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E-Z CAL IP Manual Station and J-Box: Version: V2.03D & Later Installation and Operation Guide August 6, 2019

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E-Z CAL IP Manual Station and J-

Version: V2.03D & Later
Installation and Operation Guide
August 6, 2019
© Command Alkon Incorporated 2003-2019. All rights reserved.
The contents of this document are for informational purposes only and are subject to
change without notice. Command Alkon Incorporated ("CAI") may, without notice, modify
its products in a way that affects the information contained in this publication.
PURPOSE. In no event will CAI be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages
arising out of the use of, inability to use, or implementation of any information contained
in this publication, even if CAI has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for
any claim by any other party.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and may contain
inaccuracies or errors. CAI assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
document. This publication is intended only for the direct benefit of authorized users of
CAI products. This publication may not be used for any purposes other than those for
which it is provided, and it is subject to the terms of the applicable software license or
subscription agreement. This publication and the information disclosed herein is the
property of CAI, and, except for rights granted by written consent, may not be disclosed,
disseminated, or duplicated in whole or in part.
Command Alkon Incorporated
1800 International Park Drive, Suite 400
Birmingham, AL 35243-4232
1 (205) 879-3282
Main Customer Support Phone Number: 1 (800) 624-1872
COMMANDseries (and the names of its components, such as COMMANDconcrete and
COMMANDnetwork), Spectrum, Eagle, and COMMANDbatch are registered trademarks of
Command Alkon Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
Google Chrome is a product and registered trademark of Google, Inc.

2 8/13/19

Introduction 1

Purpose .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Audience ..................................................................................................................................................................1
Revision Summary ................................................................................................................................................1

E-Z CAL IP Manual Station and J-Box 3

Manual Station Overview 6

Manual Station Front Panel ...............................................................................................................................7
Manual Station Features ....................................................................................................................................7
Manual Station Nameplate Label ...................................................................................................................8

J-Box Overview 9
J-Box Layout and Power Overview .............................................................................................................. 10
J-Box Features ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
J-Box Nameplate Label .................................................................................................................................... 11
J-Box Ground Label ........................................................................................................................................... 12
J-Box UL Sticker .................................................................................................................................................. 12
J-Box Caution/Warning Stickers ................................................................................................................... 12

Benefits of E-Z CAL IP over Legacy E-Z CAL Systems 14

Regulatory Compliance 15
NTEP Certification ............................................................................................................................................. 15
CE (European Union) Certification .............................................................................................................. 15
UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) Certification .................................................................................. 15

Offer of Source for GPL Software 17

General Public License (GPL) ......................................................................................................................... 17
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) .......................................................................................................... 17

Network Configuration Diagrams 19

8/13/19 i
Installation and Wiring Guidelines (E-Z CAL and J-Box) 21
Shielded Ethernet Cables ................................................................................................................................ 21
Ethernet Cable Colors (Standard) ................................................................................................................ 22
Water and Moisture .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Mounting .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Ventilation ............................................................................................................................................................ 22

Manual Station Power Source and Supply 23

Manual Station CPU Version 2 Board - Overview 25

J-Box Baseboard/CPU Assembly - Overview 27

J-Box Reset/Default Button ............................................................................................................................ 28
Resetting the J-Box ........................................................................................................................................... 28
J-Box Supply Wiring ......................................................................................................................................... 28
J-Box Power Source 120VAC ......................................................................................................................... 28
J-Box Power Source 240VAC ......................................................................................................................... 29
J-Box Voltage Jumper Settings ..................................................................................................................... 29
J-Box Ethernet Cable Connection ................................................................................................................ 30
120 Volt Power Connections ......................................................................................................................... 32
240 Volt Power Connections ......................................................................................................................... 33

E-Z CAL General Operation 34

Powering On ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Powering Off ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
Operating Plant Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 36
E-Z CAL Displays ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Clearing Bad Cell and Bad Module Messages ........................................................................................ 37
Testing the MPI Module in the E-Z CAL Manual Station .................................................................... 37
If Communication to the Batching PC is Lost ......................................................................................... 39

E-Z CAL Auto Restore / Initialization 41

Setup and Calibration Using the E-Z CAL 44

Operating Modes .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Setup Buttons ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Setup/Calib and System Menu Structure ................................................................................................. 47
Calibration Enable Switch ............................................................................................................................... 49

ii 8/13/19
Digital Dampening 53

Setup Procedures 55

Do This First 56

Setup Scale 57

Setup Counter 61

Setup Moisture Probe 63

Setup Generic Analog Input 65

Calibration Procedures 68

Do This First 69

Scale Calibration on the E-Z CAL 70

Moisture Probe Calibration on the E-Z CAL 73

Generic Analog Input Calibration on the E-Z CAL 74

View Configuration Settings - Info Mode 75

System Menu Options/Functions 77

Viewing Version Numbers 78

Viewing/Editing E-Z CAL IP Addresses 79

Selecting the Scale Certification Type 81

Running the Cell Check Utility 83

Changing the Communication Type 85

8/13/19 iii
Setting up a J-Box 88

Web Interface 91
Information Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 92
Setup Menu ......................................................................................................................................................... 92
Help Menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 93

Upgrading Manual Station Firmware 94

Procedure .............................................................................................................................................................. 94

Technical Specifications 96
Manual Station .................................................................................................................................................... 96
Scale Interface ..................................................................................................................................................... 99
Meter Counter ..................................................................................................................................................100
Moisture Probe Interface ..............................................................................................................................100
J-Box .....................................................................................................................................................................100
Input Modules ...................................................................................................................................................102
Output Modules ...............................................................................................................................................103
Load Cell Color Codes ...................................................................................................................................105
Mean Time Before Failure - Manual Station .........................................................................................107
Mean Time Before Failure - J-Box .............................................................................................................107

E-Z CAL Parts Replacement Guidelines 108

Manual Station Boards ...................................................................................................................................108
J-Box IO Modules ............................................................................................................................................108
J-Box Fuses .........................................................................................................................................................109
Spare Parts List .................................................................................................................................................109

E-Z CAL Informational and Error Messages 111

Index 119

iv 8/13/19

Revision Summary

This guide provides instructions for installing Command Alkon’s E-Z CAL Manual Station
and J-Box. It also provides procedures for configuring and calibrating equipment (scales,
counters, moisture probes, and generic counters) that use displays on the manual station.

This guide is intended to be used by Command Alkon installation and service personnel,
as well as plant personnel authorized to configure batching software.

Revision Summary
Date Version Revision

Jan. 23, 2015 2.03D+ Document created for E-Z CAL IP systems.

Jan. 30, 2015 2.03D+ Revised section on the J-Box Reset button.

Mar. 9, 2015 2.03D+ Added photo of J-Box Ethernet cable connection.

Mar. 10, 2015 2.03D+ Added network configuration diagram.

Apr. 2, 2015 2.03D+ Prepared manual for publication.

May 5, 2015 2.03E • Added cable colors to the network configuration diagram.
• Corrected some of the steps in the section on System
Menu Options/Functions.
• Corrected screen example of the web interface.
May 13, 2015 2.03E Added the defaults for Allowed Grads to Re-Zero (20 for U.S.
units and 100 for Metric) to the Scale and Generic Analog
Input setup sections.

Jun. 17, 2015 2.03E Added section on testing the MPI module.

Jun. 19, 2015 2.03E Changed Probe Factor entry for coarse aggregates when
calibrating moisture probes from .30 to .33.

Jul. 21, 2015 2.03E Updated cover/title page.

8/13/19 1
Date Version Revision

Jul. 24, 2015 2.03E Revised Spare Parts List.

Oct. 28, 2015 2.03E Improved the Troubleshooting section with a list of error
messages and suggestions on what to do.

Jan. 14, 2016 2.03E • Edited the photo of J-Box in the Overview section so that
there are no 50-conductor cables.
• Revised the issue in the Troubleshooting section about
what to do when IO Points turned on by Manual Station
are not “ON” at J-Box.
Feb. 1, 2016 2.03E • Added a section on UL certification.
• Improved formatting of the Manual Station and J-Box
sections in the beginning of the manual.
Feb. 3, 2016 2.03E Improved layout of section on Parts Replacement Guidelines.

Feb. 9, 2016 2.03E Revised the specs on the maximum number of pulses for AC
and 24 vDC Opto Input Modules.

Apr. 1, 2016 2.03E Added information to the Troubleshooting section on how/

when IO changes are sent to the Manual Station.

Jun. 23, 2016 2.03E Added error message to Troubleshooting section regarding
what to do about a Gain - data mismatch error after scale

Sep. 13, 2016 2.04C Added section on firmware auto restore from last known
setup data reinitializing the P-Chip and setting up the manual
station all over again.

Sep. 26, 2016 2.04C Moved all troubleshooting information to a separate

troubleshooting guide.

Sep. 28, 2016 2.04C Changed the firmware version in the section on E-Z CAL Auto
Restore / Initialization to 2.04C.

Nov. 8, 2016 2.04C Added Load Cell Compatibility Chart to Technical

Specifications for Scale Interfaces.

Dec. 16, 2016 2.04C Added a procedure for upgrading / downgrading the Manual
Station Firmware.

Dec. 27, 2016 2.04D Updated the title/copyright page.

Jun. 9, 2017 2.04E Fixed a cross-reference in the section on E-Z CAL Displays.

Aug. 14, 2017 2.04F • Added a section on Digital Dampening.

• Updated sections on Scale, Generic, and Probe setups to
include dampening settings.
Aug. 31, 2018 -- Updated Ethernet cable types and colors.

2 8/13/19
E-Z CAL IP Manual Station and J-Box

The E-Z CAL IP system is comprised of the following major components. Click on the links
for more information.
Manual Station Overview
J-Box Overview

If this equipment is used in a manner not specified in this manual or
marked on the equipment, the protection provided by the equipment
may be impaired.

Manual Station Overview
Manual Station Front Panel
Manual Station Features
Manual Station Nameplate Label
J-Box Overview
J-Box Layout and Power Overview

8/13/19 3
J-Box Features
J-Box Nameplate Label
J-Box Ground Label
J-Box UL Sticker
J-Box Caution/Warning Stickers
Benefits of E-Z CAL IP over Legacy E-Z CAL Systems
Regulatory Compliance
NTEP Certification
CE (European Union) Certification
UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) Certification
Offer of Source for GPL Software
Network Configuration Diagrams
Installation and Wiring Guidelines (E-Z CAL and J-Box)
Shielded Ethernet Cables
Ethernet Cable Colors (Standard)
Water and Moisture
Manual Station Power Source and Supply
Manual Station CPU Version 2 Board - Overview
J-Box Baseboard/CPU Assembly - Overview
J-Box Reset/Default Button
J-Box Supply Wiring
J-Box Power Source 120VAC
J-Box Power Source 240VAC
J-Box Voltage Jumper Settings
J-Box Ethernet Cable Connection
120 Volt Power Connections
240 Volt Power Connections
E-Z CAL General Operation
Powering On
Operating Plant Equipment
E-Z CAL Displays
Clearing Bad Cell and Bad Module Messages
Testing the MPI Module in the E-Z CAL Manual Station
If Communication to the Batching PC is Lost
E-Z CAL Auto Restore / Initialization
Setup and Calibration Using the E-Z CAL
Operating Modes
Setup Buttons
Setup/Calib and System Menu Structure
Calibration Enable Switch

4 8/13/19
Digital Dampening
Setup Procedures
Calibration Procedures
System Menu Options/Functions
Viewing Version Numbers
Viewing/Editing E-Z CAL IP Addresses
Selecting the Scale Certification Type
Running the Cell Check Utility
Changing the Communication Type
Setting up a J-Box
Web Interface
Information Menu
Setup Menu
Help Menu
Upgrading Manual Station Firmware
Technical Specifications
Manual Station
Scale Interface
Meter Counter
Moisture Probe Interface
Input Modules
Output Modules
Load Cell Color Codes
Mean Time Before Failure - Manual Station
Mean Time Before Failure - J-Box
E-Z CAL Parts Replacement Guidelines
Manual Station Boards
J-Box IO Modules
J-Box Fuses
Spare Parts List
E-Z CAL Informational and Error Messages

8/13/19 5
Manual Station Overview

The Manual Station is a backup control panel that allows you to manually operate any
plant device without depending on the batch control computer.
Other uses for the E-Z CAL Manual Station include:
• Quick and easy configuration and calibration of scales, meters, and moisture probes.
• Convenient place to check scale, meter, and moisture probe readings during
automatic batching without the operator having to switch screens on the batch
• Simplified system troubleshooting. For example, LED lights beside IO modules in the
J-Box indicate whether power is being provided or inputs are being activated.

This equipment was manufactured to operate under normal “dry” industrial
conditions. Extreme temperature or weather conditions can and will cause
damage to the equipment and bodily harm.
Per IEC 61010, no operator access is permitted in this unit! Service should only
be performed by qualified personnel.
A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near
the J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate
that it is the Disconnect device.

HAZARDOUS LIVE VOLTAGE PRESENT! This equipment must be isolated or
disconnected before it is accessed.

Each button, light, and display on the Manual Station is labeled to indicate its function. If
this is your first time using the E-Z CAL, spend a few moments to locate the most
commonly used controls such as scale displays and discharge gate pushbuttons (see the
following drawing).

See Also:
Manual Station Front Panel
Manual Station Features
Manual Station Nameplate Label

6 8/13/19
Manual Station Front Panel

Manual Station Features

• Reliability: With easy to replace, low-voltage buttons, which can last up to 20 times
longer than high-voltage types, and easily reassignable IO points, E-Z CAL is built for
the long haul.
• Digital signals are used throughout E-Z CAL, making drifting scale values next to

8/13/19 7
• Up to 12 Simultaneous Displays and 96/128 Manual Controls for E-Z CAL and Phase
V, respectively.
• E-Z CAL automatically tests for load cell failure, potentially preventing bad loads,
wasted material, and unhappy customers.
• E-Z CAL uses a standard PC connected to the IO system with either a single proven
reliable RS-232 cable, or a single Ethernet cable.

Manual Station Nameplate Label

The Manual Station’s nameplate label is located at the top of the left side panel. The
nameplate label contains important information such as the voltage range, frequency,
current, operating temperature, CE mark and NTEP certification number.
Nameplate Label - Manual Station

8 8/13/19
J-Box Overview

The J-Box is an integral part of the E-Z CAL system. Whereas the Manual Station is the
“operator interface”, the J-Box is the “electrical interface”. The J-Box fuses incoming plant
power with a main fuse and sectional hot power and neutral voltages. With the provided
power cable, the voltages of the plant power can be kept in phase and on the same
source as the computer power.
LED lights on the Power Supply Board indicate whether power is on for the Supply Power
and the Manual Station. (See the J-Box Layout and Power Overview.)
The J-Box contains no electrical components such as motors, high-voltage transformers,
or solenoids (refer to your plant drawings for the location of these components).
Plant devices not directly controlled by the batch computer can be wired to be controlled
from the J-Box. Examples are air compressors and cement aerators.

This equipment was manufactured to operate under normal “dry” industrial
conditions. Extreme temperature or weather conditions can and will cause
damage to the equipment and bodily harm.
Per IEC 61010, no operator access is permitted in this unit! Service should only be
performed by qualified personnel.
A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near the
J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate that it
is the Disconnect device.

HAZARDOUS LIVE VOLTAGE PRESENT! This equipment must be isolated or
disconnected before it is accessed.

See Also:
J-Box Layout and Power Overview
J-Box Features
J-Box Nameplate Label
J-Box Ground Label
J-Box UL Sticker
J-Box Caution/Warning Stickers

8/13/19 9
J-Box Layout and Power Overview
J-Box Layout

(A diagram of the J-Box Power Overview is shown on the next page.)

10 8/13/19
J-Box Power Overview

J-Box Features
• Modular design.
• Pre-punched conduit holes (1/2” and 3/4”).
• Pre-punched holes near the Emergency Stop switch for additional manual plant
operation switches.
• LED lights to the left of each module to indicate that power is being provided or that
an input is being activated.
• Key-lock security of both the front door and the Plant Power switch.
• Sectional fuses with neon (Blown) lights per switch bank.
• Factory-installed Relay placement strip.
• Wire raceways to keep wiring neat and presentable.
• Clearly numbered module and plant connection points.
• Emergency Stop switch located on the front door that quickly disconnects all power,
along with a factory pre-wired emergency stop block for customer use.

J-Box Nameplate Label

The J-Box’s nameplate label is located at the top of the left side panel. This label contains
important information such as the voltage range, frequency, current, operating
temperature, and CE mark.

8/13/19 11
Nameplate Label - J-Box

J-Box Ground Label

The ground label (shown next) is located inside the J-Box in the lower left corner of the
back panel. This label indicates that the J-Box is earth-grounded.
Ground Label - J-Box

J-Box UL Sticker
The following UL sticker is located inside the J-Box on the lower right corner of the door.
(The sticker number is different for each COMMANDbatch system.)

J-Box Caution/Warning Stickers

The following Caution and Warning stickers are attached to the outside of the front door
of the J-Box.

12 8/13/19
J-Box Caution and Warning Stickers

8/13/19 13
Benefits of E-Z CAL IP over Legacy E-Z CAL Systems

The following table lists the benefits of the E-Z CAL IP hardware suite over legacy E-Z CAL
systems that use discrete wire connections.

14 8/13/19
Regulatory Compliance

NTEP Certification
Certificate Number: 97-124A3
Issue Date: December 20, 2013
This device was evaluated under the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) and was
found to comply with the applicable technical requirements of Handbook 44,
“Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and
Measuring Devices.”
Click here to download a copy of the NTEP Certificate.

CE (European Union) Certification

The Spectrum VI Batching System, consisting of the E-Z CAL Manual Station and IO
Junction Box, is in effective conformance to the Directives, “Low Voltage Directive (73/23/
EEC)” and “EMC Directive (89/336/EEC)”, including all amendments, as well as the
Standards listed in the Declaration of Conformance.

UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) Certification

Command Alkon has been approved as a UL and UL (Canada) manufacturer and is
authorized to place the following UL marking on each COMMANDbatch J-Box. (The
sticker number is different for each COMMANDbatch system.)

8/13/19 15
Here is an image of Command Alkon’s UL certificate for COMMANDbatch.

16 8/13/19
Offer of Source for GPL Software

You may have received from Command Alkon, certain products that contain, in part, some
free software (i.e. software licensed in a way that allows you to run, copy, distribute,
change, and improve the software).
As part of these products, Command Alkon may have distributed to you hardware and/or
software, or made electronic downloads, that contain GPL (General Public License)
versions of Linux Kernel, LTIB, and Freescale BSD which are free software developed by the
Free Software Foundation.
With your purchase of the E-Z CAL Manual Station, Command Alkon has granted you a
license to the above-mentioned software under the terms of the following licenses:

General Public License (GPL)

Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
The full text of the General Public License can be found at:

Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
The full text of the Lesser General Public License can be found at:
Command Alkon will provide the following information to anyone who requests it (see
our contact information below):

A copy of the complete corresponding machine-readable source code that is

distributed under the GNU GPL for the product(s) listed below.
Customers who choose to modify the original software delivered by Command Alkon for
the E-Z CAL product void all WARRANTY, SERVICE and SOFTWARE SUPPORT agreements
for said product.
Product(s) Incorporating GPL Software:

E-Z CAL Manual Station

Contact Information for Requesting Source Code:

8/13/19 17
Command Alkon Inc.

6750 Crosby Court

Dublin, Ohio 43016-7644

Tel: +1 (614) 799-6650

Fax: +1 (614) 793-0608

Service Dept: +1 (614) 792-0677

18 8/13/19
Network Configuration Diagrams

Note: For other network configurations, see the COMMANDbatch Network

Configuration Guide (NetworkConfig.pdf).

8/13/19 19
20 8/13/19
Installation and Wiring Guidelines (E-Z CAL and J-Box)

Shielded Ethernet Cables
Ethernet Cable Colors (Standard)
Water and Moisture
Manual Station Power Source and Supply
Manual Station CPU Version 2 Board - Overview
J-Box Baseboard/CPU Assembly - Overview
J-Box Reset/Default Button
J-Box Supply Wiring
J-Box Power Source 120VAC
J-Box Power Source 240VAC
J-Box Voltage Jumper Settings
J-Box Ethernet Cable Connection
120 Volt Power Connections
240 Volt Power Connections

Shielded Ethernet Cables

Shielded Ethernet cables are used to mitigate loss of communications errors on Spectrum
Phase V and Eagle COMMANDbatch conversions.

8/13/19 21
Ethernet Cable Colors (Standard)
The standard Ethernet cable colors are:

This Cable Replaces Cable

Connection Between
RTC Control Network
Switch and Color Part Number Color Part Number

RTC Blue 40085 Green 40044-G

EZ-Cal IP J-Box White 40085-W Red 40044-R

COMMANDbatch PC Gray 40085-G Yellow 40044-Y

diagnostics port

Water and Moisture

The E-Z CAL Manual Station and J-Box must not be installed where they will be subjected
to moisture (for example, outdoors, near a sink or in a non-weatherproof enclosure).


Note: Use proper lifting techniques when lifting the Manual Station or the J-Box.
Always lift with your legs, keeping your back as upright and as low as possible.

The Manual Station must be situated on a table or countertop large enough to

accommodate the four rubber feet. The surface must be of sufficient stability and rigidity
to prevent tilting or sagging.
The J-Box should be securely fastened to a rigid vertical structure such as a wall.
Alternatively, it may be mounted to some other permanent structure no more than 45
degrees from vertical and sufficient in strength to support the weight of the J-Box and
associated wiring.

The Manual Station must be situated so that the following free-air clearances can be
maintained at all times:
• Rear: 5cm
• Top-Rear Edge: 15 cm (vertical)
The J-Box must be mounted so that the following free-air clearances can be maintained at
all times:
• Left Side: 15 cm
• Right Side, Top, and Bottom: 2 cm
• Front (Door): 65 cm

22 8/13/19
Manual Station Power Source and Supply

The Manual Station, which is equipped with its own overcurrent protection, is powered by
an A.C. source from the J-Box.

See Also:
Power Cord Type and Rating
120 Volt Power Connections
240 Volt Power Connections
As shown in the following three drawings, the Manual Station power unit consists of two
power supplies:
• The Base Board power supply
• and a 12-Volt power supply for the AAEON 6810 and an optional Lanolinx Ethernet
switch (COMMANDbatch systems only).
Manual Station Power Supplies

8/13/19 23
Base Board Power Supply for Manual Station

12-VDC Power Supply for AAEON and Lanolinx Switch (COMMANDbatch only)

24 8/13/19
Manual Station CPU Version 2 Board - Overview

Configuration Information:
• Install “Boot SD” jumper and uSD card to boot from SD card.
• Remove (displace) the “Boot SD” jumper to boot from flash. (This is the standard
product configuration.)
E-Z CAL CPU Version 2 Board

8/13/19 25
Rear of Manual Station - Ethernet Jacks

Rear of Manual Station - Ethernet Switch and Jacks

26 8/13/19
J-Box Baseboard/CPU Assembly - Overview

The E-Z CAL IP J-Box Baseboard/CPU Assembly consists of two (2) cards, the baseboard
and the CPU card.
Baseboard/CPU Assembly (Baseboard covered by CPU Card except for 5V DC Power Input)

J-Box Baseboard Only

8/13/19 27
J-Box Reset/Default Button
Use this button to temporarily override the IP address settings so that you can access the
J-Box via a known, fixed IP Address ( This is useful when you don’t know
what the IP Address was set to.

