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S I L ae Seer eta SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER TPE331 ELD SERGE REPRESENTATIVES. 331-91 APPLICABLE: MAINTENANCE FLIGHT ; 6 & ENGINEERING OPERATIONS ere 14, 1999 of Subject: TPE331 ENGINE WASH Applicable To: All TPE331 Engine Models Except TPES31-14 and -15, The purpose of this letter is to describe a procedure and required tooling to provide either a clear water wash or a wash utilizing cleaners conforming with the specifications of MIL-STD-85704 for the purpose of retarding engine gas path corrosion and cleaning due to the accumulation of corrosive substances resulting from operations in a salt or chemical laden environment. This procedure may not prevent hot gas corrosion of the turbine section components since this type corrosion occurs during engine operation in contaminated environments. The clear water rinse is also not designed as a method of performance restoration. The cleaners conforming to MIL-STD-85704 may restore performance in the case where the compressors and diffusers have become contaminated due to flying through airborne dust and chemicals by removing the contaminants. Operators who have experienced corrosion of the non-rotating components of the accessory andior the compressor section may find this procedure beneficial in reducing or retarding the corrosive effects of operating in a salt or chemical laden environment. The interval between wash cycles shall be determined by the individual operator on an “as required” basis. The following recommended wash procedures are to be conducted while "motoring" the engine with the starter. Caution should be exercised to preclude the initiation of fuel and ignition at 10% RPM. This may be accomplished by positioning the crankirun switch to “crank” or by disconnecting the electrical connector from the speed switch (if applicable). The ignitor power lead and fuel shutoff electrical lead may also be disconnected. Disconnect and cap off the fuel control P3 line at the engine plenum fitting to prevent contamination of the lines. Disconnect and cap off the pneumatic supply line to the fuel control heated orifice kit, where applicable. Disconnect and cap off the fuel manifold purge line at the ‘engine plenum to prevent contamination of the manifold purge system. AlliedSignal Engines ¢ P.O. Box 52181 © Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2181SIL: P331-91 October 14, 1999 Page 2 Pure Water Wash Procedure 10 1 2.0 24 22 ENGINE WASH SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED AT RESIDUAL TUR- CAUTION: BINE TEMPERATURES ABOVE 90°C. Provide demineralized or distilled water conforming to the purity specification noted, at a pressure of 30-40 psig to the nozzle fitting. Water Purity Specification Minimum Maximum Total Solids, PPM = 10 pH 60 8.0 Chlorides PPM - 1 Sulfates PPM 1 Sodium PPM - 1 Water must be clear and free from sediment and suspended matter when viewed through a clean glass container. CAUTION: DO NOT MOTOR ENGINE IN CRITICAL RPM RANGE OF 18 TO 28 PERCENT RPM. IF ENGINE STARTS DURING THE MOTORING PROCESS, ABORT ‘THE START IMMEDIATELY BY ACTUATING THE STOP SWITCH OR, BY ACTUATING THE EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF/FEATHER SYSTEM, With the water injection system installed and charged, initiate motoring by holding the crank switch “on” until the engine reaches approximately maximum motoring rpm. ‘Turn the water injection system “on" for 30 seconds. ‘Turn the water injection system “off” and allow the engine to motor for an additional 5 to 10 se- conds before tuning the crank switch “off”.3.0 40 SIL: P331-91 October 14, 1999 Page 3 CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED STARTER DUTY CYCLE LIMITS. EXAMPLE: IF THE STARTER DUTY CYCLE IS LIMITED TO FOUR CONSECUTIVE 15 SECOND PERIODS WITH 1 MINUTE COOLING BETWEEN START ATTEMPTS, THE 30 SECOND WATER INGES- TION MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED IN 15 SECOND INTERVALS. Once the engine has come to a stop and water has stopped running from the plenum drain valves, remove the injection equipment and reconnect the speed