2-Bulk Storage of Hydrogen
2-Bulk Storage of Hydrogen
2-Bulk Storage of Hydrogen
Technical aspects and economics of bulk hydrogen storage have been analyzed.
We considered underground pipes, lined rock caverns and salt caverns for storage.
Hydrogen storage in underground pipes is more economical for small H2 amounts.
The cost of salt caverns scales more favorably at larger sizes.
Article history: The technical aspects and economics of bulk hydrogen storage in underground pipes, lined
Received 21 April 2021 rock caverns (LRC) and salt caverns are analyzed. Hydrogen storage in underground pipes
Received in revised form is more economical than in geological caverns for useable amounts <20-t-H2. However,
24 June 2021 because the pipe material is a major cost factor, the capital and operating costs for this
Accepted 5 August 2021 storage method do not decrease appreciably with an increase in the amount of stored H2.
Available online 27 August 2021 Unlike underground pipes, the installed capital cost of salt caverns decreases appreciably
from ~$95/kg-H2 at 100 t-H2 stored to <$19/kg-H2 at 3000 t-H2 stored. Over the same scale,
Keywords: the annual storage cost decreases from ~$17/kg-H2 to ~$3/kg-H2. Like salt caverns, the
Bulk storage of hydrogen installed capital cost of lined rock caverns decreases from ~$160/kg-H2 at 100 t-H2 stored to
Underground hydrogen pipes <$44/kg-H2 at 3000 t-H2 stored. Storing >750-t useable H2 requires multiple caverns. The
Hydrogen storage in salt caverns cost of salt caverns scales more favorably with size because the salt caverns are larger than
Hydrogen storage in lined rock lined rock caverns and need to be added at a slower rate as the storage capacity is
caverns increased.
© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
large spaces. Underground pipe facilities have been applied Salt caverns are manmade artificial cavities with some
for seasonal storage of NG in Germany and Switzerland. A new unique properties of gas tightness and inertness. Depending
pipe facility in Bocholt-Mussum (Germany) has the capacity to on the depth of the cavity, storage pressures up to 25 MPa are
store 350,000 m3 of natural gas at pressures up to 90 bar. The feasible as are large capacities exceeding 1 million m3. Pure
advantages of underground pipe storage facilities are the hydrogen has been successfully stored without losses in salt
protection from adverse weather conditions and no require- caverns at three locations [9]: three caverns in Teesside, U.K.
ment to have shaft structures, so that the land above ground since 1972 (200,000 m3), one in Clemens, TX since 1983
can be used for other purposes such as farming. (580,000 m3), and a more recent one in Moss, Texas since 2007
At larger scales, hydrogen is stored cryogenically as a (566,000 m3). Large salt formations are geographically limited,
liquid at 20 K (LH2) in spherical tanks [3,11e14]. The largest however. In the U.S., large salt bodies are primarily located in
LH2 storage facility at NASA's (National Aeronautics and the Gulf Coast [35].
Space Administration, U.S.A.) Kennedy Space Center has two Where salt formations are not available, rock caverns can
3200-m3 spheres, 21.3 m in diameter, each capable of storing provide more possibilities close to hydrogen production fa-
230 tonnes of LH2 [13]. There are several issues with LH2, cilities. Rock caverns have been constructed for storage of
however. Liquefaction of hydrogen is a costly and energy- liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas and conceptually inves-
demanding process [15e20]. State of the art liquefaction tigated for compressed air [40,41]. The caverns are constructed
plants, based on a hydrogen compression/expansion through typical mining operations. The concept of unlined
sequence with a pre-cooling step, consume 10e12 kWh/kg- rock caverns requires a competent rock with low perme-
H2, which corresponds to one third of the lower heating value ability, free of fractures and fissures. Sufficient groundwater is
(LHV) of hydrogen and incurs ~$1.40/kg-H2 levelized capital needed to seal the rock or a water curtain must be applied in
cost. That cost increases to ~$2.75/kg-H2, if the cost of elec- the surroundings for proper tightness [41]. However, the over-
tricity is included [21]. Even though the cryogenic tanks are pressurized water system required around the caverns
vacuum insulated, on a stored volume basis, the typical daily significantly increases the inflow of water to the caverns and
boil-off rate is 0.03% for the large spherical tank at the NASA may result in losses caused by dissolved gases dissolved in
complex, increasing to 1% for smaller cylindrical tanks this water. In the absence of a low permeability rock mass, a
[22,23]. Mitigation strategies exist to reduce boil-off by tight storage medium can be constructed by cladding the
placing a liquid nitrogen shield between the insulation or cavern with a liner, which can be a polymer membrane or thin
using a closed-loop helium refrigeration system with an in- steel sheets [40,42e44]. The liner seals the gas whereas the
ternal heat exchanger in the tank [24]. surrounding rock absorbs the load. The host rock must be of
Underground geological storage is expected to be the most sufficient quality as it determines the maximum storage
economic method for storage at substantial amounts of pressure and consequently the storage volume and cost of
hydrogen [4,25e29]. It has been used widely, primarily in the mining. Lined rock caverns have been successfully demon-
natural gas and oil industry, for meeting seasonal and peak strated in a pilot project in Scandinavia in early 2000 to store
demands. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) natural gas [45]; however, no commercial facility has been
estimates that there are 379 active underground fields for NG built to date.
