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The Effect of Capital Structure, Dividend Policy

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International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management

United Kingdom Vol. VI, Issue 6, June 2018

http://ijecm.co.uk/ ISSN 2348 0386



I Made Adi Gunawan

Mataram University, Master of Accounting Program
Pendidikan Street 37, Mataram, West of Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
[email protected]

Endar Pituringsih
Mataram University, Master of Accounting Program
Pendidikan Street 37, Mataram, West of Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Erna Widyastuti
Mataram University, Master of Accounting Program
Pendidikan Street 37, Mataram, West of Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of capital structure, dividend policy, company
size, profitability and liquidity of the company's value manufacturing in Indonesia Stock
Exchange. The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed and is still active
in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) for 2014 through 2016 amounted to 146 companies.
Sampling, sample then determined criteria and gained 15 companies for 3 years who meet the
criteria specified sample. The data was analyzed using multiple regression. The results showed
that the capital structure, dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity and significant
positive effect on firm value. In order to increase the value of the company, then the company is
expected to maintain the condition of an optimal capital structure through the use of debt.
Moreover, that the public continues to believe the prospects for the company, the company is
expected to know the criteria on which to base any investor to invest. For investors and

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prospective investors the companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in order to more
carefully and also the aspect of dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity as a
consideration in making investment.

Keywords: Capital Structure, Dividend Policy, Company Size, Profitability, Liquidity and Value

The company's value is important because of the high value of the company which will be
followed by a high prosperity shareholders (Gapenski, 1996). The higher the stock price, the
higher the value of the company. Managers are required to make decisions that consider all
stakeholders in maximizing the company's value in the long term because, the manager will be
judged performance by reaching the goal (Jensen, 2001). The company's value can be seen
from Price Book Value (PBV), which is the ratio between the share price and book value per
share (Ang, 2002). Good company PBV ratios generally have a larger one (> 1), which indicates
that the stock market value is greater than the book value of the company. Below is a table of
the average value of the development Price Book Value (PBV) of manufacturing companies
listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2012.

Table 1. Average Price Book Value In Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange
Ratios 2013 2014 2015 2016
Price Book Value 1.73 0.60 2:01 5.83
Source: ICMD processed

Based on Table 1 Average Price Book ValueCompanies manufacturing larger one (> 1) except
in 2014, this shows that the stock market value greater than the book value of the company, so
the greater the opportunity for investors to buy shares of the company which is a reflection of
the high value of the manufacturing company. The phenomenon of high value manufacturing
company which is proxied by PBV interesting to do a study on the factors that affect the value of
the company.
Currently the business world is highly dependent on funding issues. The funding
decision with regard to the company's decision to seek funds to finance investments and
determine the composition of the source of funding from retained earnings, debt and equity to
finance the company's investment and operational activities that will affect the value of the

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company. The funding decision regarding the determination of the optimal capital structure and
dividend policy relating to the achievement of corporate objectives (Moeljadi, 2006: 236).Capital
structure decisions is the decision in selecting the debt and equity financing (Brealey & Myers,
2006: 7). Optimal capital structure must achieve a balance between risk and return in order to
maximize the stock price (Brigham & Houston, 2006: 7).
Capital structure theory explains that the funding policy (financial policy) in determining
the company's capital structure (mix between debt and equity) aimed at optimizing the
company's value (value of the firm). According to the trade-off theory, managers can choose the
ratio of debt to maximize the value of the company. The company's value will be reflected in
stock prices (Fama, 1978). Maximizing the value of the company not only with equity values
should be considered, but all kinds of financial resources such as debt, warrants and preferred
stock (Jensen, 2001). Optimizing the value of the company which is the company's goals can be
achieved through the financial management function, whereby the financial decisions taken will
affect other financial decisions and the impact on the value of the company (Fama and French,
Sebelummnya research results on the effect of capital structure on firm value, do
Chowdhury and Chowdhury (2010) proved that the capital structure relates to the value of the
company. Cheng and Tzeng (2011) indicates that there is a positive effect of leverage on firm
value which tends to strengthen when the company's financial quality is also good. Cheng, et al
(2010) showed that the increase in the debt structure of the company, then the company's value
will increase. Rahim et al (2010) found that the leverage is positively related to the value of the
company. Different results conducted by Adekunle et al. (2010) found that there is a negative
relationship between the debt ratio as a proxy for capital structure to good corporate value,
measured by ROA and ROE.
Dividend policy is one important aspect of the objective of maximizing the value of the
company. Management has two treatment alternatives to net income after taxes or Earnings
After Tax (EAT), which divide it to shareholders in the form of dividends, or reinvested back into
the company as retained earnings. Usually, most EAT divided in the form of dividends and
partly reinvested. Therefore, management must create a policy about the amount of EAT
distributed as dividends. The company's value can be seen on the company's ability to pay
dividends. The amount of the dividend divided can affect stock prices. If dividends were paid
higher then stock prices tend to be high so that the company's value too high. However, if
dividends paid to small shareholders the company's stock price was too low. Thus, a large
dividend will increase the company's value (Harjito and Martono, 2010: 115).

