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Chapter 1

The Effects of New Normal in Computer Programming to the

Students of ICT 11 - A AUAMC


Delivering an information technology program via remote learning

or online learning presents a significant problem. All degrees in

information technology include a few programming classes, which are

widely regarded as the most critical skills for IT professionals. Most other

courses also demand students to run programs using their computer skills

in order to demonstrate their understanding of the course's topics. Even in

the traditional mode of instruction, however, it is well accepted that a

programming course is demanding on both teachers and students.

Inexperienced programmers face numerous difficulties.

One of the most frequently expressed concerns is that not all

students can afford or obtain a laptop or computer. The computer is an

essential instrument for programming since it enables students to compile

and test their code. A laptop is essential because not all programming

languages are supported by smartphones.

Another challenge with distance or online education in the modern

era is that not all students have a strong internet signal, and some do not

have one at all. As a result, they are unable to take part in online sessions

and fully understand programming.

pg. 1
As a result, despite the difficulties they face in the new normal, we

will examine whether ICT-11-A students are effectively learning to


Background of the Study

1883: The first programming language was developed in 1883

when Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage worked together on the

Analytical Engine, which was a primitive mechanical computer. Lovelace

was able to discern the importance of numbers, realizing that they could

represent more than just numerical values of things. Lovelace wrote an

algorithm for the Analytical Engine, the first computer program, to compute

Bernoulli numbers.

Early In 1957, the first of the major languages appeared in the form

of FORTRAN. Its name stands for FORmula TRANslating system. The

language was designed at IBM for scientific computing. The components

were very simple and provided the programmer with low-level access to

the computer’s innards.

Computer programming is the process that professionals use to

write code that instructs how a computer, application or software program

performs. At its most basic, computer programming is a set of instructions

to facilitate specific actions. If you're wondering what a computer

programmer is, it's a professional that creates instructions for a computer

pg. 2
to execute by writing and testing code that enables applications and

software programs to operate successfully.

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads across the country, an

increasing number of school districts are extending remote learning into

the fall. Even those who are reopening are preparing for the possibility of

having to close again in the event of an outbreak. As a result, school

districts are racing to provide technology and internet access to pupils who

do not have it. However, providing laptops and hotspots is only the first

step toward closing the digital gap. Schools must also address inequities

in computer literacy to ensure that students who are not accustomed to

utilizing computers on a regular basis do not fall behind.

According to research, online learning increases information

retention and takes less time, implying that the alterations created by the

coronavirus are here to stay.

With this abrupt shift away from the classroom in many regions of

the world, some are wondering if online learning acceptance would

continue post-pandemic, and how such a shift might affect the global

education industry.

Statement of the Problem

pg. 3
The study aims to identify the effectiveness of learning computer

programming of Grade 11 Students of Arellano University in times of new

normal. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Have a background or experience in programming

2. Do you think that incorporating face-to-face classes will make

programming classes easier and more effective? In what way?

3. What are the issues they are dealing with in terms of:

3.1 Internet Connection

3.2 Gadgets

3.3 Learning resources

Significance of the Study

The study aims to determine if the students of ICT-11-A are able to

fully learn computer programming in times of new normal.

The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

pg. 4
The students. Despite the lack of instruments such as computers,

students might build innovative approaches to learn programming more


The University. Research can pave the path for the development of

programs for modular students wanting to learn programming.

Scope and Limitations

This study will cover the effectiveness of learning computer

programming in times of new normal. The primary subject of this research

study will consist of Grade 11 students enrolled in the academic year

2021-2022. The respondents will be limited to twenty-five (25) Grade 11

students who are in the ICT-11-A section of Arellano University Mabini


Moreover, the participants will be purposely selected by referring to

their grades in the Computer Programming subject.

Definition of Terms

Programming Language - A programming language is an artificial

language that can be used to control the behavior of a machine,

particularly a computer. Programming languages, like human languages,

are defined through the use of syntactic and semantic rules, to determine

structure and meaning respectively.

pg. 5
FORTRAN - in full Formula Translation, a computer programming

language created in 1957 by John Backus that shortened the process of

programming and made computer programming more accessible.

