Sle Eular
Sle Eular
Sle Eular
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
2019 update of the EULAR recommendations for the
management of systemic lupus erythematosus
Antonis Fanouriakis, 1 Myrto Kostopoulou,2 Alessia Alunno, 3 Martin Aringer,4
Ingeborg Bajema,5 John N Boletis,6 Ricard Cervera,7 Andrea Doria, 8
Caroline Gordon,9 Marcello Govoni,10 Frédéric Houssiau,11 David Jayne,12
Marios Kouloumas,13 Annegret Kuhn,14 Janni L Larsen,15 Kirsten Lerstrøm,16
Gabriella Moroni,17 Marta Mosca,18 Matthias Schneider,19 Josef S Smolen,20
Elisabet Svenungsson,21 Vladimir Tesar,22 Angela Tincani,23 Anne Troldborg,24
Ronald van Vollenhoven,25 Jörg Wenzel,26 George Bertsias,27 Dimitrios T Boumpas1,28,29
Handling editor David S Abstract the EULAR recommendations for lupus, capital-
Pisetsky Our objective was to update the EULAR ising on the strengths of and experience from the
►► Additional material is
recommendations for the management of systemic previous projects.6
published online only. To view lupus erythematosus (SLE), based on emerging new
please visit the journal online evidence. We performed a systematic literature review Methods
( x.doi.o rg/10.1136/ (01/2007–12/2017), followed by modified Delphi After approval by the EULAR Executive
method, to form questions, elicit expert opinions and Committee, the convenor (DB) and methodolo-
For numbered affiliations see reach consensus. Treatment in SLE aims at remission gist (GB) invited a Task Force to work on this
end of article. or low disease activity and prevention of flares. update; two fellows (AF, MK) undertook the
Hydroxychloroquine is recommended in all patients systematic literature review (SLR). The EULAR
Correspondence to with lupus, at a dose not exceeding 5 mg/kg real standardised operating procedures7 and the
Dr Antonis Fanouriakis, body weight. During chronic maintenance treatment, Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evalu-
Rheumatology and Clinical
glucocorticoids (GC) should be minimised to less than ation instrument (AGREE II)8 were followed.
Immunology Unit, “Attikon”
University Hospital, Athens 7.5 mg/day (prednisone equivalent) and, when possible, Applying a Delphi-based methodology, 14
12462, Greece; withdrawn. Appropriate initiation of immunomodulatory research questions were selected for SLR (online
a fanour@med.u agents (methotrexate, azathioprine, mycophenolate) supplementary table 1). PubMed was screened
can expedite the tapering/discontinuation of GC. In using strings of relevant terms. Since this was an
GB and DTB contributed equally.
persistently active or flaring extrarenal disease, add-on update of the previous 2007 recommendations,
Received 18 January 2019 belimumab should be considered; rituximab (RTX) may the SLR considered all English-language publi-
Revised 7 March 2019 be considered in organ-threatening, refractory disease. cations from 01/2007 until 12/2017, with two
Accepted 11 March 2019 Updated specific recommendations are also provided exceptions: (1) treatment of skin disease, where
Published Online First
for cutaneous, neuropsychiatric, haematological and an unrestricted date search was performed and
29 March 2019
renal disease. Patients with SLE should be assessed for (2) renal disease, where search was limited to
their antiphospholipid antibody status, infectious and the period 01/2012–12/2017 (since the EULAR
cardiovascular diseases risk profile and preventative recommendations for LN were published in
strategies be tailored accordingly. The updated 2012). Pertinent articles, identified by manual
recommendations provide physicians and patients with search within the reference list of the originally
updated consensus guidance on the management of SLE, retrieved publications, were also included. All
combining evidence-base and expert-opinion. retrieved items were refined based on article
type, abstract, full-text content and number of
included patients. The final level of evidence and
grading of recommendations considered also the
Introduction body of evidence that had informed the previous
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has variable sets of EULAR recommendations for the manage-
presentation, course and prognosis. The wide ment of SLE, as the convenor, methodologist and
acceptance and popularity of the first EULAR several of the panellists had also participated in
recommendations for its management, published the latter. A detailed presentation of the SLR
in 2008,1 prompted the subsequent development results is given in online supplementary tables
of specific recommendations regarding moni- 2 and 3. Evidence was categorised based on the
toring, neuropsychiatric and renal disease, as well design and validity of available studies and the
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2019. No as for pregnancy and women’s health in lupus.2–5 strength of the statements was graded (see online
commercial re-use. See rights Since these publications, new data have emerged supplementary table 4). After rounds of discus-
and permissions. Published on treatment strategies and validated goals of sions, the committee reached a consensus of 33
by BMJ. treatment, alternative regimens of glucocorticoids final statements, grouped in four broad cate-
To cite: Fanouriakis A, (GC), ‘multitargeted’ therapy with the use of calci- gories (Goals of Treatment, Treatment of SLE,
Kostopoulou M, Alunno A, neurin inhibitors (CNIs) in lupus nephritis (LN), Specific manifestations, Comorbidities—table 1).
et al. Ann Rheum Dis and the approval of the first biological therapy Each Task Force member rated their agreement
2019;78:736–745. for SLE. These advances called for an update of with each statement.
