HL2025 Series Touch Pad Thermostat User Manual
HL2025 Series Touch Pad Thermostat User Manual
HL2025 Series Touch Pad Thermostat User Manual
HL2025 Series Touch Pad fan coil unit thermostats are designed to control the room
temperature in air-conditioning fan coil unit system or dust pipe channel system.
HL2025 series thermostats with microprocessor and big LCD display. It shows the
following items: working status (cool, heat or ventilation), fan speed, room temperature,
set-point temperature etc. Keys include on/off ( ),mode ( ),fan speed ( ) and temperature
adjustment ( ).
valve, When the temperature reaches the set-point, E: Auto Restart(Restart the working status of
it will close both the valve and fan. last 6 seconds before power off). Blank is
FCV2: Control 4 pipe fan coil units, Control heating and invalid.
Manual or auto 3-speed changeover Fan Speeds: low ,Mid ,High or Auto
»» On/Off : Press “ ” to turn on, press “ ” again to turn off thermostat and its output.
»» Setting temperature: press “ ” to reduce temperature, press “ ” to raise temperature (0.5°C changed each press)
»» Mode Selection: Press “ ” to change system working in cooling “ ”, heating “ ” or ventilation “ ”mode.(The
ventilation function is invalid for HL2025Y/YE)
»» Fan speed Selection (not for HL2025Y/YE): Press “ ”to select (Hi), (Med), (Low), AUTO(Auto).
In mode “AUTO”(Auto)”, the fan-speed changed automatically. Auto LOW-speed When the differential temperature
between room-temperature and setting-temperature exceed 1°C, Auto MED-speed When exceed 2°C, Auto HI-speed
When exceed 3°C.
»» Control Damper (HL2025Y/YE): The damper will be open when room temperature is higher than set-point in cooling;
room temperature is lower than set-point in heating, Otherwise the damper will be closed.
»» Control Motorized Valve under 2-pipe configuration (not for HL2025Y/YE): If the differential temperature between
room temperature and set-point exceed 1°C, FCU valve will be open; if room temperature and set-point are equal,
HL2025DA/DAE/DA2/DA2E will close the FCU valve with the fan still running, HL2025DB/DBE/DB2/DB2E will close
both of valve and Fan.
»» Control FCU Valve under 4-pipe configuration (HL2025FCV2/FCV2E): In cooling, when the room temperature is
higher than set-point, the cooling Valve will be opened. Otherwise it will be closed. Heating valve is always closed.
In heating, When the room temperature is lower than set-point, the heating valve will be opened. Otherwise it will be
closed. Cooling valve is always closed.
»» Press “M” with four seconds till to display “hh:mm” and “hh” flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust hour, press “M”, “mm”
»» flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust minute; Press “M”, “week” flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust Mon to Sun.
»» Timer on/off function: Turn on or Turn off the thermostat according to customers setting
»» Timer on: Press “M”, till to display “ON” and “hh” all flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust hour. Press “M”, “mm” flash,
press “ ” or “ ” to adjust minute.
»» Timer off: Press “M”, till to display “OFF” and “hh” which all flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust hour. Press “M”, “mm”
flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust minute.
»» Canceling timer on: Press “M”, till to display “ON” and “hh” which all flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust hour to “--:--”.
Press “M”, “mm” flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust minute to “--:--”.
»» Canceling timer off: Press “M”, till to display “OFF” and “hh” which all flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust hour to “--:--”.
Press “M”, “mm” flash, press “ ” or “ ” to adjust minute to “--:--”.
Repeat the above steps to set for TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN.
Keypad Lock Function
»» Keypad Lock: its keypad would be automatically locked in 30 seconds in case that no one uses the thermostat, so as to
prohibit other persons from operating the thermostat.
»» Keypad Unlock: Press“ ”for 5 seconds to unlock (In case that no one uses the thermostat, its keypad would be
automatically locked in 30 seconds).
Temperature Adjustment
In case that the user wants the displayed temperature on the thermostat higher or lower than the real temperature(±5°C), the
following operations could be taken:
»» Turn off: press “▲” and “▼” at the same time for 3 seconds, it will display “XX °C” (not displaying the working model),
press “▲”or “▼” to adjust the temperature value, it will be automatically confirmed after 6 seconds.
»» If the sensor has failure, the thermostat will close the fan and valve, displaying “E1” or “E2”.
E1: Sensor in short circuit alarm
E2: Sensor in open circuit alarm
It displays “HI” when the temperature is higher than 55°C, displaying “LO” when the temperature is lower than 0°C.
1. Open the main control 2. Take off the wires. 3. As per wiring diagram, 4. Put the connected 5. Put the cover with 30
panel: put the screwdriver connect it with terminals, thermostat onto the back degree angle, then fix the
(3.5mm) into the block fixed by the screwdriver. panel in the wall, then fix it up two clips;
4mm along the bevel. with the two screws in the 6. Push the places of the
Prize up, open the clips. packing box. two down clips, fix the
cover, and finish the