Nicrofer 3033 Alloy 33 English

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VDM REPORT Nicrofer 3033 - alloy 33:

A new corrosion-resistant
austenitic material for
No. 24
June 1998 many applications
Cover: Distribution
system of a sulfuric
acid plant in Nicrofer
3033 - alloy 33.
Affinerie, Hamburg
(copper refinery).
Process equipment
Franken GmbH,
Nicrofer 3033 - alloy 33: Abstract
A new corrosion-resistant
austenitic material for
many applications

Alloy 33, a new corrosion-resistant austenitic mate-

rial alloyed with nominally (wt.%) 33 Cr, 32 Fe, 31 Ni,
1.6 Mo, 0.6 Cu and 0.4 N, exhibits excellent resistance
M. Köhler, K.-W. to general and local corrosion in hot mineral acids and
U. Heubner Eichenhofer, chloride-containing solutions. Furthermore, the new alloy
Krupp VDM M. Renner stands out for its superior corrosion resistance in many
GmbH Bayer AG other corrosive environments from acidic to alkaline,
P.O. Box 1820 Bayerwerk including resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. In mixed
D-58778 D-51368 HNO3/HF acids the corrosion resistance of alloy 33 is
Werdohl/ Leverkusen/ superior to that of high chromium nickel-base alloys.
Germany Germany In NaOH solutions the new alloy can be used in condi-
tions where the conventional stainless steels fail. Due to
its high nitrogen content the new alloy exhibits a small
grain size in the solution-annealed condition and, conse-
quently, a high yield strength and excellent toughness
properties. Alloy 33 is easily welded without filler or
using matching filler metal.

Typical applications of alloy 33 (W.-Nr. 1.4591,

UNS R20033) include heat exchangers, vessels, tubes
and other equipment for sulfuric acid production plants,
sulfuric acid heat recovery and distribution systems, nitric-
hydrofluoric acid pickling plants, seawater systems,
evaporation plants for salts and alkalis, bleaching plants
for chemical pulp, plate or tubular heat exchangers using
brackish water or seawater as a coolant, and lightweight
structures in the offshore industry. Especially the multi-
purpose character of alloy 33 with respect to its resistance
to corrosion by both acidic and alkaline media and
by chloride-containing cooling water opens up a wide
variety of applications.

On the whole, the development of alloy 33 su-

premely demonstrates the potentials still to be explored
with nickel-bearing austenitic stainless materials.


It is well known that increasing the chromium content Theoretical considerations led to an alloy in the
of stainless steels increases their resistance to corrosion Cr-Fe-Ni system but with substantial additions of nitrogen
by oxidizing media. This is true both for pure nitric acid to stabilize the austenitic microstructure. A feasibility
and for nitric/hydrofluoric acid mixtures, as has been study based on laboratory heats and carried out in early
shown recently by E.-M. Horn and co-workers (1). Nickel- 1993 proved the concept. The first large-scale heat was
base alloys like alloy 690 with about 29 wt.% chromium melted immediately and successfully processed into plate
have also shown advantages both for handling of nitric and sheet, billets, welding wire and seamless tubes.
acid where halogen compounds are present and for the
use of nitric/hydrofluoric acid mixtures, e.g., in repro- Since the alloy´s processing behavior proved excel-
cessing of nuclear fuel elements (2, 3). Another oxidizing lent at all stages of production, preparations began in
medium of widespread industrial interest is highly con- 1994 for its approval as a pressure-vessel material in
centrated sulfuric acid. Nevertheless, until some years accordance with German (VdTÜV) and ASME standards.
ago the maximum chromium content of commercially
available stainless steels and nickel-base alloys was lim- 1995 saw the first manufacture of strip and longi-
ited to about 29 wt.%. Therefore the goal was to develop tudinally welded pipe in the new material. All the process
a new corrosion-resistant material with a chromium con- steps were accompanied by extensive corrosion tests on
tent distinctly higher than that of the materials hitherto in semi-finished products, both in the laboratory and under
use. This new material should also have an austenitic operating conditions at the Bayer plant. Processing tests,
microstructure to provide processing characteristics as which involved forming semi-finished products into dished
similar as possible to those of existing austenitic stainless heads, flanges and plate-type heat exchangers, were
steels and nickel-base alloys. monitored by a team of development specialists.

These were the objectives defined in 1992, from the Final material inspection by TÜV, based on three
beginning of Krupp VDM’s cooperation with Bayer AG 30-tonne heats, was documented in 1996 for a variety of
on the development of a metallic material which was to semi-finished product forms in VdTÜV sheet 516 and
possess the highest possible corrosion resistance when ASME Code Case 2227.
exposed to strongly oxidizing media such as highly con-
centrated sulfuric acid. Alloy 33 has been assigned the materials numbers
W.-Nr. 1.4591 (Europe) and UNS R20033 (USA).

Composition, microstructure,
mechanical properties and
thermal stability
of alloy 33

Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the new Table 2 shows the mechanical properties of alloy 33
corrosion-resistant alloy 33. The main feature is the high and other austenitic materials. The minimum characteris-
chromium content of about 33 wt.%. To achieve a fully tics of alloy 33, which have been approved by VdTÜV
austenitic structure the nickel content had to be adjusted and ASME, are well above those established both for
to 31 wt.% and about 0.4 wt.% nitrogen had to be stainless steels including the 6 %-Mo steels and for the
added. In order to create a multipurpose versatility nom- nickel-base alloys and come close to the requirements of
inally 1.6 wt.% molybdenum and some copper are al- alloy 625 in the soft-annealed condition. Ductility, as
loyed at the same time. As follows from Table 1, chromi- expressed by elongation, is very high and a ratio of yield
um, molybdenum and nitrogen result in a nominal pitting point to tensile strength of 0.53 gives additional safety, if
resistance equivalent (PRE) of 50, which compares fa- plastic strain is considered (9).
vourably with the PRE of 47 of the 6 % molybdenum aus-
tenitic stainless steel alloy 926 and is close to the PRE of With respect to phase stability, a chromium content
51 of alloy 625. Consequently, an excellent resistance to of 33 % and a nitrogen content of 0.4 % are not incom-
pitting and crevice corrosion can be expected. It should patible. Figure 2 indicates that there is a small loss of
be pointed out that the nitrogen content of the new alloy impact strength in the temperature range 700°C
is kept below the solubility limit of nitrogen in the solid to 900°C due to precipitation of some σ-phase.
phase to avoid any problems during welding with match- Nevertheless, even when sensitized for 8 hours the
ing filler. The high nitrogen solubility has been achieved impact strength at ambient temperature was well above
by the alloy´s high chromium content (4) and not by an 100 J in all tests. Furthermore, it should be noted that no
increase of manganese in the alloy (5). Together with the sensitization was observed after annealing in the temper-
low sulfur content of max. 0.005 wt.%, this will avoid the ature range 600°C to 1000°C for up to 10 hours, as
formation of any MnS, which tends to impair the local shown by testing for 15 cycles of 48 hours in boiling
corrosion resistance of stainless steels, especially resist- nitric acid (Huey Test), using the distillation method (10).
ance to crevice corrosion (6). Figure 3 shows that neither a significant increase in the
overall corrosion rate nor any sign of intergranular pen-
Figure 1 shows that the austenitic microstructure of a etration could be detected, and it is worth noting that this
40 mm solution-annealed plate of alloy 33 is completely remains true for annealing times of up to 1000 hours (11).
homogeneous (7, 8). A solution annealing temperature of
1120°C was selected. The fine-grained microstructure
(ASTM No. 5) is typical of nitrogen-alloyed materials.
Weldability of alloy 33

Alloy 33 has been shown to be weldable by gas

tungsten arc welding (GTAW) using matching filler, plas-
ma arc welding and laser welding. Figure 4 shows as an
example the weld seam of a 15 mm plate of alloy 33
welded by GTAW using matching filler. The mechanical
properties of the matching weld deposit compare
favorably with those of the base material (8). Welding of
alloy 33 to dissimilar materials, such as nickel base
alloys, which have a low nitrogen solubility due to their
high nickel content, has also been demonstrated (8).
A special feature of alloy 33’s welding behavior, without
filler or with matching filler, is the reduced micro-
segregation in the weld seam due to the relatively low
molybdenum content, leading to a corrosion resistance of
the weld which is essentially equivalent to that of the base
material (11).

