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Idioms and Vocabulary

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Singkatan yag digunakan:

 sb: somebody
 sth: something

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kunjungi lexico.com yang dimiliki oleh Oxford University Press (OUP).

 to put a lot of time into something: to work hard on something

 to slip one's mind: to forget to do sth
 to liven sth up: to make sth become more interesting and exciting
 in your shoes: to be in your situation/position
 to perfect the art (of sth): to be an expert at sth
 to have an ear for language/music: to be good at language/music
 Beats me.: I don’t know.
 to come a long way: to make a lot of progress
 To grow up on sth: to do sth a lot since childhood
 to pour (with rain): to rain heavily
 hard on sb: to criticize sb severely or to treat sb unfairly
 up to sb` ears in sth: to be very busy with sth
Ex: Tomorrow, I`ll be up to my ears in work/school assignment/in studying for an
 to take a rain check (on sth): to need to decline (an invitation or offer)
Note: digunakan untuk menolak ajakan secara sopan.
 to straighten out(a problem): to fix/solve (a problem)
 to get (sth) off the ground: to get (sth) started
 to give/lend sb a hand: to help sb
 to shake a disease: to get rid of/to recover from a disease (e.g., cold)
 to get along (with sb): to have a good relationship (with sb).
 to figure out: to understand
 for the life of me: although I am trying very hard (however hard I try)
 out of shape: to be unfit (not physically healthy enough)
 to wear sb out: to make someone extremely tired
 on edge: nervous and not relaxed
 to account for: to explain the reason for
Ex: Can you account for your lateness?
 to work on sth: to improve/repair sth, or to spend time repairing or improving sth
 to work sth out: to understand sth
 to stick with sth: to continue doing something
 in over your head: involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
Ex: A part-time job could be useful during study, but make sure it is not in over
your head.
 soaked: extremely wet
 to rave about sth: to praise something very much
 too good to be true: so good that probably not true
 awfully drowsy: extremely sleepy
 lay sb off: to stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them
to do
 to stock up on sth: to by a large quantity of sth
 pushover: someone who is easily persuaded or influenced or defeated
e.g., The new professor is no pushover.
 refreshment: (small amounts of) food and drink
 make ends meet: earn enough money to live without getting into debt.
 Just a second/minute/moment: Please wait. [Tunggu sebentar.]
 get/have sth over with: to do or finish an unpleasant but necessary piece of work
 a (huge) weight (has been lifted) off one's mind/shoulders: to be relieved of a
burden, usually a worry or concern
 (utterly) devastated: extremely upset or sad
 to go over with sth: to study/examine sth in a detailed way
 on sale: reduced in price
 running (a little) behind: a bit late
 catch (sb) up: to reach someone in front of you by going faster than them
 to run for (a president): to compete as a (president) candidate in an election
 my kind of thing: sth you really like
 my cup of tea: something I like or excel in
 no kidding: used when you are surprised by what someone has just said
 Two heads are better than one.: used to say that it is easier for two people who
help each other to solve a problem than it is for one person to solve a problem
 to call it a day: to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any
more or think you have done enough
 To tell (you) the truth: I have to admit that
 keep my eyes open/skinned/peeled (for sth/sb): to watch carefully for sb or sth
 to follow sth/sb: to understand sth/sb
 It takes some getting used to.: It takes time to become familiar with someone or
 to change: ganti baju
 to get a sense of achievement/accomplishment: to have a proud feeling of having
done something difficult and worthwhile
 I have seen enough.
When someone uses this expression, they mean that they don‘t want any more
excuses or to hear anything else from you or the person they are talking to. That
is, they are sure of their belief and don`t want to change his statement.
 Don't look at me!
A response indicating that one is either unwilling to perform a task, or that one is
not guilty of something for which blame was implied.
 to pick up: to collect sth / sb
 had (`d) better: should
 overcast: cloudy
 the last thing (in the world) you want to do etc.: sth that you certainly do not want
to do
 come up with sth: to suggest or think of an idea or plan
 do you good: to improve your life or health
e.g., I have three exams next week. Staying at home this whole week could do
me good.
 to have/get time off: time when you are not at work or at school

Paket soal 1

#1 Tend: care for

But not all animal parents, even those that tend [=care for] their offspring [anak] to the
point of hatching or birth, feed their young.

