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Physica E
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Application of graphene as a trans- By shorting the microstrip line and ground plane of the antenna with a MWCNT, the return loss of the
parent conducting material for the antenna is improved. It is observed that the return loss of 48.75dB is obtained for a MWCNT loaded
patch antenna with and without antenna as compared to 39.37dB obtained for that without a MWCNT loaded antenna. Return loss
MWCNT short is analyzed in the improvement of 9.38dB is achieved for antenna loaded with MWCNT. Thus by optimizing the position of
5.66–6.43 THz band. the MWCNT short return loss of the antenna is significantly improved for the same impedance
The MWCNT loaded graphene based bandwidth. Both the graphene based transparent antennas achieved the 10dB impedance bandwidth
antenna yields a return loss improve- of 12.83%. The graphene based transparent antennas have broad bandwidth (12.83%), high directivity
ment of 9.38dB as compared to that (7.56dB) and high gain ( Z2dB).
without the MWCNT loaded antenna.
Both the transparent antennas achi-
eved broad bandwidth (12.83%), high
directivity (7.56dB), and high gain
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With and without multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) loaded graphene based optically transparent patch
Received 8 May 2014 antennas are designed to resonate at 6 THz. Their radiation characteristics are analyzed in 5.66–6.43 THz band.
Received in revised form The optically transparent graphene is deployed as the patch and ground plane of the antennas, which are
17 August 2014
separated by a 2.5 μm thick flexible polyimide substrate. By shorting the microstrip line and ground plane of
Accepted 30 September 2014
Available online 7 October 2014
the antenna with a MWCNT via, the return loss of the antenna is improved. The peak gain of 3.3dB at 6.2 THz
and a gain greater than 3dB in 5.66–6.43 THz band is obtained for antenna loaded without MWCNT. Both the
Keywords: antennas achieved a 10dB impedance bandwidth of 12.83%. Gain, directivity and radiation efficiency of the
Graphene proposed antennas are compared with conventional transparent patch antennas and graphene based non-
Transparent antenna
transparent antennas. The antenna structures are simulated by using finite element method based electro-
Graphene antenna
magnetic simulator-Ansys HFSS.
Patch antenna
MWCNT loaded antenna & 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.S. Thampy).
1386-9477/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
68 A.S. Thampy et al. / Physica E 66 (2015) 67–73
Fig. 2. Cross sectional view of an MWCNT loaded graphene based transparent microstrip patch antenna.
Fig. 3. Return loss (S11) for with and without MWCNT loaded graphene based Fig. 4. Antenna radiation efficiency for with and without MWCNT loaded graphene
transparent antennas. based transparent antennas.
the length of the microstrip line, the return loss is optimized. The −0.5
c ⎛ εr + 1 ⎞
optimized position of the MWCNT shorting pin on the microstrip W= ⎜ ⎟
2fr ⎝ 2 ⎠ (2)
line (L2) is 3.36 μm. The resonant frequency of the rectangular
70 A.S. Thampy et al. / Physica E 66 (2015) 67–73
Fig. 5. E-plane (solid line) and H-plane (dash line) far field radiation patterns of the graphene based transparent antenna (without MWCNT) at (a) 5.66 THz, (b) 6 THz,
(c) 6.2 THz and (d) 6.43 THz.
where εr is dielectric constant of the substrate material. the antenna structure [35].
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ε + 1⎞ ε − 1⎛ 12 h ⎞
c εeff = ⎜ r ⎟+ r ⎜1 + ⎟
L = ⎜⎜ ⎟ − 2ΔL
⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ W ⎠ (5)
⎝ 2fr εeff ⎠ (3)
ΔL = 0.412 h
(εeff + 0.3) ((W /h) + 0.264)
3. Results and discussion
(εeff − 0.258) ((W /h) + 0.8) (4)
The proposed antenna structures are designed and simulated
Fringing effect also occurs at the boundaries of microstrip
using Ansys HFSS, a finite element method (FEM) based electro-
line. Most of the electric field lines are concentrated in the magnetic solver. The radiation characteristics of the antennas are
substrate whereas some lines partly exist in the air. Hence, the analyzed in 5.66–6.43 THz band. Graphene is a sp2-bonded mono-
field lines are subjected to two dielectric media vis-a-vis air layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal structure. The
and substrate. This makes the microstrip line look wider electri- incident high frequency radiations generate surface plasmon
cally compared to its physical dimensions. Thus the effective polaritons (SPPs) wave along the metal-dielectric interface. Gra-
dielectric constant (εeff) must be calculated to account for the phene provides best conditions for propagation of SPPs and
fringing and wave propagation in the microstrip line towards supports transverse-magnetic (TM) SPP waves. The edges of the
A.S. Thampy et al. / Physica E 66 (2015) 67–73 71
Fig. 6. E-plane (solid line) and H-plane (dash line) far field radiation patterns of the MWCNT loaded graphene based transparent antenna at (a) 5.66 THz, (b) 6 THz,
(c) 6.2 THz and (d) 6.43 THz.
Table 3
Radiation performances of the graphene based transparent antennas (with and
without MWCNT).
Table 4
Comparison of graphene based transparent antenna with conventional transparent patch antennas and graphene based non-transparent antennas.
References [23] [46] [47] [28] [48] [30] Without MWCNT With MWCNT
Resonant frequency (GHz) 2.2 2150 1425 800 1000 750 6000
Gain (dB) 1 1.89 1.65 – 0 5.09 3.27 3.15
Directivity (dB) – – – 0 – 5.71 7.56 7.56
Radiation efficiency (%) 68 42.5 43 20 – 86.58 37.17 36.27
The return loss (S11) of with and without MWCNT loaded impedance bandwidth. The 10dB impedance bandwidth of
antenna are shown in Fig. 3. It is observed that the return loss of 12.83% and more than 33% radiation efficiency is achieved. The
48.75dB is obtained for MWCNT loaded antenna as compared to peak gain of 3.3dB at 6.2 THz and a gain greater than 3dB in 5.66–
39.37dB obtained for without MWCNT loaded antenna. Both the 6.43 THz band is obtained for antenna loaded without MWCNT.
antennas achieved 10dB impedance bandwidth of 12.83% in The peak gain of 3.22dB at 6.2 THz and a gain greater than 2.8dB in
5.66–6.43 THz band. Such broad bandwidth is desirable for de- 5.66–6.43 THz band is obtained for antenna loaded with MWCNT.
signing high speed transceivers. Thus MWCNT short does not This shows that the application of transparent graphene for patch
affect the impedance bandwidth of the antenna. Impedance antenna significantly improves its characteristics such as impe-
characteristics of the transparent antennas are listed in Table 2. dance bandwidth, directivity and gain compared to the ones
Fig. 4 shows the plot of radiation efficiency with respect to offered by conventional transparent patch antennas.
frequency for antenna with and without MWCNT short. For both
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