Resistance of alloy 33
to local corrosion

The main problem with standard austenitic steels is account the 30 % advantage in yield strength of alloy 33
their poor resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in over the 6 %-Mo steels (see Table 2), the benefits for the
chloride-bearing media. It has been shown by Garner design of lightweight structures for marine applications
(12) that the ferric chloride test provides a conservative can be appreciated.
prediction of the occurrence of pitting and crevice corro-
sion in ambient seawater for a range of austenitic steels. Nevertheless, each alloy is only as good as the
In order to obtain an initial ranking of alloy 33 with re- corrosion resistance which is obtained in the welded
spect to resistance to localized corrosion, the ASTM G-48 condition. Therefore, at a very early stage of the alloy’s
test procedure was applied (13, 14). Table 3 gives the development the local corrosion resistance of welded
test results for alloy 33 in comparison to stainless steels samples with and without matching filler was determined
and nickel-base alloys. In addition to the critical pitting in 10 % FeCl3 • 6 H2O solutions. Table 4 gives the results
and the critical crevice temperatures of the different alloy of the critical pitting temperature evaluation of a 5 mm
types the pitting resistance equivalent and the cost ratio PAW weldment without filler in comparison to the base
with respect to alloy 316 L have been calculated. It is well material. Though welded without filler, and with no addi-
established that with increasing PRE values there is an tional heat treatment of the welded sample, the critical pit-
almost linear increase of resistance to localized corro- ting temperature was only reduced by 10°C in compari-
sion. As Table 3 shows, alloy 33 fits into this empirical son to the base material. Production of tubes longi-
rule. A critical pitting temperature of 85°C and a critical tudinally welded by GTAW without filler has already con-
crevice temperature of 40°C were determined. This pit- firmed this test result of an exceptionally small decrease
ting temperature is superior, and the crevice temperature in local pitting resistance in the welded condition.
equivalent, to those of the 6 %-Mo steels. Taking into
In addition, electrochemical tests have been per-
formed in chloride-bearing media and in artificial seawater.
Table 5 gives the critical pitting temperature determined
by potentiodynamic polarization curves as a function of
the repassivation potential in 1.0 n NaCl solution (7). The
evaluation was performed according to B.E. Wilde (15)
using a sweep rate of 180 mV/h. Among the stainless
steels tested, alloy 33 exhibits the highest pitting temper-
ature and outperforms even alloy 926 under these test
conditions. In order to explore the full potential of the
local pitting resistance of alloy 33, potentiostatic tests
applying a potential of 0.75 and 0.3 V (SCE) in arti-
ficial seawater according to DIN 50905-4 (16) were per-
formed. The test results are given in Table 6. The testing
time was 7 hours. Neither at 60°C and a potential of
0.75 V (SCE), nor at 0.3 V (SCE) and 85°C could pitting
be observed under those conditions. Alloy 926, which
was tested under those conditions for comparison, re-
vealed the same localized corrosion resistance. Finally
the chloride concentration of the artificial seawater was
increased by a factor of 2 by additions of NaCl at 0.3 V
(SCE) to increase the corrosiveness of the solution. Alloy
33 again showed no degradation with respect to pitting
resistance. A critical pitting temperature of 85°C was
determined, which is again equivalent to alloy 926.

Crevice corrosion tests in artificial seawater have

already revealed (8) that at temperatures up to 100°C
and for a testing time of more than 3 months no signs of
crevice corrosion were observed. The results are listed in
Table 7. Additional laboratory tests have been performed
under potentiostatic conditions at 0.3 V (SCE). Table 8
shows the test results in comparison to alloy 926. Under
these test conditions alloy 926 already failed at 45°C,
whereas alloy 33 showed the first crevice attack at 55°C.

Resistance of alloy 33
to stress corrosion

Stress corrosion tests have been performed in satu-

rated CaCl2 solution at 135°C using the test equipment
according to J.A. Jones (19). Alloy 33 has been tested in
comparison to stainless steels. Table 9 presents the test
results, which now have been extended up to 5,000
hours of testing. None of the 3 specimens of alloy 33
have failed so far. Additional stress corrosion tests have
been performed in saturated CaCl2 solution at 125°C at
various stress levels commensurate with its 125°C yield
strength. Table 10 gives the test results for constant load
conditions between 0.5 and 0.9 yield strength. The resist-
ance of alloy 33 is superior not only to that of alloy 316 L
but also to that of the 6 % Mo superaustenitic stainless
steel alloy 926, which cracked at 0.9 YS after 965 hours.

Corrosion resistance of
alloy 33 in nitric acid
and nitric acid/hydrofluoric
acid mixtures

Nitric acid
Evaluation of the corrosion behavior of alloy 33 in
nitric acid had been done (8) first by testing in boiling
azeotropic (67 %) HNO3 (Huey Test) using the distillation
method (10). Table 11 shows the test results after 15
cycles of 48 hours in comparison with two stainless steels
and the chromium rich nickel-base alloy G-30. Alloy 33
exhibits the lowest corrosion rate. According to these
results, in this kind of test alloy 33 is about 6 and 2 times
more corrosion-resistant respectively than AISI 304 L and
AISI 310 L and about 3.3 times more resistant than the
nickel-base alloy G-30.

In order to explore the full potential and improved

corrosion resistance of alloy 33, a second series of tests
was conducted with 75, 80 and 85 % HNO3 at tempe-
ratures between 25°C and 75°C over 21 days in com-
parison with the stainless steels AISI 304 L and AISI 310L
(20). According to the test results shown in Table 12 alloy
33 again came out best, approaching the limits of what
may be defined as corrosion resistance in 85 % HNO3 at
75°C. Therefore, in a third test series immersion tests
were performed in 85, 90 and 95 % HNO3 at the same
temperatures but extended to much longer times. Long-
time testing of stainless steels in aggressive nitric acid
environments is necessitated by the fact that obviously
due to the intrinsic instabilites of such types of
passive/transpassive corrosion behavior, long-time
testing may reveal increased corrosion rates accompa-
nied by distinct intergranular attack even without any
sensitization treatment having been applied (2).
Considering these aspects, it goes without saying that Whereas in 85 % HNO3 at 75°C intergranular corrosive
any sensitizing effect which could have occurred during attack starts within 25 days in the case of alloy AISI 304 L,
welding should also be looked at and evaluated very accelerated corrosion with intergranular attack is de-
carefully. Therefore weldments of alloy 33 and stainless layed to more than 25 days for alloy AISI 310 L and to
steel have been included in the investigation. more than 75 days for alloy 33. In contrast to AISI 304 L
and 310 L, alloy 33 is corrosion resistant in 90 % HNO3
The results are presented in Table 13. According to even at 50°C but suffers increased corrosion and inter-
the data obtained, the stainless steel AISI 304 L may be granular attack within the second 25-day period at 75°C.
considered corrosion resistant in 85 % HNO3 at 50°C In 95 % nitric acid at 50°C this behavior is delayed, star-
whereas at 75°C intergranular corrosion is observed. In ting only within the fourth 25-day corrosion period. All
90 % and 95 % HNO3 intergranular corrosion already the data shown were obtained with unwelded plate of
occurs at 50°C and is even more pronounced at 75°C. 5 mm thickness. Testing of GTAW weldments on the same
As expected, the stainless steel AISI 310 L behaves plate was done in parallel, but exhibited essentially the
somewhat better but also fails due to intergranular corro- same corrosion rates and behavior with respect to the
sion at the same concentrations and temperatures. appearance of intergranular corrosion.
General remarks
It has long been known that the corrosion resistance
of iron-nickel-chromium alloys in nitric acid increases with
their chromium content. This is the overriding principle of
material selection for these applications. Fig. 5 shows a
compilation of older and newer data referring to the
corrosion rate in boiling azeotropic (67 %) nitric acid.
The older data from Fontana (21) and Colombier &
Hochmann (22) show higher corrosion rates than the
newer data established after 1985. This shift to improved
corrosion resistance reflects the progress in metallurgy
towards cleaner and more uniform materials (2), since
any inhomogeneity of the microstructure may trigger
accelerated non-uniform corrosion in highly aggressive
nitric acid media (2). Under favorable conditions, i.e.
with clean and uniform materials, this non-uniform corro-
sion is intercrystalline and may start only after long peri-
ods of attack, as shown in Table 13. This aspect under-
lines the importance of a clean, homogeneous micro-
structure such as has been shown to be typical of alloy 33
(7, 8). The ranking with respect to corrosion resistance in 85,
90 and 95 % nitric acid as shown in Table 13 follows the
behavior of the alloys in boiling azeotropic (67 %) nitric
acid according to Fig. 5, i.e. the chromium content is of
prime importance. This may also be concluded for 20 %
nitric acid with additions of hydrofluoric acid according
to Table 15. For the corrosion behavior in nitric/hydro-
fluoric acid mixtures according to Table 14, such a sys-
tematic approach is not yet possible; however, alloy 33,
with the highest chromium content among the alloys
tested, came out best in every series of these tests.
Nitric/hydrofluoric acid
Testing of alloy 33 in mixed nitric/hydrofluoric acid
was done at 90°C together with three other high chromi-
um alloyed materials for comparison. Table 14 shows the
results. At 12 % HNO3 and with increasing additions of
HF up to 3.5 % as well as with greater amounts of HNO3
added to 0.4 % HF, alloy 33 features the lowest corro-
sion rate. In a separate test run the corrosion resistance
of alloy 33 has been evaluated in 20 % nitric acid with
additions of 3 to 7 % hydrofluoric acid at 25°C and
50°C. The test results are presented in Table 15 and com-
pared to those obtained for alloy AISI 316 Ti and alloy
28. It is obvious that Alloy 33 shows the lowest corrosion
rate and can be regarded as corrosion resistant under
these conditions of testing.
Corrosion resistance of
alloy 33 to sulfuric acid

Highly concentrated
sulfuric acid
Laboratory tests have been performed in 98 % sul-
furic acid at various temperatures between 100 and
200°C. Table 16 indicates the excellent corrosion resist-
ance of alloy 33 over the whole temperature range in
contrast to alloy 310 L and the 5 wt.% austenitic silicon
grade alloy 611. It also compares well with the 28 Cr -
4 Ni - 2 Mo superferritic stainless steel without the duc-
tility problems encountered with this material.

