Electromagnetic Waves - Practice Sheet
Electromagnetic Waves - Practice Sheet
Electromagnetic Waves - Practice Sheet
Electromagnetic Waves
Single Correct Type Questions (C) If surface is perfectly absorbing surface then
1. The electric field of a plane electromagnetic force experienced due to radiation is
wave in vacuum is IA cos
x c
Ey = 0.5cos 2108 t − V/m; Ez = Ex = 0. (D) If surface is partially reflecting surface then
c force experienced due to radiation is
Then select correct alternative.
(A) Direction of propagation of wave is along + IA cos2
ve x-axis c
(B) Plane of polarization is x-y plane Where β is a constant and depends upon nature of
(C) Amplitude of magnetic field is 1.66 × 19−9 T surface
(D) All of above
Matrix Match Type Questions
2. A plane electromagnetic wave of angular 5. A parallel beam of light is incident on a fixed
frequency ω propagates in a poorly conducting surface PQ at an angle 'θ' with the vertical as
medium of conductivity σ and relative shown in the figure. The intensity of light is I and
area of surface PQ is A. In List-I nature of
permittivity . Find the ratio of conduction
reflection are given and in List-II force and
current density and displacement current density
generated radiation pressure are given. Then
in the medium
match List-I with suitable option List-II. (Given
(A) (B) that I = 500 W/m2, A = 1.5 m2, θ = 37°)
(C) (D)
0 0
6. A parallel beam of light is incident on a perfectly 9. A plane electromagnetic wave is travelling in the
absorbing small cube of side a. The beam is positive x-direction. At the instant shown, the
directed along one of the body diagonals of the electric field at the extremely narrow dashed
cube and has sufficiently large aperture. What is rectangle (KLMN) is in the negative z-direction
the total radiation force experienced by the cube. and Hs magnitude is decreasing with time t.
I is the intensity of radiation. Which of the following diagrams correctly shows
I I the directions and relative magnitudes of the
(A) a 2 (B) 3a2
c c magnetic field at the edges of the rectangle?
(C) 3a 2 (D) 2a 2
c c
10. If the frequency of the laser beam is f, then the (D) The electric and magnetic vectors are
number of photons striking the hemisphere per mutually perpendicular, and both are
unit time is perpendicular to the director of propagation
2mgR2c 4mgR2c of the electromagnetic wave
(A) (B)
( n − 1)2 2hf ( n − 1)2 2hf 14. Monochromatic rays of intensity I are falling on a
2 2 metal plate of surface area A places on a rough
2mgR c mgR c
(C) (D) horizontal surface at certain angle θ as shown in
( n2 −1) ( n2 −1)
2 2 2 2
hf hf figure. Choose correct statement(s) based on
above information:
11. Find the lases power P required to balance to the
weight of the glass hemisphere.
2mgR2c 4mgR2c
(A) (B)
( n − 1)2 2hf ( n − 1)2 2hf
2mgR2c mgR2c
(C) (D)
( n2 −1) ( n2 −1)
2 2 2 2
hf hf (A) There is a value of θ for which plate will not
move however hight the intensity of
radiation is
Multiple Type Questions (B) Plate will not move if plate is perfectly
12. A beam of light having wavelength λ0 and reflecting irrespective of the value of
wattage ω falls over a surface separating two intensity.
medium of refractive index 3 and 2 (C) If rays area falling perpendiculars to surface
respectively as shown in figure. Force exerted plate will not move
by beam of light over and along surface are F⊥ (D) None of these
and F||
Integer type Question
15. A perfectly reflecting rectangular plate ABCD is
kept in horizontal (x − y) plane. The dimension of
rectangular is (2×1)m2 as shown. Rectangular
plane plate can rotate about y–axis and gravity
due to earth is along negative Z direction. An
impulsive laser is kept below the point E which
emits the pluses periodically. A laser beam of
diameter 0.2 microns is directly incident at E.
The time interval between two pulse is 0.01ms
( 3 −1 )−=F and has a total energy of 20 Jules. If the metallics
⊥ plates ABCD remains in equilibrium then find the
6 C
mass of plate in gram
(B) F|| = 2 3
( 3 +1 )−=F
6 C
(D) F|| = 0
1. (D) 9. (B)
2. (B) 10. (B)
3. (B) 11. (B)
4. (C) 12. (A, D)
5. (D) 13. (A, B, C, D)
6. (C) 14. (A, B, C)
7. (B) 15. (2.67)
8. (C)
Hints and Solutions
1. (D) 5. (D)
B0 =
1.66 10−9 hC
C 3 108
Intensity is given by I = ,
x ( A cos ) t
Bz = B0 cos 2108 t −
c N → total number of photons and λ →
wavelength of photons
2. (B)
Jc = σE0 sin (ωt − kx)
d dE
id =0 E =0 A
dt dt
=0 AE0cos ( t − kx )
Jd =0 E0
J d 0
Px IA cos . sin
(A) Fx = =
3. (B) t C
1 Py IA cos cos
Energy = 0 E 2 (volume) Fy = =
2 t C
( ) Fy I cos
8.85 10−6 = 8.85 10−12 E 2 10−6 pr = =
2 A C
E = 2 106 V/m (B) Fx = 0
Flux (ϕ) = EA 2IA cos2
Fy =
= 2 10+6 10−4 = 100 2 ( V– m) C
2I cos2
4. (C) pr =
Number of photon received by surface per (C) and (D)
IA cos IA cos IA cos sin
second = Fx = (1 − r )
hc hc C
IA cos2
For perfectly reflecting surface, change in Fy = (1 + r )
momentum of a photon = cos I cos2
pr = (1 + r )
Force experienced C
7. (B) r
Energy crossing = intensity × effective area × Δt Because = =
R n −1
Here, effective are a= Area × cos 45°
P ( n − 1)
Δt = 1s = 1 −
E02 c 4R2
Intensity =
20c mg 4R 2c
So, P =
( n − 1)2 2
8. (C)
q ' = q 1 − 2
dq ' r 2
= ic = = s 1 − 2 = 6.4 10−4
dt b
iD = i = 3.6 10−4 A
2rB = 0id B= 0 d = 1.2 10−9 T
q q dE i
E= = =
0 A 0 R2 dt 0 R2 No of photons/time =
10−3 4 9 108
= −2
= 36 107 N/Cs
10 10 12. (A, D)
hc hc
9. (B) F ⊥ n cos60 − cos 45
We know that in an EM wave of this type 2 1
B = k E. It is given that: FII = 0
( )
E = E0 −kˆ sin ( kx − t ) and k = iˆ. It is dear
13. (A, B, C, D)
According to Gauss's law, longitudinal electric
that B has to increase with x. waves are impossible in vacuum