NCM 109 - Prelim Transes
NCM 109 - Prelim Transes
NCM 109 - Prelim Transes
FRAMEWORK FOR MATERNAL AND of a community as it reflects the ages of the
CHILD HEALTH NURSING environment and the medical condition of the
● G lobal Health Situation in November 2016 - As of Feb. 2008, IMR = 13.2 / 1000 LB
by WHO
- Every day approximately 830 women IMR = Total # of deaths under 1 year registered
die from preventablecausesrelatedto in a year
pregnancy and childhood. —---------------------------------------------------- x 1000
- 99% of all maternal deaths occur in Total # of live births registered of the
developing countries. same year
- Maternalmortalityishigherinwomen
living in rural community areas and ➢ Causes of Infant Mortality Rate
also among poorer communities. ● Bacterial sepsis of the newborn
- Youngadolescentsfaceahigherriskof ● Respiratory distress of newborn
complications asaresultofpregnancy ● Pneumonia
than other women. ● Disorders related to short gestation
- Skilled care before, during, and after and low birth weight
childbirthcansavethelivesofwomen ● Congenital pneumonia
and newborn babies. ● Congenital malformation
- Between 1990 and 2015, thematernal ● Neonatal aspiration syndrome
mortality worldwide actuallydropped ● Intrauterinehypoxiaandbirthasphyxia
about 44%. Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of
- Between 2016 and 2023aspartofthe presumed infectious origin
sustainable development goals the
target was to reduce the global FETAL DEATH RATE
maternalmortalityratiotolessthan70 - Measures pregnancy wastage
per 100,000 live births, compared to - Death of the product of conception occurs prior
12 per 100,000 live births in to its complete expulsion irrespective of the
developed countries. duration of pregnancy.
- There are large disparities in - As of Feb. 2008, FDR = 5.2/1000 LB
developing countries and between
women in low-income and those
IMR = Total # of fetal deaths registered in a
women living in rural vs urban areas.
given calendar year
—---------------------------------------------------- x 1000
MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE Total # of live births registered in the
- Measures the risk of dying from causes related same year
to pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium.
- It is an index of the obstetrical care needed and
received by women in a community.