Visual & Performing Arts Infant Ecd - Grade 2
Visual & Performing Arts Infant Ecd - Grade 2
Visual & Performing Arts Infant Ecd - Grade 2
2015 - 2022
The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education would like to acknowledge the following:
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................... 1
2 Unit 1................................................................................................................ 4
3 Unit 2................................................................................................................ 7
4 Unit 3.............................................................................................................. 14
5 Unit 4.............................................................................................................. 16
6 Unit 5.............................................................................................................. 21
7 Unit 6.............................................................................................................. 25
8 Unit 7.............................................................................................................. 43
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Performing Arts teaching and learning
l design appropriate strategies for enhancing
The Infant level (ECDA to Grade 2) Visual and
Performing Arts teacher’s guide is a document that l familiarise with cross-cutting themes and how
has been prepared to assist you in understanding they can be integrated in the teaching and
how to deliver the 2015-2022 curriculum with ease. learning process
This guide is divided into two parts. Part A of the This guide will assist teachers in unpacking the new
guide focuses on the critical documents that you as Visual and Performing Arts syllabus
the teacher must have in the course of curriculum
delivery for Visual and Performing Arts. Part B of
the guide focuses on the curriculum delivery on the 2.0 CRITICAL DOCUMENTS
content that is the objectives, methodology, 2.1 INTRODUCTION
instructional materials, class management and
l The Primary and Secondary Education
Curriculum 2015-2022 has been defined by a
A thorough study of this guide will assist you, the
policy framework, which outlines the stance
teacher, to have ideas on how to properly teach
taken by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary
curriculum content on the 2015-2022 Infant level
Education. The teacher, as the implementer on
(ECDA to Grade 2) Visual and Performing Arts
the ground, ought to familiarise with documents
learning area. This guide makes it easy for you to
that the Ministry has availed in order to develop
interpret the syllabus and prepare learning an understanding of the new dimension the
experiences for the learners in your custody at the curriculum has taken. It is of paramount
school where you are teaching. importance for you to embrace the changes that
To enhance your understanding of the Visual and come with it. As a teacher you need to know the
Performing Arts learning area, it is very important critical documents you should have access to in
that as a teacher, you read through the given order to deliver the Visual and Performing Arts
guidelines thoroughly. Syllabus effectively. These are:
l Curriculum Framework
The teachers’ guide aims to assist you (the teacher) to: l Lesson Plans
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
This is a policy document that outlines underpinning principles, national philosophy, learning areas, the description
and expectations of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MOPSE) at policy level. It outlines what the
government expects you to deliver as you go about your duties.
The Visual and Performing Arts is a learning area that seeks to develop the skills of creativity, performance and
originality. It involves music, dance, theatre and visual arts, which leads to entrepreneurship. The syllabus is for
Infant level and intends to help learners gain understanding and appreciation of visual and performing arts. It places
visual and performing arts in its socio-economic, political and cultural context in order to help learners understand
and appreciate their culture and society.
The syllabus follows a developmental approach that leads learners to grow into a mature relationship with Music,
Dance, Theatre and Art through primary education.
This guide will therefore assist you and acts as a reference book for the teaching of various concepts in the learning
area. It will also assist you to organise your lesson plans, use appropriate methods and manage your classes
effectively to facilitate the easy delivery of the curriculum. Visual and Performing Arts requires a play oriented practical
approach to its teaching. Accordingly you should involve learners in practical activities as much as possible.
l Manipulative skills
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Creativity
l Observation skills
l Listening skills
l Oral skills
l Speaking skills
l Communication skills
l Imaginative skills
l Collaborative skills
l Enterprising skills
l Cognitive skills
l Emotional skills
l Soft skills
l Social skills
l Mathematical skills
l Scientific skills
l Psychomotor skills
l Visual skills
l Technological skills
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Tactile skills
l Kinesthetic skills
l Aesthetic skills
l Confidence
l Concentration skill
l Leadership skills
The Curriculum Framework for Primary and Secondary Education (2015-2022) contains the
following key elements. As a teacher, you should be fully conversant of these elements of the
curriculum (refer to the Framework document for more information):
• Preamble
• Background
• Goals of the curriculum
• Learning areas
• Teaching and Learning methods
• Assessment and Learning
• Strategies for effective curriculum implementation
• Principles and values guiding the curriculum
• The Future
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
This unit provides aspects of syllabus interpretation that you should be well acquainted with in terms of teaching the
learning area. Syllabus interpretation is making sense of the syllabus. It is a process of unpacking the syllabus content,
analysing and synthesising it. You should familiarise yourself with the rationale, aims, objectives, scope and sequence,
content, methods and the activities suggested in the syllabus.
