Database Worksheet - 1 Query
Database Worksheet - 1 Query
Database Worksheet - 1 Query
CBSE Affiliation Number 1930766
3: Display the name of those clients whose name contains ‘van’ (refer table ‘Client’ of 2)
4: List records of all clients who are not from Bombay. (refer table ‘Client’ of 2)
5: Display Different cities. (Refer table ‘Client’ of 2)
6: Create a table ‘Club’ with proper Integrity constraints and insert data as given below:
Coachi Coachnam Age Sport Dateofapp Pay Gender
d e
1 Karan 35 Karate 27/03/19 10000 M
2 Ravina 34 Karate 20/01/20 12000 F
3 Kamal 34 Squash 19/02/20 20000 M
4 Tarun 33 Basketball 01/01/20 15000 M
5 Sumeru 36 Swimming 12/01/20 7500 M
6 Anjani 36 Swimming 24/02/20 8000 F
7 Shamima 37 Squash 20/02/20 22000 F
8 Soumya 30 Karate 22/02/20 11000 F
7: Display information about coaches whose name start with K or pay is at least 1500 or both.
(Refer table ‘Club’ of 6)
8: Write a query to display report showing coachname, pay, age and bonus (15% of pay) for all
coaches. (Refer table ‘Club’ of 6)
9: Display information about all male coaches. (Refer table ‘Club’ of 6)
10: Write command to display the output as (Refer table ‘Club’ of 6)
11: Consider the following table Movie and display all movies which fall in the category of
Comedy or Action.. (NCERT Textbook)
MovieI MovieName Category ReleaseDate Production Business
D Cost Cost
001 Hindi_Movie Musical 2018-04-23 124500 130000
002 Tamil_Movie Action 2016-05-17 112000 118000
003 English_Movie Horror 2017-08-06 245000 360000
004 Bengali_Movie Adventure 2017-01-04 72000 100000
005 Telugu_Movie Action - 100000 -
006 Punjabo_Movie Comedy - 30500 -
12: Consider the table Movie of practical 11 and display all movies which have not been
released yet. (NCERT Textbook)
13: Consider the table Movie of Practical 11 and display net profit of each movie showing its ID,
Name and Net Profit. (NCERT Textbook)
(Hint: NetProfit = BusinessCost –ProductionCost)
Make sure that the new column name is labeled as NetProfit. Is this column now a part of
the MOVIE relation. If no, then what name coined for such columns? What can you say
about the profit of a movie which has not yet released? Does your query result show profit
as zero?.
14: Consider the following table ‘Stock’ and display all items which name begins with ‘s’ in
descending order of rate
Icode Iname Brand Qty Rate
101 Soap Lux 100 34
102 Salt Patanjali 110 20
103 Sugar Annapurna 200 56
104 Coffe Nestle 60 140
105 Maggi Nestle 90 83
106 Cake Britannia 40 10
107 Biscuit Britannia 130 5
108 Musturd Oil Patanjali 75 180
109 Jam Kissan 20 54
110 Tea Brook Bond 30 160
15: consider the table ‘stock’ of practical 14 and list item name and quantity which rate lies
between 50 to 100 rupees.