switch (if applicable) or other electrical connectors removed to ensure the engine would not light off during motoring procedure. Reconnect the fuel control P3 line and heated orifice kit supply line (where applicable). Recon- nect the fuel manifold purge line at the plenum, and start the engine. Operate the engine at idle for a minimum of 10 minutes to dry the engine. While the engine is operating, energize the engine anti-ice system for a maximum of 10 seconds at a time, two or three times, at intervals at least 1 minute apart to purge out any water which may have accumu- lated in the anti-ice lines. NOTE: Drying the engine, both internally and externally, is essential since water sitting stagnant can cause severe corrosion. Wash procedure when using MIL-STD-85704 sol ns 1. Prepare engine as previously desoribed in this SIL. 2. _ Fill spray tank with MIL-STD-85704 solution at the manufacturers recommended concentra- tions in distilled or demineralized water. CAUTION: IF THE ENGINE STARTS DURING THE MOTORING PROCESS, ABORT THE START IMMEDIATELY BY ACTUATING THE STOP SWITCH OR ACTUATING THE EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF/ FEATHER SYSTEM. DO NOT MOTOR ENGINE IN CRITICAL RPM RANGE OF 18 TO 28 PERCENT RPM. 3. _ Inject selected solution into compressor air intake while rotating the engine with the starter for approximately 60 seconds. Observe starter motor duty cycle limitations (.e., two 30 second motorings with a1 minute starter cooling time between). 4. Permit cleaning solution to dwell for approximately 10-15 minutes. 5. Repeat step 3. 6. Repeat step 4. 7. Rinse with distilled or demineralized water with starter motor running for approximately 60 seconds.SIL: P331-91 October 14, 1999 Page 4 CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED STARTER DUTY CYCLE LIMITS. EXAMPLE: IF THE STARTER DUTY CYCLE IS LIMITED TO FOUR CONSECUTIVE 15 SECOND PERIODS WITH 1 MINUTE COOLING BETWEEN START ATTEMPTS, THE 60 SECOND CLEANER INGESTION MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED IN 15 SE- COND INTERVALS. 8. Alter 5 minutes, repeat step 7 as necessary to flush out all residual cleaning solution and loosened soils. 9. Once the engine has come to a stop and water has stopped running from the plenum drain valves, remove the injection equipment and reconnect all electrical connections and lines. 10. After starter has cooled, run engine at idle for at least 10 minutes to ensure drying. While the engine is operating, energize the engine anti-ice system for a maximum of 10 seconds at a time, two or three times, at intervals at least 1 minute apart to purge out any water which may have accumulated in the anti-ice lines. NOTE: Drying the engine, both internally and externally, is essential since water sitting stagnant can cause severe corrosion. A battery cart or GPU should be considered for use during this proce- dure. Care should be taken to ensure starter motor duty cycles are not exceeded. LIST OF APPROVED MIL-STD-85704 SOLUTIONS TURCO 6783 SERIES CLEANERS TURCO PRODUCTS, INC. 7300 BOLSA AVENUE WESTMINISTER, CA 92684-3600 714-890-3600 B & B TRITECH TC-100 B&B TRITECH, INC. or 875 WEST 20TH ST HIALEAH, FL 33010 ZOK-27 LUCAS AVITRON or ONE CIRCLE WEST P.O. BOX 120039 . STAMFORD, CT 06902 203-351-8400 FAX # 203-351-8444 B&B TRITECH, INC. 101 EAST BASELINE RD GILBERT, AZ 85234 FAX # 602-892-0506 AIRWORTHY LTD. ELSTED, MIDHURST WEST SUSSEX, GU29 O/T ENGLAND, UK 0730 816672/0730 815572 FAX # 0730 815607SIL: P331-91 October 14, 1999 Page 5/6 'WATER/CLEANER SOLUTION INJECTION SYSTEM SCHEMATIC AIR OR NITROGEN SUPPLY. REGULATED TO 30 - 40 PSIG i [Q] suurore vave a™~ ra VY conne nora CLEANER SOLUTIONWATER PRESSURE VESSEL TESTED FOR OPERATING PRESSURE OF 30 - 40 PSIG PLUS SAFETY MARGIN 2/8 INCH FLEX LINE, TEFLON LINED OR EQUIV, ‘SHUTOFF VALVE * NOZZLE H3/8U SS65100, 1/4 INCH ORIFICE WITH 3/8 NPT MALE CONNECTION, 65° SPRAY ANGLE AT 40 PSI. MANUFACTURED BY SPRAY SYSTEMS COMPANY, BELLWOOD, IL, MAY BE USED (OR EQUIVALENT). BUNGEE CORD ~ ™ CLEANER SOLUTIONWATER PRESSURE LINE CLEANER SOLUTIONMWATER PRESSURE LINE NOZZLE HOLDER
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