 18 AWG : 40 Ohms maximum, 0.055 µF maximum
- 24 AWG: 135 Ohms maximum, 0.055 µF maximum
5. All wiring that leaves the building requires the 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protector at each entry or exit to the building. A maximum

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of four overvoltage protectors are allowed. Each 2081-9044 adds 6 Ohms and 0.006 µF.
6. Wiring must be free of all grounds.
7. Maximum number of digital interface cards per digital audio riser: 31.
8. All riser wiring is supervised and power-limited.
9. Audio wiring is not to be mixed in the same jacket with other wiring (including other audio wiring).
10. In applications where no Digital Audio Controller is connected to the field wiring (such as a synchronized audio application or a
non-synchronized application with multiple network microphone s), all DAR interface cards are wired secondary to primary.

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7 4120 Networking
A standalone or MINIPLEX 4100 system becomes a network node when a 4100 Network Interface Card (NIC) or other compatible network
card is installed and connected to another network node.
This chapter describes each step of how to how to turn a standalone or MINIPLEX FACU into a network node.
Before beginning the installation, review the next few pages for a detailed description of network cards and the media cards that mount
onto them.

7.1 Introduction to the 4100 Network Interface Card

The Network Interface Card (NIC) uses the standard 4100 serial bus to communicate with the master. The NIC connects FACUs in a
network, allowing for communication between each panel via fiber, modem, or twisted shielded pair wire in a Class X wiring configuration.
The NIC is designed to be connected in a point-to-point arrangement, so that one wire fault does not cause the entire system to fail. The
point-to-point arrangement provides the most secure and fault-tolerant wiring possible.
Two types of media boards can be used with the NIC card.
• The Fiber-Optic Media Card can be used for electrically noisy environments or for connecting externally to other buildings.
• Non-4100ES/4100U only: the Modem Media Card is typically used when a large transmission distance is required.
• The Wired Media Card is used in all other types of applications.
Up to two media boards can be plugged into each NIC. The same NIC can use a combination of two types of media boards (for example, a
NIC may have a wired media card connected to port 1 and a fiber-optic media card connected to port 2).

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7.1.1 Network Module Illustrations

Figure 40 depicts the 4100-6078 Network Interface Card.

Figure 40: 4100-6078 Network Interface Card

7.1.2 NIC Card LED Indications

The 4100-6078 NIC has the following LEDs:
LED1 (yellow). Illuminates when
• The host 4100 requests it to illuminate
• A transmission fails
• It is off-line with the 4100 host
• It needs to be configured
LED2 (red). Illuminates when a data ‘0’ is received at the right port.
LED3 (green). Illuminates when a data ‘0’ is transmitted at the right port.
LED4 (red). Illuminates when a data ‘0’ is received at the left port.

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LED5 (green). Illuminates when a data ‘0’ is transmitted at the left port.

7.1.3 4100 Motherboard Options

The figures below are illustrations of two motherboards apart from the default CPU motherboard that can be used with the 4100 NIC.
• The 565-274 Master Motherboard holds two daughter cards: the 4100 master controller card and the 4100 NIC.
• The 565-275 Class B Motherboard holds the 4100 NIC by itself.

Figure 41: UT Motherboard with City Connection (565-274)

Figure 42: UT Motherboard with City Connection (565-274)

7.1.4 NIC Card Modules

There are seven modules that can be plugged into the 4100-6078 NIC:
• 4100-6057 Fiber-Optic Media Card (565-261 or 566-376 or 746-109)
• 4100-6056 Wired Media Card (565-413)
• 4100-6055 Modem Media Card (565-279 or 566-338)
• 4100-6301 4120 SM-L Duplex Fiber Media Card (566-1198)
• 4100-6302 4120 SM-R Duplex Fiber Media Card (566-1197)
• 4100-6303 4120 MM-L Duplex Fiber Media Card (566-1199)
• 4100-6304 4120 MM-R Duplex Fiber Media Card (566-1200)
Each module is shown below.

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Fiber-optic data assembly

Fiber Optic Data: Fiber 565-261 and 566-376:
for 746-109:
Transmit/Receive (U1) Transmit (U1), Receive (U2)
Transmit, Receive

566-1197, 566-1198, 40-pin

566-1199, or 566-1200 network interface
card connector (J1)

Figure 43: 4100-6301/4100-6302/4100-6303/4100-6304 4120 Duplex Fiber

Media Cards, 4100-0143 /4120-0143 / 4100-6057 Fiber-Optic Media Card

Figure 44: The 4100/4120-0142 Wired Media Card (565-413)

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Figure 45: The 4100-6055 Modem Media Card (565-279 or 566-338)

7.1.5 Requirements and Limitations

Refer to Table 10 for electrical environmental requirements for the 4100 NIC and media cards.
Table 10: Electrical and Environmental Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Network Interface Card Startup, no media cards: 8 VDC at 110 mA
565-516 Nominal, no media cards: 20 to 32 VDC at 0 mA
Network Interface Card 566-793 Nominal, no media cards: 20 to 32 VDC at 46 mA
Modem Media Card 5 VDC at 180 mA max
Dual Fiber Media Card Using 24 V power supply: 20 VDC at 140 mA max
(565-261, 566-376, 746-109) Using 5 V power supply : 5 VDC at 130 mA max
Duplex Fiber Media Card Using 24 V power supply: 24 VDC at 55mA max
(566-1197, 566-1198, 566-1199, 566-1200) Using 5 V power supply (GCC/NPU): 5 VDC at 220 mA max
Wired Media Card 4.75 to 5.25 VDC at 170 mA max
Environmental Specifications (All Modules)
Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Humidity 10% to 93% relative humidity at 90°F (32°C)

7.2 Step 1. Configuring Network Cards

The NIC card, along with the each media card, all have jumpers that must be set as shown below.

7.2.1 Motherboard Jumper Settings

NIC-compatible jumper settings on CPU motherboards depend on which motherboards are used.
Motherboard 565-274 (Figure 42):
• JW1 and JW2 must be installed.
• Jumper plugs P5-P8 must not be installed.
Motherboard 566-227 (Figure 42):
P6: Port 1 settings.
P5: Port 2 settings.
• P6/P5 position 1 – 2: Network card (NIC) attached to CPU motherboard (default).
• P6/P5 position 2 – 3: RS-232/2120 card attached to CPU motherboard.
RUI+ Master Motherboard 566-938 (for figure see Installing FACU Components):
P10: Port 1 settings.
P11: Port 2 settings.
• P10/P11 position 1 – 2: Network card (NIC) attached to CPU motherboard (default).

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• P10/P11 position 2 – 3: RS-232/2120 card attached to CPU motherboard.

7.2.2 NIC Card Address Setting

Use SW2 to set the NIC card address. Refer to Appendix A: The Device Configuration DIP Switch for the address table.

7.2.3 NIC Card Jumper Settings

There are two shunt jumper ports on the NIC card that need to be set: P3 and P4. (Figure 40)
P3: Determines the NIC data transmission rate, 57.6 kbits/second or 9600 bits/second.
• Position 1 – 2 (the right two pins) or no pins jumpered: 57.6 kbits/second.
• Position 2 – 3 (the left two pins): 9600 bits/second.
P4: Determines the data protocol, 8-bit or 9-bit, that the NIC card is using.
• Position 1 – 2 (the right two pins) or no pins jumpered: 9-bit.
• Position 2 – 3 (the left two pins): 8-bit.
All settings are labeled on the card.

7.2.4 Wired Media Card Jumper Settings

P2: Tells the system which wire type is to be used. (NIC Card Modules)
Positions 1 – 2, 5 – 6, and 7 – 8: 18 AWG shielded, twisted pair wiring.
Remove all jumpers to specify 24 AWG twisted pair telephone cable wiring.
When using the wired media card, the Earth fault detection is performed on the left port only. Remove R1 (1 Ohm resistor) from the media
card on the right port.

7.2.5 Modem Media Card Jumper Settings

Non-4100ES/4100U only. P4 and P5 on the modem media card tell the system how the card is being used. (NIC Card Modules):
P4: Sets the card up as a network media card or a standalone modem.
• Position 1 – 2 (required): Sets the card up as a network media card, a service modem, or a physical bridge.
• Position 2 – 3: Sets the card up as a stand-alone modem.
P5: Specifies which connector will be used for data transmission.
• Position 1 – 2: For modem media board or stand-alone modem. Specifies that the transmission data comes from the 40-pin
connector (J1).
• Position 2 – 3: For service modem or physical bridge. Specifies that the transmission data comes from the 10-pin RS-232 connector

7.2.6 Dual Fiber Media Jumper Settings (746-109 only)

JW1 is used to adjust the link power budget. If communication problems are encountered, make sure that the fiber connections comply
with ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B-3 industry standards. The low power setting is preferred for all 62.5um fiber links less than 11dB and 50um fiber
links less than 6.6.dB.
Link Power Budget Settings (62.5um fiber/50um fiber):
Low 11dB / 6.6 dB
Med 16 dB /11.6 dB
High 20.4dB / 17 dB

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7.2.7 Duplex Fiber Media Configuration (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, 0566-1200 only)
SW1 displays the diagnostics on the diagnostic LEDs. Press to display the type and thresholds reached.
• Hold for three seconds to toggle between the Normal and Advanced diagnostics mode.
• Hold for six seconds to clear the counters.
Note: If SW2-4 is set to advanced diagnostics, and if you press and hold SW1 for 3 seconds, the card does not toggle between the
diagnostics modes. The mode is set to advanced.

SW2 configures the diagnostics display and the offline test modes. Refer to 579-1233 for more information on 4120 Duplex Fiber Media
Card Diagnostics. Switch SW2 is a bank of four DIP switches. From left to right (see ), these switches are SW2-1 to SW2-4.

Figure 46: DIP switch SW2

Position Description ON OFF

1 Offline test mode Disable Enable
2 Fiber data loopback Disable Enable
3 Select normal/low thresholds to monitor diagnostic LEDs Normal Low
4 Select normal / advanced diagnostics Normal Advanced
Note: If either test mode (SW2-1 and/or SW2-2) is enabled, normal 4120 network traffic is disrupted.

7.3 Step 2. Mounting Media Cards to the NIC

The 4100-6078 Network Interface Card (NIC) uses media cards to connect to other NICs. This section describes how the media cards are
mounted onto NICs.

7.3.1 Media Card Mounting

NICs connect to each other via the three types of media cards. The types of media cards in the right and left ports are determined by the
type of wiring that is being used across cards.
Connect P1 on the wired media card, or J1 on the modem or fiber media cards, to P5 (the left port) on the NIC.
To connect a second media card to the same NIC, connect it as described above, but use P6 (the right port) on the NIC. Note that any two
types of media cards can be connected to the same NIC.

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Figure 47: Media Card Mounting

Note: 4100-6301 and 4100-6303 Duplex Fiber Media cards are Left cards and must be inserted in the corresponding Network card Left
port (P5). 4100-6302 and 4100-6304 Duplex Fiber Media cards are Right cards and must be inserted in the corresponding Network card
Right port (P6). Refer to the 4120 Duplex Fiber Media Modules installation instructions (579-1238) for informations about mounting the
Duplex Fiber Media Card to the NIC.

7.4 Step 3. Mounting Network Cards

7.4.1 Daughter Card Installing

The 4100 NIC daughter card, shown in Figure 48, inserts into motherboards as follows:
• If the 565-274 Master Motherboard is being used, the NIC daughter card is inserted into connector J1.
• If the 566-227 Master Motherboard or 565-275 Motherboard is used, the NIC daughter card is inserted into connector J2.
• If the 566-938 RUI+ CPU Master Motherboard is used, the NIC daughter card is inserted into connector J6.

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Figure 48: Installing the Daughter Card

7.5 Step 4. Wiring Network Cards

The nodes in the network now have to be wired together, so that the NIC in one host panel connects to the NIC in the next panel. This
section contains guidelines and instructions for NIC wiring.

7.5.1 Wiring Guidelines

Refer to the following guidelines whenever field wiring the NICs.
• Network nodes must be wired right to left port, regardless of the media type selected.
• Class X protection is achieved by wiring the nodes in a loop fashion. A single fault (except an Earth fault) will cause the network
to reconfigure for degraded operation. A second fault (except an Earth fault) will result in the network dividing into two separate
• Class B is achieved by wiring the nodes in a linear fashion. Class B networks are not fault-tolerant and a single fault (except an Earth
fault) will result in the network dividing into two separate networks.
• Earth fault detection is performed on the left port only. When a network Earth fault occurs, the trouble is only reported on the node
whose left port is connected to the span.
• All 18 AWG wiring used with 4100-6056 Wired Media Cards must be twisted-shielded pair. All 24 AWG (telephone cable) used with
4100-6056 must be twisted pair. When shielded cable is used, the shield must be terminated to chassis Earth on the left port only.
• It is permissible to use mixed media in a network. For example, some spans may be “wired media” while others are optical fiber or
telephone modem.
• Each NIC has a jumper for selecting between network data rates of 57.6 kbps and
• 9.6 kbps. All cards in the network must be set for the same rate. (When modem media or physical bridging is used, the data rate must
be set for 9.6 kbps).
• Each NIC has a jumper for selecting between 8- and 9-bit network protocols. All cards in the network must be set for the same
network protocol. (When modem media or physical bridging is used, the protocol must be set for 8-bit).
• All network wiring except the shield is supervised and power limited.
• When wiring leaves the building, 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors are required. One overvoltage protector is installed where wiring
leaves the building; another is installed where wiring enters the next building.
A 655-158 Transient Suppressor (ordered as part of 748-599) is required for each modem-to-telephone line connection.

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Figure 49: The Transient Suppressor

7.5.2 Wiring Distances

Maximum wiring distances are shown in Table 11.
Table 11: Wiring Distances
Media Type Size Data Rate Max Distance
Wired 24 AWG 57.6 kbps 7,000 ft (2,134 m)
9.6 kbps 12,000 ft (3,658 m)
18 AWG 57.6 kbps 10,000 ft (3,048 m)
9.6 kbps 17,000 ft (5,182 m)
Optical Fiber 9/125 um 57.6 or 9.6 kbps 82 021 ft (25 000 m)
4100-6301/4100-6302 only
50/125 um 57.6 or 9.6 kbps 16 404 ft (5 000 m)
4100-6303/4100-6304 only
10 000 ft (3 048 m) 4100-6057,
4100-0143/4120-0143 only
62.5/125 um 57.6 or 9.6 kbps 16 404 ft (5 000 m)
4100-6303/4100-6304 only
15 000 ft (3 048 m) 4100-6057,
4100-0143/4120-0143 only
Modem (Physical Bridge) 24 AWG (dry) 9.6 kbps 15,000 ft (4,572 m)
RS-232 18 AWG 57.6 kbps 50 ft (15 m)
9.6 kbps 300 ft (91 m)
• 18 AWG fire-rated twisted, shielded pair must not exceed 58 pF per foot and be less than or equal to 6.385 Ohms per 1,000 feet (305
• 24 AWG twisted, unshielded telephone cable must not exceed 22 pF per foot and be less than or equal to 25.6 Ohms per 1,000 feet
(305 m).

7.5.3 Related Documentation

Refer to the 900-408 Field Wiring Specifications for additional NIC wiring information.

7.5.4 Dual Fiber Media Cards Fiber-Optic Wiring (565-261, 566-376, 746-109 only)
Connectors U1 (transmitter) and U2 (receiver) on the 4100-6057 Fiber-Optic Media Card are used to connect 4100-6078 NICs across parts
of a network.
• ST connectors with long strain relief boots are to be used with the fiber optic cable.

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• Fiber backbone components must meet or exceed standard EIA/TIA 568-B (Electronic Industries Alliance/Telecommunications
Industry Association) for maximum power losses; single-mode fiber is preferred; attenuation should be measured at 1310 nm.
Figure 50 shows how two network nodes are connected via fiber-optic cable.

Figure 50: Fiber Wiring (Dual Fiber Media Card)

7.5.5 Dual Fiber Media Cards Fiber-Optic Connection Types (565-261, 566-376, 746-109 only)
Dual Fiber Optic Cable Connections. The standard fiber optic connection between network nodes uses two fiber optic cables, one for
transmit, and the other for receive. This connection allows for optimum communications distance.
The available communications distance is determined by the properties of the specific fiber cable used. Distances can be determined using
the information and examples shown in Table 12.
Single Fiber Optic Cable Connections. For applications where a single fiber cable is available, or where use of a single cable is desired,
using a model 4190 9010 Bi-Directional Coupler at each node combines the separate transmit and receive signals into a single path (refer
to the requirements list).
This connection allows use of a single fiber cable, but it does reduce communications distance as indicated in the information and
examples shown in Table 13.

7.5.6 4190-9010 Coupler Requirements

The 4190-9010 Coupler (271-012) is used with the 565-261 Fiber Optic Media Board (revision “C” or higher), the 566-376 or the 746-109.
It can not be used with the Duplex Fiber Media Cards (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, 0566-1200). Two 4190-9010 Bi-Directional
Couplers are required per connection, one at each node.
The 4190-9010 is equipped with type ST connectors. To make type ST to type ST connections, an ST to ST coupler, by others, is required. ST
to ST Couplers are available from:

• Black Box, part number FO200

• Fiber Instrument Sales, part number F1-8101
• Newark Electronics, part number 95F2097 (or the equivalent)
Table 12: Dual Fiber Optic Cable Communications Distance Examples
Fiber Type 1* MIFL 2 Power Margin Distance 3 Budget 3
50/125 4 dB/km 4 dB 10,000 ft (3.05 km) 17 dB
numerical 3 dB/km 3 dB 15,000 ft (4.57 km)
aperture = 0.2
62.5/125 4 dB/km 4 dB 13,000 ft (3.96 km) 20.4 dB
numerical 3.75 dB/km 3 dB 15,000 ft (4.57 km)
aperture = 0.275
*See notes at bottom of page.

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Table 13: Single Fiber Optic Cable Communications Distance Examples*

Fiber Type 1 MIFL 2 Power Margin Distance 3 Budget 3 4190-9010 ST to ST Coupler
Coupler Loss Loss
50/125 numerical 3 dB/km 2 dB 7,650 ft(2.33 km) 21.4 dB 9.4 dB 3 dB
numerical = 0.2
62.5/125 numerical 3.2 dB/km 8,200 ft (2.5 km) 2 dB
aperture = 0.275
*Examples made using 4190 9010 Bi-Directional Couplers
Notes for Table 12 and Table 13:

1. Cable specifications are for 50 or 62.5 micron core with 125 micron cladding, multi-mode graded index fiber. Wavelength = 850
2. MIFL = Maximum Individual Fiber Loss. Numbers shown are for example reference only, refer to specific cable for exact
3. Maximum cable length is determined by distance listed or by reaching budget value, whichever is shorter. Maximum distances
listed for dual fiber cable are shorter than would be calculated. Budget using 4190-9010 Bi-Directional Coupler is the same with
either size cable because the coupler input cables are 62.5/125 fiber allowing launch power to be the same.
Figure 51 shows coupler wiring.

Figure 51: Coupler Wiring

7.5.7 Duplex Fiber Optic wiring (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, or 0566-1200 only)
Use the transceiver U1 on the duplex fiber-optic media card to connect 4100ES NICs across parts of a 4120 network. Figure 21 shows how
two network nodes are connected via fiber-optic cable.
• Do not mix single-mode and multi-mode cards on the same link, that is, do not connect a single mode right card to a multi-mode left
• The 4100 series duplex fiber cards are not compatible with dual fiber-optic media cards. Existing media cards at both ends of the link
must be replaced.
• The 4100 series Duplex Fiber Cards are not compatible with all modular network cards. Refer to Appendix A: Modular network card
compatibility for additional information.
• When you use fiber-optic cable, use SC connectors with long strain relief boots.
When servicing dual fiber-optic media cards, on retrofit jobs where multi-mode fibers with ST connectors are already installed, order
service kits 650-2013 for 62.5/125um installations, or 650-2014 for 50/125um installations.
Table 14: Fiber media card service kits
650-2013 Fiber Media Card Service Kit MM 650-2014 Fiber Media Card Service Kit MM
62.5um 50um
Qty Part # Description Qty Part # Description
1 743-2032 4120 MM-R Duplex 1 743-2032 4120 MM-R Duplex
Fiber Media Assy Fiber Media Assy
1 743-2031 4120 MM-L Duplex 1 743-2031 4120 MM-L Duplex
Fiber Media Assy Fiber Media Assy
2 171-100 Multi-Mode 62.5/125 2 171-099 Multi-Mode 50/125
STSC Patch Cord.46m ST-SC Patch Cord.46m
2 166-747 ST- ST Coupler 2 166-747 ST- ST Coupler

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Table 14: Fiber media card service kits

650-2013 Fiber Media Card Service Kit MM 650-2014 Fiber Media Card Service Kit MM
62.5um 50um
Qty Part # Description Qty Part # Description
2 156-087 Wire Clamp 2 156-087 Wire Clamp
2 650-2077 Insulating Sleeve 2 650-2077 Insulating Sleeve

Figure 52: Duplex fiber wiring

Note: There are different models for right and left ports. Install the correct model in its respective port on the network card.

7.5.8 Duplex Fiber-Optic Cable Distance Specifications (566-1197, 566-1198, 566-1199, 566-1200)
The available communications distance is determined by the properties of the specific fiber cable used, the overall link topology and the
available power budget.
Table 15: Duplex fiber-optic cable communications distance examples
Fiber type MIFL Power margin Distance Budget Coupler/Slice
Multi-mode 50/125 or 1.5 dB/km @1300 3 dB 5 km 18 dB 0.75 dB max for
62.5/125 nm each mated pair
numerical 0.30 dB max for
aperture = 0.275 for each fusion
Single-mode 9/125 numerical 1 dB/km @1310 3 dB 25 km 22 dB splice
aperture = 0.2 nm
1. Fiber type: Cable specifications are for:
- 9 micron core with 125 micron cladding, single-mode graded index fiber or
- 50 or 62.5 micron core with 125 micron cladding, multi-mode graded index fiber.
2. MIFL: Maximum Individual Fiber Loss. Numbers shown are industry standard references. Refer to the specific cable for exact
3. Distance: The maximum distance between nodes is determined by the total loss from the transmitter to the associated receiver

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(fiber loss, connector loss, splice loss and safety margin), or the maximum distance listed, whichever is smaller.
4. Wavelength: Left media = Tx 1550/Rx 1310 nm. Right media = Tx 1310/Rx 1550.
5. Link Budget: Attenuation should be measured at the following wavelengths.
- Multi-mode @ 1300nm
- Single-mode @ 1310nm

7.5.9 Wiring with the Wired Media Card

Refer to the guidelines and figures in this topic to use wired media cards.
Important: TB1 on the wired media card must not be used when it is connected to the 4100-6078 NIC.

• When the 565-413 Interface Card is used with 565-516, 566-407, 566–409, or 566-793 Network Card, TB1 on the 565-413 Interface
Card cannot be used. Connection to the motherboard is required as shown.
• The shield should only be connected at one end of the line. The shield is connected to the left port.
• When wiring leaves the building, 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors are required. One overvoltage protector is installed where wiring
leaves the building; another is installed where wiring enters the next building.
Table 16, lists the 4100ES master motherboard connections for the wired media card.
Table 16: CPU Motherboard Wired Media Connections
566-227 CPU Master Motherboard RUI+ CPU Master Motherboard (566-938)
Motherboard Port for Wired Media Card Connection Motherboard Port for Media Card Wired Media Card
Media Card Connected to (Left Port) Connected to P5 Connection (Left Port)
TB1 TB1-4 0V TB2 TB2-4 0V
TB1-5 Earth ground TB2-5 Earth ground
TB1-6 INV (-) TB2-6 INV (-)
TB1-7 None TB2-7 None
TB1-8 NONINV (+) TB2-8 NONINV (+)
Motherboard Port for Wired Media Card Connection Motherboard Port for Media Card Wired Media Card
Media Card Connected to (Right Port) Connected to P6 Connection (Right Port)
TB3 TB3-1 NONINV (+) TB3 TB3-1 NONINV (+)
TB3-2 Reserved TB3-2 Reserved
TB3-3 INV (-) TB3-3 INV (-)
TB3-4 Earth ground TB3-4 Earth ground
TB3-5 0V TB3-5 0V
Figure 53, shows how two CPU motherboards with wired media network cards connect to each other in the 4100ES.

Figure 53: Wired Media Interconnections Between 4100ES Motherboards

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7.5.10 Modem Guidelines

Review the following guidelines before wiring a network with modem media boards.
• Modem media wiring for NICs applies to non-4100ES/4100U systems only.
• Phone Line Classification consists of the following:

- Private leased line for analog data communications

- No dial tone
- Full duplex operation
- No conditioning required
- No signaling required
- Two-wire line interface
- RJ-11 modular jack
• If a four-wire circuit is required, the line must include a data station termination (DST) device to provide the two-wire interface
required by the 4120 network modem. The DST device should be located as close to the FACU as possible to minimize dry line signal
• The modem is capable of full duplex V.32bis analog data communications. The transmit signal level is 10 dbm.
• Telecommunications device: Xecom Model XE1414 or XE1414C V.32bis Two-Wire Analog Modem
• Modem FCC Registration Number: DWEUSA-75322-FA-E (565-279); DWEUSA-35610-M5-E (566-338)

7.5.11 Modem Wiring

Modem media wiring for NICs applies to non-4100ES/4100U systems only.

The Modem Media Card uses RJ-11 connectors to connect 4100-6078 NIC Assemblies across parts of a network.
Use the RJ-11 connector (P2) to connect nodes that use the modem media card. Do not use connector P1 (P1 is reserved for when the
daughter card is used as a physical bridge). Leased lines must be analog, full-duplex, private line (no dial tone), with a two-wire RJ-11
interface. Class B requires one circuit; Class X requires two circuits.

Figure 54: Modem Wiring

7.5.12 Wiring Illustrations

The following figures show how to wire the NIC. The illustrations use the 565-274 and 565-275 motherboards only. If you are using the
4100ES motherboard, refer to Figure 55 along with the figures below.

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7.5.13 Wired Media Class X Wiring

Figure 55: Wired Media, Class X Wiring

1. Refer to general wiring precautions in this chapter, as well as Field Wiring Specifications: document 900-082 for 4100; 900-408
for 4100ES.
2. When the 565-413 Interface Card is used with 565-516, -407, –409, or 566-793 Network Card, TB1 on the 565-413 Interface Card
cannot be used. Connection to the motherboard is required as shown.
3. The shield should only be connected at one end of the line. The shield is connected to the left port.
4. On assembly 565-274, JW1 and JW2 must be installed. Jumper plugs must not be installed on P5-P8. 5. Each “wired” media cable
requires two ferrite beads, one at each end (included in the shipping group). Refer to installation instructions 574-041 for proper
bead mounting.
5. Each “wired” media cable requires two ferrite beads, one at each end (included in the shipping group). Refer to installation
instructions 574-041 for proper bead mounting.

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7.5.14 Fiber Optic Class X Wiring (565-261, 0566-376, or 746-109 only)

Figure 56: Fiber Optic, Class X Wiring (565-261, 0566-376, or 746-109 only)
1. Refer to general wiring precautions in this chapter, as well as Field Wiring Specifications: document 900-082 for 4100; 900-408
for 4100ES. For specific information about fiber optic wiring, refer to the 900-143 Fiber Tutorial. 2.
2. The maximum distance between nodes when using the fiber communication path is dependent upon the fiber’s multimode
graded index: 10,000 feet (3,048 m) for 50/125 fiber; 15,000 feet (4,572 m) for 62.5/125 fiber. The maximum cable O.D. is 0.118 (3
mm). Reference document 900-143 for other fiber sizes.
3. ST connectors with long strain relief boots are to be used with the fiber optic cable.
4. On assembly 565-274, JW1 and JW2 must be installed. Jumper plugs must not be installed on P5-P8.
5. Cable clamps supplied with 748-531 are used to secure the fiber cable.

