Rules of Volleyball ?
Rules of Volleyball ?
Rules of Volleyball ?
Attack line
9 meter
3 meter
Players Position
18 meter
2 R.F 1 R.B
3 C.F 6 C.B 9 meter
4 L.F 5 L.B
Dimensions of volley ball court:-
The playing court is a rectangle measuring
18x9m., surrounded by a free zone which is
a minimum of 3m. wide on all sides.
Playing surface:-
The surface must be flat horizontal and
uniform on indoor courts the surface of the
playing court must be of a light colour on
outdoor courts a slope of 5mm. per meter is
allowed for drainage.
Lines on the court:-
All lines are 5cm. wide. They must be of a
light colour which is different from the colour
of the floor. Both side lines and end lines are
drawn inside the dimensions of the playing
Boundary lines: Two sidelines and two end
lines mark the playing court. All boundary
lines are drawn inside the dimensions of the
playing court.
Area around the court (free zone)
The free zone surrounds the court with a
recommended minimum width of 2 m (6'6").
Centre line:-
The axis of centre line divides playing court
into two equal courts measuring 9x9m. each.
Attack line:- On each court, the front zone
is limited by the attack line 3m parallel to the
middle of the centre line. Beyond the side
lines both attack lines and front zones are
considered to be extended indefinitely.
Back line :-
The back line is the line going left to right
(the length) it is 9m long. It is also known
as the second 10 foot line.
Service zone :-
The service zone is a 9 m wide area
behind each end line.
Service area:-
Two lines each 15 cm. long mark
indefinitely by the side limits of the service
zones at the end of each court.
Substitution zone:-
An area 3m away towards side lines from
where the substitution is allowed to more
for substitution.
Penalty area:-
A penalty area, sized approximately 1x1m
& equipped with two chairs, is located in
the control area, outside the prolongation
of each end line. They may be limited by a
5cm. wide red line