Manual - en - v3 New
Manual - en - v3 New
Manual - en - v3 New
Instruction manual
for online NBT
Registration process
The registration process in the platform must be done according to the dates specified by CETAP where
you started the NBT application.
2. Next step is to log in with the NBT Reference and password provided by CETAP where you started the
NBT application process.
If you know your username but you forgot your password, follow the next steps:
B. Introduce your username into the text field and click on Send. A message will be sent to your email
C. Check your email. Look for the message with subject “Recover your password”, open it and click on
the link to change your password.
D. Introduce a new password in both text fields, and click on Send to generate your new password.
3. You will need to register your photo for
identity validation. You can see some instructions
and recommendations displayed on the screen.
4. Once the use of webcam is allowed, you will see your face in the photo capture frame. Follow the
guidelines to complete this process successfully. It is also recommended taking the picture in the same
place where you will be doing the test.
5. You have to take two photos. Click on “Take Photo” to
take the first one, then click on it again to take the
second one.
6. Once you take the two photos, click the button “Validate Photo”.
After the system validation, you can get two different messages: Success or Error.
If your validation was successful, you will be If your validation was unsuccessful, you will have
redirected automatically to login page, the to go back to step 5.
registration process is finished.
The two pictures you have captured will serve as reference to validate your identity before and during
the test.
Test application process
Once your registration online is complete, go to on the date and time indicated
by the CETAP. Remember to use a desktop or laptop computer with integrated or external webcam, and
use one of these browsers: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Make sure the power supply to the
computer is in place, your data device is charged and/or connected to appropriate outlets and computer
settings are changed to prevent it from going into sleep mode.
A. Enter the username and password that was sent to you by the CETAP
where you started NBT application. Next click on the button “Login”. Login
B. Using facial recognition. Click on the button “Face ID”, take a photo and
click on “Verify Identity”. Remember to allow the webcam use if the
browser prompts for it. If your validation is successful, you will be Face ID
redirected automatically to home page, in case that the validation is
unsuccessful, an error message will be shown.
If you are not registered or registration process is incomplete, an error message will be
shown. You need to go back to registration process and complete it successfully.
2. Once you have logged in, you will see the instructions for installation of the LockDown Browser.
LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both the Windows
edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google's open source framework.
You do NOT need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser
that's already installed.
You may watch this video about the LockDown Browser:
According to your operating system, choose a link to download LockDown Browser setup file.
Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive.
Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive.
Save the file in your computer. Once downloaded, execute the installation file.
You will also see the instructions to navigate and answer the test.
Below the webcam frame, you will see a list of numbers, each one
corresponds to one question. You can click on the button .
anytime if you want to read the instructions, also you can click on
any number to browse through the questions.
At the bottom of the screen you will find the navigation buttons.
South African
Once you select an answer, the question number will be struck through.
If you want to mark a question to be reviewed later, you can click on the REVIEW
button REVIEW and the question number will be highlighted.
Once you answer all the questions, click on the button “End the test”. You will
be prompted if you want to submit the test, click on “Accept” to finish the
test or "Cancel" to go back and review your answers.
Your answers will be saved during the test. If you have any trouble (window closes, internet connection
fails, energy supply fails, etc.), you can resume the test later from where you left off.
Those incidents will be registered in the platform and CETAP can consider them to validate your test