Coa Mid-I Set-2

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Warangal -506003

B.Tech. Branch Name II Year, I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, November– 2023

Date: Time: 1:40 Minutes Marks: 20

Course Code: Course: Computer Organization and Architecture
Faculty member name: R.Nandini

Answer any Four questions.

Q. No. Question Bloom’s Course Marks
Taxonomy Outcome
1 a) What is a bus? What are different types of buses used in K2 CO1 2.5
computers? Discuss their uses.
b) Explain computer design ,computer architecture and computer K2 CO1 2.5
2 a) What are micro operations? Discuss arithmetic micro K2 CO1 2.5
b) What are addressing modes? List and explain different K2 CO1 2.5
addressing modes with suitable examples.
3 a) Discuss about Memory Reference Instructions. K2 CO1 5
4 a) Describe the control unit organization with a separate Encoder K2 CO2 2.5
and Decoder functions in a hardwired control.
b) Discuss the following: Computer configuration for micro K2 CO2 2.5
program, Symbolic micro program and binary micro program
5 a) Explain the basic organization of a micro programmed control K2 CO2 5
unit and the generation of control signals using micro program.
6 a) Explain the design of control unit. How to decode the micro K2 CO2 5
operation fields? Explain the process.

B.Tech. Branch Name II Year, I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, November– 2023

Date: Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 10

Course Code: Course: Computer Organization and Architecture

Faculty member name:R.Nandini

I. Multiple Choice Questions: Encircle the correct choice.

Q. Course
Question Taxonomy
No. Level
1. A binary digit is called [ ]
K1 CO1
a)Bit b)Byte c) Number d) Character.

2. Which of the following is a type of architecture used in the computers nowadays?

[ ]
K1 CO1
a) Microarchitectureb) Harvard Architecture
c) Von-Neumann Architectured) System Design
3. Which of the architecture is power efficient? [ ]
K1 CO1
4. Number of bits in ALU is [ ]
K1 CO1
a)4 b) 8 c)16 d)2
5. ____________ is the raw material used as input and __________ is the processed
data obtained as output of data processing. [ ]
K1 CO2
a) Data, Instructionsb) Instructions, Program
c) Data, Programd) Program, Code
6. A set of microinstructions for a single machine instruction is called ___ [ ]
K1 CO2
a) Programb) Commandc) Micro programd) Micro command
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer? [ ]
K1 CO2
a) Diligenceb) I.Q.c) Accuracyd)Versatility
8. A source program is usually in _______ [ ]
a)Assembly language b) Machine level language K1 CO2
c)High-level language d) Natural language
9. The Program Counter is also called as [ ]
a) Index Register b) Data Counter K1 CO1
c) Memory pointer d) Instruction Pointer
10. Which of the following register can interact with the secondary storage? [ ]
K1 CO2
a) PC b)MAR c)MDR d)TR
Fill in the blanks

11. RISC stands for___________________________________________ K1 CO2

12. A NOT gate is also known as_______________________________________. K1 CO1
13. The ‘heart’ of the processor which performs many different operations
K1 CO1
14. IEEE stands for ___________ K1 CO1
15. Number of bits in ALU is _________ K1 CO2
16. Micro-program consists of a set of microinstructions which are strings of 0s and 1s.
K1 CO2
17. Brain of computer is ________________________ K1 CO2
18. CISC stands for____________________________________ K1 CO2
19. The contents of the program counter is the ___________ of the instruction to be run.
K1 CO1
20. A _________________ is a group of Flip Flops.
K1 CO1

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