736 Fanouriakis A, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2019;78:736–745. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Recommendations for the management of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Overarching principles
►► SLE is a multisystem disease—occasionally limited to one or few organs—diagnosed on clinical grounds in the presence of characteristic serological abnormalities.
►► SLE care is multidisciplinary, based on a shared patient-physician decision, and should consider individual, medical and societal costs.
►► Treatment of organ-threatening/life-threatening SLE includes an initial period of high-intensity immunosuppressive therapy to control disease activity, followed by a longer
period of less intensive therapy to consolidate response and prevent relapses.
►► Treatment goals include long-term patient survival, prevention of organ damage and optimisation of health-related quality of life.
Level of
Recommendation/Statement mean (SD)
1. Goals of treatment
1.1 Treatment in SLE should aim at remission or low disease activity (2b/B) and prevention of flares (2b/B) in all organs, maintained with the lowest possible dose 10.0 (0)
of glucocorticoids.
1.2 Flares of SLE can be treated according to the severity of organ(s) involvement by adjusting ongoing therapies (glucocorticoids, immunomodulating agents) to 9.95 (0.22)
higher doses, switching or adding new therapies (2b/C).
2. Treatment of SLE
2.1 HCQ
2.1.1 HCQ is recommended for all patients with SLE (1b/A), unless contraindicated, at a dose not exceeding 5 mg/kg/real BW (3b/C). 9.65 (1.11)
2.1.2 In the absence of risk factors for retinal toxicity, ophthalmological screening (by visual fields examination and/or spectral domain-optical coherence 9.75 (0.70)
tomography) should be performed at baseline, after 5 years, and yearly thereafter (2b/B).
2.2 GC
2.2.1 GC can be used at doses and route of administration that depend on the type and severity of organ involvement (2b/C). 9.95 (0.22)
2.2.2 Pulses of intravenous methylprednisolone (usually 250–1000 mg per day, for 1–3 days) provide immediate therapeutic effect and enable the use of lower 9.85 (0.36)
starting dose of oral GC (3b/C).
2.2.3 For chronic maintenance treatment, GC should be minimised to less than 7.5 mg/day (prednisone equivalent) (1b/B) and, when possible, withdrawn. 9.65 (0.65)
2.2.4 Prompt initiation of immunomodulatory agents can expedite the tapering/discontinuation of GC (2b/B). 9.90 (0.30)
2.3 Immunosuppressive therapies
2.3.1 In patients not responding to HCQ (alone or in combination with GC) or patients unable to reduce GC below doses acceptable for chronic use, addition of 9.85 (0.48)
immunomodulating/immunosuppressive agents such as methotrexate, (1b/B) azathioprine (2b/C) or mycophenolate (2a/B) should be considered.
2.3.2 Immunomodulating/immunosuppressive agents can be included in the initial therapy in cases of organ-threatening disease (2b/C). 9.85 (0.48)
2.3.3 Cyclophosphamide can be used for severe organ-threatening or life-threatening SLE as well as ‘rescue’ therapy in patients not responding to other 9.90 (0.30)
immunosuppressive agents (2b/C).
2.4 Biologics
2.4.1 In patients with inadequate response to standard-of-care (combinations of HCQ and GC with or without immunosuppressive agents), defined as residual 9.20 (0.81)
disease activity not allowing tapering of glucocorticoids and/or frequent relapses, add-on treatment with belimumab should be considered (1a/A).
2.4.2 In organ-threatening disease refractory or with intolerance/contraindications to standard immunosuppressive agents, rituximab can be considered (2b/C). 9.85 (0.48)
3 Specific manifestations
3.1 Skin disease
3.1.1 First-line treatment of skin disease in SLE includes topical agents (GC, calcineurin inhibitors) (2b/B), antimalarials (HCQ, quinacrine) (1a/A) and/or systemic 10.0 (0)
GC (4/C).
3.1.2 In non-responsive cases or cases requiring high-dose GC, methotrexate (3a/B), retinoids (4/C), dapsone (4/C) or mycophenolate (4/C) can be added. 9.85 (0.48)
3.2 Neuropsychiatric disease
3.2.1 Attribution to SLE—as opposed to non-SLE—related neuropsychiatric manifestations, is essential and can be facilitated by neuroimaging, investigation 9.65 (0.85)
of cerebrospinal fluid, consideration of risk factors (type and timing of the manifestation in relation to the onset of lupus, patient age, non-neurological lupus
activity, presence of aPL) and exclusion of confounding factors (2b/C).