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Bird in the Hand Theory suggests that there is a relationship between the value of the company
with the dividend policy, whereby the company's value will be maximized by a high dividend
payout ratio, as investors assume that dividends are not at risk of risk capital appreciation
(Gordon and Lintner, 1956). Investors prefer profits in dividends than expected gains from
capital appreciation.
Results of previous studies on the effect of dividend policy on firm value is done by
Alonso et al. (2005) found evidence that dividend affect the value of the company. Amidu (2007)
found that the dividend policy has positive influence on the value of the company is seen on firm
performance (ROA). Qureshi (2007) showed that an adequate dividend policy can achieve the
goal of maximizing the value of the company. Ghosh and Ghosh (2008) found that the dividend
policy is positively related to the value of the company. The different results shown by Kapoor
(2006) that the dividend is not significantly associated with the value of the company.
Size companies deemed capable of affecting the value of the company. Because the
bigger the size or scale of the company, the company will be more easily obtain funding sources
both internal and external. The decision concerning the amount of the company will result in the
company stock price level (Weston and Copeland, 2010: 13). In general, the size can be
defined as a ratio of large or small objects. If this notion is associated with a company or
organization, then the size of the company can be defined as a ratio of large or small the
business of a company or organization.
Companies that have total assets of the shows that the company has reached a stage of
maturity where at this stage the company cash flow has been positive and is considered to have
good prospects within a relatively long time, but it also reflects that the company is relatively
more stable and better able to generate profits than companies with total assets were small
(Indriani 2005 in Daniati and Suhairi, 2006). Usually large companies have assets greater value.
Theoretically larger companies have certainty (certainty) that is larger than a small company so
it will reduce the level of uncertainty regarding the company's future prospects. It can help
investors predict the possible risks when investing in companies that (Yolana and Martani,
The previous study that tested the effect of firm size on firm value, performed by Cheng,
Liu and Chien (2001) concluded that the size of the companies individually affect the value of
companies listed on China's stock exchanges. Paranita, (2007) and Sudjoko and Soebiantoro
(2007) concluded that the size of the company's positive effect on firm value. Obradovich and
Gill (2013) concluded that the size of the company and significant positive effect on the value of
companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Purnomosidi. L. et al (2014) concluded that
the size of the company has a positive effect on the value of real estate companies in Indonesia

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Stock Exchange. Siahaan, Marius U., et al (2014) showed that the size of the company's
positive effect on the value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Different
results shown by Gill and Mathur (2011) proved that a larger firm size (number of the number of
directors) have a negative impact on the value of a manufacturing company in Canada.
The value of the company will also be influenced by the profitability. Profitability is
considered important in the retention of the company's survival in the long term, because the
profitability indicate whether the company has good prospects in the future. Thus, each
company will always strive to improve its profitability, because the higher the level of profitability
of the company, the company's survival will be more secure. Profitability means the extent to
which companies make a profit from sales and investment companies. If profitability is good
then the stakeholders, including creditors, suppliers, and investors will look at the extent to
which the company can generate earnings from sales and investment companies (Carlson and
Bathala, 1997).
Research on the effect of profitability on the value of the company, namely, Paranita
(2007), Chowdhury, Anup and Chowdhury, S. Paul (2010), Rizqia, et al (2013) concluded that
the level of profitability has a positive effect on firm value. Different results shown by Sudjoko
and Soebiantoro (2007) and Rahim et al (2010) where the profitability of significant negative
effect on the value of the company.
The company's value can also be seen from the company's liquidity. Companies with a
large liquidity shows the company's ability to repay short-term debt is good, it gives a good
signal for the company so that the company's value increased (Ibe, 2011). This is consistent
with the concept of signaling theory stating that profitability will be a signal from management
that describe the company's prospects based on the level of profitability that is formed and
directly affect the value of a company can be seen from the stock price in the market.
Based on the results of previous empirical studies, showing the diversity of variables that
affect the value of the company. Accordingly, there is a gap to do research back on the
influence effect of capital structure, dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity of
the value of the company (Study at Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange in
the period from 2014 to 2016). The reason for choosing a manufacturing company is because
the manufacturing companies have the potential to develop products more quickly by
performing a variety of innovations and tend to have expansion of the broader market in
comparing the company non-manufacturing or service companies, so that the study of the
capital structure, dividend policy, the size of the company , profitability and liquidity as well as
the value of the company is more relevant to do.