#2 Provision: supply
Few insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other arrangement,
provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed
with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that their larvae might
have a supply of fresh food when they hatch.

#3 Edge: advantage
 For animals other than mammals, then, feeding is not intrinsic to parental care.
Animals add it to their reproductive strategies to give them an edge in their
lifelong quest for descendants.
 In terms of experience, she definitely had the edge over the other people that we

#4 Shield: protect
And in the meantime those young are shielded against the vagaries of fluctuating of
difficult-to-find supplies.

#5 Prime: principal/main
Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and
engraving are two prime examples.

#6 Incised (diukir/dipahat): cut

The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a cutting
instrument, or burin.

#7 Distinctive: unique
Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics.
#8 Yield: produce
Both methods can yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or
plate begins to show signs of wear.

#9 Barter: exchange
Its peoples became great traders, bartering jewellery, pottery, animal pelts, tools, and
other goods.

#10 Supplant: replace

About A.D. 400, the Hopewell culture fell into decay. Over the next centuries, it was
supplanted by another culture, the Mississippian.

#11 Charged with: assigned to

 Only priests and those charged with guarding the flame could enter the temples.
 (be) charged with guardian the flame = (be) ordered to guard the flame

#12 Primitive: undeveloped

Overland transport in the United States was still extremely primitive in 1790. Roads
were few and short, usually extending from inland communities to the nearest river town
or seaport.

#13 On the threshold of: at the start of

 Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the threshold of a new era of road development.
 We are on the threshold of a new era in European relations.

#14 Imitation: copying

The company built a gravel road within two years, and the success of the Lancaster
Pike encouraged imitation

#15 Exert: put

Like tree roots breaking up a sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure on the rock
and eventually pry the rock apart long planes of weakness.

#16 Durable: strong

A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a very long time in other
areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few

#17 Shattered: broken apart

A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a very long time in other
areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few
#18 Dominant: most common
The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly
carbonates and sulfates, also cause prying and wedging, as does ordinary ice.

Paket soal 2

#1 Favor: prefer
By far the most important United States export product in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
was cotton, favored by the European textile industry over flax or wool because it was easy to
process and soft to tile touch.

#2 laborious: difficult
Cotton could be grown throughout the South, but separating the fiber – or lint – from the seed
was a laborious process.

#3 surge: sharp increase

The interaction of improved processing and high demand led to the rapid spread of the
cultivation of cotton and to a surge in production.

#4 unprecedented: not seen before

The growing market for cotton and other American agricultural products led to an unprecedented
expansion of agricultural settlement,

#5 obscure: unclear
The origins of nest-building remain obscure, but current observation of nest-building activities
provide evidence of their evolution.

#6 display: exhibit (show)

Birds also display remarkable behavior in collecting building materials.

#7 load: weight
The carrying capacity of the eagles, however, is only relative to their size ant1 most birds are
able to carry an extra load of just over twenty percent of their body weight.

#8 precise: accurate
A survey must be based on a precise, representative sampling if it is to genuinely reflect a broad
range of the population.

#9 exercise: utilize (use/employ)

In preparing to conduct a survey, sociologists must exercise great care in the wording of

#10 elicit: bring out (get)

Even questions that are less structured must be carefully phrased in order to elicit the type of
information desired.
#11 probe: explore (to try to discover)
In addition, an interviewer can go beyond written questions and probe for a subject's underlying
feelings and reasons.

#12 accumulate: collect (berkumpul)

This development radically changed the types of sediments that accumulated on the seafloor,
because, while the organic parts of the plankton decayed after the organisms died, their
mineralized skeletons often survived and sank to the bottom.

#13 prolific: fruitful (productive)

 Just why the calcareous plankton were so prolific during the latter part of the Cretaceous
period is not fully understood.
 Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most prolific winger forwards that has ever lived.

#14 ideal: perfect

The high biological productivity of the Cretaceous oceans also led to ideal conditions for oil

#15 standard: customary (usual)

The violin has been in existence since about 1550. Its importance as an instrument in its own
right dates from the early 1600's, when it first became standard in Italian opera orchestras.

#16 strain: stress (pressure)

Small changes had to be made to the violin's internal structure and to the fingerboard so that they
could withstand the extra strain.

#17 accordingly: consequently (therefore)

Small changes had to be made to the violin's internal structure and to the fingerboard so that they
could withstand the extra strain. Accordingly, a higher standard of performance was achieved, in
terms of both facility and interpretation.

