Portfolio Assessment Rubric For ST Sy 2023 2024
Portfolio Assessment Rubric For ST Sy 2023 2024
Portfolio Assessment Rubric For ST Sy 2023 2024
Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
5. Demonstrate Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality Demonstrated knowledge Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated No acceptable
knowledge of positive (LET) rating sheet and/or of positive and non-violent knowledge of positive knowledge of knowledge of positive evidence was
and non-violent inter-observer agreement discipline in the and non-violent positive and non- and non-violent shown
discipline in the (Teaching Demo 1) form management of learner discipline in the violent discipline in discipline in the
management of learner about teacher management of behavior as shown in MOV management of learner the management of management of learner
behavior learner behavior using the submitted with a rating 5 behavior as shown in learner behavior as behavior as shown in
following strategies: MOV submitted with a shown in MOV MOV submitted with a
1. Providing motivation rating of 4 submitted with a rating of 2
2. Praising the learners/Giving rating of 3
positive feedback Efficiency Submitted at least 4 of the Submitted at least 4 of Submitted at least 4 Submitted any 1 of the No acceptable
3. Setting house given strategies as the given strategies as of the given given strategies as evidence was
rules/guidelines observed. observed in 3 lessons strategies as observed in only 1 shown
4. Ensuring learners’ active observed in 2 lesson
participation lessons
5. Allowing learners to
express their ideas/opinions
6. Giving equal opportunities
to learners
7. Encouraging learners to ask
8. Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
6. Demonstrate 1. Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality Demonstrated knowledge Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated No acceptable
knowledge and (LET) rating sheet and/or inter and understanding of knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and evidence was
understanding of observer agreement (Teaching differentiated teaching to understanding of understanding of understanding of shown
differentiated teaching to Demo 2) form about using suit learners’ gender, needs, differentiated teaching differentiated differentiated teaching
suit learners’ gender, differentiated, strengths, interests and to suit learners’ gender, teaching to suit to suit learners’
needs, strengths, interests developmentally appropriate experiences as shown in needs, strengths, learners’ gender, gender, needs,
and experiences learning experiences MOV 1 with a rating of 5 interests and needs, strengths, strengths, interests and
2. Lesson plans/modified experiences as shown interests and experiences as shown
DLLs developed highlighting in MOV 1 with a rating experiences as in MOV 1 with a
differentiation in content, of 4 shown in MOV 1 rating of 2
product, process, learning with a rating of 3
environment or others Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
according to learners’ gender, aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
needs, strengths, interests and and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
experiences annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
3. Instructional materials details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
developed highlighting acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
differentiation in content, acceptable.
product, process, learning
environment or others
according to learners’ gender,
needs, strengths, interests and
7. Prepare 1. Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality Prepared developmentally Prepared Prepared Prepared Prepared
developmentally (LET) rating sheet and/or inter sequenced teaching and developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally
sequenced teaching and observer agreement (Teaching learning process to meet sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced
learning process to meet Demo 1) form about using curriculum learning process to and learning learning process as teaching
curriculum requirements. developmentally sequenced requirements.developmenta meet curriculum process to meet shown in MOV 1 with learning process
teaching and learning process lly sequenced teaching and requirements, curriculum a rating of 2 as shown in
2. Lesson plans/modified learning process as shown developmentally requirements.devel MOV 1 with a
DLLs highlighting in MOV 1 with a rating of 5 sequenced teaching opmentally rating of 1
developmentally sequenced and learning process as sequenced teaching
instruction that meet shown in MOV 1 with learning process as
curriculum goals and varied a rating of 4 shown in MOV 1
teaching contexts with a rating of 3
3. Instructional materials used Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
to implement developmentally aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
sequenced teaching and and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
learning process to meet annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
curriculum requirements and details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
varied teaching contexts. acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
8. Display proficient use 1. Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality Use of Mother Tongue, Frequently use Mother Occasionally use Rarely use Mother No acceptable
of Mother Tongue, (LET) rating sheet and/or inter and/or Filipino, and/or Tongue, and/or Mother Tongue, Tongue, and/or evidence was
and/or Filipino, and or observer agreement (Teaching English that regularly Filipino, and/or English and/or Filipino, Filipino, and/or shown
English to facilitate Demo 2) form about the use facilitates teaching and that regularly facilitates and/or English that English that regularly
teaching and learning of Mother Tongue, and/or learning as shown in MOV teaching and learning regularly facilitates facilitates teaching and
Filipino, and/or English that with a rating of 5. as shown in MOV with teaching and learning as shown in
regularly facilitates teaching a rating of 4. learning as shown MOV with a rating of
and learning in MOV with a 2.
