2014 Accomplishments

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as of December 2014


Operating Unit:
Organization Code (UACS):

Physical Target Physical Accomplishment

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total




1. Finalization/preparation of policies/guidelines 13 19 100%

a. Phil. Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) PBSAP finalized 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -- 1 100% Series of consultations and workshops at the national and local level were

The PBSAP is still being finalized and is near completion.The National targets and
indicators, which are the products of the series of consultations that were held in
2013, are currently being refined.

b. Proposed DENR Administrative Order (DAO) DAO drafted and endorsed 0 0 2 4 6 0 0 2 1 3 50% 1) DAO Declaring Hinatuan Bay located in the Municipality of Hinatuan, Province of
establishing certain areas as critical habitat Surigao del Sur as Critical Habitat for dugong, marine turtles and other threatened
species of wild fauna and flora
2) Declaring the Timberland Block A of Rosario, Timberland Block B of San Juan, and
Timberland Blocks A and B of Lobo, all in the Province of Batangas as Critical
Habitat for Golden-Crowned Flying Fox and Giant Flying Fox
3) Revised DAO declaring certain parcels of land of the public domain situated
at purol 1-4 of Barangay Kandiis as Parcel I and Purok 1-6 of Barangays
San Isidro and Damayohan as Parcel II all in the Municipality of Magsaysay,
Province of Misamis Oriental as Critical Habitat for Hawksbill Turtle and to be
known as "Magsaysay Critical Habitat for Hawksbill Turtle".

c. Development of the National Invasive Alien Species Strategy and action plan developed 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%
(IAS) Strategy and Action Plan

d. Revised of WRC Manual of Operations WRC manual revised 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pilot testing is on-going. Revision of the manual has been postponed

e. Voluntourism guidelines
e.1 Pilot testing of guidelines in protected areas draft guidelines finalized 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100%
no. of PAs 1 2 0 0 3

f. Resettlement of Protected Area migrants

f.1 pilot testing in PA (1 site) Guidelines finalized 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100% Recommendations/inputs were considered in the finalization of the redraft policy.
The guidelines were forwarded to the office of the Usec for Planning and Policy on
October 23, 2014
Pilot testing/site finalized 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 2 67%

g. 2014 List of Classified Caves DMC finalized 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 100% The DMC 2014-03 re List of Classified Caves; Approved last April 8, 2014

h. Implementation Guidelines of the Integrated Protected Guidelines prepared 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100% The DMC 2014-01 re Implementing Guidelines of Republic Act
(RA) No. 10629 Entitled an Act Providing for the Retention by the Protected Area
Management Board of Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the Revenues Accruing to
Integrated Protected Areas Fund (IPAF), Amending for the Purpose Section 16 of
Republic Act No 7586, Otherwise known as the “National Integrated Protected
Areas System Act of 1992”; Approved last September 26, 2014

The following policies were approved in 2014:

4 (4) Technical Bulletins:
1) Technical Bulletin 2014-02 Ecotourism Planning and Management in
other Conservation Areas

2) Joint FMB-BMB Technical Bulletin 2014-01 Supplementary Guidelines for

the Conduct of Survey, Mapping and Planning (SMP) Activities in the
Forestland Management Project (FMP) Sites
3) Joint FMB-BMB Technical Bulletin 2014-02 entitled "Enhanced
Community Resource Management Plan (CRMP) within Protected Areas
Covered by the Forestland Management Project (FMP) which was approved
on December 2014
4) Technical Bulletin2014-03 Prescribed Tools for Impact Monitoring of
Ecotourism Activities
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

1 Endorsed the DAO as “Prescribing the Biodiversity-Focused Strategic

Environmental Assessment for Assessing the Impacts of Policies, Plans and

1 ICCA Bill

1 Omnibus PA Bill
Endorsed to the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources
Position Papers for 100 Protected Areas included in SB No. 1901 (Omibus PA
Bill) and provided updated profiles, issues and concerns and photographs of
protected areas; Prepared draft HB of 28 priority PA Bills included in the
Omnibus Bill

3 Endorsed the following guidelines:

1) Draft DAO on Transferring the Management and Administration of Hinulugan
Taktak PL to DENR R4-A (CALABARZON) which was endorsed to OSEC on 28
January 2014
2) National PA System Master Plan
3) DAO re Rules and Regulations for Environmental Risk and Biosafety
Assessment of Genetically Modified Forest and Wildlife Resources (GMFWR)

Provided inputs/reviewed the following draft policy and law:

1) Draft DENR Administrative Order (DAO) on Manual of Approval on Technical
2) Reviewed the provisions in the Republic Act 10591 “Comprehensive Firearms
and Ammunition Regulation Act” and provided inputs specifically in relation to
hunting of wildlife using firearms.

Other documents drafted:

1) National Recovery Plan for Crocodiles in the Philippines, 2015-2020
2) Protocol on the loan of Philippine Eagle

2. Formulation and Review of Policy

1.1 Drafting/Updating of policies/guidelines
a. DENR Administrative Order (DAO) updating the
Threatened Fauna List established under DAO No. 2004-15
DAO No. 2004-15 Meetings/consultation conducted 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 33% Organized committee on Philippine Redlist
DAO drafted 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% DAO re: Updated National List of Threatened Fauna under the Jurisdiction of
DENR pursuant to RA 9147, otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources
Conservation and Protection Act, of 2001

b. DENR Adminstrative Order (DAO) updating the

Threated Flora List established under DAO No. 2007-01
DAO No. 2007-01 Meetings/consultation conducted 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 3 100%
DAO drafted 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% DAO re Updated National List of Threatened Philippine Plants and Their Categories

c. Policy on the registration of ivory and ivory products writeshop/workshop conducted 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 100% DAO re: Registration of Raw and Worked Elephant Ivory
initial draft prepared 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%

d. Policy on Wildlife Emergency Response writeshop/workshop conducted 1 1 -- -- 2 1 1 0 0 2 100%

initial draft -- -- 1 -- 1 0 0 1 0 1 100% Stakeholders underwent a Small Group Discussion (SGD) with DOH in July 2014.

e. Proposed guidelines on the issuance of clearance for

wildlife research within Protected Areas writeshop/workshop conducted -- -- 1 -- 1 0 0 1 -- 1 100%
initial draft -- -- -- -- --

f. Proposed law on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in

line with the Nagoya Protocol on ABS Bill drafted -- -- -- 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% House Bill No. 3163 “An Act Instituting Reforms in the Existing Policy on
Access and Benefit-Sharing from the Utilization of Philippine Genetic Resources and fo
other Purposes”. The draft ABS Bll has been filed at the House of Representative
under the authorship of Congresswoman Josephine Ramirez-Sato , the Lone
representative og Occidental Mindoro.

g. Eco-certification guidelines
1. Review of eco-certification guidelines Meetings conducted 5 2 -- -- 7 --

2. Pilot testing of guidelines in protected areas No. of PAs 1 2 -- -- 3 --

1. Presentation to National Ecotourism Steering

Committee (NESC) for adoption No. of meetings 1 -- -- -- 1 1 -- -- -- 1 100%

4. Cross visit No. of pax -- -- 25 -- 25 --

Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

h. Selection Criteria for Resettlement Areas in Bufferzones

of PAs under NIPAS Initial draft prepared -- -- -- 1 1 -- -- -- -- Draft criteria on preparation

i. Cave Ecotourism -- 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- 1 100%

j. Establishment and Mgt. of Bufferzone -- 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- 1 100%

2. Review of guidelines, policies, regulations, Reviewed the following policies:

resolutions, bills, etc Policies/Regulations 5 5 5 5 20 5 8 5 -- 20 100% 1) Establishing the "Philippine Strategic Environmental Assessment
System" and Providing the Guidelines Governing the Implementation Thereof
2) Guidelines for the Harmonized Implementation of Regula-
tions on Domestic Trade of Wildlife Under the Jurisdiction of the DENR
3) Assessment of Fees and Charges for Rehabilitation and
Restoration of PA Resources Against Persons or Entities, Including
Government Agencies, That cause Damage to PAs
4) Setting Fees for Entry to and Use of Facilities and Resour-
ces in Pas, including the NAPWC
5) HB No.778 re: "Banning the catching, sale, purchase, posse-
ssion, transportation and exportation of all sharks and rays in the country and
for other purposes"
6) HB No. 3855 re: re "Banning the cacthing, sale, purchase, possession,
transportation, importation, and exportation of all sharks and rays or any part
thereof in the country"
7) HB No. 2408 re: Amending RA 7586 or the NIPAS Act
8) HB No. 4285 re: An Act to Protect Marine Mammals and Ensure their Survival
for the Benefit of Future Generations
9) HB N0. 4126 re: An Act Prohibiting the Exportation and Importation of Dolphins
and Whales and Providing Penalties Thereof
10) HB No. 4569 re: Amendment to RA 9147
11) HB No. 3756 "An Act Providing for the Development and Promotion of Farm
Tourism in the Philippines and for Other Purposes
12) HB No. 49994 "Bangsamoro Basic Law"
13) ENR-Public Private Partnership (ENR-PPP) Guidelines
14) Forestry Law Manual of Operations
15) Draft ASEAN/East Asian Summit (EAS) Declaration on Wildlife Trafficking
16) Draft London Conference Declaration