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Capital Structure and Company Value
Capital structure theory explains that the funding policy (financial policy) in determining the
company's capital structure (mix between debt and equity) aimed at optimizing the company's
value (value of the firm). Chowdhury and Chowdhury (2010) found that the capital structure as
seen from the determining factors associated with the company's value. Cheng and Tzeng
(2011) show that companies using leverage is greater than the unleveraged company, found no
positive effect of leverage to the company's value tends to strengthen when the company's
financial quality is also good. Cheng, et al (2010) showed that the increase in the debt structure
of the company, then the company's value will increase. Rahim et al (2010) found that the
leverage is positively related to the value of the company.
According Husnan (2000: 58) the value of the company is willing to pay the price that
potential buyers if the company is sold, while according to Keown (2003: 74) the value of the
company is the market value of debt and equity securities outstanding companies. The value of
the company is investor perception of the level of success of the company that are often
associated with a stock price (Sudjoko and Soebiantoro, 2007). High stock prices make the
company's value too high. High value of the company will make the market believe not only on
the company's performance today but also in the company's prospects in the future. Value
companies often proxied by the price to book value (Ahmed and Nanda, 2000). Based on the
results of empirical studies the research hypothesis is stated as follows:
H1: The capital structure affect the value of the company

Devidend Policy and Company Value

The company's value can be seen on the company's ability to pay dividends. The amount of the
dividend divided can affect stock prices. If dividends were paid higher then stock prices tend to
be high so that the company's value too high, however, if the dividends paid to small
shareholders the company's stock price was too low. Thus, a large dividend will increase the
company's value (Harjito and Martono, 2005). Bird in the Hand Theory asked Gordon and
Lintner (1956), suggests that there is a relationship between the value of the company with the
dividend policy, whereby the company's value will be maximized by a high dividend payout ratio,
as investors assume that dividends are not at risk of risk capital appreciation. Investors prefer
profits in dividends than expected gains from capital appreciation.
Alonso et al (2005) found evidence that dividend affect the value of the company.
Mohammed Amidu (2007) found that the dividend policy has positive influence on the value of
the company is seen on firm performance (ROA). Muhammad Azeem Qureshi (2007) showed

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that an adequate dividend policy can achieve the goal of maximizing the value of the company.
Ghosh and Ghosh (2008) found that the dividend policy is positively related to the value of the
company. The value of the company is investor perception of the level of success of the
company that are often associated with a stock price (Sudjoko and Soebiantoro, 2007). High
stock prices make the company's value too high. High value of the company will make the
market believe not only on the company's performance today but also in the company's
prospects in the future. Value companies often proxied by the price to book value (Ahmed and
Nanda, 2000). Based on the results of empirical studies the research hypothesis is stated as
H2: Dividend policy affects the value of the company

Company Size and Company Value

Size companies deemed capable of affecting the value of the company. Because the bigger the
size or scale of the company, the company will be more easily obtain funding sources both
internal and external.The size of the company is a large scale where small companies can be
classified according to a variety of ways, including: total assets, log size, the value of the stock
market, and others. Companies that have total assets of the shows that the company has
reached a stage of maturity where at this stage the company cash flow has been positive and is
considered to have good prospects within a relatively long time, but it also reflects that the
company is relatively more stable and better able to generate profits than companies with total
assets were small (Indriani 2005 in Daniati and Suhairi, 2006). Theoretically larger companies
have certainty (certainty) that is larger than a small company so it will reduce the level of
uncertainty about the company's prospects going forward. Cheng, Liu and Chien (2001)
concluded that the size of the companies individually affect the value of companies listed on
China's stock exchanges. Paranita, (2007) and Sudjoko and Soebiantoro (2007) concluded that
the size of the company's positive effect on firm value. Obradovich and Gill (2013) concluded
that the size of the company and significant positive effect on the value of companies listed on
the New York Stock Exchange. Purnomosidi. L. (2014) concluded that the size of the company
has a positive effect on the value of real estate companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Siahaan, Marius U., et al (2014) showed that the size of the company's positive effect on the
value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Based on the results of empirical
studies the research hypothesis is stated as follows:
H3: The size of the company affects the value of the company