storage in the U.S., with ~3.8 trillion cubic feet of working gas This work analyzes the technical aspects and cost effec-
capacity [30]. Eighty-eight percent of the operating storage is tiveness of different methods for bulk storage of gaseous
provided by depleted natural gas fields, 9% by aquifer reser- hydrogen. Fig. 1 identifies the storage methods of interest and
voirs and 3% by salt caverns (although they account for 15% their relevance to different applications. Confining the scope of
of the delivered capacity, as they permit the working gas the work, we only consider the large-scale gaseous storage
volume to be cycled monthly). options suitable for outages of hydrogen production plants
Conceptual studies have evaluated geological storage of (10e30 days of daily capacity) and seasonal variations in
gaseous hydrogen in depleted oil and gas fields, aquifers and salt hydrogen demand. We consider two geological storage options,
caverns [31e37]. To date, hydrogen storage has been demon- salt caverns and lined rock caverns, and one geographically
strated in salt caverns [9], but not in depleted fields or aquifers, agnostic underground pipe storage method. Bottoms-up cost
which require a caprock to seal hydrogen. The high diffusivity of analyses are performed for each case and the results are dis-
hydrogen can result in losses in porous underground forma- cussed below and in the supplemental document.
tions. In case of aquifers, hydrogen could potentially be lost by
dissolving in the large contact area with the surrounding brine.
This may be relevant, especially under circumstances of Methodology
elevated temperature and excessive pressures [34,37]. Other is-
sues with porous underground storage are the potential in- Bulk H2 storage in underground pipes
teractions between hydrogen and hydrocarbons dissolved in
reservoir rocks through microbial metabolism [37e39]. In the Fig. 2 presents a schematic of the core cost characteristics
presence of CO, CO2 or sulfates, hydrogen can convert to CH4 and constructing the pipe facility.
H2S. Other potential issues are hydrogen reacting chemically (or The main cost components are a) pipe production at the
electrochemically) with mineral deposits and initiating adverse mill, b) surface coating of the pipes, c) transmission of pipes by
changes in porosity and permeability [34]. Also, if hydrogen be- rail and truck to the staging area, d) site preparation (exca-
comes contaminated, a separation step is required to provide vation and backfilling), and e) pipe installation, welding, weld
fuel cell-quality hydrogen to the consumer. inspection, and final pressure testing for integrity.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1 34529
Fig. 1 e Attributes of bulk storage methods: working pressures, storage volume, storage amount and working capacity.
Geological storage: A) Salt caverns, B) Mines, C) Aquifers, D) Depleted mines, E) Hard rock caverns.
Starting with the production of the pipes, electric resis- the minimum cost. Steel plates are trimmed to proper di-
tance welded (ERW) pipes were assumed in this analysis [46]. mensions, rolled into a pipe section and resistance welded.
We also considered pipes with different diameters and wall The pipe is cut in segments of 12 m, heated in a furnace and
thicknesses (18e3600 O.D., schedule 10e100) as to determine allowed to gradually cool as to temper the steel. Pipes are
Fig. 2 e Schematic of cost components considered in the installation of underground pipe storage.