Resetting the J-Box

To reset the J-Box:

1. Power down the J-Box.

2. Press and hold the reset button on the CPU board while powering up the J-Box.
3. Hold the button down until the LED’s 0, 1 and 3 come on and stay on (no flashing).
4. Release the reset button.
5. Access the J-Box via IP Address

J-Box Supply Wiring

The J-Box must be connected to its power source with wiring which conforms to the
following specifications: 12 AWG, 300 volts, 105 oC. All wiring must conform to local
electrical codes. In the absence of applicable codes, the use of grounded metal conduit is
strongly encouraged.

J-Box Power Source 120VAC

The J-Box must be connected to a power source of 110 to 120 Volts AC, 20 Amps, 50/60
Hz. The power source must be equipped with a disconnect switch and overcurrent
protection rated at 240 Volts AC, 20 Amps, 50/60 Hz.

28 8/13/19
An integrated switch/circuit breaker is recommended for an overcurrent protection

A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near the
J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate that it
is the Disconnect device.

J-Box Power Source 240VAC

The J-Box must be connected to a power source of 200 to 240 Volts AC, 20 Amps, 50/60
Hz. The power source must be equipped with a disconnect switch and overcurrent
protection rated at 240 Volts AC, 20 Amps, 50/60 Hz.
An integrated switch/circuit breaker is recommended for an overcurrent protection

A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near the
J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate that it
is the Disconnect device.

J-Box Voltage Jumper Settings

A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near the
J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate that it
is the Disconnect device.

By making simple jumper changes on the Opto Board (see the following drawing), you
can control which reference voltages (Hot Power, Auxiliary, or Neutral) the modules in the
J-Box will use.

8/13/19 29
22821 Opto Board Drawing

The non-detachable power cable (part number 21336) must be installed and all
peripherals must be connected to it. Also ensure that the Manual Station is connected to
the J-Box via power cable (part number 25409). See the 120 Volt Power Connections and
240 Volt Power Connections drawings.
During normal operation, the front door of the J-Box does not need to be opened.
Each button, light, and display on the Manual Station has a corresponding LED indicator
light in the J-Box. Refer to the wiring diagrams shipped with your system for the names
and locations of these lights.

J-Box Ethernet Cable Connection

In E-Z CAL IP systems, a single Ethernet cable is required from the J-Box to the Manual
Station. This cable is an RJ-45 (CAI Part No. 40044).

30 8/13/19
J-Box Ethernet Cable Connection

8/13/19 31
120 Volt Power Connections

32 8/13/19
240 Volt Power Connections

8/13/19 33
E-Z CAL General Operation

Powering On
Powering Off
Operating Plant Equipment
E-Z CAL Displays
Clearing Bad Cell and Bad Module Messages
Testing the MPI Module in the E-Z CAL Manual Station
If Communication to the Batching PC is Lost
E-Z CAL Auto Restore / Initialization

Powering On
1. If the E-Z CAL displays are not lit, press the (On) power switch located on the rear
panel. A “booting” message should immediately be displayed. Wait approximately
five minutes for the flashing “POWER ON” message to disappear.

To bypass the waiting period, press the “Setup/Calib” button twice
quickly. This puts the system into Setup/Calibration mode. Press “Setup/
Calib” once more to exit Setup/Calibration mode.

34 8/13/19
Manual Station Power Switch

Manual Station
Power Switch
(behind plug connector)

2. On the front of the J-Box door, turn the Plant Power key switch to the “On” position
(12 o’clock) and make sure the red Emergency Stop switch is not engaged (pull it
until it clicks).
Power Key Switch on J-Box Door

8/13/19 35
Powering Off
On the front of the J-Box door, turn the Plant Power key switch to the 'Off' position (9

• For highest reliability, scale stability, and convenience, leave the E-Z CAL
powered on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except when servicing the
• For plants that use a generator: Before shutting down the generator, first turn
off power to the J-Box, then power off the E-Z CAL. After starting up the
generator, start the E-Z CAL, then the J-Box.

Operating Plant Equipment

• To operate a piece of plant equipment such as a gate or an admix valve, press its
corresponding pushbutton. Most buttons are “momentary”, meaning you must push
and hold down on the button to energize the solenoid valve, then release the button
to de-energize the valve.
• To reset the Agg or the Cem scale value to zero, press the AGG ZERO or CEM ZERO
button twice quickly. You will hear a beep to indicate that the reset is complete for
that particular scale. This can be done to compensate for material buildup on the
scale gates. DO NOT do this while an automatic batch is in progress, or batching
errors may occur!
• To reset all counters to a zero value, press the RESET COUNTERS button. DO NOT do
this while an automatic batch is in progress, or batching errors may occur!

E-Z CAL Displays


• Scale and meter displays show the amount of material that has been batched along
with the unit of measure (kg, lb, ml, etc.). If manually weighing or metering a

36 8/13/19
material, closely watch its scale or meter display so you can release the button in
time to deliver the right amount.
• The displays are also used to show informational and error messages. (See E-Z CAL
Informational and Error Messages for more information.)

See Also:
Clearing Bad Cell and Bad Module Messages

Clearing Bad Cell and Bad Module Messages

The E-Z CAL performs a quick check of the load cells, cables, and electronics
approximately every 10 minutes. You can also manually execute a cell check (see Running
the Cell Check Utility). If a problem is detected, one of the following messages is

Notes: • See E-Z CAL Informational and Error Messages for a description of each
• The BAD LCIu and BAD LCIv messages will only be displayed if the E-Z CAL
firmware version is 1.01D or higher.

The message continues to be displayed after the problem is corrected. This allows you to
be aware of a problem that comes and goes by itself.
After you have diagnosed and fixed the problem, press the “Setup” button. The displays
show something like:

Bad cell found on Disp 1, Module 1

Is the problem fixed? No

Press the Up/Down buttons to select Yes and press Enter.

A message will be displayed for each scale or moisture probe that has a problem. After all
of the messages have been accepted with Yes or No, press the “Setup” button to return
the system to normal operation.

Testing the MPI Module in the E-Z CAL Manual Station

To test the MPI Module:

1. Record the probe’s moisture display reading.

8/13/19 37
2. Move the switch on the MPI module to the down “Test” position.

3. Press the red Test button in the middle of the MPI module until the display stops
counting down.
• If the probe was calibrated for Sand, the display reading should decrease 1.11%.
For example, an initial reading of 2.00 should decrease to .89.
• If the probe was calibrated for Coarse Aggregates, the display reading should
decrease .37%.
4. When you are finished, move the switch back up to the “Normal” position.

38 8/13/19
Notes: • Typically MPI modules are calibrated with a Probe Factor of 1.00 for sand or .33 for
coarse aggregates (see the Moisture Probe Calibration on the E-Z CAL for
probe calibration details).
• The Probe Factor determines how much the moisture reading changes during the
MPI module test.

If Communication to the Batching PC is Lost

Turn the ‘Manual Power’ key switch on the front of the E-Z CAL to the 3 o'clock position.
(Keyswitch is located left of the first switch bank).
Manual Station Key Switch

This allows feed buttons to function without communicating with the batching PC.

8/13/19 39
Depending on local regulations and your company's policies, you may have to turn the
key to the 12 o'clock position before starting an automatic load with the batching PC.

40 8/13/19
E-Z CAL Auto Restore / Initialization

This section describes the process for restoring and reinitializing the P-Chip (Personality
Board) in the E-Z CAL Manual Station.

This procedure only pertains to E-Z CAL Firmware Version 2.04C and later.

If the P-Chip is replaced

With E-Z CAL Firmware Version 2.04C and later, if the P-Chip is replaced, the manual
station’s configuration is automatically restored from the latest backup on the CPU card
instead of you having to re-setup the Manual Station and recalibrate all of the scales.
Once the board has been replaced and the manual station is powered up, the firmware
will detect that the board is blank and the manual station displays will show the following


Restore P-Chip from valid Backups?

Once you press Enter (to select “Yes”), the manual station’s last saved configuration is
restored and the manual station then functions as normal.

If the P-Chip is damaged or corrupt

If the P-Chip (Personality Board) becomes corrupt or damaged, the E-Z CAL’s setup data
can be restored from the last known good configuration.
In this case, when the manual station is turned on, the E-Z CAL displays will show the
following message.


P-Chip Error, Press Enter to Continue

As shown by the following steps, the first course of action is to attempt to RESTORE the
E-Z CAL firmware from the last known good configuration.

1. When the displays show the message above, press Enter.

8/13/19 41
The displays now show:

Restore P-Chip?

P-Chip Error, Select Action ?

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Restore”.

The displays show:


Restore P-Chip from valid Backups?

3. Press Enter.
• If the restored data is good, the manual station restarts and functions as normal.
• If the restored data is corrupt, the P-Chip error message is again displayed as
shown below.


P-Chip Error, Press Enter to Continue

• In this case, the INIT procedure must be performed. This procedure “blanks out”
the corrupted configuration and allows you to reconfigure and recalibrate the
manual station.
4. Press Enter.
The displays show:

Restore P-Chip?

P-Chip Error, Select Action ?

5. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Init”.

The displays show:


Init P-Chip?

42 8/13/19
6. Press Enter.
The displays at the top left should alternately flash “Init” then the manual station
should restart. After the restart, all of the displays will be blank and ready to be
manually set up, and all of the scales will need to be recalibrated.

8/13/19 43
Setup and Calibration Using the E-Z CAL

This section describes how to configure (set up) scales, counters, moisture probes, and
generic analog inputs. It also describes how to calibrate scales and moisture probes (you
cannot calibrate a counter).

Operating Modes
Setup Buttons
Setup/Calib and System Menu Structure
Calibration Enable Switch
Digital Dampening
Setup Procedures
Calibration Procedures

See Also:
System Menu Options/Functions

Operating Modes
There are four operating modes:

Setup Each E-Z CAL display can be configured to show readings for one of the
following: a scale, a meter, or a moisture probe with a variety of options
such as unit of measure, decimal point position, etc. Active displays can be
disabled by setting the display type to “None”.

Calibrate Adjust the E-Z CAL displays to match the actual weight on the scales, or the
actual value of aggregate moisture.

Info View configuration settings for each display.

System You can:

• View system information such as firmware and software versions
• Turn scale certification (i.e. NTEP) on or off
• View/edit Ethernet IP Addresses
• Select the Comm Type
• Force a Cell Check
• Configure the Remote J-Box

44 8/13/19
Do not proceed beyond this point unless you intend to reconfigure one or more scales
or meters!
If you plan to change any scale parameters, be sure you have the proper test weights,
training, and time to re-check the weighing accuracy of the scales. Careless setup can
cause serious batching errors that the batch computer cannot correct!

Setup Buttons
You will use five special buttons in the upper right-hand row of the E-Z CAL to enter the
Setup, Calibration, and Info modes.
E-Z CAL Setup Buttons

Buttons used for Setup and Calibration

Press this button to enter one of the operating modes. Press this button again to exit the
mode you are in and return to normal display, however, any information you were
entering/changing will be discarded.