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7.5.15 Wired Media and Fiber Optic Class X Wiring (565-261, 0566-376, or 746-109 only)

Figure 57: Wired Media and Fiber Optic, Class X Wiring (565-261, 0566-376, or 746-109 only)
1. Refer to general wiring precautions in this chapter, as well as Field Wiring Specifications: document 900-082 for 4100; 900-408
for 4100ES. For specific information about fiber optic wiring, refer to the 900-143 Fiber Tutorial.
2. The maximum distance between nodes when using the fiber communication path is dependent upon the fiber’s multimode
graded index: 10,000 feet (3,048 m) for 50/125 fiber; 15,000 feet (4,572 m) for 62.5/125 fiber. The maximum cable O.D. is 0.118 (3
mm). Reference document 900-143 for other fiber sizes.
3. ST connectors with long strain relief boots are to be used with the fiber optic cable.
4. On assembly 565-274, JW1 and JW2 must be installed. Jumper plugs must not be installed on P5-P8.
5. Cable clamps supplied with 748-531 are used to secure the fiber cable.
6. When the 565-413 Interface Card is used with 565-516, -407, –409, or 566-793 Network Card, TB1 on the 565-413 Interface Card
cannot be used. Connection to the motherboard is required as shown.
7. The shield should only be connected at one end of the line. The shield is connected to the left port.
8. Each “wired” media cable requires two ferrite beads, one at each end (included in the shipping group). Refer to installation
instructions 574-041 for proper bead mounting.

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9. When wiring leaves the building, 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors are required. One overvoltage protector is installed where
wiring leaves the building; another is installed where wiring enters the next building.

7.5.16 Duplex fiber optic Class X wiring (0566-1197, 0566-1198, 0566-1199, 0566-1200 only)



566-1198, R R V
NETWORK OR 566-1200 O
EARTH INTERFACE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ASSY ASSY 566-1197,
OR 566-826
R+ 566-1198, 566-1199
OR 566-1200
ASSY 566-1197, XCVR 565-275
566-1199 LEFT RIGHT

ASSY 566-793
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ - V

+ - 1
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ASSY ASSY 566-1197,
566-1198, 566-1199
OR 566-1200 OV2
ASSY NETWORK 566-1198,
ASSY 566-793
TB2 ASSY 566-1197,XCVR
4100 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 566-1199
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 58: Duplex fiber-optic Class X wiring (566-1197, 566-1198, 566-1199, or 566-1200 only)

1. Refer to general wiring precautions in this document. For specific information about fiber-optic wiring, refer to the 900-143 Fiber
2. The available communications distance is determined by the properties of the specific fiber cable used and the available power
budget. The maximum distance between nodes is determined by the total loss from the transmitter to the associated receiver,
for example, fiber loss, connector loss, splice loss, and safety margin, or the maximum distance listed, whichever is smaller. See
Table 1 for allowed losses.
3. Use SC connectors with long strain relief boots for the fiber-optic cable.
4. Use fiber media service kits 650-2013 and 650-2014 on retrofit jobs where fibers with ST connectors are already installed.
5. Use cable clamps supplied with 748-531, 650-2013 and 650-2014 to secure the fiber cable.

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+ - 1
ASSY 565-413
OV1 INTERFACE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
R+ OR 566-826 ASSY,
ASSY 565-413
TB2 TB1 566-1198, 566-1197,
OR 566-1200 566-1198,
ASSY 566-1197, XCVR 566-1200
566-1199 4100
RIGHT PORT 565-275
ASSY 566-793

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
L L ш O
4002 V
+ - 2

EARTH 566-1198, OR
EARTH NETWORK 566-1200 + - 1
R+ 565-519
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
TB2 OR 566-825 “WIRED” MEDIA
ASSY ASSY 566-1197,
ASSY 566-793

9 101112131415 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
L L ш
+ - 2


Figure 59: Wired and duplex fiber media, Class X wiring (566-1197, 566-1198, 566-1199, or 566-1200 only)
1. Refer to general wiring precautions in this document. For specific information about fiber-optic wiring, refer to the 900-143 Fiber
2. The available communications distance is determined by the properties of the specific fiber cable used and the available power
budget. The maximum distance between nodes is determined by the total loss from the transmitter to the associated receiver,
for example, fiber loss, connector loss, splice loss, and safety margin, or the maximum distance listed, whichever is smaller. See
Table 1 for allowed losses.
3. Use cable clamps supplied with 748-531, 650-2013 and 650-2014 to secure the fiber cable.
4. When the 565-413 Interface Card is used with the 566-793, Network Card, TB1 on the 565-413 Interface Card cannot be used.
Connection to the motherboard is required as shown.
5. The shield should only be connected at one end of the line. The shield is connected to the left port.
6. Each “wired” media cable requires two ferrite beads, one at each end (included in the shipping group). Refer to installation
instructions 574-041 for proper bead mounting.
7. When wiring leaves the building, 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors are required. One overvoltage protector is installed where
wiring leaves the building; another is installed where wiring enters the next building.
8. Use fiber media service kits 650-2013 and 650-2014 on retrofit jobs where fibers with ST connectors are already installed.

7.6 Network Audio Wiring in a 4120 Network

7.6.1 Head-End Audio Network Configuration

A “Head End” audio network usually contains one node with an audio controller module
(4100-1210 Analog Controller Board or 4100-1311 Digital Controller Board), and may contain local analog or digital amplifiers. Some
configurations may have an audio controller module located in a non-head end node; for example, an application with backup local audio
in a non-head end node or an application with distributed microphones.
Typically, the other nodes only contain amplifiers, the audio riser interface (4100-0621 Analog Audio Riser or 4100-0622 Digital Audio
Riser), the 4100-0623 and the 4100-1341 Network Audio Riser Controller Module.

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The 4100-0623 Network Audio Riser Controller Module supports audio interconnections when connected to 4100-0621 Analog Audio
Risers or 4100-0622 Digital Audio Risers. It is a version of the Basic TIC that doesn’t have an RUI input. It communicates via internal
communications and is used to control audio riser interface modules in network nodes that are stand-alone fire alarm control panels.

7.6.2 Locations on the Network Audio Riser Controller Module

Figure 60 shows the DIP switch, LED, and connector locations on the 4100-0623 Network Audio Riser Controller Module.

Figure 60: Network Audio Riser Controller Module

7.6.3 Card Specifications

Table 17 lists the specifications for the 4100-0623 Network Audio Riser Controller Module.
Table 17: Network Audio Riser Controller Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Input voltage 18-33 VDC
Input Current 25 mA for Network Audio Riser Controller connected to a network node

Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Humidity 10% to 93% relative humidity at 90°F (32°C)

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7.6.4 Analog Interconnections

Figure 61 is an illustration of Class A and Class B wiring from the analog audio controller to risers connected to the Network Audio Riser
Controller Module.
Note: Old legacy 0566-218 Analog Audio Controller was replaced due to component obsolescence. The replacement board is the
0566-1011 Analog Audio Controller. It is functionally equivalent to the legacy board.

Figure 61: Analog Audio Interconnections

Figure Notes:
1. Leave the 4.7 K, ½ W resistors (378-056; yellow/violet/red) on the “+” to “-” terminals of unused contacts.
2. All wiring is 18 AWG to 14 AWG, twisted-shielded pair.
3. Audio wiring is not to be mixed in the same jacket with other wiring (including other audio wiring).
4. AC voltage rating: 10 VRMS (maximum).
5. DC voltage rating: 1 VDC (maximum).
6. The maximum number of analog interface cards per audio riser is 31.
7. All wiring that leaves the building requires the 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protector at each entry or exit to the building.
8. The maximum wire distance is10,000 feet (3,048 meters).
9. Wiring must be free of all grounds.
10. Set audio input card jumpers as shown in Aux Audio Input Module Installation Instructions 579-160.

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11. All riser wiring is supervised and power-limited.

7.6.5 Digital Interconnections for the 4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller

Figure 62 is an illustration of Class X and Class B digital wiring from the digital audio controller to risers connected to the Network Audio
Riser Controller Module.
Note: Old legacy 0566-409 Digital Audio Controller, 0566-407 DARIC, and 0566-833 MCC DARIC boards were replaced due to component
obsolescence. The replacement boards are the 0566-1028 Digital Audio Controller, 0566-1000 DARIC, and 0566-1001 MCC DARIC. They
are functionally equivalent to the legacy boards.

Figure 62: Digital Audio Interconnections (4100-1311 Digital Audio Controller)

1. All wiring is 24 AWG to 18 AWG , twisted-pair.
2. Maximum wire distance: 2,500 feet (762 meters) from digital audio controller primary to the digital audio riser card.
3. Maximum distance between subsequent nodes: 2,500 feet (762 meters).
4. Maximum line distance and capacitance between nodes:
- 18 AWG: 40 Ohms maximum , 0.055 uF maximum
- 24 AWG: 135 Ohms maximum, 0.055 uF maximum

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5. All wiring that leaves the building requires the 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protector at each entry or exit to the building. A maximum
of four overvoltage protectors are allowed. Each 2081-9044 adds 6 Ohms and 0.006 uF.
6. Wiring must be free of all grounds.
7. Maximum number of digital interface cards per digital audio riser: 31.
8. All riser wiring is supervised and power-limited.
9. Audio wiring is not to be mixed in the same jacket with other wiring (including other audio wiring).
10. In applications where no Digital Audio Controller is connected to the field wiring (such as a synchronized audio application or a
non-synchronized application with multiple network microphone s), all DAR interface cards are wired secondary to primary.

7.6.6 Distributed Microphone Interconnections

A Distributed Microphone is used between audio nodes in a network system where each node has its own local audio (its own Digital
Audio Controller) but needs to be able to play the microphone channel from a separate node’s Digital Audio Controller.
For a distributed microphone application, the 4100-0622 Digital Riser Interface (566-407, -1000) has a single digital to analog converter
that can be set to convert any single channel of the Digital Audio Riser (DAR) stream to analog. This analog output is connected to a second
Digital Audio Controller’s remote microphone input or to the microphone input of a 4100-1240 Input Option Card (566-037). DIP switches
configure the channel selection and density.
Figure 63 is an illustration of the distributed microphone application wiring. Refer to the Switches and Indicators section for switch settings
to configure the distributed microphone channel output.
Figure Notes:
1. Leave the 4.7 K, ½ W resistors (378-056; yellow/violet/red) on the “+” to “-” terminals of unused contacts.
2. All wiring is 18 AWG to 14 AWG, twisted-shielded pair.
3. Audio wiring is not to be mixed in the same jacket with other wiring (including other audio wiring).
4. AC voltage rating: 10 VRMS (maximum)
5. DC voltage rating: 1 VDC (maximum)
6. Maximum number of analog interface cards per audio riser: 31.
7. All wiring that leaves the building requires the 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protector at each entry or exit to the building.
8. Maximum wire distance: 10,000 feet (3,048 meters).
9. Wiring must be free of all grounds.
10. Set audio input card jumpers as shown in Aux Audio Input Module Installation Instructions 579-160.
11. All riser wiring is supervised and power-limited.

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Figure 63: Distributed Microphone Interconnections

7.6.7 Reference for MCC DARIC Installation

For information of the installation of Multiple Digital Command Centre (MCC) Digital Audio Riser Input Option Cards (DARICs) refer to the
latest revision of document 574-844.

7.7 Digital Audio PDI Termination Plug

A Digital Audio Riser Termination Plug (734-183) is provided with every Digital Audio Controller or Digital Audio Riser Module. You must use
this termination plug to properly terminate the Digital Audio Signal on the PDI.

7.7.1 Installing a Digital Audio PDI Termination Plug

To properly terminate the Digital Audio Signal on the PDI, you must install the termination plug into P7 of the Node’s last bay that has
Digital Audio. The Digital Audio Controller should be the first item and the Digital Audio Termination Plug the last item in the Digital Audio
PDI Bay-to-Bay wiring. See Figure 64.

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Figure 64: Installing a Digital Audio PDI Termination Plug

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8 ES Net Networking
Use the ES Net Network Interface Cards (NICs) to expand a 4100ES to an ES Net network system. Install a NIC in a 4100ES host panel to
connect to up to 98 other network nodes. Examples of other nodes include other host 4100ES panels, 4010ES FACUs, 4007ES FACUs, or
TrueSite Workstations (TSWs). A node is a self-sufficient FACP that controls appliances and devices, and also has the capability to control
and communicate with other nodes.
In addition to carry fire alarm events, the ES Net Network can also be used to carry inter-panel audio notification messages and two-way
firefighter phone communications between 4100ES nodes over Ethernet or Fiber links (DSL links not supported). Refer to the ES Net Digital
Audio Controller Installation Instructions 579-1408 for information about Audio over ES Net and the ES Net Digital Audio Controller card. .
The ES Net network supports multiple topologies of diverse interconnections between ES Net Nodes. These connections include bridged
rings, spurs, or hub/star like topologies. The only limitations are the maximum number of bridged rings; 4, and the available fire ports on
the ES Net NIC card; up to 6.
A ring configuration consists of nodes that are connected to each other forming a closed loop (Class X), see Figure 65.
4100ES Panel

Link could be Ethernet,

DSL or Fiber optic.
Fire Control

Ring Topology

4100ES Panel

TrueSite Workstation

Figure 65: ES Net network ring

A hub/star configuration consists of several nodes connected directly to one common node, see Figure 66.

Node 1

Node 5
Node 2 Non-redundant

Node 3 Node 4

Figure 66: ES Net hub or star configuration

This configuration can be redundant (Class X), as two links can be setup between the common node and each of the remote nodes. It
can also be non-redundant (Class B) with a single link setup between the common node and the remote node. A non-redundant (Class B)
configuration provides no alternate communication path between two nodes, therefore, a single fault in the network could segment the
A multi-ring ES Net network with two bridged rings, and a single panel connected through a fire spur is shown in Figure 67.

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Node 2 Node 5

Fire Control

Fire Control

Node 6
Node 3

Fire Control

Node 1 Node 4

Node 7

Figure 67: ES Net seven node multi-ring network

A standalone 4100ES system becomes an ES Net network node when an ES Net Network Interface Card (NIC) is installed and connected to
another network node.
The ES Net Network Interface Card (NIC) is an option card that is used to add a 4100ES FACU or a TSW node to an ES Net network. You
can mount the ES Net NIC in a bay in the FACU, and configure the card as an ES Net NIC or an ES Net TSW NIC. The NIC communicates
between each panel using Ethernet, DSL, or fiber connections in a Class X or Class B wiring configuration.
The NICs are designed to be connected in a point-to-point arrangement, so that one wire fault does not cause the entire system to fail. The
point-to-point connection provides a secure and fault-tolerant wiring arrangement.
Network connection is available directly on the ES Net NIC using Ethernet cables and up to two media cards can be used for additional
connection requirements (Fiber, Ethernet or DSL). A mix of different media card types are also supported.

4100ES Panel

Link could be Ethernet,

DSL or Fiber optic.
Fire Control

Ring Topology

4100ES Panel

TrueSite Workstation

Figure 68: ES Net network ring

The following media cards are compatible with the ES Net NIC:
• 4100-6306 ES Net Dual Channel Ethernet media card
• 4100-6307 ES Net Dual Channel DSL media card
• 4100-6308 6308 ES Net Dual Channel Single-mode Fiber-Optic media card
• 4100-6309 ES Net Dual Channel Multi-mode Fiber-optic media card

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For more information about installing the 4100-6310 flat type ES Net NIC, see Flat Type ES Net NIC Installation Instructions (579-1257).
For more information about installing the 4100-6104 slot type ES Net NIC, see Slot Type ES Net NIC Installation Instructions (579-1256).
For more information about installing the optional media cards, see ES Net Dual Channel Fiber, Ethernet, and DSL Media Card Installation
Instructions (579-1258).

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9 The ES Power Supply

The 4100-5401 ES-PS and 4100-5402 ES-XPS are modular power supply providers for the 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU). The ES-
XPS functionally replaces the current expansion power supplies (XPS). The ES-PS functionally replaces the following existing power supplies
for the 4100ES system:
For more information about legacy power supplies, refer to Appendix L: Legacy Power Supplies. For more information about the ES-PS and
ES-XPS, refer to 579-1288 ES-PS and ES-XPS installation instructions

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10 PC Software Connections
The service port on the CPU daughter card allows the 4100ES panel to connect to a PC’s running important utilities, such as diagnostics,
programming, CPU firmware downloading, and channel monitoring.
The panel can also connect to a remote PC through the 4100-9832 Service Modem or through the Ethernet.
The 4100 panel has capability and compatibility with other Simplex panels and/or platforms. All compatible systems must be configured
as specified in installation instructions or other guidelines, to ensure functionality for both systems including software and firmware within
a FACU. The software used in additional systems should show required functions, must be functionally compatible and indicated in the
installation instructions of one or both of the compatible systems. This does not apply to supplementary functions. The current software
revisions must be listed in each installation manual.

10.1 Software Modes

There are three basic software modes that the service port or service modem can be used to connect to:
• Service and Diagnostics Mode
• Data Transfer Interface Mode
• Master Bootloader Interface Mode
Each mode is described below.
Service and Diagnostics Mode:
This is the default functionality when a PC is connected to the FACU. On a PC, this mode provides application startup messages, an ASCII
interface to a UI command set for diagnostics, and event reporting. A pre-configured terminal emulator is part of the 4100ES software and
can be launched from the programmer. The connection to a PC is made either through the serial port, through the service modem, or
through the Ethernet port.

Figure 69: Service and Diagnostic Interface

Data Transfer Interface Mode:
In this mode, the ES Panel Programmer is enabled. This allows for card executive software software downloading, as well as downloading
a configuration and audio messages to the FACU, and uploading a configuration or history log from the FACU. Connection to a PC is made
through the serial port, through the service modem or through the Ethernet port.

Figure 70: Data Transfer Interface

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Master Bootloader Interface Mode:

This interface should be used when the Master executable is not functioning. It downloads the Master CPU Exec firmware and the CFG.TXT
file to the CPU using the serial port.

Figure 71: Bootloader Interface

10.2 Ethernet Service Port and Serial Service Port

10.2.1 Ethernet Service Port Overview (0566-719 only)

The Ethernet service port J1 on the CPU card (0566-719) is used to connect the panel to a local PC. See Figure 72 for the port location.

Figure 72: CPU card ports

The Ethernet service port connects to the front panel Ethernet connection through a standard straight (non-crossover) Ethernet Patch
Cable. The service technician should connect his PC to the CPU card through this front panel connection with a standard straight Ethernet
cable (see ). If this connection is not available, you may plug directly into the CPU Card connector J1 to the PC with a standard straight
Ethernet cable.
Note: Depending on optional cards in your system, the CPU Ethernet port may not go directly to the front panel service port. In these
cases do not disconnect the CPU card from the option modules for use of the Ethernet service port. The optional cards will have a port for
direct connection to the front panel Ethernet service port.

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Figure 73: Front Panel Ethernet Service Port

10.2.2 Serial Service Port Overview

The Serial Service Port P5 on the CPU card (0566, 149, 0566-692 and 0566-719) can also be used to connect the Panel to a local PC. See
Figure 72 for the port location.
To use this port, the technician must connect the serial service port cable on the PC directly to the serial Service Port (P5) on the card.

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11 MNS/ECS Application
This chapter covers the configuration of a 4100ES system to operate as a mass notification system (MNS).

11.1 Application of 4100ES as a UL2572 Mass Notification System

11.1.1 General Information

A 4100ES system with Basic Voice option 4100-9620 (analog), 4100-9621 (digital), or 4100-1412 (ES Net digital) can be configured for
operation as a Mass Notification System (MNS). Configuration of the system is to be done per UL2572, taking into account any special
requirements resulting from a Risk Analysis.

11.1.2 Hierarchy of Operator Interfaces

The 4100ES main user interface serves as the primary local control unit for the in-building MNS, called the Autonomous Control Unit. It is
an “authorized personnel” operator interface, that can take control of the paging and messaging features of the 4100ES system.
The ACU serves as the primary control station in the MNS, and as such has the highest priority among all operator interfaces attached to
the 4100ES system, including network interfaces such as a TrueSite Workstation. The hierarchy of operation is specified by UL2572 as:
• Autonomous Control Unit (ACU)
• Local Control Unit (LOC)
• Central Command Station (CCS)
A Local Control Unit (LOC) is an in-building operator interface for authorized personnel to initiate messages and signaling in an emergency
situation. An example of an LOC is a 4100 Remote Annunciator, configured with remote microphone and LED/Switch modules for
activation of the paging and emergency message features of the 4100ES.
A Central Command Station (CCS) is a networked user interface, such as TrueSite Workstation. These units can activate signaling over
a local in-building or campus network. A CCS is provided with a microphone, which may be a remote microphone, such as 4003-9803
wired from a 4100ES fire alarm node in the system. Another possibility would be a 4100-1244 remote microphone in a transponder bay
installed into a console at the CCS location. Alternately, a 4100ES may be rack-mounted as part of the command console, and the master
microphone would be available for this function.
The hierarchy of the operator interfaces is programmed using Custom Control. For example, the ACU could have a switch programmed to
be a priority 3, an LOC switch could be programmed as priority 4 and a CCS could have a switch programmed as priority 5. Refer to the ES
Panel Programmer’s Manual (574-849) for detailed information about programming switch priority and writing custom control.
If transfer of control is required, LED/Switch points must be programmed to activate and to indicate the transfer of control to each desired
location. These switches would be programmed at different priorities and the LEDs would indicate the status of control.
Refer to document 900-249, 4100 Upgrade Audio Enhancement Guide for details on how to configure an audio system with multiple
command centers.
When any unit is in control, an LED must indicate the active control at each location. If a higher priority service takes control from a
lesser priority service, that should be indicated by extinguishing the LED or indicator for the lesser priority service and lighting the LED or
indicator for the greater priority service.
For example, if the LOC takes control, the CCS must be locked out from taking control and an indicator at the CCS must show that the
LOC is in control. If the ACU then takes control from the LOC, the indication must change at both the LOC and CCS that the ACU now has
control. In this case, both the LOC and CCS must be locked from taking control.

11.1.3 Priority of Signals

A Mass Notification System is often a combination of fire alarm and other signals. As such, it may receive signals that affect life safety that
are other than fire alarm signals. Any signal that indicates a danger to Life Safety, including fire alarm, is the highest priority. The highest
priority could also include intruder alert, tornado warning, or other signals as determined by the Risk Analysis.
If multiple signals are received simultaneously, the priority of signals is:
1. Signals associated with life safety
2. Signals associated with property safety
3. Supervisory signals and trouble signals associated with life and/or property safety
4. All other signals
In the 4100ES system, signal priority can be selected by assignment of point type and further by custom control. Refer to the ES Panel
Programmer’s Manual (574-849) for detailed information about programming input point priority and writing custom control.

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11.1.4 Overriding Fire Alarm Signals

An MNS/ECS system must have the capability to override any other notification signals. When the 4100ES is used as a combination fire
alarm/MNS, the system programming determines which signal has priority. Just as an Evacuation Message has higher priority than an Alert
Message, system programming gives priority to MNS functions over other alarm functions.
In the event that a fire alarm signal is overridden by the MNS signal, and the MNS signal is then “silenced”, the building occupants need
to be assured that the evacuation system is still functioning. The standard evacuation signal is feature that is programmable in this 4100
panel and when used, it must set for no less than 3 minutes.
During the period the mass notification system has seized control of audible and/or visible notification appliances of a fire alarm, but
before the mass notification relinquishes control, an audible and visible signal shall be actuated by the notification appliances at least once
every thirty seconds, unless there is an active signal present, to be recognized by the usual building occupants.
With a 4100ES system, use Custom Control equations. A single flash and a short beep of audible and visible appliances meets this
requirement. Alternately, an appropriate prerecorded message may be played. For example, a message instructing occupants to “shelter
in place” may be played after a live microphone message. Risk Analysis by the AHJ should guide the appropriate pre-recorded messages.
Switches for activation of special messages should be marked so as to be identifiable during an emergency by trained personnel.
Custom Control equations for the “chirp/flash” of audible and visible appliances are suggested below.
The Automatic Alert Tone is programmable feature in the 4100 panel. You can create a message or use a pre-recorded message. You must
set it for 1 to 3 seconds. The 4100 panel can initiate a recorded message. If a previously initiated recorded message is interrupted by a
live voice instructions, the previously initiated recorded messages can be used in the selected notification zones when you release the
microphone. This feature also has the option to not resume play automatically.

11.1.5 Timing Equations


11.1.6 Appliance Control Equations


11.1.7 Public Accessible Panic Switches

Some applications call for panic switches that are accessible to the public. Panic switches are input devices used to signal a non-fire
emergency, and could be used to trigger events and/or announcements in the building. If these switches are installed in public areas of
a building they would typically not automatically trigger a Mass Notification event. Instead, they would trigger the Command Center to
investigate the signal and make the appropriate announcement.

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A variety of devices can be connected to a Simplex 4100ES via an individual addressable module (IAM). The IAM should be programmed as
a priority 2 device, or other non-fire alarm point. The IAM may be used to monitor any contact type initiating device. Use a contact-type
initiating device listed to ANSI/UL 2017.
The Command Center may also use security cameras and/or intercom capabilities to allow them to make a more rapid response and a
Mass Notification announcement if necessary.

11.2 Programming and Configuration

11.2.1 Programming the 4100ES to Meet MNS Requirements

The programming for an MNS is not special; it can be accomplished using priority, modes, and Custom Control. Any technician who has
attended training and become a certified 4100ES Fire Alarm Technician should be capable of programming the 4100ES for MNS combined
with Fire Alarm service.
Program a key for the reset of MNS panic switch alarms. The key mode should be type “PBT”, with the reference address of P216. The
adjacent LED should be programmed to track the status of the reset window timer, illuminating for the duration of the reset cycle. The
reset window timer is A214.
MNS requires that dedicated LEDs be programmed for any MNS-specific service. It is appropriate to use Priority 2 for MNS alarms. Pri 2
could also be used to indicate another alarm, such as CO. In a case of multiple Pri 2 alarms, LEDs must be added for each type of service.
Program these LEDs to track the state of the points involved in that service.

Figure 74: Supervisory and Trouble LEDs for both MNS and Fire
MNS can also have Supervisory inputs, which should still be programmed as Supervisory in order to activate the sounder and the
Supervisory indicator. A dedicated LED for each type of service must also be programmed. For example, a fire supervisory would light
a dedicated fire supervisory LED, as well as the general supervisory LED. An MNS supervisory would light a dedicated MNS supervisory
LED as well as the general supervisory LED. This is to comply with a UL2572 requirement for an indication of each type of service without
activating any controls.
The same requirement holds when there are MNS specific points. They should light the general trouble LED and sound the piezo. They
should also be programmed such that an LED tracks the trouble status of MNS points and a separate LED tracks the trouble status of fire
alarm points.

11.2.2 Minimum Configuration for LOC and ACU

The minimum configuration for LOC and ACU is listed below.
Table 18: Minimum Configuration for LOC and ACU
Controls • MNS Reset
• MNS Alarm activation
• MNS Take Command/Relinquish Command
• CO Reset
Indicators • MNS Supervisory LED
• MNS Trouble LED
• CO Alarm LED
• ACU in Control LED
• CCS in Control LED
• LOC in Control LED

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11.2.3 Access and Security Information for the 4100ES System

Communications Security: Level 1
Stored Data Security: Level 0
Physical Security: Level 1
Access Control: Level 1

11.2.4 Voice Control Centers

The primary solution for controlling and activating voice messages on a Simplex fire alarm network is utilizing the standard 4100ES LED
and Switch user interface along with a microphone for live voice announcements.
In the example below the operator first selects the destination for a message on the left and then selects the audio source or pre-recorded
message to play on the right.