2. Lesson plans/modified rating of 3.
DLLs highlighting the use of
Mother Tongue, and/or
Filipino, and/or English that
regularly facilitates teaching
and learning
3. Instructional materials with
the use Mother Tongue,
and/or Filipino, and/or
English that regularly
facilitates teaching and
4. Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
9. Seek advice 1. Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality Consistently provides Frequently provides Occasionally Rareyly provides No acceptable
concerning strategies that (LET) rating sheet and/or inter accurate, timely and accurate, timely and provides accurate, accurate, timely and evidence was
can enrich teaching observer agreement (Teaching constructive feedback, i.e. constructive feedback, timely and constructive feedback, shown
practice. Demo 1) form on providing suggestions/tasks/activities/ i.e. constructive i.e.
accurate time, and clarifications, that fully suggestions/tasks/activi feedback, i.e. suggestions/tasks/activ
constructive feedback, i.e. guides most of the learners ties/clarifications, that suggestions/tasks/a ities/clarifications, that
suggestions/tasks/activities/cla toward the intended fully guides most of the ctivities/clarificatio fully guides most of
rifications, that fully guides learning outcomes as shown learners toward the ns, that fully guides the learners toward the
most of the learners toward in MOV with a rating of 5. intended learning most of the learners intended learning
the intended learning outcomes as shown in toward the intended outcomes as shown in
outcomes MOV with a rating of learning outcomes MOV with a rating of
4. as shown in MOV 2.
2. Observation Notes Consistently participated in with a rating of 3.
3. Personal notes of student coaching sessions, pre and
teacher teachers during post conferences, Frequently participated Rarely participated in
coaching sessions/ pre and LACs/FGDs/meetings/ in coaching sessions, Occasionally coaching sessions, pre
post conferences with proof of seminars to discuss pre and post participated in and post conferences,
attendance and pictures with teacher/learner feedback to conferences, coaching sessions, LACs/FGDs/meetings/
captions 4. Personal notes of enrich instruction as shown LACs/FGDs/ meetings/ pre and post seminars to discuss
student teacher teachers in the MOV submitted seminars to discuss conferences, teacher/learner
LACs/FGDs/meetings/semina teacher/learner LACs/FGDs/meeti feedback to enrich
rs with proof of attendance feedback to enrich ng/ seminars to instruction as shown in
and pictures with captions instruction as shown in discuss the MOV submitted
4. Draft and Revised Lesson the MOV submitted teacher/learner
Plans feedback to enrich
instruction as
shown in the MOV
Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
10. Show skills in the 1. Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality Showed skills in the Showed skills in the Showed skills in Showed skills in the Failed to show
selection, development (LET) rating sheet and/or selection, development and selection, development the selection, selection, development skills in the
and use of a variety of inter-observer agreement use of a variety of teaching and use of a variety of development and and use of a variety of selection,
teaching and learning (Teaching Demo 2) form and learning resources, teaching and learning use of a variety of teaching and learning development
resources, including ICT, about using appropriate including ICT, to address resources, including teaching and resources, including and use of a
to address learning goals. teaching and learning learning goals.as shown in ICT, to address learning resources, ICT, to address variety of
resources, including ICT MOV 1 with a rating of 5 learning goals as shown including ICT, to learning goals.as teaching and
Examples: in MOV 1 with a rating address learning shown in MOV 1 with learning
• Activity sheets/task of 4 goals as shown in a rating of 2 resources,
sheets/work sheets MOV 1 with a including ICT,
• PowerPoint presentations rating of 3 to address
• Video clips learning goals.
