Biblestudy Acts 11

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LE S S ON 11

ACTS 21:15—23:22

1 What words or phrases evoke an emotional response in you that causes you
to react without listening or thinking?

Read Acts 21:15—23:22 and the following notes:

❒ 21:21 ❒ 21:28, 29 ❒ 21:40—22:2 ❒ 22:3 ❒ 22:3, 4 ❒ 22:21, 22

2 Why did Paul agree to have his head shaved and make a vow at the Temple

3 What roused the mob against Paul? How did the Romans respond (21:27–

4 Why did the commander allow Paul to speak to the crowd (21:37–40)?

5 Why did the crowd listen to Paul (22:2)?

6 What did Paul say that made the crowd angry (22:21, 22)?

7 How did the Sanhedrin react to Paul’s words (22:30—23:11)?

When Paul arrived in Jerusalem, he met with the leaders of the church. They
suggested that he submit to a Jewish ceremony to help mend relationships with
Jewish believers. Instead of peace, however, violence was the result—a mob
tried to beat Paul to death. Protected by the Roman commander, Paul could
have escaped the crowd, but he asked to speak to them. They listened intently
for a while until he spoke about going to the Gentiles. Then they went berserk.
Later Paul defended himself before the Sanhedrin, but again he was met with
hatred and violence. These people, even their religious leaders, refused to
listen and uncover the facts. Instead, they acted emotionally, impulsively, and
irrationally and missed the truth about the Son of God. People still react with
hatred and scorn when they hear or even think they hear a certain word or for-
bidden phrase. It’s human nature to listen with our heart instead of our head.
But if we react without thinking, we may miss the truth.

8 If you had been in Paul’s situation at the Temple, how would you have
reacted to the mob’s attempt on your life?

9 Why did Paul want to talk to the people who had just tried to beat him to

10 What are the emotional issues in your community?

11 What are the emotional issues in your church or denomination?

12 Why do some people refuse to listen to the truth? Of what are they afraid?

13 In what situations and against what kind of people are you likely to close
your mind and not listen?

14 Think of a situation in which you had a closed mind or of a person to whom

you refused to listen. What can you do to be more open-minded and listen care-
fully before making a judgment?

A Why did Paul speak in Aramaic to the crowd (21:40—22:2)? To what “lan- MORE
guage” do your friends and neighbors respond? How can you effectively use for studying
this language to tell them about Christ? other themes
in this section
B In this section, what opportunities did Paul use to speak for Christ (21:15—
23:22)? What opportunities has God given you recently to speak up for him?

C How was it possible for religious people to act the way they did toward Paul
(21:27–29, 35, 36)? What’s the difference between religious office and spiritual

D How was Paul saved from the plot against his life (23:12–35)? What does this
story teach you about being used by God?

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