Figure 75: Voice Message Configuration Example

In a system with multiple voice command centers a take control button with an in-control indicator would also be appropriate to configure
on your annunciator with microphone.
The 4100ES and 4120 network support a variety of programmable options for utilizing prioritization and request/cancel procedures for
taking control of the system. This feature prevents operators from interfering with each other in a system with multiple command centers.
In some cases different colored peripherals or boxes are specified for Mass Notification. Contact sales engineering for information on
meeting these requirements.
The Automatic Alert Tone is programmable feature in the 4100 panel. You can create a message or use a pre-recorded message. You must
set it for 1 to 3 seconds. The 4100 panel can initiate a recorded message. If a previously initiated recorded message is interrupted by a
live voice instructions, the previously initiated recorded messages can be used in the selected notification zones when you release the
microphone. This feature also has the option to not resume play automatically.

11.2.5 Configuration Limitations

A 4100ES is not UL Listed for Background Music/General Paging or Security when configured for MNS.
Note: The TrueSite Workstation is not listed for UL 2017 operation. The TSW functionality must be limited to remote annunciator active
when used for MNS operations.

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11.2.6 Amber Strobes

The 4100ES is compatible with the amber strobes listed below:
• 4906-9205, 4906-9206, 4906-9207 (addressable, visible only, “ALERT” lettering)
• 4906-9107, 4906-9108 (non-addressable, visible only, “ALERT” lettering)
• 4906-9208, 4906-9211 (visible only, with both an amber and a clear lens strobe, respectively marked “ALERT” and “FIRE”)
Other models of Simplex brand strobes are available with “ALERT” instead of “FIRE”. Refer to the installation instructions for each power
supply for complete lists of compatible appliances.

11.2.7 MNS Wiring

The 4100ES field wiring is “power-limited”, with the exception of AC input, battery and the City Circuit option module wiring. For MNS, the
term “power limited” has been replaced by the NEC term “class 2”. Wherever this document uses the UL864 term “power limited”, it can be
taken to mean class 2. Any wiring deemed “power limited” for UL864 is deemed “class 2” for MNS.

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12 Appendix A: The Device Configuration DIP Switch

Addressable cards include a bank of eight DIP switches. From left to right (see Figure 76) these switches are designated as SWx-1 through
SWx-8. The function of these switches is as follows:
• SWx-1. This switch sets the baud rate for the internal 4100 communications line running between the card and the CPU. Set this
switch to ON.
• SWx-2 through SWx-8. These switches set the card’s address within the 4100ES FACU. Refer to Figure 77 for a complete list of the
switch settings for all of the possible card addresses.
Note: You must set these switches to the value assigned to the card by the ES Panel Programmer.

Figure 76: DIP Switch SWx

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Figure 77: Card Addresses

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13 Appendix B: Installing 4100 MINIPLEX Components

MINIPLEX remote interface cards (RICs) allow for data and power interconnections between the 4100 host panel and remote locations.
This chapter describes the transponder installation procedure for all MINIPLEX systems in non-4100ES/4100U systems.

13.1 Introduction to MINIPLEX Systems

The 4100 MINIPLEX Fire Alarm System uses transponder cabinets containing remote interface cards (RICs) to extend power and
communication across large areas. MINIPLEX transponders allow the system to provide applications for up to 1000 monitor and/or control
points and 2000 annunciator points (see note). Using 4100-style serial communications, up to 31 distributed MINIPLEX transponder
locations are possible for initiating device circuit cards, MAPNET II/ TrueAlarm addressable communications interfaces, notification
appliance circuit cards, LED/switch controls, auxiliary relay control cards, power supplies, and audio amplifiers.
By selecting the required combinations of modules and mounting MINIPLEX transponders at the appropriate building locations, wire
quantities are significantly reduced for all monitor and control functions. Since power for the local modules is provided from the local
power supply, the wiring from the control panel need only be separate twisted, shielded pairs for data, voice, and telephone.

• One point consists of one LED or one switch on an LED/switch module, one LED driver output on a graphic driver, or one switch input
on a graphic switch input module.
• Up to 32 modules can be controlled by one MINIPLEX transponder.
• The 4100 0117 MINIPLEX Expansion Power Supply is available with a power-limited 8 A output.

Figure 78 is an outline of a MINIPLEX system.

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Figure 78: MINIPLEX System Design

13.2 MINIPLEX System Components

The 4100 MINIPLEX system is comprised of a host panel containing everything required in a standalone cabinet (see Chapter Installing
4100ES MINIPLEX Components), plus:
• An RUI module in the master controller bay
• One or more remote MINIPLEX transponder cabinets
• A RIC II card in each transponder cabinet
This section describes each component in turn.

13.2.1 The RUI Card

The RUI module consists of a motherboard and daughter card, which are used in the master controller bay of a MINIPLEX system to
extend the length of communications wire to reach remote bays.
Figure 79 is an illustration of the RUI card.

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Figure 79: The Remote Unit Interface Card

The RUI card mounts onto a 562-799 or 562-856 Motherboard.

13.2.2 Transponder Cabinets

Communication wiring from the RUI module in the host panel extends to the RIC II card in a remote transponder cabinet. The transponder
cabinet is simply a 2975-91xx Back Box with a RIC II module in it, and can have one, two, or three bays.

13.2.3 The Remote Interface Card (RIC)

Remote interface cards (RICs) in the transponder cabinets allow for data, power, and audio interconnections between the 4100 host panel
and remote locations. They support RUI connections in Class B and Class X wiring configurations.

Figure 80 illustrates the RIC circuit board.

Figure 80: The RIC II Card

13.3 MINIPLEX System Guidelines

The rules on this page apply exclusively to MINIPLEX systems. Review each guideline before installing a MINIPLEX 4100 system.

13.3.1 Guidelines
• The MINIPLEX master control panel must be a 4100-8210 Voice and Sound Control Panel.
• The Class B RUI card supports MINIPLEX transponders and 4602/4603 serial annunciators on the same signaling line circuit.

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• Up to 4 RUI cards in the 4100 Control Panel can be used for distributing transponder wiring in different directions or for supporting
different wiring requirements (such as using a Class X RUI for serial annunciators).
• Up to 31 MINIPLEX transponders can be controlled from the 4100 Control Panel, and can be distributed as required among the RUI
• “T” tapping is allowed for Class B communications only (Class X wiring does not support “T” tapping).
• *Wiring from RUI cards is a minimum of 18 AWG twisted, shielded pair.
• The maximum wiring distance from the 4100 RUI card to a MINIPLEX transponder is 2500 feet (762 m). For Class B wiring, this can be
extended to 10,000 feet (3 km) maximum if “T” tapping is used.
• Voice and telephone wiring for 4100-8210 systems is via separate twisted, shielded pairs.
• 4100U system cards are not compatible with 4100 miniplex transponders that are controlled by a 4100 RIC II card.
*The RUI+ has the same limitation as the RUI, except shielded wire is not required.

13.4 Installing Modules into Back Boxes

This section contains guidelines and instructions for mounting the RUI and RIC II modules into 4100 back boxes.
• The RUI motherboard mounts into the CPU bay or, if necessary, an expansion bay.
• The RIC II mounts into expansion bays only.

13.4.1 Guidelines
Review the following guidelines before installing a motherboard into a cabinet.
• If a power supply is installed in the bay, it must be installed on the far right of the bay and any relay modules must be installed in the
slots immediately to its left.
• Relay cards must be installed in the rightmost possible slots. This is necessary to allow for the proper routing of non-power limited
wiring (typically 120 VAC wiring), which could be connected to a relay module.

13.4.2 Installing the RUI Motherboard

Mount the RUI motherboard (562-799 or 562-856) in a master controller bay as described below.
1. Orient the motherboard with the connector labeled J1 on the right and the header labeled P1 on the left.
2. Match the connector on the previously installed motherboard with the pins on the motherboard you are installing. Slide the
motherboard to the left until the pins are completely inserted in the connector of the previously installed motherboard. If you are
installing the leftmost board, the pins will remain unconnected.
3. Secure the motherboard to the chassis with four torx screws.

Figure 81: Installing the RUI Motherboard in the CPU Bay

Note: RUI motherboards may also be installed in expansion bays.

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13.4.3 Installing the RIC II Motherboard

The RIC II motherboard is installed into a remote transponder cabinet (back box PID series 2975-91xx). Review the following guidelines
before mounting RIC II motherboard.

• If a power supply is installed in the bay, it must be installed on the far right of the bay and any relay modules must be installed in the
slots immediately to its left.
• Relay cards must be installed in the rightmost possible slots. This is necessary to allow for the proper routing of non-power limited
wiring (typically 120 VAC wiring), which could be connected to a relay module.
• If a 4100/4120-0155 SDACT or a 4100/4120-0153 CCDACT is installed in the bay, it must be installed in the far left or far right slot.
Neither of these modules contains the J1 or P1 connectors, which are used to distribute power and communications to adjacent
Use the following directions and Figure 82 to install a RIC II motherboard into a transponder cabinet.
1. The RIC II motherboard must be installed in the leftmost slot. Orient the motherboard with the connector labeled J1 on the right.
2. Secure the motherboard to the chassis with four torx screws.

Figure 82: Installing the RIC II Motherboard into a 4100 Expansion Bay
3. If you are installing the RIC II in a transponder cabinet with additional bays, you must connect a 733-525 Power and
Communication Harness. Continue to the next topic for instructions.

13.4.4 Connecting the 733-525 Harness

If you need to connect a 733-525 Harness to a motherboard, refer to Figure 83 and follow these steps. Make sure to route the power and
communication wiring on the left side of the bay.
1. Connect one end of the harness to a motherboard in an adjacent bay.
If the adjacent bay is a master controller bay, connect the harness to the P2 and P3 connectors of the master controller moth-
erboard and continue to step 2.
If the adjacent bay is an expansion bay, connect the harness to the P2 and P3 connectors of the motherboard installed in the
leftmost slot. (If a 4100-0155/4120-0155 SDACT or a 4100-0153/4120-0153 CCDACT occupies the leftmost slot, connect the har-
ness to the motherboard in the second slot from the left.) Connect the harness as follows:
a. Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P2 connector. Note that the P2 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
b. Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P3 connector. Note that the P3 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
2. Connect the other end of the harness to the leftmost motherboard in the next bay, as described below. Make sure to route the

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wiring on the left side of the bay.

a. Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P2 connector. Note that the P2 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
b. Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P3 connector. Note that the P3 connector has eight pins. Insert the
harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.

Figure 83: Power and Communication Wiring for the Transponder Cabinet (4100)

13.5 MINIPLEX Wiring

The RIC must be connected to the host panel via RUI cabling. This section explains how to wire the two together, and how to set up a
system with multiple transponders connected to the same host panel.

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13.5.1 Wiring Configurations

RUI cabling can be accomplished either through Class A or Class B wiring.
Class A wiring allows transponder cabinets to communicate with the FACU even in the event of an open circuit somewhere in the loop.
Class A wiring requires that two wires are routed from the CPU motherboard to each RIC, and then back again to the CPU motherboard.
Class B wiring allows “T” tapping, and therefore requires less wiring distance per installation than Class A. Additionally, Class B wiring does
not require end-of-line resistors, because each RIC communicates directly to the CPU.
Important: Make sure these prerequisites are accounted for before wiring:

• All transponder cabinets are installed within 2500 feet (762 m) of the FACU.
• Conductors test free of all grounds.
• All wires are between 12 and 18 AWG, or as the local code dictates.

13.5.2 Class A Wiring

To connect the RUI card to RICs using Class A wiring, read the following instructions and refer to Figure 84, on the next page.
1. Route wire between 12 and 18 AWG from the + (TB1-8) and - (TB1-6) terminals on the COMMS “A” block of the 562-856/565-217
RUI card to the TB1-8 (+) and TB1-6 (-) terminals on the 565-233 RIC.
2. Route wire from the first RIC to the next one. Repeat for each transponder cabinet within 2500 feet (762 m).
3. Route wire from TB1-7 (+) and TB1-5 (-) on the last RIC to + (TB1-4) and - (TB1-2) on the COMMS “B” block of the 562-856/565-217
RUI card.

13.5.3 Class B Wiring

To connect the RUI card to RIC II cards using Class B wiring, read the following instructions and refer to Figure 84, on the next page.
1. Route wire between 12 and 18 AWG from the + (TB1-8) and - (TB1-6) terminals on the COMMS “A” block of the 562-856/565-217
RUI card to the TB1-8 (+) and TB1-6 (-) terminals on the 565-233 RIC.
2. Route wire from the first RIC to the next one. Repeat for each transponder cabinet within 2500 feet (762 m).

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13.5.4 Wiring Illustration

Figure 84 illustrates Class A and Class B wiring.

Figure 84: MINIPLEX Wiring

1. Power wiring is not shown. Connect the RIC II card to the UPS or expansion power supply in the transponder cabinet.
2. If a UPS is not provided in the transponder cabinet, then 24 VDC must be provided from the host panel.
3. Maintain correct polarity on terminal connections. Do not loop wires under terminals.
4. All wiring is supervised and power limited.

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14 Appendix C: Checking System Wiring

This appendix contains instructions on how to use a volt/ohm meter to check system wiring.

14.1 Using the Volt/ Ohm Meter

When using the volt/ohm meter to check each circuit, make sure to adhere to the notes and instructions below.
• Ensure that no power is applied to the FACU and that all wiring is properly connected (terminal blocks, LED/switch module ribbon
cables, etc.).
• Use the green grounding lug in the control panel for all measurements to ground.
• Each circuit must test free of all grounds and extraneous (stray) voltages.
• If there are problems removing all power from the fire alarm system, there is an alternate method of testing for stray voltage. The
wires may be lifted from the panel and terminated with appropriate resistors. Use 3.3 Kohms across conductor pairs and 50 Kohms
from any conductor under test to ground. All conductors must read less than 1.0V AC or DC.
Use the volt/ohm meter as described in the steps below to check each circuit type.

1. At the control panel, locate wires from each initiating device or indicating appliance circuit.
2. Check each circuit for extraneous voltage by setting the volt/ohm meter to AC. Place the meter probes so that the black probe is
on the “-” wire and the red probe is on the “+” wire. Meter readings must show less than 1.0 VAC.
3. Set the volt/ohm meter to DC and repeat step 2. The meter must read less than 1.0 VDC.
4. Test all conductors for voltage to ground. The meter must read no more than 1.0V AC or DC.
5. Set the volt/ohm meter to OHMS and place the meter probes as described in step 2. Check the circuits using the resistance
measurements in Table Table 19. Locate and correct any abnormal conditions at this time.
Note: If the reading indicates an open circuit in an initiating circuit, make sure the smoke detector heads are properly mounted
and seated. The circuit may be open if smoke detector power is not present, and if separately powered 4-wire devices are used.

6. Check all other system wiring to verify that each circuit is free of grounds and extraneous voltages.

14.2 Checking System Wiring

14.2.1 Meter Readings

Table 19 lists the correct meter readings for indicating appliances and initiating devices.
Table 19: Acceptable Zone and Signal Circuit Meter Readings
Circuit Type Meter Reading
Class B Initiating Device (Zone) Circuit
From zone + to zone – (each zone) 3.3 K Ohms
From zone + to ground Infinity
From zone - to ground Infinity
Class A Initiating Device (Zone) Circuit
From zone + to zone – (each zone) Infinity
From zone + to ground Infinity
From zone - to ground Infinity
From zone + OUT to + IN Less than 25 Ohms
From zone - OUT to - IN Less than 25 Ohms
Class B Notification Appliance Circuit (each signal circuit)
From + to ground Infinity
From - to ground Infinity
Resistance across circuit: End-of-line-resistance (10k default)
In one direction Less than 200 Ohms
In opposite direction
Class A Notification Appliance Circuit (each signal circuit)
From + to ground Infinity
From - to ground Infinity
From zone + OUT to + IN Less than 50 Ohms

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

Table 19: Acceptable Zone and Signal Circuit Meter Readings

Circuit Type Meter Reading
From zone - OUT to - IN Less than 50 Ohms
Resistance across circuit: Infinity
In one direction Less than 200 Ohms
In opposite direction
Shield to ground Infinity
Shield to - Infinity
Shield to + Infinity
MAPNET II Loops (ZAMs and IAMs)
From MAPNET II + to ground Infinity
From MAPNET II - to ground Infinity

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

15 Appendix D: References to 4100ES Module Installation Instructions

ES-PS Master Controller

PID Description Installation

4100-0156 8V DC CONVERTER 574-123
4100-0620 TRANSPONDER IF MODULE 574-848
4100-0623 NETWORK AUDIO I/F MODULE 574-848
4100-0625 LOCAL MODE TPR IF 574-848
4100-0632 UTILITY BLOC, 16 TERMINALS 579-248
4100-0634 POWER DIST MODULE 120V 574-848
4100-0635 POWER DIST MODULE 220V 574-848
4100-1240 AUX AUDIO INPUT MODULE 579-160
4100-1241 MESSAGE EXPANSION, 8 MINUTES 579-172
4100-1242 MESSAGE EXPANSION, 32 MINUTES 579-172
4100-1245 FLEX 50 NAC EXPANSION, 3 CLS B 579-175
4100-1246 FLEX 50 CLASS A ADAPTER 579-175
4100-1248 100W NAC EXPANSION, 6 CLASS B 579-175
4100-1249 100W CLASS A ADAPTER 579-175
4100-1252 AUDIO IF MODULE, SGL CHANNEL 579-168
4100-1254 AUDIO IF 2 CHANNEL 579-168
4100-1255 AUDIO IF 3-8 CHANNEL 579-168
4100-1259 CONSTANT SUPV NAC 25V RMS A/B 579-515
4100-1259 CONSTANT SUPV NAC 25V RMS A/B - 579-515
Non-Alarm Audio Mode
4100-1260 CONSTANT SUPV NAC 70V RMS A/B 579-515
4100-1260 CONSTANT SUPV NAC 70V RMS A/B - 579-515
Non-Alarm Audio Mode
4100-1267 EXP SIG CARD CLASS A 579-175
4100-1270 MASTER TELEPHONE, 3 NACS 579-226
4100-1271 REMOTE MASTER PHONE 579-226
4100-1273 PHONE CLASS A NAC ADAPTER 579-226
4100-1274 MICROPHONE MUX MODULE 579-879
4100-1276 8 RED PLUGGABLE LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1277 16 RED/YEL PLUGGABLE LED MOD 574-843
4100-1278 16 SW/16 RED/YEL PLUG LED 574-843
4100-1279 2” BLANK DISPLAY MODULE 574-843
4100-1280 8 SWITCH, 8 RED LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1281 8 SWITCH, 8 YELLOW LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1282 8 SW, 16RED/YEL LED MOUDLE 574-843
4100-1283 8 SWITCH, 16 YELLOW LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1284 8 SW, 16 RED/GREEN LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1285 16 SWITCH, 16 RED LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1286 HOA MODULE 24SWI/24RED LED 574-843
4100-1287 24 SWITCH, 24 RED LED MODULE 574-843
4100-1288 64/64 LED/SWITCH CONTROLLER 574-843
4100-1289 EXPANSION 64/64 LED/SW MODULE 574-843
4100-1290 24 POINT I/O MODULE 579-183
4100-1291 REMOTE UNIT INTERFACE (RUI) 579-213

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

PID Description Installation

4100-1293 PANEL MOUNT PRINTER 579-249
4100-1295 HOA MODULE,NO TEXT,24SW/24LED 574-843
4100-1296 8 SW, 16 GREEN/ YELLOW LED MOD. 574-843
4100-1297 TFX PHONE CARD 579-862
4100-1298 4100U/4100ES MASTER FIREFIGHTER PHONE ASSEMBLY w/TFX Phone Card 579-862
4100-1312 50W AMP W/3 CLASS B NACS 25V 579-173
4100-1313 50W AMP W/3 CLASS B NACS 70V 579-173
4100-1314 100W AMP W/6 B NACS 120VAC 25V 579-174
4100-1315 100W AMP W/6 B NACS 120VAC 70V 579-174
4100-1316 100W AMP,6NAC,120VAC,25V-CAN 579-174
4100-1317 100W AMP,6NAC, 120VAC, 70V-CAN 579-174
4100-1318 100W AMP,6NAC,220/30/40VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1319 100W AMP,6NAC,220/30/40VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1320 BACKUP 100W AMP - 120VAC 25V 579-174
4100-1321 BACKUP 100W AMP - 120VAC 70V 579-174
4100-1322 BACKUP 100W AMP-120VAC 25V-C 579-174
4100-1323 BACKUP 100W AMP-120VAC 70V-C 579-174
4100-1324 BACK 100W AMP-220/240VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1325 BACK 100W AMP-220/240VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1312 50W AMP W/3 CLASS B NACS 25V 579-173
4100-1313 50W AMP W/3 CLASS B NACS 70V 579-173
4100-1314 100W AMP W/6 B NACS 120VAC 25V 579-174
4100-1315 100W AMP W/6 B NACS 120VAC 70V 579-174
4100-1316 100W AMP,6NAC,120VAC,25V-CAN 579-174
4100-1317 100W AMP,6NAC, 120VAC, 70V-CAN 579-174
4100-1318 100W AMP,6NAC,220/30/40VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1319 100W AMP,6NAC,220/30/40VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1320 BACKUP 100W AMP - 120VAC 25V 579-174
4100-1321 BACKUP 100W AMP - 120VAC 70V 579-174
4100-1322 BACKUP 100W AMP-120VAC 25V-C 579-174
4100-1323 BACKUP 100W AMP-120VAC 70V-C 579-174
4100-1324 BACK 100W AMP-220/240VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1325 BACK 100W AMP-220/240VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1326 FLEX 50W AMP W/3 NACS - 25V 579-173
4100-1327 FLEX 50W AMP W/3 NACS - 70V 579-173
4100-1328 DIG.100W AMP,6NAC,120VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1329 DIG. 100W AMP,6NAC,120VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1330 DIG.100W AMP,6NAC,120VAC, 25V-C 579-174
4100-1331 DIG.100W AMP,6NAC,120VAC,70V-C 579-174
4100-1332 DIG100W AMP,6NAC,220VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1333 DIG100W AMP,6NAC,220VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1334 BACKUP DIG.100W AMP,120VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1335 BACKUP DIG.100W AMP,120VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1336 BACK DIG.100W AMP,120VAC,25V-C 579-174
4100-1337 BACK DIG.100W AMP,120VAC,70V-C 579-174
4100-1338 BCK DIG.100W AMP,220VAC,25V 579-174
4100-1339 BCK DIG.100W AMP,220VAC,70V 579-174
4100-1340 4100U/4100ES TFX AUDIO INTERFACE MODULE 579-815
4100-1361 FLEX 35W AMP W/3 NACS - 25V 579-173
4100-1341 Multiple Command Center Digital Audio Riser module 574-844
4100-1362 FLEX 35W AMP W/3 NACS - 70V 579-173
4100-1363 DIGITALFLEX 35W AMP, 3NACS-25V 579-173

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

PID Description Installation

4100-1364 DIGITALFLEX 35W AMP, 3NACS-70V 579-173
4100-1411 ES Net Digital Audio Controller 579-1408
4100-3101 IDNET MODULE, UP TO 250 POINTS- Each IDNet Device (Add to IDNet current) 4100-3101 with full 574-800
channel - 250 IDNet devices
4100-3102 MAPNET MODULE, UP TO 127 PTS 579-222
Each MAPNET Device (Add to MAPNET current) 4100-3102 with full channel - 127 MAPNET devices
4100-3104 IDNET MODULE, UP TO 127 POINTS 574-800
4100-3105 IDNET MODULE, UP TO 64 POINTS 574-800
4100-3106 IDNET MODULE QUICK CONNECT 2 574-800
4100-3107 IDNET+ MODULE, UP TO 250 POINTS 579-786
Each IDNet Device (Add to IDNet+ current)
4100-3108 IDNet1+ MODULE 579-1014
4100-3109 IDNET 2 MODULE, UP TO 250 POINTS - Two Isolated Loops per IDNet Device (Add to IDNet Current) 579-1169
4100-3110 IDNET 2+2 MODULE, UP TO 250 POINTS - Four Isolated Loops per IDNet Device (Add to IDNet 579-1169
4100-3115 XA LOOP INTERFACE CARD (Master) 579-513
4100-3115 XA LOOP INTERFACE CARD (Slave) 579-513
4100-3202 4 RELAYS, 10 AMP CONTACTS 579-220
4100-3204 4 POINT 2 AMP AUX RELAY MODULE 579-220
4100-3206 8 POINT 3 AMP AUX RELAY MODULE 579-220
4100-5005 ZONE MODULE, 8 IDC, CLASS B 579-205
4100-5015 ZONE MODULE, 8 IDC, CLASS A 579-205
4100-5101 XPS POWER, 3 NACS, 120VAC 574-772
4100-5102 XPS POWER, 3 NACS, 220VAC 574-772
4100-5103 XPS POWER, 3 NACS, CANADA 574-772
4100-5111 X SPS PWR, IDNET, 3 NACS, 120V 574-246
Each IDNet Device (Add to IDNet current)
4100-5112 SPS POWER,3 NACS,120VAC CAN 574-246
Each IDNet Device (Add to IDNet current)
4100-5113 SPS POWER, 3 NACS, 220/240V 574-246
Each IDNet Device (Add to IDNet+ current)
4100-5115 XPS EXPANSION MODULE, 3 NACS 574-772
4100-5120 TPS POWER, 3 CHANNELS, 120VAC 579-336
4100-5121 TPS POWER, 3 CHANNELS,CAN 579-336
4100-5122 TPS POWER, 3 CHANNELS, 240VAC 579-336
4100-5124 TPS CLASS A ADAPTER MOD 579-337
4100-5125 RPS POWER, 3 NACS, 120VAC 574-246
4100-5126 RPS POWER, 3 NACS, CANADIAN 574-246
4100-5127 RPS POWER, 3 NACS, 220VAC 574-246
4100-5128 BATTERY DIST TERM MODULE 579-332
4100-5130 4100U/4100ES TFX Voltage Regulator Module 579-812
4100-5152 POWER MODULE, 2A, 12 VOLTS 579-218
4100-5311 EPS POWER, 120V with IDNet 2 Card 579-1015
4100-5313 EPS POWER, 240V with IDNet 2 Card 579-1015
4100-5325 EPS POWER, 120V 579-1015
4100-5327 EPS POWER, 240V 579-1015
4100-6014 NETWORK IFC CARD, MODULAR 579-182
4100-6030 SERVICE MODEM (566-276) 579-194
4100-6031 CITY MODULE W/DISCONNECT 574-839
4100-6032 CITY MODULE W/O DISCONNECT 574-839
4100-6033 ALARM RELAY 574-839
4100-6034 TAMPER SWITCH W/IDNET IAM 574-195