In addition, Table 17 gives the results of field tests

under flowing conditions in which alloy 33 was tested in
99.1 % H2SO4 at 150°C and a flow velocity of ≥ 1.2
m/sec. over 134 days. Under these plant conditions the
stainless steel AISI 316 Ti and the nickel-base alloy 825
failed but alloy 33 performed even better than the chro-
mium rich nickel-base alloy 690. In another sulfuric acid
plant alloy 33 was tested in 98.5 % H2SO4 with some
fluctuations down to 96 % at a temperature of 135-
140°C. The acid flow rate was ≥ 1 m/sec. Table 18 lists
the test results in comparison with two stainless steels 316
Ti and 304, the chromium-rich nickel base alloy G-30
and a special silicon-containing steel A611. Again alloy
33 performed best. Decreasing the sulfuric acid concen-
tration will in general increase the severity of the corro-
sive environment. Nevertheless, even in 96 % H2SO4 satu-
rated with SO2 at 80°C and a flow rate of ≥ 1 m/sec.
alloy 33 performed as well as alloy C-276. Table 19
gives the results for a test duration of 65 days in a sul-
furic acid plant, comparing alloys 33 and C-276 with the
stainless steels alloy 654 SMO and alloy 28. The ref-

This test bottom with

central welding seam
was made from
Nicrofer 3033 - alloy
33 as a prototype for
two reactor bottoms
for large-scale use in
the chemical industry.
erence material alloy C-276, which has many applications
in sulfuric acid plant heat exchangers, confirms the poten-
tial of alloy 33. This is further supported by the test results
presented in Table 20. Alloy 33 was tested in 96 % sul-
furic acid at 240°C with additions of nitrosylsulfuric acid
(NOHSO4). This environment represents the concentra-
tion stage of sulfuric acid production. The corrosion rate
of alloy 33 unwelded and welded is very similar and is
not affected by additions of NOHSO4.

Finally, alloy 33 was tested in oleum at 150°C for 21

days. Oleum is 100 % H2SO4 plus dissolved sulfur tri-
oxide. The test results for alloy 33 and some stainless
steels are listed in Table 21. Again, these results confirm
that alloy 33 can be used in a wide range of concen-
trated sulfuric acid and oleum.

concentrated sulfuric acid
The first results obtained so far from corrosion tests
in 15 to 80 % sulfuric acid at temperatures from 50 to
90°C indicate that alloy 33 in the passive state possesses
clear advantages over the reference materials for use in
sulfuric acid: alloy 825 and alloy 20. Polarization meas-
urements in agitated oxygen-containing and deaerated
sulfuric acid solutions show a higher tendency to pas-
sivation and a more stable passive state in comparison
with the reference materials (23). The presence of small
amounts of oxidants such as ferric sulfate, nitric acid or
potassium dichromate results in a widening of the range
of corrosion resistance of alloy 33 in the temperature-con-
centration field studied.

Corrosion resistance of
alloy 33 to alkaline solutions

Pipelines or heated tanks and vessels for solutions of

NaOH are typically manufactured from stainless steels
like AISI 316 Ti or the austenitic grade X1CrNiMoN 25
25 2 (W.-Nr. 1.4465). Using these materials requires pre-
cise temperature control of the medium to keep it below
90°C combined with insulation of the piping. A shift in
the temperature will increase the corrosion rate of stain-
less steels dramatically. Table 22 shows that by using
alloy 33 for this application the temperature could in-
crease up to the boiling point of 20 % and 50 % NaOH
solutions without degradation of the piping (7).

Additional field tests were performed with alloy 33 and

other materials in NaOH tanks with additions of Cl2.
Samples were exposed to both the liquid and the vapor
phase in these vessels. Table 23 summarizes the test
results. Alloy 33 performed very well and only very slight
crevice corrosion was observed under these conditions,
whereas the other alloys showed crevice, pitting or uni-
form corrosion (8).


The data provided in this paper demonstrate the multi- Typical applications include heat exchangers, vessels,
purpose character of alloy 33. The unique combination piping and other equipment for sulfuric acid production,
of high strength, ductility and phase stability combined sulfuric acid heat recovery and distribution systems, nitric-
with resistance to localized attack in halide media, hydrofluoric acid pickling plants, seawater systems,
in mineral acids and in alkaline solutions opens a evaporation plants for salts and alkalis, bleaching plants
wide window for applications such as heat exchangers, for chemical pulp, plate or tubular heat exchangers using
which were not possible in the past. Furthermore, with brackish water or seawater as a coolant, as well as light-
respect to sulfuric acid applications the new alloy will weight structures in the offshore industry. Especially the
help overcome the inherent manufacturing problems multipurpose character of alloy 33 with respect to its
which are encountered with the chromium-rich super- corrosion resistance to acidic and alkaline media as well
ferritic alloys and also provide a cost advantage in com- as to chloride-containing cooling water opens up a wide
parison to chromium-rich nickel-base alloys. The balanced variety of applications.
chemical composition and ease of manufacturing of alloy
33 makes it possible to offer all product forms to the che- On the whole, the development of alloy 33 (W.-Nr.
mical process industry. This includes successful fabrica- 1.4591) is a textbook example of a customer-oriented
tion of plate-type heat exchangers; however, other com- project, completed to an extremely tight schedule through
ponents such as dished ends and tube to tubesheet weld- effective time management. It is a prime example of the
ments have also been successfully fabricated (20), technical and market potentials still to be explored with
including a complete 6.5 m3 agitator pressure vessel. nickel-containing austenitic stainless materials.

Figures and tables

100 µm

Figure 1: Microstructure of a 40 mm plate of alloy 33, solution annealed condition

Impact strength, joule


Temperature, °C ➤

Figure 2: Time-Temperature-Impact-Strength diagram of alloy 33, established

using ISO-V-notch samples at ambient temperature, starting condition:
solution annealed, Av > 300 J

1000 •0.05 •0.05 •0.05 •0.05
900 •0.04 •0.04 •0.04 •0.05
Temperature, °C

800 •0.04 •0.05 •0.04 •0.05

700 •0.04 •0.05 •0.04 •0.04
600 •0.04 •0.05 •0.04 •0.05
annealed: 0.04 g · m-2 · h-1
0.1 1 10 100
Time, hours
Figure 3: Time-Temperature-Sensitization diagram of alloy 33 established in boiling azeotropic nitric acid (Huey Test), 15 cycles of 48 hours using
the distillation method

older data
Corrosion rate, mm/a

Colombier + Hochmann
Fontana 1964


304 L
newer data 28,31
0.1 310 L
Heubner + Kirchheiner 690
1987, with addition of alloy 31
+ this study 1997 33
100 µm 0.03
12 18 25 33
Chromium content, wt. %

Figure 4: Weld seam of a 15 mm plate of alloy 33 welded by GTAW using Figure 5: Corrosion rate of iron-chromium-nickel alloys in boiling azeotropic
matching filler (67 %) nitric acid plotted against the alloys’ chromium content according to
older (21, 22) and newer (2) sources and to this study

Lorem epsum (evl. Headline)

Cr Fe Ni Mo Cu N C PRE

33 32 31 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.010 50

Numbers indicate wt. %, PRE is given by Cr + 3.3 Mo + 30 N

Table 1: Nominal chemical composition and pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) of alloy 33

Alloy RP0,2 Rm A5
N/mm2 N/mm2 %

316 L 170 485 40

904 L 220 520 40

28 215 500 40

G-3 240 620 45

926 300 600 35

33 380 720 40

625 415 830 35

31 280 650 40

C-276 310 730 30

59 340 690 40

Table 2: Mechanical properties of alloy 33 and other austenitic materials (min. requirements at room temperature)

Alloy PRE CPT CCT Cost Ratio

°C °C

316 L 24 15 < 0 1.0

904 L 37 45 25 2.3

28 38 60 35 4.1

G-3 46 70 40 9.0

926 47 70 40 3.7

33 50 85 40 5.4

625 51 77.5 57.5 7.8

31 54 > 85 65 4.5

C-276 69 > 85 > 85 6.8

59 76 > 85 > 85 7.2

PRE = % Cr + 3.3 (% Mo) + 30 (%N)