34530 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1
Fig. 3b shows some important technical details of the Salt caverns are especially suitable for low-cost hydrogen
construction and structural properties for LRC storage. The storage in extensive quantities, but are geographically limited
lining represents a key component to ensure a proper gas to a few locations; see Fig. 4. Favorable locations in the U.S. are
storage and structural integrity. The steel liner contains the found in the Gulf Coast and the northeast.
gas whereas the sealing layers transmits the pressure load to Fig. 5 shows the main cost contributions considered in the
the surrounding rock [42,54,55]. The lining consists of 15-mm development of the salt cavern storage. Costs are associated
thick mild steel sheets which are welded together to form the with leaching out the cavern with fresh water at sufficient
inner vessel of the dome. The concrete layer (2-m thick), depth and size, brine transportation and disposal costs and
reinforced with a rebar lattice, distributes the pressure load to the surface-bound facility.
the surrounding rock. A drainage arrangement of perforated Before the salt cavern is constructed, a geological survey is
pipes is also mounted around the cavern before the concrete is necessary to ensure that the mining will not threaten the
poured as to remove water accumulating in the lining section. integrity of the containing salt. Three-dimensional mapping
The maximum pressure of the gas that can be stored depends and seismic surveying are common geophysical methods. An
on the cavern depth and the quality of the rock mass [42]. A exploratory drilling is finally conducted to explore porosity and
depth of 150 m can typically a withstand pressure of 300 bar permeability, stress measurements and the presence of corro-
and higher preventing the rock mass from uplifting [52]. The sive substances and the adherence of the salt dome [9,59].
surrounding rock mass must be strong enough as to not be Meeting all requirements, the underground cavern can be
deformed by the pressure load and cause fracture of the created using a process known as solution mining or leaching.
Table 3 e Aboveground capital and O&M costs for LRC Table 4 e Available pipe sizes and maximum allowable
storage. Cost of hydrogen cushion gas evaluated at $5/kg, pressure (atm).
labor cost of 33.5 h and electricity at 5.74 cents/kWh. Schedule Pipe Outer Diameter
Unit/Description Value Unit 00
18 2400 3200 3600
Storage capacity 500,000 kg
20 43 39 39 34
Cushion gas needed 84,085 kg
40 77 71 53 47
Compressor cost (installed) 3,535,794 $
60 103 100 e e
Pipe to H2 production facility 749,130 $
80 117 114 e e
Valves and instrumentation 112,370 $
100 140 139 e e
Cushion gas 420,423 $
Land cost 313,769 $
Aboveground costs 5,131,486 $ Solution mining technology converts a simple borehole into a
Labor cost 252,000 $/year storage cavern through the injection and extraction of water.
Maintenance cost 150,047 $/year First, a borehole from the surface to the final required depth is
Electricity cost 11,982 $/year drilled through the salt formation. This process is very similar
Property tax $ insurance 102,630 $/year
to the established oil and gas drilling practice [9,60,61]. After
Total O&M 516,659 $/year drilling, an annular pipe is fitted through the borehole and
lowered to the middle of the cavity. To form the salt cavern,
fresh water is pumped through the inner tubing to the bottom
of the borehole. The water dissolves the salt and saturated
brine is removed through the other pipe, leaving an area of
free space. Water supply for the leaching process is assumed
to be available from a nearby well (2 miles), and pipelines are
required to supply the water during the leaching operation.
Approximately 7e8 m3 of fresh water is needed to dissolve
1 m3 of salt [62]. Brine is stored on site for up to 2 days of
operation and is disposed by trucks into deep Class II wells
[63,64]. It is possible to recover salt from the brine as a
chemical feedstock (e.g., for the chlor-alkali process); how-
ever, the facilities need to be in close proximity to the storage
site for this to be economically viable. In absence of Class II
wells, a more costly disposal would be trucking the brine to
the nearest wastewater treatment plant [65].