By the end of the unit you should be able to;
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Practical activities that should be carried out in the interest of skills acquisition.
Thus the syllabus ensures uniformity i.e. that is all pupils are learning the same things at the same level. You should
always remember that the syllabus serves as a contract between the teacher and the learner. Thus both the learner
and the teacher must play their roles diligently.
l Preamble
l Aims
l Course objectives
l Assessment objectives
l Course content/activities
l Methodology
l Assessment scheme
l Skills weighting
l The specification grid
3.5.1 PREAMbLE
You may have noticed that all the syllabuses in the Infant and Junior modules have a preamble. The preamble is
important as it;
l is a concise summary of the syllabus.
l contains a brief statement on the philosophy of teaching the course.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
3.5.2 AIMS
In order for you to interpret the syllabus meaningfully you should understand the aims of the syllabus. Aims can be
defined as long-term general directions in which you should be guiding your learners. On the other hand aims can be
defined as broad statements of intent, which identify general educational outcomes to be achieved.
After you have understood the general direction the syllabus is taking you and the learner; you need to take
cognizance of the specific objectives the syllabus seeks to achieve. So it is also necessary to understand what
objectives are. Objectives can be defined as learner behaviours after being exposed to a teaching and learning
experience. Objectives refer to competencies that learners must demonstrate after a teaching- learning experience.
E.g. Identify musical instruments by their sound. The objectives can be classified into three categories: cognitive,
affective and psychomotor
Below are the topics, which are in the Visual and Performing Arts syllabus for infant and junior learners;
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual arts Visual arts Visual arts
• Visual arts technologi- • Visual arts • Visual techno- • Visual technolog- • Visual technological tools
cal tools in the home technological logical tools in ical tools in my in my country
tools in my my school community • Photography
home • Photography • Photography • Video and filming
• Photography • Video and film- • Video and filming • Visual arts software
• Video and ing • Visual arts soft- • Ethics, visual art and the
filming • Visual arts ware internet
• Visual arts software • Ethics, visual art
software • Ethics, visual and the internet
• Ethics, visual art and the inter-
art and the in- net
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual Arts • identify visual arts • Technological • Naming Visual Arts • Visual Arts learning area
• Visual arts tech- technological tools tools technology tools :
nological tools in in the home • Photographing ob- • Objects and crafts
the home • operate jects in the home in the home
technological tools • Filming objects in - Duri nemutswi
in the home the home - Guyo nehuyo
• watch pictures • Pasting pictures of - surudzo
and images from technological tools - Portraits
visual arts • Making picture - Clay pots
technological books on technologi- - Vases
devices/tools in cal tools - Mats
the home • Grouping pictures - Musical artifacts
of technological - Pictures
tools - Charts
• Using their techno- - Glue/namo /ingcino
logical tool in the - DVD
home. - CD
• Experimenting with - TV
different types of - Camera
local materials to - Smartphones
produce art works - computers
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Theatre • create shadows • Animated shad- • Making shadows • Theatre play area:
• Lighting and • create animated ows • produce animation • Lights
shadows and sil- shadows • Picture reading using shadows • Candles
houette • watch shadows • Imitating silhouette • Torches
• Picture stories and silhouette and shadows • Picture books
• read picture • Watching shadows • Resource persons
books and silhouette
• Discussing in pic-
ture books
Dance • follow a dance • Animated shad- • Imitating shadows • Dance play area
• Lighting and through ows • Watching dance • Lights
shadows/ silhou- animated • Dance pictures videos • Candles
ette shadows and • Dance move- • Reading dance pic- • Torches
• Slides dance silhouette ments tures • Picture books
pictures • imitate dance • Moving to recorded • Resource persons
from sound
dance pictures
• respond through
body movements
to recorded music
These are examination oriented (what is to be tested) they give the areas that will be assessed or tested in a public
examination at the end of the course. Virtually they are derived from the aims. They are meant to guide the
examiners or item writers in constructing examinations. In a way, teachers for both classroom assessment and end
of year testing can also use them. This is because they indicate exactly what is to be tested at the end of the
course. They clearly state those aspects of the syllabus that will be assessed. The assessment objectives are
based on the Bloom’s taxonomy; recall/knowledge, comprehension/understanding, application, analysis, synthesis
and evaluation
3.5.5 CONTENT:
This is the bedrock of the examiner’s activities. It delineates the subject matter making it unique to that subject. It
shows the depth and breadth of subject coverage.