Table 3: Comparison of pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) with critical pitting/crevice temperature (CPT/CCT)
when tested according to ASTM - G 48 A/B (10% FeCl3 solution) and cost ratios of various alloys

Condition CPT in °C

5 mm plate
solution annealed 85

PAW weldment
of 5 mm plate without filler as welded 75

Table 4: Critical pitting temperature (CPT) of alloy 33 when tested according to ASTM - G 48 A for 24 hours

Alloy CPT, °C

316 Ti 45

310 L 60

904 L 75

926 90

33 > 95

Table 5: Critical pitting temperature determined by potentiodynamic polarization curves as a function of the repassivation potential Epp in 1.0 n NaCl solution.
Sweep rate 180 mV/h, pitting criterion: determination of the temperature at which Epp < Ecorr for alloy 33 and some other materials

Alloy 33 Alloy 926

Medium CPT, °C CPT, °C

U = 0.75 V (SCE)
Artificial seawater (16) > 60 > 60
0.55 mol/l Cl-

U = 0.3 V (SCE)
Artificial seawater (16) > 85 > 85
0.55 mol/l Cl-

U = 0.3 V (SCE)
Artificial seawater (16) 85
+ NaCl additions 85
1.05 mol/l Cl-

Table 6: Potentiostatically determined pitting resistance of alloy 33 in chloride-containing solutions in comparison with alloy 926

50 °C 75 °C 95 °C 100 °C

Alloy 33 147 days 147 days 103 days 103 days

no crevice corrosion at all

Table 7: Results of crevice corrosion tests in artificial seawater (17) tested according to MTI procedure (18)

Alloy 33 Alloy 926

Condition CCT, °C CCT, °C

U = 0.3 V (SCE)
0.55 mol/l Cl- 55 45

Table 8: Potentiostatically determined crevice corrosion resistance of alloy 33 in artificial seawater (16) in comparison with alloy 926

Alloy Time to failure, hours

304 73.1

316 491.3

904 L > 1000

926 > 1000

33 > 5000

Table 9: Results of stress corrosion cracking test in saturated CaCl2 at 135°C, test equipment after J.A. Jones (19), average time to failure of at least 3 specimens

Lorem epsum (evl. Headline)

Load Alloy Alloy Alloy

316 926 33

0.9 YS 28.9 965.1 + > 1100 +

0.7 YS 766.7 > 1000 > 1100

0.5 YS 849 + > 1000 > 1100

+ Specimen showed some pitting

Table 10: Results of stress corrosion cracking test in saturated CaCl2 at 125 °C and different stress levels related to 125 °C yield strength under constant load
conditions. Average time to failure of at least 3 specimens, in hours

Alloy Corrosion rate, g/m2h

AISI 304 L 0.24

AISI 310 L 0.08

G-30 0.13

33 0.04

Table 11: Corrosion tests in boiling azeotropic HNO3 (67 %) according to Huey using the distillation method (10) 15 x 48 h

75 % HNO3 80 % HNO3 85 % HNO3

Alloy 25 °C 50 °C 75 °C 25 °C 50 °C 75 °C 25 °C 50 °C 75 °C

AISI 304 L < 0.01 0.01 0.11 < 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.35

AISI 310 L < 0.01 < 0.01 0.08 < 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.14

33 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.03 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.07

Table 12: Corrosion tests in nitric acid under various conditions. Immersion tests over 21 days, g/m2h

Time/ 85 % HNO3 90 % HNO3 95 % HNO3

Alloy days 25 °C 50 °C 75 °C 25 °C 50 °C 75 °C 25 °C 50 °C 75 °C

AISI 304 L 25 < 0.01 0.028 0.36* < 0.01 0.07 0.76* 0.019 0.15* 1.18*

+ 25 < 0.01 0.029 n.t. < 0.01 0.05* n.t. 0.018 0.20* n.t.

+ 25 < 0.01 0.028 n.t. < 0.01 0.05* n.t. 0.033 0.27* n.t.

+ 25 < 0.01 0.028 n.t. < 0.01 0.05* n.t. 0.014 0.43* n.t.

AISI 310 L 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.16 < 0.01 0.02 0.32* < 0.01 0.10* 0.92*

+ 25 < 0.01 0.012 0.37* < 0.01 0.02* n.t. 0.011 0.13* n.t.

+ 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 n.t. < 0.01 0.03* n.t. 0.029 0.25* n.t.

+ 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 n.t. < 0.01 0.03* n.t. < 0.01 0.56* n.t.

33 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.06 < 0.01 0.01 0.12 < 0.01 0.05 0.19*

+ 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.06 < 0.01 0.01 0.17* < 0.01 0.03 0.31*

+ 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.07 < 0.01 0.01 n.t. 0.012 0.04 n.t.

+ 25 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.07* < 0.01 < 0.01 nt. < 0.01 0.06* n.t.

n.t. = not tested

* = intergranular corrosion

Table 13: Corrosion tests in nitric acid under various conditions over very long times. Immersion tests up to 100 days, g/m2h.

12 % HNO3 0.4 % HF
+ 32 % + 44.5 % + 56 % + 67.5 %
Alloy + 0 % HF + 0.9 % HF + 3.5 % HF HNO3 HNO3 HNO3 HNO3

28 ≤ 0.01 5.74 20.74 0.96 1.78 3.38 5.46

690 ≤ 0.01 0.61 6.34 1.46 1.97 4.69 7.42

G-30 ≤ 0.01 0.28 1.21 0.49 1.45 2.39 4.49

33 ≤ 0.01 0.24 1.19 0.27 0.67 1.66 3.08

Table 14: Corrosion tests in solutions of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid; immersion tests over 21 days at 90 °C, g/m h

25 °C 50 °C
Alloy + 3 % HF + 5 % HF + 7 % HF + 3 % HF + 5 % HF + 7% H

AISI 316 Ti 3.33 6.20 5.68 17.3* 24.4* 33.45*

28 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.18 0.29 0.41

33 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.11 0.17

*Test duration 7 days

Table 15: Corrosion tests in 20 % nitric acid with additions of hydrofluoric acid, immersion tests over 3 x 7 days, g/m2h

Alloy 100°C 125°C 150°C 175°C 200°C

310 L 0.38 0.43 0.98 0.38 0.07

0.03 0.06 0.53 0.04 0.07

0.02 0.36 0.81 0.70 0.61
A 611

33 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.16 0.04

Table 16: Corrosion resistance of alloy 33 and three other materials in 98 % sulfuric acid, test duration 7 days, mm/year

Alloy Corrosion rate


825 1.46

316 Ti 0.81

690 0.09

33 < 0.01

Table 17: Corrosion resistance of alloy 33 and various other materials tested in a sulfuric acid plant.
99.1 % H2SO4 ,velocity of flow ≥ 1.2 m/sec., 150 °C, test duration: 134 days

Alloy Corrosion rate


316 Ti 0.24

304 0.18

G-30 0.08

A 611 0.03

33 < 0.01

Table 18: Corrosion resistance of alloy 33 and various other materials tested in a sulfuric acid plant.
96 - 98.5 % H2SO4 , velocity of flow ≥ 1 m/sec., 135 - 140 °C, test duration: 14 days

Lorem epsum (evl. Headline)

Alloy Corrosion rate


654 SMO 3.1

28 0.10

C-276 0.05

33 0.06

Table 19: 96 % H2SO4 saturated with SO2 , velocity of flow ≥ 1 m/sec., 80 °C, test duration: 65 days

Alloy 33 Alloy 33
Medium Base material PAW welded

96 % H2SO4 0.33 0.41

96 % H2SO4 0.30 0.31

96 % H2SO4 0.30 0.31

Table 20: Corrosion rate of alloy 33 in 96 % sulfuric acid at 240 °C with additions of nitrosylsulfuric acid, test duration: 3 x 7 days, mm/year

Alloy 101 % 102 % 102.5 % 103 % 107.5 %

304 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.01

316 Ti 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01

310 L 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.01

33 < 0.01 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 0.01

Oleum 4.4 % 8.9 % 11.1 % 13.3 % 33.3 %

Table 21: Corrosion rate of alloy 33 and various other materials in concentrated
H2SO4 and oleum at 150 °C, test duration: 21 days, mm/year

25 % NaOH 50 % NaOH
Alloy 75 °C 100 °C BT* 104 °C 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C BT* 146 °C

316 Ti < 0.01 0.12 0.63 0.08 0.35 1.60 7.99

EN 1.4465 < 0.01 0.03 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.26 1.35

33 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01

* Boiling temperature

Table 22: Corrosion behavior of stainless steels in sodium hydroxide under various conditions, test duration 28 days, mm/year

50 % NaOH 20 % NaOH + NaOCl 12.5 % NaOH + NaOCl

(80-100 g Cl2/l) (130 g Cl2/l)
110 °C / 180 days 30 °C / 195 days 30 °C /225 days
Exposure to Exposure to Exposure to
Alloy liquid liquid vapor liquid vapor