Upon completion of the cavern structure, preparation is
required to convert from brine to gas storage. Before any gas is
Fig. 4 e Location of major salt deposits in the United States.
introduced, an initial mechanical integrity test (MIT) is per-
Redrawn after [22]. ND¼North Dakota, TX ¼ Texas,
formed to confirm gas tightness of the uppermost salt and the
NM¼New Mexico.
well completion. The last step in the construction of the
cavern is the debrining process, which essentially uses gas
pressure to displace the brine contained in the cavern at the specifications. This adds an operational cost of $44,783/year in
completion of solution mining. Caverns constructed in salt desiccant drying costs.
domes are typically 60e240 m in length, and there is a great
deal of flexibility in positioning a cavern depth down to about Life-cycle costs
1800 m. The storage pressure increases by 0.156 bar per meter
of depth ( [60]. For our base scenario, the cavern was placed For consistent, transparent and comparable financial results
765 m belowground, requiring a gas pressure of 120 bar to across all options, storage life-cycle costs were evaluated using
prevent creep of the cavern walls. The cost to construct a salt the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) standard economic tool
cavern is detailed in Supplemental C. (H2A) and assumptions. H2A is a financial spreadsheet evalu-
The surface-bound facility is identical to the LRC and pipe ating the net present value of a capital investment and is freely
storage facilities, as discussed previously. The exception is available for download at DOE's website [66]. The following set of
that a water-wash and gas-drying step is needed for hydrogen key economic parameters was selected for our analyses: a)
purity control. The cavern contains a heel of brine in the sump reference year: 2019, b) after-tax internal rate of return: 10%, c)
(bottom layer of debris), which cannot be removed during the inflation rate: 1.9%, d) economic analysis period: 30 years, e) 15
debrining process, therefore gas withdrawn from the cavern year depreciation schedule (MARCS)2 with an effective total tax
will be saturated with salt during an initial period of opera-
tion. The water-wash column removes entrained salt, and the The modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) is a
dryer (sorbents) removes water in order to meet H2 quality depreciation system used for assessing taxes in the U.S. Federal and
state taxes are based on year 2017 schedules.
34534 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1
Mill cost ($/kg) 275 259 288 294 Results and discussion
Coating ($/kg) 67 53 71 71
Shipping ($/kg) 12 12 11 12 Bulk H2 storage in underground pipes
Welding ($/kg) 59 67 51 52
Weld inspection and hydrostatic testing ($/kg) 92 54 55 49
Site preparation ($/kg) 88 62 79 79
We investigated the cost of an underground pipe facility
Aboveground facilities ($/kg) 9 9 9 9 capable of storing 500 t-H2. We considered API 5L Grade X52
pipes (52 ksi minimum yield strength, 66 ksi tensile strength)
Total Cost ($/kg) 602 516 564 566
available in 18e3600 outer diameter (OD) and Schedules 20, 40,
Total underground costs ($/kg) $82.8 $63.5 $46.6 $38.9 $34.3 $31.4
Total other costs ($/kg) $25.5 $20.1 $15.4 $13.2 $11.9 $11.1
Total aboveground costs ($/kg) $7.6 $8.3 $9.8 $11.0 $12.1 $13.1
60, 80 and 100. We followed the ASME B31.12 code for $2.17/kg-H2 for Schedule-60 pipes, nearly 95% of which is due
hydrogen piping and pipelines to determine the maximum to capital expenditure CAPEX levelized assuming a 10%
permissible pressure considering the nominal pipe OD, nom- annual rate of return. Because the pipe material cost is a major
inal wall thickness, longitudinal joint factor, design factor, contributor, we did a single-variable study using the historical
material performance factor and minimum yield strength. swings in line prices: $1127/ton, $803/ton and $1360/ton for
Table 4 lists the maximum permissible storage pressures after current, historical low, and historical high prices, respectively.
a 12.5% allowance in nominal wall thickness. These historical swings cause the H2 cost to decrease by $0.30/
Fig. 6 presents the capital cost of the underground storage kg or increase by $0.22/kg. Clearly, the underground pipe
system using 2400 -OD pipes of different schedules. It shows storage method is unlikely to find wide deployment consid-
that the capital cost is lowest, $516/kg-H2 stored, for a storage ering that the target cost of dispensed H2 is $4/kg.
