Water Resources Management Plan-Arthungal
Water Resources Management Plan-Arthungal
Water Resources Management Plan-Arthungal
Rev 2 20.03.2017 Preda Cosmin Iulian Butnaru Paul Popescu Ion Sterian
Expert BRUA BRUA Director General
PMU BRUA HSE Project manager Project Manager PMU SNTGN Transgaz SA
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for this publication lies with the author. The European Union and the Innovation
& Networks Executive Agency (I.N.E.A.) are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information
contained herein.
Table of Contents
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Purpose of this Water Resources CESMP................................................................................ 4
1.3 Scope of the Water Resources Management CESMP ............................................................. 4
1.4 Document Management ......................................................................................................... 4
2 The BRUA Project ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Project Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Environmental and Social Commitments................................................................................ 5
2.3 Project Approach to Water Management .............................................................................. 6
3 Key Policies, Legislation and Standards .......................................................................................... 8
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Company Policies .................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 National Legislation and Permits ............................................................................................ 8
3.4 International Standards and Commitments ........................................................................... 8
4 Linkages to other Elements of the Transgaz HSE-MS...................................................................... 9
4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Linkages to Other CESMPs ...................................................................................................... 9
5 Key Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Company Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 11
5.3 Contractor Roles & Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 12
6 Management, Mitigation, Monitoring and Verification ............................................................... 14
6.1 Management Actions ............................................................................................................ 14
6.2 General Monitoring Activities ............................................................................................... 14
6.3 Management System Verification Monitoring ..................................................................... 15
6.4 Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................................. 15
6.5 Training ................................................................................................................................. 17
7 Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Appendix 1: Mitigation Measures & Management Actions .................................................. 18
7.2 Appendix 2: Monitoring Requirements ................................................................................ 21
7.3 Appendix 3: Relevant Legislation .......................................................................................... 22
Abbreviations Description
CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
F-CESMP Project Framework Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan
GIP Good Industry Practice
HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HSE-MS Health, Safety and Environment Management System
HSES Health, Safety, Environment System
HSSE Health, Safety, Social and Environment
JOCE Official Journal of European Community
KPI Key Performance Indicators
PMU Project Management Unit
PR Performance Requirement
Whilst the majority of the route is on land currently used for farming, it does pass through a number of
specifically sensitive areas, including seven Natura 2000 Sites, and the nationally important Dinosaurs
Geo-Park. It also passes close to a number of sites of archaeological value including the ancient city of
Tibiscum near Jupa. In some of these areas, as well as near major roads and railways and for the 8 major
rivers, this will involve the use of horizontal directional drilling. In other mountainous areas special
“hammering techniques” may also be applied.
2.2 Environmental and Social Commitments
The Project is subject to various environmental and social requirements that are managed by the
Company through the implementation of its Health, Safety and Environmental Management System
Wastewater management
The expected / potential sources of wastewater are described briefly in Table 2.2 below
The wastewater effluent following hydro-testing will be removed from site in tankers to a waste water
treatment plant.
Integrated Management Manual Quality-Environment-Occupational Health and Safety, code MSMI-CMSSO Ed. 03/Rev.
Specific roles and responsibilities within the Company the following roles and responsibilities will apply
presented in Table 5.2 will apply.
Table 5.2 Company Roles and Responsibilities
Position Responsibilities
- Ensures compliance with the requirements set out in
this Plan;
- Has overall responsibility for implementation of this
Water CESMP, including by the Contractors;
BRUA – Execution Manager - Develops, monitors and revises this plan, according to
BRUA – HSSE Manager changes in the legislation or other requirements
- Ensures the necessary training for BRUA PMU staff on
water management is delivered;
- Centralizes the information related to the management
of water and wastewater by the Contractors;
Ecologic accident – an event resulting from an unforeseen and accidental spillage or emission of a hazardous
or polluting substance (whether liquid, solid, gasseous or vapour) that could result in detrimental impacts to the
environment and/or local communities
Contractors will therefore be required to present to the Beneficiary, represented in the Project by BRUA
PMU in accordance with the requirements, their proposed approaches to:
Position Responsibilities
- Ensures that all activities are carried out in accordance with the
requirements of this Water CESMP;
- Produces a Water Management Plan in line with this Plan.