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

PID Description Installation

4100-6036 PHYSICAL BRIDGE, Class B 579-184
4100-6037 PHYSICAL BRIDGE, Class A 579-184
4100-6038 DUAL RS-232 IF CARD 579-221
4100-6045 DECODER MODULE 574-037
4100-6048 VESDA INTERFACE KIT 574-050
4100-6052 EVENT REPORTING DACT 574-836
4100-6055 DIAL-IN SERVICE MODEM (566-338) 574-046
4100-6056 NETWORK MEDIA CARD WIRED 579-182
4100-6057 NETWORK MEDIA CARD F/OPTIC 579-182
4100-6061 MODULAR NIC, REDUNDANT 579-331
4100-6062 TFX NETWORK INTERFACE 579-575
4100-6066 4100U/4100ES TFX Addressable Loop Interface Card 579-811
4100-6069 BACpac Ethernet 579-842
4100-6080 DACT SIDE MOUNTED 574-836
4100-6301 4120 SM-L Duplex Fiber Media Card 579-182
4100-6302 4120 SM-R Duplex Fiber Media Card 579-182
4100-6303 4120 MM-L Duplex Fiber Media Card 579-182
4100-6304 4120 MM-R Duplex Fiber Media Card 579-182
4100-6104 ES Net Network Interface Card 579-1256
4100-6306 ES Net Dual Channel Ethernet Media Card 579-1258
4100-6307 ES Net Dual Channel DSL Media Card 579-1258
4100-6308 ES Net Dual Channel Single-mode Fiber Media Card 579-1258
4100-6309 ES Net Dual Channel Multi-mode Fiber Media Card 579-1258
4100-6310 ES Net Network Interface Card - Flat 579-1257
4100-7150 MASTER UPGRADE, 2X40 LCD 579-229
4100-7151 MASTER UPGRADE, NO DISPLAY 574-918
4100-7152 LEGACY MSTR UPGRADE, W/ DSPLY 579-229
4100-7153 FP UPGRADE W/ InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC 579-229
4100-7154 LEGACY MSTR UPGRADE W/InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC 579-229
4100-7155 FP UPGRADE W/ InfoAlarm, INTERNATIONAL 579-229
4100-7158 NXP Master Controller Upgrade w/o Display (Legacy 4100 to Rev 13 or higher) 579-943
4907-9001 TrueAlert Text Messaging Appliance 579-829
4100-9111 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V; 250 Devices 574-848
4100-9111 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V; 0 Devices 574-848
4100-9112 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. CAN/ENG 120V; 0 Devices 574-848
4100-9113 PRECONF, CANADIAN FRENCH 120V; 0 Devices 574-848
4100-9114 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. W/ InfoAlarm DOMESTIC 120V; 0 Devices 574-848
4100-9115 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. W/ InfoAlarm CAN/ENG 120V; 0 Devices 574-848
4100-9116 PRECONF W/ InfoAlarm, CANADIAN FRENCH 120V; 0 Devices 574-848
4100-9121 4100U/4100ES Preconfig.REDUNDANT 120V 579-331
4100-9122 4100U/4100ES Preconfig. w/ InfoAlarm REDUNDANT 120V 579-331
4100-9133 MSTR CANADIAN FRENCH w/o UI 574-918
4100-9142 NDU W/VOICE, DOMESTIC 579-269

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

PID Description Installation

4100-9143 NDU CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9144 NDU CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9151 NDU W/ InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9152 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9153 NDU W/InfoAlarm CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9154 NDU W/InfoAlarm CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9155 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9156 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9157 ES Net NDU - DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9158 ES Net NDU W/VOICE - DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9159 ES Net NDU CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9160 ES Net NDU CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9162 ES Net NDU W/VOICE CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9163 ES Net NDU W/ InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9164 ES Net NDU W/InfoAlarm CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9165 ES Net NDU W/InfoAlarm CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9168 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9169 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9170 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-269
4100-9248 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9249 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (120V) 579-269
4100-9250 ES Net NDU INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9251 ES Net NDU W/VOICE INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9252 ES Net NDU W/InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9253 ES Net NDU w/ InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (120V) 579-269
4100-9357 ES Net NDU W/VOICE, DOMESTIC, EPS 579-269
4100-9358 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, EPS - DOMESTIC 579-269
4100-9359 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, EPS CANADIAN/ENGLISH 579-269
4100-9545 ES Net NDU W/VOICE and EPS - INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9755 ES Net NDU with ES-PS and ES Touch Screen Display 579-269
4100-9765 ES Net Voice NDU with ES-PS and ES Touch Screen Display 579-269
4100-9725 4120 NDU with ES-PS and ES Touch Screen Display 579-269
4100-9735 4120 Voice NDU with ES-PS and ES Touch Screen Display 579-269
4100-9211 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/DISPLAY (230V) 574-848
4100-9212 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/InfoAlarm (230V) 574-848
4100-9214 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/InfoAlarm, CHINA (230V) 574-848
4100-9213 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/InfoAlarm (120V) 574-848
4100-9222 Redundant Mstr w/ InfoAlarm International (230V) 579-269
4100-9230 MSTR INTERNATIONAL NO DISPLAY (230V) 574-848
4100-9241 NDU INTERNATIONAL 579-269
4100-9243 NDU W/InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9244 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9245 NDU w/ InfoAlarm International (120V) 579-269
4100-9246 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm INTERNATIONAL (230V) 579-269
4100-9311 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V; 250 Devices, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9312 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. CAN/ENG 120V; 0 Devices, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9313 PRECONF, CANADIAN FRENCH 120V; 0 Devices, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9314 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. W/ InfoAlarm DOMESTIC 120V; 0 Devices, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9315 4100U/4100ES PRECONFIG. W/ InfoAlarm CAN/ENG 120V; 0 Devices, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9316 PRECONF W/ InfoAlarm, CANADIAN FRENCH 120V; 0 Devices, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9131 MASTER CONTROLLER NO DISPLAY, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

PID Description Installation

4100-9332 MSTR CANADIAN ENG. NO DISPLAY, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9342 NDU W/VOICE, DOMESTIC, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 579-269
4100-9352 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, DOMESTIC, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 579-269
4100-9355 NDU W/VOICE and InfoAlarm, CANADIAN/ENGLISH, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 579-269
4100-9401 Remote Display Assembly w/ InfoAlarm, RED, DOMESTIC 579-687
4100-9402 RDA w/InfoAlarm, BEIGE, DOMESTIC 579-687
4100-9404 Remote Unit Interface Panel with ES Touch Screen Display - Red 579-1323
4100-9405 Remote Unit Interface Panel with ES Touch Screen Display - Platinum 579-1323
4100-9421 RDA w/InfoAlarm, RED, CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-687
4100-9422 RDA w/InfoAlarm, BEIGE, CANADIAN/FRENCH 579-687
4100-9441 RDA w/InfoAlarm, RED, INTERNATIONAL 579-687
4100-9442 RDA w/InfoAlarm, BEIGE, INTERNATIONAL 579-687
4100-9511 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/DISPLAY (220,230, 240V), EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9512 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/InfoAlarm (220,230, 240V), EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9513 MSTR INTERNATIONAL w/InfoAlarm (120V), EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9531 MASTER CONTROLLER 1 LOOP– 220/230/240V, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9532 MASTER CONTROLLER 2 LOOP–220/230/240V, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9533 MASTER CONTROLLER 3 LOOP–220/230/240V, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9534 MASTER CONTROLLER 5 LOOP–220/230/240V, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 574-848
4100-9542 NDU W/VOICE INTERNATIONAL, EPS with IDNet 2 Card 579-269
4100-9600 BASIC TRANSPONDER 574-844
4100-9601 LOCAL MODE TRANSPONDER 574-844
4100-9607 FLEX UI REMOTE ANNUN 579-271
4100-9608 FLEX UI REMOTE ANNUN 579-271
4100-9609 FLEX UI REMOTE ANNUN 579-271
4100-9610 REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR 579-271
4100-9612 FLEX UI REMOTE ANNUN 579-271
4100-9613 FLEX UI REMOTE ANNUN 579-271
4100-9614 FLEX UI REMOTE ANNUN 579-271
4100-9620 BASIC AUDIO W/MIKE-ANALOG 748-589
4100-9621 BASIC AUDIO W/MIKE-DIGITAL 748-589
4100-9832 SERVICE MODEM MODULE (566-276) 574-046
4100-9833 4020 RETRO-FIT KIT 579-229
4100-9854 4100 Module Legacy Bay Mounting Kit 579-913
4190-9018 FIBER MODEM AUDIO Exp BOARD 579-581
4905-9835 Temporal Code 4 Module 579-840
4907-9001 TrueAlert Text Messaging Appliance 579-829
4100-2501 Power over Ethernet Installation Guide 579-1250
4100-2504 IP Communicator / Connected Services Gateway Module Installation Guide 579-1296
4100-6416 IP Gateway Cellular Module Installation Guide 579-1248
4100-5401 ES Power Supply 579-1288
4100-5402 ES-XPS Expansion Supply 579-1288
4100-5403 ES-BPS Backup Harness for the ES-PS 579-1288
4100-5450 NAC card 579-1290
4100-5151 IDNAC card 579-1289
4100-7161 SPS to ES-PS Upgrade Kit 579-1302
4100-5131 4100U ES-PS Fan Module 579-1291
4100-0644 120V ES-PS PDM Harness 579-1288
4100-0645 220V ES-PS PDM Harness 579-1288
4100-0646 230V ES-PS PDM Harness 579-1288

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide

PID Description Installation

4100-0647 240V ES-PS PDM Harness 579-1288
4100-9616 Remote Annunciator with Touch Screen Display (BTIC) 579-271
4100-9617 Basic Remote Annunciator with Touch Screen Display (RTIC) 579-271
4100-9706 ES-PS Master Controller with ES Touch Screen Display 574-848
4100-9750 ES Net Network Display Unit, with ES-PS, 2x40 Display, English 579-269
4100-9751 ES Net Network Display Unit, with ES-PS, 2x40 Display, Canadian French 579-269
4100-9752 ES Net Network Display Unit, with ES-PS, InfoAlarm Raised Keys, English 579-269
4100-9753 ES Net Network Display Unit with ES-PS, InfoAlarm, Canadian French 579-269
4100-9754 ES Net Network Display Unit with ES-PS, Infoalarm, Flat Keys - English 579-269
4100-9760 ES Net Network Display Unit with, ES-PS, Voice, 2x40 Display, English 579-269
4100-9761 ES Net Network Display Unit with ES-PS, Voice, 2x40 Display, Canadian French 579-269
4100-9762 ES Net Network Display Unit, with ES-PS, Voice, InfoAlarm Raised Keys, English 579-269
4100-9763 ES Net Network Display Unit, with ES-PS, Voice, InfoAlarm Raised Keys, Canadian French 579-269
4100-9764 ES Net Network Display Unit, with ES-PS, Voice, InfoAlarm Flat Keys, English 579-269
4100-9701 ES Power Supply Master Controller with 2x40 -English 574-848
4100-9702 ES-PS Master Controller with 2x40 - Canadian French 574-848
4100-9703 ES-PS Master Controller with InfoAlarm - English, Raised Keys 574-848
4100-9704 ES-PS Master Controller with InfoAlarm - Canadian French 574-848
4100-9705 ES-PS Master Controller with InfoAlarm - English, Flat Keys 574-848
4100-9709 ES-PS Master Controller without display 574-848
1. The current for all LED and Switch modules is included with the current for 4100-1288 and 4100-1289 .
2. Amplifier standby current has two settings. The .085 A number is used if the System Option for "Audio Power Conservation" is selected.
This option shuts down the power stage when operating on secondary power (battery standby).
3. Add .8 mA (standby) / 1 mA (alarm) per device to calculate the current requirements for 4100-3101, 4100-3104, 4100-3105, 4100-3106
or 4100-3107 module.
4. Add 1.7 mA per device to calculate the current requirements for 4100-3102 MAPNET module.

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16 Appendix E: Labels

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17 Appendix F: Earth Fault Diagnostics

This appendix contains instructions on how to use the Earth Fault Search feature of the 4100ES diagnostics menus. The minimum Earth
Fault detection level for the 4100ES is 10k ohms for all circuits.
Earth Fault Search is a diagnostic search of external field wiring that assists in locating circuits with earth faults. An earth fault occurs
when an electrical circuit is shorted to ground. Although most circuits operate with a single earth fault, multiple earth faults can disable
communications. Because of this, earth faults must be located and repaired.
Earth Fault Search is conducted by the FACU. The diagnostic may be activated using either the front panel interface or the Computer Port
Protocol (CPP), using a service port.
The 4100ES supports two types of Earth Fault Searches:
• Location Search. Searches all circuits at a location, such as a transponder or the main panel. For the purposes of Earth Fault

- A location is composed of a group of cards connected to each other via 4100 Comm (local RUI).
- The main panel is defined as all cards local to the Master CPU.
- A transponder denotes all cards associated with a single Transponder Interface Card (TIC)/Local Mode TIC card.
• IDNet Channel Search (includes IDNet2). Selectively enables channel isolators and repeaters to detect which segment of the
channel wiring has a fault.

- Earth faults are detected by one of the following:

- A single designated power supply at a location. The power supply that detects the fault is designated via a jumper setting on the
power supply. For any given location, only one power supply should detect earth faults.
- Each 4009 IDNet NAC Extender on an IDNet channel.

17.1 General Guidelines

Review the guidelines below before initiating an Earth Fault Search.
• The Detect Earth Fault jumper/switch must be installed at each ES-PS or the following retrofit options SPS, RPS, TPS, IPS, or 4009T for
earth fault detection to occur.
• Only one power supply per location is configured to detect earth faults.
• For more reliable earth fault searching:

- Use a Firefighter Telephone NAC for each telephone riser connection to a transponder.
- Use IDNet channel isolators to isolate channel faults to a specific segment of channel wiring.
- Set IDNet channel isolator addresses to the lowest IDNet device addresses, increasing with communication distance from the IDNet
• If an earth fault is suspected on the IDNet channel with multiple isolators, start an IDNet Channel Search before doing a Location
Search. If the Location Search is done first, it may not yield the correct location (this is a by-product of the extended amount of time
required for the IDNet channel to initialize during a Location Search). Note: The 4009 IDNet NAC Extender has a common ground fault
trouble that reports to the panel without running the Earth Fault Search.
• Earth Fault Search detects only one fault at a time. Multiple faults require fixing the first fault and then repeating the search.
• The FACU suspends normal operation for the duration of the Earth Fault Search.
• Location Earth Fault Searches optionally allow exclusion of auxiliary power circuits from the search, so that modules connected to the
24 V auxiliary outputs can remain in operation during the search.
• The option to exclude auxiliary power circuits does not apply to IDNet devices, because the entire IDNet communication channel is
isolated during each search.
• During the search, all related troubles are suppressed and a single trouble pseudo-point is activated (P438).
• At the completion of the search, all cards are restarted and normal panel operation resumes.
• Earth Fault Search is only supported by new 4100ES modules. 4100 Legacy (slot format) modules are not supported, with the
following exceptions:

- MAPNET channel isolation during location search

- IPS for earth fault detection (not recommended). The Earth Fault Search may fail because the isolation circuits of some 4100ES
optional cards (such as the 4100ES telephone) do not support IPS.

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Important: The FACU cannot provide fire protection during an Earth Fault Search.

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17.2 Earth Fault Searching from the Front Panel

This section describes how to conduct an Earth Fault Search, from selecting the appropriate access code to correcting the fault.

17.2.1 Access Level Selection

The panel must be at the appropriate access level (1, 2, 3, or 4) in order to run diagnostics. To get to the correct access level,
1. Press the Menu button. The following message comes up (press the Next or Previous buttons, if necessary, to display it):

Press <NEXT> or <PREVIOUS> to scroll Change Access Level?

2. Press the Enter button. Now you are prompted to log in or log out.

1=Login 2=Logout
3. Press the "1" key on the numeric keypad to log in, so that the passcode prompt comes up.

Enter a Passcode followed by <ENTER>

4. Enter the passcode and press the Enter button. ACCESS GRANTED displays briefly on the LCD, and then the display goes back to:

1=Login 2=Logout
You can now open the diagnostic menu as described in the next topic.

17.2.2 Starting the Earth Fault Search

To start an Earth Fault Search,
1. If necessary, press the Menu button to access the menus.
2. Press the Previous or Next buttons until the diagnostic functions option appears:

Press <NEXT> or <PREVIOUS> to scroll

Diagnostic Functions?
3. Press the Enter button. Then press Next or Previous buttons until the Earth Fault Search option appears:

Press <NEXT> or <PREVIOUS> to scroll

Earth Fault Search?
4. Press the Enter button. The following options become available when you press the Next and Previous buttons:

Press <NEXT> or <PREVIOUS> to scroll

Location Search
Press <NEXT> or <PREVIOUS> to scroll
IDNet Channel Search
Press <NEXT> or <PREVIOUS> to scroll
Last Search Result
The search types are described below. When you have determined what kind of search to initiate, display its option (one of the
three shown above) and press the Enter button. Each option has its own topic, below.

17.2.3 Search Option A: Select Location

• If you select the Location Search menu item, a list of cards to search becomes available. Use the Next and Previous buttons to scroll
through the list.
• If you find a card that you suspect is connected to a circuit with an earth ground, press the Enter button when that circuit is shown.
• Before you can start the search, the Aux Power Select option comes up.
1=Exclude 2=Include
Exclude AUXPWR circuits from search?
• The number you select, 1 or 2, determines whether the auxiliary power circuit on the selected board is searched for earth grounds. If
you exclude the auxiliary power circuit from the search, the circuit will continue to operate normally.
• Press 1 (or just press the Enter button) to exclude the card's auxiliary power circuits from the search, or press 2 to remove auxiliary
power circuits from normal operation and search them for earth grounds.
• Now you are prompted to start the search. When the location you want to search is shown and "Press <ENTER> to start search"

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displays, the search is ready to start. A sample is shown below.


Press <ENTER> to start search
Note: The FACU suspends normal operation for the duration of the search.

• Press the Enter button to start the search.

• As the search progresses, watch the display for an indication of how much of the search has been completed. The search can be
aborted at any time if you press the Clear button.
Earth Search In-Progress, Please Wait...

Earth Search In-Progress, Please Wait...

Skip ahead to the "Completing the Search" topic.

17.2.4 Search Option B: Select Channel

• If you select the IDNet Channel Search menu item, a list of IDNet channels to search becomes available. Use the Next and Previous
buttons to scroll through the list. When the IDNet channel you want to search is shown and "Press <ENTER> to start search" displays,
the search is ready to start. A sample screen is shown below.


Press <ENTER> to select for search
Note: The FACU suspends normal operation for the duration of the search.

• Press the Enter button to start the search.

• As the search progresses, watch the display for an indication of how much of the search has been completed. The search can be
aborted at any time if you press the Clear button.
Earth Search In-Progress, Please Wait...

Earth Search In-Progress, Please Wait...

Skip ahead to the "Completing the Search" topic.

17.2.5 Search Option C: Last Search Result

This option simply displays the last Earth Fault Search result. If there has been no search since the last system startup, or if the last search
was aborted, the panel displays "RESULT NOT AVAILABLE."

17.2.6 Completing the Search

When a Location or IDNet Channel Search completes, all of the following occurs:
• All cards/devices automatically reset.
• The FACU turns off the Earth Fault Search trouble pseudo-point.
• The panel displays the specific fault information.
The panel can only return one Earth Fault Search result at a time. If another fault exists, it can only be found via diagnostics after the first
fault is cleared. Faults will continue to appear, one by one, until each one has been found and corrected.
Important: Once you have been directed to an earth ground fault and corrected it, it is recommended that you restart the system (warm-
or cold-start).

Continue to the next topic for a list of search results and their required actions.

17.3 Search Results

There are several types of results that can display at the end of an Earth Fault Search. This section covers all types of results.
Important: Once you have been directed to an earth ground fault and corrected it, it is recommended that you restart the system (warm-
or cold-start).

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17.3.1 Non-Point Faults

A non-point fault indicates a ground that cannot be traced to an addressable point (for example, a shield or an audio riser). The earth fault
in this example is not occurring at the audio controller but somewhere in the riser:


Non-point faults can be displayed for each of the following items:
• Shield (Flex 50/100 W Amplifier)
• Audio Riser (Digital./Analog Audio Controller; Local Mode Transponder; may also annunciate as "DAR SECONDARY" (Digital Audio Riser
Secondary) on transponder)
• Remote Mic 1 and Push-to-Talk line (Digital./Analog Audio Controller) (other remote mics are not supported)
• Channel Output (IDNet Card; MAPNET Interface Card)
• RUI Channel (Master Controller Card)
• Channel 1 to 3 (TrueAlert Power Supply)

17.3.2 Point Faults

A point fault indicates a ground at a specific addressable point. The example below is a location earth ground search result, where 3 is the
card address, 10 is the point number, and 0 is the sub-point number (not used):


Point faults can be found at any point in the system that connects to field wiring.
Some IDNet channel point fault examples are illustrated below.
Fault not cleared. The message below shows that an IDNet channel that has been isolated for fault detection still has the earth fault:
Fault between channel output and first isolator. The message below shows a fault between the IDNet channel output and the first
isolator on the line:
4009 IDNet NAC Extender/TrueAlert Addressable Controller faults. The message below shows a fault detected on the 4009 IDNet
NAC Extender before the repeater connected to that circuit is turned on:
Conversely, the following example shows a fault detected after the repeater connected to that circuit is turned on:
IDNet isolator fault. The message below shows a fault detected after the IDNet isolator was turned on:

17.3.3 Fault Not Found

If the message in the lower right corner of the LCD reads FAULT NOT FOUND (for a Location Earth Fault Search) or FAULT CLEAR FAIL (for
an IDNet Channel Earth Fault Search), it means the search could not locate the fault, but it acknowledges that a fault exists.
There are three main possibilities behind this message:
• There are one or more internal wiring earth(s) in the system.
• There are system defects (hardware or software, such as a failed isolation circuit).
• An intermittent earth exists in the system (it occurs inconsistently and is therefore difficult to track via diagnostics).
• The cable to the service port may be grounded due to the remote PC's 3-prong plug. Use a non-grounded plug adapter to the remote
PC to get rid of the earth ground.

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• The fault is on an auxiliary output that was excluded from the search.
The problem may have to be found manually and then corrected in some of the above scenarios.

17.3.4 No Fault
If the message in the lower right corner of the LCD reads NO FAULT, it means the IDNet channel search could not locate any earth faults on
that channel.

17.3.5 Result Not Available

If the message in the lower right corner of the LCD reads RESULT NOT AVAILABLE, it means there is no result to view. This message comes
up only when you have selected "Last Search Result" on the menu.

17.4 Earth Fault Search Example

The illustration below shows a MINIPLEX system with one transponder that has three earth faults:
• SPS NAC on the SPS in the Main Panel
• RPS AUXPWR output on the RPS in Transponder 1
• IDNet channel in Transponder 1

Figure 85: Earth Fault Example

The panel reports two earth faults, one for each power supply. The third fault is as yet unreported.
The example below shows the progression of events in finding and repairing the three faults. They are presented as instructions to a
technician who does not yet know about the third fault.
A. Find and repair the fault in the main panel.
1. After opening the Earth Fault Search diagnostic menu option, select Location Search.
2. Select the SPS located in the Main Panel (this selects the Main Panel as the location for the search).
3. When prompted, select exclusion of AUXPWR circuits.
4. Start the search. (The panel turns on the earth fault search trouble pseudo-point and the keypad inactivity utility pseudo-point to
disable timeout during the search).
5. The search completes. The panel indicates that NAC 2 on the SPS has the earth fault. All cards are reset (and the panel turns off
the earth fault search trouble pseudo-point).
6. Repair the earth fault on NAC 2.
When this is done, the trouble from the SPS clears but the trouble from the RPS is still indicated.

B. Find and repair the indicated fault on Transponder 1.

1. Select Location Search.

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2. Select the RPS located in Transponder 1 (this selects Transponder 1 as the location for the search).
3. When prompted, select exclusion of AUXPWR circuits.
4. Start the search. (The panel turns on the earth fault search trouble pseudo-point and the keypad inactivity utility pseudo-point to
disable timeout during the search).
5. The search completes. The panel indicates FAULT NOT FOUND because the fault is on the excluded AUXPWR circuit. All cards in
Transponder 1 are reset (and the panel turns off the earth fault search trouble pseudo-point).
6. Repeat the search but include the AUXPWR circuit this time.
7. The search completes. The panel indicates a fault on the AUXPWR point on the RPS. All cards in Transponder 1 are reset (and the
panel turns off the earth fault search trouble pseudo-point).
8. Repair the earth fault on AUXPWR.
Even though you have fixed the fault, the trouble from the RPS is still not clearing. Remember that the only two faults you could see at first
were from the SPS and RPS. It is time to find and clear the next fault.

C. Find and repair the next indicated fault on Transponder 1.

1. Select Location Search.
2. Select the RPS located in Transponder 1.
3. When prompted, select exclusion of AUXPWR circuits.
4. Start the search.
5. The search completes. The panel indicates a fault on IDNet Channel M2.
6. Start another search, this time an IDNet Channel Search on Channel M2.
7. When prompted, select exclusion of AUXPWR circuits.
8. The search completes. The panel indicates a fault on the IDNet channel between isolators 1 and 2.
9. Repair the earth fault. The trouble from the RPS is cleared.

