Workplace Spirituality and Mental Health The ROLE
Workplace Spirituality and Mental Health The ROLE
Workplace Spirituality and Mental Health The ROLE
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to examine both the direct and indirect effects of workplace spirituality,
employee engagement on mental health. The aims of this study are to (1) examine toward what workplace spirituality impacts
mental health, (2) examine toward what workplace spirituality on employee engagement, (3) examine toward what employee
engagement on mental health, (4) examining the role of mediator employee engagement in the relationship between workplace
spirituality and mental health. The staff had to have worked for at least one year in order for the purposive sampling method. This
study employed a survey method by which a total 214 staffs of Mitra Paramedika Hospital, Sleman, Indonesia with Path Analysis.
The results of this study indicated that employee engagement had a positive and significant effect on mental health, workplace
spirituality had a positive and significant effect on employee engagement, and employee engagement could mediate the effect of
workplace spirituality on mental health. Also, the results showed that the workplace spirituality did not have an effect on mental
KEYWORDS: Workplace Spirituality, Mental Health, Employee Engagement
In human resource management, mental health is a crucial issue. Employees spend most of their time doing activities at work
(Neck, C.P. and Milliman, 1994) and Organizations need to improve the mental health of employees (Fry, 2003) . Mental health
illustrates that a person can feel happiness according to himself, which is called subjective well-being (Reinert et al., 2021a) and a
person's ability to make adjustments to the outside world by being spiritually and physically healthy (Graham et al., 2019). The
high levels of stress found in the healthcare sector are well-known to have a detrimental effect on the mental health of healthcare
professionals (Srivastava & Gupta, 2022). On the other hand, current studies have demonstrated that integrating spirituality into
the workplace can benefit mental health. Understanding one's inner life and the relationship between oneself and the organization
is referred to as workplace spirituality. It entails establishing a workplace that promotes workers' spiritual health. Hospitals can be
places where spirituality in the workplace can take the form of meditation, prayer, and introspection (Srivastava & Gupta, 2022).
Workplace spirituality is one of the contexts of individual behavior in organizations to produce organizational goals, it is
concerned with the values and attitudes that are required in an individual or a group of people for the organization to be effective
(Ashmos & Duchon, 2000a). Spirituality in the workplace is not about religious beliefs (Sani et al., 2016). As a whole company
and in their work units, spirituality is about people feeling connected, attracted, and at home with each other. (Sarkar & Garg,
2020). Therefore, spirituality can be considered as the value of the spirit and inner life of workers (Duchon & Plowman, 2005).
(Awan & Sitwat, 2014)) study found that workplace spirituality can benefit healthcare professionals' mental health. According to
the survey, healthcare professionals indicated higher levels of performance.
Employee engagement and mental health are a strong correlation and promoting a healthy and productive work
environment in the workplace requires addressing mental health issues. The results of research conducted by (Sharma & Kumra,
2020a) state that employee engagement affects mental health. This illustrates that employees who have vigor, dedication and
absorption can improve their mental health by reducing burnout, work stress, absenteeism, thought disorder, lethargy to decrease
(Ferguson & Scott, 2008); (Tullar et al., 2016).
Hospitals are health care facilities that are vulnerable to psychosocial hazards that can affect the occupational health
of medical and non-medical staff in terms of physical and mental health (Geri aston, 2023) . Mitra Mitra Paramedika Hospital is a
private general hospital in Sleman, Indonesia. The phenomenon that occurs at Mitra Mitra Paramedika Hospital is low employee
work ethics, lack of responsiveness in responding to patients, and lack of professionalism from the health workers. This resulted
1. Workplace Spirituality
Workplace spirituality, as defined by (Ashmos & Dennis, 2000) , recognizes that employees have a soul and that they need to be
fed at work. It means that employees find purpose and meaning in their work and feel connected to each other and to the group at
work. (Milliman et al., 2003) defined workplace spirituality as a framework of organizational values that is manifested in a
culture that promotes employees' experience of transcendence through the work process, facilitating a sense of connection with
others in a way that provides a sense of joy and purpose. Although people sometimes express their religious beliefs at work,
workplace spirituality is not about religion.
2. Employee engagement
Work engagement as a desired state for both employees and organizations. He prefers the term "work engagement" to "employee
engagement" because it specifically refers to employees' relationship with their work, which includes involvement, commitment,
passion, enthusiasm, absorption, focused effort, dedication, and energy (Schaufeli et al., 2006). Schaufeli's work has helped us
learn a lot about what work engagement means and how it affects both employee health and the efficiency of a company.
Employee engagement means that workers are emotionally and intellectually connected to their job, their company, their manager,
or their coworkers in a way that makes them want to put in more effort outside of work hours (Hughes & Rog, 2008).