316 Ti ≤ 0.01 mm/yr 0.01 mm/yr 0.02 mm/yr —- ≤ 0.01 mm/yr

pitting + severe pitting severe pitting
crevice corrosion

926 —- ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr

pitting + severe some uniform
crevice corrosion corrosion

654 SMO ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr —- ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr
some uniform

C-4 —- ≤ 0.01 mm/yr —- ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr

pitting some crevice
and uniform corrosion

33 ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr ≤ 0.01 mm/yr
some crevice some crevice some crevice
corrosion corrosion corrosion

Table 23: Corrosion resistance of alloy 33 and various other materials exposed to NaOH and NaOCl in the liquid and vapor phase


1) E.-M. Horn, P. E. Manning, M. Renner: 9) D. C. Agarwal, M. Köhler:

Corrosion of stainless steels and nickel-base alloys Alloy 33, A New Material Resisting Marine
in solutions of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid Corrosion, CORROSION /97, Paper No. 424,
(in German), Werkstoffe und Korrosion 43 NACE International, Houston, Texas, 1997
(1992), 191 - 200
10) E.-M. Horn, K. Schoeller:
2) R. Kirchheiner, U. Heubner, F. Hofmann: Corrosion of stainless austenitic steels in
Increasing the lifetime of nitric acid equipment (condensing) chloride-containing nitric acid
using improved stainless steels and a nickel alloy, (in German), Werkstoffe und Korrosion 42
Materials Performance 28 (1989), No. 9, 58-62 (1991), 559 - 569

3) U. Heubner, R. Kirchheiner: 11) M. Köhler, U. Heubner, K.-W. Eichenhofer,

High-alloy special stainless steels and nickel-based M. Renner:
materials for nuclear fuel reprocessing, Alloy 33, a new nitrogen-alloyed
in U. Heubner et al., Nickel Alloys and High-Alloy chromium-based material for many corrosive
Special Stainless Steels, expert Verlag, Ehningen / environments, Proc. Int. Conf. Stainless Steels ‘96,
Germany, 1987, pp. 223 - 240 Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf, 1996, pp. 178 -181

4) J. C. Humbert, J. F. Elliot: 12) A. Garner:

The solubility of nitrogen in liquid Fe-Cr-Ni alloys, Crevice corrosion of stainless steels in seawater,
Trans. AIME 218 (1960), 1076 - 1087 correlation of field data with laboratory ferric
chloride tests, Corrosion 37 (1981), 178 - 184
5) R. D. Pehlke, J. F. Elliot:
Solubility of nitrogen in liquid iron alloys - thermo- 13) ASTM-G 48 A:
dynamics, Trans. AIME 218 (1960), 1088 -1101 Standard test methods for pitting and crevice
corrosion resistance of stainless steels and related
6) J. W. Oldfield: alloys by the use of ferric chloride solution,
Crevice corrosion resistance of commercial Annual Book of ASTM Standards Vol. 03.02,
and high-purity experimental stainless steels Philadelphia, PA, 1995
in marine environments, Corrosion 46
(1990), 574 - 581 14) M. Renner, U. Heubner, M. B. Rockel, E. Wallis:
Temperature as a pitting and crevice corrosion
7) M. Köhler, U. Heubner, K.-W. Eichenhofer, criterion in the FeCl3 test, Werkstoffe und
M. Renner: Korrosion 37 (1986), 183 - 190
Alloy 33, A New Corrosion Resistant
Austenitic Material for the Refinery Industry and 15) B. E. Wilde:
Related Applications, CORROSION / 95, A critical appraisal of some popular laboratory
Paper No. 338, NACE International, Houston, electrochemical tests for predicting the localized
Texas, 1995 corrosion resistance of stainless steels in seawater,
Corrosion 28 (1972), 283 - 291
8) M. Köhler, U. Heubner, K.-W. Eichenhofer,
M. Renner: 16) DIN 50905-4:
Progress with Alloy 33 (UNS R 20033), Corrosion of metals, corrosion testing,
A New Corrosion Resistant Chromium-Based performance of chemical corrosion experiments
Austenitic Material, CORROSION / 96, Paper No. without mechanical stresses in liquids in the
428, NACE International, Houston, Texas, 1996 laboratory
17) ASTM-D 1141-90:
Specification for Substitute Ocean Water,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 11.02,
Philadelphia, PA, 1995

18) R. S. Treseder:
Guideline information on newer wrought iron
and nickel base corrosion-resistant alloys, MTI
Manual No. 3, Appendix B, Materials Technology
Institute of the Chemical Process
Industry, Columbus (Ohio), USA, 1980

19) J. A. Jones:
Engineering 101 (1921), 469 - 470

20) M. Köhler, U. Heubner, K.-W. Eichenhofer,

M. Renner:
Alloy 33, A New Material for the Handling of
HNO3/HF Media in Reprocessing of Nuclear Fuel,
CORROSION/97, Paper No. 115,
NACE International, Houston, Texas, 1997

21) M. G. Fontana, cited by E.-M. Horn and H. Kohl:

Materials for the nitric acid industry
(in German), Werkstoffe und Korrosion 37
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22) L. Colombier, J. Hochmann:

Aciers inoxydables, aciers réfractaires (in French),
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23) H. Werner, G. Riedel, R. Kirchheiner:

Corrosion resistance of metallic materials in
medium concentrated hot sulfuric acid, Materials
and Corrosion 49 (1998), 1 - 6

Krupp VDM high-performance materials and products

Krupp VDM W.-Nr. Designation UNS BS Available product form Krupp

alloy designation designation desig- Sheet, Tube/pipe Strip Wire Rod, VDM
nation plate seamless bar data

Corrosion-resistant alloys
Nickel, nickel-copper
VDM Nickel 99.2 – alloy 200 2.4066 Ni 99.2 N 02200 NA 11 ● ● ● ● ● 1101
VDM LC-Nickel 99.2 – alloy 201 2.4068 LC-Ni 99 N 02201 NA 12 ● ● ● ● ● 1101
VDM LC-Nickel 99.6 – alloy 205 2.4061 LC-Ni 99.6 N 02205 – ● ● ● ● ● –

Nicorros – alloy 400 2.4360 NiCu30Fe N 04400 NA 13 ● ● ● ● ● 4110

Nicorros Al – alloy K-500 2.4375 NiCu30Al N 05500 NA 18 ● ● ● ● ● 4126
Nickel-chromium-molybdenum, nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum – superalloys
Nimofer 6928 – alloy B-2 2.4617 NiMo28 N 10665 – ● ● ● ● ● 4122

Nicrofer 6616 hMo – alloy C-4 2.4610 NiMo16Cr16Ti N 06455 – ● ● ● ● ● 4124

Nicrofer 6020 hMo – alloy 625 2.4856 NiCr22Mo9Nb N 06625 NA 21 ● ● ● ● ● 4118

Nicrofer 5923 hMo – alloy 59 2.4605 NiCr23Mo16Al N 06059 – ● ● ● ● ● 4130
Nicrofer 5716 hMoW – alloy C-276 2.4819 NiMo16Cr15W N 10276 – ● ● ● ● ● 4115

Nicrofer 5219 Nb – alloy 718 2.4668 NiCr19NbMo N 07718 – ● ● ● ● 4127

Nicrofer 4823 hMo – alloy G-3 2.4619 NiCr22Mo7Cu N 06985 – ● ● ● ● 4113
Nickel-chromium-iron, nickel-iron-molybdenum, iron-nickel-chromium-molybdenum – standard alloys
Nicrofer 7216 LC – alloy 600 L 2.4817 LC-NiCr15Fe N 06602 NA 14 ● ● ● ● ● 4106
Nicrofer 6030 – alloy 690 2.4642 NiCr29Fe N 06690 – ● ● ● ● ● 4138
Nicrofer 4221 – alloy 825 2.4858 NiCr21Mo N 08825 NA 16 ● ● ● ● ● 4101

Nicrofer 3620 Nb – alloy 20 2.4660 NiCr20CuMo N 08020 – ● ● ● ● ● 4117

Nicrofer 3220 LC – alloy 800 L 1.4558 X 2 NiCrAlTi 32 20 N 08800 NA 15 ● ● ● ● 4128
Nicrofer 3220 – alloy 800 1.4876 X 10 NiCrAlTi 32 20 N 08800 NA 15 ● ● ● ● ● 4128

Nicrofer 3127 hMo – alloy 31 1.4562 X 1 NiCrMoCu 32 28 7 N 08031 – ● ● ● ● ● 4131

Nicrofer 3127 LC – alloy 28 1.4563 X 1 NiCrMoCuN 31 27 4 N 08028 – ● ● ● ● ● 4105
Iron-chromium-nickel, iron-nickel-chromium – special stainless steels
Nicrofer 3033 – alloy 33 1.4591 X 1 CrNiMoCuN 33 32 1 R 20033 – ● ● ● ● ● 4142
Cronifer 2803 Mo 1.4575 X 1 CrNiMoNb 28 4 2 S 32803 – ● ● ● 5008
Cronifer 2525 LCN 1.4465 X 1 CrNiMoN 25 25 2 (N 08310) – ● ● –