3.2.2 Treatment of SLE-related neuropsychiatric disease includes glucocorticoids/immunosuppressive agents for manifestations considered to reflect an 9.85 (0.48)
inflammatory process (1b/A), and antiplatelet/anticoagulants for atherothrombotic/aPL-related manifestations (2b/C).
3.3 Haematological disease
3.3.1 Acute treatment of lupus thrombocytopenia includes high-dose GC (including pulses of intravenous methylprednisolone) (4/C) and/or intravenous 9.95 (0.22)
immunoglobulin G (4/C).
3.3.2 For maintenance of response, immunosuppressive/GC-sparing agents such as mycophenolate (2b/C), azathioprine (2b/C) or cyclosporine (4/C) can be used. 9.75 (0.62)
3.3.3 Refractory cases can be treated with rituximab (3a/C) or cyclophosphamide (4/C). 9.65 (0.73)
3.4 Renal disease
3.4.1 Early recognition of signs of renal involvement and—when present—performance of a diagnostic renal biopsy are essential to ensure optimal outcomes 9.95 (0.22)
3.4.2 Mycophenolate (1a/A) or low-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide (2a/B) are recommended as initial (induction) treatment, as they have the best efficacy/ 9.85 (0.36)
toxicity ratio.
3.4.3 In patients at high risk for renal failure (reduced glomerular filtration rate, histological presence of fibrous crescents or fibrinoid necrosis, or tubular atrophy/ 9.45 (0.80)
interstitial fibrosis], similar regimens may be considered but high-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide can also be used (1b/A).
3.4.4 For maintenance therapy, mycophenolate (1a/A) or azathioprine (1a/A) should be used. 9.75 (0.62)
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Continued
Level of
Recommendation/Statement mean (SD)
3.4.5 In cases with stable/improved renal function but incomplete renal response (persistent proteinuria >0.8–1 g/24 hours after at least 1 year of 9.85 (0.48)
immunosuppressive treatment), repeat biopsy can distinguish chronic from active kidney lesions (4/C).
3.4.6 Mycophenolate may be combined with low dose of a calcineurin inhibitor in severe nephrotic syndrome (2b/C) or incomplete renal response (4/C), in the 9.50 (0.81)
absence of uncontrolled hypertension, high chronicity index at kidney biopsy and/or reduced GFR.
4 Comorbidities
4.1 Antiphospholipid syndrome
4.1.1 All patients with SLE should be screened at diagnosis for aPL (1a/A). 10.0 (0)
4.1.2 Patients with SLE with high-risk aPL profile (persistently positive medium/high titres or multiple positivity) may receive primary prophylaxis with antiplatelet 9.45 (0.80)
agents (2a/C), especially if other atherosclerotic/thrombophilic factors are present, after balancing the bleeding hazard.
4.1.3 For secondary prevention (thrombosis, pregnancy complication/loss), the therapeutic approach should be the same as for primary antiphospholipid 10.0 (0)
syndrome (1b/B).
4.2 Infectious diseases
4.2.1 Patients with SLE should be assessed for general and disease-related risk factors for infections, such as advanced age/frailty (–/D), diabetes mellitus (–/D), 9.85 (0.65)
renal involvement (2b/B), immunosuppressive/biological therapy (1b-2b/B-C) and use of GC (1a/A).
4.2.2 General preventative measures (including immunisations) and early recognition and treatment of infection/sepsis are recommended (–/D). 9.90 (0.44)
4.3 Cardiovascular disease
4.3.1 Patients with SLE should undergo regular assessment for traditional (1b/B-C) and disease-related risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including 9.85 (0.65)
persistently active disease (1b/B), increased disease duration (1b/A), medium/high titres of aPL (1b/A), renal involvement (1b/B) (especially, persistent
proteinuria and/or GFR <60 mL/min) and chronic use of GC (1b/B).