facility with 2400 -OD, Schedule 60 pipes. This system can be Table 5 summarizes the detailed breakdown of perfor-
configured with 300 parallel pipe strings, each string 3150 ft in mance (storage pressures, total equivalent length) and cost
length for a total of 180 miles equivalent length, requiring 110 parameters for storage systems with different pipe ODs and
acres of land. The majority the cost, 63%, is due to delivered schedules that lead to least capital investment. In general, the
pipe cost factors: 50% for pipe material and milling, 10% for cost parameters vary with ODs in a non-linear fashion, but the
coating and <3% for shipping. Pipe installation accounts for storage system with 2400 OD, Schedule 60 pipes is an optimal
23% of the total cost: 11% for welding, 10% hydrostatic pres- combination of shortest length and least pipe material leading
sure testing and >1% for weld inspection and joint coating. to the smallest costs for milling, coating, weld inspection and
Site preparation represents 14% of the overall cost: 8% for site hydrostatic testing and site preparation.
excavation and backfilling, 4% for land and projects and 2% for
aboveground facilities. Bulk H2 storage in underground lined rock caverns
Because the majority of the capital cost is due to
manufacturing of pipes, followed by welding, pressure testing, We conducted a study to estimate the cost of storing 500 t-H2
site excavation and backfilling, minimizing the number of in an underground LRC facility varying the maximum storage
pipes and/or pipe mass is important in reducing costs. For pressure while holding the minimum pressure as constant at
example, choosing a Schedule 20 rather than Schedule 60 pipe 20 bar. The results of the study are summarized in Fig. 7 and
increases the capital cost by 59%: 26% due to higher delivered Table 6. Fig. 7 shows that the capital cost decreases at higher
pipe cost, 13% due to higher pipe installation cost and 20% due storage pressures; however, the rate of decrease slows at
to higher site preparation cost. Similarly, choosing a Schedule pressures above 150e200 bar.
100 rather than Schedule 60 pipe slightly increases the capital At 150-bar storage pressure, the underground facility ac-
cost by 13%: 8% due to higher delivered pipe cost (more pipe counts for 66% of the total capital cost including 34% for
mass), 8% due to higher pipe installation cost (more expensive cavern excavation, 16% for tunnels, 8% for liner and 8% for
welding), offset by 3% smaller site preparation cost (fewer concrete. The aboveground facility represents 14% of the total
pipes, smaller land area). cost including 11% for compressor, 3% for piping and instru-
Fig. 6 includes the levelized the cost of underground pipe mentation and <1% for cushion gas. The miscellaneous items
storage on a 50 tonnes per day (tpd)basis. This levelized cost is represent 21% of the total cost including 10% for engineering,
34536 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1
6% for contingency, 3% for survey and 2% for permitting. Thus, Table 6 provides a detailed breakdown of the major cost
cavern excavation, tunnels, compressor and engineering are components, grouped as underground facility, aboveground
the biggest cost items. facility, and miscellaneous, for different storage pressures. For
Lowering the storage pressure from 150 bar to 75 bar re- the purpose of this study, the costs of the underground tunnel,
sults in 61% higher capital cost, 82% of which is due to the survey and land do not vary with storage pressure.
higher cost of the underground facility which has more than Fig. 7 includes the levelized the cost of underground LRC
double the storage volume. The aboveground facility cost is storage on a 50 tpd basis. The levelized cost is $0.36/kg-H2 for
~3% lower primarily because of a smaller compressor bust; 1a 50-bar storage pressure, nearly 85% of which is due to the
this cost saving is offset by a 14% increase in the miscella- capital expenditures levelized assuming 10% annual rate of
neous costs for engineering services and contingency. return. Within the parameters of this study, the levelized cost
The capital cost is smallest at 300-bar storage pressure. is $0.0.05/kg-H2 smaller for a 100-bar storage pressure and
Compared to the 150-bar storage system, the required storage $0.0.05/kg-H2 larger for a 250-bar storage pressure. Compared
volume is about 50% smaller resulting in a 21% cost saving for to underground pipe storage, the capital cost of underground
the underground facility (cavern excavation, liner and con- LRC is 90% smaller and the levelized cost is 85% smaller.
crete), and the 5% higher cost for the aboveground facility However, finding a suitable rock mass strength that is able to
(compressor and piping) is nearly offset by 6% saving in the contain the hydrogen gas at sufficiently high pressures, may
miscellaneous costs for engineering and contingency. be restricted and limited geographically.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1 34537
Table 7 e Breakdown of capital costs ($/kg-H2 stored) for underground salt caverns.