Cronifer 2419 MoN – alloy 24 1.4566 X 3 CrNiMnMoCuNbN 23 17 5 3 – – ● ● ● ● 5104

Cronifer 2205 LCN – alloy 318 LN 1.4462 X 2 CrNiMoN 22 5 3 S 31803 – ● ● ● ● ● –
Cronifer 1925 hMo – alloy 926 1.4529 X 1 NiCrMoCuN 25 20 6 N 08926 – ● ● ● ● ● 5102

Cronifer 1815 LCSi – alloy 306 1.4361 X 1 CrNiSi 18 15 S 30600 – ● ● ● 5107

Nicrofer 2509 Si 7 – alloy 700 Si 1.4390 X 1 NiCrSi 24 9 7 S 70003 – ● ● ● 4140
Cunifer 30 – alloy CuNi 70/30 2.0882 CuNi30Mn1Fe C 71500 CN 107 ● ● ● ● ● –
Cunifer 10 – alloy CuNi 90/10 2.0872 CuNi10Fe1Mn C 70600 CN 102 ● ● ● ● ● 3001

Heat-resistant alloys
Nickel-chromium-iron, iron-nickel-chromium
Nicrofer 7520 – alloy 75 2.4951 NiCr20Ti N 06075 HR 203 ● ● ● ● 4035
Nicrofer 7216 – alloy 600 2.4816 NiCr15Fe N 06600 NA 14 ● ● ● ● ● 4107
Nicrofer 6030 – alloy 690 2.4642 NiCr29Fe N 06690 – ● ● ● ● ● 4038

Nicrofer 6023 – alloy 601 2.4851 NiCr23Fe N 06601 – ● ● ● ● ● 4103

Nicrofer 3718 So – alloy DS 1.4862 X 8 NiCrSi 38 18 – NA 17 ● ● ● ● ● 4102
Nicrofer 3718 – (alloy 330) 1.4864 X 12 NiCrSi 36 16 (N 08330) – ● ● ● 4102

High-temperature, high-strength alloys

Nickel-chromium, nickel-chromium-iron, nickel-chromium-molybdenum, nickel-chromium-cobalt-molybdenum – superalloys
Nicrofer 7520 Ti – alloy 80 A 2.4952 NiCr20TiAl N 07080 NA 20 ● ● –
Nicrofer 7016 TiNb – alloy X-750 2.4669 NiCr15Fe7TiAl N 07750 – ● ● ● ● 4023
Nicrofer 7016 TiAl – alloy 751 2.4694 NiCr16Fe7TiAl N 07751 – ● ● –

Nicrofer 6025 HT – alloy 602 CA 2.4633 NiCr25FeAlY N 06025 – ● ● ● ● ● 4137

Nicrofer 5520 Co – alloy 617 2.4663 NiCr23Co12Mo N 06617 – ● ● ● ● ● 4119
Nicrofer 5219 Nb – alloy 718 2.4668 NiCr19NbMo N 07718 – ● ● ● ● 4127

Nicrofer 5120 CoTi – alloy C-263 2.4650 NiCo20Cr20MoTi N 07263 HR 206 ● ● ● ● 4120
Nicrofer 4722 Co – alloy X 2.4665 NiCr22Fe18Mo N 06002 HR 204 ● ● ● ● 4116
Nicrofer 4626 MoW – alloy 333 2.4608 NiCr26MoW N 06333 – ● ● ● ● 4134
Nickel-chromium-iron – standard alloys
Nicrofer 7216 H – alloy 600 H 2.4816 NiCr15Fe N 06600 NA14(H) ● ● ● ● ● 4107
Nicrofer 6023 H – alloy 601 H 2.4851 NiCr23Fe N 06601 – ● ● ● ● ● 4103
Nicrofer 45 TM – alloy 45 TM 2.4889 NiCr28FeSiCe N 06045 – ● ● ● 4139

Nicrofer 3220 HT – alloy 800 HP 1.4959 X 8 NiCrAlTi 32 21 N 08811 – ● ● ● ● 4129

Nicrofer 3220 H – alloy 800 H 1.4958 X 5 NiCrAlTi 31 20 N 08810 NA15(H) ● ● ● ● ● 4129
Conicro 5010 W – alloy 25 2.4964 CoCr20W15Ni R 30605 HR 240 ● ● ● ● ● 6002
Conicro 4023 W – alloy 188 2.4683 CoCr22NiW R 30188 – ● ● ● ● ● 6001

Krupp VDM W.-Nr. Designation UNS BS Available product form Krupp
alloy designation designation desig- Sheet, Tube/pipe Strip Wire Rod, VDM
nation plate seamless- bar data

Heating-element and resistance alloys

Nickel-chromium, iron-chromium-aluminium
Cronix 80 – alloy NiCr 80/20 2.4869 NiCr80 20 N 06003 – ● ● ● ● –
Cronix 70 – alloy NiCr 70/30 2.4658 NiCr70 30 N 06008 – ● ● ● ● –
Aluchrom W 1.4725 CrAl 14 4 K 91670 – ● ● –

Expansion and glass-sealing alloys

Iron-nickel, iron-nickel-cobalt
Pernifer 36 – alloy 36 1.3912 Ni36 K 93600/601 – ● ● ● ● ● 7101
Pernifer 2918 1.3981 NiCo 29 18 K 94610 – ● ● ● ● ● 7002

Production of seamless tubes and pipes is carried out at

DMV Stainless BV using starting stock supplied by Krupp VDM.
Seam-welded tubes and pipes are obtainable from established
manufacturers and are produced from starting stock supplied by Krupp VDM GmbH.

Krupp VDM W.-Nr. Designation UNS AWS Classification BS Available product form
alloy designation designation design-
Filler metal
ation Weld
Rod Wire Electrode strip

High-performance alloys for welding products

Nickel, nickel-copper, copper-nickel, nickel-molybdenum, nickel-chromium-iron, iron-nickel-chromium
Nickel S 9604 – FM 61 2.4155 SG-NiTi4 N 02061 A 5.14 ERNi-1 NA 32 ● ● ●
Nicorros S 6530 – FM 60 2.4377 SG-NiCu30MnTi N 04060 A 5.14 ERNiCu-7 NA 33 ● ● ●
Nicorros B 6530 – WS 60 2.4377 UP-NiCu30MnTi (N 04060) – (ERNiCu-7) (NA 33) ●
Cunifer S 7030 – FM 67 2.0837 SG-CuNi30Fe C 71581 A 5.7 ERCuNi C 18 ● ● ●
Cunifer B 7030 – WS 67 2.0837 UP-CuNi30Fe (C 71581) – (ERCuNi) (C 18) ●
Cunifer S 9010 2.0873 SG-CuNi10Fe – – – C 16 ● ● ●

Nickel-Eisen S 6040 2.4560 S-NiFe40 – – – – ● ● ●

Nimofer S 6928 – FM B-2 2.4615 SG-NiMo27 N 10665 A 5.14 ERNiMo-7 NA 44 ● ● ●
Nimofer B 6928 – WS B-2 2.4615 UP-NiMo27 (N 10665) – (ERNiMo-7) (NA 44) ●

Nicrofer S 7020 – FM 82 2.4806 SG-NiCr20Nb N 06082 A 5.14 ERNiCr-3 NA 35 ● ● ●

Nicrofer B 7020 – WS 82 2.4806 UP-NiCr20Nb (N 06082) – (ERNiCr-3) (NA 35) ●
Nicrofer S 6616 – FM C-4 2.4611 SG-NiMo16Cr16Ti N 06455 A 5.14 ERNiCrMo-7 NA 45 ● ● ●

Nicrofer B 6616 – WS C-4 2.4611 UP-NiMo16Cr16Ti (N 06455) – (ERNiCrMo-7) (NA 45) ●

Nicrofer S 6030 – FM 690 2.4642 NiCr29Fe N 06690 – – – ● ● ●
Nicrofer S 6025 – FM 602 CA 2.4649 SG-NiCr25FeAlY (N 06025) – – – ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 6023 – FM 601 2.4626 SG-NiCr23Al (N 06601) – – NA 49 ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 6020 – FM 625 2.4831 SG-NiCr21Mo9Nb N 06625 A 5.14 ERNiCrMo-3 NA 43 ● ● ●
Nicrofer B 6020 – WS 625 2.4831 UP-NiCr21Mo9Nb (N 06625) – (ERNiCrMo-3) (NA 43) ●
Nicrofer S 5923 – FM 59 2.4607 SG-NiCr23Mo16 N 06059 A 5.14 ERNiCrMo-13 – ● ● ●
Nicrofer B 5923 – WS 59 2.4607 UP-NiCr23Mo16 (N 06059) – (ERNiCrMo-13) – ●
Nicrofer S 5716 – FM C-276 2.4886 SG-NiMo16Cr16W N 10276 A 5.14 ERNiCrMo-4 NA 48 ● ● ●

