Ancient Greek Architecture - Wikipedia
Ancient Greek Architecture - Wikipedia
Ancient Greek Architecture - Wikipedia
Early development
Types of buildings
Domestic buildings
Plan of the House of Colline, 2nd The House of Masks, Delos, 3rd The House of Masks
century BC century BC
Public buildings
Porta Rosa, a street (3rd century BC) The reconstructed Stoa of Attalos, The Bouleuterion, at Priene
Velia, Italy the Agora, Athens
The Palaestra at Olympia, used for The Theatre of Dionysus, Athens Pebble mosaic floor of a house at
boxing and wrestling Olynthos, depicting Bellerophon
The altar of Hiero II at Syracuse
The Parthenon, shows the common Temple of Hephaestos, fluted Doric Erechtheion:
structural features of Ancient Greek columns with abacuses supporting masonry, door, stone
architecture: crepidoma, columns, double beams of the architrave lintels, coffered
entablature, pediment. ceiling panels
Distyle in antis describes a small temple
with two columns at the front, which are
set between the projecting walls of the
pronaos or porch, like the Temple of
Nemesis at Rhamnus. (see above, figure
1.) [35]
Amphiprostyle tetrastyle describes a
small temple that has columns at both
ends which stand clear of the naos.
Tetrastyle indicates that the columns are
four in number, like those of the Temple
on the Ilissus in Athens. (figure 4.) [35]
Peripteral hexastyle describes a temple
with a single row of peripheral columns
around the naos, with six columns
across the front, like the Theseion in
Athens. (figure 7.) [35]
Peripteral octastyle describes a temple
with a single row of columns around the
naos, (figure 7.) with eight columns
across the front, like the Parthenon,
Athens. (figures 6 and 9.) [35]
Dipteral decastyle describes the huge
temple of Apollo at Didyma, with the
naos surrounded by a double row of
columns, (figure 6.) with ten columns
across the entrance front.[35]
The Temple of Zeus Olympius at
Agrigentum, is termed Pseudo-periteral
heptastyle, because its encircling
colonnade has pseudo columns that are
attached to the walls of the naos. (figure
8.) Heptastyle means that it has seven
columns across the entrance front.[35]
The main lines of the Parthenon A sectioned nautilus shell. The growth of the nautilus corresponds
are all curved. These shells may have provided to the Golden Mean
inspiration for voluted Ionic
Corinthian order
Architectural ornament
This Archaic gorgon's head antefix has The lion's head gargoyle is fixed to a
been cast in a mould, fired and painted. revetment on which elements of a
formal frieze have been painted.
Architectural sculpture
See also
World History
Encyclopedia. Retrieved 8 May 2021.
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