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PPS – 1

Practise Problem
Set BCSE102P

Vishwas Ramasani
1) Construct a program to read the numbers until -1 is encountered. Find
the average of positive numbers and negative numbers entered by

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
2) Develop a program to print an arrangement of its members into
a sequence or linear order, and the order is not repeated again.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
3) Calculate tax given the following conditions:
If income is less than or equal to 1,50,000 then no tax
If taxable income is 1,50,001 – 3,00,000 then charge 10% tax for the
remaining slab
If taxable income is 3,00,001 – 5,00,000 then charge 20% tax for the
remaining slab
If taxable income is above 5,00,001 then charge 30% tax for the
remaining slab


Case 1: Case 2:

Case 3:
4) In an organization they decide to give bonus to all the employees on
New Year. A 5% bonus on salary is given to the grade A workers and 10%
bonus on salary to the grade B workers. Write a program to enter the
salary and grade of the employee. If the salary of the employee is less
than $10,000 then the employee gets an extra 2% bonus on salary
Calculate the bonus that must be given to the employee and print the
salary that the employee will get.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
5) A company is recruiting persons base on daily wages. The wage is
fixed based on the hours of service. For the first 5 hours the wage is
Rs.500. for the additional hours his wage is 10% for 1 hour, 20% for
two hours and 30% for three hours. The person can work up to 8
hours per day. Write C program to read the details of two workers
and calculate total payment of workers.

Case 1:

Case 3:

Case 2:
6) Write a C-Program to find the Number of ways of selecting words
from n-consonants and mvowels when r1-consonants and r2 vowels
chosen. i.e ncr1 * mcr2 Make sure entered numbers are valid to calculate

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
7) Write a c-program to display the binary format of the user
entered number if it is prime else display in hexadecimal format.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
8) Write a c-program to determine the digital root of a second
largest element in an array consisting of 6 elements.
Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
9) A neon number is a number where the sum of digits of square of
the number is equal to the number. Write a c program to check
whether given number is neon numbers or not.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
10) Write a c-program to find the smallest possible two digit sum of
a 4 digit number. e.g 5592 is the input 25+59=84 is the smallest two
digit sum possible.
Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 4:
11) Complete the function void update (int *a, int *b). It receives
two integer pointers, int* aand int* b. Set the value of to their product,
and to their sum. There is no return value, and no return statement is
Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
12) Using pointer, write a C program that reads a character string
and a character as input and deletes all occurrence of this character in
the string. The program should display the corrected string with no
Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
13) Suppose Richard wish to enter a list of country name into the
computer, rearrange them into alphabetical order, and then display the
rearranged list. Richard made the skeletal of the C program shown
Complete the function reorder (int n, char *x[])to help Richard for his task.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
14) There are n squirrel(s) waiting below the feet of m
chestnut tree(s). The first chestnut of the i-th tree will fall right
after Ti second(s), and one more every Pi second(s) after that.
The “big
mama” of squirrels wants them to bring their nest no less than k
chestnuts to avoid the big storm coming, as fast as possible! So they
are discussing to wait below which trees to take enough chestnuts in
the shortest time. Time to move to the positions is zero, and the
squirrels move nowhere after that. Request Use the pointer concept
to calculate the shortest time (how many seconds more) the squirrels
can take enough chestnuts.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
15) Write a function day_name() that receive a number n and return a pointer
to a character string containing the name of the corresponding day. The day
names should be kept in a static table of character strings local to the

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
16) Earthquake Research Institute of Japan has recorded earthquake
occurred in the year 2021 using Richter scale. Develop a program to get the
’n’ (number of times) the earthquake has occurred and print the number of
times in which the magnitude was low, medium and high. The magnitude
value is given in microns. If the value is less than 5.4(inclusive) in microns then
it is low,
5.4 to 7.0 (inclusive) it is medium and more than 7.0it is high. Also, if the
number of times recorded is Zero, display as “No earthquake predicted” and if
the number of times recorded is negative, display as “Invalid Input”.
Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
17) Create a C program called BankMgmt with AccNumber, CustName,
AvlBalance, AccType as members. Implement a Bank management Application
as menu driven program using Array and function concept Menu Option: 1.
Withdrawal 2. Deposit 3. Display Balance 4. Exit If option 1 is chosen- Amount
can be withdrawn from the account (Withdrawn amount should be given as
input). For withdrawal the condition is- the AvlBalance must be greater than
withdrawn amount). 2 is chosen- Amount can be deposited to the account
(the deposited amount should be given as input). The deposited amount
should be reflected in AvlBalance of the account. 3 is chosen - Current
available balance (AvlBalance) of the AccNumber should be Displayed with
other details 4 is chosen - Exit from the application

Case 1:

Case 2:
18) Given a cricket team with size M x N with multiple players are
already occupied double bedded rooms, separate the even and odd players
and make them to occupy in single bedded room (Odd & Even). After
separation sort and display in ascending order as shown in output.
Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
19) An online educational platform offers three courses: Programming
Courses, Robotics Courses and Academic Writing Courses: The vendor gives a
discount of 10% on orders for programming-based courses if the order is for
more than Rs. 1000. On orders of more than Rs. 750 for Robotics Courses, a
discount of 5% is given, and a discount of 10% is given on orders for academic
writing courses of value more than Rs. 500. Assume that the numeric codes
1,2 and 3 are used for Programming, Robotics and Academic Writing Courses
respectively. Get the max 5 student registration for each courses Write a
program that reads the product code and the order amount and prints out the
net amount that the learner is required to pay after the discount.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:
20) Write a program to create two grocery storage with minimum five
items each. Merge the storage to new space storage in such a way that first
storage may be copied as it is and reverse only the second array and merge
it. Perform sorting in the new array and print it. Implement the same by
passing appropriate arrays to functions.
Case 1: Case 2:

Case 3:
21) Get a DOB from the user which is an 8 digit number. Check
whether it is a Lucky number or not by following the steps below: Step-1:
Calculate the sum of the digits in the odd-numbered positions (the first,
third, fifth and
seventh digits) and multiply this sum by 3. Step-2: Calculate the sum of the
digits in the even-numbered positions (the second, fourth, sixth and eighth
digits) and add this to the previous result (got in step 1). Given Date of Birth is
declared as a lucky number, only if the last digit of the result from step 2 is 0.
Develop a program to read the Date of Birth, if the number of digits is not 8
then print “Cannot be processed” and terminate program. If the number of
digits is 8 and if the DOB is a lucky number, output the DOB with the message
“Lucky Number.” If the number of digits is 8 and if the DOB is not a lucky
number, output the DOB with the message “Not a Lucky Number.”

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

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