During Setup, you will be presented with a list of items or with a numerical parameter that
you can change. Press the Up/Down buttons to move (“scroll”) through the list of items, or
to increase or decrease the number. Hold the button down to scroll very fast through the

After selecting the desired item or setting a parameter to the right value, press this button
to accept the setting and move on to the next option.

Check Grad
This button is used to view each scale’s full scale capacity and grad size without entering
Setup. Any time during normal display operation, you can press and hold the “Grad”
button to show each scale’s full scale capacity in its display window. When you release the

8/13/19 45
button, the grad size will be shown for one second before the display reverts back to

46 8/13/19
Setup/Calib and System Menu Structure

8/13/19 47
48 8/13/19
Calibration Enable Switch
To prevent accidental changes to scale setup and calibration data, the E-Z CAL has an
internal Calibration Enable Switch that can be locked. Normally this switch is set to the
“locked” position by your system installer.

Note: You do not need to unlock the Calibration Enable Switch to change the setup
or calibration of counters or moisture probes.

To Unlock the Calibration Enable Switch

1. (Optional, depending on government regulations for your area): Remove the

calibration wire seal from the small blue metal tab on the rear panel (see the
following picture).

Removing this seal invalidates your local Weights and Measures
certification and may prevent you from shipping product to some or all

Location of Weights & Measures Seal

Tab where
calibration wire
is attached.

2. Remove the two thumbscrews shown in the following picture and lift off the top

8/13/19 49
Removing the Top Cover

Top Cover Thumbscrew


3. Swing the front panel and open until it stops as shown in the following picture.
Swinging Open the Front Panel

4. Remove the 8 screws (4 along the top and 4 along the bottom) from the RF Shield
Cover shown in the following picture. Remove the shield cover and set it aside,
along with the 8 screws.

50 8/13/19
Removing the RF Shield Cover

5. Carefully remove the LCI Module Cover Plate (shown in the following picture)
without touching the delicate circuit boards underneath. Set the cover plate aside.
Removing the LCI Module Cover Plate

6. Locate the small blue and white slide switch located on the far left side of the main
circuit board (see the following picture). With a small screwdriver or paper clip, slide
the white switch downward (toward you if you are at the front of the E-Z CAL) to
unlock scale calibration and setup on the Manual Station.

8/13/19 51
Calibration Enable Switch

7. Swing the front panel closed so you can get to the Setup pushbuttons.

Note: When the Calibration Enable Switch is in the down (unlocked) position:
• All displays that are set up for “Scales” will show a “C” as the first
character and an “E” as the last character. This signifies that the switch
is not in the locked position.
• Also when the Calibration Enable Switch is in the down (unlocked)
position, and a scale is at “Center Zero” (less than ¼ grad up or down
from exact zero), an “@” symbol is displayed before the weight.

8. Proceed with the Setup and Calibration Using the E-Z CAL procedures of this guide.
9. When you are finished with setup and calibration, slide the white calibration enable
switch back up to the locked position.
10. Reinstall the LCI Module Cover Plate (no screws), then the RF Shield Cover using the
8 screws.
11. Swing the front panel closed.
12. Reinstall the top cover and tighten the two thumbscrews.
13. Schedule a visit by a certified scale company or DOT representative to re-seal the
cover plate.

52 8/13/19
Digital Dampening

Before changing digital dampening settings, be sure to disable filtering on the
LCI module (see photo below). Failure to do this may result in the scale

Digital scale dampening can be applied to setups for Scale, Generic, and Moisture Probe
displays in the E-Z CAL Manual Station.
The filter range can be a value between 1.00 (No Dampening) and .01 (Maximum
Dampening). The following preset values can also be used.

Setting Factor

Maximum (0.10)

Default (0.35)

Light (0.50)

Heavy (0.25)

Disabled (1.00)

8/13/19 53
Setting Factor

Custom (User entered factor)

A Motion Break Range can also be set. The Motion Break Range value (in number of
grads) is used to determine when the scale is in motion. A higher value means that a
greater change in the scale reading is required to use the “In Motion” values.
Digital scale dampening settings can be changed even if the Calibration Enable Switch is

54 8/13/19
Setup Procedures

Use these procedures to set up scales, counters, moisture probes, and generic analog
These devices should be set up in the E-Z CAL before you set them up in the batch control

Do This First
Setup Scale
Setup Counter
Setup Moisture Probe
Setup Generic Analog Input

8/13/19 55
Do This First

1. If you will be changing Digital Dampening settings for a scale, disable filtering on
the LCI module.

2. Before setting up a scale, unlock the Calibration Enable Switch. This switch does
not need to be unlocked to set up counters, moisture probes, and generic analog
3. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

4. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Setup”, press , and continue with the
following steps. The displays show:

Disp. 1

Select display to set up

5. Use the Up/Down buttons to move through the displays. (For displays 7 -12 the
message moves to the top line.) Select the appropriate display and press . The
displays show the name of the setup parameter, and its value. For example, if “Disp.
2” is selected, the displays show:


Select Scale, Counter, Probe or Generic

6. Use the Up/Down buttons to select None, Scale, Counter, or Moisture Probe then
press .
• If you selected Scale, continue with Setup Scale.
• If you selected Counter, continue with Setup Counter.
• If you selected Probe, continue with Setup Moisture Probe.
• If you selected Generic, continue with Setup Generic Analog Input.
• If you selected None, you will be given the choice of selecting another display or
quitting the Setup procedure.

56 8/13/19
Setup Scale

This procedure assumes that the Calibration Enable switch is unlocked. If this switch is
locked, the display will flash “Setup Locked” for about one second, and then will display:


Setup another display? Yes / No

(Refer to the Calibration Enable Switch section for instructions on unlocking the
Calibration Enable switch.)

1. If you selected Scale in step 4 of Do This First, the displays show:

Select Scale module position (1 - 8)

2. The first time you set up a scale, the number of the first unassigned module is
displayed. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the Scale Module Position and press
. The displays show:


Select system of units

Scale vs. Probe Modules:

Scale and Probe Modules are small printed circuit boards which are mounted in a
row across the top of the inside of the E-Z CAL. Probe Modules are marked “MPI
Module” (for Moisture Probe Interface); Scale Modules are marked “LCI Module” (for
Load Cell Interface). Modules are numbered 1 through 8, beginning at the left. Make
sure you know which modules are for scales and which are for moisture probes.
3. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the system of units. The choices are “SI” (for
metric), or “U.S.” Press . The displays show:


Select unit

8/13/19 57
4. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the unit and press . Choices for U.S. units
are “lb” and “oz”. Choices for SI (metric) units are “g” and “kg”. If you selected “kg”,
the displays show:

5 kg

Enter grad size

5. Determine the proper “grad size”, which is the increment by which the display will
count. In the U.S., select 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 to comply with Handbook-44. Use the Up/
Down buttons to set the grad size then press . Grad size range is 0 to 500. If you
need a fractional grad size (e.g. .5 kg) enter it as a whole number (5) and set the
decimal point position in the next step.

5 kg

Select decimal places

6. Decimal place range is 0 to 0.000. For example, if you enter “1” as the grad size, it can
represent 1, 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001, depending on the decimal placement. Use the Up/
Down buttons to select the decimal place and press . The displays show:

20000 kg

Enter scale capacity

7. The maximum allowable scale capacity is 60000 lbs but can be set to a smaller value
as long as it is a multiple of the grad size. (Example: 40000 lbs is a multiple of 1, 2, 5,
10, or 20 grads.) Use the Up/Down buttons to set the value then press . The
displays show:


Enter allowed grads to re-zero

8. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the maximum allowed grads to re-zero then
press . This parameter represents the maximum number of scale divisions that
can be re-zeroed up or down via the front panel “Zero” button, without requiring
calibration. The defaults are 20 for U.S. units and 100 for Metric units. The displays


58 8/13/19
Disable AZT?

9. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” then press Enter. AZT (Automatic
Zero-Tracking) is used for NTEP certification testing and automatically maintains the
zero balance indication, within specified limits, without the intervention of an
operator. The displays show:

Motion Break Range?

Make sure that filtering is disabled on the LCI module before you
change digital dampening settings in the following three steps! Failure
to do this may result in the scale overfeeding!

10. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the value (number of grads) that will be used to
determine when the scale is in motion then press Enter. (2 is the default value.) The
displays show:


Stable Filter Setting?

11. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the motion dampening filter setting to be used
when the scale is stable then press Enter.
Dampening filter settings and their respective factors are:
• Disabled (1.00)
• Light (0.50)
• Default (0.35)
• Heavy (0.25)
• Maximum (0.10)
• Custom (Use the Up/Down buttons to select a custom factor and press Enter)
The displays show:


8/13/19 59
In Motion Filter Setting?

12. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the motion dampening filter setting to be used
when the scale is being filled/emptied then press Enter.
Dampening filter settings and their respective factors are:
• Disabled (1.00)
• Light (0.50)
• Default (0.35)
• Heavy (0.25)
• Maximum (0.10)
• Custom (Use the Up/Down buttons to select a custom factor and press Enter)
The displays show:


Setup another display? Yes / No

13. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” then press Enter. “Yes” allows you
to select another display to assign to a scale. “No” exits setup.
14. Calibrate the scale (see Scale Calibration on the E-Z CAL).

60 8/13/19
Setup Counter

1. If you selected Counter in step 4 of Do This First, the displays show:


Select J-Box input point

2. Each counter can be assigned up to five J-Box input points for meter pulses. In other
words, up to five water or admix meters can share the same display if they have the
same calibration (i.e. the same number of ounces, milliliters, etc. per pulse). Use the
Up/Down buttons to select an input point for the meter wire and press . The
displays show:


Select another input point ?

3. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” and press Enter. “Yes” returns you
to the previous step to select another input point. This process can be repeated for
up to five input points. Select “No” when you are finished. The displays show:


Select system of units

4. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the system of units. The choices are “SI” (for
metric), or “U.S.” Press Enter. The displays show:


Select unit

5. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the unit and press Enter. Choices for U.S. liquid
units are “oz”, “pt”, “qt”, “gl”, “ig”, “lb”, and “ ” (blank). Choices for SI (metric) liquid
units are “L”, “mL”, “cL”, “dL”, “kg”, and “ ” (blank). The displays show:

1 mL

8/13/19 61
Enter grad size

6. Determine the “grad size” (number of units per pulse) of the meter(s) which will be
connected to this counter. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the grad size and
press Enter. Grad size range is 0 to 999. If you need a fractional grad size (e.g. .5 oz
per pulse) enter it as a whole number (e.g. 5) and select a decimal point location in
the next step.

10 mL

Select decimal place

7. Decimal place range is 0 to 0.000. For example, if you enter “1”, it can represent an
actual grad size of 1, 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001, depending on the decimal placement. Use
the Up/Down buttons to select the decimal place and press Enter. The displays show:


Setup Another display? Yes / No

8. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” then press Enter. “Yes” allows you
to choose another display to assign to a counter. “No” exits setup.

62 8/13/19
Setup Moisture Probe

Scale and Probe Modules are small printed circuit boards which are mounted in a row
across the top of the inside of the E-Z CAL. Probe Modules are marked “MPI Module” (for
Moisture Probe Interface); Scale Modules are marked “LCI Module” (for Load Cell
Interface). Modules are numbered 1 through 8, beginning at the left. Make sure you know
which modules are for scales and which are for moisture probes.

