AT1 Grammar Reference

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Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 1

Present simple (orainaldia): be Question words: Informazioa eskatzeko

Baiezkoa Ezezkoa galderak
Forma osoa Forma Forma osoa Forma Galde-hitza Be aditza Subjektu-izenordaina
laburtua laburtua Where am I?
I am I’m I am not I’m not How old are you?
You are You’re You are not You aren’t What is your favourite colour?
He is / He’s / He is not / He isn’t / When is your birthday?
She is / She’s / She is not / She isn’t / Who are they?
It is It’s It is not It isn’t
We are We’re We are not We aren’t Galderaren erantzuna ez denean bai edo ez, question words
They are They’re They are not They aren’t (galde-hitzak) erabiltzen ditugu.
What’s your name? Thomas.
Erantzun laburrak
Baiezkoa Ezezkoa How old is he? He’s 12.
Am I…? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you…? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Where are they from? They’re from the UK.
Is he… / Is she… Yes, he / she / No, he / she / it
/ Is it…? it is. isn’t. There is / There are; any
Are we…? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. Singularra Plurala
Are they…? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
Baiezkoa There’s There are
(There is)
Pertsona, toki edo gauza bati buruzko informazioa
emateko, be erabiltzen dugu. Ezezkoa There isn’t There aren’t any
I am Spanish. Galderak Is there …? Are there any …?
The fridge is in the kitchen. Erantzun Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
My parents are from Portugal. laburrak No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.

Modu informalean idazten edo hitz egiten dugunean, be Zerbait existitzen dela esateko, there is / there are erabiltzen
aditzaren forma laburtua erabiltzen dugu. dugu.
It’s a big house. There is a shower.
You’re 13 today! There’s an old sofa.
There are three chairs in the kitchen.
Pertsona, toki edo gauza bati buruzko informazioa

eskatzeko, be aditzarekin egiten ditugu galderak.
Are you from Australia?
Yes, I am. There are. (EZ There’re.)
Is she at school?
No, she isn’t.
Zerbait existitzen den galdetzeko, Is there erabiltzen dugu.
Is there a chair in the living room?

Galderetan eta ezezko esaldietan, any erabiltzen dugu

substantibo pluralekin.
There aren’t any pictures on the wall.
Are there any beds?

Yes, there is. (EZ Yes, there’s.)

Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 2

Present simple (orainaldia): baiezkoa eta Present simple (orainaldia): galderak eta
ezezkoa erantzun laburrak
Baiezkoa Galderak
I / You / We / do homework after Do I / you / we / they help with cooking?
They school. Does he / she / it help with cooking?
get up early.
go home in the Ohiturei edo errepikatzen diren ekintzei buruz galdetzeko
afternoon. edo zerbait iraunkorra edo egiazkoa den ala ez galdetzeko,
have dinner at home. orainaldia erabiltzen dugu.
He / She / It does homework after
Do edo does jartzen dugu subjektuaren aurretik (I / you / we
/ they edo
gets up early.
he / she / it). Aditz nagusiaren forma ez da aldatzen.
goes home in the
afternoon. Do students have lessons in the afternoon in your country?
has dinner at home. Do you do chores?
I / You / We / don’t do homework after Does he have a football match today?
They school. Does it snow in winter in your city?
don’t get up early. Erantzun laburrak
don’t go home in the Yes, I / you / we / they do.
he / she / it does.
don’t have dinner at home.
No, I / you / we / they don’t.
He / She / It doesn’t do homework after
he / she / it doesn’t.
doesn’t get up early. Baiezko erantzun laburretan do edo does erabiltzen dugu;
doesn’t go home in the ezezko erantzun laburretan, aldiz, don’t edo doesn’t.
afternoon. Erantzun laburretan, ez dugu errepikatzen aditza.
doesn’t have dinner at home.
Ohiturei eta errepikatzen diren ekintzei buruz hitz egiteko, Do they go to bed early?
orainaldia erabiltzen dugu. Yes, they do.
Does she have lunch at school?
I have lunch at school. No, she doesn’t.
She goes to school by bus.