4.3.2 Based on their individual cardiovascular risk profile, patients with SLE may be candidates for preventative strategies as in the general population, including 9.85 (0.48)
low-dose aspirin (2b/D) and/or lipid-lowering agents (2b/D).
aPL, antiphospholipid antibodies; GC, glucocorticoids; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Results and discussion In monitoring renal response, reduction of UPr (to less than
Overarching principles 0.8 g/day) following treatment is more important than residual
SLE represents a challenge for the treating physician in terms of haematuria.21 Patients with more severe proteinuria and longer-
diagnosis and treatment. Its protean manifestations, often multi- standing disease are less likely to respond or show more delayed
system but occasionally limited to a few or single organ, have led responses.22 23
some physicians to focus exclusively on evidence of serological Prevention of disease flares is an additional milestone of SLE
autoimmunity (antinuclear and more specific autoantibodies), treatment. Although a universally accepted definition is lacking,
for a disease where diagnosis is clinical after excluding competing most experts agree that a flare is a measurable increase in disease
diagnoses. Monitoring of SLE through validated disease activity activity usually leading to change of treatment.24 Flares are
and chronicity indices, including physician global assessment common in the disease course and contribute significantly to
(PGA), is recommended. For patients with severe disease, multi- organ damage accrual and worse outcome.17 25 26 Consistently
disciplinary care in dedicated lupus centres is desirable.9 Immu- reported risk factors for a higher disease flare rate include
nosuppressive (IS) therapy (for induction and maintenance of younger age at disease onset, no use of antimalarials, persistent
remission) is indicated in organ-threatening lupus. generalised disease activity and serological activity (anti-dsDNA,
low complement).27–31 Assessment of adherence to drug treat-
Recommendations ment, close monitoring and optimisation of disease control in
Goals of treatment these patients may reduce the risk for a flare.
To improve long-term patient outcomes, management should
aim at remission of disease symptoms and signs, prevention of Treatment of SLE
damage accrual and minimisation of drug side-effects, as well as Hydroxychloroquine
improvement of quality of life.10 11 Complete remission (absence Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is recommended for all patients
of clinical activity with no use of GC and IS drugs) is infre- with SLE. There is evidence for multiple beneficial effects of HCQ
quent.12–16 To this end, newly defined low disease activity states in SLE,32 yet poor adherence to treatment is not uncommon.33–35
(based on a SLEDAI score ≤3 on antimalarials, or alternatively Drug blood levels can be used to assess compliance,33 35 but data
SLEDAI ≤4, PGA≤1 with GC ≤7.5 mg of prednisone and well are currently insufficient to recommend routine monitoring of
tolerated IS agents) have shown comparable rates with remission, drug levels. Concerns for retinal toxicity with long-term HCQ
regarding halting of damage accrual (OR 0.5–0.7 for increase therapy led to the use of more sensitive screening techniques,
in damage index) and prevention of flares.14 17–20 Accordingly, with a prevalence of retinal abnormalities exceeding 10% after
treatment in SLE should aim at remission or, if this state cannot 20 years of continuous use.36 37 Major risk factors for retinop-
be achieved, at low disease activity in all organ systems. In LN, athy include duration of treatment (OR 4.71 for every 5 years
therapy should aim at least partial remission (defined as ≥50% of use), dose (OR 3.34 for every 100 mg daily dose), chronic
reduction in proteinuria [UPr] to subnephrotic levels and serum kidney disease (adjusted OR 8.56) and pre-existing retinal or
creatinine [SCr] within 10% from baseline) by 6–12 months; macular disease.37 Based on existing evidence suggesting that the
complete renal remission (proteinuria <500 mg/24 hours and risk of toxicity is very low for doses below 5 mg/kg real body
SCr within 10% from baseline), however, may require longer weight, the daily dose should not exceed this threshold. Of
treatment duration, often more than 12 and until 24 months. note, efficacy of HCQ in lupus has been established in studies
738 Fanouriakis A, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2019;78:736–745. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with a prescribed dose of 6.5 mg/kg/day, thus it remains to be in extrarenal disease with inadequate control (ongoing disease
confirmed whether a lower dose will have comparable clin- activity or frequent flares) to first-line treatments (typically
ical effects. Patients in long-standing remission may have their including combination of HCQ and prednisone with or without
dose lowered, although no studies have formally addressed this IS agents), and inability to taper GC daily dose to acceptable
strategy. The choice of quinacrine, an alternative antimalarial, levels (ie, maximum 7.5 mg/day). Patients with persistent disease
can be considered in patients with cutaneous manifestations and may benefit from belimumab; more likely to respond are patients
HCQ-induced retinal toxicity. with high disease activity (eg, SLEDAI >10), prednisone dose
>7.5 mg/day and serological activity (low C3/C4, high anti-
Glucocorticoids dsDNA titres), with cutaneous, musculoskeletal and serological
GC can provide rapid symptom relief, but the medium to long- manifestations responding the most.67–69
term aim should be to minimise daily dose to ≤7.5 mg/day Due to the negative results of randomised controlled trials
prednisone equivalent or to discontinue them, because long- (RCTs), RTX is currently only used off-label, in patients with
term GC therapy can have various detrimental effects including severe renal or extrarenal (mainly haematological and neuropsy-
irreversible organ damage.38–41 Risks are substantially increased chiatric) disease refractory to other IS agents and/or belimumab,
at continuous GC doses above 7.5 mg/day, with some studies or in patients with contraindications to these drugs. As a general
