Electronic Bank Transfer
Electronic Bank Transfer
Electronic Bank Transfer
Use this checklist to ensure that all required parties have signed the Electronic Bank Transfer form and that all
required supporting documentation accompanies this request.
All Vanguard and bank account owners/authorized signers must sign on the next page. If there is not a common
owner between the Vanguard account and bank account, all signatures must be notarized. If the signer’s names on
the bank account and the Vanguard account don’t match exactly, the signer is required to sign with their name as
it appears on their bank account (e.g., John Smith vs. John Smith Jr. or Jane Smith vs. Jane Smith-Jones).
The Vanguard and external bank Sign this form using the name as it No notary is required
account have matching appears on bank account
registrations but there is a registration
discrepancy related to a suffix or
abbreviated name
There is an additional signer(s) on All Vanguard and bank account No notary is required
the external bank account and owners must sign this form
there is at least one common owner
for both the Vanguard and the
external bank account
The Vanguard account and the All Vanguard and bank account All signatures must be notarized
bank account have different owners must sign this form
registrations and there are no
common owners/authorized signers
for the Vanguard and the external
bank account
Form BTSF - I
Authorized signer
First name MI Last name Suffix
Heather L Bowser
Note: To list additional authorized signers, trustees, or organization representatives, copy this page to
provide that information.
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Form BTSF - I
External bank account type Individual, Joint, or Minor Trust or Estate Organization
Required documentation Provide one of the following: Provide one of the following: Provide a letter from your
A voided check A voided check external bank that contains
A deposit slip A deposit slip all of the following:
A bank account statement A bank account statement Printed on bank
Letter from your external letterhead
bank that contains all of Signed by a bank officer
the following: Full account registration
Printed on bank Full account number
letterhead Name(s) of the authorized
Signed by a bank officer signer(s) required to
Full account registration authorize debit and credit
Full account number entries on behalf of the
Name(s) of the bank account
authorized signer(s)
required to authorize
debit and credit entries
on behalf of the bank
Tips • The documentation • The documentation • The documentation
provided must show the provided must show the provided must contain all
name(s) of the account name(s) of ALL trustees or of the above elements.
owners. executors
• Vanguard does not accept
starter checks or
alterations to supporting
3. Signatures
All Vanguard and bank account owners/authorized signers must sign on the next page.
If I am/we are the owner(s)/authorized signer(s) of the Vanguard account, I/we:
uthorize The Vanguard Group, Inc., and/or Vanguard Marketing Corporation, and any affiliates of
either (individually or collectively, “Vanguard”), to add the bank account information provided in this
form to my/our Vanguard account(s).
uthorize Vanguard to send redemption proceeds to the bank account identified in this form as I/we,
or someone I/we have authorized, direct, or to secure payment by electronic bank transfer of amounts
invested by me/us or someone I/we have authorized.
Return ALL pages of this form, even if some sections are left blank.
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Form BTSF - I
gree that Vanguard will not incur any loss, liability, cost, or expense for adding bank account
information to my/our Vanguard account(s), or for sending money to, or taking money from, that bank
account if directed to do so by me/us, or someone I/we have authorized.
nderstand that this authorization may be terminated by me/us at any time by written notification to
Vanguard. The termination request will be effective as soon as Vanguard has had a reasonable amount
of time to act upon it.
If I am/we are the owner(s) and/or authorized signer(s) of the bank account, I/we:
uthorize The Vanguard Group, Inc., and/or Vanguard Marketing Corporation, and any affiliates of
either (individually or collectively, “Vanguard”) to make credit or debit entries (“ACH transactions”) to
my/our bank account at the direction of a Vanguard account owner or other authorized person.
• Authorize the bank to accept any such ACH transactions without responsibility for their correctness.
cknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my/our bank account must comply with
U.S. law.
nderstand that I/we may terminate this authorization at any time by written notification to the bank
and to Vanguard. The termination will be effective as to Vanguard as soon as Vanguard has had a
reasonable amount of time to act on it.
epresent and warrant that I am/we are the owner(s) or authorized signer(s) of the bank account
identified in this form, and that no other owner or authorized signer of the bank account is required to
sign to authorize the initiation of ACH transactions to the bank account.
Notarization required only if the signers for the Vanguard account and bank account are
different individuals.
Acknowledgment of signature
State of County of
– –
(continued on the next page)
All owners of the Vanguard account and the bank account must sign in this section.
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Form BTSF - I
Notarization required only if the signers for the Vanguard account and bank account are
different individuals.
Acknowledgment of signature
State of County of
– –
If you need more space for additional signatures and notarizations, provide an additional copy of this page.
Return ALL pages of this form, even if some sections are left blank.
© 2021
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
All rights reserved.
BTSF 092021
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