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18 Appendix G: Special Application NAC-Compatible Notification

Appliances and Accessories
Table 20: Special Application NAC-Compatible Notification Appliances and Accessories
4904-9168 V/O 15CD RED FREE-RUN TNA
4904-9176 V/O 24VDC 15CD RED VER F/S
4904-9177 V/O 24VDC 15CD WHT VER F/S
4904-9178 V/O 24VDC 15CD RED HORIZ F/S
4904-9183 V/O 24VDC 15CD RED CEIL F/S
4904-9331 V/O 15CD RED SYNC TNA
4904-9342 V/O 15CD WHITE SYNC TNA
4904-9345 V/O 24VDC 15CD WHT PLAIN F/S
4904-9174 V/O 24VDC 30CD RED VER F/S
4904-9180 V/O 24VDC 30CD RED HORIZ F/S
4904-9184 V/O 24VDC 30CD RED CEIL F/S
4904-9346 V/O 24VDC 30CD WHT PLAIN F/S
4904-9169 V/O 75CD RED FREE-RUN TNA
4904-9332 V/O 75CD RED SYNC TNA
4904-9343 V/O 75CD WHITE SYNC TNA
4904-9170 V/O 110CD RED FREE-RUN TNA
4904-9173 V/O 110CD WHITE FREE-RUN TNA
4904-9175 V/O 24VDC 110CD RED VER F/S
4904-9181 V/O 24VDC 110CD WHT VER F/S
4904-9182 V/O 24VDC 110CD RED HOR F/S
4904-9185 V/O 24VDC 110CD RED CEIL F/S
4904-9333 V/O 110CD RED SYNC TNA
4904-9344 V/O 110CD WHITE SYNC TNA
4906-9101 V/O 15/30/75/110cd W/M RED TNA
4906-9103 V/O 15/30/75/110cd W/M WHT TNA
4906-9102 V/O 15/30/75/110cd C/M RED TNA
4906-9104 V/O 15/30/75/110cd C/M WHT TNA
4903-9356 S/V 15CD RED 25/70V TNA
4903-9359 S/V 15CD WHITE 25/70V TNA
4903-9150 S/V 24VDC 15CD RED HORIZ F/S
4903-9153 S/V 24VDC 15CD RED VER F/S
4903-9193 S/V 24VDC 15CD WHT HORIZ F/S
4903-9196 S/V15CD RND
4903-9148 S/V 24VDC 30CD RED HORIZ F/S
4903-9194 S/V 24VDC 30CD WHT HORIZ F/S
4903-9197 S/V, 30CD, RND TNA
4903-9357 S/V 75CD RED 25/70V TNA
4903-9360 S/V 75CD WHITE 25/70V TNA
4903-9358 S/V 110CD RED 25/70V TNA
4903-9361 S/V 110CD WHITE 25/70V TNA
4903-9198 S/V 110CD, RND TNA

4906-9151 S/V 15/30/75/110cd W/M RED TNA

4906-9153 S/V 15/30/75/110cd W/M WHT TNA
4906-9154 S/V 15/30/75/110cd C/M WHT TNA

4901-9820 HORN 24VDC RED TNA

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Table 20: Special Application NAC-Compatible Notification Appliances and Accessories

4901-9822 HORN 24VDC RED


4009-9401 4009 T/A ADDR CONTROLLER

4903-9252 A/V 24VDC 15CD RED HOR F/S

4903-9253 A/V 24VDC 30CD RED HOR F/S
4903-9254 A/V 24VDC 110CD RED HOR F/S
4903-9255 A/V 24VDC 15CD RED VER F/S
4903-9256 A/V 24VDC 110CD RED VER F/S
4903-9257 A/V 24VDC 15CD WHT HOR F/S
4903-9258 A/V 24VDC 30CD WHT HOR F/S
4903-9417 A/V 15CD RED SYNC TNA
4903-9418 A/V 75CD RED SYNC TNA
4903-9419 A/V 110CD RED SYNC TNA
4903-9425 A/V 15CD RED STD TNA
4903-9426 A/V 75CD RED STD TNA
4903-9427 A/V 110CD RED STD TNA
4903-9428 A/V 15CD WHITE SYNC TNA
4903-9429 A/V 75CD WHITE SYNC TNA
4903-9430 A/V 110CD WHITE SYNC TNA
4903-9431 A/V 15CD WHITE STD TNA
4903-9432 A/V 75CD WHITE STD TNA
4903-9433 A/V 110CD WHITE STD TNA

4906-9127 A/V 15/30/75/110cd W/M RED

4906-9129 A/V 15/30/75/110cd W/M WHT
4906-9128 A/V 15/30/75/110cd C/M RED
4906-9130 A/V 15/30/75/110cd C/M WHT

4906-9201 - 9204 MULTI-CANDELA

4906-9251 - 9254 MULTI-CANDELA
4906-9227 - 9230 MULTI-CANDELA
4906-9105 - 9106 WEATHERPROOF
4906-9131 - 9132 WEATHERPROOF
4906-9113 - 9143 WEATHERPROOF











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Table 20: Special Application NAC-Compatible Notification Appliances and Accessories



4090-9005 SRP
4090-9006 SRP w/ENCLOSURE
A maximum of thirteen 49CMT/49CMTV appliances per SmartSync NAC

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19 Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices

19.1 IDNAC Compatible Devices
The following devices are compatible with the EPS.

Addressable Appliance Description Model Numbers

4009 IDNAC Repeater 4009-9601 (platinum)
4009-9602 (red)
Dual Class A Isolator (DCAI) 4100-6103
TrueAlert Addressable Isolator+ module 4905-9929

19.2 IDNAC Compatible Appliances

The following appliances are compatible with the EPS.
Table 21: Compatible Appliances
Addressable Appliance Description TrueAlert ES Appliances TrueAlert Appliances
Model Numbers Model Numbers
Audible Only Horn notification appliances 49AO-WRF 49CHO-APPLW 4901-9850
49AO-WRF-BA 49AO-APPLW 4901-9853

Audible/Visible notification appliances 49AV-WRF 49AV-APPLW 4906-9227
49AV-WWF 49AV-APPLW-BA 4906-9228
49AV-WRF-BA 49MTV-APPLW-BA 4906-9229
49AV-WRQ-BA 49CHV-APPLW 4906-9230



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Table 21: Compatible Appliances

Addressable Appliance Description TrueAlert ES Appliances TrueAlert Appliances
Model Numbers Model Numbers
Visible Only notification appliances 49VO-WRF 49VOH-APPLCB-BA 4906-9201
49VO-WWF 49VO-WRS-BA 4906-9202
49VO-WRA-A 49VO-WWA-BA 4906-9203
49VO-WWA-A 49VO-WWF-BA 4906-9204
Speaker/Visible notification appliances - 4906-9251
Audible/Visible Weatherproof notification49AV-WRFO 49AV-WWFO-BA -
appliances 49AV-WRFO-BA 49AV-APPLW-CO
Visible Only Weatherproof notification 49VO-WRFO 49VO-WWFO-BA -
appliances 49VO-WRFO-BA 49VO-APPLW-CO
LED Visible-Only Wall-Mount 59VO-WRF 59VO-WRFAB-BA
LED Visible-Only High-Candela Wall-Mount 59VO-WRFH-BA 59VO-WWFABH-BA
LED Visible-Only Wall-Mount Weatherproof 59VO-WRFO 59VO-WRFABO-BA
LED Visible-Only High-Candela Wall-Mount 59VO-APPLWRH-O
Weatherproof 59VO-APPLWWH-O
LED Audible/Visible Wall-Mount 59AV-WRF 59AV-WRFAB-BA
LED Audible/Visible Wall-Mount High- 59AV-WRFH 59AV-WWFABH-BA
LED Audible/Visible Wall-Mount 59AV-WRFO 59AV-WRFABO-BA
Weatherproof 59AV-WRFO-BA 59AV-WWFABO-BA

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Table 21: Compatible Appliances

Addressable Appliance Description TrueAlert ES Appliances TrueAlert Appliances
Model Numbers Model Numbers
LED Audible/Visible Wall-Mount High 59AV-APPLWRH-O
Candela Weatherproof 59AV-APPLWWH-O
Audible-Only Wall-Mount 59AO-WRS 59AO-WWS-BA
Audible-Only Wall-Mount Weatherproof 59AO-WWS-BA 59AO-APPLWR-O
Wall-Mount Speaker and Speaker/Visible 49SV-APPLW 49SO-APPLW
(and Backplate) 49SV-APPLW-BA 49SO-APPLW-BA
Ceiling-Mount Speaker and Speaker/Visible 49SO-APPLC 49SVH-APPLC
A maximum of thirty-two 49MT appliances per NAC
A maximum of twenty-one 49MTV appliances per circuit

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20 Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES

Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications
The tables in this appendix list Cooper Wheelock appliances compatible with 4100ES Wheelock protocol for special applications.

20.1 Synchronizing Horn Strobes

Table 22: Synchronizing Horn Strobes
Appliance Description
AS-241575W AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
AS-24MCW AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
AS-24MCC AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
AS-24MCWH AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
AS-24MCCH AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ASWP-2475W, ASWP-2475C AS Series WP Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 30Cd, Wall or Ceiling Mount
ASWP-24MCWH AS Series WP Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
ASWP-24MCCH AS Series WP Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ASA-24MCW, ASB-24MCW AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount. Amber/Blue
ASA-24MCC, ASB-24MCC AS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount. Amber/Blue
HSR HN STR, Red , 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8CD, 5 Mount
HSRC HN STR, Red, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
HSRCS HN STR, Silver red, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
HSRS HN STR, Silver Red, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8CD, 5 Mount
HSW HN STR, White, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8CD, 5 Mount
HSWC HN STR, White, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
HSWCS HN STR, Silver white, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
HSWS HN STR, Silver White, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 8CD, 5 Mount
HS4-241575W HS4 Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
HS4-24MCW HS4 Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
HS4-24MCWH HS4 Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
HS4-24MCC HS4 Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
NS-241575W NS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
NS-24MCW NS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
NS-24MCC NS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
NS-24MCCH NS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ZNS-MCW ZNS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
ZNS-MCWH ZNS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
ZNS-24MCC ZNS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ZNS-24MCCH ZNS Series Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount

20.2 Synchronizing strobes

Table 23: Synchronizing strobes
Appliance Description
RSS-241575W RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
RSSP-241575W RSSP Series Strobe. 12VDC or 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
RSS-24MCW, RSSP-24MCW RSS/RSSP Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
RSS-24MCWH, RSSP-24MCWH RSS/RSSP Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
RSS-24MCC, RSS-24MCCR RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount (R=Round)
RSS-24MCCH, RSS-24MCCHR RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount (R=Round)
RSSR-2415W, RSSR-2415C RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, 15Cd, Red, Wall or Ceiling Mount
RSSR-2475W, RSSR-2475C RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, 75Cd, Red, Wall or Ceiling Mount
RSSR-24110C RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, 110Cd, Red, Ceiling Mount
RSSA-24110W, RSSB-24110W, RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, 110Cd, Wall Mount. Amber/Blue/Green/Red.
RSSG-24110W, RSSR-24110W
RSSA-24MCC, RSSB-24MCC, RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount. Amber/Blue/Green/Red.

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Table 23: Synchronizing strobes

Appliance Description
RSSA-24MCCH, RSSB-24MCCH, RSS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount. Amber/Blue/Green/Red.
RSSPA-24MCC RSSP Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount. Amber
RSSWPA-2475W RSS Series WP Strobe. 24VDC, Wall Mount. Amber
RSSWPA-24MCCH,RSSWPB-24MCCH, RSS Series WP Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount. Amber/Blue/Green/Red.
RSSWP-2475W, RSSWP-2475C RSS Series WP Strobe. 24VDC, 30Cd, Wall or Ceiling Mount
RSSWP-24MCWH RSS Series WP Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
RSSWP-24MCCH RSS Series WP Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
STR STR, Red, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 12/24VDC, 8CD, 5 Mount
STRC STR, Red, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
STRCS STR, Silver red, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
STRS STR, Silver Red, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 12/24VDC, 8CD, 5 Mount
STW STR, White, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 12/24VDC, 8CD, 5 Mount
STWC STR, White, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
STWCS STR, Silver white, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 8 Cd, 5 Mount
STWS STR, Silver White, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 12/24VDC, 8CD, 5 Mount
ZRS-MCW ZRS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
ZRS-MCWH ZRS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
ZRS-24MCC ZRS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ZRS-24MCCH ZRS Series Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount

20.3 Appliances with synchronizing strobes

Table 24: Appliances with synchronizing strobes
Appliance Description
(Only Strobe portion compatible with the 4008 Wheelock Protocol for Special Applications)
AMT-241575W, AMT Series Multi-Tone Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
AMT-24MCW AMT Series Multi-Tone Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
MT-241575W MT Series MT Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount.
MT-24MCW MT Series Multi-Tone Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
MTWP-2475W, MTWP-2475C MTWP Series MT Horn Strobe. 24VDC, 30Cd, Wall or Ceiling Mount
MTWP-24MCWH MTWP Series MT Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
MTWP-24MCCH MTWP Series MT Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
MTWPA-2475W, MTWPB-2475W MTWP Series Multi-Tone Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Wall Mount. Amber/Blue/Green/
MTWPG-2475W, MTWPR-2475W Red
MTA-24MCCH, MTB-24MCCH, MT Series Multi-Tone Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount. Amber/
MTG-24MCCH, MTR-24MCCH Blue/Green/Red
MTWPA-24MCCH, MTWPB-24MCCH, MTWP Series Multi-Tone Horn Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount.
MTWPG-24MCCH,MTWPR-24MCCH Amber/Blue/Green/Red
ET70WP-2475W, ET70WP-2475C ET70WP Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 30Cd, Wall or Ceiling Mount
ET70WP-24185W ET70WP Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 185Cd, Wall Mount
ET70WP-24177C ET70WP Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 177Cd, Ceiling Mount
ET70WPA-2475 ET70WP Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Wall or Ceiling Mt. Amber
CH70-241575W CH70 Series Chime Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
CH70-24MCW CH70 Series Chime Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
CH90-24MCC CH90 Series Chime Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
CH70-24MCWH CH70 Series Chime Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
CH90-24MCCH CH90 Series Chime Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
E50-241575W E50 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
E50-24MCW E50 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
E50-24MCWH E50 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
E50A-24MCC, E50B-24MCC E50 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mt. Amber/Blue
E60-24MCW E60 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount

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Table 24: Appliances with synchronizing strobes

Appliance Description
E60-24MCWH E60 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
E60-24MCC E60 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
E60-24MCCH E60 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
E70-241575W E70 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
E70-24MCW E70 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
E70-24MCWH E70 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
E70-24MCC, E90-24MCC E70/E90 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
E90-24MCCH E90 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
E60A-24MCC, E70A-24MCC, E60/E70/E90 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount. Amber/
E70B-24MCC, E90A-24MCC, E90B-24MCC Blue
ET70-241575W, ET90-241575W ET70/ET90 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
ET70-24MCW ET70 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
ET70-24MCWH ET70 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
ET70-24MCC, ET90-24MCC ET70/ET90 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ET70WPG-2475, ET70WPB-2475W ET70WP Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Wall or Ceiling Mt. Green, Blue, Red
ET70WPG-2475W, ET70WPR-2475W
ET90-24MCCH ET90 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
ET80-241575W ET80 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, 15/75Cd, Wall Mount
ET80-24MCW ET80 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
ET80-24MCWH ET80 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Wall Mount
S8-24MCC S8 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount
S8-24MCCH S8 Series Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-High-Cd, Ceiling Mount
SA-S70-24MCW SA-S70 Series Amp-Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Wall Mount
SA-S90-24MCC SA-S90 Series Amp-Speaker Strobe. 24VDC, Multi-Cd, Ceiling Mount

20.4 Synchronizing horns

Table 25: Synchronizing horns
Appliance Description
AH-24 AH Series Horn. 24VDC
AH-24WP AH Series Weatherproof Horn. 12VDC or 24VDC
HS-24 HS Series Horn. 24VDC
HNR Horn, Red, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNRC Horn, Red, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24V, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNRCS Horn, Silver red, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24V, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNRS Horn, Silver Red, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNW Horn, White, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNWC Horn, White, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNWCS Horn, Silver white, 2-wire, Ceiling Mount, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 5 Mount
HNWS Horn, Silver White, 2-Wire, Wall, 12/24VDC, 3dB, 5 Mount
MIZ-24S MIZ Series Horn. 24VDC
NH-12/24, NH-12/24R NH Series Horn. 12/24VDC (R=Round)
ZNH ZNH Series Horn. 12/24VDC

20.5 Coded audible appliances

Table 26: Coded audible appliances
Appliance Description
AMT-12/24, AMT-12/24-NYC AMT Series Multi-Tone Horn. 12/24VDC, Wall or Ceiling Mount
CH70, CH90 CH70/CH90 Series Chime. 24VDC, Wall or Ceiling Mount
CSX10-24-DC, CSXG10-24-DC CSX Series Bell. 24VDC, Wall Mount
MT-12/24, MT4-12/24 MT Series Multi-Tone Horn. 12/24VDC, Wall or Ceiling Mount

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20.6 Non-synchronizing appliances

Table 27: Non-synchronizing appliances
Appliance Description
MB-G6-24, MB-G10-24 MB Series Bell. 24V, Wall Mount

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21 Appendix J: Audio Equipment Compatible with 520 Hz Low Frequency

The following audio system components have been tested by UL to meet the requirements in UL464 Section 24.3 "Determination of
low frequency signal format". These components have only been tested with Simplex speaker Notification Appliances and accessories.
The analog digital controller assembly, reproduces the low frequency audio 520Hz, which is playback from memory to produce the low
frequency. This to meet UL 864 low frequency requirement.

21.1 Compatible Audio System Components

Audio System Component Description Model Numbers
Basic Audio with Microphone 4100-9620
Analog Audio Controller Board 4100-1210
Digital Audio Controller Board 4100-1311
ES Net Digital Audio Controller Board 4100-1411
Analog Flex 35 and Flex 50 Amplifiers 4100-1312
Digital Flex 35 and Flex 50 Amplifiers 4100-1326
Analog 100W Amplifiers 4100-1314
Digital 100W Amplifiers 4100-1328
Flex Amp Expansion NAC Board 4100-1245
Flex Amp Class A Adapter 4100-1246
100 Watt Expansion NAC Board 4100-1248
100 Watt Class A Adapter 4100-1249
Expansion Signal Card and Accessories 4100-1266

21.2 Compatible Notification Appliances

The list of compatible Simplex Speaker Notification Appliances and accessories is as follows.

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Notification Appliance Description Model Numbers

Wall Mount Speaker Only 4902-9716
Ceiling Mount Speaker Only 4902-9721
Wall Mount Speaker Visible 4906-9151
Wall Mount ADDR Speaker Visible 4906-9254
Ceiling Mount ADDR Speaker Visible 4906-9254
Cover Accessories 4905-9811
Surface Mount Adapter Skirts 4905-9941
49XX Series Ceiling-Mount Speaker and Speaker/Visible 49SO-APPLC

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Notification Appliance Description Model Numbers

49XX Series Wall-Mount Speaker and Speaker/Visible 49SV-APPLW

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Notification Appliance Description Model Numbers

49XX Series Dress Cover Accessories 49SOC-CK

21.3 Audio Options Alongside Compatible Equipment

The following equipment is not part of the signal path for the 520 Hz Low Frequency Alarm signal and therefore may be used along side
compatible components of the audio system.

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Notification Appliance Description Model Numbers

Auxiliary Audio Input Board 4100-1240
Audio Operator Interface Modules 4100-1252
Expansion Bay 4100-2300
Audio Expansion Bay Harness Kit 4100-2320
Constant Supervision Modules 4100-1259
Message Expansion Board 4100-1241

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22 Appendix L: Legacy Power Supplies

This appendix describes the installation of legacy 4100ES power supplies, including the SPS and EPS.

22.1 SPS CPU Bay Overview

22.1.1 RUI+ Master Motherboard

The 4100 Master motherboard has two slots, one is dedicated for the system CPU and the other slot is typically used for 4120 Network,
ES Net network or RS232 cards. The first RUI channel in the system is the master motherboard. The RUI+ feature on this card provides
electrically-isolated power for the RUI channel, giving it greater immunity to crosstalk from other channels.
The card is installed on the PDI, occupying the space next to the power supply.

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8


2“ Motherboards
CPU Master Power Supply

Figure 86: CPU Bay Card Placement

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Figure 87: RUI+ CPU Master Motherboard (566-938)

If the RUI+ Master Motherboard is used to connect to a 4602-9101 (SCU), 4602-9102 (RCU) or 4602-9150, 4602-7101 (SCU/RCU Graphic
Command Center) move the P5 and P6 jumpers to the RUI NON ISO position.

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22.1.2 Master Controller Daughter Card (566-719)

The master controller daughter card mounts onto the master motherboard. The master controller daughter card contains a service port, a
direct drive user interface connection, and a port for a service modem.

Figure 88: Master Controller Daughter Card (566-719)

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22.1.3 Master Controller Daughter Card LEDs

The master controller daughter card LEDs indicate the card's status. These LEDs are used for troubleshooting.

22.1.4 Master Controller Switches

Table 28: Master Controller Switches
Switch Description
Reset (Warm Start) Short press (< 3 seconds) to activate a software controlled reset (warm start).
(0566-719 only) Press and hold (> 3 seconds) to force a hardware reset (also a warm start).
Generally unless the CPU card appears to be locked up you should always use the software
controlled reset.
A warm start preserves the logs and the disabled status of any points that are in the disabled
Reset (Warm Start) Press (any duration) to cause a warm start. A warm start preserves the logs and the disabled
(other than 0566-719 Cards) status of any points that are in the disabled state.
CFIG Swap During startup, insert a jumper to revert to the alternate (previous) CFIG. Remove the jumper
(0566-719 only) after the system reboots and CFIG swap are complete. If you are using an older revision of
the CPU card, press and hold this button. This is used if the current CFIG is corrupt or for
troubleshooting the system.
Note: You will get a "Using previous CFIG" trouble in the system. This trouble will not clear
until a new CFIG is downloaded or you swap back to the original CFIG.
Cold Start During startup, press and hold this button to clear all history logs and enable any points that
(0566-719 only) were previously disabled.

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22.1.5 System Power Supply (SPS)

The SPS is the power source for the CPU. The SPS provides 24 VDC card power to the CPU motherboard, which is distributed to other bays
up to 2A capacity.
The SPS provides voltage and current information to the CPU card, which can then be displayed at the user interface. The SPS provides an
IDNet channel that supports initiating devices and some notification appliances, such as the 4009-9201/9301 Audio NAC Extender. The
SPS also has three on-board NACs that support reverse polarity or SmartSync supervision.
Auxiliary power, relay, and city circuit/relay module functions are also supported.
The SPS performs standard fire alarm functions, such as brownout detect, battery transfer, battery recharge, earth fault detection, and
power limiting per UL 864.
Figure 89 is an illustration of the SPS.

Figure 89: System Power Supply (566-071)

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22.2 EPS CPU Bay Overview

22.2.1 The Power Distribution Interface

In the CPU bay and the expansion bays, power and data are distributed via the PDI. The PDI is a wiring board with eight card slots, each of
which can accommodate a 4 x 5 card. If legacy motherboards are used, they must be mounted above the PDI using metal standoffs.
Note: Power source jumpers P4 and P5 must be placed in position 2-3 (to the right) for proper operation of an EPS CPU bay.

Figure 90: The Power Distribution Interface (PDI)

22.2.2 RUI+ Master Motherboard

The 4100 Master motherboard has two slots, one is dedicated for the system CPU and the other slot is typically used for 4120 Network,
ES Net network or RS232 cards. The first RUI channel in the system is the master motherboard. The RUI+ feature on this card provides
electrically-isolated power for the RUI channel, giving it greater immunity to crosstalk from other channels.
The card is installed on the PDI, occupying the space next to the power supply.

Figure 91: RUI+ CPU Master Motherboard (566-938)

Note: If the RUI+ Master Motherboard is used to connect to a 4602-9101 (SCU), 4602-9102 (RCU) or 4602-9150, 4602-7101 (SCU/RCU
Graphic Command Center) move the P5 and P6 jumpers to the RUI NON ISO position.

22.2.3 4100ES CPU Bay Placement Guidelines

Refer to the following guidelines before mounting a motherboard into a CPU bay.
• There are eight 2” (51 mm) slots on the CPU bay. Slots 1 and 2 are the only available slots for aftermarket boards.
• If there are more old style 4100 modules than a CPU bay can accommodate, they should be placed into the next expansion bay.
• For SPS Configuration only: CPU bays do not include a power distribution interface (PDI) board, so this bay is reserved for
motherboard/daughter card modules only.

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22.2.4 Master Controller Daughter Card (566-719)

The master controller daughter card mounts onto the master motherboard. The master controller daughter card contains a service port, a
direct drive user interface connection, and a port for a service modem.

Figure 92: Master Controller Daughter Card (566-719)

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22.2.5 Master Controller Daughter Card LEDs

The master controller daughter card LEDs indicate the card's status. These LEDs are used for troubleshooting.

22.2.6 Master Controller Daughter Card Switches

Table 29: Master Controller Switches
Switch Description
Reset (Warm Start) Short press (< 3 seconds) to activate a software controlled reset (warm start).
(0566-719 only) Press and hold (> 3 seconds) to force a hardware reset (also a warm start).
Generally unless the CPU card appears to be locked up you should always use the software
controlled reset.
A warm start preserves the logs and the disabled status of any points that are in the disabled
Reset (Warm Start) Press (any duration) to cause a warm start. A warm start preserves the logs and the disabled
(other than 0566-719 Cards) status of any points that are in the disabled state.
CFIG Swap During startup, insert a jumper to revert to the alternate (previous) CFIG. Remove the jumper
(0566-719 only) after the system reboots and CFIG swap are complete. If you are using an older revision of
the CPU card, press and hold this button. This is used if the current CFIG is corrupt or for
troubleshooting the system.
Note: You will get a "Using previous CFIG" trouble in the system. This trouble will not clear
until a new CFIG is downloaded or you swap back to the original CFIG.
Cold Start During startup, press and hold this button to clear all history logs and enable any points that
(0566-719 only) were previously disabled.

22.2.7 Extended Power Supply with IDNet 2

The EPS with IDNet 2 is the power source for the CPU and the host cabinet. The EPS provides 24 VDC card power to the CPU motherboard.
The EPS provides voltage and current information to the CPU card, which can then be displayed at the user interface. The IDNet 2 card on
the EPS provides one IDNet channel that supports initiating devices and some notification appliances, such as the 4009-9201/9301 Audio
NAC Extender.
Auxiliary power, relay, and city circuit/relay module functions are also supported.
The EPS performs standard fire alarm functions, such as brownout detect, battery transfer, battery recharge, earth fault detection, and
power limiting in accordance with UL 864.
Figure 93 is an illustration of the EPS. See Figure 94 for the IDNet 2 card.

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Figure 93: EPS with IDNet 2 (566-872)

The 4100-3109 IDNet 2 is a 4"x5" card that provides the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACU) with an isolated IDNet channel which contains two
isolated loops.
This card is compatible with IDNet communicating initiating devices and allows the system CPU to communicate with up to 250 peripheral
devices, such as smoke detectors and pull stations.

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Figure 94: IDNet 2 Card

22.3 Interconnecting Bays and Modules

22.3.1 SPS CPU Card Interconnections in the CPU Bay

Use the following directions to connect the CPU to the SPS and other motherboards (refer to Figure 95).
1. Connect the 734-008 harness from P6 Pwr/Comm connector on the SPS to P10 on the RUI+ CPU motherboard.
Note: If a 734-008 or 734-075 Pwr/Comm harness is connected at P6 on the SPS to provide power to additional modules, you
must relocate it to an available 4-pin Pwr/Comm connector within the FACU.

2. Make sure connector P3 on the CPU is secured to J1 on the next motherboard to the left. Repeat this for the third (leftmost)
motherboard, if applicable.

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22.3.2 SPS CPU Card Interconnections in Expansion Bays

Expansion bays comprise all bays other than the CPU bay. If you are installing a two- or three-bay FACU, you will be using expansion bays
(refer to Figure 30).
The power distribution interface (PDI) is mounted to the back of each expansion cabinet. The PDI contains slots for up to eight 4” X 5”
cards. Since the PDI carries power and data across the entire bay, it solves most interconnection issues, especially between 4” X 5” cards.
Refer to Step 6. Installing Modules into Expansion Bays for instructions on mounting 4” X 5” cards to the PDI. Also bear in mind the
following variations:
• In a remote expansion cabinet, a transponder interface card (TIC) requires additional interconnections. This occurs in MINIPLEX
systems. Refer to Installing 4100ES MINIPLEX Components.
• Regular motherboards require non-PDI interconnections to each other and to the CPU. Refer to Step 6. Installing Modules into
Expansion Bays.

22.3.3 SPS CPU Basic Bay-To-Bay Interconnections

Panels with two or three bays must be interconnected properly so that they function together as the central point of a standalone or
MINIPLEX system, or as a node on a network.
Generally, the CPU bay connects to a local expansion bay using a circuit from CPU to the expansion bay’s PDI. If there is a second
expansion bay, the PDI on the first expansion bay connects to the PDI on the second.
Note: Interconnections can become more involved if regular motherboards are used. Refer to “Step 5: Installing Modules into Expansion
Bays” if this is the case.
• To connect from the CPU bay to an expansion bay, route the 734-008 Harness from P2, P3, or P4 on the CPU motherboard to P1 on
the PDI in the adjacent bay.
• To connect two adjacent expansion bays, route the 734-008 Harness from P2 or P3 on the first PDI to P1 on the PDI in the next bay.
Jumpers P4 and P5 are set to positions 2 and 3 (right) to provide card power to the bay from a power supply (SPS, XPS, or RPS) located
in the same bay. Jumpers P4 and P5 are set to positions 1 and 2 (left) to provide card power to the bay from P1 on the PDI.
Figure 95 shows the interconnections between three bays in a host panel.

Figure 95: Bay-to-Bay Interconnections

For information on remote expansion bays, refer to Appendix K: Installing 4100 FACU Components (Non-4100ES/4100U).

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22.3.4 EPS CPU Bay Interconnections

For the New Configuration:
• The FACU power supply and the CPU master motherboard are connected through the PDI board.
• Connect the power supply’s “RUI+ Earth Detect” (P9 on the EPS card) to the Earth Fault (P1) on the RUI+ CPU Motherboard card.
• To connect the RUI+ CPU Motherboard to adjacent cards that do not communicate through the PDI (2” motherboards for example),
insert a male-male 10 pin header into the Motherboards’s female ten pin header (J8) and insert the other end into the adjacent card.

