EAD 523 - School Professional Development Analysis
EAD 523 - School Professional Development Analysis
EAD 523 - School Professional Development Analysis
Shirley Moliga
School Professional Development
The school leadership adequately encourages professional growth. Each topic area
members, including subjects such as English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Social
Staff members often express their complaints to the Content Area Committee (CAC)
during professional development (PD) sessions. This assists the CAC in formulating significant
and highly efficient subjects for professional development. The school's monitoring and
instructions lack explicit elaboration and are subject to interpretation by the personnel based on
All education professionals, including teachers, have the chance to further their education
via professional development. As a result, students benefit from better results and instructors are
able to stay current on best practices and standards. According to Taufete'e, Enhancing Tafuna
Elementary School's Capacity All education professionals, including teachers, have the chance to
further their education via professional development. Teachers are able to enhance their abilities,
get new ideas, and stay current on standards and practices via this, all while helping students
opportunities for professional growth. To establish a training schedule, she convenes with her
leadership team, which comprises the VP, reading interventionist, and reading coach. In the first
meeting of every month, they go over what needs to change. Through instructor observations and
One way that administrators may work together and communicate is by reviewing lesson
plans weekly. The administrators will provide instructors constructive criticism after examining
their weekly lesson plans. Teachers will also hear from administrators about various activities
and tactics that are pertinent to the lesson's goal. Courses and modules are co-designed by
educators from different grade levels. Co-planning occurs when educators collaborate to design
courses and units that build upon students' prior knowledge and skills. Furthermore, they will
collaborate by talking about and brainstorming ideas for classroom activities. The result of this
teamwork will be a unified lesson plan for one grade level. Sometimes, even if the exercises are
different, the instructors still have the same goal. The lessons will be tailored to meet the
Teacher’s Role
In order to help students study more effectively, instructors at Tafuna Elementary School
participate in professional development programs that help them become more knowledgeable
and skilled in their field. Members of the administrative and staff staff are grouped into subject-
matter committees. Every three months throughout the academic year, there is a professional
development session. Every committee schedules time throughout the quarter to have a
professional development session. Members of the committee planned and executed their own
professional development activities; sometimes, community members, government
Our school's curriculum and environment influence our presentation subjects, abilities,
and tactics. These include, but are not limited to, subject areas related to effective teaching,
classroom management, assessment and evaluation, and the integration of technology into the
classroom. Student accomplishment statistics, instructor observation, and standardized testing all
contribute to our evaluation of the PDs' efficacy. The professional development activities we've
implemented have been very beneficial to our educators. Some of our educators went above and
opportunities, such as earning master's, doctoral, or even bachelor's degrees. Teachers who want
Elementary School are unfunded, we believe that when students and teachers take the initiative
and act with integrity, we are able to accomplish more (TES, 2023).
Teacher excellence, student achievement, and school culture form the basis of Tafuna
Elementary's Continuous Improvement Plan. Because there is a clear correlation between what
teachers learn and what their students absorb, professional development programs aim to raise
teachers' level of expertise. All students, regardless of their current level of performance, benefit
from teachers who regularly engage in high-quality professional development (Mizell, 2017). At
TES, teachers engage together in professional development, where they share strategies to
improve classroom instruction and foster a more collaborative school climate for all children.
Research-Based Instructional/Best Practices.
Improving students' academic performance is what we expect and need. The goal of
Tafuna Elementary School's data analysis is to find out what students in a given grade or class
struggle with in terms of learning, which teachers are having the hardest time with, and how they
can improve their own ability to help students overcome these obstacles. Teams based on
students' grade levels comprise our faculty. Every group gets together to go over their findings
before presenting them to the rest of the employees. The three main components of student
achievement data for each subject area taught in the classroom are pre-, mid-, and post-
assessments. Each quarter concludes with its presentation. Each member of the school's
interdisciplinary team contributed to the data analysis that revealed students' areas of weakness,
identified instructional errors, and developed solutions to address these issues. In contrast, the
leadership of Tafuna Elementary School is pushing for direct professional development for
teachers as a means to achieve the school's objectives. It ends up being a very efficient method
Evaluating PD Program
Positive relationships and academic achievement are the focal points of the Tafuna
Elementary Schhol professional development program, which seeks to encourage teachers' and
students' ongoing personal and professional development. There are chances to work together,
talk about what works, and exchange techniques for both education and behavior. To make sure
that teachers can devote the necessary time and resources to successfully implementing these
tactics in their classrooms, the program is designed with their requirements in mind, with