Drafted the following instruments on wildlife conservation:

1) MOA between DENR-BMB and Wildlife Reserves Singapore-
Jurong Bird Park c/o Ms. Fanny Lai re: "Collaborative Program for the
Conservation of Philippine Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia)"
2) MOA between DENR-BMB and Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens, c/o Mr.
Chris Banks, Curator Herpetofauna, The Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens
re: "Philippine Crocodile National Recovery Plan: Australasian Program"

Review of proposes MOU with the Flemish Government on Environmental Security

and Natural Resources Development

Provided comments on the following:

1) Draft Outcome study on Forestry Coope-
ration under ASEAN Senior Official on Forestry and its Subsidiary Bodies;
2) Draft MOA for the Creation of Mt. Makiling
FR Multi-Stakeholders' Council
3) Updated DENR Revised Manual of
4) Joint Supplementary Guidelines for the
Conduct of SMP Activities in the FMP sites in Region 3;
5) PAMB Manual of Operations
6) MOU between DENR, Cagayan Economic Zone Authority and Reality TV Asia,
Inc. for the Survivor Cagayan Episode of PIPLS
7) Draft MOA among DENR and the Local Governments of Los Banos, Bay and
Calamba of the Province of Laguna and Sto. Tomas of the Province of Batangas,
DENR, DOT and other Stakeholders
8) MOA between BMB and Haribon regarding implementation of NewCAPP
9) Draft EO entitled "Institutionalizing and Mainstreaming Payment for
Environmental Services in Policy and Investment Program"
10) Sustainable Development Goals and Post Post-2015 Process"
11) Issues and concerns related to RA 10591, An Act providing for
Comprehensive Law on Firearms and Ammunition and providing Penalties
Violations Thereof.
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

12) Joint BMB-FMB Technical Bulletin No. 2014- -01 entitled "Supplementary
Guidelines in the issuance of Tenurial Instrument covering the Forestland
Management Project Sitez in Region 3"
13) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between DENR and NAMRIA re:
Boundary Delineation and Demarcation of Protected Areas
14) Draft Plan of Action (PoA) to implement the Phnom Penh Declaration on East
Asia Summit (EAS) Development Initiative
15) Draft HB on Indigenous Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs)
16) Draft DAO on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) System
17) Draft DA-DENR JMC on Biodiversity-Friendly Agricultural Principles
18) Draft JAO on Biodiversity-Friendly Business and Enterprise Framework
19) Proposed Amendments to the Economic Provisions of the 1987 Philippine
20) Recommendations for the issuance of a proclamation declaring every 11th
day of November as "Puerto Princesa Underground River Day"
21) Draft ASEAN Vision Statement on ASEAN-ROK Strategic Partnership Joint
22) Draft BMB Technical Bulletin providing tools for impact monitoring of eco-
tourism activities
23) EIA for the proposed rehabilitation and improvement of Ilagan-Divilacan road
project traversing the Northern Sierra Madre NP

Reviewed proposal for the nominations of selected PAs as ASEAN Heritage parks
(AHP) as follows:
1) Mt. Kalaon NP-AHP
2) Balinsasayao Twin Lakes - AHP
3) Apo Island NP - AHP
4) Camarines Sur Biosphere Reserve
5) Hundred Islands National Park (HINP)
6) Taal Volcano Protected Landscape (TVPL)
7) Mt. Pulag National park

Bills (HB & SB) 7 8 8 7 30 30 8 36 -- 74 100% Reviewed the ff. SBs/HBs:

1) Bessang Pass Pl - SBN 321
2) Lidlidda-Banayoyo - SBN 322
3) Agoo-Damortis PL - SBN 1048
4) Pamitinan Protected Landscape - HBN 4418
5) Tabgub-Kampalilli -HBN 575
6) Chocolate Hills NP - HBN 1723
7) Pasonanca NP - SBN 3267, 2144
8) Siargao PLS - SBN 2010, 2153
9) Northern Negros NP - SBN 2150
10) Mt. Hilong-Hilong NP - SBN 2156
11) Agusan marsh WS - SBN 2154
12) Turtle Islands WS - SBN 2148
13) Mt. Balatukan PL - SBN 2149, 2147
14) Aliwagwag Falls - SBN 2158
15) Balinsasayao Twin Lakes - SBN 2157
16) Samar Island NP - SBN 2392, 2049
17) Northwest Panay Peninsula - SBN 4758
19) Adopt Integrated Coastal Management as a National Strategy (SB No. 100)
20) Establishing the Coastal Environment Program (SB No. 143)
21) Estabishing the National Coastal Greenbelt Program (SB No. 2179)
22) Establishing a National Mangrove Reforestation Program for Coastal Areas
(SB N0. 2237)
23) Las Pinas-Paranaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area (HB No. 3862)
HB No. 4038 - Las Pinas-Paranaque Critical and Ecotourism
24) Declaration of Designated Protected Areas (Omnibus Bill - HB No. 4336)
25) Improving the Management abd Protection of NIPAS (HB No. 4568
26) Delineation of Specific Forest Limits of the Public Domain of the Country
(SB No. 604)
27) Delineation of Specific Forest Limits of the Public Domain of the Country
(SB No. 786)
28) Delineation of Specific Forest Limits of the Public Domain of the Country
(SB No. 1101)
29) SB No. 1900 - Delineation of Specific Forest limits of The Public Domain of
the Country
30) HB No. 3829 - Forbes Park Reservation as A & D
31) HB No. 3942 - Portion of Sitio Baquilan in Zambales as A & D
32) HB No. 4528 - Salvador Benedicto in Negros Occ.
33)HB No. 4508 - A & D in San Jose Tarlac
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

HB No. 4578 - San Jose, Tarlac

34) HB No. 4655 - A & D in Coron Palawn
35) HB No. 4831 - San Vicente Palawan
36) HB No. 4988 - Delineation of the Specific Forests Limits of the Public Domain
37) SB No. 697 - Taal Volcano PL
38) HB No. 671 - Puraan Beach
39) HB No. 2165 - Mt. Tapulao
40) HB No. 2759 - La Mesa Dam
41) HB No. 3885 - Tagnote Falls
42) HB No. 252 - Agricultural lands, timber and mineral lands
43) HB No. 733 - An Act Prohibiting Mountaineering and other activities in Active
44) SB No. 1901 (Omnibus) Establishment of Protected Areas
SB Nos. 7, 63 and 150 - An Act Instituting a National Land Use Policy, Providing
Implementing Mechanisms Therefor and for Other Purposes of 2013

Provided comments on the following HBs/SBs:

1) HB No. 171; Reorienting the Philippine Mining Industry
2) HB Nos. 984 and 2486; Regulating the Rational Exploration, Development and
Utilization of Mineral Resources;
3) HB No. 2888; Instituting Independent Halth and Environmental Assessment for
all Mining Projects
4) HB No. 671; An Act Declaring the Puraran Beach and its Premises Located in
Puraran, Baras, Catanduanes as a Tourist Spot;
5) HB No. 687; An Act Declaring the Twin Lakes of Balinsasayao and Danao in
Sibulan, Oriental Negros as Tourist Spots;
6) HB No. 1368; An Act declaring the Province of Masbate as an Eco-tourism
7) HB No. 1464; An Act Declaring the Province of Misamis Oriental a Tourism
8) HB No. 696 declaring Mabinay Caves in Negros Oriental as Tourist
9) HB No. 1303 declaring Mightty Cave Park in Lanao del Norte as Tourist
10) HB No. 2408; Amending RA 7586
11) HB No.3522; Camotes Island as A & D
12) HB No. 2641; Calaca, Batangas as A & D
13) HB No. 2930; Mansalay Oriental Mindoro as A & D
14) HB No. 3456; Maslog Eastern Samar as A & D
15) HB No. 3457; Oras in Eastern Samar as A & D
16) HB No. 3478; Maasin in So. Leyte as A & D
17) HB No. 3561; Jones, Isabela as A & D
18) HB No. 3562; Ramon, Echage & San Agustin, Isabela as A & D
19) HB No. 3427; Sustainable Development and Use of Boracay Island
20) HB No. 3578; Delineation of Specific Forest Limits
21) HB No. 678; Bais City
22) HB N0. 695; Segregating portion of Roosevelt PL as A & D
23) HB No. 1312; Central Cordillera Forest Reserve, Mt. Province
24) HB No. 1337; Naga City, Cebu
25) HB No. 941; Bantayan, Daanbantayan, Madridejos & Sta. Fe, Cebu
26) HB No. 2030; Boso-Boso, Antipolo City, Rizal
27) HB No. 2296; Jose P. Rizal, Palawan
28) HB No. 2394; Agusan Del Sur
29) HB No. 2410; Surigao City, Surigao del Norte
30) HB No. 213; Aspiras Highway, La Union
31) SB Resolution No. 2014-2311 of Narra, Palawan requesting inclusion in the
scope and coverage of SBN 1901 the Mountains of Victoria Anepahan as
protected area
32) HBN 4219 - An Act Protecting and Strengthening the Indigenous Community
Conserves Areas, recognizing their contribution to Biodiversity Conservation,
establishing for the purpose the National ICCA Registry, Appropriating Funds
Therefor and for other Purposes
33) SBN 553 - Coral Reefs related Bill and Resolutions
34) SBR 169 - Coral Reefs related Bill and Resolutions
35) SBR 597- Coral Reefs related Bill and Resolutions