Paket 3
#1 teeming with: full of
When the putrefied material is examined microscopically, it is found to be teeming with bacteria.

#2 resemble: appear similar to

Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in
putrefying materials.

#3 postulate: suggest (say/imply/mention/state)

He postulated that these bodies are constantly being deposited on all objects.

#4 depend: rely
In the minds of agrarian thinkers and writers, the farmer was a person on whose well-being the
health of the new country depended.
#5 subscribe to: agree with
Virtually all policy makers, whether they subscribed to the tenets [principles/beliefs/theories] of
the philosophy held by Jefferson or not, recognized agriculture as the key component of the
American economy

#6 stunning: impressive
Farmers streamed to the West, filling frontier lands with stunning rapidity.

#7 spawn: create
The wide variety of climates in North America has helped spawn a complex pattern of soil

#8 partitioning: division
In general, the realm’s soils also reflect the broad environmental partitioning into “humid
America” and “arid America.”

#9 enhance: increase (improve)

Glaciation also enhanced the rich legacy of fertile soils in the central United States, both from
the deposition of mineral-rich glacial debris left by meltwater and from thick layers of fine wind-
blown glacial material, called loess, in and around the middle Mississippi Valley.

#10 transition: change

The forests of North America tend to make a broad transition by latitude.

#11 ignite: set on fire

Photoflash is now generated electronically, but the earliest form, first used in 1864, was a paper
bag containing magnesium wire and some oxygen-rich substance, such as potassium chlorate.
When the bag was ignited, the metal burned with an intense flash.

#12 evolution: development

The evolution of the photoflash was slow, flashbulbs, containing fine wire made of a metal, such
as magnesium or aluminum, capable of being ignited in an atmosphere of pure oxygen at low
pressure, were introduced only in the 1920’s.

#13 momentarily: briefly

In each case enough energy is given out to heat the oxidizable metal momentarily to a white-hot
emission of visible light.

#14 depict: represent

The Impressionists wanted to depict what they saw in nature, but they were inspired to portray
fragmentary moments by the increasingly fast pace of modern life.
#15 advent: arrival
Some of the Impressionists’ painting methods were affected by technological advances. For
example, the shift from the studio to the open air was made possible in part by the advent of
cheap rail travel, which permitted easy and quick access to the countryside or seashore.

#16 affront: insult

 Among the 165 paintings exhibited was one called Impression: Sunrise, by Claude Monet
(1840-1926), Viewed through hostile eyes, Monet’s painting of a rising sun over a misty,
watery scene seemed messy, slapdash, and an affront to good taste.
 He regarded the comments as an affront to his dignity.

Paket 4

#1 intriguing: fascinating
Then came the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft Voyager 2, and
within days, Europa was transformed-in our perception, at least-into one of the solar
system’s most intriguing worlds.

endless: continuous
The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle.

adequate: sufficient
Although population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is little
evidence that people lacked adequate wild food resources

rather than: instead of

It has been suggested that some early cultivation was for medicinal and ceremonial
plants rather than for food.

thrived: grew well

It has been suggested that sunflower, sumpweed, and other plants almost domesticated
themselves, that is, they thrived in human –disturbed habitats, so humans intensively
collected them and began to control their distribution.

forage: search for food

Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass
migrations; these activities proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the
others to follow.

intermittently: periodically
As a worker ant returns home after finding a source of food, it marks the route Line by
intermittently touching its stinger to the ground and depositing a tiny amount of trail
pheromone – a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as the context
furnish: provide
A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest concentration of vapor right over
the trail, in what is called a vapor space.

oscillating: swinging
In following the trail, the ant moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side
across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one and then the other antenna into the
vapor space.

are easily disposed: have a tendency

Contemporary readers, forgetting the origins of western epic, lyric, and dramatic forms,
are easily disposed to think of “literature” only as something written.

ultimately: in the end

Ultimately, literature is aesthetically valued, regardless of language, culture, or mode of
presentation, because some significant verbal achievement results from the struggle in
words between tradition and talent

compelling: forceful
Verbal art has the ability to shape out a compelling inner vision in some skillfully crafted
public verbal form.

exceptional: remarkable
The cities in the United States have been the most visible sponsors and beneficiaries of
projects that place art in public places. They have shown exceptional imagination in
applying the diverse forms of contemporary art to a wide variety of purposes.

