Resume Oct 25
Resume Oct 25
Resume Oct 25
I am an adventurous, reliable, versatile individual who is always open to learning new skills and applying the variety
of skills I have obtained over my years of travel. My degree in psychology and understanding of the human mind and
human struggle combined with my passion for adventure has allowed me to succeed in most things I put my mind
too. I am also capable of teaching others how to utilize these skills and always having a good time doing it!
Tribal Gathering Festival — Manager at Psychiatric Care Tent
10/2033 to 10/2023, Panama City, Panama
Managed all activity at psy-care tent, including providing a safe space for people feeling overstimulated for any array of
reasons, among other mental health related issues including sexual harassment and emotional support, general well being.
Managed volunteers for psy-care tent. Main communication between pay-care and production. Constructed and decorated
space as well.
Travel around the world doing pop up yoga classes and workshops using various styles, both 1:1 and in group settings.
Trauma-informed yoga
Seabreakers — Bartender
04/2022 to 04/2023, Utila, Honduras
Bartending duties including mixing and serving alcoholic beverages, serving food, customer service in both English and
Spanish, cleaning facility
Bridgewater State University — Psychology, B.S.
09/2015 to 05/2019
Minor in Social Welfare