EMF R19 UNIT-5 (Ref-2)
EMF R19 UNIT-5 (Ref-2)
EMF R19 UNIT-5 (Ref-2)
In our study of static fields so far, we have observed that static electric fields are produced by
electric charges, static magnetic fields are produced by charges in motion or by steady current.
Further, static electric field is a conservative field and has no curl, the static magnetic field is
continuous and its divergence is zero. The fundamental relationships for static electric fields
among the field quantities can be summarized as:
For a linear and isotropic medium,
Similarly for the magnetostatic case
It can be seen that for static case, the electric field vectors and and magnetic field
The emf can be written as
Emf = (10)
Continuing with equation (3), over a closed contour 'C' we can write
Emf = (11)
where is the induced electric field on the conductor to sustain the current.
Further, total flux enclosed by the contour 'C ' is given by
Where S is the surface for which 'C' is the contour.
From (11) and using (12) in (3) we can write
By applying stokes theorem
Therefore, we can write
which is the Faraday's law in the point form
We have said that non zero can be produced in a several ways. One particular case is when a
time varying flux linking a stationary closed path induces an emf. The emf induced in a
stationary closed path by a time varying magnetic field is called a transformer emf .
Statically and dynamically induced EMFs:
Motional EMF:
Let us consider a conductor moving in a steady magnetic field as shown in the fig 2.
Fig 2
This force will cause the electrons in the conductor to drift towards one end and leave the other
end positively charged, thus creating a field and charge separation continuous until electric and
magnetic forces balance and an equilibrium is reached very quickly, the net force on the moving
conductor is zero.
can be interpreted as an induced electric field which is called the motional electric
If the moving conductor is a part of the closed circuit C, the generated emf around the circuit is
Equation (5.1) and (5.2) gives the relationship among the field quantities in the static field. For
time varying case, the relationship among the field vectors written as
In addition, from the principle of conservation of charges we get the equation of continuity
Thus applies only for the static case i.e., for the scenario when .
A classic example for this is given below .
Suppose we are in the process of charging up a capacitor as shown in fig 3.
Fig 3
Let us apply the Ampere's Law for the Amperian loop shown in fig 3. Ienc = I is the total current
passing through the loop. But if we draw a baloon shaped surface as in fig 5.3, no current passes
through this surface and hence Ienc = 0. But for non steady currents such as this one, the concept
of current enclosed by a loop is ill-defined since it depends on what surface you use. In fact
Ampere's Law should also hold true for time varying case as well, then comes the idea of
displacement current which will be introduced in the next few slides.
We can write for time varying case,
………… (3)
The equation (3) is valid for static as well as for time varying case.Equation (3) indicates that a
time varying electric field will give rise to a magnetic field even in the absence of The term
has a dimension of current densities and is called the displacement current density.
is known as the Maxwell's equation and this set of equations apply in the time varying scenario,
………… (9)
The modification of Ampere's law by Maxwell has led to the development of a unified
electromagnetic field theory. By introducing the displacement current term, Maxwell could
predict the propagation of EM waves. Existence of EM waves was later demonstrated by Hertz
experimentally which led to the new era of radio communication.