Bernoulli Number - The Bernoulli numbers are the terms of a

sequence of rational numbers discovered independently by the Swiss

mathematician Jakob Bernoulli and Japanese mathematician Seki


IBM Personal Computer - The IBM Personal Computer is the first

microcomputer released in the IBM PC model line and the basis for the

IBM PC compatible de-facto standard. Released on August 12, 1981, it

was created by a team of engineers and designers directed by Don

Estridge in Boca Raton, Florida

The Analytical Engine - was a proposed mechanical general-

purpose computer designed by an English mathematician and computer

pioneer Charles Babbage. It was first described in 1837 as the successor

to Babbage's difference engine, which was a design for a simpler

mechanical calculator.

Boolean - A Boolean expression or Boolean logic is an expression

used for creating statements that are either TRUE or FALSE. Boolean

expressions use AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and NOR operators with

conditional statements in programming, search engines, algorithms, and

pg. 6
formulas. Boolean expressions are also called comparison expressions,

conditional expressions, and relational expressions.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents what happened after conducting a thorough

and in-depth search, the researchers present the associated literature and

studies in this chapter. This will also include a review of the literature, a

theoretical and conceptual framework for fully comprehending the

research to be conducted, and a glossary of words for a better

understanding of the study.

Related Literature


According to The Department of Information and Communications

Technology (DICT), The Department recently directed its ICT Literacy and

Competency Development Bureau, Cybersecurity Bureau, and Regional

Offices to develop and implement webinars aimed at capacitating and

upskilling the ICT competencies of teachers, administrators, educators,

and students in various public and private educational institutions, as well

as state universities and colleges (SUCs).

pg. 7
DICT Secretary Gregorio B. Honasan II stated that “As we gradually

transition to the 'new normal,' we turn to ICT to provide a semblance of

continuity in our society and lives. In this year's National ICT Month, we

recognize the critical role of ICT in nation-building and ICT's pivotal role in

implementing the 'new normal’ in our country, particularly in the

government, business, commerce, education, and health sectors. We

must take advantage of available ICT resources and adapt to new ways of

learning and working while keeping ourselves and our families safe, as

directed by President Rodrigo Duterte through the Inter-Agency Task

Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID).”

The Department will host online activities under the theme "Maximizing

ICT for the New Normal," with the goal of fostering discussions and

training on topics like digital government, cities and provinces, digital

medicine and social assistance, digital education and workforce,

cybersecurity, and emergency communications.


According to Hello World, Despite efforts by governments and

humanitarian organizations to offer computers to students who need them,

many students still lack access to devices and a suitable internet

connection. That's why teaching programming is remotely used in the time

of new normal.

pg. 8
Yolanda Payne, Georgia Tech Constellations Center for Equity in

Computing stated that “teaching remotely has enabled me to teach them

better” When you compare teaching live online now to teach in a

classroom in September, where we couldn't go near a child and had to

stand in a box in the front of the room with a mask on and all the windows

open — it was freezing — It was difficult to see the efforts of the students.

We now use OneNote, and I can see what they're typing and provide

feedback, something I couldn't do in September [when schools were open

to students]. So, in some respects, educating them remotely has helped

me teach them more effectively."

pg. 9
Conceptual Framework

The concept of the study focused on the Effect of New Normal in

Learning Computer Programming of the ICT-11-A students of AUAMC,

S.Y 2021-2022. This serve as a guide in the conducted research. The

procedure applied in the model is the Input – Process – Output (IPO)

where the boxes are connected to each other.


1.What is the profile of 1.Preparing the

respondents in terms questionnaire form.
2. Constructing a letter
1.1 Sex to the teachers,
1.2 Age principals, research
1.3 Have a adviser and consent
background or form for the Provide other
experience in respondents. strategies for
programming students to fully
3. Distribution of
Questionnaires or learn
2. Do you think that programming
Interviewing the
incorporating face to
respondents both online and
face classes will make
programming classes modular
4.Analyzing the
easier and more respondents answer to students.
effective? In what way? the questionnaire.
Proposed a
3. What are the issues 5.Making conclusion programs for
they are dealing with in from the results of the modular students
terms of: study wanting to learn
3.1 Internet
3.2 Gadgets
3.3 Learning

pg. 10

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