Cavern Roof Depth (ft) 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Maximum storage pressure (atm) 70 100 120 140 170 190
Minimum storage pressure (atm) 22 29 35 41 47 53
Cavern water volume (m3) 125,897 96,185 78,294 67,634 59,287 52,973
Cushion gas (%) 31.1 31.1 30.7 30.8 30.8 31.0
Total engineering costs ($/kg) $5.3 $5.4 $5.6 $5.9 $6.2 $6.5
Total brine disposal costs ($/kg) $13.9 $10.6 $8.7 $7.5 $6.6 $5.9
Total aboveground costs ($/kg) $8.1 $8.8 $9.4 $9.9 $10.4 $10.8
Bulk H2 storage in underground salt caverns compressors and deeper caverns that lead to additional costs
for bore and production tubing.
We conducted a study to estimate the cost of storing 500 t-H2 in Fig. 8 includes the levelized the cost of underground salt
underground salt caverns at depths between 500 and 1200 m. cavern storage on a 50 tpd-H2 basis. The levelized cost is $0.21/
The results of the study are summarized in Fig. 8 and Table 7 as a kg-H2 for a 120-bar storage pressure, nearly 75% of which is
function of the storage pressure that depends on the cavern due to the capital expenditures levelized assuming a 10%
depth. The study treats 30% of the storage capacity as minimum annual rate of return. Within the parameters of this study, the
cushion gas. Fig. 8 shows a general trend of the underground and levelized cost is $0.0.02/kg-H2 smaller if the cost for brine
aboveground facilities cost increasing, and the brine disposal disposal can be avoided because of an existing market de-
cost decreasing, with higher pressure. The net result is that the mand, and it is $0.21/kg-H2 higher if the brine disposal cost is
capital cost varies narrowly between $35/kg-H2 and $38/kg-H2 $2/bbl rather than the default value of $0.50/bbl. Brine dispo-
with a shallow minimum at a 120-bar storage pressure. sition as affected by local political conditions and environ-
At a 120-bar storage pressure, the underground facility mental concerns introduce a financial uncertainty in any
accounts for 50% of the total capital cost including 16% for drill project using salt caverns.
and casing, 13% for geological survey and mechanical integrity Comparing the results in Figs. 6e8, the capital cost of the
testing, 12% for brine leaching and 9% for engineering and underground salt cavern option is 93% smaller than under-
permitting. The aboveground facility represents 27% of the ground pipe storage and 51% smaller than underground LRC
total capital cost including 18% for compressor, 5% for piping storage. Similarly, the levelized cost of the underground salt
and drying and 4% for cushion gas. The brine-related activities cavern option is 90% smaller than underground pipe storage
represent 25% of the total capital cost including 12% for and 40% smaller than underground LRC storage. However, like
transportation, 12% for disposal and 1% for brine storage. the LRC storage option, the applicability of underground salt
Thus, the major cost factors are related to brine leaching, caverns is geographically restricted, and may require a
handling (transportation) and disposal followed by detailed environmental impact study.
compressor, and salt cavity formation (drill and casing,
integrity testing and engineering). Bulk H2 storage: outlook
Table 7 provides a detailed breakdown of the major cost
components grouped as underground facility construction, We conducted a study to investigate the effect of economy of
engineering, brine handling and aboveground facility. Higher scale on the cost of the three storage options analyzed using
storage pressures require smaller cavern volumes and incur working storage pressures of 100e8 bar for underground
lower costs for brine leaching, transportation and disposal. pipes, 200-30 bar for LRC and 120e28 bar for salt caverns. A
However, higher storage pressures also require larger lined rock cavern is situated 150-m deep and can hold up to
34538 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1
Fig. 9 e Installed capital cost and lifetime storage cost: scaling with useable amount of stored H2.
