Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is made from raw peanuts by roasting and crushing to paste. It is very
nutritional product as it contains about 48% protein and minerals. It is used widely as
bread spread. In India it is gradually becoming popular in urban areas. Super market
shelf now can be seen with peanut butter jar. There are mainly two types of peanut
butter based on smoothness of the end product. Creamy products are very fine and
crunchy products are coarse in nature. Moreover other types are made by adding small
quantity of chocolate or fruit jelly. The shelf life of the butter is about twelve months
from the date of manufacturing. It is not required to store peanut butter in refrigerator
or cold temperature. It can be stored at ambient temperature. However once seal is
opened it has to be under lower temperature.
Peanut butter is formulated using good quality peanut paste, sugar, salt; stabilizer etc.
to prevent oil separation in the container stabilizer is added at the end of the process.
The taste of peanut butter varies from place to place. Therefore addition of sugar and
salt is done depending on the local demand. For consumer pack it is usually packed in
200, 500 and 1000 grams PET jar. USA is the largest consumer of Peanut Butter.
For institutional sales, it is packed in larger containers of five and ten Kg. pales. For
industrial applications such as in confectionary, Chocolate, bakery products, ice-cream
etc. it is packed in 200 Kg drums.
The promoter may have experience in selling consumer food products or having
knowledge of sourcing good quality peanuts. Academic qualification in science or food
technology may be advantageous to produce quality peanut butter.
The size of Indian food processing industry is estimated to be at around rupees 12 lakh
crores. It contributes 9% of country GDP and growing at about 10% per annum. With
encouragement to setup food processing parks and incentives from Government, Food
processing sector is growing rapidly. The newer products in the market are being introduced
with advanced technology, packaging and enhanced shelf-life.
There are about ten plants producing peanut butter in India and mainly concentrated in
the state of Gujarat. Most of the existing units are exporting peanut butter to Middle
East, south East Asia, Japan, USA, Canada and some of the African countries. The
Existing units are working reasonably well and some of them are expansion mode.
However they face problem of getting quality peanut as available raw material in India is
highly infected with aflatoxin and it is a matter of concern for export.
While export market is still growing and Indian share is increasing in international
market, back home market for peanut butter is limited but growing at slower pace.
With increase in awareness and health benefits, future looks bright for local sell. In India
institutional sale is rapidly increasing with newer products in the market. Foreign
companies are also putting up their facilities in food processing sector and some of them
need peanut butter.
The main raw material required is good quality peanut having aflatoxin content less than
5 ppb. The main producing states for raw peanut are Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan. It is usually bought in deshell form to prevent dusting. As
shelf life of peanut is short it is purchased as and when required or stored at about 8
degree centigrade.
Other raw materials like sugar, salt and stabilizer are locally available without any
difficulty. Packaging material such as PET jar, plastic pale, corrugated box, sealing tape
etc. are required to pack jars. It is mandatory to write ingredients used in formulation of
peanut butter.
HPS peanuts are first fed to the hopper of conveyer equipped with magnet. It is then
taken in to roaster where peanuts are heated at about 90 degree and cooled in a cooler
with high flow of air. Roasted peanuts are blanched to remove red skin. After blanching,
peanuts are fed to picking table to remove damaged peanuts manually and then pass
through electronic shorting machine. This ensures aflatoxin control.
Split nuts are taken to peanut butter mill where it is crushed to required fineness and
additives such as sugar, salt and stabilizer are added in required quantity. For removal
of encapsulated air, it is taken to aeration tank. For texture and smoothness it is than
pass through votator at very low temperature. After these peanut butter is packed in
required containers using packing line.
For the production of Peanut Butter following category of manpower will be required for
day to day production. Annual wages are also worked out.
