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For International Students IGCSE

Students are required to take a minimum of five or six

How many IGCSE subjects are required? IGCSE subjects, including the compulsory subjects:
English, Science and Mathematics.

The IGCSE subjects are broken down into the

What are the IGCSE subjects? following subject groups: Creative and Professional,
English Language and Literature, Humanities and
Social Sciences, Languages, Mathematics, and
Stage 3 Y7- Y9
Stages in Secondary School Stage 4 y10-y11
Stage 5 y12-y13

Key Stage 3 follows the English National Curriculum

and all students will be expected to study the
Stage 3 following subjects: Art, Drama, English, Geography,
History, Computing, Mathematics, Modern Foreign
Languages (French and a choice of Arabic, Spanish or
German), Music, PSHE, Physical Education, and

all students study at least 8 subjects,

includingthecoresubjectsof English,Mathematics anda
foreign language of their choice. You are encouraged
Stage 4 totakeabroadandbalancedrangeofoptional subjects
includingat least two sciences, a humanities subject
(History ,Geography, BusinessStudies) and a creative
subject (Art, GraphicDesign, Music,
oavailable.Yourcurriculum also includes “Learning for
Life” which covers personal, social and health

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