600-t H2; a salt cavern is located at a 800-m depth and can Lined rock and salt caverns show substantial reduction
hold up to 1000-t H2. Two or more caverns are placed in in cost as the storage capacity is increased. The salt caverns
service if the required storage capacity exceeds the are more cost-effective than lined rock caverns, although
maximum capacity of a single cavern. The results of the the two options are never available at the same location.
study are summarized in Fig. 9 in terms of the installed Also, salt caverns scale better because of their higher
capital cost and annual storage cost ($/kg-H2 stored) over a maximum H2 storage capacity, i.e., salt caverns need to be
30-year lifetime of the storage facilities. The storage cost added at a slower rate than lined rock caverns as the storage
includes the levelized capital cost assuming a 10% annual capacity is increased.
rate of return and recurring operating (labor and utilities) and
maintenance costs and can be calculated from the following
correlation using the coefficients in Table 8. Conclusions
Annual Cost ¼ exp aðlnðmÞÞ blnðmÞ þ c Massive deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
will require viable methods to store hydrogen at different time
Fig. 9 shows only a small effect of the economy of scale on and length scales. We have analyzed the technical aspects
the installed capital and annual storage costs of the under- and economics of bulk hydrogen storage in underground
ground pipe storage option, i.e., a less than 10% cost reduction pipes, lined rock caverns and salt caverns in different quan-
in scaling useable H2 from 1 tonne to 20 tonnes. As discussed tities, 1e3000 tonnes, equivalent to <1e60 days of storage for a
earlier, fabrication of coated pipes is a major cost factor that 50 tonnes per day production facility. The main conclusions
does not benefit much from manufacturing at high volumes. are summarized below.
As indicated in Fig. 8, underground pipes can be more
economical than geological facilities for useable H2 storage Hydrogen storage in underground Type-1, API 5L X52 pipes
amounts less than 20 tonnes. However, the capital (~$600/kg- is more economical than in geological caverns for useable
H2 stored) and annual (~$90/kg-H2 stored) costs are far too amounts <20-t-H2. At ~$560/kg-H2 stored, the estimated
high for underground pipe storage to be a viable storage so- capital cost is high as is the annual cost at ~$84/kg-H2
lution for large quantities of hydrogen. This option could be stored. Because the pipe material is a major cost factor, the
more applicable when storing hydrogen at smaller scales, for capital and operating costs for this storage method do not
instance to meet daily peak demands. decrease appreciably with an increase in the amount of
stored H2.
Unlike underground pipes, the installed capital cost of salt
caverns decreases appreciably from ~$95/kg-H2 at 100 t-H2
Table 8 e Coefficients for annual cost ($/kg-H2 stored) stored to <$19/kg-H2 at 3000 t-H2 stored. Over the same
correlations: m is tonnes of stored H2. scale, the annual storage cost decreases from ~$17/kg-H2 at
Storage a b c 100 t-H2 stored to ~$3/kg-H2 at 3000 t-H2 stored.
Underground pipe storage 0.001559 0.035313 4.5183
Like salt caverns, the installed capital cost of lined rock
Underground lined rock caverns 0.092286 1.5565 8.4658 caverns decreases from ~$160/kg-H2 at 100 t-H2 stored to
Underground salt caverns 0.085863 1.5574 8.1606 <$44/kg-H2 at 3000 t-H2 stored. Over the same scale, the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 3 4 5 2 7 e3 4 5 4 1 34539
annual storage cost decreases from ~$26/kg-H2 at 100 t-H2 [p10] Excavatorf - https://www.pikrepo.com/feevg/black-
stored to ~$7/kg-H2 at 3000 t-H2 stored. and-yellow-front-loader-under-blue-sky.
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Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Mr. Jesse https://flic.kr/p/dQGfnh.
Adams of the Office of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies [p19] Above ground facilitya - Courtesy by Flickr, https://
was the Technology Development Manager for this study. flic.kr/p/dQGfRG.
Argonne National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy [p20] Brine pipelinef e Courtesy by Deeann Arant. https://
Office of Science laboratory, is operated by UChicago pixy.org/4806357/
Argonne, LLC, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. [p21] Brine transport by truckf - https://pixabay.com/
[p22] Waste water treatment plantf e courtesy by Jarmo-
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