suggesting that also lower doses might be harmful.17 42–44 To rule, more than one IS drug need to have failed prior to RTX
this end, two approaches can be considered: (1) use of pulses administration,70–73 except perhaps for cases of severe auto-
of intravenous methylprednisolone (MP) of various doses immune thrombocytopaenia and haemolytic anaemia, where
(depending on severity and body weight), which take advantage RTX has demonstrated efficacy both in lupus and in patients
of the rapid non-genomic effects of GC45 and may allow for a with isolated immune thrombocytopaenia (ITP).74–76 In LN,
lower starting dose and faster tapering of PO GC,46 47 and (2) RTX is typically considered following failure of first-line ther-
early initiation of IS agents, to facilitate tapering and eventual apies (CYC, MMF) or in relapsing disease.70 77 More recently, a
discontinuation of oral GC (see below). High-dose intravenous posthoc analysis of the LUNAR trial showed that complete B-cell
MP (usually 250–1000 mg/day for 3 days) is often used in acute, depletion following RTX treatment in LN was associated with
organ-threatening disease (eg, renal, neuropsychiatric) after higher odds for complete response at 78 weeks.78
excluding infections.48 Figure 1 summarises the various drugs used in the treatment of
SLE, according to disease severity stratification. Online supple-
mentary table 5 outlines the recommended doses of the drugs
Immunosuppressive (IS) drugs
mentioned in the manuscript.
Consequent initiation of IS drugs facilitates a more rapid GC
tapering and may prevent disease flares.49 The choice of agent
depends on prevailing disease manifestation(s), patient age Specific manifestations
and childbearing potential, safety concerns and cost. Metho- Skin disease
trexate (MTX) and azathioprine (AZA) should be considered in A large body of evidence originates from studies in patients
patients with poor symptom control after a trial with GC and with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE). Effective protection
HCQ or when HCQ alone is unlikely to be sufficient, due to from ultraviolet exposure with broad-spectrum sunscreens and
the large experience gained with their use and their relatively smoking cessation are strongly recommended.79–81 In atypical or
safe profile.50 Published evidence is generally stronger for MTX refractory cases, a diagnostic skin biopsy should be considered.
than AZA, yet the latter is compatible with pregnancy contem- First-line treatment of skin disease includes topical agents (GC
plation. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is a potent immunosup- and/or CNIs) and antimalarials, with or without systemic GC (the
pressant with efficacy in renal and non-renal lupus (although latter at a starting dose depending on severity of skin involve-
not in neuropsychiatric disease).51–53 In a recent randomised, ment).82 83 HCQ is the antimalarial of choice over chloroquine
open-label trial in extrarenal SLE, enteric-coated mycophenolate due to its multiple beneficial effects and possibly lower risk for
sodium (EC-MPS) was superior to AZA in achieving remission retinal toxicity;84 in cases of inadequate response or evidence
and reducing flares.54 However, its teratogenic potential (needs of toxic retinopathy, quinacrine (mepacrine) may be used as an
to be discontinued at least 6 weeks before conceiving), along add-on or sequential therapy, respectively.85–87 Although quin-
with its higher cost compared with AZA or MTX, poses a limita- acrine is currently unavailable in several countries worldwide,
tion towards universal recommendation in women of repro- it is a useful alternative when available. There are no studies
ductive age with non-renal manifestations. Cyclophosphamide examining retinal toxicity of quinacrine with the newer, more
(CYC) can be considered in organ-threatening disease (especially sensitive screening techniques (visual fields or optical coherence
renal, cardiopulmonary or neuropsychiatric) and only as rescue tomography); however with current knowledge, retinopathy is
therapy in refractory non-major organ manifestations; due to its not considered a side-effect of quinacrine.
gonadotoxic effects, it should be used with caution in women A sizeable proportion (almost 40%) of patients will not
and men of fertile age.55–57 Concomitant use of GnRH analogues respond to first-line treatment.86 88 In such cases, MTX can be
attenuates the depletion of ovarian reserve associated with CYC added.50 89 Other agents include retinoids, dapsone and MMF
therapy and is recommended in premenopausal patients with or EC-mycophenolic acid.79 90 91 Belimumab and RTX have
SLE.4 58 59 Information about the possibility of ovarian cryopres- also shown efficacy in mucocutaneous manifestations of SLE,
ervation should be offered ahead of treatment. Other risks of although these studies have not included a validated activity
CYC therapy such as malignancy and infections should also be score for skin lesions; RTX may be less efficacious in chronic
considered.60 61 forms of skin lupus.62 92–94 Thalidomide is effective in various
subtypes of cutaneous disease.95 96 Due to its strict contraindi-
Biological agents cation in pregnancy, the risk for irreversible polyneuropathy,
There is evidence to support beneficial effects of B-cell and the frequent relapses on drug discontinuation, it should be
targeting agents in SLE.62–66 Belimumab should be considered considered only as a ‘rescue’ therapy in patients who have failed
Fanouriakis A, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2019;78:736–745. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 739
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Treatment of non-renal SLE—recommended drugs with respective grading of recommendation. aPL, antiphospholipid antibodies;
AZA, azathioprine; BEL, belimumab; BILAG: British Isles Lupus Assessment Group disease activity index; CNIs, calcineurin inhibitors; CYC,
cyclophosphamide; GC, glucocorticoids; HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; IM, intramuscular; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MTX, methotrexate; Pre,
prednisone; PO, per os; RTX, rituximab; PLTs: Platelets; SLEDAI, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index.