1. If you selected Probe in step 4 of Do This First, the displays show:

Select Probe module (1 - 8)

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the Probe Module Position and press Enter.
Probes are automatically assigned a unit of “%”, a grad size of 0.01, and a maximum
capacity of 20.00%. The displays show:

Select Probe Calib Type


3. For standalone probes, press Enter to select “Classic”. For probes used with PWS
(Precision Water System), use the Up/Down buttons to select “SlopeYIn” and press
Enter. The displays show:


Probe Filter Setting?

4. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the dampening filter setting to be used for the
probe then press Enter.
Dampening filter settings and their respective factors are:
• Disabled (1.00)
• Light (0.50)
• Default (0.35)
• Heavy (0.25)
• Maximum (0.10)

8/13/19 63
• Custom (Use the Up/Down buttons to select a custom factor and press Enter)
The displays show:

Setup another display?


5. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” then press Enter. “Yes” allows you
to choose another display to assign to a probe. “No” exits setup.

64 8/13/19
Setup Generic Analog Input

1. If you selected Generic in step 4 of Do This First, the displays show:

Select Analog Input module (1 - 8)

Notes: • Analog Input Modules are small printed circuit boards mounted in a row across
the inside rear of the E-Z CAL. Analog Input Modules are marked “LCI Module”
and are numbered 1 through 8, beginning at the left. Your E-Z CAL may also
have one or more Moisture Probe Interface Modules, marked “MPI Module.”
Make sure you know which modules are used for generic analog inputs and
which are used for moisture probes.
• Part numbers for Generic analog boards are: 24854 for 0-10v, 25503 for 4-20

2. The first time you set up a generic analog input, the number of the first unassigned
module is displayed. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the Analog Input Module
position and press Enter. The displays show:

Select unit

3. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the unit and press Enter. Choices are “%” and “ ”
(blank). If you selected “%”, the displays show:


Enter grad size

4. Press Enter to accept “1”. If you need a fractional grad size (.1 %, for example), enter
it as a whole number (1) and set the decimal point position in the next step.


Select decimal places

8/13/19 65
5. Decimal place range is 0 to 0.000. For example, if you enter “1” as the grad size, it can
represent a value of 1, 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001, depending on the decimal placement. Use
the Up/Down buttons to select the decimal place and press Enter. The displays show:


Enter max reading

6. Use the Up/Down buttons to set the maximum display reading then press Enter. The
displays show:


Enter allowed grads to re-zero

7. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the maximum number of scale divisions that can
be re-zeroed up or down via the front panel “Zero” button without requiring
calibration. The defaults are 20 for U.S. units and 100 for Metric units. Press Enter.
The displays show:

Motion Break Range?

Make sure that filtering is disabled on the LCI module before you
change digital dampening settings in the following three steps! Failure
to do this may result in the scale overfeeding!

8. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the value (number of grads) that will be used to
determine when the scale is in motion then press Enter. (2 is the default value.) The
displays show:


Stable Filter Setting?

9. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the motion dampening filter setting to be used
when the scale is stable then press Enter.
Dampening filter settings and their respective factors are:

66 8/13/19
• Disabled (1.00)
• Light (0.50)
• Default (0.35)
• Heavy (0.25)
• Maximum (0.10)
• Custom (Use the Up/Down buttons to select a custom factor and press Enter)
The displays show:


In Motion Filter Setting?

10. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the motion dampening filter setting to be used
when the scale is being filled/emptied then press Enter.
Dampening filter settings and their respective factors are:
• Disabled (1.00)
• Light (0.50)
• Default (0.35)
• Heavy (0.25)
• Maximum (0.10)
• Custom (Use the Up/Down buttons to select a custom factor and press Enter)
The displays show:


Setup another display? Yes / No

11. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” then press Enter. “Yes” allows you
to select another display to assign to a scale. “No” exits setup.

8/13/19 67
Calibration Procedures

Use this procedure to calibrate scales and moisture probes. You cannot calibrate a

Do This First
Scale Calibration on the E-Z CAL
Re-Span Scale
Full-Scale Calibration Completed
Moisture Probe Calibration on the E-Z CAL
Generic Analog Input Calibration on the E-Z CAL

68 8/13/19
Do This First

1. Before calibrating a scale, unlock the Calibration Enable Switch. This switch does not
need to be unlocked to calibrate moisture probes.

2. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

• If the Calibration Enable switch is unlocked, you can calibrate any scale or
moisture probe.
• If this switch is locked, you can only calibrate moisture probes. You will not be
permitted to calibrate scales.
3. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Calib” and press Enter. The displays show:

Disp. 1

Select display to calib

4. Use the Up/Down buttons to move through the displays. (For displays 7 -12 the
message moves to the top line.) Select the appropriate display and press Enter.
• If the display is set up for a Scale, continue with Scale Calibration on the E-Z CAL.
• If the display is set up for a Probe, continue with Moisture Probe Calibration on
the E-Z CAL.
• If the display is set up for Generic, continue with Generic Analog Input
Calibration on the E-Z CAL.

8/13/19 69
Scale Calibration on the E-Z CAL

Note: When replacing an existing system with E-Z CAL, use the Load Cell
Compatibility Chart to ensure successful scale calibration.

This procedure assumes that the Calibration Enable switch is unlocked. If this switch is
locked, the display will flash “Calib Locked” for about one second, and then display:


Calib another display?

(Refer to the Calibration Enable Switch section for instructions on unlocking the
Calibration Enable switch.)

1. If you selected a Scale display in step 3 of Do This First, and the scale was previously
calibrated, you will be asked if you want to zero the scale.


Zero scale?

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No”.

— If you select “No”, go to the Re-Span Scale section for a simplified procedure
to readjust the full-scale calibration.
— If you select “Yes”, or if this is the first time the scale has been calibrated, the
displays show:


Empty scale & press zero

Where: XXXX is the live raw scale reading.

3. Empty the scale, attach chains or a weight platform to hold the test weights, and
press the “Zero” or “Enter” button for that scale. The displays show “Wait...” for
several seconds then show:

2000 kg

70 8/13/19
Apply weight & enter value

4. Add calibrated test weights to the scale, and use the Up/Down buttons to set the
displayed weight to the proper value. When the scale is stable, press Enter. The
displays show “Wait . . .” for several seconds.
5. Go to the Full-Scale Calibration Completed section.

Re-Span Scale
If the scale was previously calibrated, and you selected “No” in step 2 of Scale Calibration
on the E-Z CAL, the displays show:

2000 kg

Apply weight & press enter

1. Add calibrated test weights to the scale. When the scale is stable, press Enter. The
displays show:

2000 kg

Enter correct value

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to set the displayed weight to the proper value. Press
Enter. The displays show “Wait . . .” for several seconds then show:


Calib another display?

3. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “No” and exit calibration.

4. When all scales have been calibrated, return the switch to the
“locked” position (see Calibration Enable Switch) then schedule a visit by a certified
scale company or DOT representative to re-seal the cover plate.

8/13/19 71
Full-Scale Calibration Completed
At this point, one of three things can occur:
• The displays may show “Cell output too low.” This means the load cell is grossly
oversized or that there is a wiring problem. In technical terms, it means that the load
cell’s “span” (the difference in its output voltage between zero and full scale) is less
than 1.6 millivolts. A properly sized load cell will have a span in the range of 5 to 15
millivolts. (The E-Z CAL uses an excitation voltage of 5 volts.) Contact your scale
• The displays may show “Cell output too high.” This means the load cell is grossly
undersized or that there is a wiring problem. In technical terms, it means that the
load cell’s full-scale output voltage is greater than 23 millivolts. A properly sized load
cell will never have an output more than about 16 millivolts. Contact your scale
• Or, if all goes well, the displays show:


Calib another display?

If the scale is being calibrated with test weights whose total weight is less than the full
scale capacity of the scale, it is typical to perform a “build-up” test at this point:

1. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “No” then press Enter. “No” exits setup and
returns to the normal weight display mode.

2. Remove the test weights from the scale, and verify that the display goes back to its
starting point.
3. Manually batch an amount of material which is approximately the same as the total
weight of the test weights.
4. Add the test weights back onto the scale. The E-Z CAL display should show a value
equal to the sum of the material weight in step 3 plus the test weights.
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until the scale’s capacity is reached.
6. If the displays do not track with the expected weight values, you may want to repeat
the entire calibration process.
7. When calibration is completed, remove all material from the hopper, and remove the
chains or weight platform from the scale. The displays show a negative value. Press
the “Zero” button for that scale.
8. When all scales have been calibrated, return the switch to the
“locked” position (see Calibration Enable Switch) then schedule a visit by a certified
scale company or DOT representative to re-seal the cover plate.

72 8/13/19
Moisture Probe Calibration on the E-Z CAL

1. If you selected a Probe display in step 3 of Do This First, the displays show:

Enter current moisture value

0.00 %

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to set the moisture to the expected value and press Enter.
The displays show:

Enter probe factor


3. Use the Up/Down buttons to set the probe factor. A value of 1.00 works for most
concrete sands. Decrease this to .33 for coarse aggregates. Increasing the probe
factor makes the display more sensitive. Press Enter when finished. The displays


Calib another display?

4. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” and press Enter. “Yes” allows you to
choose another display to calibrate. “No” exits the calibration procedure.

8/13/19 73
Generic Analog Input Calibration on the E-Z CAL

1. If you selected a Generic display in step 3 of Do This First, and if the Analog Input
was previously calibrated, the displays show:


Zero signal?

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No”.

• If you select “Yes”, the displays show:

Zero signal & press zero

— Apply a signal to the Analog Input that corresponds to a display value of zero
then press Enter. The displays show “Wait...” for several seconds then show:


Apply signal & enter value

• If you select “No”, the displays show the information above.

— Apply a known analog signal to the input module and use the Up/Down
buttons to set the correct display reading. Press Enter when finished. The
displays show “Wait...” for several seconds.
3. If the signal is too low or too high, the appropriate warning message is displayed.
Adjust the signal then press Enter. The displays should now show:


Calib another display?

4. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” and press Enter. “Yes” allows you to
choose another display to calibrate. “No” exits the calibration procedure.

74 8/13/19
View Configuration Settings - Info Mode

In Info mode, you can view configuration settings without changing them.
To check configurations without changing any settings:

1. Press the “Setup” button. The displays show:


Info, Setup, Calib, or Exit?

2. Press Enter to go into Info mode. The displays show:

Disp. 1

Select display to view

3. Use the Up/Down buttons to move through the displays. (For displays 7 -12 the
message moves to the top line.) Select the appropriate display and press Enter. The
displays show the name of the setup parameter, and its value. For example, if “Disp.
1” is selected, the display might show:


Display type

4. Press Enter successively to scroll through the parameters and their values. You will
see different parameters as listed in the following table, depending on the type of
device (scale, counter, moisture probe, or generic).

Scale Counter Moisture Probe

Parameters Parameters Parameters Generic Parameters

Scale module J-box input point Probe module Analog module

(up to 5)

System of units System of units Unit

Unit Unit Grad size

Grad size Grad size Max Reading

8/13/19 75
Scale Counter Moisture Probe
Parameters Parameters Parameters Generic Parameters

Scale Capacity Allowed grads to re-


Allowed grads to re- Ch. B Value


Ch. B value

Disable AZT (Yes/


5. When you reach the end of the parameter list for the device, the displays show:


View another display?

6. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “Yes” or “No” then press Enter. “Yes” allows you
to choose another display to view. “No” exits Info mode.

76 8/13/19
System Menu Options/Functions

From the System menu, you can perform the following operations:
Viewing Version Numbers
Viewing/Editing E-Z CAL IP Addresses
Selecting the Scale Certification Type
Running the Cell Check Utility
Changing the Communication Type
Setting up a J-Box

You can perform some of the operations mentioned above from the Web

8/13/19 77
Viewing Version Numbers

Perform the following steps to view the Firmware, Scale, and CPLD version numbers.

1. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “System”. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

3. Press Enter. The displays show the last submenu that was accessed (Version is shown
in our example):


Select System Option

4. Press Enter to see the Firmware Version, Scale Version, and CPLD Version.
5. Press Enter to exit and go back to the main System menu.

78 8/13/19
Viewing/Editing E-Z CAL IP Addresses

Use this procedure to view/edit the IP Addresses for the Manual Station.

1. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “System”. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

3. Press Enter. The displays show the last submenu that was accessed (Version is shown
in our example):


Select System Option

4. Press the Up/Down buttons until the displays show:


Select System Option

5. Press Enter. The displays show the current IP Address of the ETH0 port on the E-Z
CAL’s CPU card.

Current ETH0

192. 168. 77 . 200

6. If the IP Address is correct, press Enter to view the IP Address of the ETH1 port.

8/13/19 79
7. If the IP Address is not correct, press the Up/Down buttons until the displays show:

Select ETH0

192. 168. 77 . 200

a) Press Enter. The displays show:

New ETH0 !Warning Reboot

192. 168. 77 . 200

b) To change the first octet of ETH0 port’s IP Address, press the Up/Down buttons
until you see the number you want. Then press Enter to accept and move to the
next octet. Repeat this process for the remaining octets. Pressing Enter from the
last octet (200 in the example above) displays the IP Address of the ETH1 port
(shown below).

Current ETH1

192. 168. 79. 200

8. You can repeat step 7 above to change the IP Address of the ETH1 port.
9. Press Enter when you are finished. You are prompted to reboot.



10. Do one of the following:

a) Use the Up/Down buttons to select No and return to the main (Info) menu.
b) Press Enter to reboot.

80 8/13/19
Selecting the Scale Certification Type

Perform this operation to select the scale certification type (NTEP or OFF).

1. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “System”. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

3. Press Enter. The displays show the last submenu that was accessed (Version is shown
in our example):


Select System Option

4. Press the Up/Down buttons until the displays show:


Select System Option

5. Press Enter then press the Up/Down buttons until the displays look like one of the
following examples, depending on whether you want to turn on NTEP certification:


Current Certif Type

8/13/19 81


Current Certif Type

6. If the current Certif Type is correct, press Enter to exit and go back to the main (Info)
7. If you want to change the Certif Type, use the Up/Down buttons to toggle “Current”
to “Select”.


Select Certif Type

8. Press Enter. The displays show:


New Certif Type

9. Use the Up/Down buttons to change the Certif Type then press Enter to go back to
the main (Info) menu.

82 8/13/19
Running the Cell Check Utility

Run this utility to check all available modules in the Manual Station.

1. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “System”. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

3. Press Enter. The displays show the last submenu that was accessed (Version is shown
in our example):


Select System Option

4. Press the Up/Down buttons until the displays show:


Select System Option

5. Press Enter. The displays now show:

Cell Ck

Select Utility Option

6. Press Enter to start Cell Check.

8/13/19 83
7. When the displays show the following message, Cell Check is complete.

Check Cell Done

Press Enter

8. Press Enter then press the “Setup/Calib” button to exit the Setup/Calib menu and go
back to the live displays. If a module is not working properly, “Bad Cell” appears in
that module’s display.

84 8/13/19
Changing the Communication Type

Communications between the E-Z CAL and COMMANDbatch can use either an RS-232 or
an Ethernet connection. Both communication types provide identical functionality and
serial communication messaging between the E-Z CAL and COMMANDbatch. However,
an Ethernet connection allows COMMANDbatch to communicate with devices that run on
the EtherNet/IP industrial communications protocol. An example is a scale indicator.
To change the Communication (Comm) Type:

1. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “System”. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

3. Press Enter. The displays show the last submenu that was accessed (Version is shown
in our example):


Select System Option

4. Press the Up/Down buttons until the displays show:


Select System Option

5. Press Enter. The displays show the current Comm Type that was saved.


8/13/19 85
Current Comm Type !Warning Reboot



Current Comm Type !Warning Reboot

6. If the current Comm Type is correct, press Enter to exit and go back to the main
(Info) menu.
7. If you want to change the Comm Type, use the Up/Down buttons to toggle “Current”
to “Select”.


Select Comm Type !Warning Reboot

8. Press Enter. The displays now show:


New Comm Type !Warning Reboot

9. Press the Up/Down buttons to select the other Comm Type.


New Comm Type !Warning Reboot

10. Press Enter. You are prompted to reboot.



11. Do one of the following:

• Use the Up/Down buttons to select No and return to the main (Info) menu.
• Press Enter to reboot.

86 8/13/19
12. Open the Interface Parameters form in COMMANDbatch and make the following
changes to the E-Z CAL Manual Station record:
• In the Connection field, select “Serial” for an RS-232 connection, or “Ethernet
TCP/IP” for an Ethernet connection).
• If you selected “Ethernet TCP/IP” in the Connection field, then on the TCP/IP tab
enter as the IP Address.

8/13/19 87
Setting up a J-Box

1. Press the “Setup/Calib” button. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select “System”. The displays show:


Select Menu Option

3. Press Enter. The displays show the last submenu that was accessed (Version is shown
in our example):


Select System Option

4. Press the Up/Down buttons until the displays show:


Select System Option

5. Press Enter. The displays show the current J-Box type (E-Z CAL, Phase V, or Off).


Current J-Box Type !Warning Reboot

6. If the current J-Box type is correct, press Enter to exit an go back to the main (Info)

88 8/13/19
7. If you want to change the J-Box type, press the Up/Down buttons to toggle
“Current” to “Select”.


Select J-Box Type !Warning Reboot

8. Press Enter. The displays show:


New J-Box Type !Warning Reboot

9. Use the Up/Down buttons to change the J-Box type then press Enter. The displays

Current E-Z CAL J-Box IP Addr

192. 168. 77 . 210

10. Press Enter. The displays show:

Enter E-Z CAL J-Box IP Addr !Warning Reboot

192. 168. 77 . 210

11. If the IP Address is correct, press Enter until you are prompted to reboot.
12. If the IP Address is not correct, do the following:
a) Press the Up/Down buttons to change the first octet of the IP Address (192 in
our example). Then press Enter to accept and move to the next octet.
b) Repeat this process for the remaining octets.
13. Press Enter when you are finished. You are prompted to reboot.



14. Do one of the following:

8/13/19 89
c) Use the Up/Down buttons to select No and return to the main (Info) menu.
d) Press Enter to reboot.

See Also:
J-Box Reset/Default Button

90 8/13/19
Web Interface

The web interface can be used to view version numbers, IP Addresses, and various
configuration details about the Manual Station and J-Box. It can also be used to edit IP
Addresses, upgrade the firmware, and access this manual.
To access the web interface:
Open a browser window and enter one of the following IP Addresses: for the Manual Station for the J-Box
The following screen example shows the web interface that is displayed for the E-Z CAL
Manual Station.

Note: The following example shows the web interface for the E-Z CAL Manual
Station running from Onboard Flash. Systems SHOULD NOT be run from the
SD Card unless the Flash Chip is not bootable!

Three top-level menus are listed across the top of the web application.

See Also:
Information Menu

8/13/19 91
Setup Menu
Help Menu

Information Menu

The Information menu has the following submenus:

Device Information Shows read-only configuration information about the Manual Station or
the J-Box, depending on the IP Address entered in the browser. Device
information includes:
• Software boot location (SD Card or Flash Chip)
• Version numbers (Hardware, CPLD, Application and Web)
• IP Addresses (ETH0 - primary, ETH1 - spare)
• System Logging (Disabled, Log to disk, Log to console, Log to
console & disk)

View Log File Displays the log file for the Manual Station or J-Box.

View Config File Displays the configuration file for the Manual Station or J-Box.

Setup Menu

92 8/13/19
The Setup menu has the following submenus:

Configuration (For the Manual Station):

• View or edit the IP Addresses of the ETH0 and ETH1 ports.
• Change the Logging type (Disabled, Log to disk, Log to console, Log
to console & disk).
• Change the Comm Type (Ethernet, RS-232)
• Change the J-Box Type (E-Z CAL IP JBox, Phase V JBox, None)
(For the J-Box):
• View or edit the IP Addresses of the ETH0 and ETH1 ports.
• Change the Logging type (Disabled, Log to disk, Log to console, Log
to console & disk).

Backup Allows you to back up to a location on your PC.

Restore Allows you to restore from a backup file on your PC. The backup is
restored to the SD Card or Flash Chip, depending on which one the
firmware is running on.

Upgrade Allows you to upgrade the firmware from a file on your PC. If you are
running from SD Card, you can only upgrade the SD Card. If you are
running from Flash Chip, you can upgrade the Flash Chip or the SD Card.

Flash Loads the firmware onto the onboard Flash Chip, which is the normal
running location. By default, configuration files are loaded if none
already exist; but you can select the option for overwriting configuration
Note: Systems should not be run from the SD Card unless the flash is
not bootable.

Reboot Reboots the firmware.

Help Menu

Opens the E-Z CAL IP Installation & Operation Guide.

8/13/19 93
Upgrading Manual Station Firmware

The prerequisites for this procedure are:

• Current GA Manual Station Firmware (2.04A or later)
• Network connection to Manual Station on the 192.168.77 subnet
• E-Z CAL Firmware File

To upgrade the manual station firmware:

1. Locate and install the “Boot From SD” jumper on the CPU board.

2. Open a browser window and navigate to http://

Note: If you do not see the DEVICE Information web page for your Manual
Station, check your network connection.

3. From the Web page, select “Setup / Upgrade” at the top of the page.
4. Click the “Browse” button and navigate to the E-Z CAL Firmware File.
5. Click “Upgrade”.
6. When you see a message stating that the software has been verified, click Continue.
When your Manual Station restarts, you should see the new version number at
startup, meaning the SD Card is now upgraded.
7. Power down the manual station and remove the “Boot From SD” jumper (or position
it as shown in the photo below).

94 8/13/19
8. Repeat Steps 2-6.
When your Manual Station restarts, you should see the new version number at
startup, meaning the CPU board is now upgraded.

8/13/19 95
Technical Specifications

Manual Station
Scale Interface
Meter Counter
Moisture Probe Interface
Input Modules
Output Modules
Load Cell Color Codes
Mean Time Before Failure - Manual Station
Mean Time Before Failure - J-Box

Manual Station

This equipment was manufactured to operate under normal “dry” industrial
conditions. Extreme temperature or weather conditions can and will cause
damage to the equipment and bodily harm.
Per IEC 61010, no operator access is permitted in this unit! Service should only be
performed by qualified personnel.
A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near the
J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate that it
is the Disconnect device.

HAZARDOUS LIVE VOLTAGE PRESENT! This equipment must be isolated or
disconnected before it is accessed.

Note: A certified representative of Command Alkon should make monthly inspections

of this unit’s interior.

96 8/13/19
Voltage - when used 110 to 120 VAC.
with 120VAC J-Box

Voltage - when used 200 to 240 VAC.

with 240VAC J-Box

Frequency 50/60 Hz.

Current 5 Amp.

Power Supply Range 90 to 260 VAC, 49.5 to 60.5 Hz.