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Profitability and Company Value

Profitability is the ability of the company makes a profit through its business operations by using
fund assets owned by the company. Profitability can be calculated with the ROE (return on
equity). ROE reflects the level of investment penembalian results for shareholders. High
profitability reflects the company's ability to generate high returns for shareholders, with a high
profitability ratio that owned a company would attract investors to invest in the company. The
high interest of investors to invest in companies with high ROE will increase the price of the
stock (Kim, et al, 1993). Paranita (2007), Chowdhury, Anup and Chowdhury, S. Paul (2010),
Rizqia, et al (2013) concluded that the level of profitability has a positive effect on firm value.
PBV existence is very important for investors to determine investment strategy in the
stock market because it is through price-book value, investors can predict the stocks that are
overvalued or undervalued (Ahmed and Nanda, 2000). Price-book value describe how big the
market appreciates the value of a company's stock book. Companies that goes well, generally
has a price book value ratio above one, which reflects that the stock market value is greater
than its book value. The high price reflects the book value of shareholders a level of prosperity,
wealth for shareholders is the main aim of the company (Weston and Brigham, 2000:71). Based
on the results of empirical studies the research hypothesis is stated as follows:
H4: Profitability affect the value of the company

Liquidity and Company Value

The company's value can also be seen from the company's liquidity. Companies with a large
liquidity shows the company's ability to repay short-term debt is good, it gives a good signal for
the company so that the company's value increased (Ibe, 2011). This is consistent with the
concept of signaling theory stating that profitability will be a signal from management that
describe the company's prospects based on the level of profitability that is formed and directly
affect the value of a company can be seen from the stock price in the market. Results of
research on the effects of liquidity on the value of the company is done by Septiono, et al (2013)
and Susilaningrum (2016) proved that liquidity has a significant influence on the value of the
company.Based on the results of empirical studies the research hypothesis is stated as follows:
H5: Liquidity effect on the value of the company

In accordance with the subject matter and purpose of the study, this research uses explanatory
patterns (level of explanation). Explanatory research is research that intends to describe an
effect between two or more variables, which are symmetrical, causal and reciprocal (Sugiyono,

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2004). Pattern effect will be revealed in this study is effect of capital structure,dividend policy,
firm size, and profitability managerial stock ownership on firm value Manufacturing Listed on the
Stock Exchange in the period 2014-2016,
The unit of analysis in this study is a manufacturing company with the population is a
manufacturing company that registered and are still active in the Indonesian Stock Exchange
(BEI) for 2014 through 2016 amounted to 146 companies. Sampling was carried out with
saturated sampling method. According Sugiyono (2006) saturation sampling is a sampling
technique when all members of the population used as a sample. To avoid sampling error, then
the sample is determined criteria, as follows:
1. Data companies listed on the Stock Exchange consecutive years 2014-2016
2. The manufacturing company that does not publish financial statements
consistently year 2014-2016
3. The Company does not consecutive dividend during the study period
4. Having a positive net profit or tax loss for the year 2014-2016

Based on these criteria the number of companies that meet the criteria specified sample, as

Table 2. Population Selection Process

Determination Samples Amount
Data companies listed on the Stock Exchange consecutive years 2014-2016 146
The manufacturing company that does not publish financial statements
consistently year 2014-2016
The Company does not consecutive dividend during the study period (90)

Having a positive net profit or tax loss for the year 2014-2016 (19)

Samples 15

Data used in this research is secondary data, which is a source of research data obtained
indirectly or through an intermediary medium. Secondary data such as data in the form of
financial statements of companies that we obtain from various sources. The collection of data
needed for this study, namely the company's financial statements as well as stock quotes, data
collection techniques used were documentation. Documentation is a method to obtain data by
collecting data from the existing literature. Source of research data obtained from
siteswww.idx.go.id, www.yahoofinance.com, and ICMD.