Resolutions/MOA 2 2 2 2 8 2 1 2 -- 5 63% Reviewed the ff. Resolutions:

1) Sangguniang Panlalawigan No. 2014-714 of the Province of Bukidnon
2) Sangguniang Panlalawigan Resolution No. 2014-822 of the Province of
3) Resolution No. 01-A, series of 2014 of the Management Board of Kalbario-
Patapat Natural Park (KPNP) requesting access to the proposed Administrative
Building and Watch Tower
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Provided comments on the following Resolutions:

1) Regional Ecotourism Committee (REC) Res. No 2012-01 requesting the
DENR CO to allocate Php 1,545,720.00 for the conduct of PASA within the
Hinatuan Bay
2) Resolution from the Center of Environmental Initiatives (CEI) Negros

Senate Resolution directing the Senate Com. on ENR and Climate Change to look
into the necessity of instituting a System of Mandatory Environmental Insurance
Coverage in Light of Environmental damages

3. Programs/Projects Development, Implementation and

a. Review and preparation of proposals No. of proposals 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 100% Reviewed and provided comments on the ff Project Proposals:
prepared/reviewed 1) Proposal entitled "Ensuring Community Participation to EnhanceConservation
of Biodiversity within the Taklong Island Marine Reserve"
2) Proposed Development Project within Mt. Irid
3) Proposed GIZ Project entitled "Indigenous Practices for Biodiversity
Conservation in Agusan Marsh WS"

4) Proposed project "China ASEAN Cooperation Plan on Biodiversity and

Ecological Conservation Phase II"
5) Proposed Olango Island Adventure Project

b. Supervision/Implementation and/or assistance to the

implementation of the following FAPs: Attended meetings re: preparations for the National ICCA Conference held on the
b.1 NewCAPP No. of reports prepared/submitted moving target following dates:
- 15 September 2014
- 29 September 2014
- 13 October 2014

Conducted ICCA Conference held on Oct 21-22, 2014 at Crowne Plaza, Ortigas
Conducted LCA Conference held on Oct 23-24, 2014 at Crowne Plaza, Ortigas

No. of meetings attended 1 1 0 -- 2 100% Attended the NewCAPP 9th Board Meeting held on 11 February 2014 at Dolcelatte,
Quezon City

b.2 PAME No. of reports prepared/submitted 0 10 24 -- 34 100% Drafted DENR S.O establishing the Implementation Arrangement for the DENR-GIZ
Assisted PAME Project

No. of proposals reviewed 190 100% Reviewed Project Proposal for thr GIZ-PAME Project Partnership Fund Grant for
the ff. Pas/KBAs (please see Annex --- for the complete matrix):
1) Masinloc-Oyon Bay MR
2) Zambales Mt. Range
3) Bataan NP
4) Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal PL
5) Mt.s Palay-Palay/Mataas-na-Gulod PL
6) Quezon PL
7) Mt. Calavite, Mindoro
9) Batanes PLS
10) Ragay Gulf
11) Catanduanes NP
12) Calsanag, Romblon
13) Taklong Island
14) Twin Lakes Balinsasayao
15) Lake Manguao
16) Rasa Island
17) Mantalingahan PL
18) Cleopatra's Needle
19) Northen Palawan Caves
20) Araceli (Hart Reef)
21) Abasig-Matogdon
22) Palaui Ialand PLS
23) Bicol NP
24) Guiuan
25) Marinduque WS
26) Mt. Halcon
27) Caramoan NP
28) Mt. Matutum PL
29) Mt. Timolan PL
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

30) Kalbario-Patapat NP
31) Las Pinas Paranaque Critical Habitat
32) Aurora Memorial National Park
33) Calatrava, San Agustin, San Agustin, San Andres WFR
34) Bicol NP
35) Central Cebu PL
36) Biri-Larosa
37) Pasonanca NP
38) Mt. Malindang NP
39) Mabini PLS
40) Timpoong Hibok-Hibok Natural Monument Agricultural Principles
41) Baliangao PLS
42) Mt. Dajo NP
43) Bataan NP
44) Masinloc and Oyon Bay MR
45) Carac-an WFR
46) Taklong Island MR
47) Mt. Halcon
48) Cabusao
49) Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP

Reviewed the National MECA Report

No. of meetings attended 11 0 0 -- 11 100% Attended the following meetings/workshops:

1) PAME Meeting on 10 January 2014
2) National Planning Workshop for the Management of PAs and Critical Habitats
on 13-14 January 2014 at Sequioa Hotel
3) National Conference to present results of MECA of PAs in the Philippines
which was held at Oakwood Hotel on 15 January 2014
4) 5th Meeting of the PAME TWG on 7 February 2014
5) PAME review of proposals
6) Technical Review of the Ntional MECA Report on 18 February 2014
7) GIZ-PAME Partnership Fund Grant review of proposals held on 25 February
8) Meeting with Dr, Guiang re PAME MECA held on 27 February 2014
9) PAME TWG Meeting on 11 March 2014
10) PAME TWG Meeting on 17 March 2014
11) PAME TWG Meeting on 26 March 2014

b.3 BPP
b.6. PhilCCAP
No. of reports prepared/submitted No. of reports prepared/submitted 1 0 0 -- 1 100% Facilitated the conduct of Orientation-Training on the Use of ToolKit on Climate
No. of meetings attended No. of meetings attended Change Adaptation on 6-7 March 2014 at Tamaraw Hall, Visitor Center, NAPWC

b.7 Forest Management Program No. of reports prepared/ submitted 1 1 1 -- 3 100% Attended meeting for the FMP for the review of the final draft of FMP Technical
No. of meetings attended Bulletin on the preparation of CRMF and presentation materials for its field testing
held on 8 July 2014 at FMB Conference Room. Attended Writeshop for the
preparation of Management Plan PCWFR on 18-20 June 2014 at ENR Academy,
Carranglan Nueva Ecija.

Attended meeting on 7 February 2014 to discuss implementation concerns of the

Forestland Management Project with Pantabangan-Carranglan WFR

Provided comments on the biodiversity assessment undertaken within

Pantabanagan- Carranglan under the Forestland Management Project dated 14
May 2014

b.8 REDD+ (UN and GIZ) No. of reports prepared/ submitted 0 3 1 -- 4 100% 1) Meeting on Governance and Safeguards for REDD+ held on 17 September
No. of meetings attended 2014 at nRED Conference Room and National Consultation on REDD+
Governance held on 24 September 2014 at Eastwood Richmonde Hotel
2) Meeting on REDD+ Plan of Operations Meeting held at FMB Conference
Room on 23 May 2014
3) REDD+ Integration Meeting at Dolcelatte, Quezon City on 17 January 2014
4) REDD+ Project Operational Planning Workshop held on 22-23 January 2014
at Luxent Hotel
5) National REDD+ MRV System in the Philippines held on 26-27 February 2014
at FMB
6) Meeting on REDD+ Plan of Operations Meeting held at FMB Conference
Room on 23 May 2014
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

b.9 B-WISER No. of reports prepared/ submitted 0 2 3 -- 5 100% Attended the following meetings:
No. of meetings attended meetings 9 100% 1) Attended B+WISER TWG Workshop held on 1 July 2014 at Sequioa Hotel and
per B+WISER PSC Meeting and B+WISER & REECS meeting held Dolce Latte Café
project on 8 July 2014 and 26 July 2014, respectively.
meetings 3) Meeting on 4 February 2014 at BMB Conference Room for the discussion on
per B+WISER assistance to PBSAP and BMB
project 4) Meeting on 17 February 2014 at FMB Conference Room for the review of the
draft DAO on the cration of Project Coordinating Unit and the proposed WFP for
2014 DENR counterpart resources
5) Attended FMB/BMB Technical Orientation and Workshop held on 16
September 2014 at Microtel, UP Technohub
6) Meeting on 28 February 2014 at FMB re B+WISER series of Seminars and
Technical discussions on B+WISER Program Strategies on Forest Restoration
and Mangrove Rehabilitation
7) Meeting with B+WISER on the activities of the BMB held on 26 March 2014
8) B+WISER 2015-2016 Annual Work Plan preparation held on 7 October 2014
9) B+WISER PSC Meeting held on 16 December 2014 at Annabel's in Tomas
Morato, Timog, Quezon City

Letter for Dr. Mariane Delos Angeles for the request of B+WISER Program to enter
into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) regarding Mt. Apo Natural Park

Discussion on the ways forward particularly on the revision and adoption of the
NLNP Business Plan

Attended B+WISER Trainng on Climate Smart Protected Area Management Plan

for Mt.Kitanglad Range NP held on 21-23 May 2014 at Cagayan de Oro

b.11 national Forest Resources Assessment

b.12 National Greening Program Provided comments on Region 7 updates on the implementation of NGP
b.13 Forest Boundary Delineation
b.14 SGP5
b.15 ENRMP
b.16 APFP-SEApeat
b.17 ASEAN Heritage Park Conducted Action Planning Workshop for the AHP of the Philippines held on 11-12
December 2014 at Icon Hotel, Quezon City

3. Monitoring/assessment/implementation of PAWCZMS
programs and projects

I. NIPAS Program
a. Monitoring of NIPAS Implementation No. of monitoring reports 1 6 6 2 15 1 54 2 -- 57 100% Conducted monitoring of NIPAS implementation in the ff. Regions:
1) Region 5 on September 15-20, 2014
2) Region 6 on September 8-13, 2014
3) Region 1 on 17 to 21 March 2014

b.1. Orientation on Approved Revised SRPAO Procedures No. of regions/PA orientation conducted 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 100% Conducted orientation at Pantabangan-Carranglan, Lidlidda Protected Landscape,
Ilocos Norte Metro Watershed Forest Reserve

b.2. Review and evaluate submitted SRPAO Reports No. of SRPAO reports/ list of TMs/PA evaluated 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 3 100% Roosevelt PL, Pantabangan (R3), Mt. Balatukan Range National Park

b.3. Monitoring of PA Occupants based on SRPAO Reports PA occupants monitored 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 100% Pantabangan-Carranglan Protected Watershed Conservation, Kalbario Patapat

c. Community Based Program in PA (CBP)

c.1. Monitoring of CPB implementation in protected area site visit/PA monitored 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 100% Pantabangan-Carranglan Protected Watershed Conservation, Upper Marikina River
Basin Protected Landscape

c.2. Review and evaluate submitted draft PACBRMA/CRMP reports/maps moving target

d. Bufferzone Management
d.1. Piloting on designated resettlement areas for Bufferzone pilot site designated/monitored 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 -- 1 100% Prepared Action Plan during the Planning Workshop which was held last 29-30
Mgt. Implementation January 2014 in Batangas
Bataan National Park designated as the bufferzone pilot site

No. of orientations 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 -- 2 67% On-going coordination in line with comnunity consultation of the draft policy (pilot
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

d.2. Orientation on Bufferzone policy (enhanced) 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 -- 3 100%

d.3 technical Assistance in the preparation of managment

plan for PA with bufferzone TA attended/provided for bufferzone site On-going technical assistance provided in the identified pilot site/PA for draft BZ

II. Cave Management and Conservation Program

1. Cave Book Preparation (Outsource) Cave Book finalized 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 -- 1 100% Printed 100 copies of the Cave Act brochure which are currently being distributed.
The data gathering as well as the drafting for the Cave Book have also been
started. The Cave Book is targeted for distribution on 2016.

2. Cave Scientific Conference Conference held/NCC 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 -- 1 100%

3. National Caving Congress Congress conducted 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 -- 1 100% Co-organized the National Caving Congress which was held on 10-14 April 2014 in

4. Capacity building on Cave Rescue (Outsource) Training conducted 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 -- 2 100% Coordinated with the resource persons for the Cave Guide training which will be
held from 31 March to 7 April 2014 in Marinduque

Initial coordination/organization/memo/letter drafted to RED CROSS re proposed

orientation on Basic Life Support during Emergency for selected DENR field staff

5. Development of Cave management monitoring and

evaluation scheme (outsource) Monitoring scheme developed 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 --

6. National Cave Committee Operation NCC mtgs/workshops conducted 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 0 -- 2 50% Conducted special meeting on cave ecotourism and organized NCC meeting in

7. Monitoring of Selected/Priority Classified Caves Priority caves monitored 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 -- 2 100%

8. Orientation on new policies/development on cave

management No. of orientation/mtgs conducted moving targets

III. Wetland Management and Conservation Program

1. Orientation-workshop on inland wetlands Orientation report prepared/submitted 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 -- 1 100% Other Accomplishments:
1) Finalized the Report of Inland Wetland in Luzon Project to Include Maps on 16-
30 April
2) Provided comments to the draft proposal for LPPCHEA for RAMSAR Regional
2. Philippine Wetlands Conservation Awards Center- East Asia Wetland Fund which was submitted on 16 April
Announcement meeting/report review 3) Attended/provided inputs for CLUP Guidebook re Climate Change Adaptation
site validation report 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 -- 1 100% and Disaster Risk Reduction Management re Biodiversity and Coastal/Marine
Areas on 28- 30 April
4) Follow-up confirmation/distributed solicitation letters/sponsorship for the
incentive award/Phil. Wetland Awards Announcement from 21-30 April
3. Review wetland assessment reports submitted No. of reports reviewed 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 -- 0

4. Conduct of Lake Congress

5. Preparation of Inland Wetland maps Wetland maps prepared 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 -- 0

6. Operation of the Interim National Wetland Conservation

Committee No. of site visit visit/mtgs/workshop conducted 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 -- 2 100%

7. Monitoring of selected priority wetlands

(inc. Ramsar Sites and non-PA wetlands) Site monitored 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 -- 2 100%

8. Implementation of Philippine component-

ASEAN Peatland Forest Project-SEApeat (capacity building,
IEC and Pilot aite implementation (selected site-2) Activities undertaken (see Project's WFP) 0 2 0 -- 2 100%

9. Implementation of Component under the Manila Bay Project

(with separate WFP) Activities undertaken (see Project's WFP) 0 2 0 -- 2 100% Other Manila Bay Project Accomplishments:
- The Work and Financial Plan of the Habitats and Resource Component of the
project was approved based on the 2013 unfunded activities
- Drafted and submitted TOR for the
following services needed (GIS specialist, facilitator/documentor/process
- Facilitated organizational Meeting for Manila Bay Activities within BMB
concerned Division with ED Vincent Hilomen on 21 April
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Printed the following materials for distribution to intended users:

1) Guidelines on the Ecological Rehabilitation of Mangroves
2) Mangrove Species within Manila Bay
3) Macrobenthic Species within Manila Bay
4) Marine Turtle Conservation

Examined the issues at Bataan Natural Park as a possible study site for the
establishment of Buffer Zone integrating resettlement plans

Other Peatland Project Accomplishments:

1) Attended/Participated in the Donors Meeting on the Sustainable Mgt. of peatland
Ecosystem held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 22-24 April
2) Attended/provided inputs to the draft Gen. Report of APEC Marine Sustainable
Dev. For the 4th APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting on 16 April
3) Reviewed and Assessed the report on the Proposed Establishment of Sasmuan-
Macabebe as Critical Habitat for Migratory Birds
4) Prepared Activity Design for the Re- Orientation of the Manila Bay Macrobenthic
Ecology Workshop
5) Reviewed and compiled the existing data (Secondary Data) for the Pantabangan-
Carranglan Watershed Forest Reserve as specified and indicated in the Action Plan
which was formulated last 31 March 2014
Acted as Resource Person in the Pilot testing of Guidelines on Resettlement of PA
occupants within Geo-hazard areas held on 4-5 September 2014 in Balanga,

IV. Gender and Development

4. Technical Assistance
4.1 Attendance to Meetings/ Workshops/ For a/ Symposia No. of meetings/work- shops/fora/ symposia 3 3 3 3 12
No. of reports submitted 3 3 3 3 12

4.2 Participation in investigations/ Forces/ Inter-agency No. of reports submitted 0 1 1 0 2

Committees Task Forces

4.1 Provision of technical assitsance to BMB and Regional Activities undertaken moving targets
Offices in the formulation of policies/ planning/ programming/ Documents prepared
implementing BMB Programs/ Projects Regions visited

5. Preparation/ consolidation/ review of work and financial plans

and/or Office performance Commitment and Review (OPCR) Work and Financial Plan prepared and submitted 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 100%
OPCR prepared and submitted to DENR/DBM

6. Conduct of regular conference/meetings Conference/Meetings conducted 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 8 100%

- PAWCZM Sectoral Conference Minutes/Documents prepared/submitted
- Assessment and Planning Workshop
- Senior Staff Meetings
- Technical Review Committee Meetings
- GEF Core Group/SUbCOm on Biodiv meetings

7. Thematic group meetings for the Biodiversity related FAPS Meetings conducted moving targets

8. Review and consolidation of accomplishment reports

a. Quarterly Reports No. of bureau reports prepared/submitted to 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%
b. Annual Report DENR/ DBM/ COA 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -- 1 100%

9. Participation/ Attendance to other committees/ for a Meetings/ for a attended moving targets
b. DENR Budget Hearings
c. DBM/ Senate/ Congress Budget Hearings
d. Malacanang/ National Development Council Meetings
e. Planning Workshops
f. Staff Bureau meetings
g. Forward Planning Workshop
h. Others (BAC-TWG, GAD, UNDP, PCSD, etc)
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

10. Capacity Building

a. Orientation on Eco certification guidelines no. of pax 0 35 0 0 35 to be revised with the DOT to conform with the NES
0 35 0 0 35 National Ecotourism Strategy Consultation and Orientation (4 clusters each) were
b. Orientation on Voluntourism guidelines no. of pax accomplished.
c. Workshop on the design of monitoring and evaluation of 0 0 35 0 35 the voluntourism guidelines was the MS thesis of DENR personnel to be submitted
IEC no. of pax to BMB
preparation stage for the drafting of the guidelines

d. Training on Protected Area Law Enforcement (in No. of trainings conducted/attended 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 -- 1 100% Conducted the Environment Law Enforcement for Protected Areas Capability
partnership with Tanggol Kalikasan) Development Workshop (Visayas Cluster) in partnership with Tanggol Kalikasan
held on 23-25 September 2014 at Sugarland Hotel, Bacolod City.

Conducted meeting with Tanggol Kalikasan (TK) regarding the preparatory activities
for the Luzon PASU Legal Coaching held on 12 and 28 February 2014, and 31
March 2014 at BMD Conference Room

Attended post evaluation meeting with Tanggol Kalikasan for the Luzon PASus
Legal Coaching held on 20 May 2014 at BMD Conference Room

Conducted the Luzon PASus Legal Coaching in partnership with Tanggol Kalikasan
to mentor the selected PASUs in case building with litigation and document the
necessary requirements for such undertaking to serve as guide for protected area
managers in handling specific legal cases hel on 28-30 April 2014 at UP Hotel,
DIliman, Quezon CIty

Prepared preparatory documents e.g. invitations, S.O., PRs and other supporting
papers for the conduct of the Environmental Law Enforcement Capability
Development Training (Mindanao Cluster) to be held on 19-21 November 2014 at
General Santos City

e. Conduct of PA Conference Conference conducted 0 0 0 1 1 Instead of the PA Conference, BMB was able to conduct a National ICCA and LCA
Conference which were held last October 21-22 and October 23-24, 2014 at the
Crowne Plaza, Ortigas.

Attended workshop on Stocktaking for the National PA System Master Plan held on
4-5 March 2014 at Dolcelatte, Quezon City
as of December 2014


Operating Unit:
Organization Code (UACS):

Physical Target Physical Accomplishment

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total


1. Implementation of NIPAS
1.1 NIPAS Establishment/Disestablishment No. of PAs reports reviewed 0 3 6 6 15 0 0 3 -- 3 Endorsed the following proposals:
1) Proposed proclamation of Ctanduanes Watershed as PA under the NIPAS
referred to EMB for confirmation/verification whether a permit was issued for coal
exploration/mining within the CWFP
2) Proposed declaration of Labangan Watershed as protected area
3) Proposed Proclamation of Catanduanes WFR under NIPAS

No. of PAs endorsed 0 5 25 -- 30 100% Endorsed to the Senate Committee on Environemnt & Natural Resources Position
No. of Bills endorsed to Congress/Senate for 1 1 1 1 4 1 5 5 -- 11 100% Papers for 100 Protected Areas included in SB No. 1901 (Omnibus PA Bill) and
Provided comments of the ff HBs/SBS:
1) Mt. Guiting-Guiting Natural Park (HB No. 3862)
2) Mt. Isarog Natural Park (HB No. 4217)
3) Mt. Mantalingahan PL (HB No. 4663)
1.1.2 Bataan-Subic (R3) 1 1 1 1 4 100% 4) Buug Natural Biotic Area (HB No. 1865)
1.1.3 Aurora Integrated PA (R3) 5) Mayon Volcano MP (HB No. 2838)
1.1.4 El Nido MRPA (R4-B) 6) Mt. Mayapay NP (HB 2900)
1.1.5 Malampaya PLS (R4-B) 7) Maulawin Spring PL (HB No. 3068)
1.1.6 Apo Reef (R4-B) 8) Mt. Tagub-Kampalili Ranges (HB No. 575)
1.1.7 Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP (R4-B) 9) Mainit Hotspring PL (HB No. 591)
1.1.8 Northwest Panay NP (R6) 10) Sinarapan Wildlife Sanctuary (HB No. 1011)
1.1.9 Northern Negros NP (R6) 5 4 3 12 11) Cagayan de Oro Protected Landscape (HB No. 1217)
1.1.10 Samar Island NP (R8) 12) Declaring the Verde Passsage Marine Corridor as a protected area (HB No. 128
1.1.11 Turtle Islands WS (R9) 5 4 3 12 13) Verde Island Passage Marine PA (HB No. 3086)
1.1.12 Buug NBA (R9)
1.1.13 Tagub-Kampalili (R11)
1.1.14 Mt. Balatukan Range NP (R10)
1.1.15 Mt. Hilong-Hilong Range (R13)
1.1.16 Siargao IPLS (R13)
1.1.17 Agusan Marsh WS (R13)
1.1.18 Maulawin Spring PL (R4-A)
1.1.19 Pamitinan PL (R4-A)

1.2 NIPAS Management

a. PAMB Organization and Strengthening Name of Certificate of Appointments (CAs) 4 6 6 6 22 11 1 11 -- 23 100% Endorsed to DENR R4B approved Certificates of Appointment of the Management
processed Board of the ff Pas:
1) Rasa Islands WS
2) Calsanag WFR
3) Caramoan NP

4 4 2 For verification with Bulik

Endorsed to the Office of the Secretary the Appointment of the members of the
Management Board of the ff PAs:
1) Dumanguillas Bay PL/S
2) Caramoan NP
3) Murcielagos Island PL
4) Aliguay Island PL/S
5) Mts. Iglit-Baco NP
6) Aliwagwag PL
7) Mt. Kitanglad Range NP
8) Tanap WFR
9) Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP
10) Mt. Data NP
11) Marinduque WS
12) Malampaya Sound PLS
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Endorsed to DENR Secretary the draft Certificates of Appointment of the

Management Board of the following PAs:
1) Sta. Lucia PL
2) Murcielagos PLS
3) Apo Island PLS
4) Aliguay Island PLS
5) Mt. Malindang Range NP
6) Loboc WFR
7) Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP
8) Naujan Lake NP
9) Mimbilisan PL

Transmitted the approved Certificates of Appointmtnet of the Management Board of

the following PAs:
1) Marinduque WS
2) paoay Lake NP
3) Mt. Kalatungan Range NP
4) Sta. Lucia PL
5) Mt. Malindang Range NP

Forwarded to the Regional Offices the approved Certificate of Appointment of the ff

1) Apo Apo Isalnd PLS
2) Chocolate Hills NM
3) Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP
4) Naujan Lake NP

b. PAMB Operationalization No. of resolutions reviewed 4 8 8 8 24 4 1 2 -- 7 Reviewed the following PAMB Resolutions:
1) Resolution No. 3, S2014 of the Management Board of Metropolitan Ilocos
Norte WFR
2) El Nido Managed Resource PA

Acknowledged Resolutions passed by he Management Board of the ff PAs:

1) Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural park
2) Baliangao PLS Management Board-

No. of Minutes of Meeting reviewed 18 18 18 20 74 18 1 2 -- 21 Reviewed the minutes of meeting of the following PAs:
1) Management Board of Amro River Protected Landscape held on 7 November
2) Management Board of Mts. Iglit-Baco NP held on 12 February 2014
3) Manleluag Spring PL
4) Palaui Is. PLS (April, July, September 2013)
5) Penablanca PLS
6) Dupax WFR
7) Bangan Hill NP
8) Sta. Lucia PL
9) Lidlida PL
10) Mimbilisan Protected Landscape held on March 5 and April 25 2013

c. IPAF Establishment/Operation No. of SBR endorsed 16 0 0 0 16 19 0 0 -- 19 100% Reviewed the SBR of the following PAs:
1) Apo Reef NP
2) Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP
3) Bataan NP
4) Roosevelt PL
5) Biak-na-bato NP
6) Talavera WFR
7) Masinloc Oyon Bay MR
8) Roosevelt PL
9) Pantabangan-Carranglan WFR
10) Minalungao NP
11) Apo Island PLS
12) Balinsasayao Twin Lakes NP
13) Tanon Strait PS
14) Rajah Sikatuna PI
15) Bantayan Island WA
16) Cabilao-Sandigan MSFR
17) Camotes Island MSFR

No. of collection reports reviewed 6 6 6 6 24 11 1 6 5 23 100% Acknowledged report of IPAF collection of the following PAs:
1) Jose Rizal Memorial PL
2) Mt. Kitanglad Range NP
3) Pantabangan-Carrangla WFR
4) Talavera WFR
5) Initiao-Libertad Protected Landscape
6) Timpoong Hibok-Hibok Natural Movement
7) Palaui PL
8) Penablanca PL
9) Jose Rizal Memorial NP
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Acknowledged the submission of the certification from BTr on the collection of the
following PAs:
1) Taal Volcano PI
2) Mts. Palay-palay/Mataas-na-Gulod PL
3) Jose Rizal Memorial PL (2)
4) Buug Natural Biotic Area
5) Mt. Kitanglad Range NP
6) Jose Rizal Memorial PL'
7) Northern Sierra Madre NP
8) Fuyot Spring NP
9) Tumauini WFR
10) Bangan Hill NP
11) Mt. Timpoong Hibok-Hibok NM

d. PA Management Plans preparation/updating No. of PAMPs reviewed 3 3 3 3 12 3 0 0 -- 3

No. of PAs with management zones delineation
reports reviewed Other accomplishment/s:
No. of MEA reports reviewed - Provided comments on the Business Plan of Naujan Lake NP as a result of
PAMB Consultation

e. Boundary delineation and demarcation Reviewed accomplishment reports ona ctual ground boundary delineation of the
following PAs:
1) El Nido Managed Resource PA
2) Mt. Matalingahan PL
3) Rasa Wildlife Sanctuary

1. Field Monitoring No. of PAs monitored 4 10 10 6 30 4 0 5 4 13 3 - Conducted field monitoring of the delineated boundaries of the Pas:
1) Mt. Matutum Protected Landscape - June 30 to July 5, 2014
2) Saranggani Bay Protected Seascape - June 30 to July 5, 2014
3) Mt. Guiting-Guiting Protected Landscape - July 7 to 12, 2014
4) Mt. Isarog NP - September 15-20, 2014
5) Northern Negros NP - Spetember 8-12, 2014
6) El Nido Managed Resource PA
7) Mt. Matalingahan PL
8) Rasa Wildlife Sanctuary
9) Mt. Timpoong Hibok-Hibok NM - October 13 - 18, 2014
10) Northwest Panay NP - October 19-24, 2014
11) Aliwagwag Falls PL - October 27-31, 2014
12) Siargao Island Protected Landscape/Seascape - December 1 to 7, 2014
Conducted meeting with NAMRIA re: Implementation of the MOA on Protected
Areas Boundary Delineation and Demarcation activities for CY 2014-2016 held on
14 April 2014 at NAMRIA Conference Room

Conducted Writeshop of Proceedings of the National Validation and Assessment

Workshop for the implmenetation of PA Boundary Delineation and Demarcation
held on 4-5 September 2014 and 11-13 September 2014.

2. Presentation of Field Monitoring Results No. of monitoring results presented 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 100%

Meeting with NAMRIA relative to the implemtation of MOA on PA Boundary and
Demarcation held on 3 February 2014

Forwarded to the Regional Office results of the review and verification on actual
ground boundary delineation of the following PAs:
1) Malampaya Sound PLS
2) Puerto Princesa Sub. River NP
3) South Upi WFR
4) Dimapatoy WFR

3. Operation of the National Delineation and

Demarcation Committee meetings No. of meetings organized 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 0 -- 1 Provided copy of the Proceeding of the National Validation and Assessment
Workshop on the Implementation of PA boundary delineation and demarcation held
on 11 to 15 August 2014 at Clark, Pampanga to the Office of Field Operations and
Policy and Planning and Foreign Assisted Programs

4. Conversion (Digital) of Protected Areas/

a) Scanning and Archiving No. of scanned Map 0 5 5 -- 10 100%

b) Field Verification of NIPAS boundaries 0 2 0 -- 2 100%

vis-à-vis LC 0 16 0 -- 16 100%

5. Salary of Contractuals
No. of personnel hired 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 100%
- 15 Personnel (for NAMRIA) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 100%
- 2 Personnel (for BMB) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 100% 2 - Personnel reporting at BMD and Planning (Php 24k/pax)
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Conducted monitoring of NIPAS implementation in the ff Regions:

1) Region 13 on July 1 - 15, 2014 and December 1 to 7, 2014
2) Region 4B on 7-11 July 2014
3) Region 11 on October 27-31, 2014

3. Participation to the following TWG/Committees No. of meetings attended 2 meetings per Committee 100%
a. DENR-NPC TWG No. of reports submitted 2 meetings per Committee 100%
b. Mining Forest Program Attended meeting of the National Evaluation Committee in preparation for the 2014
"Best Mining Forest Contest" under the Mining Forest Program on 2 September
2014 at MGB

c. National Greening Program TWG Memorandum for all Regions requesting NGP accomplishments within Pas dated
30 July 2014

Urgent Memorandum for all Regions requesting updates on the implementation of

NGP in protected areas and mangrove areas

Attended the National Greening Program (NGP) Summit of Civil Society

Organization held on 20-21 February 2014 at La Breza Hotel, Quezon City

Reminded DENR Region 10 that only indigenous, native, endemic tree species are
allowed to be planted within the Strict Protection Zones per Memorandum dated 15
May 2014

d. Joint DENR-DOE TWG Attended meeting with EDC re implementation of MOA on 13 May 2014

e. Sub-Com on Land and Water under


f.Sub-Com on Biodiversity Attended the 2nd Sub-Committee on Biological Diversity Workshop held on 23-24
September 2014 at Oasis Hotel, Tanza, Cavite

g. Ecotourism Attended Ecotourism TWG Meeting on 1 July 2014 at the DOT Office in Makati
ETWG: Apr 15,May 5-6, June 8, Oct. 3 (all at DOT Makati. May 5-6 Taal
Vista Hotel_
NESC: Feb. 4, June 17, Sept.5, Nov. 3

Assistance to Mr. Tony Charters on ecotourism assessment for investment in

Olango Island NNP and Mt. Kanlaon NP on 31 August to 1-4 September 2014

Attended Orientation on DAO 2013-19 re: Guidelines on Ecotourism Planning and

Management of PAs held on 2 October 2014; Ecotourism Technical Working Group
(ETWG) Workshop held on 3 October 2014 at DOT, Makati

5 staff attended and participated in the National Conference on Sustainable

Consumption and Production in the Tourism Industry held last Nov. 21, 2014 at
4. Facilitate documents/activities in line with international Documents/reports prepared and submitted moving targets Diamond Hotel, Manila
a. ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation Facilitated documents on the conduct of 23rd meeting of the AWGNCB.
and Biodiversity (AWGNCB) Attended23rd meeting of AWGNCB last April 2014
b. ACB
c. Other ASEAN matters
d. Operation of Sub-Com on Biodiversity Conducted two workshops for the development of Philippines' positions to the 12th
Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD-COP 12) last August 13-15, 2014 and September 23-25, 2014.

5. Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center Park

Management and Administration
A. Maintenance of the 23.7 hectares park ground

a. Outsourcing of Services
a.1 Security Services (26 guards) Security Agency Hired 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 100%

a.2 Park Maintenance and other Allied Services Manpower Agency Hired 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 100%
a.2.1 Ground and Facilities Maintenance (20 staff)
a.2.2 Driver/Messengerial Services (2 staff)
a.2.3 Auromotive Mechanic (1 staff)
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

B. Attendance to meetings/Workshops/Seminars Meetings/workshops attended 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 -- 5 100%

6. Hinulugan Taktak PL
a. PAMB operationalization PAMB operationalized/ Meetings conducted/ 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 -- 1 33%
Resolutions approved and implemented

b. Ecotourism Development
b.1 Maintenance and Operation of existing facilities and Existing facilities and communities maintained and 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 -- 1 100%
communities operationalized (no.)
Report submitted on the maintenance and 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 -- 1 100%
operations of existing facilities and amenities (no.)

b.2 Product Development IEC materials produced and distributed (no.) moving target

b.3 Site Protection and Development Interpretive signs/signages installed (no.) moving target


I. Threatened Species and other Wildlife Conservation

1. Monitoring of existing threatened species
conservation and management programs
a. Crocodile Conservation
(Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation project implementation report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%
Center (PWRCC)) report on population assessment submitted 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 100%
National Recovery Plan for Phil. crocodile updated 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% The draft is for comments of the crocodile experts.
PCSDS and PWRCC workshop was conducted on August 8, 2014

The initially targetted conduct of a stakeholder's consultation was deferred for 2015

PWRCC monitored 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 100% Conducted on August 25-27, 2014

Phil. Crocodile Recovery Team mobilized 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 100% The team was not able to convene due to unavailiability of schedule. However,
comments of the PCRT members were obtained through Ad referendum

b. Philippine Raptor Conservation project implementation/monitoring report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%

integrated plan updated 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Regional consultation for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao have been completed.

c. Pawikan Conservation project implementation report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% Preparation of report still on-going.

marine turtle nesting sitesmonitored 0 0 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 100% 2 - Conducted assessment of the marine turtle nesting site and orientation-seminar

22 - Conducted nesting beach assessments in Punta Fuego, Nasugbu, Batangas

on May 27-28, 2014. Five of the seven pocket beaches were assessed and 22
nests have been recorded from Fuego Beaches 1 and 2, Long Beach, Weathered
rock beach, and Pirate cave beach from March 2008 to December 2013.

marine turtle distribution map updated 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1%

Evaluated the reports of DENR Regional and Field Offices on the tagging and
272 marine turtles of different species.

Assisted in the rescued of 3 turtles.

Evaluated and acknowledged 39 reports from the regions. Only DENR Region 2 did
not submit any report from Jan-Oct. A total of 230reports on tagging and release of
adult, sub-adult, juvenile and hatchlings; newly identified nestig sites; nests

Evaluated and processed the data from the TIWS from January to October 2014
(except March 2014). A total of 12,624 nests (Baguan = 9,651; Taganak = 463;
Lihiman = 1,491; Langaan = 1,019) have been recorded with a total egg production
of 1,207,033 (Baguan = 974,751; Taganak = 35,435; Lihiman = 122,361; Langaan
= 74,486) for the same period. One hundred forty four (144) nests containing 11,112
eggs have been transplanted into the marine turtle hatchery in Baguan Island.
10,729 hatchlings that emerged from the said hatchery were released to the sea.
Six (6) out of the 12,624 nests are hawksbill nests

Seventy two (72) nesters were recaptured in the TIWS, 52 of which bore Philippine
tag(s) and 20 with Malaysian tag(s); 94 nesters have been tagged in the TIWS.

A total of 93 containing 8,581 eggs nests have been recorded in Morong, Bataan
from January to November 2014. One thousand seven hundred seventy two (1,772)
olive ridley hatchlings that emerged from 177 nests transplanted into the hatchery in
Brgy. Nagbalayong have been released.
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

In Bagac, Bataan, 26 nests containing 2,475 eggs were transplanted into the
marine turtle hatchery at Montemar Beach Resort rom January to March 2014.
1,742 eggs that emerged from the hatchery nests were released to the sea.
Awaiting the submission of additional data by DENR Region 3.

A hawksbill nested at Purok 1, Brgy. Kandiis, Magsaysay, Misamis Oriental on

2014. One hundred twelve (112) hawksbill hatchlings were hatched from 127 eggs;
12 were spoiled eggs while 3 were pipped eggs.

Five (5) hawksbill nests containing 826 eggs were monitored at Punta Dumalag,
Matina Aplaya. 804 eggs out of the 826 eggs were transplanted into the hatchery.
22 eggs were damaged and/or abnormal. Six hundred nine (609) hawksbill
hatchlings that emerged from the 5 nests were released to the sea.

Issued 965 certificates; 411 CA and 554 CR

distributed 965 tokens (baseballcaps) to pawikan supporters

Attended the OISEA-Marine Turtle MoU

The Draft MOA (renewal) re "Linkaging Networking with conservation partners

(NGOs, Pos, LGUs, academe, private sector) on marine turtle and dugong
conservation" is still for comments/inputs of partners PAWIKAN, Inc. in Romblon.
Romblon and Davao Light and Power Company (DLPC)

Conducted orientation workshop on marine turtle conservation for 40 participants

composed of representatives from DENR Regions 3, NCR and 4A, LGUs of Bagac,
and Mariveles in the Province of Bataan, in relation to the monitoring of biodiversity
indicators within Manila Bay. The output of the workshop is the action plan on
marine turtle
conservation within Manila Bay which was cohesively formulated by the

d. Tamaraw Conservation monitoring & assessment report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%

e. Dugong Conservation monitoring report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1% Other accomplishment:

dugong distribution map updated 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1% Rescued stranded baby male dugong, "Binu"
dugong conservation sites monitored 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 100%

f. Tarsier Conservation Program assessment report on the distribution, population 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%

and threats submitted

g. Development of a Flying Fox Conservation and Management assessment report on the distribution, population 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -- Deferred due to lack of funding.
Framework and threats submitted

2. Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) consolidated AWC report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 100% Participated in the 2014 Annual Waterbird Census in monitoring stations within the
Manila Bay (Bataan)

Report submitted to Wetlands International. A total of 140 sites were monitored with
101 migratory species recorded.

Other accomplishments:
Covered 140 sites.
Monitored 101 migratory species
Evaluated 140 reports

3. Establishment & Management of Critical Habitats (CH) proposal reviewed and evaluated 0 0 5 5 10 0 0 5 6 11 100%
proposal CH endorsed for approval 0 0 2 4 6 0 1 2 0 3 50%
established CH monitored 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 3 3 75%

4. Biodiversity Management System (BMS) monitoring report submitted 0 6 6 4 16 0 0 30 0 30 100% Other accomplishments:
assessment report of national BMS 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -- 30 reports have been evaluated
implementation submitted
BMB Assessment Report for CY 2014 is for completion in Feb 2015 during the BMS
Information Data Analysis and Consolidation Workshop on the 1st week of February
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

6 BMS sites were evaluated

1. Mts. Palay-Palay Mataas Na Gulod Protected Landscape
2. Pujada bay Protected Landscape and Seascape
3. Manleluag Spring Protected Landscape
4. Batanes Protected Landscape and Seascape
5. Dupax Watershed Forest
6. Casecnan Protected Landscape
I. Operation of the Wildlife Rescue Center (WRC)
a. Captive animal management and maintenance No. of animals rehabilitated and maintained 1,100 1,050 1,050 1000 1050 1,042 1,036 1,263 1,301 4,642 100%
No. of animals released to the wild 10 10 0 10 30 5 0 0 -- 5 57% Released five (5) Nicobar pigeon at the Apo Reef Natural park last 20 March 2014

b. Improvement of facilities No. of cages purchased/repaired 3 3 3 3 12 0 0 0 15 15 100% Repaired 7 portable cages in FC 12 (extended quarantine/isolation area).
No. of boxes purchased 0 15 0 15 30 -- -- -- -- --

c. Mobilization of Phil. Zoonotic Committee No. of meetings conducted 1 1 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 2 50% Only 2 meetings were conducted due to lack of quorum and/or unavailability
of representatives from DA and DOH

Other accomplishments:
- vaccinated 85 animals; 4 monkyet subjected to anti-rabies vaccination for
- conducted 500 exams including 25 post-miortem exams for October
- Conducted a DISPOCOM meeting
- conducted three lectures at release sites
, - retrieved 28 animals; 6 retrievals for Oct (1 crested serpent eagle, 3
reticulated pythons and 2 hawk owls)

II. Implementation of Wildlife Special Projects

1. Invasive and Alien Species (IAS) project implementation report submitted 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

1.1 Mobilization of Technical Working Group (TWG)

and National Steering Committee (NSC) meetings conducted 1 2 1 2 6 3 0 1 4 9 100% Conducted three (3) Technical Working Group meetings in order to discuss NISSAP,
consultant outputs as well as other upcoming activities of the project

Other accomplishments re documentation of IAS presence in PAs:

- at the Mt. Banahaw San Cristobal Protected Landscape a meeting with the
survey team was conducted on Oct 24, 27, & 30, 2014 at the Philippine
National Museum to discuss the schedules of the field visits.
- a survey in Bataan Natural Park and Banahaw Natural Park is scheduled on
the 2nd week of January 2015

2. Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) project implementation report submitted 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 100% Submitted to ACB on June 2014

3. Wildlife Database (a component of BPP) updatedwildlife record uploaded in PAWB-CHM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100% Updating is still on-going

4. Implementation of the National Wealth Creation consultations conducted 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 1 5 100% Series of Consultations/Meetings were conducted:
Project activities undertaken April 1, 2014, April 16, 2014, July 3, 2014, July 15, 2014, December 3-5, 2014.

III. Wildlife Trade Regulation

1. Pilot-testing of CITES E-Permitting Management and
Information System pilot testing conducted 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 100% The system will be presented during the BMB Sr. Staff Meeting on Nov 6, 2014.
report submitted 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 100%

2. Updating of database on wildlife crimes, list of WRCs/ database updated 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100% Updating is on-going
CWRs/WFP holders per region, monthly production/
short shipment report of BII

IV. Capacity Building and IEC

1. Conduct of the "4th Training of Trainers on the
Application of the Wildlife Law Enforcement Manual of training conducted (no.) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% The training was conducted on 24-28 November 2014 at Subic Holiday
Applications report prepared and submitted to the agency head 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100% Villas, SBMA Frreport, Olongapo City, Zambales.

2. Wildlife Conservation Annual Work Planning annual planning conducted 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -- 1 100%

3. National BMS Enhancement Workshop/Forum workshop conducted 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 -- 1 100%

4. BMS Core Group Workshops on Data Validation and Analysis workshop/meetings organized 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 -- 1 100%
reports submitted

5. Development, Production and Distribution of IEC IEC materials developed and produced as needed pawikan primer=2,000; baseball caps=1500 (still for public bidding);
Materials mounted PE photos = 48 ; T-shirts = 200; WRC (for WWD) = 15 tarpaulin;
200 mugs; signages for stuffed turtles displayed during the exhibit;
signages for cages at WRC=25
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

665 Phil. eagle flyers; 421 Phil. eagle coloring book; 5 raptors field guide;
1,412 pawikan primer; 113 dugong flyer; 148 pawikan poster; 1,253 bookmarks;
132 baseball caps; (for World Wildlife Day = 200 T-shirts; 15 tarpaulins; 200 mugs)
IEC materials distributed as needed

V. Compliance with Regional and International

1. ASEAN-Wildlife Enforcement Network (WEN) Phil. Report on cases filed in Court submitted 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100%

2. CITES-ASEAN Experts Group (AEG) National Report prepared and submitted to CITES 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100%

The Meeting was postponed indefinitely due to the inavailability of the partner,
3. TIHPA-Joint Management Committee (JMC) Proceedings prepared 1 1 Sabah Parks, Malaysia

4. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) national report submitted 1 1 1 1 100%

international meetings attended 2 2 3 3 150%

5. Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) national report submitted 1 1 1 1 100%

international meetings attended

6. East Asia-Australia Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) national report submitted 1 1 1 1 100%

network sites endorsed 2 2 2 2 100%
meetings attended 1 1 1 1 100%
regional meetings co-organized

7. World Wildlife Day (WWD)

7.1 Organization of the Celebration draft program of activities prepared 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -- 1 100%
implementation report submitted 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -- 1 100%


1. Monitoring of Program Implementation
1.1 National ICM Program (NICMP) report submitted (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100% In line with the implementation of the NICMP, the BMB-CMD together with DENR
Regional Offices, PEMSEA, UP MSI, LGUs, and ICM learning center participated in
the Scoping of ICM Priority Sites for the GEF/UNDP/PEMSEA Project on Scaling
Up the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of
East Asia (SDS-SEA) in the Philippines. The assembly provided a venue to gather
potential project partners and to provide orientation about the scoping activities,
especially their roles in the project. At the end of the workshop, the participants
come up with a refined work plan and indicative site profile updates with list of
contact persons for the scoping workshop

1.2 Sustainable Coral Reef Ecosystems Management Program monitoring report submitted (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100% Conduct validation of the report assessment of Murcielagos Island Marine Protected
(SCREMP) Area, Murcielagos Island , Zamboanga Del Norte on 16-20 March 2014;

Reef Check Monitoring, Validation and Assessment of Apo Reef Natural Park held
on 17-22 March 2014 at the Apo Reef Natural Park;

Held a Reef Check Monitoring, Validation and Assessment of the Batanes Protected
Landscape and Seascape on 28 April to 2 May 2014; and at Palaui Marine
Reserve, Cagayan on 2 to 5 May 2014.

1.3 Mangrove Rehabilitation as an NGP Component progress report submitted (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100% Developed a Technical Bulletin on Mangrove and Beach Forests Development in
Disaster-Risk Areas in the Philippines as input to the DENR policy guidelines on
mangrove rehabilitation.

1.4 Mangrove Reversion (DENR-DA-DILG convergence) status report submitted (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

1.5 Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor (EO 579) sites monitored/report submitted (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

1.6 Coastal Law Enforcement monitoring report submitted (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

2. National CTI Coordination

2.1 NCC Meeting meetings conducted 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%

2.2 NCC Working Group Meetings meetings conducted 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

2.3 Regional CTI Meetings/Workshops/Trainings meetings/conference 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 100%

2.4 Regional SSME Meetings meetings hosted/attended 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 100%

2.5 Other CTI Meetings conferences attended

2.6 CTI NPOA Roadshow/Orientation/Meetings orientation/briefings attended 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 12 100%

2.7 Printing of IEC related materials IEC materials printed 200 200 200 200 800 200 200 200 200 800 100%

2.8 Monitoring on the Implementation of the NPOA monitoring conducted 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

2.9 Support to MSN/Conduct of MPA MEAT Assessment assessment of MPAs conducted 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

3. IEC and Advocacy

3.1 Production and distribution of coastal and marine
IEC materials (leaflets, flyers, t-shirts, etc.) IEC materials produced/ distributed (no.) 0 1,500 1,500 0 3,000 0 1,500 1,500 -- 3,000 100%

3.2 Hosting of Special Environmental Events such as:

Month of the Ocean, International Coastal Clean-up special events hosted (no.) 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 -- 2 100%

4. Capacity-Building
4.1 Automated Rapid Reef Assessment System (ARRAS) training conducted (no)

1 0 0 0 1 100% Reef Check Training for ten (10) CMD staff/divers at DLSU Bro. Shields FSU
4.2 Reef Check training conducted (no) moving target Marine Biology Station at Lian, Batangas on 21-24 January

4.3 Underwater Technical Digital Imagery training conducted (no) moving target

4.4. Advanced SCUBA Diving moving target

4.5. Emergency Safety Response moving target

4.6. Rescue Diving moving target

4.7. Equipment Maintenance training moving target

4.8. Rebriefing moving target

5. Support to Other ENR Programs

5.1 Water Quality Framework program participated/ coordinated (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

5.2 NALECC-SCENR CLE activities coordinated (no.) 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 12 100%

5.3 Manila Bay Program program participated/ coordinated (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100% Identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Rehabilitation of Critical
Habitats and Resources of Manila Bay in compliance with the continuing
mandamus of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

5.4 BPP project coordinated (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

5.5 NewCAPP project coordinated (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

5.6. SSME project coordinated (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

5.7. UNDP-MKBA project coordinated (no.) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

6. Hosting of the Convention on Migratory Species Conference This target must be removed for 2014 - Philippine Hosting of CMS COP12 moved to
of Parties
as of December 2014


Operating Unit:
Organization Code (UACS):

Physical Target Physical Accomplishment

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total





I.Wildlife Trade and Regulation

- Processing/Issuance of CITES permits permits issued 200 200 200 200 800 305 307 320 195 1,127 100% Issued 103 permits for October and 92 permits issued for November 2014

II. Wildlife Law Enforcement

1. Organization of the Philippine Operations Group on Other accomplishment:
Ivory (POGI) and illegal wildlife trade meetings, including Finalized the Philippines' National Ivory
consultation meetings of POGI with partner-agencies Action Plan -Second Progress Report and
and other stakeholders submitted to CITES Secretariat, Geneva,
proceedings/minutes prepared and submitted 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 100%

2. Provision of assistance to POGI in the conduct of

intellegence-led surveillance and enforcement operations Conducted wildlife enforcement operations, as follows:
against individuals/juridical persons found violating 9 – Confiscated 9 heads of Philippine hanging
theprovisions of Republic Act 9147 (Wildlife Resource parrot from a certain Mr. Joly Tulay Escalante of Masaya St., Old Capitol Site,
Conservation and Protection Act) Diliman, Quezon City during a surveillance activity conducted on 22 July 2014
from a tip off from a concerned citizen through FB;

114 - Confiscated 114 heads of assorted species of birds from and arrested a
certain Mr. Luisito dela Cruz Pangilinan, an ambulant vendor, in front of No. 204,
15th Avenue, Brgy. Socorro, near Murphy Market, Cubao, Quezon City on August
15, 2014. A criminal case against Pangilinan has been filed on 29 August 2014 at
Quezon CIty Prosecutor's Office;

enforcement report 1 1 1 1 4 0 5 4 3 12 100% Conducted surveillance investigation and arrest and inquest of a certain Mr. John
Cardel I. Macario of General Trias, Cavite regarding illegal wildlife trade on
August 4, 2014. macario is engaged in the trade of wildlife through the internet.
He claimed that he is a DENR employee. he is facing a criminal case before the
Prosecutor's Office in Cavite CIty.

no. of seizure/confiscations made 1 1 1 1 4 0 5 4 3 12 100% Conducted surveillance at North Cemetery, Manila and Caloocan City on August
8 and 14, 2014 for case building on illegal wildlife possession and/or trade;

Attended the Tiamzon hearing at Quezon City Hall on 5 August 2014 regarding
illegal wildlife trade;

Attended the mediation haring on estafa case (budol-budol) filed against Tiamzon
. on August 8, 2014 at Quezon City Hall;

Attended the hearing/arraingment at City Hall Manila re: Sto. Domingo case on
illegal wildlife trade on 14 August 2014; and,

Attended a meeting with Fiscal Aquitan for the hearing of ambulant vendor in
PHILCOA, Quezon City on 27 August 2014.
Physical Target Physical Accomplishment
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

no. of wildlife confiscated -- 138 100% Conducted buy-bust operation in Olongapo City on Nov 28, 2014.
217 heads of different species of wildlife were confiscated
3. Provisions of assistance to POGI in the filing and
prosecution of criminal cases against violators of
wildlife laws and relevant policies
case reports submitted 1 1 1 1 4 0 4 4 2 10 100% Cases from General Santos and Surigao
court hearings attended 1 1 1 1 4 2 8 20 16 46 100% Filed a case against a certain D' Ar Corpuz of 123 Kessing St., New Kalalake, Olongap
III. Processing of PACBRMA documents
- Review of PACBRMA application/documents documents endorsed to OSEC

Prepared By: Approved by:

__________________________________ ___________________________________
Planning Services Head/Planning Officer Agency Head/Department Secretary
Date: Date:

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