Orainaldian baiezko esaldiak egiteko, infinitiboa to gabe

Have aditza irregularra da.
erabiltzen dugu. Singularreko hirugarren pertsona osatzeko
He has lessons today.
(he / she / it), aditzari –s edo –es eransten diogu.
(EZ He haves lessons today.)

I take – she takes

You do – it does

Orainaldian ezezko esaldiak egiteko, do not edo does not

+ infinitiboa to gabe erabiltzen dugu. Orokorrean, modu
informalean hitz egiten edo idazten dugunean, don’t edo
doesn’t forma laburtuak erabiltzen ditugu.

I don’t help with cooking.

She doesn’t have lessons.
Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 3

Izen zenbakarriak eta zenbakaitzak: a, an, How often …? eta maiztasun-adberbioak

some eta any Galderak
Izen Izen Izen 0% 100%
zenbakarriak zenbakarriak zenbakaitzak never  sometimes  often  usually  always
(singularrak) (pluralak) Baiezko nahiz ezezko esaldietan, maiztasun-adberbioak be
Baiezkoa There’s an There are There’s some aditzaren ondoren eta bestelako aditzen aurrean kokatzen
egg. some eggs. juice. dira.
Ezezkoa There isn’t an There aren’t There isn’t any I am sometimes late.
egg. any eggs. juice. I sometimes go to bed early.
Galderak Is there an Are there any Is there any
egg? eggs? juice? Ekintza bat zer maiztasunekin egiten dugun adierazteko
erabiltzen ditugu maiztasun-adberbioak.
Izen zenbakarriek (countable nouns) singularreko eta
pluraleko forma daukate, baina izen zenbakaitzek Maiztasun-adberbioak be aditzaren ondoren kokatzen dira
(uncountable nouns) singularreko forma besterik ez. Izen beti.
zenbakaitzekin, ez dugu a / an edo zenbakirik erabiltzen. Dinner is usually at six o’clock in our house.
The lunches at school are always bad!
Izen zenbakarriak Izen zenbakaitzak
a banana two sandwiches rice two rices I am sometimes early for lessons.
an egg three eggs pasta three pastas She is never home on Saturday afternoon.
Breakfast is often eggs and toast on weekdays.
Kontsonanteen aurretik, a erabiltzen dugu.
a melon a glass a bag Gainerako aditzen kasuan, aldiz, beti aditzaren aurrean
kokatzen dira maiztasun-adberbioak.
Bokalen aurretik, an erabiltzen dugu. We sometimes eat fast food.
an apple an orange an egg He always studies for a test.

Pluraleko izen zenbakarriekin eta izen zenbakaitzekin, some, He often goes shopping at the weekends.
any eta a lot of erabiltzen ditugu. They usually play volleyball at the sports centre.

Baiezko esaldietan, some erabiltzen dugu zerbaiten kopuru Ezezko esaldietan ere bai.
zehaztugabea dagoela esateko.
We never run in the corridors at school.
There’s some food in the kitchen. I don’t usually do homework after lunch.
There’s some water in the cup.
There’s some sugar in your tea. Ekintza baten maiztasunari buruzko galderak osatzeko,
egitura hau erabiltzen dugu: How often ...?
Ezezko esaldietan eta galderetan, any erabiltzen dugu.
How often do you visit your cousins in Amsterdam?
There aren’t any eggs. Are there any eggs?
There isn’t any juice. Is there any juice?
There isn’t any pasta. Is there any pasta?
Never adberbioak ezezko esanahia du, baina
baiezko aditzekin erabiltzen dugu.
He is never late for school. He is always early.
(EZ He isn’t never late for school.)

Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 4

Present continuous (orainaldi iraunkorra) Present simple (orainaldia) vs present

Baiezkoa continuous (orainaldi iraunkorra) eta
I ’m playing football. denbora-sintagmak
You ’re playing football. Present simple Present continuous
He / She / It ’s playing football. (orainaldia): ohiturak (orainaldi iraunkorra):
We / You / They ’re playing football. orain bertan gertatzen
He / She / It ‘s doing exercise. ari dena
Ezezkoa I watch every Olympic Today, I’m watching the
I ’m not playing basketball. Games. Olympic Games.
You aren’t playing basketball. Basketball players throw She’s throwing the
the ball. ball now.
He / She / It isn’t playing basketball.
This team win a lot. They’re winning now.
We / You / They aren’t playing basketball.
We often watch athletics. We’re watching
athletics now.
Am I playing volleyball?
The teams play every week. Two teams are playing in
Is he / she / it playing volleyball?
this match.
Are we / you / they playing volleyball?
Erantzun laburrak Present simple Present continuous
I am. (orainaldia): ohiturak (orainaldi iraunkorra):
Yes, he / she / it is. orain bertan gertatzen
we / you / they are. ari dena
I ’m not. at nine o’clock at the moment, right now,
always, at the weekends, this morning, today
No, he / she / it isn’t.
every morning, normally,
we / you / they aren’t.
often, sometimes, usually
Wh- galderak
What are you doing now? Where is he going? Present continuous (orainaldi iraunkorra) = orain bertan
Why are we doing this? gertatzen ari diren ekintzak
Present simple (orainaldia) = errutinak eta errepikatzen diren
Aditzen orainaldi iraunkorra osatzeko, gehienei -ing gehitu ekintzak
behar diegu. Askotan, now edo at the moment gehitzen dugu orainaldi
watch – watching do – doing iraunkorra darabilten esaldietan.

Amaieran -e daukaten aditzen kasuan, -e kendu eta -ing We’re playing volleyball right now.
gehitzen dugu. What are you watching on TV at the moment?
skate – skating practise – practising
Askotan, maiztasun-adberbioak sartzen ditugu orainaldia
Aditza bokal + kontsonante batekin amaitzen bada, darabilten esaldietan.
kontsonantea bikoiztu eta -ing gehitzen dugu. We often have healthy snacks at home.
jog – jogging win – winning Does she usually score goals?

Orain bertan gertatzen ari diren ekintzei buruz hitz egiteko, Zenbait aditzekin ez dugu orainaldi iraunkorra erabiltzen;
orainaldi iraunkorra erabiltzen dugu. esaterako, hauekin: think, like, love, hate, want.
I am studying for a test. She’s playing football. I love music EZ I’m loving music
He hates sport EZ He is hating sport
Orain bertan gertatzen ari diren ekintzei buruzko galderak
egiteko, orainaldi iraunkorra erabiltzen dugu.
Are you listening to me? Yes, I am.
Is she snowboarding? No, she isn’t.
Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 5

Konparaziozko adjektiboak Adjektibo superlatiboak

Adjektibo laburrak Adjektibo laburrak
+ -er edo -r the + -est edo -st
fast The plane is faster than the car. fast It isn’t the fastest form of transport.
safe A train is safer than a motorbike. safe The plane is the safest way to travel.

-y + -ier the -y + -iest

easy Walking is easier than the train. busy This is one of the busiest streets in
the city.
Kontsonante bikoitza + -er
big A ship is bigger than a boat. the + kontsonante bikoitza + -est
hot It’s hotter on a bus than on a bike. big It isn’t the biggest park in town.
hot Death Valley is the hottest place on
Adjektibo luzeak Earth.
Adjektibo luzea more + adjektiboa
exciting A helicopter is more exciting than a Adjektibo luzeak
plane. the most + adjektiboa
interesting A ferry is more interesting than comfortable It isn’t the most comfortable bed in
a bus. the hotel.
expensive That dress is more expensive than unusual A gondola is the most unusual form
this shirt. of transport.

Adjektibo irregularrak Adjektibo irregularrak

good A bike is better than a bus. good The best way to travel is by train.
bad Buses are worse than bikes for the bad This is the worst restaurant in the city.
Pertsona, toki edo gauza bat beste bi edo gehiagorekin
Bi pertsona, toki edo gauza alderatzeko erabiltzen ditugu alderatzeko, adjektibo superlatiboak erabiltzen ditugu.
konparaziozko adjektiboak. Askotan, than erabiltzen dugu
konparaziozko adjektiboen ondoren. Konparaziozko adjektiboen aurretik, the jartzen dugu.