These are teaching approaches to achieve desired learning outcomes Learner-centred approaches allow learners
to practice skills learnt. The guide recommends the use of learner-centred approaches with learners engaging in
practical activities and co-operative learning (group work) with you as the facilitator.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
This unit provides information on the school syllabus, how it is crafted and where it is derived from. It highlights why
the document is necessary to be done at the school and how it is done. It is indeed a noble idea to have a school-
based syllabus that speaks to the environment in which the school is located. Thus the national syllabus should then
be refocused to meet the needs and the resources permitted by the school and its environment.
l Aims- These are broad indications of what the learners should learn in a given course
l Objectives- These are learner behaviours exhibited at the end of the teaching episodes and should
be adjusted to suite the local environment.
l Content- This content in the syllabus should be aligned to the local environment. The content is the
bedrock of teaching and from it activities are derived.
l Methodology- As espoused in the Curriculum Framework, this should be learner centred and the
teacher only acts as a core-explorer and facilitator in discovering new knowledge. Use of local
resource persons is highly encouraged on topics that seem to be alien to the teacher.
l Instructional/Teaching Materials- These should be locally sourced and should be used appropriately
to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge by learners. A variety of them should be used to enhance
the delivery of the curriculum.
l Assessment- Teaching and learning should be assessed to ascertain how far learners have acquired
the intended skills, attitudes and knowledge. The New Curriculum advocates for both formative and
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
summative assessment. In your case, you need to be conversant with these assessment types which are;
portfolios, the profiling system, continuous assessment and formal examination type of assessment.
The next unit focuses on the scheme-cum-plan and how teachers can plan their weekly teaching.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
At Infant level, the Curriculum Framework has rationalized the previous fourteen learning areas into eight principal
learning areas which are; Languages, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Mathematics and Science,
Mass Displays, Family and Heritage Studies, Information and Communication Technology and English as in
languages. It is important to mention that the medium of instruction at this level is the mother tongue or the indigenous
language of the child. Schemes of work should be drawn up in all these learning areas and the depth of coverage at
each learning area is highly influenced by the teacher’s careful study of the age, content and experience of the learners
to be taught.
l Develop a scheme-cum-plan
It is highly assumed that at this stage of the Teaching Guide you have studied the various syllabuses and you can
correctly interpret them. The guide will show you samples of scheme-cum-plans in the Visual and Performing Arts
learning area.
It is necessary for you to plan in advance the work you intend to cover during a specific week to ensure continuity
and progress in learning. Whether there is only one lesson or a series of them to plan for a week, the work should be
set out methodically, neatly and comprehensive enough to give direction.
1.4.2 TOPIC/CONTENT: - This is the specific topic to be covered from the schemes of work and the content are the
main points to be covered and thus are the actual matter to be learnt. In essence, content needs to be divided into a
number of units or sub-topics for the number of lessons per week. Topic left like; Pitch Identification is not acceptable.
If there are four or eight lessons per week, the topic should be divided into four or eight sub-topics. Note: Arrangement
of topics in order of difficulty helps easy acquisition of concepts.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
1.4.3 ObJECTIVES: - These are derived from the syllabus and are sometimes called the intended learning outcomes.
They clearly constitute the teaching material were learners exhibit the intended behaviours, skills and knowledge. As
a teacher you should know why you are going to teach a specific lesson. There may be only one objective or there
may be more than one objective which should always be measurable, specific, realistic and clearly stated. These
should be chosen for the specific sub-topic you have broken down above.
1.4.4 COMPETENCIES: - Competencies are the intended skills, attitudes and knowledge learners are expected to
learn form given content. These are derived from the general aims of the syllabus and from the major purpose of the
curriculum. You need to mention the specific competencies you intend to develop during the week.
1.4.5 METHODS/ACTIVITIES: - This is where full details of the work to be done by the pupils is furnished. Exercises
to be written should be indicated here. If group work is to be done the work for each group should be clearly stated.
You should also mention teacher’s demonstrations, explanations or discussions here.
1.4.6 SOM/ TEACHING AIDS: List the source of matter and the teaching aids to be used for each lesson throughout
the week. Also identify key words to be used.
1.4.7 EVALUATION: - On this section, you should write a comprehensive report of the lesson or series of reports.
You should mention the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson. State whether the methods used were appropriate
or not. Comment on topic coverage, learner’s performance, effectiveness of the use of media, adequacy of content
and also problems encountered and how they are to be solved.
Below is an example of a generic scheme-cum plan for the infant level in the Visual and Performing Arts, which can
be written horizontally or vertically depending with the agreed format at the school. Please note that a scheme-cum
is a combination of a scheme and a plan put together and therefore should reflect daily activities of each lesson on
the timetable. At ECD children learn through play and the scheme-cum should reflect this.
14/10/16 Music By the end of the Listening skills, Monday (a) Tr Visual &Performing
Pitch Identification lesson pupils should Aural skills demonstrates Arts Infant Syll. P 23
- High, medium and low be able to identify making sounds Drums, tables,
sounds high, medium and low with different hosho, recorded
sounds objects. sounds.
(b) Children
name objects
which are
producing the
(c) Children
name high,
medium and low
sounds produced
by different
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Pitch Identification-Match- By the end of the les- Aural skills Tuesday: (a) Tr Recorded sounds,
ing sounds with objects son pupils should be demonstrates drums, cell phone,
able to identify sounds matching sounds pictures of animals,
and match them to ob- with objects and drums, an ambu-
jects and pictures pictures. lance. Door, window
(b) Pupils match table etc
sounds with ob-
jects and pictures
and say whether
they are high or
(c) Pupils play
the game “I hear
with my little ear
a word that starts
with …. (name a
sound not a let-
Visual Arts By the end of the Wednesday Visual art play area
•Moulding and model- lesson pupils should (a)Pupils identify Play
ing be able to identify various media dough/plasticine
types of media used in moulding
and modeling on
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l They give ample time for teachers to prepare teaching and learning materials.
The next unit looks at how a single lesson plans can be drawn in schools where scheme-cum is not done or practiced.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Lesson planning is the most important of all the activities of teaching. As a practising teacher you should always
nurture in yourself the habit of never getting into the classroom without planning. It is indeed a gross violation of the
ethics and principles of teaching to enter a classroom without knowing what or how you are going to teach. In short
failure to plan is failing to teach and soon learners will be quick discover teachers who plan and those who do not
plan their work and you know how they will behave.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Evaluation is a continuous process, which goes on during the lesson. In the evaluation stage of the lesson plan you
can briefly list the things learners have achieved or gained, also mention how successful and effective your methods
were during the lesson delivery. Highlight areas of improvement and also appraise your strengths and weaknesses.
Class: ECD A
• Schemes of work
- Video clips
- Camera
- Picture puzzles
- Collage
- Local environment
• Textbooks
ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE: Learners have seen and once played with some musical tools such as smartphones,
TVs, picture puzzles etc.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Phase 2 Groupwork:
Lesson development and - Teacher asks learners to explore pictures, photographs and videos of music
presentation performances and artists.
- Learners explore pictures, photographs and videos of music performances and
15 minutes artists.
Group presentations:
- Learners present their findings and the teacher reinforces their answers.
Phase 4 - Teacher asks summary questions on musical tools and later play a song for the
Conclusion learners.
5 minutes - Pupils respond to the summary questions and perform one song of their choice.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
The following unit focuses extensively on methodology and how best you can use them to the best interest of the
learners. Record keeping is one of your professional duties as a teacher and as such you should liaise with the school
administration on the policy regarding the keeping of records. As critical documents therefore, you should maintain
and keep the records up to date and these should be readily available for checking by the head or any Ministry of
Primary and Secondary Education official.
1.1 Objectives
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
The new curriculum has a Visual and Performing Arts syllabus which this guide is premised on. From this official
syllabus you can then develop your school syllabus which you develop to suit and address your local needs.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Infant level Visual and Performing Arts is a learning area designed to produce learners with requisite skills to transform
their local, regional, national, and global Visual and Performing Arts space. The syllabus seeks to nurture in learners
positive attitudes, values, practical competences and skills that enable them to participate in the development of self,
the country and the world at large. You as a teacher should be able to help the learners to achieve what the aims and
objectives of the syllabus outlines.
Methods are closely linked to the content for we cannot teach in a vacuum. Selection of methods reflects your
knowledge of the learners and the subject matter or your understanding of content. Selection of methods again reflects
your behaviour of how you treat your learners in general. Some methods regard learners as empty vessels while
others place them at the centre of learning and teaching. The Curriculum framework adopts the 21st century
methodologies that put learners at the core of learning and as such you should ride on this advocation.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Learner centred
l Knowledge application
l Skills development
l Critical thinking
l Reflection
l Select and use teaching methods that suit class age and ability
l Demonstrate knowledge on how selected methods are used in teaching and learning
the learning area.
l Identify challenges in using a selected method and find ways to overcome the
below are some of the common teaching methods inclusive of the teacher centred ones:
l Lecture
l Demonstration
l Observation
l Simulation
l Role play
l Experimentation
l Project
l Field trips
The methods above can be categorized into eight major groups that are;
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Presentation methods (teacher centred): These are the most common forms of classroom interaction
methods and are premised on the notion that teaching is the presentation of ideas and information through
verbal communication. In this category we have; the lecture method, which is a formal talk prepared in
advance. Story telling, where a teacher tells a story of fiction or of fact to his/her learners. The demonstration,
a direct means of explaining things to learners and finally a resource person method, where a guest speaker
who presents information or passes on experience. The use of a specialist / knowledgeable person in
teaching and learning of a specific topic, it is an invitation of a local person with expertise in an area such as
a farming where an extension worker or farmer could be invited.
l Write to invite the resource person, specify teaching/learning details before the lesson, topic, concepts
/ skills to focus on, date and time for presentation, target group; pupils age, grade, general ability
and experiences. Arrange a meeting with resource person to discuss lesson presentation
The above methods are characterized as teacher centred methods and should be used sparingly. However the
resource method is a method encouraged in all the new syllabuses developed in the new curriculum. You should
thrive to use it where necessary.
l Construction Methods: These involve the learners and are sometimes done in groups and in this group, we have
model construction which provides concrete rather than abstract learning experience for learners, exhibitions, which
give an opportunity to present constructions made in class which at times clarify, identify describe or explain topics
covered by the pupils. This category should be used in the classroom as it gives learners an opportunity to work as
a team and make collaborations where necessary.
l Creative Activity Method: This is done by the learner but organized by the teacher. They develop the abilities of
understanding, evaluating, re-organizing and re-creating and examples are drawing and painting, posters, creative
writing and cartoons.
l Inquiry Methods: These allow learners to examine and interpret ideas and events. They encourage higher order
thinking among learners and in this category we have Surveys, which are fact-finding exercises. A survey involves
gathering information from different individual things or people. Information from a survey is not detailed and can be
collected in a short space of time. The method is learner participant.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Questionnaires
l Interviews
l Identifying
l Observing
l Recording
l Drawing up conclusions
Conducting a survey
l Topic identification
l Collection of information
l Also in this category are the Opinion polls, which are a survey of what people within a community, school or nation,
think about a specific issue or problem. To conduct these you follow the same procedures as above. We also have
Interviews, where learners go out to ask questions designed to find out the required information. In the inquiry
methods we also have Questionnaires, which are a list of questions designed to extract certain facts from identified
groups of people. Interviews, questionnaires and case studies follow the above mentioned procedures when being
In this category we also have field Trips, where learners are taken out of the classroom so that they can see things
for themselves. These are educational visits to local places e.g. galleries, caves, studios, Arts centres etc. It is an
outdoor learning that gives pupils a chance to interact and learn from their immediate environment. It can also be a
First – hand experience with visual and performing arts processes
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
arrange transportation and also seek written permission from authorities and parents. You should
also request assistance from other teachersand parents to act as guides. Do not forget to make pre-
visits to the places to ascertain availability of learning resources, identify likely dangers or problems.
Identify appropriate dressing
l Prepare pupils for the visit, thus discuss with pupils the objectives of the visit and also plan learning
tasks or activities for the pupils. Prepare materials for pupil use like task cards, worksheets or
observation forms and organise the working groups before the trip
l The visit, you should encourage pupils to participate actively while avoiding to a finger pointer. Pupils
should record observations and findings, and also give them time to talk and share ideas, discuss
observations and experiences and then check for pupils needing assistance You should respond
positively to unexpected learning opportunities
l Carry post-visit activities, by reporting and discussing findings and at the same time reinforcing
developed concepts
All inquiry methods are learner centred and should have a space in teaching the new curriculum.
l Discussion Methods: These work on the principle that the knowledge and ideas of several people are more likely
to lead to answers to specific problems or topics. The category includes the Small group discussion. In this regard
the class is divided into small groups of about five each with a leader and a secretary. We also have the Panel
Discussion method, which in this regard the average size of a panel is five with a moderator to introduce the topic.
Each panel member gives a short statement of facts and opinions. The audience is given an opportunity to ask
questions of panel members before the moderator gives a summary of main points made. Debates are some of the
methods used and they focus on the pros and cons of an issue. As a teacher you need to select those, which are
relevant to the level of the learners and appropriate to their age.
l Problem Solving Methods: These encourage learners to arrange and classify facts. They train learners to seek
logical answers to problems and to think for themselves. They allow learners to find a solution to a real or hypothetical
problem It is inquiry based learning that engages an investigation or finding out.
l preliminary exploration
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l suggest possible or likely solutions to the problem and every one of the suggested solutions
Finally, look back at the problem or reflect to see if the results from the testing address the problem The category
include the following; Puzzles, which provide opportunities for more relaxed learning and they encourage faster
learning as well as perception in learners. Quizzes, which may be in the form of a list of questions asking for true or
false answers. Word Cards, which are small cards on which problem/ questions are posed on one side and answers
or clues on the other side. Sorting, where learners are asked to select, match, classify or identify items. In this
category is also the Project method. The method promotes thinking in learners and is highly recommended in the
curriculum framework. Below is an elucidation of how the project is undertaken.
Conducting a project
l Formulate project topic
l teacher to assist pupils in making logical manageable study topic (simple investigations)
l formulation of simple questions from the topic that will be answered during the project
l prepare materials to be used to collect information like equipment/tools, questions, recording sheets
l Collection of information
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Simulation Method: The imitation of a real or possible situation or process. Learners pretend to give the effect or
appearance of a process of something. Alternatively it is the use of available learning materials to demonstrate how
something or process happens. In a way, these are like real-life situations and in this regard any social activity can
be simulated eg. the war of liberation. Simulations help learners to understand and practice adult roles and at the
same time develop the skills necessary for success in adult life. This method is enjoyed by most of the infant learners
as they envy adult roles eg in playing mahumbwe, during their free play.
l In situations where it is not possible or desirable to undertake learning in the actual conditions
l Questioning Method: This can be called the Socrates’ method and is synonymous with teaching. Among this
category of methods is the Focusing Questions, which are used to establish the focus of the classroom instruction or
lesson at the beginning. Probing Questions, these are used to assess what learners have achieved after a course
of instruction they allow learners to think independently. Extending Questions, these require learners to explain in
depth what they think they know. In a way, they encourage the development of reasoning and clear thinking in learners.
Summarising Questions, these call for the application of what has been taught or learned already. Review Questions,
these are used to revise the key points of the lesson. In a way, they provide feedback on methods and learners’
l Dramatisation Methods: These have many advantages and allow for greater deal of participation of learners and
enliven the routine procedures of teaching and learning. Through it learners develop confidence and self-esteem.
Among the methods are miming, which is acting out something without using words. Playlets, which is a short play
that can represent an action, an idea or story. In this method learners act and speak. Role-playing, this a
spontaneous, organized activity in which a player pretends to be someone else. In role playing there is no prepared
script, no rehearsal, no memorization of the part to be played. Learners act out the role of people to show a specific
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
situation for study or discussion. Monologues and Dialogues, These are another form of dramatic activity. They can
be unrehearsed and spontaneous or prepared and written down. Puppetry, these are small figures that may be held,
carried or suspended on strings in front of the audience. The figures are made to move by the puppeteer at the same
time as he speaks the words of the story to them. In a way, puppetry develops and enhances the imaginative fantasy
life of children. This method is purely a preserve of the infant learners as they love it even on television.
The unit has dealt extensively on a plethora of the teaching methodologies, which you are at liberty to select the most
appropriate ones in tandem with your personality as a teacher, the learners’ level of development, the content you
intend to cover and the actual competencies you intend to develop in your learners. You should always remember
that concrete objects are essential materials you should bring in the classroom.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Teaching without instructional aids is tantamount to conveying meaningless verbal communications in which learners
have nothing to take or grasp. There is a great variety of materials around, that you as a teacher can maximize on
and make meanings more vivid and more interesting. The instructional aids vary from very simple ones like the
chalkboard, pictures, charts and drums to more expensive ones that can be bought such as the television, projectors
and software for music. The mere use of these materials however, does not guarantee effective communication or
effective teaching; rather it is their careful selection and skillful handling by you the teacher that renders them useful
in facilitating learning. It is therefore, imperative for you especially at the beginning of teaching to familiarize yourself
with the various types of instructional materials and the values that can be derived from their proper use.
l They provide direct or first-hand experience with the realities of the social and physical environment.
l They encourage active participation, especially if learners are allowed to manipulate materials used
as the case in infant levels.
• Models:-
• Specimens
l Printed materials
• Textbooks
• Workbooks
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Chalkboards
l Bulletin boards
l Record players
l Tape recorders
l Television
l Video clips
l YouTube clips
The material you select should assist you to achieve your set objectives and the material should serve for instructional
purposes only. Some materials are useful in teaching a skill, presenting facts, showing relationships or changing
behaviours or attitudes. Some are more effective in providing background information or in summarizing a unit of
work. To this end select materials which are content specific and promote the realization of your objectives.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Materials are only effective when they are understood and appreciated by the learners using them. At the infant level
materials should be colourful, attractive and appealing for them to embrace their use. It is your duty as a teacher to
design, review, and examine materials which are within the level of the learners’ understanding as well as within their
range of experiential background. In this regard, it is prudent to make and design your own instructional materials
such as charts, graphs, diagrams and maps appropriate to your learners.
l Prepare yourself;
You need to familiarize yourself with the materials that you intend to use. This will enable you to;
• Plan what questions to ask the learners and the follow-up activities might be appropriate
• It is a good habit to arrange and position all materials you want to use so much that they are
handy at the exact time you want to use them.
• Test all equipment and machines before use to avoid delays later in the lesson.
• If motion pictures, slides, filmstrips or projectors are to be used the room should be darkened
in order to improve visibility.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
• If audio aids are to be used, the room should be free from distracting noises.
• For your learners to gain maximum benefit, give them background information about the
concept to be developed by the film, video or radio.
• Tell them what you expect them to do after the use of the material.
All the materials used should be properly and adequately introduced. Learners should be made aware of the purpose
of using them and how they fit into the subject matter being taught. To sum up, materials should be used in the most
professional way possible in order to get the desired effect.
Evaluation in the context of education is a process used to obtain information from testing, from direct observations
of behavior and other devices to assess a learner’s overall progress towards some set goals or objectives. It
encompasses value judgement of overall learner behavior. It is important to note that evaluation and measurement
are not the same, although evaluation involves measurement. A good example is that, if you assess a learner’s
knowledge and understanding in a subject by means of an objective or essay type test, that is measurement, but if
you put a value on the student’s work, talents, attitudes and other characteristics of behavior that is evaluation.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l Projects
l Examinations
l Assignments
Giving projects to your pupils can reveal how prepared your learners are in terms of working as a team, collaborating
with one another and also how far they are in their research skills. Assessing learners through projects allows you to
evaluate the leadership skills of learners and how they adapt to various roles and responsibilities and how they work
productively with others while respecting diverse perspectives. Projects allow learners to solve real life problems
affecting their communities and the nation at large thus giving them to learners will bring to light their latent skills in
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Evaluation through examinations is summative in nature and is usually meant to place learners for higher grades and
employment. At the infant level these should come either at the end of the term or year. Examinations assess the
content in the syllabus and measure you in terms of how far you achieved the assessment objectives. Schools are
rated through their student’s achievements in examinations and as such your successor failure in teaching can also
be rated through these examinations.
These can be given as follow-ups to earlier work or preceding work. It is indeed a way of assessing the seriousness
of a learner to school work. Depending with the nature of assignment, learners can be given group assignments or
individual assignments, which they can work alone at a given time. At the infant level they take the form of homework
you give to your learners to be assisted at home.
It is a process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling class activities to facilitate learning. Organization of
non-academic tasks essential for effective teaching.
Class management involves the organization of certain non-academic tasks which are essential for effective teaching.
It consists of checking class attendance, keeping a record of class progress, controlling students’ conduct and
activities, manipulating instructional materials, the improvement or classroom working conditions and the elimination
of any distractions which may arise. If you have sound class management skills it will be very easy for you to establish
and maintain class discipline.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
as possible. Make sure all play areas are clean and free from dangerous things or objects. Make sure windows are
opened every morning and closed when pupils are dismissed. Attend to all broken furniture and request authorities
to send them for repair as they may pose danger to your pupils.
Teaching aids should be stored in cupboards or in designated play areas in the classroom corners. Charts and mobiles
should be hung at a level where learners cannot be strained when reading them. It is always a good habit to write
legibly so much that learners cannot strain themselves when reading your charts or work meant for display. Have a
system in place to curb time wasting when collecting pupils’ exercise books. The collection of exercise books should
be brisk and efficient.
Learners should be taught the does and don’ts and you should appraise them on the maximum behavior you least
expect from them. Immediate discipline problems should be dealt with firmly without fear or favour. Every minor
offence, caution the student or give a verbal reprimand or just a sharp look at the misbehaving pupil. An offence,
which is too serious a pupil, is sternly reprimanded and the head or deputy head notified.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
The other important aspect of classroom management is the keeping of pupils’ record of work book up to date. Keeping
of records of marks of each and every student and tracking their progress is critical as it informs the other teacher
who comes, the work covered in the event that you have fallen sick. You should be quite familiar with the school
policy on discipline, never administer corporal punishment to misbehaving learners in your class.
Make use of class monitors on disciplinary issues and collection of books and other materials. Class monitors help
in enforcing discipline in the classroom and as such must be made use of. As a teacher you need to cultivate a culture
of mutual respect to your learners and among the learners again. Respect for authority and those in authority is an
important aspect of discipline. Also strive to instill a sense of co-operative effort among the learners as this will assist
learners to put the needs of the group members before their own and this in a way is practicing self-discipline
Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation should be practiced in the classroom. You should make learners feel very
important by way of complimenting their achievements. Encourage low achievers and at the same time reward those
who excel in their work. Learners must be motivated to want to learn by way of making their lessons as interesting as boost their natural curiosity. Once this interest is generated, effective learning takes place. If you tap on
the natural curiosity of the children you will not encounter any problems with discipline rather children interested in
something will work quietly for long periods. The ideal situation is to have learners to motivate themselves. Children
who are self-motivated are eager to learn and often work hard. They must be made to achieve success because it
improves their self –image. You should provide work for your pupils that is meaningful and that will allow them to
achieve good results and so build up their confidence and self-esteem. The work should not be too easy not too
difficult. Praise should be given for good effort. You should treat pupils with respect, sarcasm and unkind words have
no place in the classroom even if the work is below standard.
Children need to be supervised constantly both inside the classroom and outside the classroom. Pupils in the infant
level need to be closely monitored every time to ensure their safety. It is therefore prudent for you to supervise your
learners when they are in their groups, play areas, on field trips and whenever doing practical work.
The next unit shall look at how you should consolidate your teaching through the mastery of the scope of the guide
and how to keep track of your learners’ progress.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
The Visual and Performing Arts syllabuses for infant and junior levels are all developed on the five major topics, which
are all spiral in nature. The topics are developmental and they build on each other grade by grade up to grade seven.
As a practically oriented discipline, Visual and Performing Arts topics are premised on this orientation. As you
endeavour to teach each topic be as practical as possible.
l Arts technology
Teachable Units
Any of the topics listed above are broad for coverage; it is therefore your responsibility to break the topics into small
teachable units. The teachable units are determined by the objectives you need to achieve. Each topic has clear
objectives you should achieve and hence formulation of the teachable units and even the teaching methodology
should be developed around the objectives. For example, when you are teaching the topic, History of Arts and Culture,
it is generally a broad topic that has a lot to be covered. The syllabus should therefore guide you on what exactly
needs to be covered under this topic (because certainly not all must be covered). This is how you can break it to
teachable unit:
These are the actual concepts that you need to cover under the topic History and Arts Culture which are in a way,
your teaching units:
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
l The role of music, musicians and composers, in the past and present cultures
Each of these smaller teachable units can be timed, resources to lesson set aside or be prepared and methods and
activities be prepared. All these should be helpful in assisting achievement of lesson objectives and the expected
competences. The table below summarises how you can break broad topics into small teachable units using
Zimbabwe Liberation War Musical Arts as an example.
Nb: Teachers should follow the given hints and samples in constructing his/her documents taking into
consideration the local factors.
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
This Teacher’s guide will be helpful in assisting you to deliver engaging lessons in the Visual and Performing Arts
learning area. The learning area has a lot newer components therefore it will usher new experiences for many. The
inclusion of new syllabus topics requires you to up-date yourself in terms of content and skills through research and
capacity development for you to deliver with confidence. We encourage institutions to avail the following to help in
the delivery of Visual and Performing Arts lessons:
l music laboratories
l computers
l softwares
l use teaching methods appropriate to the learning area and that will cater for learners’ individual
l be resourceful
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual arts Visual arts Visual arts
• Visual arts in the • Visual arts in my • Visual arts in my • The role of visual • The role of visual
home: home and my school environ- arts and artists in arts and artists in my
- Eye movement to culture ment and my cul- my community country
familiar colours and ture
images • The role of visual • Works of art from • Functions of visual
- Touching and feeling arts and artists in • The role of vi- a variety of places arts in daily life
embossed material my family sual arts and and times
artists in my • Visual arts objects
• Different types of school • Visual arts materi- and materials from
visual arts in the als from different different cultures
past and present • diversity in vi- cultures
sual arts and
• Safety and visual artists
arts materials
• Visual arts mate-
rials in the local
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts
Visual arts in the home • Modelling and • Modelling and • Two dimensional • Three dimensional
moulding moulding media and pattern media
• Painting in the • Weaving and • Application of ele- • Elements and princi-
home decorating ments of design ples of design
• Drawing family • Drawing mem- • Primary and sec- • Drawing and paint-
members bers in the school ondary colours ing
• Sorting and • Painting in the • Picture collage • Crafting objects
Matching colours school
• Sorting and
matching primary
Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts
• Artworks in the • Artworks in the • Artworks vocabu- • Artwork production • Artwork critique
home home lary in the environment • Elements and prin-
• Elements of design • Elements and prin- ciples of design
• Meaning of art- ciples of design • Meaning of art-
works within the • Meaning of art- works within the na-
school works within the tion
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual arts Visual arts Visual arts
• Visual arts techno- • Visual arts techno- • Visual technologi- • Visual technologi- • Visual technologi-
logical tools in the logical tools in my cal tools in my cal tools in my com- cal tools in my coun-
home home school munity try
• Photography • Photography • Photography • Photography
• Video and filming • Video and filming • Video and filming • Video and filming
• Visual arts soft- • Visual arts soft- • Visual arts soft- • Visual arts soft-
ware ware ware ware
• Ethics, visual art • Ethics, visual art • Ethics, visual art • Ethics, visual art
and the internet and the internet and the internet and the internet
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)
Visual and Performing Arts - (Early Childhood Development To Grade 2)