3. Mental Health
Positive mental health as a symptom of hedonia (an individual's positive feelings about their life) and positive functioning,
operationalized by measuring subjective well-being, which is an individual's perception and evaluation of life and the quality of
their functioning in life (Reinert et al., 2021b). The World Health Organization (WHO) says that mental health is more than just
not being sick or hurt. It's a state of being physically, mentally, and socially well (Francis, 2014).
1. Workplace spirituality and mental health.
Spirituality is something that is personal, affective, experience, and wisdom. Any positive values that exist in spirituality can have
an impact on mental health and give strength to individuals who have negative emotions (Savarimuthu, 2012) . According to
research by (Sharma & Kumra, 2020b) shows that workplace spirituality has a positive effect on mental health. Similarly, research
by (Jnaneswar & Sulphey, 2021) suggests that mental health is affected by spirituality in the workplace. Similar research results
have also been found by (de Diego-Cordero et al., 2021). Hence, we expect that:
H1 : Work Spirituality has a positive effect on mental health.
2. Workplace spirituality and Employee Engagement
Workplace spirituality and employee engagement are different issues with different organizational drivers that play different roles
in organizational and employee performance in different ways, but positively influence each other (Milliman et al., 2003).
Workplace Spirituality has a direct impact on how employees feel about their work (Krishnakumar & Neck, 2002). Similarity,
employee engagement, where employees engaged in their work with full concentration and Employee's commitment to the
organization invest themselves in their roles and do extraordinary work that makes employees different from others. According to
research conducted by (Jawad Khan et al., 2020) workplace spirituality had a direct impact on employee engagement. The
research result of (Latif et al., 2018) found that workplace spirituality affected and was significant in employee engagement.
Hence, we also expect:
H2 : Work Spirituality has a positive effect on employee engagement
3. Employee Engagement, workplace spirituality and mental health
Employee engagement is a predictor of general health perceived by individuals both physically and mentally. According to
research by (Raj Verma et al., 2023), employee engagement has a positive and significant impact on mental health. Employees
with a high sense of engagement in the organization stated that the level of long-term psychological stress was lower (Shimazu et
al., 2018) and did not overestimate job demands as stress (Taris & Schaufeli, 2015). Other research by (Tisu et al., 2020) found
that employee engagement had a positive impact on mental health. Hence, we also expect:
H3 : Employee Engagement has a positive effect on mental health
According to the Social Exchange Theory (Blau & Moreover, 2017) , individuals engage in social exchanges with other
individuals as a form of sense of community of workplace spirituality that will create dedication as well as enthusiasm as form of
employee engagement which will improve employee mental health. Furthermore, according to a study by (Sharma & Kumra,
2020c) conducted on 344 IT professionals working in India, employee engagement can mediate and have a positive influence on
the impact of workplace spirituality on mental health. Hence, our final hypothesis stipulates:
Research freamework and hypotheses are illustrated in Figure 1 the following:
This research used a quantitative approach (Sekaran & Bougie, 2017), using surveys and online questionnaires used to collect
source data. This research used non-probability sampling; specifically purposive samplings used for samples selection. The
respondents in this study were staffs who worked at least 1 year at the Mitra Paramedical Hospital, Sleman, Indonesia.
Participants helped with this study by answering questions on Google Forms. In July 2023, the poll was sent out through social
media sites like WhatsApp. Since 214 samples were collected, surveys with false or incomplete answers were not included in the
To identify variable measurements in this research is to use variable instruments that have been adopted by previous researchers.
Workplace spirituality was measured with 18 items selected from survey scales by (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000). Employee
engagement was measured with the 16 items selected by (Schaufeli et al., 2006). Meanwhile, mental health was measured with 11
items selected by (Goldberg et al., 1997). The measurement scale utilized a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 =
disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree and 5 = strongly agree). The study used path analysis, i.e. regression with the SPSS program
version 26 to test the hypothesis.
Results Instrument Test
From the validity test in Table 1, we can see that every statement indicator in the study questionnaire has a significance value of <
0.05 (Sekaran & Bougie, 2017). As a result of this, we can say that all of the statement items in the research questionnaire are
correct and can be used as tools in this study (table 2). For finding out how consistent a questionnaire is as a measure of a variable
or design, a reliability test is used. The variable reliability test result in this study , it shows Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.60 (Sekaran &
Bougie, 2017). Based on this, we can say that all of the variables in this study are reliable and can be used as measuring tools for
the variables in these studies. (table 2)
Thus, the mental health employee belongs to the category well, it is seen that the average score is 4.33 (SD 0.98). The descriptive
results of mental health are good, it describes thatemployees can concentrate on work, be able to enjoy activities well and feel a
role in a variety of beneficial things.