My mum is older than my dad. I’m the best player in the team!
Motorbikes are faster than cars. London is the biggest city in Europe.
Spain is hotter than Britain. This is the most comfortable chair in the house.

Adjektiboa luzeagoa bada, more gehitzen diogu.

Those trainers are more comfortable than boots. No olvide añadir the antes de un
adjetivo superlativo.
The science museum is more interesting than the art museum
to me. She’s the funniest person I know.
(EZ She’s funniest person I know.)

Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 6

Past simple (lehenaldia): be Past simple (lehenaldia): aditz

Baiezkoa Ezezkoa erregularrak
I was blonde. I wasn’t blonde. Lehenaldiko aditz erregularrak
You were short. You weren’t short. Baiezkoa Ezezkoa
He / She / It was very tall. He / She / It wasn’t very tall. I / You invited them. I / You didn’t invite them.
We were blonde. We weren’t blonde. He / She / It started. He / She / It didn’t start.
You were short. You weren’t short. We / They wanted juice. We / They didn’t want
They were very tall. They weren’t very tall. juice.

Iraganeko ekintzei buruz hitz egiteko, lehenaldia erabiltzen

Iraganeko pertsona, toki edo gauza bati buruzko
informazioa emateko, was / were erabiltzen dugu.
We watched TV last night. I scored a goal in the match today.
My sister wasn’t at school yesterday.
They were late for lessons today. Lehenaldiko baiezko formen ortografia-arauak
It was fashionable last summer. Aditz erregular gehienei -ed gehitzen diegu.
start – started need – needed
There is / There are egituraren lehenaldiko forma da There
was / There were. Amaieran -e daukaten aditzen kasuan, -d gehitzen dugu.
There were two jackets on the bed. like – liked cycle – cycled
There wasn’t anything good in the shop. Aditz erregularra bokal + kontsonante batekin amaitzen
Galderak bada, kontsonantea bikoiztu eta -ed gehitzen dugu.
Was I blonde? stop – stopped jog – jogged
Was he / she / it short? Aditz erregularrak amaieran -y badauka, -y kendu eta -ied
Were we / you / they tall? gehitzen dugu.
tidy – tidied dry – dried
Erantzun laburrak

I was.
he / she / it was.
Aditz gehienak: + -ed
we / you / they were. wait  waited
I wasn’t. Aditzak amaieran –e badu: + -d
No, he / she / it wasn’t. love  loved
we / you / they weren’t. Aditzak amaieran bokal + kontsonante bat
badu: bikoiztu kontsonantea + -ed
Wh- galderak shop  shopped
Where were my sisters? Aditzak amaieran kontsonante bat + -y
Why were mullets fashionable?
badu: -y + -ied   study  studied
Who was the man with curly hair?

Horrela osatzen ditugu galderak was eta were erabilita:

Lehenaldiko esamoldeak
(Galde-hitza) + was / were + subjektua ...? Lehenaldiko esamoldeak
in + hilabetea edo urtea: in April, in 2021
Orainaldian be aditza erabilita antzera osatzen dira
on + eguna edo data: on Thursday, on 14 January
yesterday + eguneko unea: morning / afternoon / evening
Is she at home? – Was she at home?
Where are you? – Where were you? last + eguna edo urtaroa: last Tuesday, last summer
last night / week / month / year
minutu / ordu / egun / aste / hilabete / urte kopurua + ago

Askotan, lehenaldian osatutako esaldiekin erabiltzen ditugu

64 lehenaldiko esamoldeak.   I tidied my room yesterday.
Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 7

Past simple (lehenaldia): aditz irregularrak Past simple (lehenaldia): galderak

Baiezkoa Galderak
I/You/He/She/It/ slept for ten hours last night. Did I/you/he/she/it/ find a job after school?
We/They thought it was a good film. we/you/they

