Sustainability Marketing Syllabus 2024

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Suggested Readings:

● Alexander G. J., Sharpe W.F., & Bailey J.V. (2009). Fundamentals of Investments. Delhi,
India: PHI Learning
● Bodie, Z., Kane, A., Marcus A.J. ,& Mohanty, P.(2020).Investments. New York, United
States: McGraw Hill.
● Chandra, P.(2021).Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management. Delhi, India: Tata
McGraw Hill Education
● Jones, C.P. (2019). Investment Analysis and Management. New Jersey, United
● Kevin, S.(2015).Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Delhi, India: PHI Learning
● Mayo. (2016). An Introduction to Investment. Boston, United States: Cengage Learning.
● Pandian, P.(2012).Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Delhi, India: Vikas
Publishing House.
● Ranganatham, M., & Madhumati, R. (2011). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
Delhi, India: Pearson (India) Education.
● Rustagi, R.P.(2023). Investment Management. Delhi, India: Sultan Chand.
● Sharma S.K., & Kaur G. (2019). Fundamentals of Investment. Mumbai, India:Sultan Chand
● Singh,Y.P. (2000). Fundamentals of Investment Management. Delhi, India: Galgotia
● Tripathi,V. (2019). Fundamentals of Investment. Delhi, India: Taxmann Publications.

Note: Suggested readings will be updated by the Department of Commerce and uploaded
on the Department's website.

Discipline Specific Elective Course- 4.3 (DSE-4.3): Sustainability


Course Credi Credit distribution of the Eligibi Pre-

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DSE 4.3- 4 3 1 0 Pass in NIL
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Learning Objectives

This course aims to familiarize the students with the concept and process of sustainable marketing.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course, learners will be able to:

1. Describe the need of sustainable marketing in view of environmental, legal and ethical
2. Explore the opportunities for sustainable marketing strategies.
3. Identify the consumer behaviour for sustainable marketing.
4. Demonstrate how sustainable marketing can be applied in marketing mix strategies.
5. Discover the case studies of legal framework for sustainable marketing.


Unit 1: Introduction (9 hours)

Sustainability- Concept, Issues, SDG Goals. Sustainability Marketing- Concept, Rationale,

Evolution, Pillars of Sustainability Marketing, Linkage with SDGs.

Sustainability and Ethical Decision Making. Challenges of Practising SM- Sustainability and
Profitability. Triple Bottom Line- An Overview.

Unit 2: Sustainability Marketing Opportunities (9 hours)

Sustainability Opportunities- Marketing Environment; Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning;

Creating Value through Sustainability- Designing the Marketing Mix, Holistic Approach to

Unit 3: Consumer Behaviour and Sustainability Marketing (9 hours)

Unsustainable Lifestyles, Dimensions of Sustainable Consumer Behaviour. Motives of adapting

Sustainable Consumer Behaviour, Attitude-Behaviour Inconsistency in Sustainable Buying
Decisions, Environmental Consciousness; Sustainable Consumption- Beliefs, Social Norms,
Values, Cases of Mindful Consumption and Responsible Consumption.

Unit 4: Sustainability and Marketing Mix Decisions (9 hours)

Developing and Reinforcing Behaviour through 3 R’s- Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.

Sustainable Products, Sustainable Branding and Packaging. Sustainable Pricing Decisions,

Sustainable Marketing Communication, Sustainability and Promotion Mix Decision, Marketing
Channels and Sustainable Supply Chain.

Unit 5: Sustainability Legal Framework and its Implementation in India (9 hours)

An Overview of Legal Framework- Leading Cases and Developments. Role of Sustainable
Marketing in Global Network.

The learners are required to:
1. Perform a role play (as a marketer and as consumers)
2. Make presentations of companies’ case examples where marketers have adapted
sustainable marketing mix strategies and how it impacted their business.
3. Represent their own Behaviour for mindful and responsible Behaviour.
4. Demonstrate how marketers can develop and reinforce consumer Behaviour through 3 R’s.
5. Find out the leading case studies where sustainable marketing has emerged as an important

Suggested Readings:

● Kotler, P.. (2012). Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Marketing Enterprise in Asia,

Second Edition. Delhi, India: Pearson.
● Belz, F.M., & Ken, P. (2012). Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective. Delhi,
India: Willey publication
● Richardson, N. (2020). Sustainable Marketing Planning. Delhi, India: Routledge,
Taylor and Francis Group.
● Peterson, M. (2021). Sustainable Marketing: A holistic Approach. Delhi, India: Sage
Publication Ltd.
● Carvill,M., Butler, G., & Evans, G. (2021). Sustainable Marketing: How to Drive
Profits with Purpose. United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Business.
● Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues. Markets
and Market Development. United Kingdom: Sage Publications Inc.

Additional Resources:


Note: Suggested readings will be updated by the Department of Commerce and uploaded on
the Department's website.


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