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Testing the hypothesis to test the effect of the effect of capital structure, dividend policy,
company size, profitability and liquidity of the company's value. This hypothesis was tested
based on the analysis of the value t, resulting from multiple regression model. Where the level
of significance= 5% and with a degree of freedom (k) and (nk) where n is the number of
observations and k are independent variables. Then the t value is defined as follows (Sugiyono,

t hitung 
Se i
Where :
βi = Coefficient of regression
Se βi = Standard error of the regression coefficient

Based on the level of significance = 5%, then if t> t table then Ho is rejected and Ha received
or if the probability value (Sig.) T <5%, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.


Results of Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple regression analysis is used to see whether there is any effect of capital structure,
dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity of the company's value. The results of
multiple linear regression analysis calculation is done with the help of Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS) 17.0 for Windows, as shown in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Summary of Results of Regression Analysis

Research variable t sig. Information
Coefficients Beta
Capital structure 0.623 4.870 0.000 Significant
Dividend Policy 0.691 5.796 0.000 Significant
Company size 0.390 2.847 0.007 Significant
profitability 0.354 2.940 0.005 Significant
Liquidity 0.296 2.200 0.034 Significant
R : 0.736
R Square : 0.542
F count : 9220
Sig. F : 0000

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Based on table 3 can be explained that the F test used in this study to test the accuracy or
significance of research models. Based on the results obtained F value of 9220 with a
significance value of 0.000 is smaller than statistically significant at α = 5%, meaning that it has
a capital structure, dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity worth to explain the
value of the company.
The value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.736, this shows that the relationship
between the variables of capital structure, dividen dpolicy, company size, profitability and
liquidity of the value of the company amounted to 73.6%. These results indicate that capital
structure, dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity have high levels of closeness
to the value of the company. Predictive power of the regression model (R-square) which is
formed in this test of 0.542. These results indicate that capital structure, dividend policy,
company size, profitability and liquidity have contributed to the value of the company amounted
to 54.2%, while the remaining 45.8% is influenced by other variables outside the model.
The value of t for a variable capital structure is 4.870 with the significance of 0.000 is
smaller than statistically significant at α = 5%, with a coefficient of positive regression is 0.623,
so reject H0, which means that the capital structure of positive and significant impact on the
value of the company, this means that peningatan capital structure will be followed by an
increase in the value of the company.
The value of t for a variable dividend policy is 5.796 with the significance of 0.000 is
smaller than statistically significant at α = 5%, with less coefficient of positive regression of
0.691, so reject H0, which means that the dividend policy positive and significant impact on the
value of the company, this means that an increase in the dividend policy will be followed by
peningkaan value of the company.
The amount of t value for the variable size of the company is 2.847 with the significance
of 0.007 is smaller than statistically significant at α = 5%, with less regression coefficient is
positive, namely 0.390, so reject H0, which means that the size of the company's positive and
significant impact on the value of the company, this means that the increase in the size of the
company will be followed by peningatan value of the company.
The amount of t value for the variable profitability is 2.940 with the significance of 0.005
is smaller than statistically significant at α = 5%, with a coefficient of positive regression is
0.354, so reject H0, which means that the profitability of positive and significant impact on the
value of the company, this means that increased profitability will be followed by an increase in
the value of the company.
The amount of t value for the variable liquidity is 2.200 with the significance of 0.034 is
smaller than statistically significant at α = 5%, with a coefficient of positive regression is 0,296,

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so reject H0, which means that liquidity is positive and significant impact on the value of the
company, this means that increased liquidity will be followed by an increase in the value of the