multiple previous agents. A treatment algorithm for the various events.108 In this context, neuroimaging and/or CSF studies may
subtypes of CLE has been published by a European group of provide additional supporting evidence for IS therapy. Targeted
Dermatologists guided by the European Dermatology Forum in symptomatic therapy is indicated according to the type of mani-
cooperation with the European Academy of Dermatology and festation (eg, antipsychotics for psychosis, anxiolytics for anxiety
Venereology.79 disorder and so on).
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Renal disease warfarin in APS with triple aPL positivity (~21% of patients had
Patients at high risk of developing renal involvement (males, SLE-APS) was prematurely terminated due to an excess of throm-
juvenile lupus onset, serologically active including positivity for boembolic events in the rivaroxaban arm.139 Thus, in patients
anti-C1q antibodies)113–115 should be under vigilant monitoring with SLE-APS, use of novel oral anticoagulants for secondary
(eg, at least every 3 months) to detect early signs of kidney disease. prevention should be avoided; however, they could potentially
Following diagnosis, secured with a kidney biopsy, treatment serve as an alternative option in selected patients (low-risk aPL
of LN includes an initial induction phase, followed by a more profile, no history of arterial thrombotic events) with difficult
prolonged maintenance phase. MMF and CYC are the IS agents to control international normalised ratio on warfarin, after
of choice for induction treatment; low-dose CYC (Euro-Lupus balancing possible risks.
regimen, online supplementary table 5) is preferred over high-
dose CYC as it has comparable efficacy and lower risk of gonad- Infections
otoxicity.57 116 117 Published data support the use of MMF and Risk of infection in SLE is associated with both disease-related
high-dose CYC (online supplementary table 5) in severe forms of and treatment-related factors; high-dose GC therapy, CYC,
LN associated with increased risk of progression into end-stage MMF and RTX are all associated with an increased risk for
renal disease (reduced glomerular filtration rate, histological infection, while high disease activity, severe leucopaenia and
presence of fibrous crescents or fibrinoid necrosis, or tubular presence of renal involvement (±hypogammaglobulinaemia in
atrophy/interstitial fibrosis).118 119 An early significant drop in nephrotic syndrome) also contribute independently.48 140–143
UPr (to ≤1 g/day at 6 months or ≤0.8 g/day at 12 months) is a Protection against infections should be proactive, focusing both
predictor of favourable long-term renal outcome.21 117 120 MMF on primary prevention, as well as timely recognition and treat-
or AZA may be used as maintenance therapy, with the former ment. Patients with lupus should receive vaccinations according
associated with fewer relapses;121 122 the choice depends on the to the EULAR recommendations for vaccination of patients with
agent used for induction phase and on patient characteristics, autoimmune rheumatic diseases.144 145 Immunisation against
including age, race and wish for pregnancy. In refractory or seasonal influenza and pneumococcal infection (both PCV13
relapsing disease, RTX may be considered. and PPSV23) should be strongly considered, preferably during
Following the EULAR recommendations for LN in 2012, stable disease. Herpes zoster vaccination is now available for the
several studies have been published regarding the use of CNIs general population, but a study in SLE has not been performed.
to treat proliferative LN, either alone or in the form of a ‘multi- Prompt diagnosis and treatment of sepsis is essential. To this end,
target therapy’ (combination of tacrolimus with MMF).123–127 validated scores such as the quick SOFA ([systolic blood pressure
These studies were performed almost exclusively in Asian popu- ≤100 mm Hg, respiratory rate ≥22/min, altered mental state
lations and had short follow-up; hence, data have to be corrob- with Glasgow coma scale <15]: the presence of ≥2 points near
orated with longer duration studies in multiethnic populations.