enhancement: improvement
The specialized requirements of particular urban situations have further expanded the
use of art in public places: in Memphis, sculptor Richard Hunt has created a monument
to Martin Luther King, Jr., who was slain there; in New York, Dan Flavin and Bill Brand
have contributed neon and animation works to the enhancement of mass transit

revitalize: bring new life to

And in numerous cities, art is being raised as a symbol of the commitment to revitalize
urban areas.

executing: producing
Artists are recognizing the distinction between public and private spaces, and taking
that into account when executing their public commissions.
Paket 5

engaged: hired
In 1903 the members of the governing board of the University of Washington in Seattle
engaged a firm of landscape architects, specialists in the design of outdoor
environments -OImsted Brothers of Brookline, Massachusetts- to advise them on an
appropriate layout for the university grounds.

subsequent: later
John Olmsted did the investigation and subsequent report on Seattle's parks

sums: amounts
Between 1907 and 1913, city voters approved special funding measures amounting to
$4,000,000. With such unparalleled sums at their disposal, ....

identical: exactly alike

No two comets ever look identical, but they have basic features in common, one of the
most obvious of which is a coma.

heart: center
At the heart of a comet's coma lies a nucleus of solid material, typically no more than 10
kilometers across.

graphic: vivid
The most graphic proof that the grand spectacle of a comet develops from a relatively
small and inconspicuous chunk of ice and dust was the close-up image obtained in
1986 by the European Giotto probe of the nucleus of Halley's Comet.

distinct: separate
As a comet's orbit brings it closer to the Sun, first the coma grows, then two distinct tails
usually form.

undoubtedly: certainly
Many prehistoric people subsisted as hunters and gatherers. Undoubtedly, game [wild]
animals, including some very large species, provided major components of human

components: parts
Many prehistoric people subsisted as hunters and gatherers. Undoubtedly, game
animals, including some very large species, provided major components of human

besides: in addition to
Besides overhunting, at least three other kinds of effects have been suggested: direct
competition, imbalances between competing species of game animals, and early
agricultural practices.
favor: preferred
If such hunters first competed with the larger predators and then replaced them, they
may have allowed more young to survive each year, gradually increasing the
populations of favored species.

integral: fundamental
Tulips are Old World, rather than New World, plants, with the origins of the species lying
in Central Asia. They became an integral part of the gardens of the Ottoman Empire
from the sixteenth century onward, and, soon after, part of European life as well.

flourished: thrived (grew well)

They [tulips] flourished in Pennsylvania too, where in 1698 William Penn received a
report of John Tateham's "Great and Stately Palace," its garden full of tulips.

grumbled: complained
Thomas Hancock, an English settler, wrote thanking his plant supplier for a gift of some
tulip bulbs from England, but his letter the following year grumbled that they were all

serve: function
Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the
same species.

sole: only
Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely
the sole method).

detecting: finding
Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of
communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own
olfactory, insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing these

sedentary: inactive
Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits
and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby
aphids to respond by moving away.

Paket 6

subjected: exposed
Other factors that help shape a folk song include: continuity (many performances over a
number of years); variation (changes in words and melodies either through artistic
interpretation or failure of memory); and selection (the acceptance of a song by the
community in which it evolves). When songs have been subjected to these processes
their origin is usually impossible to trace

essence: basic nature

If this happened a few times there would be many different versions, the song's original
composer would be forgotten, and the song would become common property. This
constant reshaping and re-creation is the essence of folk music.

diverse: different
noted: observed (noticed)
emphasize: stress
One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found
that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances and
nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators
have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they
exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their
facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.\

accessible: available
Rivers also reveal clay along their banks, and erosion on a hillside may make clay
easily accessible.

account for: explain (explain the cause of)

Variations of clay composition and the temperatures at which they are fired account for
the differences in texture and appearance between a china teacup and an earthenware

smooth operation: effective functioning

The smooth operation of an ant colony depends on ten to twenty different signals, most
of which are pheromones (chemical signals triggering behavioral responses).

cluster: group
The simples of these is the carbon dioxide from the respiration of an ant cluster, a
chemical that acts as a pheromone to promote aggregation.

scurrying: rushing
A fire ant queen emits a chemical signal that identifies her to the colony's workers. They
respond by scurrying to gather around her.

formidable: difficult
Most landless Americans were too poor to become farmers even when they could
obtain land without cost. The expense of moving a family to the ever-receding frontier
exceeded the means of many, and the cost of tools, draft animals, a wagon, a well,
fencing, and of building the simplest house, might come to $1,000 --a formidable barrier.
intent: purpose
Homesteaders usually came from districts not far removed from frontier conditions. And
despite the intent of the law, speculators often managed to obtain large tracts.

