FeedingBaby0 24m LW
FeedingBaby0 24m LW
FeedingBaby0 24m LW
• Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide
www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index-eng.php A guide to breastfeeding, bottle-feeding
• Dietitians of Canada: www.dietitians.ca and introducing solid foods
• Ellyn Satter: www.EllynSatterinstitute.org
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Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months
When do I start to give my baby solid foods? How do I increase solid foods?
By 6 months of age your baby may be ready for solid foods if he/she: 6 months of age 9 months of age
• can sit up with very little help and has good control of his/her
neck muscles 1-2 tbsp
1-2 tbsp
• can hold food in his/her mouth without pushing it out on his/her 1-2 tbsp well-cooked cooked
1-2 tbsp
tongue right away fruit or
well-cooked well-cooked 1-2 tbsp meat, legumes,
• opens his/her mouth when food is offered meat, iron-fortified egg or fish
meat, legumes,
• shows interest in food when others are eating legumes, infant cereal
egg or fish egg or fish 1-2 tbsp
• can turn his/her head to refuse food iron-fortified
infant cereal
Giving baby solid foods too early can cause problems because: Pureed foods Add mashed and soft foods Add finger foods
• your baby may drink less breastmilk or formula.
• your baby’s stomach is not ready to digest solid foods.
When do I give foods with more texture?
As your baby develops, he/she will be able to have foods with more texture.
What solid food should I give my baby first?
Every baby is unique and will progress to foods with greater texture at their
Start with iron-fortified cereal or meat. These foods
own rate. Be patient as your baby learns to eat.
contain iron, which helps with your baby’s development.
Prepare a tablespoon of food. Offer small amounts to Your baby’s Number of meals Texture of food
your baby on a spoon. development and snacks a day
Sitting with support 2 to 3 • Pureed, mashed and
semi-solid foods
How do I introduce solid foods?
Sitting on own 2 to 3 • Small amounts of soft mashed
Here are some helpful tips: foods with few lumps
• Introduce foods one at a time, about 2 to 3 days apart. Crawling 3 to 4 • Ground soft mashed foods or
• Start with a small amount and increase as your baby shows interest. foods that dissolve - such as
• Meal times should always be enjoyable and an opportunity to learn whole grain crackers
new skills. Let your baby explore food by touching and tasting. We don’t Walking 3 meals • Chopped foods, foods with
recommend tricking or coaxing your baby by playing games or offering more texture, finger foods
sweetened foods. 1 to 2 snacks (such as toasted O’s cereal,
• Try making your own baby food by pureeing meat, fish, stews, vegetables, small pieces of cooked pasta or
and fruits. You will be able to offer your baby a wider variety of foods soft vegetables, grated cheese)
and texture. It also costs less.
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Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months
When do I start to give my baby solid foods? How do I increase solid foods?
By 6 months of age your baby may be ready for solid foods if he/she: 6 months of age 9 months of age
• can sit up with very little help and has good control of his/her
neck muscles 1-2 tbsp
1-2 tbsp
• can hold food in his/her mouth without pushing it out on his/her 1-2 tbsp well-cooked cooked
1-2 tbsp
tongue right away fruit or
well-cooked well-cooked 1-2 tbsp meat, legumes,
• opens his/her mouth when food is offered meat, iron-fortified egg or fish
meat, legumes,
• shows interest in food when others are eating legumes, infant cereal
egg or fish egg or fish 1-2 tbsp
• can turn his/her head to refuse food iron-fortified
infant cereal
Giving baby solid foods too early can cause problems because: Pureed foods Add mashed and soft foods Add finger foods
• your baby may drink less breastmilk or formula.
• your baby’s stomach is not ready to digest solid foods.
When do I give foods with more texture?
As your baby develops, he/she will be able to have foods with more texture.
What solid food should I give my baby first?
Every baby is unique and will progress to foods with greater texture at their
Start with iron-fortified cereal or meat. These foods
own rate. Be patient as your baby learns to eat.
contain iron, which helps with your baby’s development.
Prepare a tablespoon of food. Offer small amounts to Your baby’s Number of meals Texture of food
your baby on a spoon. development and snacks a day
Sitting with support 2 to 3 • Pureed, mashed and
semi-solid foods
How do I introduce solid foods?
Sitting on own 2 to 3 • Small amounts of soft mashed
Here are some helpful tips: foods with few lumps
• Introduce foods one at a time, about 2 to 3 days apart. Crawling 3 to 4 • Ground soft mashed foods or
• Start with a small amount and increase as your baby shows interest. foods that dissolve - such as
• Meal times should always be enjoyable and an opportunity to learn whole grain crackers
new skills. Let your baby explore food by touching and tasting. We don’t Walking 3 meals • Chopped foods, foods with
recommend tricking or coaxing your baby by playing games or offering more texture, finger foods
sweetened foods. 1 to 2 snacks (such as toasted O’s cereal,
• Try making your own baby food by pureeing meat, fish, stews, vegetables, small pieces of cooked pasta or
and fruits. You will be able to offer your baby a wider variety of foods soft vegetables, grated cheese)
and texture. It also costs less.
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Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months
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Feeding your baby from birth to 24 months
• Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide
www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index-eng.php A guide to breastfeeding, bottle-feeding
• Dietitians of Canada: www.dietitians.ca and introducing solid foods
• Ellyn Satter: www.EllynSatterinstitute.org