- Complies strictly with the requirements imposed by the
Technical Project;
Contractor/Subcontractor - Performs regular inspections at working sites, to ensure all
Environmental responsible activities are being performed in accordance with the
requirements of the Water CESMP;
- Keeps records of water use and reports on water according to
the requirements of any relevant legislation
- Ensures all staff receive the necessary training in relation to
water management;
- Ensures contracts are in place with legally certified companies
for the collection and proper treatment of all categories of
- Ensures all subcontractor activities are conducted in line with
this Water CESMP.
Produce monthly and annual environmental reports that include
details on water management that must be sent to Transgaz.
- Reports on all risks, non-compliances with this Plan and
- Ensures all necessary measures are taken to remedy any non-
Objective Approach
1: Risk Based Monitoring programs to address material issues based on the use of the
‘source-pathway-receptor’ approach in the Environmental Impact Assessment.
These are commensurate with:
• the scale and nature of the activity,
• the assessed potential level of impact (and uncertainty thereof), and
• the sensitivity of the local environment within the activity area of influence
2: Compliance Additional monitoring programs to meet specific regulatory needs.
Following this approach the proposed monitoring plans should meet both Transgaz’ requirement to
understand and manage the Project’s potential impacts for each construction activity/ location and any
specific requirements of the MOSHI authorities. The specific monitoring requirements for this Water
CESMP are presented in Appendix 2.
For example, Guidance for Pollution Prevention Works and maintenance in or near water: GPP 5, January
The specific auditing and monitoring requirements for the verification of each of the management
actions described within this Water CESMP (Appendix 1) are identified in Appendices 1 and 2. This
includes identification of the relevant audit tier level (1 to 3) to be undertaken.
Requirement Verification
Ref Topic Location Responsibility
Implement Special Method statements for
construction and reinstatement at special/sensitive
WM 004 Sensitive Areas All Watercourses areas, in accordance with permits obtained from Contractor
requirements of
MOSHI Waters, in locations identified in the Plan of
the method
Biodiversity in close contact with the water. statements.
*Accomplish a drainage system around the site able
WM 005 Site Drainage Construction sites to receive the rain water volumes, communicating with Contractor
soakaways and silt and hydrocarbon traps. Inspections
Any construction activities not associated with water
Construction crossing points that have the potential to destabilize Visual
WM 006 All Watercourses Contractor
Activities the watercourse (including irrigation canals) banks will Inspections
not be undertaken within 50m of a watercourse.
Demarcation and offsets for camp and storage
Construction Visual
WM 007 All Watercourses locations and field activities will be at least 50m from Contractor
Activities Inspections
watercourses where possible.
*Access roads, the working corridor, work sites, and
WM 008 Standing Water All sites pipe warehouses will be maintained to avoid the Contractor
development of areas of standing water.
Water conservation initiatives will also be undertaken
with the aim to limit the water consumption during the
Records of
Water construction activities, like the water use for mitigation
WM 009 All Sites Contractor water
Consumption of dust suspension (e.g. by means of specific staff
training to a rational use of water, commensurate with
the actual needs)
Water conservation initiatives will be undertaken with
Records of
Water the aim of limiting potable water consumption (e.g. by
WM 010 All Sites Contractor potable water
Consumption means of specific staff training to a rational use of
water resource).
Audit of relevant
Pollution *All working areas to have appropriate ecological
WM 011 All Sites Contractor paperwork for
Prevention toilets to be emptied by authorized operators
toilet waste
collection and
Wastewater should be prevented from entering
Pollution surface water bodies directly, unless prior
WM 012 All Waterbodies Contractor records of
Prevention assessment has determined it is safe or any
necessary treatment has been undertaken
Ensure contaminated water from dewatering or
Pollution cement washing operations is treated prior to
WM 013 All Sites Contractor records of
Prevention discharge, depending on the nature of the
Accomplish polders of small dimensions having a sediment exclusion role, respectively for stilling the leaking force of pluvial waters, to be accomplished along the access
ways at distances of approximately 30- 50m. The development of polders shall be accomplished on surfaces of up to 10 sq m and at a maximum depth of 30 cm, being
provided with diffuse leaking areas, in steps oriented upstream, in order to avoid the occurrence of erosive phenomena, at distances of 2-3 m to the access ways, being used as
accumulation areas (aggregation) of the species of amphibians and not only, outside the areas having a potential for negative impact (access ways).
Ref Legislation
LAW no.107_199 Water Law, as amended and supplemented.
Order no. 278_1997 The methodology framework for developing plans to prevent and combat accidental pollution.
H. G. no. 53_2009 The national plan for the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration.