Life Situations of Cross-Cultural Clashes.

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Case 2

Try to identify the problem(s) and the misinterpretation(s). Use the follow-up
questions to aid your discussion.
Michael is a graduate student in a foreign university. He is a good friend of Mr. Umm,
who lives in the dormitory for graduate students. They share a similar sense of humor
and enjoy many activities together. Since Michael is interested in architecture, Mr.
Umm decides that it would be a good idea for Michael to meet his older friend Mr.
Tahh, a professor of design at the university. First he tells Michael all about Mr.
Tahh’s architectural research. As it turns out, Mr. Tahh’s research is exactly what
Michael needs for his thesis. Michael is so excited that the next day he goes directly
to Mr. Tahh’s office, introduces himself, and briefly mentions Mr. Umm’s name. The
two men spend several hours discussing their research ideas. That evening Michael
tells Mr. Umm how much he enjoyed meeting Mr. Tahh. Mr. Umm reacts coldly:
«Yes, I heard you both met. I hope your research goes well». His serious tone tells
Michael that something is wrong, but Michael has no idea what the problem might be.
First analyze Mr. Umm’s reaction and Michael’s confusion. Then consider the
following questions:
1.What do you think might be the rules for introductions in Mr. Umm’s culture?
I suppose, in Mr.Umm’s culture introduction and arranged meeting should be made
by the person, who told about another person. So, in this case, Mr.Umm had to make
an arrangement and introduce Mr.Tahh to Michael.
2. Michael met Mr. Tahh as he might have met a professor in his American university.
Why was this inappropriate in Mr. Umm’s culture? How might Michael have avoided
the problem?
Maybe because he wanted to help and to be greeted by Michael for that. Or he wanted
to show that if his friend needs some help, he’ll get it in any case.
Michael had to ask Mr.Umm first, I think, before going directly to Mr. Tahh. Or ask
to call him and find a way how to meet and discuss his questions. It’d be more polite ,
not only in this situation, but at all.
Case 3
Read the following case through and try to provide some solutions.
Randy has been working for two months with Suun on a class project. They enjoy
working on the project and studying for the exams together. Suun is eager to become
close friends with Randy. One day, Suun invites Randy to lunch. Randy declines and
tells his classmate that he has work to do and football practice to go to later that day.
That afternoon, Suun sees Randy with his girlfriend in a nearby coffee shop. The next
week in class Randy senses that Suun is not interested in the class project any more. It
seems that Suun is trying to avoid him. Randy can’t understand what has happened to
their relationship.
First analyze Suun’s reaction and Randy’s confusion. Then consider the following
1.What type of friendship, did the foreign student want? What type of friendship did
Randy want?
I’m sure that Suun wanted to be real friends, you know like go shopping together, go
to the cafes\restaurants, go out in the evenings. But maybe for Randy it was enough to
be school friends, just working and studying together.
2. Why didn’t Randy decline Suun’s invitation honestly?
He didn’t want to worry Suun, I think. Maybe he thought if he told Suun truth, he
would be angry with him or find the way how to solve this problem (But Randy didn’t
want to).
3. How do you decline invitations without hurting people? Interview your group-
mates and consider the difference.
Oh, it’s hard to find a right way. Because for me, the best way to decline is to say the
truth. If you don’t want to do something or you have planned your day, arranged a
meeting and so on – just say that. But many people don’t accept such truth. For them
if you declined their invitation, for example, it means that you don’t respect them and
they can be mad at you. So we need to consider other people’s reactions to declining,
analyze them and then choose the right way how to say «no».

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