Manpower Requirement
Sr. No. Designation of Monthly Number of employees Annual cost
Employees Salary ₹ required ₹. in lacs
1 Unskilled Labour 6,000 4 2.88
1 Production Manager 35,000 1 4.20
2 Supervisor 20,000 3 7.20
3 Lab Chemist 20,000 1 2.40
4 Foreman 12,000 2 2.88
5 Skilled Labour 8,000 6 5.76
6 Accountant 10,000 1 1.20
7 Office Assistant 8,000 1 0.96
8 Watchman 5,000 2 1.20
Total 21 28.68
The project can be commissioned within six months of tying up of finance. There is no
complicated machinery and requirement of space is also small. Therefore,
implementation time required is very short.
The cost of project as per market rate of factory building, machinery, miscellaneous
items, working capital margin and preliminary and pre-operative expenses works out as
Cost of Project
Based on the present norms of the bank, means of finance is worked out as under.
Means of Finance
Total 328.95
Working capital required for storage of raw materials and finished goods, monthly
overheads, goods in process, receivables and trade credit is worked out based on the
present norms of the bank as under.
Sr. No. Particulars Gross Amt. Margin % Margin Amt. Bank Finance
The machinery required for the production of Peanut Butter are as below:
Peanut Roaster, Peanut Cooler, Split Nut Blancher, Cyclone Separator, Picking Table,
Ingredient Mixer, Peanut Butter Mill, Aeration Tank, Scrap Surface Heat exchanger,
Votator, Packing Line, Bucket Conveyors and Laboratory Instruments
Nagar Naka,
Bandhiya Road,
Jam Kandorna (Dist. Rajkot)360405
The profitability is worked out as under after taking into account all variable and fixed
expenses as under.
Profitability Calculations
Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
1 Sales 1156.05 1321.2 1486.35 1486.35 1486.35
Raw Materials & Other 1017.15 1162.46 1307.77 1307.77 1307.77
direct inputs 6 4 2 2 2
3 Gross Margin 138.894 158.736 178.578 178.578 178.578
4 Overheads except interest 28.126 32.144 36.162 36.162 36.162
5 Interest 29.239 33.416 37.593 37.593 37.593
6 Depreciation 15.001 17.144 19.287 19.287 19.287
7 Net Profit before tax 66.535 76.04 85.545 85.545 85.545
The proposed unit will have the production capacity of 1500 MT of peanut butter per
year. The unit cost of power is taken at Rs. 8. The depreciation on building is taken at
the rate of 5% whereas for plant and machinery it is at 10%.
The sales price of peanut butter on an average is taken at the rate of Rs. 110 per kg
for proposed formulations. The selling price of red skin is taken at the rate of Rs. 10
per kg.
There is statutory requirement of FSSAI license for setting up of food processing industry.
Moreover, MSME & GST registration, IEC Code for Export of end products and local
authority clearance may be required for Shops and Establishment, for Fire and Safety
requirement and registration for ESI, PF and Labour laws may be required if applicable.
Entrepreneur may contact State Pollution Control Board where ever it is applicable.
As backward integration, promoter may in future think of producing HPS peanuts from shell
nuts. This can reduce the price of raw material. As forward integration peanut butter
products, such as chocolate, honey, jelly filled etc. can be formulated for better market
access. Moreover peanut paste can also be produced using same set of equipment.
For food processing industry training and short term courses are available at Indian Institute
of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu and Central Food Technological
Institute, Mysore, Karnataka and Ground Nut Research Centre, Junagarh, Gujarat.
Udyamimitra portal ( link : ) can also be accessed for handholding
services viz. application filling / project report preparation, EDP, financial Training, Skill
Development, mentoring etc.
Entrepreneurship development programs help to run businesses successfully and are
available from Institutes like Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) and its
affiliates all over India.
Only few machine manufacturers are mentioned in the profile, although many machine
manufacturers are available in the market. The addresses given for machinery
manufacturers have been taken from reliable sources, to the best of knowledge and
contacts. However, no responsibility is admitted, in case any inadvertent error or
incorrectness is noticed therein. Further the same have been given by way of information
only and do not carry any recommendation.