Hervmazzoni Systra 160224045832
Hervmazzoni Systra 160224045832
Hervmazzoni Systra 160224045832
The SYSTRA Group:
over 50 years of public
transportation experience…
SYSTRA: world-leading tramway engineers
Planned, designed and tested over 75% of France
new tramway lines on time and within budget;
30 other projects worldwide.
Holds the world record for new light rail/tramway
lines > 450 km.
Record number of program management, planning,
design and construction management contracts
on light rail/tramway projects: 30 lines.
Designed the world’s 1st catenary-free tramway line.
What is a modern tram
made of?
What is a modern tram made of?
All what you always wanted
to know about current
collection technologies…
All what you always wanted to know
about current collection technologies…
revisiting the current collection technologies
Ansaldo – Tramwave
Proprietary solution, prototype implemented
in Napoli; first contract in Zhuhai (China)
compatibility with other vehicles pledged…
Failsafe principle:
• magnetised collector shoe
• lifts a burried circuit ferrous belt connector
Bombardier – Primove
Proprietary solution
Ac current (high frequency) induction based
Tested in Augsburg (Germany); first contract
In Nanjing (China)
Recently redevelopped in conjunction
with on-board energy storage
Regenerative braking not originally
Double-layer Double-layer
capacitors M M M M
Still limited storage capacity In normal working conditions, with a vehicle at 2/3 loaded (70t)
and on a level track (0% gradient), the performance are in the
Example: an energy storage unit is range of:
equal to 2.8kWh in total:
• 1.0kWh from SuperCap
• 1.8kWh from traction battery Max speed
20 km/h 30 km/h 35 km/h
Auxiliary Power
One consider that a 30m long tram
vehicle needs 4.5kWh/km in “normal” 5 kW 1590 m 1240 m 1020 m
20 kW 1050 m 930 m 810 m
40 kW 720 m 700 m 620 m
In other terms, if you want to ride far, switch off the air con’d!
Off-wire: is it the sure sign
of a modern tram?
Off-wire requirements prevailing other considerations?
Recharging time:
“quick charging” ou “flash charging”)
=> oversizing of Rectifier Stations