Paket 7

regardless of: no matter what

Potter, for instance, found it convenient to locate their workshops [tempat kerja] near their source
of clay, regardless of its relation to the center of settlement.

marked: noticeable
The techniques of pottery manufacture had evolved well before the Greek period, but marked
stylistic developments occurred in shape and in decoration.

confine: restrict
The broad utility of terra-cotta was such that workers in clay could generally afford to confine
themselves to either decorated ware (barang hias) and housewares (barang/peralatan rumah
tangga) like cooking pots and storage jars or building materials like roof tiles and drainpipes.

presumably: probably (maybe / plausibly)

.... but a rural pottery establishment on the island of Thasos produced many types of pottery and
roof tiles too, presumably to meet local demand

sustain: support
Its climate, despite more than 50 inches of annual rainfall, is blistering desert plant life it can
sustain is only the xerophytic, the quintessentially dry.

insignificant: unimportant
Even the name is an epithet, a synonym for the stunted, the scruffy, the insignificant, what is
beautiful about such a place?

ultimately: eventually (finally)

Other species may become better adapted to an environment, resulting in competition and,
ultimately, in the death of a species.

demise: death
One of the best-known examples of mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago with the
demise of dinosaurs and many other forms of life.

finding: scientific discovery

One interesting, and controversial, finding is that extinctions during the past 250 Million years
have tended to be more intense every 26 million years.
convert: change
The term “latent heat” refers to the energy that has to be used to convert liquid water to water

primarily; chiefly (mainly)

Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher
latitudes, by prevailing, large-scale winds.

prevailing: dominant
Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher
latitudes, by prevailing, large-scale winds.

undergone: experienced
The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking

vast: great
This roughness is mostly caused by the abundance of craters; the highlands are completely
covered by large craters (greater than 40-50 km in diameter), while the craters of the maria tend
to be much smaller.

Paket 8

precarious: uncertain
Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring [= get/obtain] food, even when the diet
is supplemented with seeds and fruits.

settled: stable
Thus they developed the primary economic activity of the entire ancient world and the
basis of all modern life. With the settled routine of Neolithic farmers came the evolution
of towns and eventually cities.

chronicle: describe
In time the increasing complexity of Neolithic societies led to the development of writing,
prompted by the need to keep records and later by the urge to chronicle experiences,
learning, and beliefs.

ornate (banyak hiasan): elaborate (sangat rinci/rumit)

Stoneware, which had been simple, utilitarian kitchenware, grew increasingly ornate
throughout the nineteenth century.

derived from: based on

The name of the ware was probably derived from its resemblance to English brown-
glazed earthenware made in South Yorkshire.
various: different
account for: explain
Various methods of spattering or sponging the glaze onto the ware account for the
extremely wide variations in color and add to the interest of collecting Rockingham.

subjugated: conquered (defeated)

By about 3100B.C, Subarians were apparently subjugated in southern Mesopotamia by
the Sumerians, whose name became synonymous with the region immediately north of
the Persian Gulf, in the fertile lower valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

excavating: digging
But it was not until the 1890's that archaeologists excavating in city-states well to the
south of Nieveh found many thousands of tablets inscribed in Sumerian only.

agents: causes
Therefore, organisms must be buried rapidly to escape destruction by the elements and
to be protected agents of weathering and erosion.

aided: helped
The environment of the swamps kept bacterial decay to a minimum, which greatly aided
in the preservation of plants and animals.

estimated: judged
A professor there estimated that each of the large while oaks had produced between
two and eight thousand acorns, but within weeks of seed maturity, hardly an intact
acorn could be found among the fallen leaves.

pry off: remove

Squirrels pry off the caps of acorns, bite through the shells to get at the nutritious inner
kernels, and then discard them half-eaten.

littered: covered
The ground under towing oaks is often littered with thousands of half -eaten acorns,
each one only bitten from the top.

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