The Influence of Capital Structure to the Value of the Company
Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis obtained evidence that the capital structure
and significant positive effect on firm value. The selection of the optimal capital structure is one
of the main tasks of management of the company. The capital structure is the proportion of debt
financing (debt financing) company, which is the ratio of leverage (leverage) of the company,
thus, debt is an element of the company's capital structure. The capital structure is the key to
improving productivity and company performance. Capital structure theory explains that the
funding policy (financial policy) in determining the company's capital structure (mix between
debt and equity) aimed at optimizing the company's value (value of the firm).
The results of this study found that the presence of positive and significant impact on the
value of the company. These results can be explained that the use of debt in the capital
structure can control the use of free cash flow in excess so that the management is not involved
in investment projects that are not profitable (Jensen, 1986). Repayment of loans and other
financial charges can reduce the agency problem of free cash flow usage. The use of debt will
bring additional oversight on the part of the creditor in order to work for the company's
management. This condition will be responded positively by shareholders which is reflected in
the increase in the stock price.
These findings were supported by the trade-off theory, which according to the trade-off
theory, managers can choose the ratio of debt to memaksimakan value of the company. The
model assumes that the trade-off the company's capital structure is the result of a trade-off of
using the tax advantages of debt at a cost that would result from the use of the debt. The
essence of the trade-off theory of capital structure is balancing the benefits and sacrifices that
arise as a result of the use of debt. As far larger benefits, additional debt is still allowed.
The results of this study support the study conducted by Chowdhury and Chowdhury
(2010) found that the capital structure as seen from the determining factors associated with the
company's value. Cheng and Tzeng (2011) show that companies using leverage is greater than
the unleveraged company, found no positive effect of leverage to the company's value tends to
strengthen when the company's financial quality is also good. Cheng, et al (2010) showed that
the increase in the debt structure of the company, then the company's value will increase.
Rahim et al (2010) found that the leverage is positively related to the value of the company.

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The Influence of Dividend Policy on the Value of the Company

Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis obtained evidence that the dividend policy
and a significant positive effect on firm value. Dividend policy determines how much profit to be
gained shareholders. The gains of shareholders will determine the welfare of shareholders, who
are the main objectives of the company. The greater the dividends distributed to shareholders,
the performance of listed companies will be considered the better and in the end the company
has performed a good managerial considered beneficial and of course an assessment of the
company will be the better, which is usually reflected by the level of its share price ,
If the company increases the dividend payment, may be interpreted by investors as a
signal of management's expectations of going to the improved performance of the company in
the future, so that's dividend policy has an influence on the value of the company.
These findings are supported by Bird in the Hand Theory filed Gordon and Lintner
(1956), suggests that there is a relationship between the value of companies with dividend
policy, whereby the company's value will be maximized by the dividend payout ratio is high, as
investors assume that the risk of a dividend is not as big risk capital appreciation. Investors
prefer profits in dividends than expected gains from capital appreciation.
The results of this study support the study by Alonso et al (2005) found evidence that
dividend affect the value of the company. Mohammed Amidu (2007) found that the dividend
policy has positive influence on the value of the company is seen on firm performance (ROA).
Muhammad AzeemQureshi (2007) showed that an adequate dividend policy can achieve the
goal of maximizing the value of the company. Ghosh and Ghosh (2008) found that the dividend
policy is positively related to the value of the company.

The Influence of Company Size on the Value of the Company

Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis obtained proof that size of the companies
deemed capable of affecting the value of the company. Because the bigger the size or scale of
the company, the company will be more easily obtain funding sources both internal and
external.The size of the company is a large scale where small companies can be classified
according to a variety of ways, including: total assets, log size, the value of the stock market,
and others. Companies that have total assets of the shows that the company has reached a
stage of maturity where at this stage the company cash flow has been positive and is
considered to have good prospects within a relatively long time, but it also reflects that the
company is relatively more stable and better able to generate profits than companies with total
assets were small (Indriani 2005 in Daniati and Suhairi, 2006).

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Company size in this study is a reflection of the size of the companies that appear in the value
of total assets of the company. With the growing size of the company, there is a tendency that
more investors are paying attention to the company, this is because large companies tend to
have a more stable condition. This stability to attract investors to own shares of the company.
This condition is a cause for rising share prices of companies in the capital market. Investors
have great expectations towards large enterprises. Insvestor expectation of acquiring the
dividend from the company. Increased demand for company shares will be able to spur the
increase in stock prices in the capital market.
Theoretically larger companies have certainty (certainty) that is larger than a small
company so it will reduce the level of uncertainty regarding the company's future prospects. It
can help investors predict the risk that might occur if he invested in the company (Yolana and
Martani, 2005).
The results of this study support the study conducted by the Cheng, Liu and Chien
(2001) concluded that the size of the companies individually affect the value of companies listed
on China's stock exchanges. Paranita, (2007) and Sudjoko and Soebiantoro (2007) concluded
that the size of the company's positive effect on firm value. Obradovich and Gill (2013)
concluded that the size of the company and significant positive effect on the value of companies
listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Purnomosidi. L. (2014) concluded that the size of the
company has a positive effect on the value of real estate companies in Indonesia Stock
Exchange. Siahaan, Marius U., et al (2014) showed that the size of the company's positive
effect on the value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Influence the Profitability of the the Value of the Company