the onset of infection is associated with a greater risk of death or
To this end, at present, CNIs may be considered as second-line
prolonged intensive care unit stay] may identify patients who are
agents for induction or maintenance therapy mainly in membra-
at greater risk for a poor outcome.146
nous LN, podocytopathy, or in proliferative disease with refrac-
tory nephrotic syndrome, despite standard-of-care within 3–6
months;128 129 in the latter case, they may be used alone or in
Cardiovascular disease
SLE is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease
combination with MMF, since small, observational studies have
shown the CNI/MMF combination to be effective in disease (CVD), due to both traditional and disease-related risk factors,
refractory to standard therapy.130–132 Monitoring SCr and blood such as persistent disease activity, LN, presence of aPL and use of
levels of CNI to avoid chronic drug toxicity is essential. GC.147–149 Surrogate measures of atherosclerosis, such as carotid
plaques, carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) and coronary
artery calcium are frequently used to identify subclinical CVD in
Comorbidities SLE.150 Low-dose aspirin may be considered for primary preven-
Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) and antiphospholipid syndrome tion of CVD, as it may reduce the risk for incident CVD in SLE
(APS) (HR 0.24 in one retrospective study).151 152 However, this has to
The presence of aPL is associated with thrombotic and obstetric be viewed in light of recent large studies in diabetics and elderly
complications and increased risk of damage accrual.133 134 In aPL showing that the benefits of aspirin for primary CVD prevention
carriers, a recent meta-analysis supported a protective role of are counterbalanced by the larger bleeding hazard.136 153 The
low-dose aspirin for primary prophylaxis against thrombosis in value of statins in SLE has been tested in RCTs, which failed
the subgroup of aPL carriers who had SLE;135 however, in view to show a clear benefit over placebo, when cIMT was used a
of the potential bleeding hazard,136 137 it is not clear whether this surrogate marker for CVD.154 155 Thus, routine use of statins is
should be applied to patients with lupus with any aPL antibodies not recommended for all patients but should be considered on
or only to those carrying a high risk aPL profile (ie, triple aPL the basis of lipid levels and the presence of other traditional risk
positivity, lupus anticoagulant or high titres of anticardiolipin factors. Calculation of the 10-year CVD risk using the System-
antibodies).138 Patients with SLE with aPL may also receive addi- atic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE,
tional anticoagulant treatment, such as low-molecular weight org/Education/Practice-Tools/CVD-prevention-toolbox/SCORE-
heparin, during high-risk periods for thrombosis (pregnancy or Risk-Charts) is recommended,156 although the actual risk is
postoperatively), although no studies have formally addressed underestimated in patients with SLE.
this question. Certain points to consider and the research agenda suggested
No studies have been performed exclusively on patients with by the Task Force Members are reported in box 1. These points
SLE-APS, with several studies excluding secondary APS due to aim to improve the design of clinical studies in order to answer
lupus. Thus, with current knowledge, treatment of APS in the clinically important questions, for which the current ‘state-of-
context of SLE should not differ from treatment of primary APS. the-art’ is insufficient. In particular, data regarding the optimal
A recent randomised, open-label trial comparing rivaroxaban to duration and timing of discontinuation of therapy in both renal
Fanouriakis A, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2019;78:736–745. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 741
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215089 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Cyprus League Against Rheumatism, Aglantzia, Cyprus
Box 1 Future research agenda in SLE 14
University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, Germany
Copenhagen Lupus and Vasculitis Clinic, Rheumatology and Spine Diseases Centre,
Targets of therapy Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
►► Exploration of a universally accepted level of residual disease Lupus Europe, Farum, Denmark
Nephrology Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,
activity, if remission cannot be achieved. Milan, Italy
Existing therapies and disease monitoring 18
Rheumatology Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University
►► Efficacy of calcineurin inhibitor-containing treatment of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
regimens in lupus nephritis (LN) in different racial/ethnic Department of Rheumatology & Hiller Research Unit Rheumatology, UKD, Heinrich-
groups and at longer time points. Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine 3, Medical University of Vienna,
►► Usefulness of measurements of drug blood levels Vienna, Austria
(hydroxychloroquine [HCQ], mycophenolate mofetil and so 21
Department of Medicine, Rheumatology Unit, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska
on). University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
►► Efficacy of quinacrine as immunomodulator in patients with Department of Nephrology, 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University
Hospital, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
HCQ-induced retinal toxicity. 23
Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
►► Comparative trials of conventional immunosuppressive drugs 24
Department of Rheumatology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
with global and organ-specific result reporting. 25
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Amsterdam University
►► Randomised trials testing lower cumulative dose Medical Centers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
glucocorticoid regimens versus conventional regimens. Department of Dermatology and Allergy, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, University Hospital of Heraklion,
►► Optimal treatment regimen of rituximab: regular versus
Heraklion, Greece
on-demand. 28
Laboratory of Autoimmunity and Inflammation, Biomedical Research Foundation of
►► Optimal duration of therapy and timing of discontinuation the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece
(renal and extrarenal disease). Joint Academic Rheumatology Program, Medical School, National and Kapodestrian
►► Value of repeat kidney biopsy for monitoring LN and University of Athens, Athens, Greece and Medical School, University of Cyprus,
Nicosia, Cyprus
determination of clinical versus histological response to
therapy. Acknowledgements The committee wishes to acknowledge the support of the
EULAR Standing Committee on Clinical Affairs. The committee also expresses its
Pathophysiology and Biomarkers sincere appreciation and gratitude to the EULAR Secretariat and especially to Patrizia
►► Susceptibility to develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Jud, executive assistant, for the outstanding organisation.