• Module Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
• SIMs-Strategic Intervention aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
Materials and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
• Screenshots of the Actual annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
Use of the materials (of details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
possible) acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
2. Lesson plans/modified
DLLs with appropriate
instructional materials
appended 3. Others (Please
specify and provide
11. Demonstrate 1.Lesson Evaluation Tool Quality (70%) Demonstrated knowledge Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated No
knowledge of the design, (LET) rating sheet and/or of the design, selection, knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the acceptable
selection, organization inter-observer agreement organization and use of design, selection, design, selection, design, selection, evidence
and use of diagnostic, (Teaching Demo 1) form diagnostic, formative and organization and use of organization and organization and use of was shown
formative and summative about using formative and summative assessment diagnostic, formative use of diagnostic, diagnostic, formative
assessment strategies summative assessment strategies consistent with and summative formative and and summative
consistent with strategies curriculum requirements assessment strategies summative assessment strategies
curriculum requirements. 2. Prepared/modified lesson as shown in MOV 1 consistent with assessment consistent with
plans highlighting appropriate with a rating of 5 curriculum strategies curriculum
use of formative assessment requirements consistent with requirements as shown
strategies As shown in MOV 1 curriculum in MOV 1
3. Developed summative tests: with a rating of 4 requirements as with a rating of 2
sheets shown in MOV 1
4. Developed performance with a rating of 3
tasks: with rubrics reviewed Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
by Cooperating Teacher with aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
sample accomplished rubrics and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
5. Other (please specify and annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
provide annotations details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
12. Demonstrate 1. Compilation of a learner's Quality Consistently demonstrated Frequently Occasionally Rarely demonstrated No
knowledge of monitoring written work with knowledge of monitoring demonstrated demonstrated knowledge of acceptable
and evaluation of learner summary of results and and evaluation of learner knowledge of knowledge of monitoring and evidence
progress and signature of parents progress and achievement monitoring and monitoring and evaluation of learner was shown
achievement using 2. Formative/summative tools using learner attainment evaluation of learner evaluation of progress and
learner attainment data. with TOS and frequency of data as shown in the MOV progress and learner progress achievement using
errors with identified least submitted. achievement using and achievement learner attainment data
mastered skills learner attainment data using learner as shown in the MOV
3. Class records/grading as shown in the MOV attainment data as submitted.
sheets submitted. shown in the MOV
4. Lesson plans/modified submitted.
DLLs showing index of Evidence (30%) Evidence/s is/are perfectly Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are Evidence/s is/are little Evidence/s
mastery aligned with the indicator perfectly aligned with aligned with the aligned with the is/are not
5. Others (Please specify and and the lesson, and the the indicator and the indicator and the indicator and the aligned with the
provide annotations annotation is explained in lesson, and the lesson, and the lesson or the indicator and the
details. annotation is annotation is annotation is lesson or the
acceptable. acceptable. acceptable. annotation is not
13. Articulate a personal 1. A written personal Quality Submitted a distinguished Submitted a Submitted a Submitted an No written
philosophy of teaching philosophy of education written philosophy of proficiently written basically written unsatisfactorily written personal
that is learner-centered. education philosophy of personal personal philosophy of philosophy of
education philosophy of education education was
education submitted
14. Demonstrate an The reflections in the lesson Quality Demonstrated an Demonstrated an Demonstrated an Demonstrate an Failed to
plan. understanding of how understanding of how understanding of understanding of how demonstrate an
understanding of The annotations in the professional reflection and professional reflection how professional professional reflection understanding of
how professional portfolio learning can be used to and learning can be reflection and and learning can be how
reflection and improve practice as shown used to improve learning can be used to improve professional
learning can be in the annotations with a(n) practice as shown in the used to improve practice as shown in reflection and
used to improve (average) rating of 5. annotations with a(n) practice as shown the annotations with learning can be
(average) rating of 4. in the annotations a(n) (average) rating of used to improve
with a(n) (average) 2. practice as
rating of 3. shown in the
15. Appendices 1. Documentation of all
school activities participated
3. Certificates