HEALTH 6 - Module 5
HEALTH 6 - Module 5
HEALTH 6 - Module 5
Third Quarter –
Lesson 5: Practicing Ways to Control or
Manage Noise Pollution
After going through this module, you are expected to practice ways to control or manage
noise pollution (MELC H6EH-IIIfg-6)
Let’s have some Trivia about our ears. These are very interesting to know.
Do you know that our ears and hearing never rest?
a. When we sleep, our brain ignores soft sounds around but only reacts to loud sounds.
b. We hear music better on our left side.
c. Eat leafy vegetables to prevent hearing loss caused by exposure to noise.
d. Ear wax protects our middle ear from unwanted sounds.
e. In our body, there is the smallest bone called stirrup which is found in the middle ear.
We have also the temporal bone which is the hardest bone that protects our inner ear.
f. Long exposure to noise over 85 decibels (a unit use to measure sound) will cause
tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
One of the best ways to manage and control noise is to know the source of the noise and its
sound level. With that, you can identify and practice the proper way to control or manage
the situation when too loud sounds are heard or produced. Let us take a look at the table
below these important information: