Irregular Verbs Adventure

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Objective of the Game:

Move your pieces across the board by correctly answering questions

about irregular verbs and reach the finish line.

Game Setup:

1. Place the cards with irregular verbs in the center of the board.
2. Each player chooses a game piece and places it on the starting
3. Place the die and player tokens near the board.


1. Players take turns rolling the die and move the indicated
number of spaces.
2. When a player lands on a square with an irregular verb, they
must draw a card and state both the present and past forms of
the verb. If they answer correctly, they move an extra space. If
they answer incorrectly, they move back a space.
3. If a player lands on a challenge square, they must draw a
challenge card and complete the task (e.g., create a sentence
using the provided irregular verb).
4. The first player to reach the finish line is the winner.

Example Challenge Card:

Challenge: Create a sentence using the verb "swim" in the past.

I hope your students enjoy learning with this board game!

Irregular Verbs adventure
Move your pieces across the board by correctly answering
questions about irregular verbs and reach the finish line

Challenge Irregular
Irregular Miss a
Start Verb
Irregular Verb
Verb turn


Challenge Go back
Irregular Irregular
Irregular Verb
3 Irregular Verb
Verb spaces Verb

Irregular Irregular
Irregular Verb Double Verb Challenge

Challenge Challenge
Irregular Irregular
Verb Verb
Finish Verb
card covers for students
Base form Past form Past participle Meaning

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