Based on the results of statistical analysis in this study, it was found that the profitability of a
positive significant effect on firm value, this suggests that the higher profitability (profitability),
the higher the value of the company. The higher a company's ability to generate profits, will
raise the company's value as indicated by the increase in the company's stock price.
Companies that have profitability (profitability) is great every year, tend to be preferred by many
investors. Investors assume that companies that have a large profit will yield greater returns.
This is captured by investors as a positive signal of the company, thereby increasing the
confidence of investors and will facilitate the management of the company to attract capital in
the form of shares.
The high profitability of the company will increase earnings per share (EPS or earnings
per share) of the company. An increase in EPS will make investors interested to invest by

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buying shares of the company. This condition leads to a positive relationship between
profitability and stock prices where high stock prices will affect the value of the company.
In accordance with the opinion of Weston and Brigham (2001) which states that the
profitability as measured by ROA high reflects the position of a great company so that the value
of a given market is reflected in the stock price of the company will also be good. The results of
this study support the study conducted by the Paranita (2007), Chowdhury, Anupand
Chowdhury, S. Paul (2010), Rizqia, et al (2013) concluded that the level of profitability has a
positive effect on firm value.

Influence of Liquidity to the Value of the Company

Based on the results of statistical analysis in this study, it was found that liquidity is a positive
significant effect on firm value, it indicates that the Liquidity determine the extent of a company's
ability to realize non-cash into cash. This is as stated Husnan (2005) Nugroho (2012) that,
liquidity is an asset which can be changed in the size of the monetary unit to be used as means
of payment most smoothly because it can be widely accepted as a medium of exchange. The
company's liquidity is considered good if the company is able to meet its short term obligations
on time because of the funds available for the company to fund operations and investments.
Liquid companies tend to use internal funds in financing activities, (Sartono, 2010). This can
increase the demand for shares by investors that will increase the company's share price. High
stock price is a reflection of the high value of the company. ,The results of this study support the
study conducted by theSeptiono, et al (2013) and Susilaningrum (2016) proved that liquidity has
a significant influence on the value of the company.


This study examines the effect of capital structure, dividend policy, firm size, and profitability
managerial stock ownership on firm value. Based on the results of the study found that capital
structurepositive and significant impact on the value of companies.That result can be explained
that the use of debt in the capital structure can control the use of free cash flow in excess so
that the management is not involved in investment projects unprofitable. The use of debt will
bring additional oversight on the part of the creditor in order to work for the company's
management. This condition will be responded positively by shareholders which is reflected in
the increase in the stock price. Dividend policy has positive and significant effect on firm value.
Dividend policy determines how much profit to be gained shareholders. The gains of
shareholders will determine the welfare of shareholders, who are the main objectives of the

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company. The greater the dividends distributed to shareholders, the higher the value of the
Size of company positivly and significantly affect on firm value. The larger the size of the
company, there is a tendency that more investors are paying attention to the company, this is
because large companies tend to have a more stable financial condition. This stability to attract
investors to own shares of the company. This condition is a cause for rising share prices of
companies in the capital market.Profitability positive and significant effect on firm value, this
suggests that the higher profitability (profitability), the higher the value of the company. The
higher a company's ability to generate profits, will raise the company's value as indicated by the
increase in the company's stock price.Liquidity positive and significant impact on the value of
the company, this means that the increased liquidity will be followed by an increase in the value
of the company.
There are several limitations research that need attention. The period of observation in
this study is relatively brief, lasting only 3 years from 2014 to 2016, so that the conclusions can
not be generalized in another year. The number of samples obtained slightly less than the
previous number, this is because the sampling selected companies that have distributed
dividendsrespectively during the study period.
Based on the conclusions and limitations on the above results, it can be recommended
as follows. To still be able to increase the value of the company, the company is expected to
maintain the condition of an optimal capital structure through the use of debt. Moreover, that the
public continues to believe the prospects for the company, the company is expected to know the
criteria on which to base any investor to invest. These criteria eg level of financial risk, rate of
return on investment, prosperity parapemegang stock and others.For investors and prospective
investors the companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in order to more carefully and also
the aspect of dividend policy, company size, profitability and liquidity as a consideration in
making investment. For further research, it is expected to use other variables that can affect the
value of the company as the company's growth and business risk.

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