The results of the hypothesis in this study was using path analysis with regression, i.e. the first phase performs analysis with
simple linear regression; the second phase carries out a multiple linear regression analysis; and the last phase did the analysis with
a mediation test. Based on the results of the first stage test (table 5) with simple linear regression, it was known that hypothesis 3
was supported with a regression coefficient (Beta) of 0.816 (t stat = 15.481) and a probability value (p) 0.00 < 0.05. This result
stated that workplace spirituality had a positive and significant influence on employee engagement. Next, the second phase test
(table 6) was the testing of the hypotheses 1,2 and 3, the result of the test of hypothesis 1 was that the workplace spirituality had
no effect on mental health, because the probability value (p) 0.101 > 0.05 with a coefficient (Beta) of 0.211 (t stat= 1.653). While
the test results of hypothesis 2 was supported, the results of the test of this hypothetic coefficient (Beta) 0.465 (t stat=3.645) with
the probability value (p) 0,000 < 0.05, thus employee engagement had a positive and significant impact on mental health. The
result of the last stage test (table 6) on hypotheses 4 using the path test, showing the statistical test value of 3.550 and the value of
two-tailed probability 0.00 < 0.05 then it can be concluded that hypotheses 4 was supported stating that employee involvement
becomes a mediation on the influence of workplace spirituality on mental health. Furthermore, Adjusted R 2 (table 6) found that the
magnitude of the variation of workplace spirituality and employee engagement that can be explained by the mental health variable
of 68.2% and the remaining 31.8% that cannot be described are variations of the other variables included in the model.
The result of the H1 showed that workplace spirituality had no significant impact on mental health. This study does not support
previous research by (Savarimuthu, 2012); (Sharma & Kumra, 2020b); (Jnaneswar & Sulphey, 2021) and (de Diego-Cordero et
al., 2021). The results revealed that workplace spirituality had a positive effect on mental health. Meanwhile, this study supports
research by (Hung Ho et al., 2016) that states that workplace spirituality had no effect on mental health. Furthermore, based on
descriptive interpretative analysis, Mitra Paramedika hospital employees could feel workplace spirituality that includes
meaningful of work, sense of community and alignment of values in the hospital, but did not have an impact on mental health
such as high workloads and stresses in both patient service and administrative activity. This was Mitra Paramedika hospital
employees have had a high degree of integration and commitment. The results of the H2 result showed that employee
engagement has a positive impact on mental health. This study did not support the previous research conducted by (Jawad Khan et
al., 2020) and (Latif et al. 2018) which stated that employee engagement had a positive effect on psychological health. Based on
descriptive interpretative analysis, employee Mitra Paramedika hospital had a high employee commitment that includes
employees who are always enthusiastic in working proud of their work so that focus on work and anything done on work is
meaningful and has a clear goal with no ease of giving up so that mental health staff include good ability to concentrate on work,
play a role in various benefits activities, be able to make good decisions in work and enjoy everyday activities with full happiness.
H3 result showed that workplace spirituality had a positive impact on mental health. The results of this study were in line with
previous research carried out by (Raj Verma et al., 2023); (Shimazu et al. 2018; (Taris & Schaufeli, 2015) and (Tisu et al., 2020).
Mitra Paramedika hospital who conduct the workplace spirituality well, include the best working ability to help others and feel
that life becomes meaningful, always work with colleagues to complete the job as well as be responsible for achieving the goals of
the hospital so that employees have a high dedication and work spirit in carrying out the job at Mitra Paramedical hospital. H4
result showed that employee engagement mediates the influence of workplace spirituality on mental health. According to the
Social Exchange Theory (Blau & Moreover, 2017), individuals engage in social exchanges with other individuals as a form of
sense of community that will create dedication as well as enthusiasm which will improve employee mental health. Besides, this
research also supports the research carried out by (Sharma & Kumra, 2020c). Mitra Paramedika hospital have run the workplace
spiritually well accompanied by the ability to create dedication, enthusiasm and absorption on the work activity so that mental
health becomes good.
This study illustrates that workplace spirituality had a positive influence on employee engagement, employee involvement had a
negative impact on mental health, employee engagement mediates the influence of workplace spirituality on mental health.
Meanwhile, workplace spirituality did not affect mental health as a direct influence.
Mitra Paramedika hospital need to re-improve the implementation of workplace spirituality in employees so meaningful of work,
sense of community and aligning of value organization will improve the mental health of employees by minimizing the feeling of
work stress and feeling useless so losing confidence. Moreover, Mitra Paramedika hospital were able to keep the degree of
employee engagement of employees, by paying attention handling employee spirit in doing work, employee dedication to
achieving company goals, and employee concentration in doing the job.
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3) Awan, S., & Sitwat, A. (2014). Workplace Spirituality , Self-esteem , and Psychological Well-being Among Mental Health
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