Power Cord Type SJTO, 3-conductor plastic detachable, black, 26’ with C19 female plug,
and Rating Temperature Rating: 60 oC,AWG Stranding 14,Rating: 1250 Watts 10A-

Radio Frequency Displays will not change by more than one division in the presence of
Interference “normal” RF fields. A normal scenario is defined as a 5-watt hand-held
radio operated at least one meter from the E-Z CAL, within the
commercial radio bands between 27 and 460 MHz.

Operating +10oC to +40oC.


Storage -20oC to +50oC.


Relative Humidity 10% to 90%, non-condensing.

Altitude 0 to 3000 m.

Weight 25 lbs.

Dimensions Height: 17 5/8”, Width: 18 1/4”, Depth: 3 7/8” (5 1/4” with power supply).

Maximum Display 6 characters, including a decimal point.

Capacity Maximum scale capacity that can be entered:
• 60000 for whole integer precision graduations
• 6000.0 for one decimal precision graduations
• 600.00 for two decimal precision graduations
• 60.000 for three decimal precision graduations

Minimum Scale 0.001.

Division Size

Maximum Scale 500 (You must limit your choice of scale division size to decimal multiples
Division Size of 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 to comply with NIST Handbook - 44.)

Agency Sealing Lead-wire seal, inserted through the protruding edge of a metal shield on
Method the underside of the enclosure. The shield prevents access to any
components that can affect the weighing integrity of the device.

8/13/19 97
Labeling The names of the scale materials, scale capacities, and division sizes are
printed on labels which are inserted from the edge of the front control
panel, and are protected from abuse by a clear overlay.
All operator controls and field-installable connectors are labeled
according to their use.
The equipment identification label is a permanent, adhesive, destructible
mylar label at the top of the left side panel. A unique serial number is
added at the Command Alkon factory with an indelible ink marker or

Cleaning Clean the exterior of the Manual Station with a mild soap solution and a
soft towel. No liquids should be introduced to the interior of the Manual

98 8/13/19
Scale Interface
Number of Scale 4000 maximum.

Under-Zero The display shows negative weight values below the calibrated zero
point. The value “- 0" does not occur.

Over-Capacity The display shows “OVER” if the weight value exceeds the programmed
scale capacity value.

Full-Scale Input 1.6 mV to 23.5 mV (11% to 155% of a 3 mV/V load cell).

Load Cell Excitation 5 VDC, 60 mA (4 350-ohm load cells).

Load Cell Wiring Each load cell must be wired with a shielded 6-conductor cable,
terminating at the Command Alkon Manual Station or Calibration Box.
The cable must meet the following specifications:
• Wire Gauge: #20 - 24
• Overall Cable Diameter: 0.32" max
• Insulation Material: PVC, teflon
• Shield: 85% min, 100% preferred
• Length: 1300' max
• Suggested Type: Belden 9536 (Command Alkon PN-19320)
All load cell connections or cable splices must be made in waterproof
enclosures in accordance with accepted scale industry methods.

Dead-Load Offset 0 mV to 13 mV (0% to 85% of a 3 mV/V load cell).

Load Cell When replacing an existing system with E-Z CAL, use the following table
Compatibility Chart to ensure that the calibration process will be successful.

8/13/19 99
Meter Counter
Maximum Number Limited only by display capacity.
of Counts

Maximum Count Opto Input Module (AC):15 pulses per second

Rate (at 50% Duty Opto Input Module (24 vDC):35 pulses per second

Moisture Probe Interface

Capacity 20.00% x .01%.

Moisture Probe The Moisture Probe must be wired with a shielded 6-conductor cable,
Wiring terminating at the Command Alkon Manual Station. The cable must meet
the following specifications:
• Wire Gauge: #l8 (1300' max) - #24 (300' max)
• Overall Cable Diameter: 0.32" max
• Insulation Material: PVC, teflon
• Shield: 85% min, l00 preferred
• Suggested Type:
• Belden 9536 (Command Alkon PN-l9320) 300' max
• Belden 9506 (Command Alkon PN-20393) l300' max


This equipment was manufactured to operate under normal “dry” industrial
conditions. Extreme temperature or weather conditions can and will cause
damage to the equipment and bodily harm.
Per IEC 61010, no operator access is permitted in this unit! Service should only be
performed by qualified personnel.
A Circuit Breaker (rated at 20 Amperes 240 Volts AC) should be installed near the
J-Box, be easily distinguishable from other controls, and labeled to indicate that it
is the Disconnect device.

HAZARDOUS LIVE VOLTAGE PRESENT! This equipment must be isolated or
disconnected before it is accessed.

Note: An earth ground connection must be installed according to local building code
and industrial requirements.

100 8/13/19
Voltage - 120VAC J- 110 to 120 VAC.

Voltage - 240VAC J- 200 to 240 VAC.


Frequency 50/60 Hz.

Current 20 Amp.

Plant Outputs - 3A Each Max. 10A Total.

120VAC J-Box

Plant Outputs - 1A Each Max. 10A Total.

240VAC J-Box

Power Supply Range 90 to 260 VAC, 49.5 to 60.5 Hz.

Weight 95 lbs.

Dimensions Height: 30 1/4”, Width: 24 3/8”, Depth: 8 5/8”.

Note: Use proper lifting techniques when lifting the Manual Station or
the J-Box. Always lift with your legs, keeping your back as
straight up and down as possible. Two people should be used to
lift the J-Box.

Operating +10oC to +40oC.


Storage -20oC to +50oC.


Relative Humidity 10% to 90%, non-condensing.

Altitude 0 to 3000 m.

Maximum Number 24.

of Plant Connections
per Board

Cleaning Clean the exterior of the J-Box with a mild soap solution and a soft towel.
No liquids should be introduced to the interior of the J-Box!

Labeling All operator controls and field-installable connectors are labeled

according to their use.
The equipment identification label is a permanent, adhesive, destructible
mylar label at the top of the left side panel. A unique serial number is
added at the Command Alkon factory with an indelible ink marker or

8/13/19 101
Input Modules

Input Module Voltage CAI Part No.

Crydom M-IDC5N 12 VDC 24900-A

Crydom M-IDC5N 24 VAC 24900-A

Grayhill 70M-IAC5 120 VAC 22828

Grayhill 70M-IAC5A 240 VAC 22830

Crydom Input Modules - General Specs

Crydom Input Module M-IDC5N

102 8/13/19
Grayhill Input Module 70M - General

Grayhill Input Module 70M-IAC5

Grayhill Input Module 70M-IAC5A

Output Modules

Output Module Voltage CAI Part No.

Grayhill 70M-ODC5 12 VDC 24465

Crydom M-OACUA (M-OAC5A) 24 VAC 25524

8/13/19 103
Output Module Voltage CAI Part No.

Crydom M-OACUA (M-OAC5A) 120 VAC 25524

Crydom M-OACUA (M-OAC5A) 240 VAC 25524

Grayhill Output Module 70M - General

Grayhill Output Module 70M-OCD5

104 8/13/19
Crydom Output Module M-OAC5A

Load Cell Color Codes

+ - + - + -
Manufacturer Excitation Excitation Signal Signal Shield Sense Sense










8/13/19 105



















Sensortronics RED BLACK GREEN WHITE Bare





Huntleigh N



106 8/13/19



• Color code complies with ISA S37.8-1975 “Specifications for Tests for strain gauge
force transducers” also per Western Regional Strain Gauge Committee Standard.
• This cross reference chart allows you to replace one brand load cell with another
when they have the same output (mv/v) and the same physical size.
• To correct an instrument that displays a weight in the wrong direction, interchange
the +Output and -Output connections.
Example: If the load on the scale is increasing and the instrument display is
decreasing, reverse the Output connections. Do not reverse the Excitation
connections. The readout should now display increasing readings with increasing
This information was reprinted with the permission of Totalcomp, Inc., 13-01 Pollitt Drive,
Fair Lawn NJ 07410
201-797-2718, 800-631-0347
©Copyright 1996 Totalcomp, Inc.
Not to be copied or duplicated for any purpose without consent of copyright owner. All
rights reserved.

Mean Time Before Failure - Manual Station

The total Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) for the Manual Station, as determined by
Commercial/Bellcore Method 1, is 39,742.83 Hours.

Mean Time Before Failure - J-Box

The total Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) for the J-Box, as determined by Commercial/
Bellcore Method 1, is 36,529.52 Hours.

8/13/19 107
E-Z CAL Parts Replacement Guidelines

Manual Station Boards
J-Box IO Modules
J-Box Fuses
Spare Parts List

Manual Station Boards

Parts located in the interior of the Manual Station are low voltage and static
sensitive. Only authorized service personnel should replace these parts.

Risk of Electrical Shock!

Before replacing any components in the Manual Station, disconnect the power.
Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in severe equipment damage or
bodily injury! Only qualified service personnel should replace components in this

Risk of Electrical Shock!

High voltage is present in the power supply area once the back cover has been
removed! Use extreme caution when working on the power supply. Improper
replacement could result in equipment damage or bodily injury and should only
be done by qualified service personnel!

Power down the Manual Station and disconnect the power cord. All boards except for the
baseboard and the power supply are attached with standoffs and connectors. The
baseboard and power supply are attached with screws.

J-Box IO Modules

Risk of Electrical Shock!

Before replacing any components in the J-Box, disconnect the power. Failure to
comply with these guidelines can result in severe equipment damage or bodily
injury! Only qualified service personnel should replace components in this unit.

1. The output and input modules in the J-Box are located in the center of the 22821
board. Carefully remove the clear mylar strip then gently pull out the old module.
(See the 22821 Opto Board Drawing for reference.)

108 8/13/19
2. Insert a new module with the SAME electrical specifications as the one being
Input Module: Insert the Yellow IAC module into the socket and place the three-
position black jumper in the correct reference position. Connect the proper gauge
wire to the corresponding terminal at the bottom of the board.
Output Module: Insert the Black OAC module into the socket and place the three-
position black jumper in the correct reference position. Connect the proper gauge
wire to the corresponding terminal at the bottom of the board.
3. Mark up the appropriate wiring prints and send them to the Command Alkon
Service Department.

J-Box Fuses
As a troubleshooting aid, a neon bulb is located near each fuse or holder and is lit if the
fuse blows.

Disconnect the power before replacing blown fuses.

Use caution when removing the fuse so that the glass doesn’t break and cause
you bodily harm.
The new fuse must not be rated higher than what is required for that fuse
location. Fuse types and ratings are shown in the Spare Parts List.

Spare Parts List

Command Alkon Manufacturer’s

Item Part No. Part Number

Fuse, Time Delay, 10 Amp 250 Volt, 1/4” x 1 1/ 23626 BUSS MDA-10

Fuse, GMA, Quick, 5 Amp 250 Volt, 5 x 20 mm 23045 Little Fuse 217005
(for E-Z CAL Opto Board)

Fuse, GDB, Quick Acting, 5 Amp 250 Volt, 5 x 22810 BUSS GDB-5A
20 mm
(for E-Z CAL Manual Station Baseboard)

Relay, 8 Blade, DPDT, 120 VAC 16 Amp 23777

Relay, 11 Blade, EPDT, 120 VAC 16 Amp 23778

8/13/19 109
Command Alkon Manufacturer’s
Item Part No. Part Number

Socket, 8 Pin 23781

Socket, 11 Pin 23782

Module, mini opto, IAC5, 120 VAC, Input, 22828


Module, mini opto, IAC5, 220 VAC, Input, 22830


Module, mini opto, OAC5, 120 VAC, Input, 22829


Module, mini opto, OAC5, 220 VAC, Input, 22831


110 8/13/19
E-Z CAL Informational and Error Messages

For detailed Troubleshooting procedures, please see Troubleshooting

This table lists and describes various error messages that might be displayed on the E-Z
CAL Manual Station. Suggested troubleshooting steps are also provided. If the suggested
steps do not correct the problem, please contact Command Alkon Service.