Nicrofer B 5716 – WS C-276 2.4886 UP-NiMo16Cr16W (N 10276) – (ERNiCrMo-4) (NA 48) ●

Nicrofer S 5520 – FM 617 2.4627 SG-NiCr22Co12Mo N 06617 A 5.14 ERNiCrCoMo-1 NA 50 ● ● ●
Nicrofer S 5219 – FM 718 2.4667 SG-NiCr19NbMoTi N 07718 A 5.14 ERNiFeCr-2 NA 51 ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 5120 – FM 263 2.4650 NiCo20Cr20MoTi N 07263 – – NA 38 ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 4722 – FM X 2.4613 SG-NiCr21Fe18Mo N 06002 A 5.14 ERNiCrMo-2 NA 40 ● ● ●
Nicrofer S 4626 – FM 333 2.4608 NiCr26MoW N 06333 – – – ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 4528 – FM 45 TM 2.4889 NiCr28FeSiCe (N 06045) – – – ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 3127 – FM 31 1.4562 X 1 NiCrMoCu 32 28 7 N 08031 – – – ● ● ●

Nicrofer S 3033 – FM 33 1.4591 X 1 CrNiMoCuN 33 32 1 R 20033 – – – ● ● ●
Cronifer S 2803 1.4575 X 1 CrNiMoNb 28 4 2 S 32803 – – – ● ●

Conicro S 5010 – FM 25 2.4964 CoCr20W15Ni R 30605 5796 – – ● ● ●

Conicro S 4023 – FM 188 2.4683 CoCr22NiW R 30188 5801 – – ● ● ●

Krupp VDM sales offices, subsidiaries and representations

Germany Germany Europe Europe

Head office Berlin Austria/Eastern Europe Netherlands

Krupp VDM GmbH Krupp VDM GmbH Krupp VDM Austria GmbH Krupp VDM Nederland B.V.
Plettenberger Strasse 2 Wittestrasse 49 Tenschertstrasse 3 Stationsweg 4
D-58791 Werdohl D-13509 Berlin A-1230 Wien NL-3311 JW Dordrecht
P.O. Box 1820 Phone: (30) 4 32 40 36 Phone: (1) 6 15 06 00 P.O. Box 750
D-58778 Werdohl Fax: (30) 4 35 29 68 Fax: (1) 6 15 36 00 NL-3300 AT Dordrecht
Phone: (23 92) 55-0 Phone: (78) 6 31 69 66
Fax: (23 92) 55-22 17 Dresden Belgium/Luxemburg Fax: (78) 6 31 58 57 Krupp VDM GmbH S.A. Krupp VDM Belgium N.V.
Oskar-Röder-Strasse 3 Avenue du Champ de Mai,
Management, European D-01237 Dresden 14 Bte 34 A/S Stavanger Rørhandel
sales organization/sales Phone: (351) 2 52 28 06 Résidence Saturne Myklebergveien 4
coordination Fax: (351) 2 52 28 07 B-1410 Waterloo P.O. Box 184
Phone: (2) 3 54 29 00 N-4033 Forus
Krupp VDM GmbH
München Fax: (2) 3 54 36 26 Phone: (51) 81 85 00
Plettenberger Strasse 2 Fax: (51) 81 86 00
D-58791 Werdohl Krupp VDM GmbH
P.O. Box 18 20 Brienner Strasse 44 Bulgaria
D-58778 Werdohl D-80333 München Krupp VDM Austria GmbH
Slavianska 38 Krupp VDM Austria GmbH
Phone: (23 92) 55-25 01 Phone: (89) 5 23 45 37
BG-1000 Sofia Rzeznicza 13/15
Fax: (23 92) 55-25 96 Fax: (89) 54 26 00-22
Phone/Fax: (2) 88 37 58 PL-30530 Crakow
Phone: (12) 429 32 62
Management, overseas Stuttgart
Fax: (12) 429 33 43
sales organization/sales Krupp VDM GmbH Croatia and Slovenia
coordination Am Ostkai 15 Krupp VDM Austria GmbH Portugal/Spain
Krupp VDM GmbH D-70327 Stuttgart Zajceva 44a, Predstavnis̆tvo Krupp VDM IBERICA
Plettenberger Strasse 2 Phone: (711) 9 32 88-0 HR-10000 Zagreb Travesera de Gracia 18,
Phone: (711) 9 32 88-36 Phone: (1) 22 08 56
D-58791 Werdohl 5.o, 3.a
P.O. Box 18 20 Fax: (711) 32 89 30 Fax: (1) 23 33 619 E-08021 Barcelona
D-58778 Werdohl Phone: (93) 2 00 90 11
Phone: (23 92) 55-22 27 Werdohl Denmark Fax: (93) 2 00 22 54
Fax: (23 92) 55-25 96 Krupp VDM GmbH Carl A. Plesner A/S
Plettenberger Strasse 2 P.O.Box 119 Romania
D-58791 Werdohl Klintehøj Vænge 6 Frank G. Schmidt
P.O. Box 18 20 DK-3460 Birkerød Krupp VDM Austria GmbH
D-58778 Werdohl Phone: (42) 81 96 00 Str. Popa Savu nr. 74
Phone: (23 92) 55-25 88 Fax: (42) 81 96 22 R-71262 Bucuresti 1
Fax: (23 92) 55-25 96 Phone: (1) 2 22 75 55
Finland Fax: (1) 2 22 75 55
OY Cronimo Ab
Kiitoradantie 7 Sweden
FIN-01530 Vantaa ESMA AB
Phone: (98) 70 11 90 Domnarvsgatan 8
Fax: (98) 70 22 17 P.O. Box 8027
S-16308 Spanga
France Phone: (8) 4 74 75 10
Krupp VDM Sarl Fax: (8) 36 24 37
30, Bd Bellerive
F-92566 Rueil Malmaison Cedex Switzerland
Phone: (1) 41 39 04 20 Krupp VDM (Schweiz) AG
Fax: (1) 47 16 78 20 Lange Gasse 90
47 16 78 14 P.O. Box
CH-4002 Basel
Greece Phone: (61) 2 05 84 88
M. Calamitsis Fax: (61) 2 05 84 15
P.O. Box 65060
8, Pambouki Str. Turkey
GR-15410 Psychico (Athens) Akkurt A.S.
Phone: (1) 6 72 67 11 Ahmediye Köyü
6 72 67 15 TR-34904 Cekmece-Istanbul
Fax: (1) 6 71 12 74 P.K. 140
TR-34711 Bakirköy-Istanbul
Italy Phone: (2 12) 8 87 14 15-17
Krupp VDM Italia S.R.L. Fax: (2 12) 8 87 14 20
Via Milanese 20
I-20099 Sesto S.G. (Mi) United Kingdom
Phone: (02) 26 25 12 50 Krupp VDM U.K. Ltd.
Fax: (02) 26 25 14 56 VDM House
111, Hare Lane
Claygate-Esher, Surrey,
Phone: (13 72) 46 71 37
Fax: (13 72) 46 63 88
North America Africa India Asia

