Biblestudy Acts 3
Biblestudy Acts 3
Biblestudy Acts 3
ACTS 3:1—4:31
❒ 4:20 ❒ 4:29–31
3 What did Peter and John say to the lame man (3:4–6)?
6 What opposition did the people of the early church experience? How did they
When Jesus was taken prisoner in the garden, the disciples fled in fear at the
first sign of opposition. But here, just a short time later, they declared their alle-
giance to Christ at every opportunity, regardless of the consequences. When
they were threatened, they prayed for even more boldness. Today, unfortu-
nately, we often cringe or compromise when challenged or criticized. Instead of
boldly proclaiming the truth, we blend into the culture. How might the church
today be more bold in telling others about Christ?
8 Besides standing up and preaching, what are some other ways we can be
bold for Christ?
9 How have your friends, neighbors, and coworkers reacted to your Christian
10 Recall a time when you were bold about your faith and the results surprised
you. What happened?
12 What opportunities to share or demonstrate your faith has God given you
14 Which of the possible actions listed in question 13 would you like to take at
this time?
15 List one or two of your friends who need to know Christ. When will you tell
them about Jesus?
A By whose authority did the disciples heal and preach (3:6; 4:7–12)? How do MORE
we invoke the same authority? for studying
other themes
B In his sermon (3:12–26), what did Peter tell the people to do? What sins do in this section
you need to turn from and confess to God?
C What was God’s promise to Abraham (3:25)? What has God promised you?
What does it mean to you that God keeps his promises?
D What evidence of unity in the church do you see in this section (3:1—4:31)?
How unified is your church? What can you do to bring unity to your church?