22.3.5 EPS CPU Interconnections in Expansion Bays

Expansion bays comprise all bays other than the CPU bay. If you are installing a two- or three-bay FACU, you will be using expansion bays
(refer to Figure 30).
The power distribution interface (PDI) is mounted to the back of each expansion cabinet. The PDI contains slots for up to eight 4” X 5”
cards. Since the PDI carries power and data across the entire bay, it solves most interconnection issues, especially between 4” X 5” cards.
Refer to “Step 5: Installing Modules into Expansion Bays ” for instructions on mounting 4” X 5” cards to the PDI. Also bear in mind the
following variations:
• In a remote expansion cabinet, a transponder interface card (TIC) requires additional interconnections. This occurs in MINIPLEX
systems. Refer to Installing 4100ES MINIPLEX Components.
• Regular motherboards require non-PDI interconnections to each other and to the CPU. Refer to “Step 5: Installing Modules into
Expansion Bays.”

22.3.6 EPS CPU Basic Bay-To-Bay Interconnections

Panels with two or three bays must be interconnected properly so that they function together as the central point of a standalone or
MINIPLEX system, or as a node on a network.
• The CPU bay can be connected to a local expansion bay by connecting the P2 or P3 connector on the left end of the CPU PDI card to
the expansion bay’s PDI P1 connector.
• Figure 96 shows a typical interconnect using P2 on the CPU PDI to P1 of the first expansion bay.
• To connect two adjacent expansion bays, route the 734-008 Harness from P2 or P3 on the first PDI to P1 on the PDI in the next bay.
Jumpers P4 and P5 are set to positions 2 and 3 (right) to provide card power to the bay from a power supply (EPS, SPS, XPS, or RPS)
located in the same bay. Jumpers P4 and P5 are set to positions 1 and 2 (left) to provide card power to the bay from P1 on the PDI.
Note: Interconnections can become more involved if regular motherboards are used. Refer to “Installing Modules into Expansion Bays” if
this is the case.
Figure 96 shows the basic CPU interconnections in a 4100ES EPS FACU.

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Figure 96: Basic CPU Interconnections

For information on remote expansion bays, refer to Appendix K: Installing 4100 FACU Components (Non-4100ES/4100U).

22.4 The System Power Supply (SPS)

This chapter describes how the system power supply (SPS) is installed and configured by the factory. Check the information in this chapter
to make sure the SPS is installed correctly.

22.4.1 SPS Specifications Input/Output/Battery Specifications

Table 30 summarizes the specifications for the SPS.
Table 30: Input and Output Specifications
AC Input Specifications
SPS in Standard U.S./Canada FACU or 4100-5111/5112 SPS 4 A Maximum
120 VAC @ 60 Hz, nominal
SPS in Standard International FACU or 4100-5113 SPS 2 A Maximum
220/230/240 VAC @ 50 or 60 Hz
DC Output Specifications
All SPSs Minimum: 19.9 VDC (Special Applications)
Maximum: 31.1 VDC
Ripple: 2 VDC p-p @ full load (9 A)
SPS IDNet Output (see note) 30 V or 35 V @ 1/2A; 36.75V maximum; 3,333 bits per second
Battery Charger Specifications
Input Voltage Range 21-33 VDC

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Table 30: Input and Output Specifications

Output Float Voltage 27.4 VDC ±500 mV @ 20oC, temperature compensated at -24mV to -36mV/
o o o o
×C (32 F to 120 F or 0 C to 49 C)
High Voltage Output 29.1 V @ 3.3 A
Output Current Limit 1.4 A (For 6.2 - 18 Ah battery)
3.3 A (Default; for 18-50 Ah battery- Canadian; for 18-110 Ah battery - U.S.)
• The battery circuit is supervised.
• When it is necessary to activate large numbers of output devices on IDNet peripherals (such as piezo sounders), the output voltage
is increased to 35V to provide sufficient voltage at the end of line to activate the piezo. The higher voltage state is an alarm condition
for the purpose of standby battery calculation. The 30V output is the normal condition and is used to prolong battery standby. The
system CPU will activate the boost feature when 10 LED, Piezo or other outputs are activated.
• AC power must be provided to the 4100ES from a dedicated AC branch circuit. The AC input is supervised.
• 220/230/240 VAC SPS only: The service branch circuit breaker should be sized to handle at least 150 percent of the total required by
all of the power supplies in the system. If more than a 13 A branch circuit is required then multiple dedicated branch circuits should
be used instead.
• The 4100ES is a configurable system. Each system must be evaluated for battery standby requirements based upon the configuration.
4100ES systems can be configured with multiple sets of batteries if necessary. A basic 4100ES system can achieve 24 hours standby
with 12.7 Ah batteries. For UL Listed systems, up to 110 Ah batteries may be used. For ULC Listed systems, up to 50 Ah batteries may
be used. Simplex Manufacture has already tested Amp Hour capability due to requirements of UL 864 which is tested to the value that
has been de-rated by 20%. SPS Current Consumption

Table 31 summarizes battery standby capabilities for the SPS. Voltage assumed is 24 VDC, which is the rated battery voltage for lead-acid
type batteries.
Table 31: SPS Current Specifications
Standby Conditions Current
• No alarms (NACs normal) 175 mA
• IDNet LED ON, no IDNet devices connected
Add to above for each additional set of 50 IDNet devices in standby, with IDNet at 30 V 40 mA
Total current for fully loaded IDNet channel (250 devices) in standby 375 mA
Alarm Conditions Current
• 3 NACs ON 185 mA
• IDNet LED ON, no IDNet devices connected
Add to above for each set of 50 IDNet devices in alarm, 20 LEDs ON 80 mA
Add to above for each set of 50 IDNet devices in alarm, LEDs OFF 50 mA
Total current for a fully loaded IDNet channel (250 devices) in alarm, 20 LEDs ON 475 mA
• Additional standby conditions: Trouble relay activated, power trouble LED on, IDNet LED on, battery charger off, auxiliary power load =
0 mA
• Additional alarm conditions: Trouble relay activated, power trouble LED on, IDNet LED on, battery charger off, auxiliary power load = 0
mA, NAC alarm load = 0 mA, IDNet = 35 V

The Notification Appliance Circuits on the SPS are rated for Special Application and for Regulated 24 VDC operation per UL864.
When used with the Notification Appliances listed in Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices or Appendix I: Cooper
Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications, each NAC is rated for 3A, and total SPS capacity
is rated at 9A. This rating is the UL864 Special Application rating. Appliances listed in Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and
Devices or Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications are synchronized
per UL864, between all NACs on the SPS, and any NACs on a SPS, RPS, or XPS within the same 4100ES system.
For use with Notification Appliances not listed in Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devicesor Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock
Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications, each circuit is rated for 2A maximum, with a total
Notification Appliance load of 4A per SPS. This rating is the UL 864 Regulated 24 VDC rating. Synchronization of strobes and other

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appliances requires use of the associated, Listed, compatible Synchronization Module. Consult supplier of Notification Appliances for
synchronization limits and details.
Simplex Appliances (Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices) May not be mixed with Wheelock Appliances (Appendix I:
Cooper Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications) on a single power supply. A 4100ES
system with mix of appliances fromAppendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devicesand Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock Appliances
Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications will not meet the UL 864 requirement for Visual synchronization (10
milliseconds) between power supplies. Appliances listed in Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices will be consistently
out of visual sync with appliances in Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special
Applications by about 30 milliseconds. Appliances listed Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices will be notably out
of audible sync with appliances in Appendix I: Cooper Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special
Applications by a consistent (Wheelock leading by 1/2 second). In order to meet the requirements for visual and audible sync system wide,
all appliances in the system must be exclusively from either Appendix H: IDNAC Compatible Appliances and Devices or Appendix I: Cooper
Wheelock Appliances Compatible With 4100ES Wheelock Protocol For Special Applications.
Non-pulsing, linear-type Notification Appliances, such as horns or bells may be used up to the full rating (3A / NAC, 9A total for the SPS).

22.4.2 SPS Configuration

This section contains information about SPS jumpers and DIP switches. Refer to 4120 Networking of this document for information on
setting the jumpers. Jumper Settings

P1: Earth connect jumper. Note that the P1 location is clearly designated on the PCB silk screen.
• Position 1 – 2: Enables Earth fault monitoring.
• Position 2 – 3: Disables Earth fault monitoring.
Only one power module should be set for earth fault monitoring for each location within a system. Normally, the SPS in the CPU bay is set
to monitor for earth faults. If there is a second SPS connected to the same set of batteries, that SPS should have earth fault monitoring
disabled. Other power modules that can be set to monitor earth fault conditions are TPS, RPS and XBC. When located under common
0V with a TPS, the TPS should be set to monitor earth faults, and other co-located power modules should be set to disable earth fault
P2: If the SPS IDNet outputs are being used, you may change P2 to configure the IDNet shield connection. Note that the P2 pin 1 location is
towards P3.
• Position 1 – 2: Connects the shield to 0 V (default).
• Position 2 – 3: Connects the shield to earth ground.
P3: City Card and Relay Card operation. Note that the P3 pin 1 location is towards P2.
• Position 1-2: Install in position 1-2 only if a relay card 4100-6033 is installed and has relay 3 programmed for operation other than
• Position 2-3: (default) For City Card operation and for use with 4100-6033 if relay 3 is programmed for "activate on trouble" operation Setting the Device Address

Refer to Appendix A: The Device Configuration DIP Switch to set the device address for the SPS with DIP switch SW1.

22.4.3 SPS LED Indications LEDs
The SPS has the following LEDs:
LED1 (yellow). Illuminates when NAC 1 is ON or in Trouble.
LED2 (yellow). Illuminates when NAC 2 is ON or in Trouble.
LED3 (yellow). Illuminates when NAC 3 is ON or in Trouble.
LED4 (yellow). Illuminates to indicate a communications loss with the system CPU; normally off. If this LED is blinking, try re-loading the
software to FLASH.
LED5 (yellow). Indicates IDNet status.
• Slow blink: Class A open circuit trouble.
• Fast blink: Short circuit trouble.

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• On steady: No devices detected/ channel failure.

• Normally off.
LED6 (yellow). Indicates power supply status.
• Single blink: Positive earth fault.
• Double blink: Negative earth fault.
• Triple blink: Battery trouble.
• Quadruple blink: Charger trouble.
• On steady: Overcurrent fault.
• Normally off.
LED7 (green). Illuminates when the power supply is powered from the AC line. Off when the power supply is de-energized, or when it is
using battery backup power.

22.4.4 Troubleshooting
This section contains explanations of trouble messages that may appear on the 4100ES display when using the SPS. Heading text in the
left margin shows the error message, while the paragraph next to it describes the likely cause of the message. IDNet Power Monitor Trouble

There is no output voltage from the power supply. Extra Device

Appears if one or more extra devices (i.e., devices that have not been configured for the IDNet channel) are one the system. Only one
message appears, regardless of the number of extra devices found. Class A Trouble

There is an open on the IDNet channel. A hardware reset is required to reset the trouble. Earth Fault Search

Comes up during the Earth Fault Search diagnostic function. Once the search is initiated, the front panel display indicates how far along
the search process has progressed (10%, 25%… 75%), and then shows the results of the search. The result either identifies the offending
circuit or indicates that the earth fault could not be found. SPS circuits (IDNet, NAC, and aux power) are searched. System alarm and
trouble processing is suspended during the search. Short Circuit

Appears when a short is detected on the IDNet channel. This status clears automatically when the short circuit is removed. Channel Fail

Appears when each device on the IDNet channel has been configured, and when none of the devices are communicating on the channel.
This message does not appear if there are no configured devices on the IDNet channel. No Answer/Bad Answer

Occurs when the 4100ES is put into a diagnostic mode and finds a device not responding, or responding unreliably. Refer to the ES Panel
Programmer’s Manual (574-849) for information on how to perform this diagnostic. Output Abnormal

Occurs when 24 VDC is not present on TrueAlarm devices or when TrueAlarm sensor bases with relay driver outputs are not properly
supervised or when isolator devices are in isolation mode.

22.5 4100ES SPS Field Wiring

This chapter shows how 4100ES devices are wired to notification appliances. Most of the connections shown herein are reverse-polarity
NACs, IDNet circuits, and power circuits.

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22.5.1 General Field Wiring Guidelines General Guidelines

Make sure these guidelines are accounted for before wiring:
• All wires must be 18 AWG, or as the local code dictates.
• Conductors must test free of all grounds.
• All wiring must be done using copper conductors only, unless noted otherwise.
• If shielded wire is used,

- the metallic continuity of the shield must be maintained throughout the entire cable length.
- the entire length of the cable must have a resistance greater than 1 Megohm to earth ground.
• Underground wiring must be free of all water.
• In areas of high lightning activity, or in areas that have large power surges, the 2081-9027 Transient Suppressor should be used on
monitor points.
• Wires must not be run through elevator shafts.
• Wires that run in plenum must be in conduit.
• Splicing is permitted. All spliced connections must either be soldered (resin-core solder), crimped in metal sleeves, or encapsulated
with an epoxy resin. When soldering or crimped metal sleeves are used, the junction must be insulated with a high-grade electrical
tape that is as sound as the original insulating jacket. Shield continuity must be maintained throughout.
• A system ground must be provided for earth detection and lightning protection devices. This connection must comply with approved
earth detection per NFPA780.
• Only system wiring can be run together in the same conduit.

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide Power-Limited Guidelines

Make sure these guidelines are accounted for before wiring for power-limited systems:
• Non-power limited field wiring (AC power, batteries, City connection) must be installed and routed in the shaded areas shown in Table
• Power-limited field wiring must be installed and routed in the non-shaded areas shown in Table 32, with the exception of City wiring.
• Excess slack should be kept to a minimum inside the back box enclosure. The wiring should be neatly dressed and bundled together
using wire ties. Anchor power-limited wiring to tie points, as shown in Figure 97.

Figure 97: Power-Limited Wiring

• Tie the wiring located between bays to the internal wiring troughs, if applicable.
• When powering remote units or switching power through relay contacts, power for these circuits must be provided by a power-limited
power supply listed for fire-protective signaling use. An EOL relay must be used to supervise the auxiliary power circuit.
• Auxiliary power only: Supervision must be provided if the auxiliary power circuit is to be wired as a power-limited circuit. In order to
connect a circuit using power-limited wiring, the devices being powered must all be addressable, or a UL Listed EOL relay must be
used to supervise the circuit. Refer to Figure 98 for wiring directions for the EOL relay.

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Figure 98: The EOL Relay

Note: The 2098-9739 Relay is used as an example. Other UL Listed 24VDC EOL relays can be used, depending on the application.

22.5.2 Power Supply Wiring Distances

Before wiring from any type of power supply to notification appliances, check Table 32 and Table 33 for wiring distances. Class A NAC Wiring Table

Table 32 lists the maximum distances from the NAC terminal block to the last appliance in a Class A configuration, depending on wire
gauge and current. Use Table 32 to calculate wire distances for your application if you are using Class A wiring.
Table 32: Class A Wiring Distances
Alarm Current@ 24 Max Distance with Max Distancewith 16 Max Distancewith 14 Max Distancewith 12 DC Resistance
0.25 A 420 ft. (128 m) 667 ft. (203 m) 1,063 ft. (324 m) 1,691 ft. (515 m) 6 Ohms
0.50 A 210 ft. (64 m) 334 ft. (102 m) 532 ft. (162 m) 845 ft. (258 m) 3 Ohms
0.75 A 140 ft. (43 m) 222 ft. (68 m) 354 ft. (108 m) 564 ft. (172 m) 2 Ohms
1.00 A 105 ft. (32 m) 167 ft. (51 m) 266 ft. (81 m) 423 ft. (129 m) 1.5 Ohms
1.25 A 84 ft. (26 m) 133 ft. (41 m) 213 ft. (65 m) 338 ft. (103 m) 1.2 Ohms
1.50 A 70 ft. (21 m) 111 ft. (34 m) 177 ft. (54 m) 282 ft. (86 m) 1 Ohm
1.75 A 60 ft. (18 m) 95 ft. (29 m) 152 ft. (46 m) 242 ft. (74 m) 0.86 Ohm
2.00 A 53 ft. (16 m) 83 ft. (25 m) 133 ft. (41 m) 211 ft. (64 m) 0.75 Ohm
2.25 A 47 ft. (14 m) 74 ft. (23 m) 118 ft. (36 m) 188 ft. (57 m) 0.67 Ohm
2.50 A 42 ft. (13 m) 67 ft. (20 m) 106 ft. (32 m) 169 ft. (51 m) 0.60 Ohm
2.75 A 38 ft. (12 m) 61 ft. (19 m) 97 ft. (30 m) 154 ft. (47 m) 0.55 Ohm
3.00 A 35 ft. (11 m) 56 ft. (17 m) 89 ft. (27 m) 141 ft. (43 m) 0.50 Ohm
• Max Distance = distance from SPS/RPS to last appliance.
• This table is calculated at 49 degrees Centigrade (120 degrees Fahrenheit). If you are installing in locations that could be exposed to
higher temperatures, refer to NEC Table 8.
• Distances are based on a 3 V drop, and take into account the worst-case panel output voltage.
• If circuit integrity wire is used instead of housing cable in a fire-rated enclosure, reduce wiring distances by 38 feet (12 m) for every 10
feet (3 m) of potential exposure. Class B NAC Wiring Table

Table 33 lists the maximum distances from the NAC terminal block to the last appliance in a Class B configuration, depending on wire
gauge and current. Use Table 33 to calculate wire distances for your application if you are using Class B wiring.
Table 33: Class B Wiring Distances
Alarm Current @ 24 Max Distance with Max Distance with Max Distancewith 14 Max Distance with 12 DC Resistance
0.25 A 840 ft. (256 m) 1,335 ft. (407 m) 2,126 ft. (648 m) 3,382 ft. (1,031 m) 12 Ohms
0.50 A 420 ft. (128 m) 667 ft. (203 m) 1,063 ft. (324 m) 1,691 ft. (515 m) 6 Ohms
0.75 A 280 ft. (85 m) 445 ft. (136 m) 709 ft. (216 m) 1,127 ft. (344 m) 4 Ohms
1.00 A 210 ft. (64 m) 334 ft. (102 m) 532 ft. (162 m) 845 ft. (258 m) 3 Ohms
1.25 A 168 ft. (51 m) 267 ft. (81 m) 425 ft. (130 m) 676 ft. (206 m) 2.4 Ohms

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Table 33: Class B Wiring Distances

Alarm Current @ 24 Max Distance with Max Distance with Max Distancewith 14 Max Distance with 12 DC Resistance
1.50 A 140 ft. (43 m) 222 ft. (68 m) 354 ft. (108 m) 564 ft. (172 m) 2 Ohms
1.75 A 120 ft. (37 m) 191 ft. (58 m) 304 ft. (93 m) 483 ft. (147 m) 1.71 Ohms
2.00 A 105 ft. (32 m) 167 ft. (51 m) 266 ft. (81 m) 423 ft. (129 m) 1.5 Ohms
2.25 A 93 ft. (28 m) 148 ft. (45 m) 236 ft. (72 m) 376 ft. (115 m) 1.33 Ohms
2.50 A 84 ft. (26 m) 133 ft. (41 m) 213 ft. (65 m) 338 ft. (103 m) 1.2 Ohms
2.75 A 76 ft. (23 m) 121 ft. (37 m) 193 ft. (59 m) 307 ft. (94 m) 1.09 Ohms
3.00 A 70 ft. (21 m) 111 ft. (34 m) 177 ft. (54 m) 282 ft. (86 m) 1 Ohm
• Max Distance = distance from SPS or RPS to last appliance.
• This table is calculated at 49 degrees Centigrade (120 degrees Fahrenheit). If you are installing in locations that could be exposed to
higher temperatures, refer to NEC Table 8.
• Distances are based on a 3 V drop, and take into account the worst-case panel output voltage.
• If circuit integrity wire is used instead of housing cable in a fire rated enclosure, reduce wiring distances by 38 feet (12 m) for every 10
feet (3 m) of potential exposure.

22.5.3 SPS NAC Field Wiring Guidelines Guidelines
Review the following guidelines for NACs before you begin NAC field wiring.
• All wiring is 18 AWG (minimum) to 12 AWG (maximum).
• All wiring is supervised and power-limited.
• The maximum alarm current is 3 A per circuit. The supervisory current is 2.03 mA at 24 VDC.
• The nominal voltage rating is 24 VDC, 2 V p-p ripple (maximum).
• The total available current from the SPS is 9 A, unless it is used for REGULATED
• 24 VDC notification appliances, where the SPS/RPS is rated for 4Amps notification. Any current used for card power by modules
plugged into the PDI, as well as any auxiliary 24 VDC current, must be deducted from the total available current.
• Terminal designations “+” and “-” are for the alarm state.
• All 4901-, 4903- and 4904- series appliances are Special Application with SPS. SPS is rated 9A, 3A per circuit. SPS regulated rating per
UL864 is 4A maximum per SPS. Compatible TrueAlert non-addressable appliances for NACs are:

- 4901-series Horn
- 4903-series A/V
- 4903-series S/V
- 4904-series V/O
- 4906-Multi-Candela-series A/V, V/O, S/V, and others
- 49CMT-series, Multi-Tone
1, 2
- 49CMTV-series, Multi-Tone/Multi-Candela
A maximum of 70 appliances can be supported per circuit.
Each 49CMT and 49CMTV series appliance counts as 2.7 regular appliances and no more than 25 49CMT or 20 49CMTV-series
appliances may be placed on one circuit.

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22.5.4 SPS NAC Wiring Class A NAC Wiring

To connect the SPS to reverse-polarity, non-addressable notification appliances using Class A wiring, read the following instructions and
refer to Figure 99.
1. Route wire (between 12 and 18 AWG) from the “B+”, “B-”, and SHIELD outputs on TB2 of the SPS to the appropriate inputs on a
peripheral notification appliance. Use NAC1, NAC2, or NAC3.
2. Route wire from the first appliance to the next one. Repeat for each appliance.
3. Route wire from the last appliance to the A+ and A- inputs on the same NAC circuit of TB1 of the SPS.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each NAC output you want to use.
5. Leave the 10 K, ½ W, brown/black/orange resistor (378-030) on each unused circuit. The circuit must connect “B+” to “B-”
terminals. No external end-of-line resistor is needed for circuits in use.

Figure 99: Class A NAC Wiring Class B NAC Wiring

To connect the SPS to appliances using Class B wiring, read the following instructions and refer to Figure 100.
1. Route wire (between 12 and 18 AWG) from the B+, B-, and SHIELD outputs on TB2 of the SPS to the appropriate inputs on a
peripheral notification appliance. Use NAC1, NAC2, or NAC3.
2. Route wire from the first appliance to the next one. “T” tapping is not allowed. Repeat for each appliance.
3. Route wire from the last appliance to the EOLR harness (10K ohm, 1/2W: P/N 733-894, PID# 4081-9008).

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4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each NAC output you want to use.
5. Leave the factory installed EOL Resistor (10 K Ohm, ½ W; brown/black/orange) on each unused circuit. The circuit must connect
“B+” to “B-” terminals.

Figure 100: Class B Wiring

• Notification appliances are rated per individual nameplate label.
• Maintain correct polarity on terminal connections. Do not loop wires under terminals.

22.5.5 SPS IDNet Field Wiring Guidelines IDNet Wiring

Up to 250 IDNet initiating devices are supported on the SPS IDNet channel. The SPS supports both Class A and Class B wiring.
Class A wiring allows IDNet appliances to communicate with the SPS even in the event of a single open circuit somewhere in the loop. Class
A wiring requires that two wires are routed from the SPS to each IDNet appliance, and then back again to the SPS.
Class B wiring allows “T” tapping, and therefore requires less wiring distance per installation than Class A. Additionally, Class B wiring does
not require end-of-line resistors, because each IDNet appliance communicates directly to the SPS. Guidelines
Make sure these guidelines are accounted for before installing the cards.
• For Class B operation:

- The maximum distance to any device is 2500 feet (762 m) for 126-250 devices, or 4000 feet (1220 m) if 125 or fewer devices are
- “T” taps are allowed.
- The maximum total wire allowed is 10,000 feet, or 0.58uF.
- Maximum allowed line-to-line capacitance (“+” to “-” terminals) is 0.58 uF. For applications with shielded wire, be sure that the total
capacitance from line to line plus the shield to either line is no more than 0.58 uF.
• For Class A operation, the maximum loop distance is 2,500 feet (762 m). “T” taps are not allowed.
• Use supplied ferrite beads with the SPS. Loop wires once through the supplied ferrite beads as shown in Figure 101.

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Figure 101: Loop Wiring as Shown

22.5.6 SPS IDNet Wiring Class A Wiring

1. Route wire (between 12 and 18 AWG) from the B+, B-, and SHIELD outputs on TB1 of the SPS to the appropriate inputs on a
peripheral IDNet appliance.
2. Route wire from the first IDNet appliance to the next one. Repeat for each appliance.
3. Route wire from the last IDNet appliance to the A+ and A- inputs on TB1 of the SPS.

Figure 102: Class A Wiring Class B Wiring

1. On TB1, jumper B+ to A+, and jumper B- to A-.
2. Route wire (between 12 and 18 AWG) from the A+, A-, and SHIELD outputs on TB1 of the SPS to a junction box. Begin “T” tapping
at the junction box. The maximum distance between the SPS and an IDNet appliance is 2,500 feet (762 m). The maximum wiring
distance for any IDNet circuit is 10,000 feet (3,048 m) or 0.58 uF.

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Figure 103 shows Class B wiring.

Figure 103: Class B Wiring

22.5.7 SPS Auxiliary Power Wiring Guidelines
• All wiring is 18 AWG and 12 AWG.
• All wiring is power-limited.
• When a NAC is configured as an auxiliary power circuit, no end-of-line resistor is used.
• Auxiliary power may be taken from the dedicated auxiliary power tap or from an unused NAC.
• If auxiliary power is taken from NAC terminals, the NAC must be configured as an auxiliary power point type in the 4100 Programmer.
• Remove end-of-line resistors from NACs when used for auxiliary power.
• External wiring from the dedicated auxiliary power tap is not supervised unless an end-of-line relay is wired coil to auxiliary power, and
Normally Open contacts are monitored by a system power point. Relay current must be considered as part of the load. When NACs
are used as aux. power taps, they are supervised for overcurrent or short-circuit faults.
• All wiring that leaves the building requires overvoltage protection. Install module 2081-9044 wherever wire enters or exits the building.
A maximum of four 2081-9044 Modules may be connected to one channel.
• Voltage rating: 24 VDC (nominal), 2 V P-P ripple (maximum).
• The following devices are compatible with 24VDC aux. power:

- 2088-series relays and door holders

- 2098-series four-wire smoke detectors
- 2190-series monitor and signal ZAMs
- 4090-series IDNet ZAMs
- 4098-series four-wire smoke detectors and duct detectors
- 2190-9039 Printer

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- 4190-9050/9051 4-20 mA ZAMs

- 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator
• The total auxiliary current available is 5 A. The total current available for the entire SPS is 9A (special application) or 4A regulated
24VDC, including NAC, auxiliary, and card power. Wiring
The SPS can connect to auxiliary power appliances via the dedicated auxiliary power tap (TB3). If more power is needed, any of the three
NAC outputs can be used for auxiliary power.