Canada Egypt Variety (Agents) Private Ltd. Philippines

205-206, Sethi Bhavan
Krupp VDM Canada Ltd. OSAB Trade Special Steel Products, Inc.
7, Rajendra Place
11 Allstate Parkway Dr. O. Abbas 051 4th Ave.
New Delhi-110 008
Suite 203 6, El Nil El Abiad St. Bagumbayan, Taguig
Phone: (11) 5 73 91 25
Markham, Ontario L3R 9T8 Lebanon Square Metro Manila
Fax: (11) 5 75 41 84
Phone: (9 05) 4 77-20 64 Giza Phone: (2) 8 22 05 82/84
Fax: (9 05) 4 77-28 17 Kairo Fax: (2) 7 21 07 74
Variety (Agents) Private Ltd.
Phone: (2) 3 03 51 46
7C, Everest
USA Fax: (2) 3 46 08 00 Singapore/Malaysia/Indon-
46C, Chowringhee Road
Krupp VDM Technologies Corp. Telex: 21 255 ot-un esia/Philippines/Thai-
Calcutta-700 071
10 Sylvan Way Phone: (33) 2 82 47 00 land/Taiwan/Hong Kong
Parsippany, NJ 07054 Samir L.W. El Ayoubi
Fax: (33) 2 82 73 72 Krupp VDM Hongkong Ltd.
Phone: (9 73) 2 67-85 45 P.O. Box Maadi 191
House 30, Street 11 Unit 1301, 13th Floor,
Fax: (9 73) 2 92-49 19 Variety (Agents) Private Ltd.
Maadi-Cairo Fook Lee Commercial Centre
907, Ratna Town Place
Mexico Phone: (2) 3 50-21 12
Raghava-Ratna Towers, No 33 Lockhart Road
Fax: (2) 3 78 31 15
Krupp VDM de México Chirag Ali Lane Wanchai, Hong Kong
Bulevard Manuel Avila Hyderabad-500 001 Phone: 25 27 20 08
South Africa
Camacho No. 80 PH-A Phone: (40) 20 18 53 Fax: 25 27 20 45
Col. Lomas de Sotelo-El Parque Krupp VDM Technology Fax: (40) 20 11 38
Naucalpan de Juarez, S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.
Edo. de México P.O. Box 84
Wendywood 2144 Asia Leong Jin Corporation Pte. Ltd.
C.P. 53390 México
Phone: (11) 4 44-36 20 No. 11, Benoi Crescent
Phone: (5) 5 57 14 71
Fax: (11) 4 44-39 50 Indonesia Jurong Industrial Estate
Fax: (5) 5 57 14 76
P. T. Krupindo Lestari Singapore 629974
Jl. P. Jayakarta No. 24/10 Phone: 2 66 11 32
Jakarta 10 730 Fax: 2 66 15 22
South America Middle East Phone: (21) 6 39 39 33
Fax: (21) 6 39 89 06 Taiwan
Argentina Islamic Republic of Iran Blue Bridge Industrial
Krupp Iran Ltd. Japan (Taiwan) Corp.
Walvoss S.R.L. 1st Fl. No. 37, Lane 96
Humberto 1 1333 P.O. Box 141 55-1979 Krupp VDM Japan KK.
Ostad Motahari 368 2nd Floor, Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 2
RA-1103 Buenos Aires Taipei
Phone: (1) 3 04 87 70 15698 Teheran Ochanomizu Itoh Bldg.
Phone: (21) 890 65 92 3-3, Kanda-Surugadai Phone: (2) 25 65 13 06
Fax: (1) 3 05 06 91 Fax: (2) 25 31 10 82
Fax: (21) 890 02 56 Chiyoda-Ku
Brazil Tokyo 101
Phone: (3) 32 95-45 91 Transcrystal Alloy
OSKn special metal products Israel Industrial Corp.
Fax: (3) 32 95-45 94
Rua Padre José de Middle East Metals Ltd. 10F-1, No. 76, Sec. 3,
Anchieta, 1485 3 Tefutsot-Israel St. Roosevelt Road
Jardim Santo Amaro P.O. Box 870 Taipei
04742 - 001 São Paulo-SP Krupp VDM Korea Co., Ltd.
Givatayim 53583 Phone: (2) 23 67-88 11
Phone: (11) 5 22 96 81 Room 502, Dong Nam Bldg.
Phone: (3) 5 71 53 74 Fax: (2) 23 68-54 75
Fax: (11) 5 22 20 58 997-11 Daechi 3-Dong,
Fax: (3) 5 71 53 71
Chile Seoul
Jordan Alloy Metal Co. Ltd.
Phone: (2) 5 52-63 21/2
Thyssen Aceros y Servicios S.A. International Technical 5/16 Centurian Park
Fax: (2) 5 52-63 20
San Eugenio Construction Company Soi Aree Tai 5
P.O. Box Casilla 3097 P.O. Box 95 02 79 Phaholyothin Rd.
People’s Republic of China/
Correo Central Amman Samsennai, Phayathai
Hong Kong
Santiago Phone: 6 60 49 63 Bangkok 10400
Phone: (2) 2 39 22 34 Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch Krupp
Fax: 6 67 70 69 Phone: (2) 6 17 00 60
Fax: (2) 2 39 23 46 PR China Representative Office
Fax: (2) 6 17 00 62
22/F. Office No. 2-3
Venezuela CITIC International Bldg.
India 19, Jianguomenwai Da Jie
Gunz S.R.L. Australia
Beijing 100004
Apartado 1382
Variety (Agents) Private Ltd. Phone: (10) 65 00 46 18
Esq. Tienda Honda Krupp VDM Australia Pty. Ltd.
301, Kakad Chambers Fax: (10) 65 00 34 66
Edif. Carvallo, Piso 1 724 Springvale Road
Caracas 1010A 132, Dr. Annie Besant Road
Worli, Bombay-400 018 Fordley Development Ltd. Mulgrave, Vic., 3170
Phone: (2) 81-11 01 Phone: (3) 95 61-13 11
Fax: (2) 83-60-02 Phone: (22) 4 93-60 99/-2691 Room 706-707
Fax: (22) 4 95 05 78 Yu Sung Boon Bldg. Fax: (3) 95 61 44 65
107-111 Des Voeux Rd. Central
Variety (Agents) Private Ltd. Hong Kong Krupp VDM Australia Pty. Ltd.
Gee Gee Plaza Phone: (2) 25 41 43 18 65, Guthrie Street
1, Wheatcrofts Road Fax: (2) 28 54 19 16 Osborne Park
Nungambakkam West Australia 6017
Madras-600 034 Phone: (9) 2 44 34 48
Phone: (44) 8 27 45 94 Fax: (9) 2 44 49 34
Fax: (44) 8 25 18 10

Krupp VDM stockholders and distributors

Europe North America Africa

Germany USA South Africa

F. W. Hempel & Co. Sheet and plate Krupp VDM Technology S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.
Erze und Metalle (GmbH & Co.) Corrosion Materials 40, Desmond Street
Leopoldstrasse 16 P.O. Box 666 Kramerville 2148
D-40211 Düsseldorf 2262 Groom Road Phone: (11) 444-36 20
Phone: (2 11) 1 68 06-0 Baker, LA 70714 Fax: (11) 444-39 50
Fax: (2 11) 1 68 06-74 Phone: (504) 775-36 75
Fax: (504) 774-05 14 Middle East
Jacquet Israel
B. P. 61
(Reynolds Aluminum Supply Co.) SCOPE
Rue de Bourgogne
P.O. Box 26885 Metal Trading & Technical Services Ltd.
F-69802 St. Priest Cedex
Richmond, VA 23261 Industrial Zone
Phone: 72 23 23 23
Phone: (804) 281-37 37 P.O. Box 3
Fax: 72 23 23 00
Fax: (804) 281-36 27 Mazkeret Batia 76804
Phone: (8) 34 99 43
Great Britain
Rolled Alloys Fax: (8) 34 94 02
Philip Cornes & Co. Ltd.
Claybrook Drive, Washford P.O. Box 310
Redditch B98 0DT 125, West Stern Road
Temperance, MI 48182 Australia
Phone: (15 27) 51 05 55 Phone: (313) 847-05 61
Fax: (313) 847-02 71 Krupp VDM Australia Pty. Ltd.
Fax: (15 27) 51 03 33
724 Springvale Road
Mulgrave, Vic. 3170
Phone: (3) 95 61-13 11
Chun & Vollerin S.R.L. Strip Fax: (3) 95 61 44 65
Via Veneto 7 Ed Fagan, Inc.
I-20094 Buccinasco (Milano) 769 Susquehanna Ave.
Phone: (2) 48 84 21 60 Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
Fax: (2) 488 26 97 Phone: (201) 891-40 03
Fax: (201) 891-32 07
A/S Stavanger Rørhandel
Myklebergveien 4 Rod and bar
P.O. Box 184 Corrosion Materials
N-4033 Forus P.O. Box 666
Phone: (51) 81 85 00 2262 Groom Road
Fax: (51) 81 86 00 Baker, LA 70714
Phone: (504) 775-36 75
Sverdrup Hanssen Fax: (504) 775-05 14
Kvitsøygt. 95
N-4014 Stavanger The Trident Company
Phone: (4) 89 18 00 405 North Plano Road
Fax: (4) 89 18 18 Richardson, TX 75080
Phone: (214) 231-51 76
Fax: (214) 437-65 69


This series of Krupp VDM production centers in Altena and

reports is intended to highlight appli- Werdohl, Germany, or the Krupp
cations for and the performance of VDM sales and service office
Krupp VDM high-performance nickel nearest to you.
alloys and special stainless steels in All data and recommendations
selected processes of vital impor- in this brochure are given to the best
tance to industry. of our knowledge but without any
VDM report No. 24 provides liability whatsoever. They are based
some of the major highlights and on our own as well as customers’
corrosion data on a multi-purpose evaluations and experience.
material for highly corrosive media. Liability on our part can only
For further information and arise from specific contractual arrange-
assistance regarding the correct ments.
selection and use of our wide range Cronifer, Cronix, Conicro,
of corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant Cunifer, Nicorros, Nicrofer, Nicrotan,
and high-temperature materials, Nimofer, Magnifer and Pernifer are
please contact the Application registered trademarks of Krupp VDM
Engineering Departments at our GmbH.

Krupp VDM GmbH Copyright June 1998

Plettenberger Strasse 2 Krupp VDM GmbH
D-58791 Werdohl Printed in the Federal
P.O. Box 1820 Republic of Germany
D-58778 Werdohl
Phone +49 (23 92) 55-0
Fax +49 (23 92) 55-22 17
Krupp VDM GmbH
P.O. Box 1820
D-58778 Werdohl
Phone +49 (23 92) 55-0
Fax +49 (23 92) 55-22 17

A company of the
Krupp Hoesch Industries group.

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