Ezezkoa Erantzun laburrak

I/You/He/She/It/ didn’t for ten hours last night. Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they did.
We/They sleep No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they didn’t
didn’t it was a good film.
think Wh- galderak
Where did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they go to
Iraganeko ekintzei edo egoerei buruz hitz egiteko, university?
lehenaldia erabiltzen dugu. When did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they get
Aditz irregularrek lehenaldiko forma propioa daukate. What did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they do after
go – went lunch?
Did you go shopping last night?
No, we went shopping at the weekend. Iraganeko ekintzei edo egoerei buruz galdetzeko, lehenaldia
erabiltzen dugu.
eat – ate
Did you eat after your soccer match? Hau da erantzun laburren egitura: yes + subjektua + did edo
No, I ate before the match. no + subjektua + didn’t. Erantzun laburretan ez dugu aditza
spend – spent Did you look for your books?
Did you spend all your pocket money on sweets? Yes, I did.
No, I spent some of it on comics. Did they get married?
No, they didn’t.
take – took
I’ve got to take the crafting book back to the library. Wh- galderak lehenaldian egiteko, Wh- + did + subjektua
No, you haven’t. Dad took it back yesterday. + aditza erabiltzen dugu. Wh- galderei erantzuteko,
batzuetan aditza errepikatzen dugu.
see – saw Where did you eat lunch?
Did you see the superhero film last night? I ate lunch at school today.
Yes! But my sister saw it last weekend. Where did he go to university?
He went to university in Toronto.
sleep – slept When did they get married?
How did you sleep through all that noise last night? They got married last year.
I slept perfectly well. Fireworks don’t bother me.
When did you go to Greece?
Aditz irregularren zerrenda ikusteko, joan 78.-79. I went to Greece two years ago.
orrialdeetara. What did you do on after school?
I did my homework after school.

STOP What did she sing at the concert?

She sang her new hit song.
Ezezko esaldietan, erabili didn’t + infinitiboa
I didn’t go to school.
(EZ I didn’t went to school.)

Grammar reference & practice │ Unit 8

be going to planei eta asmoei buruz hitz Present continuous (orainaldi iraunkorra)
egiteko etorkizunerako
Baiezkoa Ezezkoa Baiezkoa Ezezkoa
I’m going to go to an I’m not going to go to an I’m meeting my cousin. I’m not meeting my sister.
exhibition. exhibition. He’s coming on Sunday. He isn’t coming with his
You’re going to go to a You aren’t going to go to parents.
party. a party. We’re going to a football We aren’t going to the
She’s going to visit She isn’t going to visit match. shopping centre.
relatives. friends. Galderak Erantzunak
We / You / They’re going We / They / You aren’t Is your friend coming? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
to have a sleepover at going to sleep at home. What are you doing on We’re having a party.
Archie’s house. Sunday?

Etorkizuneko planei eta asmoei nahiz egin nahi ditugun Etorkizuneko planei buruz hitz egiteko, orainaldi iraunkorra
gauzei buruz hitz egiteko, be going to erabiltzen dugu. Hau erabiltzen dugu. Askotan, geroaldiko esamoldeak
da egitura: subjektua + be + going to. txertatzen ditugu.
I’m going to have a sleepover tonight. What are you doing on Sunday?
I’m hanging out with my cousins tomorrow.
Ezezkoa osatzeko, not erabiltzen dugu: subjektua + be + not She isn’t visiting us next month.
going to.
We aren’t going to visit relatives tomorrow.
Aditz batzuek amaiera desberdina dute orainaldi
He isn’t going to play piano at the recital.
iraunkorrean; adibidez, have, take eta come aditzek.
They aren’t going to take tennis lessons.
Amaierako -e kentzen diegu, eta -ing gehitzen.

Be going to darabilten galderak osatzeko, be + subjektua +

have  having
going to + oinarrizko forma erabiltzen dugu.
take  taking
come  coming
Are you going to watch the play at your cousin’s school?
Is she going to be home this afternoon?
We aren’t having a party this week.
Are they going to play basketball with friends?
She’s taking her bag to school tomorrow.
They’re coming to the restaurant with us tonight.

Geroaldiko esamoldeak
later tomorrow tonight
this morning / afternoon / evening
this weekend next week / month / year
on Saturday morning / afternoon / evening

To preposizioa ez da erabiltzen home hitzarekin.
We are going to walk home.
I am not going home. (EZ We are going to walk to
home. I am not going to home.)


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