►► Involvement of particular organ systems over others,
Contributors AF and MK performed the systematic literature review (SLR) and AF
multisystem versus organ-dominant disease. drafted the manuscript. GB supervised the methodology of the SLR and edited the
►► Response to specific therapeutic agents over others manuscript. DTB convened and supervised the project and edited the manuscript. All
(pharmacogenetics, transcriptomics and so on). authors edited the manuscript and accepted its final form.
Clinical trial design and new drug development Funding AF was supported by an Articulum Fellowship and a grant from the
►► Optimisation of clinical trial design and study endpoints to Hellenic Society of Rheumatology during the completion of this work.
maximise probability of new drug approval in SLE. Competing interests AF reports personal fees from GSK, Abbvie, Amgen, Enorasis
►► Handling of background medication to avoid polypharmacy and Genesis Pharma, outside the submitted work. MA reports fees from advisory
and ‘dilution’ of positive effects of drugs under study. boards from Novartis, Pfizer, Roche. IB reports personal fees from consultant for GSK,
►► Inclusion of organ-specific endpoints and disease activity outside the submitted work. JNB reports grants from GSK, personal fees from GSK,
personal fees from Abbvie, personal fees from UCB, personal fees from Enorasis,
measures. grants from Pfizer, outside the submitted work. RC reports personal fees from GSK,
►► Increase in number of adequately trained trial sites personal fees from Astra Zeneca, personal fees from Rubió, outside the submitted
(recruitment, infrastructure and training). work. DJ reports personal fees from Astra-Zeneca, Aurinia, Boehringer-Ingeleheim,
►► Academia versus industry-driven clinical trials. Celgene, BMS, Chemocentryx, grants and personal fees from GSK, from null, outside
the submitted work. AK reports grants from Biogen, grants from Galderma, grants
from GlaxoSmithKline, grants from Leo Pharma, personal fees from La Roche Posay,
outside the submitted work. MM reports personal fees from GSK, Lilly and UCB.
and extrarenal disease are scarce;157 for the former, recent studies MS reports grants from GSK, UCB, Abbvie, outside the submitted work. JSS reports
support the value of a repeat kidney biopsy for the management grants from AbbVie, Astra-Zeneca, Janssen, Lilly, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer and Roche,
of maintenance therapy, but more data are needed.158 159 and personal fees from AbbVie, Amgen, Astra-Zeneca, Astro, BMS, Celgene, Celltrion,
Chugai, Gilead, ILTOO, Janssen, Lilly, MSD, Novartis-Sandoz, Pfizer, Roche, Samsung,
Sanofi and UCB, during the conduct of the study. AT reports personal fees from
Author affiliations UCB, Pfizer, Abbvie, BMS, Sanofi, Roche, GSK, Alpha Sigma, Lilly, Jannsen, Cellgene
Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology Unit, “Attikon” University Hospital, Athens,
and Novartis, outside the submitted work. RvV reports grants from BMS, GSK, Lilly,
2 Pfizer, UCB Pharma, personal fees from AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Biotest, Celgene, GSK,
Department of Nephrology, “G. Gennimatas” General Hospital, Athens, Greece
3 Janssen, Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, Servier, UCB, outside the submitted work. JW reports
Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
4 grants from GSK, grants from Incyte, personal fees from Biogen, personal fees from
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine III, University Medical Center
Leo, other from Novartis, during the conduct of the study. GB reports grants from
& Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden,
GSK, Pfizer and personal fees from GSK, Abbvie, UCB and Enorasis, outside the
5 submitted work. DTB reports unrestricted grant support/advisory board fees from
Department of Pathology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
6 Abbvie, BMS, Celgene, Enorasis, GSK, Pfizer, Novartis, UCB, Lilly, all deposited to the
Nephrology Department and Renal Transplantation Unit, “Laikon” Hospital, National
research account of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece
Department of Autoimmune Diseases, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain Patient consent for publication Not required.
Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
9 Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Rheumatology Research Group, Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Department of Medical Sciences, Section of Rheumatology, University of Ferrara, References
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