Figure 104: Auxiliary Power Wiring

Figure Notes:
1. Maximum allowed NAC current consumption (aux power plus NACs): 9A (Special Application) or 4A regulated 24V dc.
2. Maximum per NAC: 3 A
3. Maximum allowed auxiliary power current consumption: 5A (total supply).
4. Maximum per auxiliary output: 2 A
5. Class A wiring is possible only if a 4090-9117 Power Isolator is used.
6. International systems require ferrite beads. Use kit 4100-5129.

22.5.8 SPS Auxiliary Relay Wiring Guidelines
The SPS includes one on-board, programmable relay.
• All wiring must be between 18 AWG and 12 AWG.
• When power through auxiliary contacts provided by the SPS, wiring is power-limited.

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• When power through auxiliary contacts is not provided by the SPS, use an in-line fuse (208-165). If the power source is not power-
limited to the requirements of UL864, wiring is to be segregated to the non-power-limited spaces of the cabinet.
• The relay circuit is not supervised.
• The relay circuit is rated to switch 2 A at 30 VAC or 30 VDC, resistive load.
• Relay contacts are Form C dry contacts. Suppression is provided to Earth. Do not switch voltages greater than rating, or damage may
result. Wiring
Figure 105 shows SPS auxiliary relay wiring.

Figure 105: Auxiliary Relay Wiring

22.6 EPS with IDNet 2

This chapter describes how the EPS with an IDNet 2 card is installed and configured by the factory. Check the information in this chapter to
make sure the EPS is installed correctly.

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22.6.1 EPS Specifications Card Specifications

Figure 106: EPS Card Layout

Operating 32°F - 120°F (0°C-49°C)
Conditions Up to 93% relative humidity at 90°F (32°C), non-condensing.
Electrical AC Input Specifications: 120 V, 50/60 Hz, 4.6 A
Specifications Note: Maximum circuit breaker is 20A. 220/230/240 V, 50/60 Hz, 2.3 A
DC Output Specifications: 29 V @ 9 A
Up to 5A normal standby (AUX, "Card Power" and Backplane Power). Any non-alarm current must be subtracted
from 9A alarm current.
DC Input Standby – No alarms, SLCs normal: 135 mA / Alarm - 12A @ 24V
(battery standby) With IDNet 2: 235 mA
Per IDNet/IDNAC device: 0.8 mA
Internal Battery Charges up to 50 Ah (ULC-S527) or 115 Ah (UL-864 Listing) sealed lead-acid batteries connected to the power
Charger supply.
High Voltage Output: 29 V
Output Current Limit: 3.3 A
IDNAC SLCs 29.5V maximum @ 3A per circuit; 4,000 bits/second
Earth Fault Earth fault detection is 10k minimum to any circuit.

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SNAC wiring fault Short circuit detection is 5k ohms maximum for SNAC. Open circuit detection is 15k.
Battery Standby Battery standby requirements are dependent on system configuration. The 4100ES can support up to 115 Ah
(sealed lead-acid batteries (UL) and 50 Ah batteries (ULC). With 115 Ah batteries, a system could be configured to draw 3.8A for
batteries) 24 hours, followed by 15 minutes at 9.375A. Or a configuration with 0.375A for 24 hours and 5 minutes alarm at
9.375 would require 12.7 Ah batteries or larger. Simplex Manufacture has already tested Amp Hour capability due
to requirements of UL 864 which is tested to the value that has been de-rated by 20%.

22.6.2 EPS Configuration Setting the EPS Address

The DIP Switch SW2 is used to set the EPS address as identified in the Panel Programmer job (see the section on Programming for more
information). From left to right, these switches are designated as SW2-1 through SW2-8. The function of these switches is as follows:
• SW2-1. This switch sets the baud rate for the internal 4100 communications line running between the card and the 4100 CPU. Set
this switch to ON.
• SW2-2 through SW1-8. These switches set the card’s address within the FACU. Refer to Figure 108 for a complete list of the switch
settings for all of the possible card addresses.
You must set these switches to the value assigned to the module by the Panel Programmer.

Figure 107: DIP Switch SW2

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Figure 108: EPS Card Addresses

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide Earth Connect Jumper

The EPS Earth Fault Enable/Disable jumper allows you to enable or disable Earth Fault detection.
• To enable the function: Place the jumper block on pins 1 and 2
• To disable the function: Place the jumper block on pins 2 and 3

Figure 109: Earth Connect Jumper Positions

Earth Fault detection is set to active on one EPS per battery location. A battery location is any cabinet connected to the master 4100
communications channel without a TIC. A transponder cabinet is another battery location. Only ONE earth fault circuit should be active
on all power supplies (EPS, TPS, SPS, RPS) within a battery location. Disable earth fault detection on all other power supplies at a battery
location. Any system that includes one or more EPS MUST have earth detection from an EPS. Battery Disconnect Jumper

Jumper P16 selects Low Battery operation.
• Jumper in Top position (pins 2-3) will cause panel shutdown when batteries are depleted.
• Jumper in Bottom position (pins 1-2) will allow panel to continue operating.
For S527 compliance, jumper must be installed to top position of P16.
Note: When jumper is set to pins 2-3, EPS will not power-up from battery.

Figure 110: Battery Disconnect Jumper Positions

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22.6.3 EPS IDNet 2 Configuration Setting the Address

The DIP Switch SW1 is used to set the IDNet 2 address as identified in the Panel Programmer job (see the section on Programming for
more information). From left to right, these switches are designated as SW1-1 through SW1-8. The function of these switches is as follows:
• SW1-1. This switch sets the baud rate for the internal 4100 communications line running between the card and the 4100 CPU. Set
this switch to ON.
• SW1-2 through SW1-8. These switches set the card’s address within the FACU. Refer to Figure 112 for a complete list of the switch
settings for all of the possible card addresses.
You must set these switches to the value assigned to the card by the Panel Programmer.

Figure 111: DIP Switch SW1

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Figure 112: 4100-3109 Card Addresses

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22.6.4 Connections Connection to the Power Distribution Module

The EPS is powered by the Power Distribution Module (PDM). The PDM takes power directly from a dedicated AC line and the two backup
batteries, and distributes power to each bay in the cabinet.
To connect the EPS to the PDM using Harness 734-257:
1. Ensure that the PDM is connected to an incoming 120 VAC power source. Keep the AC wires to the right side of the cabinet, in
the non-power-limited area, and at least one inch away from all other wires.
2. Connect the harness connector to the PDM.
3. Connect the separate Red and Black wires (with Yellow female terminations) to Plugs P2 (Black) and P3 (Red) on the EPS.
4. Connect the White and Black wires, which terminate together in a White snap-on connector, to the bulkhead connector at the
bottom of the EPS assembly.

Figure 113: PDM/Battery Connections

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Figure 114: XPS/PDM Connection

22.6.5 Troubleshooting LED Trouble Indicator Overview

The code produced by the lit indicator LEDs corresponds to a trouble that is either occurring on the System or on the SLC Channels. See
Table 34 for the LED definitions.
See Table 35 and Table 36 for the LEDs and their codes.
Table 34: The 8 EPS indicator LEDs
LED: These 5 yellow LEDs are used to signal various trouble
A, B, C, D, E conditions on the EPS and its SLC. See the troubleshooting
section for LED system codes.
LED: These LEDs report any troubles on the corresponding SLC
CH1, CH2, CH3 channels.
LED COMM Indicates a 4100 Comms trouble.
Scroll Push Button The “Trouble Scroll” button to is used to scroll through multiple
(SW1) troubles, since only one trouble can be displayed at a time.

Figure 115: LED Location System Trouble LED Codes

System troubles are indicated by LEDs A to E.

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Table 35: System Trouble LED Codes

A B C D E Description:
No Trouble: There are no troubles detected on the system.

AC Fail: The AC power is disconnected but the battery is working.

Low Battery: The battery charge is under 22 V.

Battery Cutout: The Battery charge is below 20V. At this point if jumper P16 is set to
“battery disconnect when depleted” the system will shut down.

Depleted/Missing Battery: If jumper P16 is not set to “battery disconnect when depleted”
this trouble will appear when the battery charge is below 20 V. This code will also appear if
the system cannot detect the battery.
Charger Trouble: There is a trouble with the battery charger.

Card Overcurrent: The EPS module is drawing too much current.

Negative Earth: The circuit is shorted to ground on the negative wire.

Positive Earth: The circuit is shorted to ground on the positive wire.

Negative Earth on RUI+: The RUI circuit is shorted to ground on the negative wire

Positive Earth on RUI+: The RUI circuit is shorted to ground on the positive wire.

City Circuit 1 Trouble: The trouble configured on the City Card’s circuit one has bee

City Circuit 2 Trouble: The trouble configured on the City Card’s circuit two has bee

AuxNAC Open: Depending on the chosen configuration, either is the Aux circuit or the NAC
circuit is open.

AuxNAC Short: Depending on the chosen configuration, either is the Aux circuit or the NAC
circuit is experiencing a short circuit.

AuxNAC Overcurrent: Depending on the chosen configuration, either is the Aux circuit or
the NAC circuit drawing too much current.


Unassigned. SLC Channel Trouble LED Codes

SLC Channel troubles are indicated by LEDs A to E, as well as LEDs CH1, CH2, and CH3.
The channel LEDs, CH1, CH2, and CH3 indicate the channel which is experiencing the trouble. For example, if the CH1 LED is lit, the trouble
is occurring on SLC channel 1.
The lettered LEDs, A to E, describe the trouble.

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Table 36: SLC Channel Trouble LED Codes

CH1 CH2 CH3 A B C D E Description:
IDNAC Channel Fail: The channel is not responding.

IDNAC Short Circuit: There is a short circuit on the channel.

IDNAC Duplicate Device: There are 2 devices on the channel

that have the same address.

IDNAC Missing device: There is a device programmed on the

channel that it cannot detect.

IDNAC Extra Device: The channel is detecting the address of a

device that has not been programmed.

IDNAC Wrong Device: The channel is detecting a device that

had been programed as the wrong “type”.

IDNAC Controller Fail: The channel can no longer detect the


IDNAC Address Out of Range: There is a device with an

unsupported address on the channel.

IDNAC Isolator Trouble: An isolator on the channel is open.

IDNAC Overcurrent: A device on the Channel is drawing too

much current.

IDNAC Earth Trouble: There is a positive or a negative earth

fault on the channel.


Unassigned Trouble Messages

Table 37 explains the EPS trouble messages that may appear on the FACU display.
Table 37: EPS Trouble Messages
Message Definition
AC Fail AC power is not present or is too low for proper system operation
Low Battery The battery voltage is below the 24 V nominal level by 10% or more.
Depleted/Missing Battery The battery is either below 20 V or completely undetected.
Card Overcurrent The EPS is drawing more current than it should. Check for faults on the circuit.
Charger The battery charger is either defective or being heavily loaded by batteries. Read charger current at front
panel, if charger current is approximately 3 A, batteries are likely loading the charger. Remove battery
connection and measure the output of the EPS. If the output is 27.6 (or close, temperature dependent),
there is a possibility of depleted batteries or a bad set of batteries. Allow batteries to charge or replace
them if they do not take a charge.
Extra Device Appears if one or more extra devices (i.e., devices that have not been configured for the IDNAC channel)
are one the system. Only one message appears, regardless of the number of extra devices found.
Earth Fault Search Comes up during the Earth Fault Search diagnostic function. Once the search is initiated, the front panel
display indicates how far along the search process has progressed (10%, 25%…75%), and then shows
the results of the search. The result either identifies the offending circuit or indicates that the earth fault
could not be found. EPS circuits (IDNet, IDNAC, and aux power) are searched. System alarm and trouble
processing is suspended during the search.

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Table 37: EPS Trouble Messages

Message Definition
Short Circuit Appears when a short is detected on the IDNAC channel. This status clears automatically when the short
circuit is removed.
Channel Fail Appears when each device on the IDNet channel has been configured, and when none of the devices are
communicating on the channel. This message does not appear if there are no configured devices on the
IDNAC channel.

22.7 EPS and IDNet 2 Wiring

This chapter describes the EPS wiring. This includes the wiring of the IDNet 2 card.

22.7.1 EPS Wiring Overview General Wiring Guidelines

• Conductors must test free of all grounds.
• All wiring must be done using copper conductors only, unless noted otherwise.
• If shielded wire is used:

- the metallic continuity of the shield must be maintained throughout the entire cable length.
- the entire length of the cable must have a resistance greater than 1 Megohm to earthground.
• Underground wiring must be free of all water.
• In areas of high lightning activity, or in areas that have large power surges, the 2081-9027 Transient Suppressor should be used on
monitor points.
• Wires must not be run through elevator shafts.
• Splicing is permitted. All spliced connections must either be soldered (resin-core solder), crimped in metal sleeves, or encapsulated
with an epoxy resin. When soldering or crimped metal sleeves are used, the junction must be insulated with a high-grade electrical
tape that is as sound as the original insulating jacket. Shield continuity must be maintained throughout.
• A system ground must be provided for earth detection and lightning protection devices. This connection must comply with approved
earth detection per NFPA780.
• Only system wiring can be run together in the same conduit. Power-Limited Guidelines

• Non-power limited field wiring (AC power, batteries, City connection) must be installed and routed in the shaded areas shown in Figure
• Power-limited field wiring must be installed and routed in the non-shaded shown in Figure 116, with the exception of City wiring.
Excess slack should be kept to a minimum inside the back box enclosure. The wiring should be neatly dressed and bundled together
using wire ties. Anchor power-limited wiring to tie points.
• Tie the wiring located between bays to the internal wiring troughs, if applicable.
• When powering remote units or switching power through relay contacts, power for these circuits must be provided by a power-limited
power supply listed for fire-protective signaling use.

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Figure 116: Power-Limited Wiring Guidelines

22.7.2 EPS Class B IDNAC Wiring Wiring Overview

The EPS has three SLCs for power and communication wiring.
Each ES-PS IDNAC card SLC powers and communicates with up to 127 IDNAC devices. The ES-PS IDNAC is wired to compatible devices and
appliances, such as the TrueAlert ES and TrueAlert Addressable lines (both multi and fixed candela), using Class B circuitry.
Class B wiring allows “T” tapping. ES-PS wiring is inherently supervised due to individual device level communications. End-of-line resistors
are not required. IDNAC Wiring Guidelines

Review the following guidelines for IDNACs before you begin the field wiring.
• Only IDNAC and other compatible devices are allowed on the SLCs.
• Maximum of 127 devices or 139 unit loads per channel. The maximum number of visuals that can be synchronized on one circuit is
• Maximum of six isolators between any appliance and SLC terminals. Maximum 12 isolators per SLC.
• Maximum 30 devices connected directly to any isolator terminal pair.
• The required wire is UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair). This wiring must have a capacitive rating of less than 60 pF/ft and a minimum 3
twists (turns) per foot.
• All wiring is 18 AWG to 12 AWG.
• All wiring is supervised and power-limited.
• The maximum alarm current is 3 A per circuit.
• Maximum cable load is 10,000 feet (3,048 m) per channel. Maximum wire length from panel to any device is 2,500 feet (762 m).
• The nominal voltage rating is 29 VDC.
• The total available current from the EPS is 9 A.

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• ES-PS is 12.5 A with fan.

• All visible appliances wired from an EPS are synchronized to appliances on SPS, XPS, TPS, 4009A, 4009T and other EPS within the
system. Appliances wired from TrueAlert Adapter (4905-9816) are not synchronized to other system appliances. IDNAC Speaker Wiring Application Guidelines

Note: TrueAlert ES speaker appliances supervise connected audio circuits for open-circuit conditions and report those troubles to the
host FACU through the EPS. They can also detect short circuit conditions, but the EPS reports such events as an open circuit. The panel
reports these conditions as AUDIO WIRING TROUBLE. The amplifier electronics and power supply of a connected audio NAC must still
supervise that circuit for short circuit conditions and earth faults.

Do not mix TrueAlert ES speakers with conventional speakers on an audio NAC.

IDNAC wire length limitations dictate the maximum audio NAC wire run length between a TrueAlert ES speaker and the connected 4100ES
amplifier. The maximum IDNAC wire run length from the EPS to a device, with a Repeater extension is 8,000 feet. Because the maximum
distance between the amplifier and the EPS is 2500 feet over RUI/RUI+, the total allowable distance between the amplifier and the
TrueAlert ES device speaker is 10,500 feet. This distance may be further restricted by the Speaker Circuit Wiring Distance Tables of the
connected amplifier.
CLASS B Audio Wiring: Connect a maximum of 127 IDNAC speakers to Class B wired audio NAC. A Class B wired audio NAC connected to
TrueAlert ES speakers can employ T-Tap and Wire Branch wiring topologies.
Do not connect an End-Of-Line Resistor to a class B wired audio NAC connected to TrueAlert ES speakers.
CLASS A Audio Wiring: Connect a maximum of 70 TrueAlert ES speakers to a Class A audio NAC. Speakers must be wired in a standard
Class A loop fashion.
Except as noted above, audio NAC wiring connected to TrueAlert ES speakers must follow the requirements of the connected 4100ES
amplifier. Ferrite Beads

Ferrite beads must be used for Class B wiring.

Figure 117: Ferrite Bead Installation

1. Install the ferrite bead close to the EPS field wiring terminals for lowest radiated emissions (before the wires leave the box).
2. Loop the wires through the bead as shown.

22.7.3 EPS Wiring Tables Class B Wiring Tables

Use the following tables to calculate the load.
TrueAlert ES Speakers and Speaker/Visible appliances must use Table 41 in place of Table 39.
Maximum wiring distance is the shorter of the distance limits as calculated by alarm current voltage drop or by reaching the
communications distance limit.
Table 38: UTP Wiring Limit Based on Alarm Current
Alarm Current Distance to the Last Appliance
20 AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG
0.050 4000 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
0.100 2644 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
0.150 1763 ft 2802 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
0.200 1322 ft 2102 ft 3342 4000 ft 4000 ft
0.250 1058 ft 1681 ft 2674 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
0.300 881 ft 1401 ft 2228 ft 3542 ft 4000 ft
0.350 755 ft 1201 ft 1910 ft 3036 ft 4000 ft

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Table 38: UTP Wiring Limit Based on Alarm Current

Alarm Current Distance to the Last Appliance
20 AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG
0.400 661 ft 1051 ft 1671 ft 2657 ft 4000 ft
0.450 588 ft 934 ft 1485 ft 2362 ft 3756
0.500 529 ft 841 ft 1337 ft 2125 ft 3380
0.750 353 ft 560 ft 891 ft 1417 ft 2254 ft
1.000 264 ft 420 ft 668 ft 1063 ft 1690 ft
1.250 212 ft 336 ft 535 ft 850 ft 1352 ft
1.500 176 ft 280 ft 446 ft 708 ft 1127 ft
1.750 151 ft 240 ft 382 ft 607 ft 966 ft
2.000 132 ft 210 ft 334 ft 531 ft 845 ft
2.250 118 ft 187 ft 297 ft 472 ft 751 ft
2.500 106 ft 168 ft 267 ft 425 ft 676 ft
2.750 96 ft 153 ft 243 ft 386 ft 615 ft
3.000 88 ft 140 ft 223 ft 354 ft 563 ft
Wiring distance must not exceed 4000 ft
Table 39: UTP Wiring Limit Based on Communication
Line Impedance(Ohms) Devices Distance to the Last Appliance
20 AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG
14.54 1 1252 ft 2038 ft 3241 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
12.96 5 1142 ft 1815 ft 2887 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
11.38 10 1003 ft 1595 ft 2536 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
10.14 15 893 ft 1420 ft 2258 ft 3590 ft 4000 ft
9.12 20 804 ft 1278 ft 2033 ft 3231ft 4000 ft
8.28 25 730 ft 1160 ft 1845 ft 2934 ft 4000 ft
7.58 30 668 ft 1061 ft 1688 ft 2683 ft 4000 ft
6.97 35 614 ft 977 ft 1553 ft 2469 ft 3928 ft
6.45 40 568 ft 904 ft 1437 ft 2285 ft 3634 ft
6.00 45 528 ft 840 ft 1336 ft 2124 ft 3378 ft
5.60 50 493 ft 784 ft 1247 ft 1982 ft 3152 ft
5.24 55 462 ft 734 ft 1168 ft 1856 ft 2952 ft
4.92 60 434 ft 690 ft 1097 ft 1744 ft 2774 ft
4.75 63 419 ft 665 ft 1058 ft 1682 ft 2675 ft
4.64 65 409 ft 650 ft 1034 ft 1643 ft 2613 ft
4.38 70 386 ft 614 ft 976 ft 1552 ft 2468 ft
4.15 75 366 ft 581 ft 924 ft 1469 ft 2337 ft
3.94 80 347 ft 551 ft 877 ft 1394 ft 2217 ft
3.74 85 330 ft 524 ft 833 ft 1325 ft 2107 ft
3.56 90 314 ft 499 ft 794 ft 1262 ft 2006 ft
3.40 95 299 ft 476 ft 757 ft 1203 ft 1913 ft
3.24 100 286 ft 454 ft 723 ft 1149 ft 1827 ft
3.10 105 273 ft 435 ft 691 ft 1099 ft 1748 ft
2.97 110 262 ft 416 ft 662 ft 1052 ft 1673 ft
2.85 115 251 ft 399 ft 634 ft 1009 ft 1604 ft
2.73 120 241 ft 383 ft 609 ft 968 ft 1539 ft
2.58 127 228 ft 362 ft 576 ft 915 ft 1456 ft
Wiring distance must not exceed 4000 ft
Table 40: Ohms per 1000 ft
Gage Ohms/1000 ft
20 AWG 11.347
18 AWG 7.137
16 AWG 4.488
14 AWG 2.8230
12 AWG 1.7750

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Note: Although the required wire for IDNAC circuits is twisted pair (controlled impedance) wiring, some applications will wish to take
advantage of existing wiring that is not twisted pair. This is only allowed if both conductors of the IDNAC circuit reside in the same metal
conduit, and only under certain conditions. Check with your local sales office before using wiring that is not twisted pair.

Table 41: UTP Wiring Limit for Speakers and Speaker/Visible devices based on Communication
Devices Distance to the Last Appliance
1 1218 ft 1936 ft 3079 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
5 1028 ft 1634 ft 2599 ft 4000 ft 4000 ft
10 853 ft 1356 ft 2156 ft 3428 ft 4000 ft
15 715 ft 1137 ft 1807 ft 2873 ft 4000 ft
20 603 ft 959 ft 1525 ft 2424 ft 3855 ft
25 548 ft 871 ft 1385 ft 2201 ft 3500 ft
30 501 ft 797 ft 1266 ft 2013 ft 3201 ft
35 461 ft 733 ft 1165 ft 1853 ft 2946 ft
40 427 ft 678 ft 1078 ft 1714 ft 2726 ft
45 397 ft 631 ft 1002 ft 1593 ft 2534 ft
50 370 ft 588 ft 935 ft 1487 ft 2365 ft
55 347 ft 551 ft 876 ft 1393 ft 2215 ft
60 326 ft 518 ft 823 ft 1308 ft 2081 ft
63 314 ft 500 ft 794 ft 1262 ft 2007 ft
65 307 ft 488 ft 776 ft 1233 ft 1960 ft
70 290 ft 461 ft 733 ft 1165 ft 1852 ft
75 275 ft 436 ft 694 ft 1103 ft 1753 ft
80 261 ft 414 ft 658 ft 1046 ft 1663 ft
85 248 ft 394 ft 626 ft 994 ft 1581 ft
90 236 ft 375 ft 596 ft 947 ft 1505 ft
95 225 ft 357 ft 568 ft 903 ft 1436 ft
100 215 ft 341 ft 543 ft 862 ft 1371 ft
105 206 ft 326 ft 519 ft 825 ft 1311 ft
110 197 ft 313 ft 497 ft 790 ft 1256 ft
115 189 ft 300 ft 476 ft 757 ft 1204 ft
120 181 ft 288 ft 457 ft 726 ft 1155 ft
127 171 ft 272 ft 432 ft 687 ft 1092 ft
Wiring distances must not exceed 4000 ft

22.7.4 EPS Wiring to Devices Class B Wiring to IDNAC Devices

To connect the EPS to appliances using Class B wiring:
1. Route the wire from the “+” and the “-”outputs on the EPS IDNAC terminal blocks (TB1, TB2 or TB3) to the appropriate inputs on a
peripheral notification appliance.
2. Route wire from the first appliance to the next one. “T” tapping is allowed. Repeat for each appliance.
3. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each IDNAC output you want to use.
Note: Notification appliances are rated per individual nameplate label. Maintain correct polarity on terminal connections.

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Figure 118: Class B Wiring 4009 IDNAC Repeater

Using a 4009 IDNAC Repeater extends the possible wiring distance and increases the current capacity of an IDNAC channel. Each IDNAC
repeater has a capacity of 3A, and regenerates the IDNAC signal. Models 4009-9601 (platinum enclosure) and 4009-9602 (red enclosure)
are compatible with the EPS. Refer to installation instructions 579-1019 for wiring details. All IDNAC devices wired to the IDNAC repeater
are synchronized to IDNAC devices wired to other EPS within the system. Dual Class A Isolator (DCAI)

To wire an IDNAC as a Class A circuit, one or more DCAI modules (4100-6103) is required. Each DCAI includes 2 circuits, Class A, with fault
isolation. Refer to 579-1029 for wiring details and installation instructions. Synchronization of audible/visible devices is maintained with the
use of DCAI.
TrueAlert ES Speakers and Speaker/Visible appliances wired in a Class A circuit must use Table 41 here in place of Table 4 in publication
579-1029 (4100 ES/4007 ES Installation Instructions; 4100-6103 DCAI Card). The wiring limit distances shown in this table apply to maximum
wiring loop length. The final maximum loop length is the shorter of this value or the value from Table 38. Calculating Class B wiring with Isolators

When using Isolators, the maximum wire distance of each of these SLC branches from panel to any device is the smaller of the values
obtained from Table 39, and the Equation 1. See Table 40 for the ohms per 1000 ft.
Equation 1: Maximum SLC Wire Branch Length Based on Appliance Alarm Current Load

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• Add the alarm loads of all the devices on an SLC wire branch and apply to Equation 1.
• Add the unit loads for all devices on an SLC wire branch and the number of isolators and apply to Table 39.
Maximum wire resistance protected by 1 isolator is 1.5 ohm (total, both wires).
Wire the devices as instructed in the “Class B Wiring to IDNAC Devices” section.

Figure 119: Class B Wiring With Isolators

22.7.5 EPS Auxiliary Power Wiring AUX/ NAC Terminal

The AUX/NAC terminal block is located on the top right corner of the EPS.
Through the ES Panel Programmer, this point can be configured as either a 24V Auxiliary (AUX) power or as a simple reverse polarity
Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC).

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Figure 120: AUX/NAC Terminal

Table 42: AUX/NAC Wiring Specification
Voltage 24V Special Application
Rating: 2 A, maximum
Wiring gage: 18 AWG (min.)
to 12 AWG (max.)

Figure 121: Simple NAC Wiring

Wiring Notes:
1. All wiring from the AUX/NAC is power limited.
2. Conductors must test free of all grounds and stray voltages before connection to appliances and panel.
3. Terminate Class B NACs as shown using 733- 894. For Canadian applications, mount end-of-line resistor to Simplex-US Model 431537
EOL plate in accordance with ULC-S527.
4. If circuit is terminated with a 10k EOLR, at the terminals, remove this resistor before wiring.
5. If wiring is routed outside the building, use of a listed secondary protector is required. Use Simplex 2081- 9028 or 2081-9044. A
protector must be installed at each building exit/entrance. Each 2081-9028 adds 0.2 ohms wiring resistance. 2081-9044 adds 6 ohms
wiring resistance, and will greatly reduce wiring distance.
Table 43: NAC Wiring Limits
Alarm Current 20 AWG 18 AWG 16AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG Line Resistance (Ohms)
0.25 617 ft 981 ft 1560 ft 2480 ft 3944 ft 14.00
0.50 308 ft 490 ft 780 ft 1240 ft 1972 ft 7.00
0.75 206 ft 327 ft 520 ft 827 ft 1315 ft 4.67
1.00 154 ft 245 ft 390 ft 620 ft 986 ft 3.50
1.25 123 ft 196 ft 312 ft 496 ft 789 ft 2.80
1.50 103 ft 163 ft 260 ft 413 ft 657 ft 2.33
1.75 88 ft 140 ft 223 ft 354 ft 563 ft 2.00
2.00 77 ft 123 ft 195 ft 310 ft 493 ft 1.75
This Chart indicates the maximum distance for 1/4 -2A loads. Wiring distance is from the panel terminals to the last appliance. Use of a
2081-9044 protector reduces wiring distance.

