Broundout Problem Solve by Scheduler
Broundout Problem Solve by Scheduler
Broundout Problem Solve by Scheduler
Note: Currently using JuanFi WiFi Vendo system. For Reference visit JuanFi by Ivan
Mikrotik Terminal
/system scheduler
add interval=5s name="uptime backup" on-event=":local hsactiveuptime;\r\
\n:local hsuser;\r\
\n:local hslimit;\r\
\n:if ([/ip hotspot active print count-only] > 0) do={\r\
\n:foreach i in=[/ip hotspot active find] do={\r\
\n:set hsactiveuptime [/ip hotspot active get \$i uptime];\r\
\n:set hsuser [/ip hotspot active get \$i user];\r\
\n:set hslimit [/ip hotspot user get \$hsuser limit-uptime];\r\
\n/system scheduler set [find where name=\$hsuser] comment=\"temp \$hsacti\
\n" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
add name="uptime restore" on-event=":local ucom;\r\
\n:local hsolduptime;\r\
\n:local hsnewuptime;\r\
\n:local hsactiveuptime;\r\
\n:local hsuser;\r\
\n:local temp; \r\
\n:foreach ie in=[/sys sch find] do={\r\
\n :set \$ucom [/sys sch get \$ie comment]; \r\
\n:if (\$ucom != \"\") do={ \r\
\n:set \$temp [:pick \$ucom 0 4];\r\
\n:if (\$temp = \"temp\") do={\r\
\n :set \$hsuser [/sys sch get \$ie name]; \r\
\n:if ([/ip hotspot user find name=\$hsuser]) do={\r\
\n:set \$hsolduptime [/ip hotspot user get [find where name=\$hsuser] limi\
\n/sys sch set [find where name=\$hsuser] comment=\"\";} else={ /sys sch r\
emove \$ie;}\r\
\n}}}" policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
As you read the script the uptime backup will get the active users uptime and it
will comment the current active uptime
of user to the user scheduler for every 5 seconds. By adding the OnLogout script it
will remove the user scheduler
comment because it will automatically saved to uptime statistics of user. The issue
on sudden Power Interruption with
fix by uptime restore and it will run after 3 seconds of Mikrotik bootup.