Bad CHAN Other Display Channel error is 1) Check channel setup information
detected. using Manual Station Info menu.
If setup is not valid, re-do setup/
calibration if allowed.
2) Power off the Manual Station.
Check the LCI or MPI module,
baseboard, P-chip, connectors/
pins. Inspect for card/pin damage.
If no damage is detected, verify
that the module and P-chip are
firmly installed in Manual Station.
Power on the Manual Station and
observe display start-up. If error
persists, then hardware in Manual
Station may be damaged.

Bad CRC During live channel display of -Same as for “Bad CHAN”-
values, an error (CRC error) is read
in the channel setup information.

Bad DATA During live channel display of -Same as for “Bad CHAN”-
values, the LCI or MPI module for
the display is sending
mismatched data errors.

Bad GAIN During live channel display of -Same as for “Bad CHAN”-
values, the LCI or MPI module
gain may not be set correctly.

CMD FAIL During live channel display of -Same as for “Bad CHAN”-
values, the LCI or MPI module for
the display failed to load the
initial configuration channel setup
info saved on P-chip.

8/13/19 111

SPI FAIL During live channel display of -Same as for “Bad CHAN”-
values, the LCI or MPI module for
the display failed to update with
the correct configuration

Bad MSG Error when receiving command 1) Verify that the Manual Station ‘S’
messages for “Display Setup” or status indicator in
“Display Calibration” COMMANDbatch is solid green.
configuration data from the PC 2) Verify channel setup data matches
into E-Z CAL Manual Station. between PC and Manual Station.
Channel data on Manual Station
can be verified using the station’s
Setup/Calib Info menu. Channel
data on PC can be verified from
the Calibrations form in

Error P-Chip .... NOTE: 1) Power off Manual Station. Inspect

Bad P-Chip Saved and re-insert P-chip firmly to
For V2 CPU (E-Z CAL IP) boards,
verify board/pins are inserted.
this error is displayed if the P-chip
Power on Manual Station. See if
is not read correctly on power up.
error comes up again.
In V1.x Manual Stations, if there
2) If error persists, then initialize the
was an error on the P-chip, no
Erroneous P-chip. (WARNING:
error was displayed and the
This process will erase all contents
Manual Station would blank out
of the P-chip!) Power off Manual
the station with "--" on power up.
Station. Simultaneously press
Setup/Calib and Power buttons
on Manual Station until the “Init
P-chip?” message is displayed.
Use Up/Down buttons to show
“Y”. Press Enter. Observe P-chip
initialize message on display.
Observe usual start-up messages
and warm-up timer on display.
3) If the above steps do not resolve
P-chip error message, then it is
likely that either P-chip module or
baseboard is bad and may need

112 8/13/19

No Modul Display was set up for a module 1) Inspect Manual Station and check
slot position that has no module slot positions that have LCI or MPI
installed. Error message also modules installed. Go to channel
appears if you try to calibrate a information or setup and verify
module that is not present. that module # matches installed
2) If there is a position mismatch, go
to setup and assign the installed
module #, or install correct LCI or
MPI module into the appropriate
slot position.

Weight is Zero Displayed during scale calibration Retry calibration with a non-zero scale
if scale applied weight is zero. weight applied.

Weight out of Displayed during scale calibration Retry calibration with a lower scale
range if applied weight is out of range. test weight that is below scale

Cell output too Displayed during scale calibration 1) Retry calibration with a lower
high if channel gain is out of range. scale test weight.
2) If the above steps don’t work:
• Turn off Manual Station.
• Check device wiring to Manual
• Inspect LCI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
• Turn on Manual Station.
• Retry calibration.

Cell output too Displayed during scale calibration 1) Retry calibration with a higher
low if channel gain is out of range. scale test weight.
2) If the above steps don’t work:
• Turn off Manual Station.
• Check device wiring to Manual
• Inspect LCI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
• Turn on Manual Station.
• Retry calibration.

8/13/19 113

Signal is Zero Displayed during generic 1) Retry calibration with a non-zero

calibration if applied weight is applied test signal.
zero. 2) If the above steps don’t work:
• Turn off Manual Station.
• Check device wiring to Manual
• Inspect LCI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
• Turn on Manual Station.
• Retry calibration.

Signal out of Displayed during generic Retry calibration with a lower test
range calibration if applied signal is out signal that is below channel maximum
of range. setting.

Input Signal too Displayed during generic 1) Retry calibration with a lower
high calibration if channel gain is out input signal.
of range. 2) If the above steps don’t work:
• Turn off Manual Station.
• Check device wiring to Manual
• Inspect LCI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
• Turn on Manual Station.
• Retry calibration.

Input Signal too Displayed during generic 1) Retry calibration with a higher
low calibration if channel gain is out input signal.
of range. 2) If the above steps don’t work:
• Turn off Manual Station.
• Check device wiring to Manual
• Inspect LCI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
• Turn on Manual Station.
• Retry calibration.

Probe output too Displayed during probe 1) Check probe installation and
high calibration if probe signal is out of placement.
range. 2) Retry calibration.
If the above steps don’t work:
• Turn off Manual Station.
• Check probe wiring to Manual
• Inspect MPI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
• Turn on Manual Station.
• Retry calibration.

114 8/13/19

Probe output too Displayed during probe -Same as for “Probe output too high”-
low calibration if probe signal is out of

Value too small Displayed during probe -Same as for “Probe output too high”-
calibration if probe signal is out of

Setup Locked Operator tried to change a Scale 1) If allowed, unlock P-chip (move
Display setup or calibration while Calibration Enable switch to down
P-chip is locked (up position). position).
2) Retry setup or calibration.

P-chip is Locked Operator tried to initialize a P- 1) If allowed, unlock P-chip (move

chip on startup while P-chip was Calibration Enable switch to down
locked (up position) position).
2) Retry P-chip initialization.

-- -- No scale, probe, or counter has Set up the display per E-Z CAL IP
been set up for the display. Installation & Operation Guide.

No Calib Channel has been set up but not Calibrate display per the E-Z CAL IP
calibrated. Installation & Operation Guide.

Bad Cell Load cell for the scale has failed or 1) Check the load cell and cable to
the cable has been unplugged. the Manual Station.
2) If step 1 doesn’t correct the
problem, contact Command
Alkon Service.

Bad LCIu An update has not been received 1) Check channel setup/calibration.
from the LCI module. 2) Turn off Manual Station.
3) Inspect LCI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
4) Turn on Manual Station.
Message displayed only for E-Z
5) If error persists, contact
CAL firmware V1.01D or higher.
Command Alkon Service.

Bad LCIv Updates are being received from -Same as for “Bad LCIu”-
the LCI module but the raw values
are not changing.

Message displayed only for E-Z
CAL firmware V1.01D or higher.

8/13/19 115

Bad MPIu An update has not been received 1) Check channel setup/calibration.
from the MPI module. 2) Turn off Manual Station.
3) Inspect MPI module to verify that
board/pins are inserted correctly.
4) Turn on Manual Station.
5) If error persists, contact
Command Alkon Service.

OVER Channel value exceeds max 1) Check the channel maximum

channel value allowed. setting by going to channel info
using the Manual Station’s Setup/
Calib button.
2) Verify that max channel capacity is
set above the channel input
3) Lower the channel input signal
until the displays show live

Conflict Flashes during setup if operator 1) Make sure the correct LCI or MPI
attempts to assign a module slot module is installed.
position that is already assigned 2) Assign the display to the next
to another display channel. available module slot.

POWER ON Power was off, then turned on. Normally, this message alternates
Wait a minute for warm-up. between the first two readout displays
and is for information only.
However, if the message stays on the
first display, do the following:
1) Reseat the processor board then
power up the manual station.
2) Press Setup/Calib button twice.
3) If POWER ON stays on the first
display, contact Command Alkon
Service for a new processor

C XX E For Scale displays this means the -For Information Only-

Certification Type is set to ON and
the E-Z CAL is in Calibration mode
(the Calibration switch on the P-
Chip is unlocked (down position).
XX is the scale reading.
Also, in Calibration mode, if the
scale is at “Center Zero” (less than
¼ grad up or down from exact
zero), an “@” symbol is displayed
before the weight.

116 8/13/19

Unit 1 Channel 2 The scale had been recalibrated Restart the RTC.
Device Cem scale and the Gain value has changed.
Data Mismatch:
Gain-ez-cal IP
station 1

8/13/19 117
118 8/13/19

Cell Check Utility 83
Communication Type - Changing 85
Benefits of E-Z CAL IP over Legacy E-Z CAL Systems 14
Calibration Procedure
Do This First 69
Generic Analog Input Calibration 74
Moisture Probe Calibration 73
Scale Calibration 70
Calibration Procedures 68
Communication Type - Changing 85
Configuration Settings - Viewing 75
Digital Scale Dampening 53
General Operation 34
Auto Restore / Initialization 41
Clearing a Bad Cell Message 37
If Communication to the Batching PC is Lost 39
Manual Station Displays 36
Operating Plant Equipment 36
Powering On/Off 34
Testing the MPI Module 37
GPL Software - Offer of Source Code 17
Installation and Wiring 21
120 Volt Power Connections 32
240 Volt Power Connections 33
J-Box Ethernet Cable Connection 30
J-Box Power Source 120VAC 28
J-Box Power Source 240VAC 29
J-Box Supply Wiring 28
J-Box Voltage Jumper Settings 29
Manual Station Power Source and Supply 23
Mounting 22
Ventilation 22
Water and Moisture 22
J-Box 9
Caution/Warning Stickers 12
Features 11
Ground Label 12
J-Box Layout and Power Overview 10
NamePlate Label 11

8/13/19 119
UL Sticker 12
J-Box Baseboard / CPU Overview 27
J-Box Reset/Default Button 28
J-Box Setup 88
Manual Station 6
Features 7
Front Panel 7
Nameplate Label 8
Manual Station CPU Version 2 Board - Overview 25
Network Configuration 19
Parts Replacement Guidelines 108
J-Box 109
Spare Parts List 109
Regulatory Compliance 15
CE Certification 15
NTEP Certification 15
UL Certification 15
Setup and Calibration 44
Calibration Enable Switch 49
Operating Modes 44
Setup Buttons 45
Setup/Calib and System Menu Structure 47
Setup Procedure
Do This First 56
Set Up Counter 61
Set Up Generic Analog Input 65
Set Up Moisture Probe 63
Set Up Scale 57
Setup Procedures 55
System Menu 77
Cell Check Utility 83
E-Z CAL IP Address - Viewing 79
Scale Certification Type - Selecting 81
Version Numbers - Viewing 78
Technical Specifications 96
Input Modules 102
J-Box 100
Load Cell Color Codes 105
Manual Station 96
Mean Time Before Failure - J-Box 107
Mean Time Before Failure - Manual Station 107
Meter Counter 100
Moisture Probe Interface 100
Output Modules 103
Scale Interface 99

120 8/13/19
Informational and Error Messages 111
Upgrading / Downgrading Manual Station Firmware 94
Web Interface 91
Help Menu 93
Information Menu 92
Setup Menu 92
Introduction 1
Audience 1
Purpose 1
Revision Summary 1
IP Address - E-Z CAL - Viewing 79
MPI Module - Testing 37
Scale Certification Type - Selecting 81
Testing 37
Version Numbers - Viewing 78

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