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Note: Output of AUX or NAC is 24V nominal. Minimum voltage is 19.5 @ full load and minimum battery; maximum is 31.5V at light load,
high AC line. Aux Loads include 4601-9101 Annunciator, 4100-96xx series Annunciators, 4090 series of IDNet ZAMs and IAMs and any
Listed device operating within the output limits of the AUX. Calculate wiring loss for actual devices used. Compatible Appliances include
4904 series of free-run strobes, 4901 series non-smartsync horns, 4098 series TrueAlarm Sounder Base, 4090-9005 and -9006 SRP and
4009 NAC extenders, used in reverse-polarity activation mode.

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22.7.6 IDNet 2 Card Wiring Wiring Overview

Each output from the IDNet 2 card can be wired as either an isolated Class A circuit or as two isolated Class B circuits.
Class A wiring provides an alternate communication path that allows communication to all devices to be maintained when a single open
circuit fault occurs. Class A wiring requires two wires to be routed from the IDNet 2 Primary Terminals (B+, B-) to each device, and then
back to the IDNet 2 Secondary Terminals (A+, A-). Wiring is in/out, “T” tapping is not allowed.
Class B wiring allows “T” tapping. IDNet 2 wiring is inherently supervised due to individual device level communications. End-of-line
resistors are not required. Wiring Parameters

Table 44 identifies the IDNet 2 card wiring parameters that must be considered when installing this card. For additional wiring information
see the applicable installation documentation, or contact your authorized Simplex Product Supplier.
Table 44: IDNet 2 Card Wiring Parameters
Wiring Capacitance Parameters
Parameter Value
Maximum Supported Channel Capacitance; Total of The sum of line-to-line capacitance, plus the capacitance of either line-to-shield (if
both loops shield is present) = 0.6 µF (600 nF)
Capacitance between IDNet SLCs wiring (between wires 1 µF maximum (this is for multiple IDNet loops)
of the same polarity; plus to plus, minus to minus)
Wiring Distance Limits (see note below)
Channel Loading Class B Wiring, Total Channel Wiring Class A Wiring, Total Channel Wiring
Parameters, Including T-Taps Parameters
Up to 125 devices 126 to 250 devices Up to 125 devices 126 to 250 devices
Total Loop Resistance 50 Ω maximum 35 Ω maximum 50 Ω maximum 35 Ω maximum
18 AWG (0.82 mm2) 12 500 ft (3810m) 4000 ft (1219 m) per 2500ft (762 m) per
loop, 12 500ft (3810m) loop, 10 000ft (3048m)
total total
16 AWG (1.31 mm2) 12 500 ft (3810m) 5000 ft (1524 m) per 2500ft (762 m) per
14 AWG (2.08 mm2) loop, 12 500ft (3810m) loop, 10 000ft (3048m)
12 AWG (3.31 mm2) total total
Note: Maximum wiring distance is determined by either reaching the maximum resistance, the maximum capacitance, or the stated
maximum distance, whichever occurs first. Class A maximum distances are to the farthest device on the loop from either “B” or “A” ter-
minals. For Class B wiring, the maximum distance to the farthest device is limited to the stated Class A wiring distances. Shielded wire is
not required. Twisted wire is recommended for improved noise immunity.
Wiring Considerations using Note: External wiring must be shielded (for lightning suppression) and 2081-9044 Overvoltage Pro-
2081-9044 Overvoltage tectors must be installed at building exit and entrance locations.
Protectors(2081-9044 is UL Capacitance: Each protector adds 0.006 μF across the connected line.
listed to Standard 1459, Resistance: Each protector adds 3 Ω per line of series resistance; both IDNet lines are protected; 6 Ω
Standard for Telephone per protector will be added to total loop resistance.
Equipment) Maximum distance of a single protected wiring run is 3270 ft (1 km).
Refer to document number 574-832: 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protector Installation Instructions for
additional information. Class A Wiring

To wire the Loop terminals as a Class A circuit:

1. Set the jumper assigned to the loop to the “A” position, as shown in Figure 123.
- Loop A= Jumper P1 on the IDNet 2 card
- Loop B= Jumper P2 on the IDNet 2 card
- Loop C= Jumper P1 on the first IDNet Loop cards

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- Loop D= Jumper P1 on the second IDNet Loop card

Figure 122: Class A Jumper Setting

2. Shielded wire is not recommended. If shielded wires are present, cut and tape off the shield to prevent it from coming in contact
with other components.
3. Route the wiring from the Primary Terminals (B+, B-) to the corresponding inputs on the first device.
4. Route wiring from the first device to the next as in/out. See Figure 123. Repeat for each device.
5. Route the wiring from the last device to the panel.
6. Connect the wiring to the corresponding Secondary Terminals (A+, A-).

Figure 123: IDNet 2 Class A Wiring

Class A wiring notes:

1. If no remote isolators or isolator bases are on the loops, you can assign device addresses in any sequence.
2. If remote isolators (4090-9116, 4090-9122) or isolator bases (4098-9766, 4098-9767, 4098-9777, 4098-9793) are on the loops, it
is recommended to address the isolators in ascending order: start from the “B” side and assign each successive isolator a higher
address than the isolator it preceeds. Isolation functionality is not affected by the order of isolator addresses.
• If there are any remote isolators (4090-9116) or isolator bases (4098-9777, 4098-9793) on the channel, addressing the isolators as
recommended speeds up the system power up.
• If there are only isolator2 (4090-9122) or isolator2 bases (4098-9766, 4098-9767) on the channel, addressing the isolators as
recommended speeds up the Earth Fault Search diagnostic tool.
• Regular IDNet devices (that are not isolators 4090-9116, 4090-9122, 4098-9777, 4098-9793, 4098-9766, 4098-9767) can be
addressed in any way without impact.

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4100ES Fire Alarm System Installation Guide Class B Wiring

When wiring the loop for Class B circuits, both the B+, B- and A+, A- terminals are available for parallel connections. Within the IDNet 2
circuitry, A+ is connected to B+, and A- is connected to B- so circuits can stem from either one. Additionally, two wires can be connected to
each screw terminal.
To wire the Loop terminals as a Class B circuit:

1. Set the jumper assigned to the loop to the “B” position, as shown in Figure 124.
- Loop 1 = Jumper P1 on the IDNet 2 card
- Loop 2 = Jumper P2 on the IDNet 2 card
- Loop 3 = Jumper P1 on the left IDNet Loop card
- Loop 4 = Jumper P1 on the right IDNet Loop card
2. Route wiring from the Primary Terminals (B+, B-) to the corresponding inputs on the first device. It is possible to add up to 4
circuits per IDNet loop on the terminal block when using Class B wiring. See Figure 125 for the diagram.
3. Route wiring from the first device to the next as in/out as shown in Figure 125. Repeat for each device.

Figure 124: Class B Jumper Setting

Figure 125: IDNet 2 Class B Wiring

Class B wiring notes:

1. If no remote isolators or isolator bases are on the loops, you can assign device addresses in any sequence.
2. If remote isolators (4090-9116, 4090-9122) or isolator bases (4098-9766, 4098-9767, 4098-9777, 4098-9793) are on the loops,
it is recommended to address the isolators in ascending order: start at the output and assign each successive isolator a higher

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address than the isolator it preceeds. For Class B wiring only, the “A” output and “B” output per loop are connected together in
parallel for wiring convenience. Isolation functionality is not affected by the order of isolator addresses.
• If there are any remote isolators (4090-9116) or isolator bases (4098-9777, 4098-9793) on the channel, addressing the isolators as
recommended speeds up the system power up.
• If there are only isolator2 (4090-9122) or isolator2 bases (4098-9766, 4098-9767) on the channel, addressing the isolators as
recommended speeds up the Earth Fault Search diagnostic tool.
• Regular IDNet devices (that are not isolators 4090-9116, 4090-9122, 4098-9777, 4098-9793, 4098-9766, 4098-9767) can be
addressed in any way without impact.

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23 Appendix K: Installing 4100 FACU Components (Non-4100ES/4100U)

4100 back boxes are available in one, two, and three-bay sizes. Each can be equipped with a solid or glass door. This chapter describes
how to mount all types of non-4100ES/4100U back boxes to a wall, and how to mount system electronics bays into the boxes.
This chapter describes every installation procedure that applies directly to the FACU as well as each step of the host panel installation.
Before beginning the installation, review the next few pages to get a sense of the types of bays and modules that make up the FACU.

23.1 Introduction to FACUs

4100 FACUs are back boxes that contain the master controller, operator interface, universal power supply (UPS), backup batteries, and any
additional modules that the panel requires. The FACU is the central hub (often referred to as a host panel) of a standalone or MINIPLEX
fire alarm system. In a networked system, the FACU can be connected to other system FACUs, so that each host panel is a node on the

23.1.1 Master Controller Bay

Every FACU contains a master controller bay. The master controller bay consists of the master controller motherboard, the universal power
supply (UPS), the operator interface, and four open motherboard slots.
In a standalone or MINIPLEX system, the master controller motherboard is supplied with a master controller daughter card attached to it.
In a networked system, a network interface card is attached as a second daughter card to the master controller motherboard.
Figure 126 is an illustration the master controller bay.

Figure 126: Master Controller Bay (4100)

23.1.2 Master Motherboards and Controllers

The 4100 master motherboard and controller is the central memory and control point for the 4100 system. It mounts in the leftmost side
of the master controller bay.
The figures below are illustrations of the three types of master controller motherboards. They are commonly referred to as Universal
Transponder (UT) motherboards, because they can be used across different types of older Simplex fire alarm systems.
Note: See Step 3. Configuring Modules, for information on configuring switches and jumpers.

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Figure 127: UT Motherboard (565-161)

Figure 128: UT Motherboard with City Connection (565-213)

The figures below are illustrations of the two UT master controllers.
Note: See Step 3. Configuring Modules, for information on configuring switches and jumpers.

Figure 129: UT Motherboard with City Connection (565-274)

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Figure 130: UT Master Controller (565-333)

Figure 131: UT Master Controller (565-148)

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23.1.3 Universal Power Supply (UPS)

The power supply controller card contains the switches and jumpers for configuring the power supply, as shown in Figure 132.
Note: See Step 3. Configuring Modules, for information on configuring switches and jumpers.

Figure 132: Universal Power Supply

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23.1.4 Operator Interface

Shown below is the operator interface which is available for the 4100. The Operator Interface is used to obtain alarm, supervisory, trouble
and other status via the Liquid Crystal Display and LEDs. Control functions are accessed using dedicated keys.

Figure 133: Operator Interface

23.1.5 Additional CPU Bay Modules

The master controller bay can be equipped with many additional types of modules. The cards listed below are limited to the CPU bay only.
• 4100-0139/4120-0139 Service Modem Card. Master controller mezzanine card: Provides a connection to remote PCs for
diagnostics and programming purposes.
• 4100-6014/4120-6014 Modular Network Interface Card (NIC). A daughter card that mounts to the CPU motherboard. Performs
4100 networking operations. May be installed with the 4100-6056 Wired Media Card, the 4100-6057 Fiber Media Card, the 4100-6055
Modem Media Card, and/or the 4100-6301, 4100-6302, 4100-6303 and 4100-6304 Duplex Fiber Media Cards.

23.1.6 Expansion Bays

An FACU always has one master controller bay, and may have one or two expansion bays as well. Expansion bays contain a variety of
additional modules that the system might require. Expansion bays are always below the master controller bay.

Figure 134: Master Controller and Expansion Bays

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23.1.7 System Power

The FACU is powered primarily by the universal power supply (UPS), which in turn takes power directly from the AC mains and the two
backup batteries.

Figure 135: Power and Comm Lines

23.2 Step 1. Mounting Back Boxes

There are one-bay, two-bay, and three-bay back boxes. The one-bay back box is typically used as a standalone master controller cabinet,
while the two and three-bay cabinets may contain any combination of modules.
• Back boxes are usually shipped in large containers separate from the system electronics. If system electronics containers are shipped
with the back box containers, store the system electronics containers in a safe, clean, and dry location until the back box installation is
completed, and you are ready to install the system electronic bays.
• All back box PIDs are listed in Introduction to the 4100ES Fire Alarm System.

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23.2.1 Specifications
Table 45 lists the specifications for the back boxes.
Table 45: Back Box Specifications
PID Number Description Height Width Rough Opening
Size Weight Box Trim Door Box Height Width
4100-2001/2011 1 Bay 55 lb. 20-¾ in. 23-½ in. 26-3/8 in. 25-¾ in. 21-¼ in. 26 ¼ in.
2975-9190/9191 (25 kg) (527 mm) (597 mm) (670 mm) (654 mm) (540 mm) (667 mm)
4100-2002/2012 2 Bay 125 lb. 36-¼ in. 39-1/8 in. 26-3/8 in. 25-¾ in. 36-¾ in. 26 ¼ in.
2975-9192/9193 (57 kg) (921 mm) (994 mm) (670 mm) (654 mm) (933 mm) (667 mm)
4100-2003/2013 3 Bay 185 lb. 52-1/8 in. 55 in. 26-3/8 in. 25-¾ in. 52 5/8 in. 26 ¼ in.
2975-9194/9195 (84 kg) (1,324 mm) (1,397 mm) (670 mm) (654 mm) (1,337 mm) (667 mm)
Make certain that you have the necessary hardware before you begin the installation procedure. The Back Box Mounting Hardware Kit
should have all of the items listed in Table 46.
Table 46: Contents of the Back Box Mounting Hardware Kit
Part Number Description Quantity per back box
1-Bay Box 2-Bay Box 3-Bay Box
268-010 Lockwasher (No. 8) 6 8 10
490-011 Washer 6 8 10
426-033 Screw (No. 8 Torx, 5/16 in.) 6 8 10

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23.2.2 Installing the Back Box(es)

Install the back box as shown in Figure 136. Use the holes in the back box to secure it to the wall.
• For mounting to a wooden wall structure, the back box must be attached with four 1-½-inch-long (38 mm) lag bolts and four ½-inch-
diameter (13 mm) washers.
• The enclosure must be level and plumb when installed. The front surface of the back box must protrude at least three inches from
the wall surface for semi-flush back box installations. Refer to Table 45 and the “Rough Opening” section of the table for semi-flush

Figure 136: Back Box Installation Diagram

1. The dimensions shown are typical for all surface and semi-flush installations.
2. Use a suitable punch when conduit is required and no knockout is present.
3. Box mounting:
- Minimum 5 inches from an obstruction on the hinged side of the box to permit at least 90 degree angle when the door is open.
- Minimum distance of 3 ¼ inches (83 mm) between boxes.
- Maximum distance of 10 inches (254 mm) between boxes.
4. Conduit A denotes internal panel interconnect harnesses and non power-limited wiring. Conduit B denotes contractor wiring.
5. Do not install any power-limited wiring in the shaded area of the back box as shown in Figure 136. This area is reserved for non
power-limited devices and circuits (for example, AC power, batteries, and city circuits). The non power-limited area is determined
by the internal barriers, but is always below and to the right of these barriers. Do not use the upper right, right, or bottom
knockouts for entrance of power-limited wiring.
6. When the two back boxes are mounted side-by-side, remove the hinge and the lock catch on the second back box (box on the
right). Remount the hinges on the right side of the second back box. Remount the lock catch on the left side of the second box.
Mount the door upside-down so the locks on both boxes are side-by-side.

23.3 Step 2. Mounting Electronics Bays to Back Boxes

Before the system cards can be configured, the system electronics bays must be mounted to the FACU back boxes. This section describes
that process for the master controller cabinet and expansion cabinets.

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23.3.1 Installing the System Electronics Bays

The system electronics bays for each back box are mounted on two rails. These rails are secured inside a cardboard shipping container
when shipped from the factory.
Perform the following procedure to install the system electronics bays.
1. Remove everything from the electronics shipping container. To remove the 635-852 Battery Terminal Block, unscrew the two 8-2
shipping screws that secure it to the container as shown in Figure 137. Save the two lockwashers and nuts.
2. Remove the 10-32 shipping studs that secure the vertical rails to the shipping container as shown in Figure 137.

Figure 137: Removing the Shipping Studs

3. Using the hardware provided (as referenced in Table 46), insert a mounting screw in both the top right and top left track support
holes in the back box as shown in Figure 138.

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Figure 138: Inserting the Mounting Screws

4. Tighten the two mounting screws, but leave a 1/8-inch (3-mm) gap from the seated position of each screw.
5. Using the vertical rails as handles, carefully lift the system electronics bay assembly and the terminal block from the shipping
6. Install the system electronics bay assembly in the back box by carefully placing the rail teardrop holes, located at the top of the
rails, onto the two extended screws in the back box, allowing the electronics bay assembly to hang from the screws. See Figure
Note: Make sure you do not pinch the terminal block wiring behind the rails as you mount the bay assembly in the back box.

Figure 139: Installing the System Electronics Bay Assembly

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7. Insert the remaining mounting screws through the screw holes in the rails.
8. Securely tighten all mounting screws. Refer to Table 47 for the recommended torque.
Table 47: Recommended Torque for Mounting Hardware
Screw / Nut Size Recommended Torque
No.6 7.9 to 8.7 inch/ounces
(569 to 626 cm/grams)
No.8 16.1 to 17.8 inch/ounces
(1,159 to 1,282 cm/grams)
No.10 26.8 to 29.7 inch/ounces
(1,930 to 2,139 cm/grams)
9. Place the 635-852 terminal block on the two mounting studs on the right side of the back box as shown in Figure 139.
10. Secure the 635-852 Terminal Block using the two lockwashers and nuts that you set aside in step 1. Use the torque
recommendations listed in Table 47 when securing the terminal block.
At this point, the system is ready for system card installation.
CAUTION: Do not apply power to the system at this time. For more detailed system installation instructions, refer to one of the following
• 4100+/4120/UT System Cards Installation Instructions: FA4-21-305 (574-038)
• 4100+ Contractor Installation Instructions: FA4-21-202 (574-019)
• UT Contractor Installation Instructions: FA4-21-300 (574-901)

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23.4 Step 3. Configuring Modules

The master controller, UPS, and all other modules to be mounted in the FACU back boxes must be configured to operate correctly in the
system via their DIP switch and jumper ports. This section describes the hardware configuration for the master controller and UPS, since
they will always be used in the master controller bay.

23.4.1 Master Motherboard Configuration

The following settings apply to the master motherboard.
P4. City Connect jumpers.
• Local Energy: install jumpers 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 13.
• Reverse Polarity: install jumpers 1, 3, 7, 8, and 12.
• Shunt: install jumpers 1, 5, and 13.
• Form C: install jumper 13.
P5-P8, JW1, JW2. (565-274, 565-213 only) Used to enable RS-232/DC Comms or 4120 Network operation.
• If RS-232/DC Comms card is used on the motherboard: install jumpers P5, P6, P7, and P8.
• If a 4120 Network board is used on the motherboard: install jumpers JW1 and JW2.

23.4.2 565-333 Master Controller Configuration

If the 565-333 Master Controller is being used, use the jumper settings described below.
Do not apply power to the system at this time.
• Position 1 – 2: Use port P1.
• Position 2 – 3: Use the service modem.
P3. Controls whether RAM battery backup is enabled.
• Position 1 – 2: Enable RAM battery backup.
• Position 2 – 3: Disable RAM battery backup.
P5. Controls whether Flash EPROM writes are enabled.
• Position 1 – 2: Enable Flash EPROM writes.
• Position 2 – 3: Disable Flash EPROM writes.
P7. Makes the card compatible with a given master display.
• Position 1 – 2: Makes the card compatible with the 565-331 Master Display (5 V LCD). Note that Rev B1 of the 565-331 Master Display
will not work with this setting.
• Position 2 – 3: Makes the card compatible with the 565-173 and 565-331 Rev B1 Master Displays (12 V LCD).

23.4.3 565-148 Master Controller Configuration

If the 565-148 Master Controller is being used, use the jumper settings described below.
P2. Controls whether RAM battery backup is enabled.
• Position 1 – 2: Enable RAM battery backup.
• Position 2 – 3: Disable RAM battery backup.

P3. Controls whether Flash EPROM writes are enabled.

• Position 1 – 2: Enable Flash EPROM writes.
• Position 2 – 3: Disable Flash EPROM writes.

23.4.4 UPS Configuration

Important: Always configure the UPS as described below.

Note: ON = 0; OFF = 1.

DIP Switch SW1. Controls various UPS functions.

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SW1-1. Set to 0. Used when the UPS must be retrofitted to for Intelligent Power Supply capabilities.
• Position 0: UPS acts like an Intelligent Power Supply in terms of messages sent to and received from the master controller.
• Position 1: UPS does not use Intelligent Power Supply functionality at all.
SW1-2. Set to 1 unless UPS B-tap is providing power to a 25-Watt Amplifier. Controls how the amplifier uses the backup
• Position 0: Amplifier switches to battery backup when told to do so by the master controller.
• Position 1: Amplifier switches to battery backup upon loss of AC power.
SW1-3 through SW1-6. These switches work together to configure the UPS for different types of batteries (or no batteries at
all). Refer to Table 48 to determine what settings should be used.
Table 48: UPS SW1 Battery Configurations
DIP Switch Position UPS Configuration
3 4 5 6
1 0 0 1 Lead-acid battery
1 0 1 0 No battery charger
1 1 0 1 Audio (25 W Amp) and lead-acid battery
1 1 1 0 Audio (25 W Amp) without battery charger
1 0 0 0 NICAD battery
1 1 0 0 Audio (25 W Amp) and NICAD battery
SW1-7. Controls battery charging current.
• Position 0: 50 Ah battery charging.
• Position 1: 110 Ah battery charging.
DIP Switch SW2. Device address DIP switch. See Appendix K: Installing 4100 FACU Components (Non-4100ES/4100U) for details.
Use the following jumper settings to continue configuring the UPS.
P6. Battery backup configuration.
• Position 1 – 2: Normal configuration (battery backup).
• Position 2 – 3: No battery backup.
Important: Do not use jumper P6 to bypass troubles from a temporarily disconnected battery.

P7. Amplifier shutdown selection.

• Position 1 – 2: Tap A shutdown enabled.
• Position 3 – 4: Tap B shutdown enabled.
• Position 5 – 6: Tap C shutdown enabled.
P16. Controls Earth Detect configuration.
• Position 1 – 2: Enable Earth Detect.
• Position 2 – 3: Disable Earth Detect.
Note: Jumpers P10, P13, and JW1 through JW7 are not field adjustable.

23.4.5 Configuring Other Cards

Refer to 4100/4100+ Fire Alarm Universal Transponder (UT) Service Instructions (FA4-51-207) to configure other cards that are located in
master controller bays and expansion bays.

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23.5 Step 4. Interconnecting Master Controller Bay Cards

Each card has to be interconnected with every other card in the master controller bay. Read this section to ensure that cards are

23.5.1 Interconnecting Cards

Use the following instructions and Figure 140 to interconnect master controller bay cards.
1. Use the 733-659 Harness to connect P14 on the UPS to P3 on the master controller motherboard. Note that the P3 connector
has eight pins. Insert the harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins, not in the middle.
2. Use 733-672 Harness to connect P4 on the UPS to P2 on the master controller motherboard. Like the P2 connector, P3 has eight
pins. Insert the harness connector on either the top four pins or the bottom four pins.
3. If you are installing a new motherboard, orient the motherboard with the connector labeled J1 on the right and the header
labeled P1 on the left.
4. Slide the motherboard to the left until the pins are completely inserted in the connector of the previously installed motherboard.
5. Secure the motherboard to the chassis with four torx screws.
Important: The leftmost board must always be the master controller motherboard.

Figure 140: Master Controller Bay Interconnections

23.6 Step 5. Installing Motherboards into Expansion Bays

This section describes how to interconnect motherboards in expansion bays, and how to connect the expansion bays electrically to the
master controller bay.

23.6.1 Guidelines
Up to eight 2 (51 mm) x 11 ½-inch (292 mm) motherboards can be installed in an expansion bay. Adhere to the following guidelines when
installing a motherboard in an expansion bay:
• If a power supply is installed, it must be placed on the far right of the bay.
• Relay cards must be installed in the rightmost possible slots (just left of the power supply, if there is one). This is necessary to allow for
the proper routing of non-power limited wiring (typically 120 VAC wiring), which could be connected to a relay module.
• If a 4100/4120-0155 SDACT or a 4100/4120-0153 CCDACT is installed in the bay, it must be installed in the far left or far right slot.
Neither of these modules contains the J1 or P1 connectors, which are used to distribute power and communications to adjacent

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23.6.2 Installing Motherboards

Use the following directions and Figure 141 to install a motherboard into an expansion bay.
1. Orient the motherboard with the connector labeled J1 on the right and the header labeled P1 on the left.
2. Match the connector on the previously installed motherboard with the pins on the motherboard you are installing. Slide the
motherboard to the left until the pins are completely inserted in the connector of the previously installed motherboard. If you are
installing the leftmost board, the pins will remain unconnected.
3. Secure the motherboard to the chassis with four torx screws.

Figure 141: Installing the Motherboard in an Expansion Bay

4. If you are installing the leftmost motherboard, connect a 733-525 Power and Communication Harness. Continue to the next topic
to connect the harness.

23.6.3 Connecting the 733-525 Harness

If you need to connect a 733-525 Harness to a motherboard, refer to Figure 142 and follow these steps. Make sure to route the power and
communication wiring on the left side of the bay.
1. Connect one end of the harness to a motherboard in an adjacent bay.
If the adjacent bay is a master controller bay, connect the harness to the P2 and P3 connectors of the master controller moth-
erboard and continue to step 2.
If the adjacent bay is an expansion bay, connect the harness to the P2 and P3 connectors of the motherboard installed in the
leftmost slot. (If a 4100/4120-0155 SDACT or a 4100/4120-0153 CCDACT occupies the leftmost slot, connect the harness to the
motherboard in the second slot from the left.) Connect the harness as follows:

• Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P2 connector. Note that the P2
connector has eight pins. Insert the harness connector on either the top four pins or the
bottom four pins, not in the middle.

• Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P3 connector. Note that the P3
connector has eight pins. Insert the harness connector on either the top four pins or the
bottom four pins, not in the middle.
2. Connect the other end of the harness to the leftmost motherboard in the next bay, as described below. Make sure to route the
wiring on the left side of the bay.

• Insert the harness connector with the blue wire into the P2 connector. Note that the P2

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connector has eight pins. Insert the harness connector on either the top four pins or the
bottom four pins, not in the middle.

• Insert the harness connector with the white wire into the P3 connector. Note that the P3
connector has eight pins. Insert the harness connector on either the top four pins or the
bottom four pins, not in the middle.

Figure 142: Power and Communication Wiring for Motherboards

© 2022 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision and are subject
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approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. Simplex, and the product names listed in this material are marks or registered marks. Unauthorized
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Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. VESDA is a trademark of Xtralis Pty Ltd.
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