Op Speech
Op Speech
Op Speech
Sosial media has become an important part of our daily lives,influencing the
way we communicate,interact and share information.
Ladies and gentlemen,do you understand about how to use the social media
with a goodness??
Well,I would like to invite us to reflect on how we use social media wisely.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
The honorable all judges,and all participants.
My name is Muhammad hudan al furqan and I am from ghalib vocational
Its just blessing to allah I can stand here to deliver a speech about “the use of
social media”.
First of all,let’s acknowledge that social media has many benefits.It’s a platform
that allow us to stay connected with friends and family,share life
experiences,and even promote business or deliver social messages. However, as
Uncle Ben in Spiderman says, "With great power comes great responsibility."
So it is with social media.
Ladies and gentlemen, the wise use of social media requires us to think more
before clicking "post" or "tweet". Consider the impact of what you are about to
share. it will spark conflict or contention? it will damage your reputation? Is the
information valid? Checking the truth of information before sharing it's an
important step to prevent the spread of fake or hoax news.
It's also important to respect your and others privacy. Never upload or share
sensitive personal information carelessly. Be sure to understand the privacy
settings on your social media platforms and use them wisely.
Next, let's talk about etiquette in communicating on social media. If you
disagree with someone's views, give a constructive feedback and respect
differences of opinion. Stop cyberbullying and think twice before criticizing or
demeaning others. Remember that behind the computer or phone screen, there is
a human being with feelings and dignity.
Finally, I would like to remind the importance of "offline time." Too much time
we spent on sosial media can make us feel disconnected from the real world. So,
make sure to set aside time to hang out with friends and family in person,
pursue hobbies, and enjoy moments outside of social networks.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us remember that social media is a powerful tool that
can shape and influence our lives. Wise use will help us again great benefits
from it without compromising our values and principles as human beings. Let
us use social media mindfully and responsibly. Thank you.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.